RICHMOND ,HlLL .MARKETB 'W‘here to Buy? LOCAL NEWS. Yonge Street 8 S Teachers’ Newton Brook. Meeting. domrrraalratloar. Our columns are open to a fair dis- rncrly compete successfully ag inst an ‘Amcrican capitalist with along estab- But by the new tariï¬", (From our own carrespondenL] NEARLY A SERIOUS FlRE.â€"- Last WEDNESDAY, march 20, 187'. $4 (‘0 to 4 75 llsllt‘d buainCSS. The members of the Yong-e Street FiOurâ€"fnlhpcr barrel ...... GOOD BARGAINS .J ,1) N t W. ,â€" W i a n , , . . ' ‘. l . sn‘in , )er do . 3 5 - o if the Americans avail themselves of the' redeivghthnllldmfs. frtrtil sill-y†[Stellh (il’pythg, Subbath School which met at Patters0n’. “‘S‘il‘letét ‘lï¬eï¬gdlï¬miw Full“? on a" suwecm' w'mom Pre- gï¬liehhéguéï¬l‘el ' 8792 4 Those if our summers flying iathis, C, d. I k t l t ' _b te (‘nunty ireursul' Local News. such HSH(301-:CP Mondall_ millâ€: Opened _b7 'l l [iiqcov‘ered to be (‘m ï¬re and the ’wholeEJUdICS Pegged,“ bushel 0‘30 to 60, ,eidhbmhmd HM, W, ,1†PS, hidlmmd .rna tan mar c , t icy rrrus con n u dents 0.. any lllleics‘lng irzmdeut “batten-r, Itupcrt, Pycsidcnt, in the chair. Porâ€" , j,†t d m t m 4,8,1" qaviw me V . 800%0 grog?! - Inn fm‘gm-d llurgriiusiti all kinds of lav l ,0 our ,ewnue. And the duty which “"3",- ‘W “l “l†“Mum?†"':"“*.'de"s 89"“ Wm (“scripture read and pl'fli‘cr by the l“ J’s.“ “"‘e .‘ a†,. ‘ , _'° “HAT’S T0 ‘15 DONE- submirerton 0000 to 00 Guide. (truce-ins. rte. us will be t‘tuud on ' 8""l'3'a ’"l' “19 Purime "i PUthdllW- lcv Mr l'lowsou. Rev I Wass being 'bu'ldmfr- All†worm"? ,l““_d for â€"â€" . {Chime-it‘ll? @3111 3:0 to 1 00 Inferring-nu rur mlv-itising columns. they pay the Gtï¬'emmcnt l5 jUSt 50 ____ _____§.__ _ __â€__ 1. absent, his place Was ï¬led by Rev I some “me ‘ltt‘y succeeded m domg so" _SlR-â€"It has been Si'lfl llml Bills "f, Olf‘ls' Bilbtggfllirrcfllls, all.) til. is: W l award nook 8mm. I)ew8h“rryrs mock 5 Campbell and M r Howsonmï¬nn addressed but not before, the ï¬re had damaged the , man are as had as srns of comrmssmn. large rolls, per 0 13 HEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. Farm for salcâ€" F Chadwick. Norice to Creditor-s - T Wallacc. Low l‘rlccsâ€"P Mirage. Spilrg Goodsâ€" Reynolds & Newton 1 THE TllllhALDJ .._._... Only One Cellar a Year o 7V - v l 1/ “ILL; not left absolute master of the ï¬eld,‘PHtt€rsnn 132er has an Oyster Supper at . T {1 U KSDAY. M ARCH 20, l The National Policy. Canada has the much-talked-of and ticleS, and, in some instances, uiidersell, much abustd National Policy at last, opportunity will now be given to see whether this Policy will prove as beneâ€" ï¬cial to Canada as its blends and ad- vocatcs assert. ‘ We see no good reason should not he bcnï¬tted by it (qually as Well as other nations. Many llt‘formers, however, already condemn the policy before they have seen it trird, and thereby show themselves as bigoted and foolish as the man who attempted to .answcr every question before he had heard the half of it. be the feelings of those blttcr partizarrs But what must ‘who so shamefully abused Sir John MacDonald for deceiving the people. The Reform papers named him "the Arch dcccivcr,†and asserted that all his promises were only made to hood wink the clcctors. If thcrn is the I slightest feeling of honor left in some of tbt-sc who so cruelly slandcicd Sir John, we think they must have felt a blush of shame and confusion msntllng their when saw how courrlcnances, they thoroughly he had carritd out his promises in rcgaid to a protective pol- icy. No one having any regard for the truth can deny that the Conservative Covcrnmcnt hascarricd out to the ful 3gesttgtcut t1? promises “Mtge. Herc v lhe Conscrvat cs show a grea contrast to the Ilcforurers. Mackenzie made many f-l‘OlllerS, but his ï¬ve years record proves conclusively that little or scarcely . N0 Government was any etiort W'tS made to fulï¬l them. doubt judcd, by them according to their own the present old half bushel, but the measure proved at fault in this instance. The tariff, as now franicd. above that some of the aber minds of the country No wonder that a little time was rrquired have assisted in its'construc ion. for such a tat-k. The country will not grudge the true Fpt‘tli in preparation. uvbeu they ï¬nd it working successfully in this .Agaiu, instance, the Grits