Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Mar 1879, p. 3

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a supplement”. lying in one ,' ~00t'tter of the room. ~“Ont gln-nuin'g over the .uuttple- ‘ment. [saw ,an article bended "Don’t. 'Read This.” Having seen the same heading: {to many nuti'cepnt‘=quach medicines and other nuismmmwhieh m’e thrust upon the public;1 1 expéeted'il3was employed in-like mnnner in that. instance, and passed it ov'er. After : n few minutes my friend asked me to read it. I did so. and was ,sut'prisgd; M the great amount or infurmatibn there cou- tnined. Thewritervit seems hadxconsider- able difiiCulty 'in the beginning to tell what he wanted to talk ubout,â€"nt least he s‘nys '40. Buttafter he got started he informed his readers ' that the Dry‘ Goods Merchants, _kept Dry‘G‘o'hd'o. the Grocars had a_ stock of groceries, the Druggistshad some dtjuge on hand,-th’e Hannah‘s-mutter used Leather, and tho! you Could get a vehicle iii the Wazgougnokers. a watch tut, than.“ owl},- miakers. etcvbut no.names Wore mentiunedh The reader was ditecttd to hunt the denier vout fochimself, through the colhmusnflthe paperuugtWell l. secured a cdpy: of the ,puper, and saw by themiltuge‘ directory that you hudmtfl't-ange Lodge. 'As lshelunged 1'0 the ibrothetho’od. ‘I'Went across tosee film W butf \ffltSHOid On enquiring t‘or‘ Wti‘s" rutdence that ‘the paper was misleading: :mo. 1 wohder if the :Wl‘llel‘ of mm articte thinks lhe’loflicials'ol‘ on Lodge ure ‘ never changed? I saw in the .Ditectory a ‘ ‘noticetbf a; Gospel :Témtletmnce Society. and - Being interested in _.'l‘-empe-runce thought I would call on the President, but , :I was again informed that. the tpupei' was Incorrect. The Societv had been given a ‘ holiday. it had Mapped shut-t 'mtanmetlhs ago, and hadinhtxgut started‘ngttin. Feelâ€" ing grieved'at‘heing fooled t‘nice, I oh‘éerv- vod imt‘he'Dire'ctorythe name nt'nn old thiend amongst thv‘il‘ouncillors. On inquiry this also turned nut: to be un‘ttue. It seems- “acre was (Muttit‘gipttl election last J.tnu_ur,_’y, 'but this paper-didn’t" cohsider the changes mode of any nccuunt. and «Hill announces ., the names-qt; thepld, £51911 illqt‘thJ; say .Insadvertx'sétnefit. about the guliday Season t “being just tupomus. It can’t be the mar- ' chante‘nre having in a stock for next Christ- mas, Probably the advertiser means the Euterdmlidaysi I noticed another adverâ€" tiler offering-'bté‘bnrgams from that " date [20th Felt] until the 1st of Feb. > I saw an. advertisement, of a lpluningfmill, ‘nnd on inguixing wnsjnt'ornied tlmt,the gentleman I vertieed'asflmanmér hudflgitt'etfl up his. connection a; [long time ago. The. ‘paper- directed» me to deal at the steam pump works, {end I: started out to find them. 1 