Where to Buy-‘9 Thgï¬evqf om- subzcribers living in thi§ rsighbé hind negd not goips‘im Richmond .HIH fur Luau"! ,Hu'rgjuiï¬s in a“ kilde of Du“ Gnnris. ULOktt’yifeS. el " flaw?“ Be f'vund 0n. referring In our {NW Using columns ' The {0110\nng gate the .mrmea of “law who (,flH“ goud inducepenls 'o‘xpuryba’bels in ‘bis “L‘ek’s Lane . W ‘ : ISAAC CROSBYâ€"DryGomds,Gt9Qer7es, Hm-dwafe.'G‘Iasssmrevt rockeuy, été“Splen- did upck of new Spring Goods; cheaper than ever Go and s‘eelfor yourself ' ' prising ï¬rm deal in all lines blind 1n ‘3 well stocked general store “Every dbpan- mam. well selected, and all Spring and Summer Goods selling at bottom prices. This is afact. try and ï¬nd out. Beautiful designs in wall paper ' " JOHN BROWN,-â€"- Seniug All kinds 61" Boot! and Shoes, very cheap. All kinds (J’seedg -n large Sprieg .Stock. “.Give hi'ni‘a caâ€. and you win never regret it. Brown sells cheap, and alu'uys gives good imbibe-don. Groceries :md PlOViRiO'II cheaper lhan the cheapest. ’ ‘ .- RGSavage; Low prices and good 'I't'O'ck. Gro’cer‘iesfrmiï¬ons.Flour Foed etc.‘ ' Lurgesmck- ot’wull'paper. Paints Ind oils a specialty. “ HSIVERS.â€" Whether vou wan't.» really ï¬ne pair of boots ur not just (lH-H' in and !P‘ (be large and handsmne ussm'unmll M" It‘dlvé‘lfl has laid in. Yuu (lam lunch" ask or ivi'sh for any slyle tlmt he mm 1102' prc; duce. Will be'sbld cheap for cash! , H SABDEHSON & SUNSâ€"Kw!) or hund'u sunerior stock oflvmedi’cines 51nd Hi‘ug's‘aud prepar? palcnled medicines'whicl) have been thoroughly les'ed; and found to be rehuble and sure remedies. ‘ ' G STEP“ENSâ€"Blacksmith, shoéshorses M $1 a sell, cash, and {hwy cents for ro- moves. Excellent wmkmunship Try him, and. your lelOlJléG is assured. / 1:163:10sz LODGE, A. F & A M, No 27!. G 1!. (J- Mcctm‘ in the Lodge Foam, Masonic Hall, on {be Monday on or lwfure full moon, at 8 o'clock, pm Isaac Crosby, w 1‘1 ‘. Rwy-Mann L O L. Nu 778~Meéts in thd fem- pqmuca Hall. on the Friday Q1) ‘m' bafom full mo‘qn, MS 1» m 'J H Sundeyson‘} W M. " ' ernmoxn HILL TEMPLE, “0 4&3, I O G k Moots in the Tcmperance Hallpvery weanede eyenmgz' M: 8 o'clock.» Wm Harrison, T 1) - ET'MLR’E'E(1511315603931;.)â€"â€"St-r\'icus M, 3 p m. 9» .csln,the._t"li1'd Sunday of every month, when t .9 i ‘vicuimd aam’uuzen." are bold utJ~1:_1_im Sunda} 101111711350 1) m Rev‘R Shy injlï¬ector MECHANIQZ‘; INsTn‘UTL. Libfury of 0Ver 1000 volumes ppen, evgry‘fl‘uesdng evening, in the liu‘lop‘ic Hull; from' 7 to .8 V{)‘clu'ck. R E Law, bib’r'a'rmu, .chtlures my} discussions periodicun's DUNKIN ACTâ€"Centla} Commitfec meets: at the anl ofï¬ht1 Proeident in, the Tf-mpormlce Hall, DrJ Nfueid’, 'l‘hornbill,Prusident ; John Sunder I011, Richmond Hill, Sec ‘-._ .