thought Tilly should bring vimvn the tariff as quickly as Cartwright did, but Tilly frames his. tariff to starrd,not to be speedily withdrawn after the manner of Richard John, “the heaven-born ï¬nanâ€" cier," whose blundrr in this line, caused such a storm of indignation among the busiucss rrrcn as to cause its immediate withdrawal. ‘ ‘ This judgment. and thorough knowlcdgc if the many details of dlfl‘crcut industries tariff cvinccs foresioht. good through the country, It. is so framed that those ofour industrics which have been unequally struggling: against fo‘eign compcliriongrre now afforded a judic'ous, and fostering, but not an indiscrcet or absolute protection. They are now placed on an even, or slightly favorable footing with their rivals, but. in no line is the duty so high as to compel Cana- dians to buy an inferior or worthless The de sign has not been to completely shut out article, at an increased price. the foreign manufacturer, but to make him pay the revenue of the country, and therefore make less proï¬t on thcri manu- factures. It. prevents him from control- ling the market, and forcing our men to the wall, but at. the same time, Cana- dian manufacturers will have to meet the rtquircmcnts oftlre people in good workmanship, and improved designs, or the foreigner will ï¬nd it to his advantage to pay the duty, and content himself much taken off thcir proï¬ts,â€"just sol much money kcpt in the country, and so much less has to be raised from Canadians, by other means. to pay run- ning cxpcusc; and then, too, the fact that the foreigner pays the duty and makes less proï¬t cnablcs the Canadian to meet him in the nrarkct,and contest sales i on the merit ufthe articles;â€"â€" or under- sell his rival. The tariï¬is not Prohibi- live, but Protective. The Canadian is able to force wouldch fll'ilt'lCS on his, '9 i countrymen at cxhorbitant prices, butl he is (unbled to stand side by side with his rival, show the excellence of his ar- thc man who hasa heavy duty to pay. W'e notice that the new tariff is de- iuay raise betwccn England and Canada. ~ I Such talk is all rousense, England is wiry it should uot'do so,-â€"why Canada ‘ not so foolish as some of her loud-pro ftsriug fricirds afï¬rm. There can be no disloyalty in building up our own country, and raising a revenue in the easiest and least burdensome rnanncr_ if our llcforu‘i friends cannot advance bettcr arguments, thcy should not say anything, but look most wonderfully sad and wise. It might: have a better and more telling effect in their favor. Another reason that is given why the tariff will not work, and should be with- drawn, is because of the rings that may be fcimt-d to control the market. This is true we may have some rings,buL because there must necessarily be slight. ly inconvenient or injurious result con- nected with the policy, is no reason why the great, good and lasting effects ails, ing from such policy should be con. dcmncd. It would be just as reasonable to condemn railways because hundreds of people Were killed every year on these roads. The old saying that “The Gods help those who help themselves" is true of the present age, ï¬and Cpnada hastutxlas‘t begun to help herself. \Vc are now in apoliticn to crme to a reciprocal basis with the States, it‘il is deemed advisable. We have something now to offer them for their mar-lute, whereas priviously, they already had all that we could grant. In the new tariiitherc is not a single industry that can be advantageously en- ovcrlookcd. The agritrï¬tu al. the shipping couragcd which is mining, the and the manufacturing interests have all rccrived the fullest consideration from the Government. The changes in the trrilf are estimated to result in an addi- rcvenue of $9,200,000 to the country. We wild to import on an average about. 950,000 tonsof coal. A duty 50 Crnts prr ton has lccn placed on tional ilr s article, and it is considered that. the result will be an increased consumption ofnvcr 400,000 tons from Nova Scotia, independent of the incrcaSe that must arise from the general revrval of business throughout the country, and particularly in the iron industry of Nova Scotia it- :cll, and elsewhere. were over 500,000 bushels,ncarly all of which came from the Statesand were admitted free,wlrile the States imposed a duty on us ranging from 10 to 50 per (cnt.0ur [rt'rent duty is40c.