SIR,â€"I noticed in an upstart, wishyâ€" washy, old-woman’eâ€"sortâ€"ofâ€"sheet, pub- lished somewhere in your neighborhood. fan article over the signature of “Sheep,†‘thewriter of which must be a very clever and funny Man It is fortunate for the Pairty, that they have secured such an able and consistant writer to ï¬ght their battles, even if he is a little sheepish in appearance and disposition. Now, sir, as I do not wish to waste your valuable space, by indulging to much in chaff, I will endeavor to take up the points raised by “Sheep,†as they occur in his letter. In the ï¬rst place Mr Sheep insinuates, with very bad taste, that there was a bargain and sale be- tween Mr Patterson and myself; but such is not the case, as any overtures of that kind made to me, would have been rejected with scorn, and might have re. sulted fatally for Mr P‘ as Mr G would have been tempte-l to the use of those bunting proclivities, for which Mr Sheep gives him credit, In the next place, -‘ Mr Sheep tries to make out that the “Reform Banquet†was not a hole and corner atfair, and attempts to prove from lthc‘circulats of invitation sent by the committee, that the invitation was a broad one. In answer to this, it is only necessary to summon these circulars as silent witnesses against the wild asser tions made by, (I was going to say,anâ€"- anâ€"well never mind this time.) and show that the ground on which he stands is extremely treacherous, full of pit falls. These six hundred circulars were ad- dressed to'six hundred clear Grits only. (let'Mr Sheep deny this if he dare.) and they were instructed to bring their ‘Grit neighbors along with them, and the result was, that about. two lmndred responded to these solicitations, thus Vmaking’the afl'air (what bheep would like'to lune us believe.) “A Grand and Brilliant Success.†I venture to assert thatï¬heep could not count one hundred genuine voters of East and West Yo:k théfe’lthat night. The next point that this thick headed sheep tries to make is this, that because your correspondent voted f'or,and supported N C Wallace at the last general clcction, I 31:0 voted and supported the McKenzie Govern- ment, which was the Government of the‘day 'l‘his by all odds is the‘ best point that Sheep has yet made, and if he only keeps developing his talents as a writer, he will be entitled to a “Leather Medal†for his great and invaluable ser- vices in behalf ofthe Pairty of purity and low assessment Yours respectfully by order of the Grits, A GOAT. 7‘0 the Editor of the Herald: GOAT ON THE WAR PATH. Our columns are open to a fair dls- cusslon on all subjects. without pre- udlco' Slurâ€"'1 hope the farmers of the County-of York, will take a little more interest in the doings of their County Council, ifthey did their taxes would be a little ' less, While on that subject they should watch the Equalization «Business and they would ï¬nd that the smaller farmers are the heavier tax "payers. Let them look at the assess- Vments of say, Patterson 81. Bros, Mr Fleury’s, Mr Abell's, then John Mac- Douald's, A Nordheimer’s, Mr Leslie's, Hon. Mr McMaster's and some of the Markham property. If they do this they; will see What assessment means. It simply means that the big man would be‘ let off lightly and the little man pay. Then comes equalization and the little man pays again. 1 hope the small-farmers will watch the assessment of this year‘ certainly the assessors will be watched. Already there is a nice little’ hash cooking in Markham. I see there is another action and damages in consequence of the bad state of the York roads; damages for an up set on Kingston road, and of course, as much more for costs. I see Mr James Brown of Richmond Hill, is complaining: of Yonge street betwecn toll‘gates 4 and 6. Let him come and look at Kingston road, ah, but we have got a bridge over the Don, I wonder Stokes did not put his..,photo at each end. There will be more actions; women and children will get killed on it, no side walk to protect them. I hear that a limb of the law is watching for an accident and of