0n inquirjugcthe way I was told they _ Wel'el some place in the States. An advertise; ment directed me to call. at the Dun‘t‘ini-on Hotelwto take the .stage for the Northern. I wished» to g3 north, but. on " calling there _I found the Hotel shut, and after ex- periencing considerable .anxiety was told .thnt the Image had' connected ,with the ' Robin 30ng game “techs ago. Simâ€"Feeling interested in the progress of your‘villnge where I was at; - one time wall‘ac’quuintedyl requvsted - the pro- prietor of a certain establishment where 'I‘ dropped in for a few minutes {0 Vet. me - see a copy of the village paper. Bé 'handed me a timing. and on reading it, Isaw the mume Ofihe Liberal I asked my' frie: d' where lhatgnper was printed. He ,said' In- vun’t sure, wfheghor ‘h'e' de ,one of this week’s, b'uthe‘ ought lophaye it somewhew, ind ul'ler‘himvliny: m-ou‘n‘d a Jime he found Sm,â€"'- You have probably heard . of a “Grand Banquet” that: is to take place in the Masonic Hall, toâ€"mo'rrow (Thursday) evening, under the auspices of the Reform Association (so called) for the Village of Richmond Hill. It is a very highâ€"toned. affair, the guests to appear in white hats, vests and swal- low tail coats. . I am told that printed circulars of invitation have been sent to the select, the Committeelof‘ Manage- ment having divided the Ilatepaters into two purts,the sheep and goats. Now air, we must take it. for granted that all who did not receive an invitation to attend this Banquet with his wife, are classed among the goats. For my part I was surprised to find myself classed among the l-atter, the conversation I had with Mr Patterson. and; the answer 1 made to his, solicitation.‘ It my be, that because Ivoted for N Clarke Wallace, at the last. election, they regarded me and all such (to use an elegant \figure of Mr Rymal’s.) as abandoned souls; or perhaps there is another and more potent reason. This Banquet. being so very high-toned in its chttraeter.‘and my‘Wife not being considered as high in the L social scale. as the wives of some of these Grits, it follows ace matter of course, that. We are left. out/in the cold. . However, as this littlecltque of wire pullers intend nru'n’ningthe, clectioncontest their own way, l'bid them God speed, and they can run the Reform Party into the ground they like, for all that I ou’re. It looks'a‘svif theywould V succeed in do- ing an by such mnnoeuvres. I . 