v After the oysters had been partakm of to the satisi'uclinn of all, Dr McCon- nel, President of the Association, took the chair, and opened the meeting by thanking those present for their attend- men. He nomced that Mr BadgL-row, the candidate for the East Riding was pcesmt. Mr Patterson had represent-ed \Vc-st York for eight years very efâ€" ï¬ciently. and he trueth would receive a' renewal of the conï¬dence of the elec â€" tors. The oyster supper held in the Masonic Hall, on Thursday evening: last, by our Reform friends passed 05 very pleasantly and successl'ull).The en- tertainment. was given under the auspices of the West York Reform Asâ€" sociation, in honor of the present mem-i her for the Local. Mr. I‘. Patterson. The hall was well ï¬lled, a fair proporâ€" sion of ladies being present, And the supper, (provided by our Friend Mr Geo Soules) was well gotten up. and heartily enjoyed. The Richmond Hill Band was in attendance, and rendered several good selections. Mr.l’uttersnn,M.PP..on coming forward. was greeted with loud upplntwedle was glad to meet the electors of West Yo:~l<,vht-se lervnnt ho had been for right yeurt-imnd he was now to give an account of his steward ship. During the canvass itt his first con- test he _t('mlt the position lltat if electh he ghould give his adherence to the then leader ofthe Opposition. Hondï¬dl’duke. And under theseritcumstancusthertttepayets had fur- oxed him with their conï¬dence. They would rememlwr that while in ttpposllion the Reform party hnd lttid down as their plat- form certain principles which theytnaintain I ed as against the policv of the Government of John Sandï¬eld Macdmmld. He then proceeded to enumerate and defend tht-se principlethe abolition of dual representa- tion, the settltlment of the Municipal Loan Fund indehtcdnessï¬he distribution of the aurplus,nnd other Hefot tn movements. Shortly after his entry into the Legisla- tive Arsombly a. chat) :8 of front had taken place and Blake had been called upon to tulle the reins of Government in place of Hon!er Mncdonald. Imnn-diutely upon the entry of the new Government they began to carry into effect the reforms which they had so strongly advocated while in opposition. MrBlnkemowevenwus shortly after called to a higher sphere of usefulness by his becoming: a member of the Dominion House, subsequently Elite-ting the Ministry: The reforms not having been all innugurttt- «LIâ€"Ion 0.1llowat was culied to assume the leadershithnd under his Administration all these principles hud been emb died in the laws upon the statute hoo't an this in spite of the fact. that some of the measures intro- duced were most dillicult to deal with. His hearers were aware of the good which had been done in this village by the system the Government had adopted in the distribution ot'the surplus :tlone;and other municipalities of the Provincemotwitl‘standing their many Conflicting intetests.were equally well Satis- ï¬ed. The Opposition were without 15 policy. In one hieth they endeavoured to prove that the Government were extravagant in their policy of distributng the surpluSmtzd in the next they sought to blame them for not, distributing that which was now on haudt(Loud applause.) He ridiculed as being crude and partial the the systeum‘ of salaries teduction which the Opposition had attentp'ed to introduccptnd, as an itistnnceï¬hnwed that under the pit.