}cr barrel on Colt meal, do per lb,on Oatn;cal,50c per bbl ctr ryc flour.and 50c on wheat flourLast ytar we imported boots and shoes to tie value of about $250,000.:2nd exported to the value of $240,000. The duty then was 17% it is now 25 per ccut- This gives our manufactures a large ï¬cld,aud for such lines as foreigners may still supply, they aid vcry haud~ sctrrely in paying our revenue. It cannot, be said that the duties on necessities and not luxuries are raised, imported some $1,680,000 worth, have been raised from 17% to 20 & 30per cent. The shipbuilding and sugar reï¬ning have ten and molasses at a lower rate ‘ of duty thcn before;and the export trade of our manufacturers in every line are allowed a draw back on all material used in manfacturcs which there is evidence of having been exported. The new tariff has yet to be tested Time alone will prove whether it is beneï¬cial 0r ntlicrwisc,but none can deny I that an effort has been made to beneï¬t the country,â€" the Ministry have _ with a small proï¬t, Canadian rriauufaco redeemed their pledges, and have not (are: just launching: out could net for , proveu more “flies on the wheel.†,Uunks just received. ncunccd Lccausc oftlrc bard feeling it, Our import of Breadstut‘f forlast year- as jewelry, silk velvcts, etc., of which we- intcrests are assistedï¬he working men. for sale 10.ceul and 5.ceut music. Almanacs for sale. French Dictionaries and other school Franklin Square and other libraries. Berlin Wools Beads &c (be in stock. Parties tic-t receiving the "Herald“will please inform us by postal card. We print. visiting cards cheaper and as well as airy ofï¬ce in the County l Come and see. Mr A. Spaldiug has returned to Pallersm'r| I the Palmer House, on Friday evening I A meeting of the. Bible Society will be held in the C M Church, _orr Tuesday 8\€ll-. lug next. Big crowd and a large rumber of homes at the horse lair tt.-dav. Not many borers ,euld. the. buyer requiring large, harvy and isourrd animals We are infermed that. Mr.Wm lltlSSPll has pardoned the Bennett tar-ru.l.m l4. 2-.d ("on of Vaughan,ccutaining 100 acres fut $9.450. I l (in Friday last the High School was ex- amined by Mr.Marl.ni_' who expressed himself well pleased with its tfllcieucy. Perrorral.â€"(‘ol.Deuison was in town on i'lueadey last,iuspecting the Volunteers mores. lie was on his way south,huving Ijust completed his inspection trip of the riottlrcru part of the courtly. ’ l l Mrs \Vllcy’s department of the Public School being tull.the fullowing Pupils. having passed the nccrssury examination were promoted to ltlr.ltmckin’s: l'Villiirur Mcl uughliqumc Powt-lldlcnry P\Vri.:lll. Phillip Mome; John McLean, Herbert Peach, Mary Kennersley, Mulford tSislcy. Subscriptions for periodicals and neWSpapcrs taken at the HERALD Bonk Store. See advertisement in another column. The Bishop is elected, and J Brown is eciling Prints and Shoes, Groceries and Provisions cheaper than any house in town. Letter from A M G, Clinton, P 0, received. Accept thanks. That’s it gentlemen. A hundred new sul scrlhers since we came back, and lall paid for. Send them along. The ['1 ERAID is good for another twenty years. at, that rate. ' the audience on their own experience in connection witl.I Sabbath School mat- ters. A’ discussion took place on the follnwidg subjectsâ€""Are the Hymns and turns at prcicut. ustd in our Pabâ€" bath .Cclrcols conducive to the splritu al interests of the'church.†The subject was ably opened by Mr liichard Co'e. of Patterson, in the nega- tive; Mr Nrss also followed on tho same sidc,â€"â€"â€"1t Marsh, Esq , P Patterâ€" son, and the llev 1 Campbell taking the afï¬rmative. 1n able addresses. and we should judge, the i-ï¬irmative side showed corrâ€" clu-ivr-ly the approprlateness ot Hymns and tunes being 11.5th in connection with the services of the church. The Patterson Sunday School scholars rnlivcm-d the occasion with runny appropriate Sabbath School Hymns. The meeting was concluded by a benediction trim the Rev I Campbell. The next place of meeting will be in the Presbytcriau ChurCh, lichmond Ili‘l. ' The (theirs were reelected ensuing year. for the Annual Meeting Ag. Society Richmond Hill, M irch 14th 1879. The annual meeting of the Richmond Hill and Yonire street Agricultural Suchâ€"1y was held in the Court Room of this place at half past seven o’clock PJI this day, The rut-cling was called to order by the , Secretary. it was moved by A B Wilson. seconded by J l’t‘lllvt'l‘. that John Brown, Esq, do act as chairman if this rncciing.