1 remain yours respectfully, RS. ‘on tooh‘ng' xhfiqugt. the Local News of the‘ paper-I saw a. paragraph headed “Natal in Danger.” I supposed lhe writer meant Maple, and aLnxinusly in- quired whether there was an extinm volt cnno any wherein that. neighborhood, or if some plague shad brnken out in this vicirlity.. TO’my great relief and intense lurprile. I at tht discovered that it Was not Maple: Canitbe there hit: new vx‘llage growhl’u‘pv’aruund here,'by the nqme'of Natal;since I last passed through. Or does the writer mean Ngjal‘in South Africa. and can news from that' Made of a. local nature? Information on this is Efgmly sought by our columns are open to a falr dis- cuul'on on all subjects. wlthout pre- udlco' Richmohafmnplveb. 26, 18.76. To che'EdflM of the Herald; ' Wm Snarr, ,of Snarr' Bros.. Coal Merchants, Toronto, “lit out.” last week, for parts unknown. It is said he has uttered forged paper {or a considerable aim, and has tuken away about $7,000 in cash. The liabilities of the firm are 850,000 gmdvthe assetts $35,000. A Reform”banquet took place in Toronto on Thursday ‘evening last, manyvof the leading men;le .the party were preoéht. ' ' To the Editor of the Herald: Information - Wanted MWWRW’MMI W Reform Banqueta byiorder ofithe Gi‘its', A Smuann. A GOAT. Dry ‘Goods, - {Groceries}; eta, The Stuvy‘scn‘bervwillstill the bglauce'of hi5 Stock Of Fate; Wpolep Goqu; at ,_ .l I, .3 ‘1‘ ‘ , ‘1, “V 1'_ v» a Liar-‘1‘; .32.” 41: 1-H w I: In refutningfflxankslathe public Tom’he Liberal Patronage Vrevcgiv’cd dufin'gvthe? past six years, I would inform: the'inhabitm‘ns of Riclpmopd’fliu and'.v'icim y, that; will fl'omiughig flay, uptii fist! 's'e'n my'smck‘ , ’ ' ’ "T ‘ “ ‘" ' u u u Murry-y. Ai-Very ‘ Large Springf'flma ‘ At 920; 1061' " Discount: Th9; Stdékv'kc'onsiy's'trs‘ of MnefriiTIQEpli $136.35? Rubbers, \anenfs Felt Boots“ Bebble; Caho- S_kigp,qugqg ’wn'elg1[Rx-Lung'lmG'niters‘V Over Shoqs, (Slippers and Rubbers‘ with a gen'cmfl "nssbntmcnb.0fi:'Â¥6tillx’s ~ ’éh‘d; MissesHLixge ISthS, and Children’s Slippers. As‘r! [have given We ‘ .q SHIRTS sand, THE FIRE PROOF HOUSE mbHMOND HILL, « ONT Opposite I. 1919515be ' "Rééidence; YOrk “Herald” WOOLEN GOODS 2. lfl f. , (Jame Early W‘secure B argaina I .wJ. Great Raroalns 1n Groceries, Provxswns “ _ _ n _- _, __ _ V 3 ~mohmonanm11,1reh- ynhfasm 4 I-gtban ‘ “not . Vn‘pr Wii’lil‘ nfiifii fihdéfiis‘old‘ THE HOLIDAY SEASON ViBEI'NG Richmond‘H’iHJFeb‘mh. '18"!‘9""i Richmond Hill, Feb," 6th; 1878 v v z I am, determined. to'give the Public, llielbenéfi}; bf my. present stock v VFW x- v ‘1 and 155:. " r V ‘ â€" IV , ‘L J . . A you waututogbuly for. Cash ap(§_'Save Moneygzgivmmp ~51 " ahd‘ after‘tliisd‘ay W6 'bfi'e’r' 'the balance-pf ouf"s¢odk);)fl K)‘ OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED SCARFS. G M .AND 1.133110“? Add JI'ID‘M In BLANKETS“: AT THE OFFICE OF'THE NOW BEING SOLD AT OF STAPLE AND FAN-CY“ ' Qo-nstla'tl'fly on band; ‘CON’SISTING ' ~10"? young; 8:063:85 Man‘s; and under cost ‘ I Is AAQ .ET‘C‘ ETC I 0118 nu .