- posed reduction the salary of the Mintstcr of Education would be $3.500,or $500 lr-ss than was received us it tetiring allowance hy the late Suneri'tt ttdeltl' of Education. (Applauan He felt conï¬dent that shmt consideration chld lend the people to see that. it would be muclt against the llttet‘eats of the country to let the Mowat. Adminis- trmion he supplanted by the present Oppe- sition [Loud applause l The Reform Oyster Supper. Mr.Alfud Mac-dongs†was then called uponmnd in a Ehmt EpN‘('h favoured the candtdanue of Mr.Putlersnn.whum he. highly respected. He was glad to see the penpie of the iOCflilfy take the interests they did in this contestï¬md particu 'ar-ly so to see the indies turn out in such numhers He‘ beiieved Mr Patterson’s speech hnd convinced them uf the correctness of his course in supporting: the present Govern. mentmnd he trusted he wouid do an in the future. [Applause] He spoke to the young men pm-ticularly,nr.d trusted Hwy wnuH exercise their fvnnchise intelligentlv and corscieminusly. He didrnnl see that there was any reusr‘n why the present Gov- ornlnv’lll should not again receive the cou- fldence of the people.(;\pplau3e ) Mr G.W.Rngerow wag then introduced by the chairn.an,:1nd on enmng forward was greeted lilh applause. After noticing \Vllh pleasure Ihe enlhusiumic [one of the large meetiugmf- proceeded IO speak at. some lenglh' upon the issuPs at prose"! b~f0re the C0an rv. He Claide that the policy of ll‘m John Sluidï¬ehl M Acdonald G vernmenl had been to cenlrdsz". pnwer in their 0le hands as much as possible. As am inaluncï¬he memioued the appropriation of $1.500.000 which had been made by them for lhe purpose of aiding railways lhroughnut ll‘H Province. The manner of spendng Ihia wus left [0 he. decided by the LienLâ€"Goverh- or in Councilmu Illa! it lhiyll! he used to flnhaido only those roads which would give Ihwir supper! to fill“ Govmnmom. II. was largelv upon this issue lhm the Adminislr: - tinn had been defeated. He warned them 10 be careful in giving Ctht'lICP tn “hat was claimed hy the Uppositiun unless it was supported by sound reasons. They had gene to the countrtheir only policy being It mere cry of economy “'llwh they could not (3320! even were tlmy in power,und their claims (-siuld ï¬nd supporters only among muse who did not examine closely into tlwir pretensions. He urged upon all the neon-ss- ity of ham-st Pï¬â€˜urt in the coming campaign saying that each one had an influence wh ch he could exert in favour nf good pnd honest Government. They had In good Government. in this Province-,even a more economical Government. than that of Snnï¬eld Macdunuld,whtch he admitted had been economical in the sense of saving money. But he claimed that something more than mere saving was necessary in economy,viz n wise expenditure ; and lhis economy the present Government had effected. Loud applause. Beaolved,-’l‘hat we.theReform electors of ‘he West. Riding of York.desire io avail ourselves of this opportunity of expressing our approval of the couxse pursued by our representativeJir.Peter PallemonJli Pl’., in the pastmnd to assure him of our full con- cnrience in his nomination for another term of oï¬ice,nnd to pledge to him our cordial auppoxt,believing ilth in nominating him the Convention put the“right 'man in the tight place.“ The following resnlutiona were then carried,a['ter which the meeting closed. Moved by I.P.RUPEM,uconded by A.P. Comm, A resolution endorsing the course followed by the Mowat Government, and "pledging ourselves to do our ulmonlamhelelection to «cure' their uiumphm:t return to the posi- ‘ ion now so honourany ï¬lled by them, Moved by WM ’J‘Rncnï¬eéï¬ï¬ichmoud Hilmfcmjdgclby Bun) _Bo)’1.l-:. Boom Papers & Window Blinds LOWEST PRICES FOR GOODS PAINTS AND OILS FURNlTURE 82 GROCERIES! ARRIVINGâ€" TI~IIS W SET-Eli E A COMPLETE STOCK OF Po Go SA WA GE __.AT__ REYNOLDS & NEWTON E NATIONAL NEW Cheap Fm» Casi“ Spring Spring & Summer Fry ï¬coés, PAPER BLINDS !