-â€"-Carrit-d. The minutes oi Iln- lust annual meeting read, and flint) the lllll utts ofihc several meetings of the Dirrctnrs during the past your were read, and on motion were adonled 'l he Secretary then gave a ï¬nancial Rt- port ofrlre affairs ofthe Society, and also the And tor’s lleport, which on motion were adopted. The tï¬icers for the ensuing year were their appointed. Mr John Duncan. seconded by M" John Cnsgrove, that W m 0 Patterson, Esq . be President for the ensuing ycur.â€"- ( arried. Mr John Palmer. tecmidtâ€"d by Mr S Proctor, moved that Wm 'l'renclr. Esq, be ï¬rst Vlt“-l’teï¬ldr’nl, rind that l CrosbyJqu. be second Vice President, 101' the ensuing 'enr.-â€"Carried. r Mr S Proctor. sr-couded by Mr J (‘05- grove, moved that Mr Robert Marsh. be Secretary ard Trcasurer for the ensuing thmâ€"l'fli'llt‘d. Tire following gentlrmen were then up- [ciulcd as a Bt and of Directors for the ct.- ‘suiug year. viz:â€" .l Palmer. ‘Wm llussd, A Noodle. P Crosby, .l llrown. J McConnell, 1C Sander- Lcnding Library at the HERALD Book Store. Call and sec. Cheap reading ot‘all the standard works ' ' 'Wl‘cnntï¬'lcoMTd‘tlr-e lilont again. w his predictions for the month of Match. 11' his sayings are to be relied upon we may expect very severe weather about the middle of this month, accompanied by snow storms: Some appear to think that the recent licavy thunder storms are a sure indication of a coming cold snap. Five parties were held in this vicinity on Friday evening last. We tinderâ€"- starrd they all passod off very pleasantly. Some were ot'the “surprise†naturc,while some were of the “other kind.†The residences ol Messrs Marsh, Palmer son. 1) lioylc. A ll \\ ilsnri. M 'l‘eefy, Wm l‘lubii.i0 ', l'lolt Elliott, Wm mell. H G llerumd. l“ Lyrrt'tt, C llurtcumb,J N Davis. ‘ll Grey. N Playter, C l. Hulliugshend, W ’ . . A W.Fcn\\‘itk; J llrillinger, Jus \USS“ll. \\'m Lamont. .1 Elliott, S Proctor, H Newborn-V. F Cosgrovc. J Sislvy, 1’» 13 Law, it Goodiear, Thos Gillii, 'llina llnbsuu. H Dewsberry. P G Savage A L Ski-ole. J E bwltzer. \\‘irr Pugslcy. A Marsh, Vim A Atkinson. J Wright, I) llcrrslup. ll. Phillips, R liedditt. J H Sm.- delsorr. W Glass. C Bell. F Gaby, D 'r'ut~ sou. G Trent-h and ii Hopper. Mr John Elliott. sccoudrd by Mr S Proctor. moved that the rrtxt nurrual fair, be. held in tile Fair Grcur ds if this place, on the 24th day of May next.â€"â€"â€"Carrird. Mr A ll, Wilson. seconded, by J Duncan. mt)th that the ï¬rst meeting of the llirec- turn be 14 id in this place on the 2nd Tucs- flu)’ in Ar-til next. at 7 o’clock, p.m.. and that the Members. of the Board be notiï¬ed w 1; é st Bell, Collar, and Mrs Peach, are where the parties took place. Whitcly's Toronto Reapers and Now- crs are having a large sale throughout rhe(‘ounty. They pOsscss many new imâ€" prmcments, and hate great advantages lover many other of drtfercnt make. r 'l’rtrctor, Richmond Hill,is sole agent. for M arkham, Vaughan and \‘i'l:itchurch. llis >how “trout and Cï¬ive is opposite Soules’ Bakery where he will be happy to exhibit and (Xplnlll the working of. those implements to all who may desire. Ssuroos Acornnar â€"t)n Monday, the 10th inst., while aman named Ashover, in the employment at Mr Joseph Pratt, on the 2nd con of “’cst York,w:as attending a threshing machine, hi-i leg was caught in the horse power, and badly broken before he could be relieved. Dr Reid skillfully ampuâ€" tated the limb, and we learn that. under his careful and tfï¬cicnt treatment, Ashover is recovering rapidly. UNPLEASANT ACCIDENT.