‘Sl‘idt‘h V? a»: tum. "098?? DU (If; 31 19V: m 'i‘! A n In“ 1m: :: vme no"; [if 3'7 ‘>1 “ OVER 1:th JUV 'll Em; VJ!!! d bud ‘fififl: > I most reipecflfnl’ly‘v tukelémvo to‘ call 'the at- penbion of-‘th'la Public gamer-any to the fan“; that gqeggnxin Houses in New York are‘sendinr; to-m‘any pmfls .of the globe SPURIOUS IMITA’EIOJXS. of my Pills und' Oiutm‘en't. Thesq frauds bear on vtheir labels some address in New Yul-k. I donut allow my medicine to be' sold in may ‘pnrt of'the-.Unitezl 'Staies, I have no’agenta there... My nuledirzines‘m'e only made by me at 533, Oxford Street, Lona-311 “Iiéflna'fzu; us may 1151)} ‘t 5mg this sknmenh Fraud. 11 1:23:31”: Rdéms’dfl} ' “sufiamofi DENTIST, l’fl‘ U 'fhn‘rfléf 1‘1 foffiip 'fméors df the past the years; n‘my st‘m" e cn’n'sixltéa in any branch "of the pro- !fios'siom; aasfollowsi Fméhrgmpd Em, filth 8: 24th of each month j.- (nhRnhnq-Houfim gAura (1.. lst, Sm, 16th, and 23nd y [do ‘ 1,1?va Karlmtw'...‘ ‘ . :Zud do =Etr3uffiflion . - ' I 'do ; Mark‘xmm...,.. ‘): de 1. Vicfiorm Square . ~ do Th’nrnhiu ...... do, Maple, ...... S do ,Wnodbridgo do Kloinburg . do Ndbletong 3». .. "‘Anagthefics, as Nxtrous .Oxide'. ate” fised whoxi ordexgd, and nonebut the bust material used 11?}??â€" : n SURGFON EVTIS’I‘ has -. 2, 4kv.,a.. h " j" . " removed tp 87 Iiulgstroet East, ‘ Torontd, 0v r‘H. K! C. Blmchfnrd’s nzaW shoe store :Béstuninemltoethfinserantin n. manner to suit. m' h pa"¢llt. .I‘wnticulur attention gjxivcnflto the [gnaw 'ion and rogum‘tionpfcthq natural met-h, ef'ulh‘ 'avoing 11.11‘ uuuewssh‘ry pain. ,A. ‘V ASPAULD‘ING. Assistant? ' V 'de'ulq in Ifur‘dey-Hgs and Chen; 0 ls‘,.Ereuch and gang! .fi'Puqumei'nggglllgh zmd American Paten' us)? mamames : My my ‘ Ly T” » {most earnestly fi’pjw’cal tb'finrigszgfiséhnf justice yhich ‘l fcclbhmfimny venture 1.19011 {taking from nléfinyorabh pcrsoup, fqp assist me”, find/thy. Pub- Ii {‘ng fag: _mn,v_1} ip;thg>fr;1%o‘f§1‘,"ln cirlez'iloxme~ '13:.0 Ointment is‘ the‘tmly reliable remedy for Baa: Legsymd Wounds. Sores and Ulcers 01" howâ€"' ever long standing. "For Bronchitis, Diptherin,. Coughs, Colds, Goutvaiheumatism, and all‘Sfin Diseasqs ithas no equal. , ' .4, In the books .of climctiong ammdhto @110 > spur- ious makeis u pa}1ti,nn,mxrgipg tllq PubTic against being d‘aceivwd by cbunteri’eits. Do unt‘be misled bv'this mudmcious trick, as they are the-counterâ€" feits the; pretend to denouncg. ‘ Mmlichxés' ‘g . . :31 a. I '1, [9 Encli fut mi‘d' de {yt'tfi‘é Genuine Mediéihvfi bears tho British Gowe‘nmentxsmmpmfith .the words, “flog,sz hY'S i‘wmgp AND ‘ lemaymw LONDON," angrmi c Khemdn, IQn' the 1gbgl’ lsfll‘e‘ naar' oat/ORP'fin' ; nownbx, ’V’vhe‘qe 5’ VH'xtuld Pharmaseuticnlfllwmiiit, ange Yongastyeen;yYorAivillc. 