‘ BOOOI‘OHSWaHPaper THE FIRE PROOF HOUSE WOOLEN The Subscrlber will sell the balance of his Stock of Fancy Woolen Goods, at A GOOD A83QRTMENT Dry Goods, Groceries, eta, SEB§®$§W§ FOR THE YORK “ HERALD †A LIVELY, SPICY, LocalPalae ONLY ’ PER YEA-R Richmond Hill, March 20th, 1879 Richmond Hill. March 20111. 1879 THE HOLIDAY SEASON BEING OVER Richmomi Hill, Feb 6th. 1879 0f English, American, and Canadian Manufacture, -â€"heaulifu1 designs. A specialty. Window Glasses of all sizes. The usual Stock of A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT Is Complete. All new Goods and no Old Stock NOW BEING SOLD AT ALWAYS 0N HAND In]? STOCK. : 0F STAPLE AND FANCY 1n the Village. My suppy of IS CARRIED, AND Con stanly on hand; CARRIES THE and under cost REYNOLES & NEWTON IE AAC CROSBY P G SAVAGE .. 1° The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels. and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. I most earnestly appeal to that sense nf justice which 1 ï¬ve] sure I may venture upon asking from all honorable persons. tn amist me, and the Pub- lic, 1:5 fur us may lie in their power, in denounc tug this shameful 1' mud. The Ointmenbia the only relinble remedy for Bad Legs. Old Wounds. Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Dipthnrin, Coughs. Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. Imost respectfully take leave to call the (LCâ€" rentinn of the Public genemllv to the fufc‘, that certain Houses in New York are sending to many parl's of the glnhe Sl‘URIOUS IMITATIONS of my P1118 and Ointment. These frauds beur on their labels some address in New York. Idonot allowmy medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I have no agents there. Mymedicinns are only made by me at 13, Oxford Street. London In the books of directions afï¬xed to the spur- ious make is a‘ cautimmvarniug the Pulflic against being docoix (1 by countm‘feits. Do not be misled bv this audacious trick. as they are the counterâ€" feits they pretend to denounce. Thpse cnuntorfeits are purchased by unprinci- pled Vendors at. onedmlf the yrice of 1nyl‘i115n-nd (‘intmezm and are hold to you as my genuine Medicines HE GREATEST WONDER 0F MODERN TIMES. Em‘h Pot mm BM nf the Genuine Medicines bears the Britiï¬h Government Stump, with the words “HOLLOWAY‘S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, Where alone tbev are Manufactured. Ointrpents beating {my other address are coun- terfelts The Trade Marks of these Medicines are. )‘epis tured in Otmwa. {em-c, any one throughout thp British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for Sale. will be prosecuted Thankful for the favors of the past the years, 1r any still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession, us follows : Richmond Hill .......... 9th dz 24th of each month (at Pulmu‘ House) Aurnrw. lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do New1nm~l£et,.. . ‘ do Stoui‘fville.. . ...... . , do Markham . . . . . . . . , . . . . ’- dc Victoria Square ...... do ’J‘hm‘uhill ...... do Marla . . , , . . . . ‘ . . ‘ [:0 \Vumlbridge ...... u do Kleiulmrg ‘ , , ‘ . . . . . . , . a . do Nubleton do Marla . . , , . . . . ‘ . . ‘ 26111 C: :) \Voodbridge ...... 28th do Kleiulmrg “ h do Nubleton . 