Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 Feb 1879, p. 3

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About, six miles ttnt‘ll â€"\\'est. of Colâ€" ~ linuwond. (lwolls :mnthcr nld resident of Richmond Hill, 1 mean W. W. Cnx. This chntlemnn has flusnken the knife and Met-Land joined the Grungers. He has n vm'y pretty farm an the side nf' the Blue Mountains. and his hospitable door is altvuys wide open to the numâ€" crnus pzu'tiefi, who visit, the famous caves which are siumt- d on the how nf' the mountains, about halfâ€":1 mile distant from his place. Snow und‘ice is fuqu ' in these cavns all the you muud. “Ir. a Cnx always makes allowance for visitors, and keeps a plvntifixl supply of proviâ€" sions on hand. which are dealt. out. uuâ€" spuiingl‘g by his genial lady. 3. The. courts have decided that refusing to take newspaperl or geriodicals from the poet omce, or removing up leaving them uncalled for, is primutacxe endenoo of intentional mm. 1. Any rson who takes a pa. or regularly from a. post 0 cc, whether direch in his name or nnother's, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. 2. If a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrears, or the publishers may turn- tinue to send it until payment is mndenmd then collect the whole amount, Whether the paper is taken from the office or not. Li! W 00 NCERN] N 0' NE W8 I ’11 PE 1! S ' The Roman Cathnlics of this town gave a grand cnncert on Mnmhy evenâ€" inu last, the 17th inst, to a c mvded hnuse. Over 500 persons were present; and Inm sure the Managing; Cmmnitteemust fl-el flattered at. the manner in‘whi'h their Protestant brethren turm-d out. The pl'OCerh 0F the entertainment amounted to abut $90. Having.r been at one time a resident. of Richmond llil|,and being still interested in the Welfare of my Old hnnw, I hope yeu will give my letter a space in your journal. I see the HERALD has like the errin: child returned to its birlh~ place, undI trust flat the experience it las in (it-1;! no in a iot'tiptlahd (St) to speak) will learn it to “mam n0 nmre.” Many ofyour readers will he Familiar wiihthe lame nt' Isme FH‘lItll. He came here some three or f‘uur rears ago and has been doing emnparatirely well ever since. I am mrry in say that he has hem laid up tor lhe past two weeks. with a severe attack of neura'gia. Huwever, he is nnw convalescent. andl will be able to take his place brhind the counter as usual, “9 is head pu~her (with all the name indir-ates.) fur the \oum.r but enterprising: firm 0." O'Brien & Gnvllbyle, general meichunts. Tim fullnwing Hy laws \vm'e pnssrd : RV- an NH 377. int thr- distribution 0! Iht‘ it.- Im'cvst :wt't'ttt-d frnm Um (‘h‘t-g)’ Hrs-t 1119 Fund among the sm’vttti Sc'ntm] Sx-vlimts in (he tmvmhip. Ih-Imw No 378. (list-thit- ing the IHN‘lPSt HL‘CI‘IIPd from Ihl- Mltt‘tL-i- pal lnnm Fund; among the SH'et'uLSchnni Sec-nuns in lhe '1‘Itn‘llfihilL lh-an No 37!). making an :trmrttttriutiMI nf'set'ut-ui thnusnnd doitzu-s to meet the- current expenses of the your, and ft the ttutpnse of improving: :Iltl] remixing the minis and bl'HLz’I’S. tt-gnthvr with nther ttnt'nrswn (‘.\'|t('ltSt-S that may be incurred By Law Nu EHC. fixing tht;I rat'- ttries oftlw officers of the tmnship for the \‘PHI‘. i‘n‘ Luw Ne 39], :tppniming um. missiuners :ts {allowsâ€"Fut- the First Din- sion, Arron PH‘IJiCP. John “MT. 