course an action, He says the County of York isgpbd for it. They will go it blind. KINGSTON ROAD. To the Edilor of the Herald. Yong, Farmers and their ' ASSessment, b'o the Editor offlze Herald. Suchâ€"It is now sometime since I have had the pleasure of contributing,r to the columns of the Your: Hunnm, the paper having by some way or other been induce-d to leave this neighborhood for a while. But. alas! for that conï¬dence that has 3 weak humunity for its bulwark. Although the HERALD was supplanted by the Reform ghost of the Woodbudge F766 Press,†yet the very “party†who canceived the politi- cal “scheme†were discomï¬ted on the 17th of September, their high-toned leaders fell or fled before the sword of public justice. And.sir.althouuh,l have no desire to rejoice over the rise or fall of any purty, only so far as the change will conduce to the wel- fare of my country and countryâ€"men. yet. ‘ thelieve,judgtiug from the prospects issuing with the down ot the National Policy.‘ that the electors of West York, have no reason to regretthe vote they gave last Septem- ber, and that they have no desire to reverse that vote at, the coming election. I per- ceive that. Mr Patterson, M P P.. is begin- ning toput his "house in order." Thanks to the HERALD, for without its informntion, I should never have heard ol'that “Reform Oyster Supper, at Richmond Bill, or ofthe niore novel “Reform Social†at Maple- Leaf Hotel in the village of Maple. I say “Novel†because political socials are new things in Nsughan, especially those héld it; thekootns of'an Hotel for the purpose of HURRAH FOR THE YORK HERALD. To the Editor of the Heald. @mmmummmm. March 31, 1879. raising “party funds.†to be expended, per- haps, as an “Anti-Duncan peace-ofl'ering. In glancing over Mr Patterson’s “little speech†at Richmond Bill,1 was somewhat amused at his opening remarks. He pro- fessed to have been the servant of the electors of West York for eight years, and had only now for the ï¬rst-time come before them to give an account of his stewardship --hnppy steward, insensate electors. For eight years Mr Patterson enioyed an un- interrupted lease of oï¬ice, basking in ‘the sunshine of a lteforrn Administration. Perhaps, he felt too self-important to come before his constituents to consult. them as to the course he should pursue in Parlia- ment. For eight years he supported or 0p- posed any measure that came before the House just. has his leaders pulled the ‘wire,’ evirrcing neither independence of thought, power of speech, rtor freeeoru of uctiorr.. During the last session of the legislature, the opposttiotrl under the able leadership of Mr Meredithrnoved to rtduce the salaries of Ministers and Members to curtail the public expenditure and so lighten the but- dens of the tux-payers. Mr Patterson ridi- cules this policy of economy as being “crude and partial,†although he krows quite well. living as he does in urur'nl dis- trict, that the farmers and other classes ofr the people living under the pressure of hard times. are compelled to practice the strictest economy in the management of their private and domestic affairs. and therefore. they will not sanction extrarVn- gance in those "stewards" whom they have entrusted with the management. of their publrc interests. The electors of West York have so for justiï¬ed the policy of the opposition as to deem it expedient to (rpâ€" pose M r Patterson at the next electiorr,they have chosen a candidate in the person of Mr Tyrr‘s‘ll, of Weston, a gentleman who is, in every respect thoroughly qualiï¬ed for the position. This is, indeed. onrnrous enough to prompt our “Modest Steward,†utter eight long years of "silent ease,†to come before the electors to give a glowing account of his stewardship. His "purtv faith†begins to shake, The clouds ho well tnay dread Ate full of terror, and will break, Disastrous on his head “The party.†ah! sir. we have heard but little "eloquence ’ expended on that 'shield and buckler of the past.