011nmer Importer and géniggiingf‘ufd’Dygg‘iumlqhentc 15,.1‘ 011011 and, The Pills purity the Blbnd, coffees 21.11 disorders: of tho Liver...'StomuchLKidheyn mm ~Bowels, and are invaluabke in all complaints incidentle to Females. uddféss, .5333 ' OXFORD ' STREET; 1': alone thovure M‘uuumcturcd. _“. ‘Cfihese "ciunicrfeflzs‘are purchased by». mmrinci- bled Vendors at onwlmlf the‘price of my rillsand slinmtv‘ntrnnd Mama? t9 1%- Fa swwwéne ‘ ‘ v ' ' - ~ 2 Hollowa‘y’s Pills and Ointments bearingnnyothensaadrsss arc; coun- terfeits; ,. v ‘7: M , . The Trade Mfu‘k o‘f theseAIétfih‘lnés are l‘b’nis tered in'Otba-Wu.’ ‘I 'ence, any ofie‘thrbughout the British Passpssioner who may kaegpihe American Counterfcits for gale, _\'.'il] balms ‘ <1 . - , " a. week in your own 1mm. $5 Outfit free 1 0 '8 yBuudor if Rm;- want tgbusm “mi gammawa ither Rim 45ml 111513 ,A ..f~' (1 {my ml the ti 524 they \vqgk, Ayvritp "TEWFSSEMEEE "nu .‘ul 0p, 9. . k , c. 1 Dev efiocghnuli/ and; 51:15 digemé‘fl mt‘hi - 'ho‘floi'm‘fifi'n (Mcm‘yédw mnysbe somjflemiy built up wimzlSoh‘d (901d, Endy- -res§o;e,d Vtgjfiagriginul size, sham: and usefuhgc-ssd; my a ’1 By, til othbiiw "h 0"pe cs9 gggigég-IEWWEM Wagon-Imp 1 ‘cmu nuke monc aster at work forlus than at any hing else. f .szitul not requirnd; we will start you. $12 ‘pér day at-home mth by the industrious. Mon, women, boys and girls Wflnfiedfiyerywhete to work for us. Now is thq time. ,Co‘stly outfit and terms free. Address TRUE & CouAugustm Maine. HE GR E A TEST WONDEREOF MODERN TIMES. R. BORTER, » SURGEON DENTIST, H V{B#T3‘-» ’ ' L‘efré‘flf ' ,Holle‘¥ifl"L fihnd.’ Hench ML .. whog’piahmb‘hth. 26th' ‘ 60 '- , 28th- ‘ do ’Mkaiaines, Homo dn'do‘iatfloMedicine, untiJDr’ug- gist Slimlst at every, dqscxiption. V . r , ANHOO“, WomahhoorL 'Free. A warning ' against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore their film'tered constitutions, especially if arising from early in disc‘etinns. Herein lies yuurvonly safety ; by a. professional gentleman of rare ability. High Canadian press testimonids. Mention this paper Sen‘l stump for answer. Sea advertisement head ed “Rupture.” ' RAIN’TlLE, THE BEST I alumf‘At " "a. H V 'l’ncc duly $1. b‘c at by and! ‘ . ' ‘ (m. l‘cérutt of price.” It mats anIxhunstchimlixy, IFremmunc Decline, crvous and Pinyi-ivnl L‘cbility, and 11m cxzdlcss concomitant “13 md untold mjém-iefi (linen-sun 1horofionu'mulconmins'mm‘o um] worigiunl pro.» scrigtlons.‘ur}y ono of which i « Wm'rhflw price of the 61:. Cl‘lxiwbook was written by the most cx- ‘tcnfi chit 'p'm Joly tlic’mos‘t shily'ul prix'ct ifinncr in lxmefica,'iowhom writ; nwdrfl‘cdu mud mud jow. cllod mcdhlflvy the Naiionnl‘Modicgil Association. A Pamphlet, 1113mm rd with the very finest finial Lnngdvfiwgâ€"a {12'- , Tcl bf aw nmif b‘cmflyâ€" A , amt 11:21! to (£9151. vAVScnd ‘ 9thof§n511m5§1th. _ g mm: " ac 59nd: Hand}. .5 . 