'r‘ m Hunt- bie : Diviaiun 2. TC Whilmnre. J i' ilerhv. h Troyer; Divisimt I} Juhn ‘t’lnlkaVm Pul- (erstm, ]SHHP Murray. Ii‘V Lâ€"uw N-t 1H2 ut- Poilllitl! Wm Cook. auditor, tn pinup-111' C L “Oiiiltfl'slu‘fld, who declined to act Council atdjuurtted. Mm‘ed by Nutress. somndm] by (End. 11ml Ihe full-m'iug dag luxqu he- ret‘uwiml lu Wm l’ullel'SIHl, C(LIE‘CIUn qu I)‘v No 2 -â€" Murgm'el Allen. $1 ; S \Vullx'el $1. that Ihe humming mun accounts be pm”. as certified to by mud commisaimms Dh- h'icl N0 3 : To A Murrow $42 ; to W Pall-3mm: $21 MM'Pd by (‘a d, seconded 1w “William. Hm! Ihe 'l‘rensuxer :emil In B Wilma” lhe fulluwiug accnunls, he being tumble [u cul- llrct ille smueâ€" . flan! Hysnn. hitch and dog. *3 : (‘hmles Finn-H. non msi‘dmn.‘ $7 :Wmn Bridal, one dog. $1 z'l'lms Mmlin. 4‘2 cmns. Mama] by (‘md seconded LyLulunm‘.{IhHl the xime for ('OHPClillg taxes in Div Nu 1. Township of Vaughan, be exlrnded m the fins! of Mn anpd hv Nnttrass. svcnrzdwd by thmor. Ihoved by Card, snconded by Ionmnn. that Ihe ('mmnissioners for exlwndmg monies for mwnship purpnsm f‘m- 1h» year 1879, he inslvumed :0 'er. all jobs of work on ruads or bI-idms. Cusmng user Int-my dullms, by tender. or aux-nle off by smll commissioners to lhe lmvesx lender or bu}- der. To J Remnan‘, 292 His Imy. $9 50 ; Wm Brown fln- (:unvoying Mrs Lam-s m lhe'i‘m. onto General Hospital, $2 50 ; Samuel Me Dunaid.repairing: slaps M Hall 311 50 ; onhu Keys.13 weeks keep of MusUwens, lo date, $9 50 t: 10 Mr (‘nrd movedseconded by Mr Nntress‘ that the'l‘reasure r pnv following accoums ; Mr lenman moved. by Mr Na!- lress. 11ml the 'J‘rmlsurer pny J L Cmd. l'nr lhe bcmfit of \\ iduwThompson :md laxuily, m‘n 'Id'PnHerson & Bro. 127 lbs. washers, $5 08 ; 2 road scuypens. $12; repairing sc‘rapers. $2; 1 road scraper. $5 ; I'Ppaifing scraper. $2; JuswhWood. fm- Johanile, to work done on town hue, $7 Diztrit-t No 3â€"T0 Joseph Wood. for N J Armstrong, 10 wmk on Iownline bridge Moved by Mr Rvmnnn. seconded bv Mr- Lahmm', lhut lee 'l‘rensmer he and is hen-- l)y umhr‘risod In pav the undeuuenliuncd persons f'ur charitable purmses -~ "1'0 D Kivlnee. for Em Kimmo. per quar- ter. $8: James Elder. fur I) Muhmis. 3'6; Michnvl Oder, fur R .‘heppurtl, lump sum. $6: TVm Nixon for Mary Richmdsun, per quarter, $10. Moved by Mr Curd. seconded by Mr. Nuness. that the Treasurer he and is bent- by auihomzedto pay the following road accuums for District No 1 PETITXOXS From David Fhlen and 16 mhers. askin aid for Dugai Mull-his. indlgent. From \V Nann mud ll mhels asking hid fur Mary dvsmule Cil'CIlnlsialH'F‘s F'er G Wilson and 14 0111615. asking aid [MEN] Kit-Hie. me‘Hern'y While and 11 ulhex-s nskingairl [oi-M Sheppmd. From A Me leil and [3 others, asking aid {or Mrs J Thompson. The minu'es of last meeting were rand and adopted. Council met at 'I‘nwn Hall. Memhels all present, the Reeve in the chair. To the Editor of the Herald. COLLINGWOOD LETTER. Vaughan Council BY LA “'3 RESOLUTIONS Vellore. Feb Hill. 1879 CATO At 20 per cent. Discount. Come Early Cb Secure B ant-gains REYNOLBS' 85 NEWTON SHIRTS and DRAEVERS, DOWN ? Great Rnrgnins in Groceries, Provisions, Hams: Bacon, Lard, &c. Remember in Provisions, or Flour and Feud A Very Large E‘spflng Order The Sffiffk