Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Mar 1879, p. 3

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llriieésor. seconded by Mr Williamson, moved that Messers Button, Wm Armstrong, N CH‘RE‘escr and the mover be and are herehyiappointed commissioners to build a bridgepn the Rouge. between Lots 10 and ll, in ihéi 10111 co:i., better known as Reyâ€" nold’s bridge. WEST YORK.â€"J01m-C Ferrier,John Walker and Wm Watson, Commis- :aiotl¢ts;' by; no Inspector namcd‘ Mr James,‘ seconded by Mr. Reesm, ug'oved'l’hfit the Clerk be empowered and authorized to'let the pile driver (or private invidualsnt the rate of $21)er diemY and 'ihm the seal of the coporanan be altached Ro thisresolution. EAST RIDING SIMCoE.~â€"D J Beaton, W H B'lackStock and W M Kelly, Commissioners; and Geo 'l‘udhope, Inâ€" specter. Here is another peculiar circumstance -â€"-Mr'-A"F'Wood of Madoc is announced ,as the Conservative candidate for North Hastings, in the Local Legislature. iHe lsffizb'rolhcr of the Hon Provincial Treasurer; and should he be elected, the House ,will have its “Wood’luon both sides. I. . ‘ -‘ Mr. Ree'sor, seconded by Mr W'iHinmson, movedltbat when thm Council udjourns, it stand's’uadjourued until Saturday, the 19111 day of April next. ‘Mr Reesnr, ‘seconded -b_v Mr James, moved that the Reeve be and 19 heery ap- nointed to eXumine and have removed if deemed necessary, the driftwood in the Rougé between the 7th con. line and Capt M1!!!" 3 pond. , In the‘ last issue of the Ontario Gazette we find the names of gentlemen lately appomted Licensn Commissioners and inspectors for this Province. Noai‘H YORK.â€"-â€"Wm Malloy, Inspec- tor.“‘"l‘hé" Commissioners are not named. W by? ‘(BIDING SIMCOE. Geo Wat- son, gfimé‘s‘ Edwards and W Hnrkins, Comfijissioners; and David Morrow, In- :spacto}; ' Mr 'Reeso'r', Vseconde'di by Mr Kester. moved that the Council do resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole for to finally audit the Township accounts for the_ yearfilS'fP. Mr Reesor, seconded by: Mr James, moved that accounts as now audited by the Council be passed. and that the' Clerk be fnétructed to have 200 copies printed for distribution. Mn Williammn. s'econded bv Mr Reesor, maved’lhn't the sum of $79 68 be paid to Wrfl'GArdne‘r, for work done in building ihe approaches to 1119 bridge' in 2nd con. opp‘Osite Lot No 2, sad work being certi- fied to as being correct by Messrs James Reilh, John Morgan and H W Harper, and that the Treasurer pay the same. Mr James, seconded by Mr Kesler, mowd that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay the sum of $170 for build- ing abutments and filling- approaches at thejPomjona Mill bridge, said amount pay- able to the commissioners and contractor. _ Nona: 0NTARIn.â€"J P Foley, Jos. Gould and John Nott, Commissioners; and T: Ij‘rankis‘h, Ingpeptor. ‘Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr James, mmfed that the Treasurer pay the costs in suft&é..'Browrt vs. Markham [Stoufl’ville Public School] Vimâ€"Messrs McDongall & Gordon, $32 83; Mncdonald & Patterson, ’57 86; J Stephenson, traveHing expenses and collecting evidence, $7 35. Mr Reen'or, ééconded by Mr Kester, moved that the sum of $3 60 he paid by lhe.’T,;reasgrer to the order of Watson Colâ€" lifiébh,‘r"oéd overseer Div. No.9, said sum being for 45 loads of gravel land on his Division in 1878. License Commissioners and Inspect ors. Easy Yer;er R Wales, John Milné‘hhd Wm H Doel,Commissioners; andhp‘lohn B Whaler; Inspeqtor. . SOUfrH' RIDING SIMCQE.â€"George DinwoodlmHJ Broughton and Tho: DrifiH, Commissioners; and Thomas Macllqncjiy, Inspector. Mr Williamson, seconded by Mr Reesor, moved that. the Clerk be authorized to request all palhmasters who have not made their fetu'rns almady to do so on or before the first day cf Apt-11 next. n Jams, seconded by Mr Reesor, mvoyled l'hat the 'l‘reasurer pay Mr B Fen- Wick. the sum of $1 80, for oil cloth for the‘use of‘vCouncil table. Smirth ONTARI‘dm-rJllzdgE Burnham, W Mafijn and S K Brown, Commis~ Moneys; John Ferguson, Inspector. "Mr ()illiamson, seconded by Mr Reesor, moved that the account ofSpeight d: Son for 384 feet, of Plank furnished to Road Division No. 35. amounting to $3 84, be paid, and that