3.»; '41. .v 28th - ‘ do 1; tfia5rtés‘t 0%‘mé ‘tj‘mé‘afiiy dii’e “(115mm 'rec‘mfre' sebvicasvsvmwkflme of finding him at his office far it fit once. ddrcss .PEABODY MI: IC'AL: INSTITUTE; 3\0. 4 Eula 511011 at" Boston; Mass. W. . M, m WWW “mm; mm W um um: ‘ .49fih9liiw Alzfih’é Héttal» ., . . mmwb gummy, :‘B‘RA‘DFORD. Theimémmespommxy 361mm" awntiofi to me gwflmngaiqfallfi' ‘ing Telfq’ 1g: yith? Hug Bui‘nishu ' «BEWARE OF. '. L WWW“CWTW‘EHS. 54$ Oqurrmtree To, 011, -; f .._Jnxin1.19vÂ¥m ‘ 139113,.” ‘ skGBINSON; DISPENSING ADVIC‘JE. 3719399. NIGHTINGALE’SJ ' ’ ' ' ‘ Yvrkvl i o. ‘AD'IUm.’ L.p.s., ' Suns. DENTIST, ,lms ProfJ, Y. EGAN Hamilton Ont RMILJOI' if pg- wa'ut bush) 7 en‘smwzofgicher siaxggan 111$ 3y Irenakio' and practicm V thc'incskifiiablc’truths 0mg gaincdin sup has; moglipa} 536K cwki‘wi‘esfibd, cntil SELF-PRESERVATD HUSH}! QIULZ ":'W¥§1EA’;&5 “E’WégEW ale [0 _ @‘Asflie Scpéoh is filSt approaching; when Cuftcrs wjlvlv be in_ gtjont‘ demandr Hwelw‘figld‘ ‘I‘QSpQCfl'ulJyuSlgthe public to call and‘seé our Stook‘hf’ Rezxdy-jn'ude, o ‘ Icavc‘uf. the arden, whichnwouldv-bc thankfully )‘ccgii'ed,.prompllj atfended to, and §uti$fuctixm gruzmm teed; v ’. Con-ficfliYonge and Centre Stx'cethastj,Illichmond Him [Feb 6th; 1828' ‘ ' ' - 6m ggmemm BaflsAm 0255’ LIFE' "m *‘COEFGs-Hg ~ and 7 COLDS ; ‘_ .. Hg: ‘ . - ‘ . ‘mat -» 7»; 92‘me I V _ . » ALL mam2111133931“3'Bp‘apigg 1m ECONSMTLY 03 1mm BQtS,V_BE:LSket1S§ Stages; Brushes, Cards; 4' - z”IsChrOmOsg-‘befiéertinas,'Croquet Sets; _ " 2. Collars; 200,115.. Drums; Engraving's; .1 I BEST; stMEDY. IN THE MARKET. . "Psold by Sanderson 8580115? B¢pk,§,stafigmry and. Fancy Stare,» ,, JAS. LAWRENCE; '(EA‘RRIAGIC BU ILDYR', BRADFORD {épfii‘ILiilg Th “Hill-0' difiercnt.departments of Painting, Trixfnning, Woodwork. .and Eluclmnighing carried on as usqu and executed with déspmch at yeasovnabw rates. Horse >hoeiug‘and Jobbing in Blacksmith Shop specially attended to; Fo‘r the Mechanical Skill in the construction of lnis‘Czn'rViug-es , and;Slei;:l|s, and the ‘s'upérior’5 workmanship shown, so as to insure lightness and- durability com- bing/3d: ‘1‘ Plon'dug'cedvby all Judges to [)6 clear ahead nf all cumpetitiun. SUBSCRIBE. NOW; NOW "I "“Imvmmwa 5 E8775 SWEEP‘13878 LVEWg wast ONLY ‘$l PER rfgogvggma; Exgfifiéfiifln E * Envebfie's, Eggs” I'icture Fumes, Glassware; Gold Paper, Knivvs, Pens, FIFifiEEE¢. Frag?" PRI%E$§ N 3’ 1‘) )r to:.Dewsberry’s Harnessshop. At i11e’difiérent Township and Codrlty Fairs wherever slimvn 'to The‘ First Prize va: aVvaa'd d at the ‘1! FOR SALEjAJI‘ A SMALL ADVAL " James 'Minsem THE 7 .. ._ 1x} use in the ngh ahd Public. Schools. Recently held in Toronut‘, and THE I Conservative Candidate F O R T HE “EUR “WE AND RTEREST EEEEL LEQEEMTHM !‘ RE SPECTFULLY SOLICIT: D‘ 1701?. .(m 0F rI‘HE mqeuenc n'c‘qmymbkx‘w ‘11 fby two/yuwea- éood‘ stmbling mm «attentive Mostlsr.