consists of Mon’: Kip Bums. Fromm, F It Roofs. iaitersl, Ovnr Shoes: Rubbers. Wmnvnk Fch. Bx‘mts. Hubble. Gulf Skin, Luce Prune]. Prune] Gamers, Over Shoes, Himu-rs and Rubbers. uith u g‘vncrul assortment of Yuulln’s and Misses Luce boots, and Children's Slippcrx As 1 have given In returning llmnh to the public for Hm Liberal Putrnmge rcveived during the {rust six years, I wu‘uld inf-bum the inhabitants ui' Richmond [11” and viciuny Hunt will from [his day, until April lst, sell my stock of. FGR OAEEâ€"E ONLYS! mmm MESG ' Dry Goods, Groceries, eta, The Subscnbcr will 5211 the balance of his Stock of Fancy Woolen Goods, at THE FIRE PROOF HOUSE. Richmond Hill, Feb E711), 1879 WOOLEN Richmond Hill, Feb, cch,1828 Richmond Hill, Feb 6th, 187 THE HOLIDAY SEASON BEING OVER can, not nor will not be undersold I am determined to give the On and after this day we offer the balance of our stock of SCARFS. CLOUDS, SOCKS. RIITS; 1F yon want to buy for Cash and Save Money, give me a trial QWN E DQWN E QGGD ASSQRTMENT BLANKETSi ETC ETC AND NOW BEING SOLD 'AT FAZN‘CY OF STAPLE AND FANCY Constanly on hand; CO NSISTIXG OF BELOW and under cost Public the benefit of my present stock IS AAC CROSBY J Oil N BROWN COST, y m Barristers, AtLornewâ€"ut-Luw, Solicitum-‘n Chancery. (Junveyuucers, etc. O"fl‘lcos~[mpenu1 B.ulk_Buildmg<, .\\ clringtou stroet,"1‘oronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q,C. L‘ 51mm! RAI\. WM. SETON Gonnox, ' ’ . G110. F. SHIPLEY ' a We 11 you); own/t5“) Outfit free % ‘ .-N(v'1-1. k. R-uderj’if yr)! 44: n. business ii '~ at which ye) spgs Qf 31.61191: sex can msze , R ' great iniy '31 x1 the time they work, Write for pwticulurs to H. Human & 00., Porthnd, Maine. I } TERS,‘ Attorneys, Solicitm‘E-in-Cha‘ucery, etc.. 64 Adelmde street East, (opposite the Comt Hons»). Tomato. Money received on depoSit; and interest pay able half yen‘rly or compounded. MONEY ’I'U LOJN'. This Company advances Money on the security of improved City or Country Property, reimyxb‘ule by means of IL Sinking Fund, which il found to be the surest and easiest made of repaying «1,100.11. Sm our reduced 1mm table. For further iul'ornmtiun apply {Lt at the Offices the Comuanv. WALTER LEE Manager Ferguson, Bain, Gordon 51. Shiple'v, IXnN. G120. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gomlerhum . I Vice-President Dumcnmsâ€"Swnuel 1 but, 1\I.P., \Vm. Goodcr- hmn, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucphersuu, Senator. - Capital, $1 000,000; Reservé Fund; TotulAsséts, memo - .- :md Pthumceutical Chemist, . ) Yonge Yonge street. Ym me. ()utxu'iu. Importer and denlrvr in Pure Drugs 11nd Chemicals, French and English Puffin)er English and Am ericau Put-cut Medivines, Hume nd Cattle Medicine, and Drug~ gist suudl ics of on; V dc 'iptiou. tinte of the Royal College of Physicians anlwn, Englzm I. Consultation daysâ€"Monday and Thursduy, forwwons. liesidunceâ€"«Westuu. March 21,157;~ Gm. “(WW ‘ ‘ ' Smmnnx DENTtsT, 11m! >' removed to 87 mg street East, Toronto, over H. x: G. Blewhford’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in IL manner to Suit enchpntiout. Particular,Luttention glv '1 to the preservubion and regulation of the Jmtnunvl math, carefully m‘oin;y all unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDIXG. As is‘wnh Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD. The Doctor ruspeetfully solicits nthentinn to the new process of Flliiug Tue 11 with Burnish- ed 'G: 1H, By this 1) mutiful mmr tiou, (-n. .3 otherwise hopeless, run he effncm , 'ly trn 0'1 and the (liseu.