~â€"On Morr- 'day of last week, Mr John Nixon (general caretaker and rnanagcrâ€"iuâ€"chief oi the different specinrtns ofcqulrie race , belonging to or harbored at. the stables in connection with the Palmer House) had the misfortune to run the rib of" an umbrella into his left foot, between the ï¬rst and sccorrd toe. The end of -thc rib was sticking up through the ground, the rcmaiud- 1' being ï¬rmly inr- bcddcd, and when Johnny stabbed his foot against the cnd, it pierced through the boot and pcnctiatcd his foot. The - wound was very painful, and his foot was greatly swollen for a few days, cans ing hiru to restgn for a short time the by post cardâ€"Carried. The meeting their adjourned. School Board Meeting. School Board met on Mar-day afternoon lasr. at 3 pm . in the llrgh School. Present --ll. Match. in the chair, and Mt-ssrs. Patterson, McCallutu, Trench, ltnyle, Tu-fy, Lane, Campbell, Crosby, Duncan. Mirutcsof last meeting read and con- firmed t‘nnrrnunicatinns from Deputy brilrismr uflfducation, stating that the law gives the Hi gh .‘chonl Meeter no power whatever to supervise or otherwise interfere with the Public Schno's. etc. Communication from D Fathertugham. calling the attention of the Trustees to the focusing need for more i‘Cllntrl accouâ€" .rtodation, and an additional teacher iii the P S I)I‘ptllllll€'l|l, etc. From Ihe pupils (f the Iii-ah School, asking lor Easter neck as a vacation. Mr Mann’s account, 5‘6 70. On motion of Mr 'l'cely, seconded by Mr Patterson. was ordered to be. paid. Movcd by Mr 'l'ce-fy, Sicuudcd by Mr Laue. that the prayer ot the [upils be granted. and that this resolution also apply to the Public School department â€"â€"Ca.rr'icd. Moved by Mr lllchllum. Securidrd by Mr Campbell, that the SPCl‘Cltï¬l'V be inâ€" st-ucted to corrcsp: rd with Mr Pothering- barn. asking him to notify the Poard when l he intends to rispcct the Public Schools. as the Board wish to meet with him.~- (‘ar- llt‘d. Moved by Mr Laue. seconded by Mr' Patterson, that the (.‘t rrnrunicutinn from the Deputy Minister, be ordered to lie on on the table until next meeting. The teachers and schrrlws of the Public School Board through the Secretary. called the attention of the Board to their desire of having some part of the fees rccievvd from nor ncsidcnt scholars to be applied to position he had so ably and efï¬ciently occupied for many years. We are p cared to learn that he has since cn- tirely rt covered, and can once more be found attending to the duties of his ofâ€" ï¬ce. At Yorkville on Monday on adjourned magistrates’ Court was lreld.wbcrrWin.L0ng, 'J‘lrorrrhill.was ï¬lled $25 and costs for selling liquor without a license. A case of small-pox has been reported in Yerkville. 'l he paticrit’s name is Mrs. , Wells,res’idlug at No 4 Yonge street. lly irrstracrions of Dr lirddel she was removed I to the small-pox hospital . l Alodge otlhe working men’s Liberal ,‘coniervative union was formed at. Yor-kville on Friday everiirrg,twerrtv~two members being initiated. The meeting was address: ,6] by JJ Evans and other gentlemen in I 11‘.ng speeches. t one or more medals for prizus. Mr Patterson suggested that. the Board individually give the [Il'iZPS to the scholars. The suggestion was currird out by the . Members subscribing one dollar each. Mr Carer-adden addressed the Iloard, (m the advisability of haviuga monitor for the better efficiency of the School. Moved bv Mr Patterson, seconded by Mr vampbell. that having heard the It‘- marke ot the Principal, the matter be left in'lbe hands of Mr Carscadderr.â€"Curricd. On motion the Board ndjr urned. A child. aged eleven months, son of Mr Jas Pirn,'conductor on the North- ern Railway, died very suddenly in Toronto, on Monday last, the result, it is supposed of teething. The little fol- low was, seized with convulsions that afternoon and died within ï¬fteen min- utes thereafter. place to the extent of $40 or 350. must have been burning for two or three hours before attention was attracted, and the only wondcr is that. the who'e csâ€" tablislimcut was not destroyed. GreatI praise is due those who so promptly and ' energetically assisted in putting out the ï¬re. Ill Weston Notes. Again there is talk of starting a Literary Society in the village. Politics are not active as yet, but the pot begins to simmer. TyrrelLthe Conscr , vative candidate, has been prosecuting a persnml canvass in different parts of the lliding. A meeting of Mr Patterâ€" son with his supporters here is looked for before very long. Last Friday tvcning an entertainment of readings. music, etc., was given inl the Methodist. Church, Rev Mr Ferguâ€" son occupying the chair. Mr John McGrcgor, of Toronto, and a number oflocalreaders and Singer's ministered to the enjoyment oi the occasion. The liigh Schoolgirls lately gave a l complimentary supper to the boys of the same institution, as a, return for the sleigh drive got up by the young men aortic time ago Music and readings ‘ by the pupils made a very agreeable enâ€" . tertatunrcnt. It is said thatthe hermit has left the woods in which he resided all winter The Canadian Illustratrd News had a- picture luï¬t wcck pretending to repreâ€" senthlm,bnt "not a bit. like.