†During the lust campaign in West Kork, ï¬ve years of Re» form rule at. (lttawu. convinced the liberal and independent electors of the riding that the great Reform Party was being con- verted into a "crib" for politicians. there- fore they votedâ€"not for a partyâ€"hut for a National Policy. Mr Patterson, it is lrue. opposed the National Policv with all his Ining and influence. doing all in his power to deft-at Mr N C Wallace, M R; doing all in his power to defeat the ultimate object of that policy of protection to the farmers of Canada, which in a few short, weeks. has raised the of oats from 30 m 45 cents; pens from 60 to (37 cents; and “heat from 85 cents to ï¬ll per bushel. Thus, he may be snid, to have “bat-ed his arm.†and stood in the “gap†between the people and pros- perityâ€"but his “hour is at. hand.†He may endeavor to buoy himself with an imaginary hope of t'i.-eleclion. b,ttt the spell will soon be broken. A few months hence. and the quiet. untrammelled "ballot" will cruelly disturb his “sweet deinsive dream.’ A GRANGER. Willowbroolt, Match 29th, 1879 found mm: of To onto. Everything is managed in First; Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cinl Travellers. Good Stabliug and attentive hostler. Terms, 551 per day. The Richmond Hill ’Bus leaves this House at 7.30 0.111., for Tor- onto, and returning leaves Toronto at 3.30 p.111. THE PALMER HOUSE, Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stubliug and attentive hustler. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Twins going North thud South, at 7.30 n. m, 1 p m 415 p m, and 7.15 p m. An excellent Hotel in é'y'e'xjy respect Good stub- ling 0.1111 attentive hostlers. ‘ ' RICHMOND HILL, 3' Palmer, Prop PINE GROVE, ONT E E Harris, Prop The Pine Grove Hotel ! The Robin Hood Hotel, Cosgrove Bros, Prop’s Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, Sales attended on the shortest notice_ and at reasonable rates. Address, Noblcbon, P 0 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Address, Tostun,1’ O Licensed Auctioner for York County. Ordes promptly attended to. Rates reasonable. l’ut- ronngo solicited. Address, King. P 0 Licensed Auctioneer for York County, solicits patronage and hiondlyinfluence. Rates reason- able. Address,Vicboriu. Square Licensed Auctioneer for York County. Orders solicited, Maple Leaf Hotel, Belford,0nt Licensed Auctioneer for York Patronage soli- cited. Rates moderate Address Cnshel, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York, Ontario and Peel. Sales promptly attended. Goods sold on consignment. Unionville, P 0 Licensed Auctioneer for York County. Prompt attention given to sales. Address Elia, P O )- BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Special mtthntion given to Stair Building. Punctunl attention will be given to all orders. Add! ess Maple P. O. Subscribe, NUW. REE by mail. EGAN'S IMPERIAL SAFETY-PAD TRUBS ; gives immediate relief ; cures iv 4 to 1'2 weeks. lndorsed by high medical authority The most valuable surgical invention of the cenâ€" tury. The secret of cure is, this truss holds rup- ture during hardest exercise, and can be worn night lad dg‘yyit‘h‘geat comfort. Very Aiken? nu nu "fluuL-.. KEFFER, CONTRACTOR ANl I BUILDER. Sherwood. 41.11 Con. Vaughan This House is one of the Best; Hqtels -to b9 gmwflimmw’ mm. RICHMOND HILL ONT. 3339121 (mm. For the Herald :d any with set comfort“ Very chap ,~ from} .IGAN, Hamilton - Salem Eckardt, Samuel Brown Thos Poucher, N J Armstrong, Daniel Kinnee, Robt Conway, RUPTURE. Jas O Stokes F Button Slewald,†ease,†[0 a glowing All kinds of'Field and Garden Seeds selected from the Best Growers and Importers in the Dominion. r Cheap Flour and. Feed, Lard, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, In fact everything you want, you can get Cheap .Goods and. No Humbug! HEAT WWW IN BEETS MIR WES! Cheap Groceries and ProVisions! G0 ODS BELIVERED “fimathy ï¬eeï¬ CHEAP FOR CASH, re a W V 7°“ ‘ “ § . pa mg? ï¬ning Q Mourning Goods 3, Specialty I Gan be seem at the Fire Pmaf Sim EREBHBEES, EMEQE Onmm 0mg Bleached and Unbleached Canadian Cottons, Prints, Ducks. Drills, Slxirtiugs, ll‘ickings, etc, etc, etc. Staple and Fancy v ‘ ' EVEEY BEPARTB‘IENT COMPLETE Boom Myers 61; Windw minds NMWML LOWEST PRICES FOR. GOOBS The Tweed De pzu'tme-nt was never before stocked with such Nice and Cheap Goods. '1 he Slack is so large and gnod that our customers have some difï¬culty in making their selectiosn. Come and leave your orders early, before the Tailors me too buny PAENTS AND GELS FURNITURE & GROCERIES YORK “HERAW’ @Eamagg yaw ï¬améa i a LWEW, SPIGY, ' » 7 a @w ONLY $1 PER YEA-R Richmond Hill, Na." 3‘s?