<ed tooth, hi)\\'()\”‘,1“V‘Y'll"h (luc'tyefl, may he completnly built upwit’u 8011' 1 60111, and, restored to i .5 original size, slmpcund usefulnessd W. \V‘ESTIG HN CANADA L 0 AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"K0. 70 Church street, Toronto‘ Lefmy ............... Hollde Luna Bond Head. , .. Hand Head ......................... 1 28th do All the rest of the time any one who may require his servicos Will be sure of finding him uthis oflice ALFRED BOULTBEE D“; , _ 9"" ‘ Â¥ 7 C Licensed Auctioneer £011 York Patronage soli- cited. Iiutes modeth Address Cushe], Licensed Auctioneer for York County. Prompt attention given to sales. Address mm, P 0 Licenmd Auntinueflr in" York County, Fo'ini's 1":h0mupo and frinndlvinfluenr‘e. Rates reason- able. Address,Vlctorm Square ‘ Licensed Auctioneer for York (founfy. Orders solicited. Eluplc Lgnf Hutcl, Belford,()nt {OULTBE l1} & ICVA'I‘T. BAKHIS- Li'wnsed Auctioneer for the County of York sfliaits ynur patronage and frieu .lly influencr. Address, Tesmn, 1f 0 Licensed Auctiouer for York Countv. Ordes promptlv attended to. Rams reusunuble. Pm- l'mmge solicited. Address, King. 1’ ’J Linnnsed Auctioneer forihe Counties of York finhnin mnl I‘nrl. €11,199 1mm} tlv attended Goods sold on consignment. Unionville, P 0 Licenshd Auctioneer for the County of York, Sales (Lttendvd on the shortest notice, and ht reasonable rates. Addr ‘5, Nobletou, P O An excellent Hotel in every respect Good stat- liug; and attentive hostlers. Excellent chcommodnt‘ou for the Public. Good stabling mxrl mttentive hoatler. l’roctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to counegt with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.30 a m, 1 p m 41:3p1u, and 7.15pm. ' PINE GROVE, ONT E B Harris. Prop The Pine Grove Hotel ! This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Evervthing is managed in Firm Class Style. Ram] 19 Room for Commer- cial Travellers'. Good Sg-zbliuu and attentive hostlmn Terms. istl 1391-ch Ly. The Richi‘nond .Hill ’an leiu‘es' 111:5" Houéw at 7.30 (1111., for Tor- onto. and returning lezncs 'l‘uroulo at 3.30 p.111. Cosgrove Bros, P1-0p’s. The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL 03m. ‘ THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, 3' Palmer, Prop SJ VINGA' I} INK BIL-INCH. PORTER, SUfiuEpN DENTIST atti‘fitmzmcuufi. Mutiwvm’ @fll’dfi S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING V ISITS m1 @m‘fifi P. o.- Box "2527; Salem ' Eckardt, Thcs Poucher, Samuel Brown Robt Conway, Daniel Kinneo, N J Armstrong, Jas O Stokes Egjti'm-zvy. £13211. fflmxtnl. F Button 'I'YRRELL, L'ICE \VM. \VORTS IlvAr'r. A DA MR, L.D.S 9th of ear-h month 26th (10 28th do 3331;,000 N (Opposite P. Crosby’s Residence. ;;@§posite P. Eroshy’s Residence, CHEAPLY, Repairng in nil the ('lifierent departments of' Painting. Trimming, Woodwork. Hm] L'lnclwmilhin: (:zll’lil d on :IS usual and (X1 cured will] dwpntch :lt 'ensnnublu rates. lloxse -‘huci 1;: and Jobbing in Blacksmith Shop sgeciully ultcndcd lo. 3&5 As the season is fist :Ipprn'lcluin; when Cutters will be in wc‘mmld respectfully ask the public m C'lll and seu nur Stuck ul' leave us :hu urdor. which would be thankfully l'cc~i\'cd, prompxly Itisl'uctiuu ,‘JlluV-‘llllct'd JAS. LAW HENCE; (JARRI For the )lvchnniczll Snlll in the cunslrucrinn ul' llis‘ Carriages :nnl Slciglw, and I‘m supeerinr \vm'kmzmship slmwn, so as In insure liuhlm-ss and durubllit; com hincd. l’xunuuuced by all Judges to be clear ulwud uf ull cumpmitiou. Provnca Exhibéfian SUBSCRIBE NOW, NOW NOVEMBER 38?8 CLEAN SWEEP E ONLY $1 PER [YE §§7ws§g§y 5‘ Ffiaeéfig @mfi YORK “ HERALD "’ BEST REMEDY IN THE MARKET. Prepared. 8: sold by- H Sanderson 8: Sons, Feb Glh,18?8 Wk ‘6 Heram99 FIFTEEIQ' FI EST PRIEEE‘» FOR THE EXOEEDINGLY LOW SUM OF THE “HERALD ” AND THE The First: Prize \V:1F‘~ axvm-d d: m; 1116 OF EVERY DESCRlPTION, EXECUTE the difTJrcnt 'I‘uwnship and County Fairs wherever shown to A Hun/ELY5 SPEGY Zorner Yongc and Centre Strch Yonge Sireot, Richmond Hill, Ont. REMEMBER THE OFFICE AT THE OFFICE OF THE Jieccmly held in Tux-(mt- RICHMOND ,I‘IILL, ONT A G l'} BUH..DICR, BRADFORD THE event demnndr Ruzl'h‘ made, 0 attended to, and Advortisnments of Live Shock. Auction Sales of Stock, Inmie'uents, etc. 89 -d for $2112, E 5mm ions, eta. ins nod at fill: same m-tes. fm S.L'e a ‘0 inq 0'er in th WESKLY H \lL 2.I'.v\1~‘r_ f 1‘ 50*. 0107‘, 1'1 0 211 {MT Adv \‘ti-Iomnn snf Fax-.115 for M1.“ in v 'ns Cd in the DAILY MAIL, .0 words fur 2:70 much ime'fion; earth mlditiuyml won} one and u half C5511”), " czm mam) money luster rL‘ war}; for I154 tlnn unyihinqclsc- "zmitul xmt requircd; we “'1' l stm‘t van. ‘2 pru‘ day at home made by Una indmnr 5. men, “omen, boys mn‘l .{il‘lfl wanted everywhere to Work for us. Now i~4 1110 time. (,‘ostlv outfit um] tm'ms ire ‘. Address ‘l‘ni'm (R: {X 3111,;1‘ Maine. EFL?” AD"ERTI"~E T321117. WEEKLY i Parties wishEng to fim§sm§m§ PARKS fer SM‘E Ex/[ANHOO‘I Wonmnhonll. Fren. A warning L 11:2;Aiui4tim1umifi: l. How yvnth and 111x341: (bath SEX 2s) muv )‘e‘si'mw Meir sun flared comtitusinus, nape-(eiqu if arising 1 am early in dise‘etiuus Iivloin lies yum only [:Lfétf ; IN a. praiessivmn! rcutlwn m uf mm mm“. Hi 1h Uzumdinn puss to timnnitzls, Mmtinn t-hia pupa! Semi stump for nu m‘ur. Sec 1L1 v: rtisemeut head ed "Rupture." A dv ‘rtiiémnuts of I’er‘ u - ‘ F": mm (\1’ Hemmy. L‘m. _ BafomT""‘_ 5:211 lnue'ibumu [min in flu: “in? ":E-‘n Duck. Dimnoss of \ ,izm. l’x'mntttm’e (7111? "a mu] ll)‘lll)’(ifllcl‘(Hf-well“ s that 13ml tn 3.1.: i v‘ or mm- sumption, unrl u} an are gmvt'. :le of wind), as 1112110, are first L.,l1‘..Ԥ()d by Ilavm‘ring from 111.5 [Nth of mature {Hid mm jurlni gmce‘ Tue specific Medi' no i» (In: wmlt u' 8 “Jo study and man-1) y years of mpm‘ ,K in trending these speciul dismsus. Pauuplflc‘s {no by n): '1.,' Th" Spucifl': MLHIR-iami 1mm ‘1" ml V h‘vv‘gist atfij pcl' Y‘fl‘JxJL . (1‘ I’m-l ["054 I‘m “,5”, or le we 5‘1): by Human receipt 0; Lha ulunuy, by- ‘Euhlr ssing. G 2 \‘f 44 C)'W}nti39:", O- l. 1. I)RAI.