0th do Anusthut‘ics, us Nltrous 0x1do. etc., used when erdared, and none but. the best material used Lefroy ................. Hollmul Landing Bond Heud,., All the rest of the time any one who mnv require his servwes will be sure of ï¬nding him at his oflice The Doctor reslmctfnlly solicits: attention to the new process of mum: Teefh with Hard Burnish- ed Gold, By this: bountiful opamtiou, cases otherwise hopuless. mm be off *ctnally trefl‘trzh and the diseased tooth. hmvevr'r much decuycd, "my be completoly built up with Solid Gold, mm, restored to L5 original size, shape and uwfulnessd {W ‘ ‘ v SURGEON DENTIST, has 7 v removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. x: C. Bhwllford’s new shoe store Best minerle teeth inserted in u. manner to suit each patient. P'u‘ticulur attention given to nh'e preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully m'ningg all unnecessary pain. A. W» SPAULDING, Assistant, ‘ V ' and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35> Youge Ynnge street. Yorkvillu ()nL:.r o Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs unrl Chem c LIS, French and English Pcrfnnmry,Englisl’1 andAmericun Putcuï¬ Medicime Horse and (male Medicine, and Drug gist sundnes of every description. Nu risk. Render. if you want 2L business at which persons uf either BOX can make great pay [111 the time they work, write for particulars to H. HALLETT 6; Co , Portland, Maine a week in vour own town. $5 Outï¬t free can make money mater at work for us than at anything else. Guuitul not required; we will start you. $12 per day LLL home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TRUE & 00.. Augusta. Maine. "h ANHOO“, \Vonmnhood. Free. A warning against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore their shattered constitutions, especially if arising from early in disc‘ etinna. Herein lies your only safety ; by a. profeseionul gentleman of rare abilitv. High Canadian press testimonials. Mentix n this paper Send stamp for answer. See advertisement head ed “Rupture.†W. rm“ nvo NEW mm COUNTERFEHS. RAIN TlLE. OF THE BEST QUALITY ‘ AT 13y rendlng :md practicing the incstimablc truths con; mined in the best medical l)qu (vcr issued. mthlcd SI‘ILFâ€"I’IIESERVATION “' l’ricuonlym. bunbymnil " nn rcccim of wine. It treats ofIIxmmstrd \"(nlily, l rcmmurc Doc-line, Nervous and Phyeit-al Dobility, r :1 11m cndlcss concomitant ills rm] untold nnscri llmt result therefrom, andcomuma more Hum 53m‘igiual pro. scri tions. unvono of whidxh worï¬nlm price of the )00k. Thin book was written by the most (-x- tznsiva mud probably the most skilfulmactilionur in xxmcricn, fowhom v. ..s awarded a gold :‘ndjmv- ('llcd mch by 1110 N‘ ional Modich As-ucimion. A l’amphlrt, illllslx‘:‘.t"d with the very ï¬nest Stocl L'ngravirgsâ€"n. mnr- ‘ 1T1 of art and beautyâ€"â€" um rum: to (:11. Send {\r it at once. Addrcsa 1’ uADODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, Lo. 4 Dul-T inch :3... Boston. Mass. 'rlix'rtébYâ€""limbimn INSTITUTE, Lo. 4 Bul- ï¬uch bf... Boston. Mass. 5.33, Oxford Street. London, ' J an 1, 1879 R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS . Opposite Algeo's Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, B LADFORD‘ mum“ ‘ 93 ï¬tiï¬cdmuwxw. . ROBINSON, DISPENSING Dr A ROBINSON, SURGEON DENTIST. ADVICE. BEWARE OF Prof J. Y. EGAN Hamilton Ont, 7man NIGETINGALE'SJ ~M.W‘. cht‘al. c. ADAMR, 1.118., Hollowny’s Pills and 9th of eanh month 26th ‘ do 28th (10 York‘fl In returning thanks to the public for the Liberal Patronage renoived during the past six years, I Would inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and viciui y that will from this day, until April lst, sell my stock of The Stock consists of Men’: Kip Hunts. 