‘ Pro’ctnrl; 'Bus: leswos this finial,“ Max:933? with 31111119 N 313/ Tmins going Northfipdfiqubh, at I,3W&,m.g.13_m 415pn1, 1111117151) 111. , ‘ ‘ "‘4 " ‘ lir’x’i’mfiii {caeéiifive Tliu. {qund‘nqrbh hf Townth Iver." fig is’hmhhéed. ix} 3% (3145.5 Stylg. fiarppl'p $.00111Vf9r051mrgaflrfi cgsxl Travellers. Good Sb-zbliug mid attentive, hositlor, Terms, ‘1 payday. Th2 Richu and, H111 ’Bu‘s‘lényésf islflmgse ’mt 7.80am.,}-for‘ orâ€" onto, am! returning leaves morontouji ' 'e'pm'x. ‘ Licefiéna Aucfiibncr {01" York 00113133.; Order: pmmpi‘l‘v attended I Imtw's rmso'mibla; Put- ron'mge solicited. .; 5A dress,.Iiing. P; o tinte of {Iio'Roan Cbnege (Sf Ph siblaii London, England. ‘Ugusn‘ltation day'sâ€" ondny and Thursday, fox‘evwons. Residenceâ€"\Vaaton. Earch 21, 1578â€"6111. Subgcribe, The Met‘xibzliah Sabbath" Sch'aol' .Tempernncb Kssmiution isms plngp cams every Suraqu when desired. Wm le‘risau, Supt ‘ cept the third Sunfiuy 0f m'cfv month. whe‘gx‘the- servicg and sacrme cub are held at 11 1:, m sunny 301100! at 11.50 1) 1:: Rev 1: Slmnlilin, Rector METHODISTâ€"Services at 10.30 m in, and 6 30 p ma Sunda) School an: 30 p m Prayer meeting every: . TLursday evenfn {, and Sunday School .ljonobers meeting and Bible Class. on [Flidavfiveniflgled by the pastorfimer MchlIum." Assistant: Rev Mr Hoyson ‘ . r 3” > ,. PnnsnyTnnIAN~Servicba at 1139 a. m, @1146 30.2 p m Prayer meeting on Thursday cvelim‘g fl 7 30 110v I Campbell, pastor ‘ r ST :MARY'S (EPISCOPAL.)â€"<Sorvices at 3 p,m,' mp,- ‘ Licensnd Austinnohr for York Coftfity, fiefidlta: mm min “alul'frimndb influenza. may“ xeqpon‘ @1319. A.:.Jro:§s,Vicbox qumrq , _ r AND SAVINGS GOMEANYa Omcgs~3<m 70 Qhurqh stxoo;,.'1‘01‘unto. my. Gm: w. A'LLAx", 8é1mtor;Pfé_sident. 4 George Gooéferhnm ......... - ‘ ' Vieé-fraéidanfiLi Dmnorogsâ€"Sampel ylatt, M. 3, Wm. Gander: 1mm, Geo. W. Lewish’flhos. .H, Kym, D. Ii Mucphcraonfienatoru. j w , ; ,1; r ,_- v » Burris-bets, Atbm'neysmt-Lm? Solicitfim-in- Chancery, Conveyamcmzs, etc. OAcss-£mperiul Bank Buildings, \Vtaliingtqn stgfiect, 'I‘Qi‘tr-Iito.‘ Twain: FERGUSON, (2.0. Join: BAn. WM. Snmox GORDON, Gm. F. Sunni! MECHANICS INSTI'::7TE.â€"~Libmry of over 1000 volmnes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hnll, fmm T to 6 o’hlock. R E an, Librarian. Lecturesou discussions periodicflly Thé‘Ro‘bifi 'Héfid‘fidfiel; -: The Pins-«cirmmten :3 Iiic'enscd, Auctioneer for ‘the Cofinfiv Bilfiérk; Sales art-ender 011 1115 shone-st “mice, ‘mid at reasonable runs. 7 Address, Ex’ublctund.’ O lakiééfiiés hén‘fP 50 : Libsmed Auctioneer for Yan Counfyi solicited. 3.1121110 Leaf Intel; ‘ 9p; Capi‘tal,’ $1,030,00q;':1§c7§e1‘vé I find; 3315,0119 " Total Asse$§;.$_:{,;oo’,uno » ' “’V ' 3 SA 17:] N00? 