†He were no flowing gown, and did not carry a long wand. lie was simply a crazy Vagabond. Friday at midnight a ï¬re broke out in the stable of Mr Flynn, shoemaker, and destroyed the building with a woodâ€" shed adjoining, in which were stored a dozen or more cords of sawed and Split wood fr the summer use. in the loft was a large quantity of cut hay, which was also burned. A cow was saved in the nick of time. but a number of fowls perished in the ï¬re. GENERAL NEWS- ON \Vednesdathe 5th inst..n Reform meeting was held in the hathalvet n.'fher-v ware about 200 of the electors present. M r.F.Arrristr on}; was elected to to the chair. Mr.llad.:eroiv.the Reform cairdidritewery eloquently gave a fu.l elaborate defence of the acts of the anat Government. ocupyiug two hours in its delivery. Mr.Rubirrstm not present, the chairman invitr-d any person wishing to represent him to the platform and address the nirt’licrrce.zriir‘l .7llr'.J.Luw respond- ed Mr Sr-vight was called for, who spoke in behalf of Mr Budget‘ow’s candidature, and urged the electors to return a supporter of the present government. Mr Tait follow (1 in the same strain, and in his usual style, '1 he fourth anti last Skating Cami val of the season was held on Thursday the 6th inst, on the Aurora Rink. Al though not so largely attended as former ones it was in every way a success. Quite a number came from a distance; lllclrmond Hill, Newmgprkct and Kettle by being well represented. Madame Italnsl'oid. of Toronto, again visited the village and furnished many with elegant drchcs at. very low rates. many of them being of the richest fabrics. About 8.30, the llichrnoud Hill Baird tirade its appearance, and added greatly to the crjoyrneut. By discr‘urt-ing at short intervals.â€"â€"Lib. Conservative. (‘narrru cs accruiznrs.â€" On Thursday lashthe Gilt inst..Mr.A Flt-my. oi the Markham Four dryvus soverly injured hr a drilling machine weighing nearly a ton lalling,iri der \ihith be got caught. lts striking a drak and beam saved him from being cmrrplttcly crushed Uu Satur- day last,ihe 81h lnsl..lllr..lonua llyer was dangerously injured while on wing in his saw. mill on Lot 33,10Il1 t'urr.Markharn,ucnr boull'ville. it appears that. as he was saw- uithe assistant in taking away a slab allowed its end to be caught with the saw. lwhen it was hurled with great ft)rce.striklrrg Mr Bycriu the chesl,courpletely stunning him. He is lying in a precarious condition. â€"â€"â€"lu nur own villugc,ori Mordav last l‘lllithe twt-ycat old daughter of Mrmrrd rilrs.l)i.1b_v,in attempting to cross the street. to her little l)roth(â€"‘r,thS nccidentallv run (-Vt'l' by a learn and heavy irnr.-ax|e lumber waggornand l'PCé‘lVrtd some verv scwrc bruises on both icgmhe left leg below the knee being most injured. Mr l‘Vidernau. the drivemlid not see the child until after she was picked up by Mr.Murr. Edicis- doing as well as can be cxnctted after so marvellous an escape. Economist. DUNKIN ACT IN YORKâ€"On Wedâ€" nesday of last week a Justice Court for the trial of liquor cases was held at Yorkville. Before Messrs Carr, and Os- wald Foster. The case of \Villiaanong, hotelâ€"keeper, Thornhill, charged by luâ€" spcctur ercclcr with selling liquor on ,lhe 20th and let February, was corn plctctl, butjudgmcnt was reserved till Monday next, Before Messrs Thomas Carr, and Samuel Alcorn the following cases were disposed of.â€"â€"Wallacc Carâ€" son. hotelâ€"keeper, York Mills, pleaded guilty to selling, and was ï¬ned $20 and costs: James Fulton, pcdrar, York Mills also pleaded guilty to selling, and waist flood in a like amount; Richard Lennnx‘ Yorkville, p‘eaded guilty, and was similarly dealt with, as was also Jane Rowe. hotel keeper, Yorkville. The cases against Charles Thom, Joseph French, and Thomas Holmes were t. on t, gone into. The case for the proseou-, tinn rested on their being able to prove that Morry's hitters are intoxicating- After hearing the evidence of Mr John Morrow, of the Inland Revenue Depart.