91:12:19.1†It Bonfslln'itcrs. Ovpr Flmos, Rubbers. Women“ [“t'h “HMS. Hebblu. CIW SUN. Luce I’I'uuvl. Plunel Gaiters, OVCI' SING-“7 SlilPt-rs and {ubiwr-s. with a genvrnl nstman of Youth-'5 and Misses Luce boots, and Children’s Slipper; As i hzzvu given ~ â€"- â€"â€" 020 Great Bargains in Groceries. Provisions, in Provisions, or Flour and Feed FOR. OBILY! A Very Large Spring Order Book, Stationery and. Foncy Goods Store, Ontaï¬ï¬ Emma Y ALL 0TH“! MSW 0F 39mm KN ECMSTANTLY 0N HAW Bets, Baskets,~ Braids, Brushes, Cards; C‘hromos, Concertinas, Croquet Sets; Collars, Dolls, Drums, Engravings, 0% For COUGHS and COLDS BEST REMEDY IN THE MARKET. Prepared & sold by H Sanderson (Sr, Sons: Feb 6th. 1878 VERY CHEAPLY, RICHMOND HILL, ON'I‘ Opposite P.’ Cresby’s Residence. SC HOOL Richmond Hill, Feb 3711), 1879 Fwy @mwï¬mwwa’g I can not nor will not be undersold CT 1 01‘ i “ Envelopes, Fans‘ I‘icture Frames, Glassware, Gold I’ziper, I{I)iV(‘S,' Pens, Next door to Dewsberry’s Harness shop. TO ELECTORS . I am determined In give the 'z'uh‘nic the beneï¬t of my present stock If you want to buy for Cash and Save Money, give me n t-riul. smflmsr‘wflu ‘ 1 "v1! ‘wisvw'mm )7“??? ":«w OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, llicbmomi Hm MEfl$Em OF LIFE; “ENE “m RE SPE CTFU] 32mm: FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST In use in the I] 1gb and Public. Schools. AT THE OFFICE OF THE AND James Regimen, “mi: “WE AXE} LTERES?’ Conservative Candidate FOR THE LEEFSE. Lï¬ï¬‚lï¬LATURH! RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED’ FOP- AT TIEIE OF THE BELOW THE Hams, Bacon, Lard,&c. Remember J 0 MN . BROWN COST, y u: RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23, G B. 0-â€" Meets in the Lodge Foam, Mason“: Hull, on tho Monday on or before full moon. at is o’cmk, pm- 181L210 Crosby,- W M ' RICHMOND L 0 L. No 718~‘Meets_ {u Tomâ€:- pamncc Hull, on the Friday on or. baton tun moon, MS 1) m J H Squarson, Wï¬i. Rxczmom)‘ mm. I‘m/mm; -No 466,- 1de Taâ€" Meets in the Tmnpemnpeï¬alhevery Wednesday evening, at. 8 o’clock. Wm Harrison, '1‘ D The Methodist Sabbath $610013 Temperance Amociution issue yledge curds every Sunduv When desired. Wm Harrison, Supt MECHANICS INETITUTE.-Li~brmy of over 1000 volumes 0 en every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic} m. from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R E Law, Librarian. Lectures and disgussiuus pcnodicany Duvme ACTâ€"Central Committee meets‘nt ï¬lm can 01 the President in tha Temperance Hall. Dr J N Reid, Thornhill,l’rumdent ; Joan Sanda- sou, Richmond Hill, Sec ' chnmoxn HALL COEÂ¥ET BAKEâ€"Meet! for‘prw‘ (ice every Tuesdny am) Saturday eveng at 7.30 o’clock A E Mortimer, Loadu‘ VILLAGE Cour“ Uz‘ Reeve, Wm Trench : Com; cillxrs, B'Eucnnachy Ben Boddnt, P G hangs, W Puwcn Clams, MTGeï¬'y VifnéstTranANeSexjvices M. 113!) a m, and! 30 p m Prayermeeting on. Thursday evening It '7 30 Rev 1 Cumyhell. pastor Mwruomsrrâ€"erices at 10.39 a m,. and 630 p m szndu) tachool m ‘2 30 y 1;; vaer Lao-"tine every Thursday eveninf), and fluids); School Tmmhern meeting and Wblu Class on ‘idm ca uing, led. by the pastor, Rev Mr McCMlum. Assistant, Rev Mr Howaon : ST MARY'S (EPIEFQPAL.)