the Treasqrei- pay lhe same. I Vames. seconded by Mr Williamson, moi’ed Ihat lhe 'l'veusurer pay Joseph Burkey‘ihe sum of $1 24, for 15% loads gr‘avel placed on townline, on condition ‘llat the municipality of Whilchurch pay a likg amount. From .7 W Collins, with information that Messrs. T Loyld and C J Brodie are apâ€" pointed commissioners to act in conjunc- tion with the Marham Township commis- sioners. for procuring material and build- ing a bridge on the townline opposite the 6111 con. Mri' Williamson; seconded by Mr Kester, moved that the Reeve. A Duncan and the mover be a. committee to act in conjunction with the commissionersappointed bv Whil- church Council to erect a bridge on town- line between the Towuship of Whitchurcli and Markham, in the 5th (-on., and that the Clerk. notify the‘Whilechurch Council» of thej.same. ‘ , rM'r Williamson, sew nded by Mr James, moved that die sum of $5 be paid to C H Chant,» for-furnishing a coflin and burying Ayn‘Size, a pauper, and that the Treasure pgfiflgg same. - Mr James, seconded by Mr Kester, moved that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized lo pay the sum of $55 for plac- ing slumps and brush at. the German Mill Hill; said amoumpaw'ble lothe order of :he c0mmlssi0ners when the contract is corqpletgd. Mr James, seconded by Mr. Kester, moved that Ihe Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to retain out of lhe funds of the municipalin the sum of $23 90 for his se‘ryices as Registrar under 39 Vic., Sec 24%?Act of Ontario. - The Markham Township Codneil met ‘at Hall’s Half, Unionvflle, on Saturday, the 22nd inst. Members Were all present. Reeve in are chah. The minutes of his! mgetmg read and c’o’nfirmed. remixes PRESEMED’. W'By .Mr.-Kester, from Michael Yake and Befveniolhexs. asking that Lots 32 and 33, in the‘9th con., be stmck 0!? the Union S'c‘hdblSection of Stoufi'ville and annexed to SectiquZ, Markham. Markham Township Council: 'I‘hé'z Council .adjourned' COMMUNICATIOX.‘ Great Bargains in Groceries, Provisions, Hams, Bacon, Lard, &0: Remember in Provisions, or Flour and Feed The Stock consists of Men’s Kip Boots, Stogas, Fult Boots,(}aiters, Over ShoesS Rubbers, Women‘s Fe|t Boots, Bebble, Calif Skin, Lace Prune], Prune] Gaiters, Over Shoes, Slippers and Rubbers. with a general assortment. of Youth’s and Misses Lace Boots, and Children’s Slippers. As 1 have given A Very Large Spring Order THE FIRE PROOF HOUSE In returning thank: to the public for the Liberal Patronage received during the past six years, I would inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and vicini y that will from this day, until April lst, sell my stock of WOOLEN GOODS ! UNBER ®0@'E‘ 2 The Subsonber will sell the balance of his Stock of Fancy Woolen Goods, at At 20 per cent. Discount. Come Early «:13 Secure B argains REYNOLDS & NEWTON FOR .. CASH ONLY! Dry Goods, Groceries, etc., BOOTS AND SHOES SHIRTS and. DRAWERS, Ontario @1186 I MBRETS. DOWN ! WflflL G003§ Richmond Hill, Feb i7th, 1879 THE HOLIDAY SEASON BEING OVER Richmond Hill, Feb 6th, 1879 Richmond Hill, Feb, 6th,1878 can not nor will not be undersold I am determined to give the Public the benefit of my present stock If you want'f‘oibuy for Cash and Save Money, give me a trial On and after this day we ofiei' the balance of our stock of SCARFS. CLOUDS, SOCKS. MITS; AND BELOW GOOD ASSORTMENT DOWN E : DOWN! BLANKETS: ETC ETO NOW BEING SOLD' AT FANCY OF STAPLE AND FANCY Constanly on hand; CONSISTING OF and under cost ISAAC. 7. CROSBY JOHN BROWN COST, Licensed Auctioneer for York Patronage soli- cited. Rates moderate Address Cashelg Licensed Auctioneer for York County, selicits patronage and friendly influence. Rates reason- able. Address,Victoriu. Square Licensed Auctioneer for Yo k County. Orders solicited. Maple Leaf Hotel, elford,0nt Licensed Auctiouer for York County. . Ordes prompth attended to. Rates reasonable. Pat- ronage solicited. Address, King. P 0 HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhum .................. Vice-President. DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plath, M.P., ‘Vm. Gooder- hmn, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucpherson, Senator. An excellent Hotel in every respect Good stab- liug and attentive hustlers. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Addxeas, Teston, P O Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties .of Ybrk, Ontario and Pee]. Sales promptly attended. Goods sold on consignment. Unmnville, P 0 Money; received on deposib; and internal; pay- able half yearly or compounded. ‘ Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stnbling and attentive hustler. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with 3.11 the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.30 [L m, 1 p m 4.15 p m, and 7.15 p m. - E BTHarris, Prop Licended Auntioneer for the County of York, Sales attended on the shor' apnotice, and at reasonable rates. Address, v 12021,}? O Licensed Auctioneer for York County. Prompt attention given to sales. Address Elia, P O Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $315,000 Total Assets, $2,700,000 This Company adVances Money on the security of improved. City or Country Property, re-pnyable by means of a Sinking Fund, which ic found to be the surest and easiest mode of repaying a loan. Soc our reduced 1mm table. qu fqrther inform_c_1._t1:o_n_app13: a_t _1Lt_ th_e4 Ofl’ices The Pine Grove' Hotel ! 1) TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-inâ€"Cha‘ncery, etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court. House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. WORTS DVATT. ANHOOD, Womanhood. Free. A warning against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore their shattered constitutions, especially if arising from early in discretions. Herein lies your only safety; by a. professional gentleman of rare ability. High Canadian press testimonials. Mention this ape: Send stamp for answer. Sac advertisement and ed “Rupture.” J‘ Palmer, Prop This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good St°.bliu;z and attentive hustler. Terms, per day. The Richmond Hill ’Bus leaves this House at 7.30 mm” for Tor- onto, and returning leaves Toronto at 3.30 p.111. The Robin Hood Hotel, Barristers, Attorneys-M-Lmv, Solicitors-in- Chancery, Conveyancers,etc. Officesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPLEI PREsBYTERIANâ€"Services at 1130 ’9‘ m, undo 30 pm Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 30 Rev 1 Campbell, pastor ' ROMAN CATndficâ€"Services : Thornhill 11159 a. m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 um ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, nndVThomhill at 10 30 a. m, alternating with Markham every 3rd Sunday Cosgrove Bros, Prép’s. ST MARY’S (EPISCOPAL.)â€"Services at 3 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 n. m Sunday School at 11.30 p m Rev B Shunklin, Rector METHODISTâ€"Services at 10.30 a. 1n, and 6.30 p 111 Sunday School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening, and Sunday School Teachers meeting and Bible Class on induv evening, led by the pastor, Rev Mr McCallum. Assistant, Rev Mr Howson THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, \VESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRISâ€" TERS. Attornavs. Solicitors-inâ€"Chuncerv. Ferguson, Bain, Gordon &. Shiplenf, MECHANICS INSTITUTE.â€"Libl‘ary of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R E Law, Librarian. Lectures and discussions periodically RICHMOND HALL CORNET BANDâ€"Meets for pracâ€" tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o’clock A E Mortimer, Leader VILLAGE ‘COUNCILâ€"Reeve, Wm Trench ; Conn cillors, Maconachy Ben Redditt, P G Savage, W Powell Clerk, M Teefy _ The Methodist Sabbath School Temperance Association isaue pledge cards every Sunday when desirod. Wm Harrison, Supt. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No 465, I O Gr- Tâ€" Maets in the Temperance Hn11,every Wednesday evening, at 8 o’clock. Wm Hurrison,.T D DUNKIN ACTâ€"Central Committee meets at the call of the President in the Temperance Hull. 11; J N Reid. Thornhi11,President ; John Sander somRichmond Hill, Sec ‘ ‘ RICHMOND L 0 L. No 778â€"Meets in the Tem- perance Hall, on the Friday on or before full moon, ate 1) m J H Sanderson, W M. RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23, G R Câ€" Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o‘clock, pm Isaac Crosby, W M gaminmm’ @arflfi. Tor further information apply at at the Ofl’ices the Commmv. WALTER S. LEE Munmzer afimagm gimmme RAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST Ofiiceaâ€"NOA 70 Church street, Toronto. S81 VINGS BANK BRANCH. RICHMOND HILL ONT.. qmmn A}: éfimpfl mam. ADVICE. MONEY ’1’0 LOAN. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Salem Eckardt, Thos Poucher, Samuel Brown PINE GROVE, ONT N J Armstrong, Daniel Kinnee, CHURCHES P. O. Box 2527. Robt Conway, Jas O Stokes Prof J. Y. EGAN Hamilton Ont SOCIETIES THO S.LNIGHTINGALE'S,' Tori v‘l iajtxw‘my. F Button 3mm. I BEST REMEDY IN THE- MARKET. Prepared &; sold by H Sanderson 8: Sons: Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill Feb 6th, 1878 ALL OTHER KINDS 0F B90Kg KP'I‘ ECONSTANTLY 0N HAND Bets, Baskets, Braids, Brushes, Cards. " Chromos, Concertinas, Croquet Sets. Collars, Dolls, Drums, Engra’vings, BALgAM OF LIFE y For COUGHS and COLDS JAS. LAWRENCE; CARRIAGE BUILDER, BRADFORD For the Mechanical Skill in the construction of his Carriages and Sleighs, and the superior workmanship shown, so as to insure lightness and durability com- bined. Pronounced by all Judges to be clear ahead of all competition. 3%“ As the season is fast approaching when Cutters will be in great demandr we would respectfully ask the public to call and see our Stock of Ready-made, 0 leave us the order, which would be thankfully received, promptly attended to, and satisfuction guaranteed. NOVEMBER 1878 CLEAN SWEEP 1 87 8 Repairing in all the diflerent departments of Painting, Trimming, Woodwork. and Blackfimithing carried on as usual and executed with desputch at reasonable rates. Horse shoeing and Jobbing in Blacksmith Shop specially attended to. EEEEE Book, Stationery and Fancy Gâ€"oods Store, Provincai Exhibition 2 'FOR THE YORK “ HERALD ” A LWELY, spacv, ONLY $1 ‘PERWYEAR East Ricfing of York! SCHOOL BOOKS Envelopes, Fans‘vPicture Frames, Glassware, Gold Paper, Kuiyes, Pens, Recently held in Toronto, and FIFTEEN FIRST PRIZES TO THE ELECTORS Next door to Dewsberry’s Harness shop.- At the different Township and County Fairs wherever shown to The First Prize was awarded at the FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE 0N COST In use in the ngh and Public Schools. James Robinson, YOUR VOTE AND I‘TEREST THE Conservative Candidate FOR THE MEI. LEEKWHEH ! RE SPECTFULLY SOLICITED FOR THE The Pills purify the Blood, correct (3)11 diam-don of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bo'welu, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental w Females. 0310 Ointment is the only reliable remedy 101’ Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how« ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptherin, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and 8.11 Skin Disauses it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YGRK COUNTERFEITS. I most respectfully take letive to call the M:- cention of the Public generally to the fact, that certain Houses in New York are sending to many purm of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS o! my Pills and Ointment. These frauds ban; on their labels some address in New York. In the books of directions affixed to me spur ious make is u caution,Wurning thePublic against being deceived by CLU71tel‘f0itS. Do not be misled bv this audacious trick, as they are the commer- f-aibs they pretend to denounce. I donot allow my medicine to be 301d in any part of the United States. I have no agents there. My medicines are only made by me at 563, Oxford Street. London These égunterfeits are purchasedb‘y u‘u’ rind- pled Vendors at one-half the price of my 1’1 la and Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuiné Medicines I most earmsfly appeal to that some at justice. which I feel sure I may venture upon making from all honorable persons, to waist me, and the Pub: 1ic,nsfur as may lie in-their power, in denouno. fng this shameful Fraud. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicine! bears the British Government Stamp) with tho words “ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 583, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, when alone they are Manufactured. fbr ya) Mame HE GREATEST WONDERxm' MODERN TIMES. U tints of the Royal College <3: Physicians London, England. Consultation duvsnMondny and Thursday, forenoous. Residenceâ€"Weston. V V O and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yongo Yonge street. Yorkville. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English Perfumery,Eng1i~sh mdimerican Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, and. Drug« gist sundries of every description. Holloway’s Pills and Oinftments bearing (my other address are count ter cits 1u.uo The Trade Marks of these Medicines are res!ch tered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout tho British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecutad 553, Oxford Street“ London, J an I, 18.9 , Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD‘ The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to tlj‘ new process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burnish- ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, canes otherwifle- hopeless, can be efiectuall treateh and the diseased booth. howeVer muc decayed, may be completely built up with Solid Gold, and restored to its original size,- Bhape and u-sefulnessci 1W ‘ V I SURGEON DENTIST has - removed to 87 King street East. Toronto, orver H. 6: C. Bluchford's new sho‘e stord Best mineml teeth inserted in a. manner to suit such patient. P'mrticular attention given to tho preservation and. regulation of the natural teeth, carefully uvoing n11 unnecessary pain. A. W. SPAULDING, Assistant. Lefroy .......... I. ............. .. 9th of dah’h' month. Holland Landing. 26th do Bond Head ............. .. 2813!! do All the rest of the time any one whoma; requh‘. his etvicas will be sure of finding him at is 03100 Thankful f'crr'fihe favms (it the past tbs yum may still be consulted in any branch of the pro' fession, as follows : filehmond Hill... 9th 6‘: 24th 01 our]: month (at Péfxiiéffiouse) H Aurora. lst, 8th, Nth,- and 22nd do New/market, . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . 2nd do Stnuffville . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . ....18th do Markham ‘ ‘ ‘ . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 20th do Victoria Square . . . . . . . . . . . . 11th do Thurnhill ...... .. do Maple do Woodbri ge do Kleinbur'g .. . ‘ do Nobloton . . ‘ . . . . . ‘ . , . do Anasthetics, us Nitrous Oxide, eta, used who. ordered, and none but the best material used can make money faster at work far us than n anything else. Capital not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by tbc industrious. Men, women, boys Ind gilll Wanted everywhere to wrrk for us. New in flu time‘ Costlv outfit and _ term! fro“ Adan”. ERIE (93 700.. Augusta. Maine W. r'e‘m ova R. S. TYRRELL, LICE'N tints of the ann] Collage nf thniolnnl $ubscribe, me THVSELEE I In I vI-Iâ€"l- u“ “a”. I v- . ----- treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decllne, Nervous and Physical Debillty, un‘d me c‘ndlen concomitant ills and untold miseries that renal: therefrom, and contains more: than 50 original pn- scri tions, {my one of which is wonli the price of the ‘ook. This book was written by lhc most ex:- tcnswc and probably the most skilful prncdtloner in America, to whom \vns awarded a gold and jaw. cllcd medal by the National Medical Annoclallona A Pamphlet. illustrated with ma Very hon Btccl Engravingsâ€"n marâ€" vel of art and beautyâ€"n ecnt mm: to all. Send for it nt nncc. Address PEABODY MEDICAL ' ' INSTITUTE, 1‘40. 4 Bul-T finch EL. Boston. Mass. " March 21, 1878â€"6111‘ 1 LL week in you)~ own town. .95 Outfit free No risk. Reader, if you want a. business at which persons of either sex can make great my all the time they work. write particulars to H. HALLETT & 00., Portland, R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS , MODERN TIME S. glimlmemw. For the Herald S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING Dr A ROBIN-SON} SURGEON DENTIST, 5mm. B tendin and Head thyc incsfigable {Euthl eon: mined in (ho best medical 13003333316324 etfii'leg‘. boo ever “aucu emu-cu ‘SE Fâ€"PRESER ATION Price only $1. Sent by mail _on__rcc_ejpt of _pr‘irg§. O. ADAMS, L.I7.S

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