- urent,which went to prove that a sample: *cf the hitters examined by him con-l l alcohol and about 19.06 of proof spirit, the Court ï¬ned each of the defendants, F in f50 and costs. lfthisistbc case. then our late Council 'are very great slurrch indeed, for while 'thcy have spent lots of money in advertis- ingirrthe Globe. aid in taking care of "Tramps." they seem to have thonglt that the Fire Engine. did not need to be kept in repair. being well able to take care oi itself. lt'lhe Fire alarm was sounded some night. I wonder if our village Faih'vs would stand bv will) their arms folded, at d expect the engine to turn out ofits own accord? leallv, sir, laying all jokes aside, this a very serious business for while our Guardians have spent about forty dollars on the Globe and "Trumps" they have not spent one Cent towards perfecting our ï¬re apparatus. and if a. great conflngratinn was to take place, they would be criminaly responsible for their negligence in this matter. It is also [ossihlc that the ex- pense the ratepayers have been put to in proriding water tanks. Was money thrown away. for some of those tanks have no moms (if being filled. in conclusion, 1 would urge upon the lteove m (1 Council. the necessity of utter.- drng to these matters with as little delay as possible, for we. know not what a day may bring flirth,and it is quite possible that "some (‘flhe Council triny"'lre the ï¬rst to suffer from their own carelessness. Yours, etc., AKTI-HlBK. County News A Icr‘ous accident occurred on Yenge- street.’l‘iresdayut'terimo: to a young man turned Williams of Ewliugtou. ‘v’l hile (lli- irrg dowrr‘tlallows lliil"lrc fell over the dashboard, two wheels pasaing‘ over- him. He was removed his lltjtlrlt's were dressed,turd afterwards he was driven home. - The-Primitive Methodist of Aurora presented the wife of thcir pastor, llcv C S W 'lllis, with a valuablcset of dishes and silver spoons, on Thursday evening, 27th ult. This church intends erecting a new brick parsonage this summer- While Mr \Vm Masterman was “skidding†logs in the Ridch a- short time ago,he met. with a painful accident. From some more the horses took flight and started elf, before Masts-ruan had time to escapehc was knocked dowu, and the log drawn upon him, when he received some sevcrc bruises. having his arm broken and shoulder dislocated. â€"Aurua Laberul Conservative. REâ€"BUILDING.â€"-The damages done by the ï¬re at Russell’s iVoolen Factory, Newmarket, last fall are now pretty nearly cï¬aced. The walls have been carried up several feet higher, and a handsome new roof will give an im- proved appearance to the building. The reopening of the Factory will give much needed employment to a large number of hands. â€"â€"-¢>n<â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" EPPS’S COCOAâ€"Gunner. AND Com Ft)l‘.TIl\'G.-â€"“ By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the opera- tinusufdigestiou and nutrition, and by a careful application of the ï¬ne properties of well~sclecred cocoa, Mr. lï¬pps has provided our breakfast tribch with a delicately tlav- ourcd beverage, which may save us. many heavy doctorsY bills. it is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitu- tion may he gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease.. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shall by keeping ourselves well fortiï¬ed with pure blood and properly nourished l'raruc.â€â€"- Civil Service Garza/in Sold only in packets labelled~~ulaiirs l'Ii’Ps do (70.. hotnmopnthlc Chemists, 48. 'l‘ln-uadneedle steet. and 170. l’iccadlllv. London.†W BIRTH. EVANSâ€"At the Hermitage, Richmond .Hill, on Thursdav, llth March. 1879, the Avenue, Toronto, of a daughter. ‘gglrw gtlvcrtiarmmta. whammu The Creditors who have not already ï¬led their CLAIMS AGAINST The listate of Francis Bunt, Arc requested to tile thrmat once with me. The assets are now ready for distribution Thos F Wallace. Sec. 0t Trustees Woodbridge. March 19th. 1879 FARM For Sae â€"____-' c<.