-â€"Service8,ï¬t 3 pm, o‘- cept the thud "unduy of every month, when the servica and sacrament are held at, H a m Sunday School at 11.30 p 111 Rev B. b‘lmnkh‘n, Rector ROMAN CATHOLle-qu‘viceï¬ : Thom-uhil-l M9 mm and Richmond Hill at 10 30 a‘ m ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thomhiu M 10 30]. m, alternating with Markham everyard Sunday found north at Toroutn. Extervphing is managed in 'Firsn Class Style. Sampla Room for Comma: cial Travellers. Good Stablmg u.)an nttentiyu host-101‘. Terms, per duy. Tun Richmond- Hill 'Bus leaves this} Huuse m; 7.30; m.. - for Tor- onto, ‘aud returnix’xg'leuves Toronto at 3.30 p.111. The Robin Hood HoteL‘ Exc'ellént' accommbdation for the Public. Good stumbling and ‘mttentive hostler. Pmcbor's Bus leaves this Hotel to ponuect with all the N R R Trains going North and. South, at 7.30 a. m, 1 p m 4 15 pm, and 7515p m.‘ THE PALMER HOUSE; ‘ RICHMOND HILL, 3' Pélï¬ior.‘ Prdr; .An excellent Hotel in every rospéci Good unh- lingrmd Intgentive hostlera. Cosgrove _BI"os, 'P‘rbp's. The Pine Grove Hotel 1 PINE GROVE. ONT E E Harris, Prop’ Licensed Auctioneer'for the County of York, Sales attended on the shortest notice, and at- reasonable rates. Address, Nobleton, P O Licensed .mictioneer for the County of York solicits your patronage and frienlly influeuco. Address, Teston, 1’ 0- ‘ Licensed Auctioncr for York County. Ordai- pramptlv attended to. Rates reusnnuble. PM- x'onuge solicited: Addross, K1113. P O L‘icoha‘ed Auctioneur for York’County, uglicitl patronage and friendly/influence. Rates reason- able. Address,Victoriu. 's'quure Licensed Auctioneer for York County. Orders solicited. Muplo Maui Hotel, Bull'ord,0nt HON. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Seuutur, President. George Goodcrham ........... . Vice-l‘reaidont. Dnluscrofls»Smnuel mm, 111)., \Vm. Geodet- ham, Geo. W. Lewis; Thoé: H. L96, Hon. D.‘ L" Mucpliemon‘, Sahator. Licensed Auctioneer fol-the Counties of York, Gutavm and Feel: Sale! prhmptlv attended. GOodi sold on consignment. Unionville, P 0 Liéohsbd-Aucï¬om (of York Patronage soli- cited. limesmadcmle Address Cashol, Licensed Auctioneer for York County. Promvt attention given to sales. Address Elm, P O Capital, $1,000,003; Reserve Fund; $860,006 Total Assets, $3,000,008 ‘ ._._..;./ Savings: Bank? Money recelved on depurjzil. an! Interes’i' payable hul! yearly or compounded. TEES, Attorneys. Snlicitor-s-inâ€"Chuncery, emu. 64 Adelaide street, East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Ferguson, Bain, Coâ€"rdori- a. Shlplovr Barristers, Attameys-ut-Law, Solicltunk'ml Chancery, Conveymwem,etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings, Weliingbou street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN Bun. VVMi SETON GORDON, GEO. F. Sinful! time o: the Royal College of Physici nu London, England. Consultation davaâ€"Moq 5y and Thursday, foronoons. madameâ€"Waste; March 21, 1878â€"6111. subscribe, W†This House is one of thé Best. Hotels‘ (20 b9 I) Rt; SPB our roduevd 101m table. For further information apply at at the omces‘ ‘f the L'omuunv. VJ alter Lee, Manager†gutttmm‘ï¬â€™ MW; y,.. ALFILE‘D Bonn'mm’u EOUIJI‘BEE & EVAT’I‘. BARRlS-' RICHMOND HILL ON 1‘.. Omce§:§o. V770 Chmch street, Toronto. ESTER-N CANADA- 1.0 A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. gm @mflï¬. N0 W . For the Herald BHANCII R. S. 'I‘YRRELL, LYCEN NONE)" ’1'0 LOAN: CEYURC‘XXES Salem‘- Ecka’r’dt, paniel Kinnee, SOCIETIE'S N J Armstrbng,’ Thos Poucher. Samuel Brown Robt Conway, P. 0-. Box 2527. Jas c Stokes “gamma. 333nm; F" Button" Egï¬kguil WM. Won'ra INA-M.