21 NE,» E RANCH. Money; rreoeiverL ou fdeposit, zund'intorest payJ able half yearly mugompoundedl M " ‘ ‘ Férgusdn, Bain, Gordqn ‘49:. Shipley; Rxbmfim' L’O L. No T78â€"Ments in 1th Tem- pemncu He“ 1, on the Friday on ‘or before full moon, 11/08 p m J H Sanderson, W M. chH'MoxD Iii-UL _TEMITL‘FE, No 405, I O G ’Tâ€". Maots in the 'l‘ampcrmxce l :11 vcry‘quneaday ovening,‘ut’ 8 o‘clock. ‘Jm II ‘nson, T D DUNKIN ACTâ€"Contra] Committee meets at the call of the President in the Temperance H 11. Dr J N Reid, ilfhomhiumresidant ; John San cr- sou,Riohmund Hill, b‘ec " . RICHMOND ELLL Comnz'r BANDâ€"Moms for pi‘éxc. has every Tuesday uuu buturduy e‘vcuing at 7.30 o’clack A L] Mortimer,Lender VILLAGE ('otmcxr -Renw. Wm ijcnch ; Coun‘ ciilvrs, Maconuz‘hy Ben linoddikt, 1’ G Savage, “7 Powell Clark, M ’ ‘rcfy v ‘ Rpfitm CATHOLI'C- Services :rThbfbfiilI: Iii-:9 and Richmond Hm at 10 30 11-11) ; the following: Spplfl v at lciql‘lmonfi. Hing}? Q grrl‘,‘nn(1,'l‘hqrp}2fl‘l; at 1030 n. mffiéé‘m Sunday - an”, “an; My. "Ru. ai‘ix‘x‘g Wltjh Markham ever; §rd TH, f ’I‘hfirémge‘ so“: Liaenved Aubfm cor fdr .3") Sasha], cited. Batesmoaumto Am Liccngpfiquuoumr for ijk County. Prpmpt utbeucim} given .to sales. A‘ddrcss Elia}; P' 0 This Company idemaeyMoncy 'oxi tho: qe‘é‘hfifiy‘: of improved.0ity or quptry Property, re~fiayable by many; of i), Fund, which is. fpund to be the sures-t f'md. edéiest inpclb bf: repaying aloan.’ ‘J TEES, lAfiflorneys, "Solicitors-iu‘Chancery.‘ scenic»;‘Ademidasstmet.[East (opposite the Court.‘ House),"l‘oru;1tki." ' ' ‘ ALFRED BOULTBEE. \VM. Won'rs IIVA'M'. 15055111 the LodgoV’Fbinrxi, Muson'iq Ilgtil, on the: Monduypn or befmfe full moon',‘a.ij 8 o‘clock, pm Isaac Croaby, W M » Cdsgi‘o’ve Brow: '5 Brop’si; Liarms‘éa Anch‘cneér 1‘01: 1c- Cofihfiéég of York; Ontarin 'nnd I’ee'l. Salve pro-aptly attended; Goods said on cansignment., ,Umon-vigle, P 0 DR; fif's'ifihmé’in,, 12161:)? tinte offil‘o‘Ro‘vnI Cbllerze o'f thsiblana WESTERN 1L 0 A N’. A ND SAVINGS GORVIBANY. 8M An-egféefigiitinolgof 31 every sp‘eéfi' G606 stab." Thist fiou Se is o W otjhzl‘o‘ut? no of ' ‘ «v; “ . y ,thc Bog}; .TIoiL‘ls 171 ‘ ' '11:; is'lgmnl 1 'Bmmxfigéb popenz‘ A. F ¢§(_A'M,.No Rigâ€"vi; For further inforgm‘mtion Implv at at the Office's: the Gamma“. VALTE‘R ‘5. LEE Manager _ Daniel Kihn‘ce," manstng lxuprouegr for, th Cojm' x‘Its Your pun-011‘:ng and fien'fly OUI'IEB‘EJE ‘& Ikz'VA'TT. HARRIS: medium iatLLjoN-r; For the Eefalé PALM‘ER “91:33.5? RICIâ€"IMQND; 11-1ng ‘ - almcri y .y I’IiNEIGE'OYEu‘OMQ . , Elarrisag Prmp‘ '1‘} MON 77%â€" "' _H’ 10 LQAN. -8amue|: «Eiawn Salem Eckar’dt,‘ CHURCHES Thea Pamfiwrw H 4» Ar'métmgi; - J P; O. Box 2527. hob? mafia". 500111111138 -. 6&5 0- Stokes gamma; E4" Butmfi1 £25321}, a ii" (if Y'éék Wigwam viola 170 ,7 15' 1318.11th

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