†Richmond Hill, Feb 6th. 187.9 Richmon 4:] Hill, March Am J Brown’s. All kinds of Farm Produce taken at- Market Prices. A specialty. Window Glasses of all sizos. The usual Stock of Cheaper' Than Ever: DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. N EW’ GQODS E Is Complete. All new Goods and no Old Stock Call on Pete before buying elsewhere. ALWAYS 0N HAND A FRESH SUPPLY OF 1n the Village. Constanly on hand; IS CARRIED, AND CARRIES THE 1879 EH, EEBBWEE, 813., $151.: ES AAC My suppy of J 0 EN BROWN P G SAVAGE CRGSBY ym ' HE GREATEST WONDER 0F MODERN TIME S. The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Femul 9. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores ztlld Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptherlu. Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. I most respectfully take leave to call the at,- beution of the Public generally to the fucf, that certain E 011595 in New York are sending to man park; of 11m globe SPU {IOUS IMI'l‘ATIONS of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some uddress in New York. I doth allow my nmdicine to be sold in {my part, of the United States. I have no agents than. My medicines are only made by me at , Oxford Street. London In the books of directions afï¬xed to the spur- ious mnkeis n cmltim‘..wurning the Public against being deceived by cmmterfeits. Do not be misled hv " s audacious trick. as they are Lhccounter- feit.’ Lacy pretend to denounce. Those counterfeits are purchased by unprinciâ€" plea Vendors at oneâ€"half the price of my‘rillsnnd Ointment, and are Gold. to you as my genuine Medicines I 1N0va earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking from all honorable persons, to assist me, and the Pub- lic, us fur as may lie in their power, in denounc fug this shzuneful 3: mud. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stampnvith the words “ HOLLUWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMEIT Lounox," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 53;, OXFORD STREET, LONDOX, where 8.10110 they are Manufactured. Ointments bearing any other add terfeits The Trade Marks of these Medicines are regis tered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counten‘uits for sale, will be prosecuted 553, Oxford Street. London, J an; 1, 1870 Thankful for the favors of the past the years, n’ ay still be consulted in [my brunch of the pro- fession, us followis: Richmond Hill... . 9th & 24th of each month (:Lb Puhnrr House) Aumm, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmm‘ket, . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . 2nd do Stoui‘fvillc,. . ...... ,18th do Mm‘kluun . . . _ . . . ‘ . ‘ . . 20th do Victoria Square ...... .11“: do ’l‘hornhill . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . .23rd. do anlo . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . .26th do \Voodbridge . .%t11 do Kleinburg “ 291211 do Nobleton .. .. ‘‘‘‘‘ 30th do Aunsthetics, as Nytroqs Oxide, etc., used when ordered, and none but me best material used Lnfroy .............. 9th of curb month- Hblland Lémdhx , 26th do Buud Head .......... 