â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"- The following property is offered for sale in the ' ' 7 b cases that follow as u so , quence of self Abuse,ns , ‘ . loss of Memory, Univer- ‘ \Bemm Taklnlsul Lnssitude, pain in the The South East quarter of§L0t No 30, in the lat Concessrou of the Township of Vaughan, containing about 30 Acres of Land! All under cultivation, and upon which there is a Dwelling,r House and Barn. at present occupied by one Zeiigman. This lot is in theVillage of ’l‘hornhill. and fronts on Yonge Street. It is about. 11 miles from the City of ,Toronto. 1 "For further particulrrs apply Beatty, Chadwick & Bigger. Barristers, oï¬ice over Bank of Toronto. Tomnto ; W tained from nine to ten per cent of pure "J Cooeer, 25 Exchange Street, TOWN“). 0F‘ F. _J. Chadwick, Estato Agent, Guelph“ to 14 attitudinal:qu TO THE ELECT o R s to a drug storerhcre. wife of L [I Evuuc, Esq M l) , 152 Spaditrul to Messrs, ‘ eel York GEi'TLEMEN,â€"-â€" Ihad the honor of being nominated to contest. thin ltidiug at the next elec- ti-y; for the Ontario Legislature. and I may say that, considering the reckch extravagance of the present. Government in expendingduring the past Five Years, "t Two Million chcn'Tllundrcd and Thirtyâ€"ï¬ve Thousand _ Dollars more than the revenue amounted to, as shown by the annexed ï¬gures. it is time we .liad a change in the management of Provincial a airs. - Pledging myself, if elected, to was every endeavor to largely reduce the expenditure, I respectfully solicit yup vote and influence. Yours trufy. \VILLIAM TYRRELL. 1874 Darren: Expenditurc,...$3,871,500 Reverrue,. 3,440,300. â€"â€".â€",-â€"-- $425,200 1875 , Expenditure,..$3,504,500 Reverrue,....... 3,!59,500 â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€" $445,000 1876 V Expenditure,..$3,140,600 Revenue,......... 2,589,200 â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" $551,400 1977 - r Expenditure...$3,117,400 Revenue. ........ $3,152,000 -»â€"-â€" ' ’ $665,400 1878 Expenditure,...$2,902.400 Revenue.......... 2,254.4th -â€"â€" $643,000 Total excess of expenditure over revenue ...... "82,735,000 AND 1â€"1 a i :- Cutting ! PROF \VRIGH’I‘, late of Toronto, has fitted up u shaving saloon, in the stand formerly occu. pied as c. photogr ah'gullery, (next door south of Brown's Store. and in now prepared to attend to all custorrrem in ï¬rnt class-style, and at reason- able rates. Cull and See , Geo. STEPHENS General 131acksmith. AND HORSE snoun. 0 Hane shoeing done at $1. a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. Place of Businessyust north oi P Crosby, ltsq, Yongc Street, Richmond Hill business you can outgrow In. 35 to $2 per day made by any worker of either sex, right. in their own localities. Par- ticulm‘s and samples worth 35,!1'90' improve your spare time at this business. dress STINBON &Co.. Portland, Maine. MONEY money; _-, fl $20 000. tc loan on Mortgage or real estate at low rate ot interest. Transactions strictly privat- imd conï¬dential, apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. . Mortgages Bought J. K. Falconb'ld go Richmond Hill, 12th December, 1878. w. __â€"___ ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬ ____..__., REFFER, CONTR AC 1 0R AN1‘ 0 BUILDER. Sherwood. 4th Con. Vaughan, Special uttlintinn giveu‘to St air Building. Pimctiial attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. 0. ‘ DR. WM. GRAY'S Speciï¬c Medicine! The Great English Rem ' edy is especially recom- U mended as an unfailing ' cure for Seminal Weak- ness, Sper‘nutorrheu,1m- _ potency, and all dis- _ Aflor sling. Back. Dimness of Vier‘cn, Premature old age. and manyotlrer diseases that loud to sanity or con- sumption. and a premature grave. all of which, as arule, are ï¬rst caused by deviating from the path of nature and over indulgence. _ The speciï¬c Medicine is the result of a. life study and many years of experience in treating these special diseases. Pamphlets free by ml. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold. by all Dru at ?l per package, or six packages for 35, or wil be sent by mail on race pt of the money. by addressing, M GRAY a 00 wlndsor,0nt ES" Fold Everywherï¬. RU PT-U RE. REE by mail. EGAN'S IMPERIAL sultry-to Tunes ; gives immediate relief ; cure: in 4 to 12 weeks. Endorsed by high 'medicnl authority. Tho most valuable surgica. invention of the cen- tury. The secret; of cure is, this truss holds rup- ture durum hardest exercise, and can be won: ' ht und‘duy with great? comlort. Very eh. m Prat. J it. new. Hamilton on