\' '1‘! Q0}. {.11 Y AT ares"; M 355,- Toroflfa DR; \VIVI. GRAY’S Specific Medicine! SEE TH E MST ‘ sex. riyihbin thvir Own localli 1km. iter- tirulars and s muyles worth , frua‘ imprnveymur51mm ti em as this 1;"6fuc5d. dress Sums: ' 6600.. Puruuud, Mn‘ Insiners you can mmmgn in {510:}! l' per duy made by .Lny wul'lwr of (amber It: tr l . Parties who may he duh fled by Ven'lc-r selling: slum-101151 “ 'Jlullnwuy Pills and 01m mvnt," as of my premium make, slmll an cmmnuni- eating the particulars '20 mu, he amply rumuuo « mud, and their max-mus never divngud. signed, T‘Lch Pot and Box nf tho Genuine -Mor1ir~ines he rs the British Governmunt Stung-,with m: wurds “HouLow.n’s I’LLLS AXD QIX'J‘M: V Lnxnox,” ongl‘uvbd thvruon. On the-1 c1 is ma aldrmn, ." OXFORD Smma'r, Lommx, uth alone thev are Munufuctzux‘d. " E l’urchnszurs should look to the Label on the l’ots and 13‘”; .7'. H the address is not 533, oxford Street. 140ndon, they are the Counterfeit» Unacrupulons Dealers obfnin flujm at very 10v? pm . .19 :md sell them my file Pubhc In Canada. us mv genuine P1115 and Omtmcnt. I most aux-newly mid respuctfnlly mmenl to the Clergy, to Mothnrs of Fu'mlies and o‘hor Ladim, md to the P111111", a worm“) of- British Nnflh Unericu. Glut thw mpy be pleased to denounce unspuringfly these. humus. Emu-mus unitnnmm of' {‘IIollowny‘s 1.71313 Ointment" am muni‘i'vmb‘uwl and sold ufidv'r .‘ nmne nf “ H011mvuy A' "n "hf; J. F. Haw)", Cm'rzm' Li“ (10.. 1,)1‘11ugiqts, 12% and 11130 by [113 Motropnli .u) Me- ‘ X Ilicinw Company ofNqum‘k,\\ith . u- wméfl trsuio mark, thus _. . 3 vAigujn one Jusâ€" eph Huydock, 1f» 2 (,3,an York, lilx.»u Wise Passes nfi' 9‘7 counterl’oits (f his own hunk find-‘1‘ th name of “HOHOWILy' (I ," hm us: far IL trade mark a Crvscont and ,sorpcnt: M4]. H8011 6': Robbins of lfiew ‘Ym‘k are‘ugents for the mule. Those [wramm the bettm‘ to «lvcuive you un- m the Public in the mme hooks v. blushineg Um of di ertimm 11. ml tenth" ‘ mullv the syurlous 127mm; '4 a: 8'. .108, whicl. “5,1,0 Dewuru ut TL") Ointmonf is the only relinblo remedy f0? Bun Legs. Old Wounds, Sores my] Ulcers of how- ever long: summing. For Bronchitis, Timmy-"vim. Unuth,C01dS, Guns, Rheumatism, and till Sgin‘ Dis am it has no equal. The Pills 1111mm the Blood. correct. a]? disnrdem of the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys nml )3 07;. and are invaluable in all complaints illchwnbul tu’ Female-a1. Buz,'n11/m Tm: T.‘ fly r0 92:6. moi! t lob-11.1w c " 1 bout mcdi b ('11, (-rni'r F J? 11%. :R\'./1\)’Elonl f _ .1 ‘1'1(,.“0.l )'..)1- tun“ "uni " :2! 1;) rccdpt ('f 1116):". J: hunts ofrxhtuutcd \' tali~ v, I 1-: L‘LL‘x 1:...‘ol:l x Nervous und I'hy concomitant i115 : lhi'n from, and (w script'ons, . m' We hark. 'Jlxit l ‘zxsiva nndlxml ‘ in nmcricn, 1m: (11ml 111061.11 l~y1 4 Iiau A mel t, i 1111th Hml 1L: ' “I of .t vud hmu â€"- Pm ruzn’ta :211. . {Wit 9! NICO. Addxr n 1' IADODY NIZDILHL TESg'IIIU’jT. J o. 4 LL!- men . Eamon. 1' ‘l‘t' Du Um, - cudl ."l ' I‘An ( ‘izh (120 very f: %Efli TE‘EVgEM nm GREATEST worlmmjw MODERN TIMES. ,- BEWARE 013“ NEW YQRK COUX'I‘ERFEIFS; Jammy an For the Herald W ,. L The G re at 'F n dish R nm 3 0:13'13 o:;yeuu:,11y recom- fimenxled us rm unfailing A cure for Seminnl \\ ml;- nes, pcr‘uhtorrhnn, 1121a 1)0tl:l](:}‘. and v.11 diuâ€" vusr‘s that follow m: n quewa of self Ahus u; ‘ lusm‘f Memm'y, Um "r- 5:111 'Jmhsimuhu [min in thu ‘“ Fulrl livel'Ywhcrf‘. ProfJ. Y. EGAN Hmnilbon Ont‘ T‘Llc; on Tm; 111531! 11103 HIGH TINGAL' THCMAR HOLLo‘xL-Jz .VANT mink-m t‘uu "flier ' are (7111 3:1". and 3.1. i'v‘ or mul- Yo) kvi

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