28th do All the rest; of the time (my one who may require his services will be sure of ï¬nding him at his ofï¬ce The Doctor respectfully solicit-s attention to the new process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burnish- etl Gold, By this beautiful operation, cases otherwise hopeless, can be effectulelV trenteh‘ mud the diseased tooth, however much'decuyed, may be completely built up With Solid Gold, and, restored to its original size, Shape and usefulnessd I ““‘§‘V% V ‘ - SURGEON DENTIST, haé HYPE-t removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. d: C. Blachfnrd’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit each patient. P'u‘tieulm‘ attention given to the preservation and regulution 01' the natural teeth, our fully Iwoing all unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. A’ssismnn V ' and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 85 Yongo Yonge street. Yorkvillo. Ontario. Importer and. dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and' English Perfumery, English and American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, und‘rDrug- gist sundxies 01' every description. in your own town. 55 Outï¬t free I‘mu‘u 1', if 3 on want {L business at which pch‘rms of Luther sex can make grunt vuy ml the ('imc they work, write f(>1‘_1)u1‘£iculurs to 11.. IiALLL‘mT (v. (20., Portland, can make money luster at work for us than at anything else. Cavital not. required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Mon, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address T111719 d: 00.. Augusta. Maine. ANHOOT‘, Womanhood. Free. A warning against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) nmy restore their shattered constitutions, especially if arising from early in disc‘etions. Herein lies your only safety; by 0. professional gentleman of rare ability. High Canadian press testimonials. Mention this paper Send stump for answer. See advertisement head ed “Rupture.†W. BEWARE OF NEW YGRK COUNTERFEITS. By reading and practmng flue inestimablc truths con- tained in the best medical book ever issued, cntillod SELFâ€"PRESERVATION F Price only $1. Sent by mail on receipt of price. It. treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline, Nervous and l’hysiml Debility, and the endless concnmiwut ills and untold m‘ cries (hat rcsult‘, therefrom, and conï¬ning more “ran 50 original pre; scriptions, any our) of which is Worth llic price of the book. This book was written by (lie most ex- icnsive and probably the. most slcill‘el practitioner in America, to Whom was awardc d :x gold umljcvh cllcrl medal, by (he Nalional Medical Aswcimion. A Pamphlet, illustratcd with llic very ï¬nest. Steel Lngravinggâ€"n mar- vel of art nnd beautyâ€"- sent 112213 to all. Send far it nt once. Address I’EADODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, IN 0. 4 DUI-Y s E (incl: at». 13051011. Mass. MODERN TIMES R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD RAIN TILE, OF THE. BEST quarry .33“ mimuuuwuï¬. S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING ADVICE. Dr A ROBINSON, SURGon DENTIST, Prof J , Y. EGAN Hamilton Ont. T1105. NIGHIDIGALE'SJ genial. c. ADAMS, L.D.S., Hollown.y’s Pills r’s Pills F‘Ml s are coun- 1 our: ARRIVING- THIS WEEK 3‘ A COMPLETE STOCK 0F - 3 Spring Spring » ,5; Summer ry Goods; REYNOLDS & NEWTON E: PAPER BLINDS 24' BOOOI‘OEESWaHPaper“ Book, Stationery and Fancy Goods Store, ALL GTflhR KINDS (PF BNBKS KPT ECMSTMTLY 0! HAND Belts, Baskets, Braids, Brushes, Cards. Chromos. Concertinas, Croquet. Sets, Collars, Dolls, Drums, Engravings; BEST REMEDY IN THE MARKET. Prepared, 8; sold by H Sanderson 8v 801:6, Comer Yonge and Centre Street, East, Richmond Hilf Feb 6111. 1878 For COUGE and. COLDS East Ridng of York! VERY FLY, Opposite P. Cï¬esby’é Rat-sidericlu-iae @gggwgwwma’s Richmond Hill, March 20th, 1879 SCHOOL BOOKS Envelopes, Fans‘ Picture Frames Glassware. Gold Paper, Knives, Pens, Next door to Dewsberry’s Harness shop, TO THE ELECTORS of English, American, and Canadian Manufacture, ~beautiful designs. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTE BALSAM OF LIFE; A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON COST AT THE OFFICE OF '1‘1'11 In use in the [ilgh and‘Public Schoolsl “BUR VM‘E AND, HTEREST THE Conservative Candidate FOR THE MEL LEEESLATEIEE ! James Rabinsom IN $900135. : RICHMOND HILL, ONT RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED POI; 0F '17 BE REYNOLDS 65 NE WTON AT