- ‘ {The Methodist :Slrblmth School» Tempernnce‘ Assoc‘intiou issue pledge: cunlwgaxer-y Sunday when deiircd. W m Harrison, Suyt «Masts for prria 29y evening at 7:30 nee gsze‘r :‘I‘ue: o‘cldï¬lyï¬ogx MHTHmnaT~Rer cés at 10.31) a m, um} Q30 1) m Burgh 512110911†'3 50 I! m .l’ruyrr Luch :1 ovary Thur Ly cvumug, and SuxleJy School "ranchers mastmz a‘ 3 mm? ()1 a on Fliduv eV \nina, led bv the 1m vrl, my Mr Callum. As, mm, Rev Miguwmu u. . ‘ _ _ H VizeAé-E Commit} léeeve,“ {m Trench; (Ymm eili(n‘s,.Maccnm:hy n Ru‘ugitt, 1’ U Smugc, w I’m 11 muggy-Testy ' : CIiLf‘I-icï¬lc Bellamw, Muss. _l"a1iconbridgc AND ‘ HOYLES, . Jug Bethune Q C 2" "W Hoyws, l Pxi'vas‘HYTimLm Services at 11:50 a m. undï¬ 30 pm l’myermeming on Thursday ovcnipg M 730’ Re'v I Lunpr ! H .â€" v Rat-{AN CATHOLIC» Swvim-s : Thomhifl ut'ï¬ n, m um Ii hmrmq Hill at“) 17.0 nunâ€; :ï¬â€˜ué {Snowing gimd'w it Richmond Hill 1L: 'mn, nu lv‘l‘hunmin M, 10 go a m, alternating with Markham every 3rd .Sundny . ' ' I I ‘I‘I‘ERS, Attnmew, Solicitors»ill-Chancery, etc†6‘: Ademme street .‘iuut, (Oppositu the Court House), Toronto. - . HARRIS"; ERS,‘ ($10 ’YEEK HEEELE {EFFIEF l8 ‘1'. 26 King Street,'West, Toronto. J):sz ' . Attot‘nv) Sollc‘iurs Chauc- ry, C. ‘13»)n1vuu. ,eru. u â€"1mpcriul Bunk Buildlugs, \\ 01111151011 street. '1‘, THnMAs anavsox, Q.C. .7 WM. ELTON Gonnox, 01m BAIL. . F. SHII’LEY Licensed Aucï¬cnuurfor the County of York, 'ï¬ulns n‘t‘ondcd on the shortest nouue, and at reasonable nukes. Address, Noblcton, P 0 IIiicensefl‘.Kuctiouecrvfor the County M York :7: , ‘:. ‘Jmn‘ putmngu and fg'icndly' iuflunuzc. Address, chtnL, 1’ 0 'IA'uutioner fr“: York Gummy. 011ch itexidqd Lu. Rates reasonable. Put pitcd. Addre ‘3, King. 1‘ O IIJCOE lAuciiqnecr for York l’mh‘énuge wli (med. Rates mm) wto Address Cushel,‘ Fr zuson, Bain, Gordon J: Shipley, Licentéd Auctioneer 1'01'Ytrrk (Jammy. Order‘s noncited. Maple Leaf How}, limiuxd,1mt LA W CONCERNI..\’G NEWSPAPERS OPPOSITE P Grosby’s Reeldenee, I, I m Wliu takes n papcrméularly fl‘oil 1. pp“ g , whu-Uusr directed in his name or number's, or “mum be has subscribed or not, in responsible for payment. " I». 2113. Eris lime dééidcd thatrefusing f0 mks intnptpc‘s or periodi- I: from the post biï¬i‘o,‘ ‘9:- nmuung land lcnvxhg than uncalled Er. in twin“ Kai. "idem. 1;: intent’mml bani. ’1.’ In. person rc‘ders his pnper dierontinued he 'y n11 mm . ‘, or the pubhs‘uers may cun- " ï¬end AL 111an yuymunt is made, and 1.11 1 mr W54 'numnzt. whyflw the page; Ls iv.) WE“ ‘ 'Hu'mm m};st 510111 the mum _.L g. REYNOLDS a: NEWTONâ€"This éntef‘ ALFRED BOUL'rm-tn SEOULTBEE & EVA'I‘T. BARRJS- Wage . ir'mm'jry NORTH OF SCG'I'EAND CHAZIBERS, GOOD BARGAIN3 S()Cl 113T [Eb N J Armstrong, P. 0. Box 2527. Daniel Kinnee, ‘J as ‘3 Stokes misgai. F -Euttoh C Moss, W C Fulcambridge \V B'Lrwick, A ))A_\Yicbwm-Lh WM. Wonwt.’ Ev \ICH MOND HILL '; "ONT 'I‘ï¬URSDAY. APRIL 24, 1879 ~-'-The-"electiou for the Low] House ml] ' be held on the 5th of June and but a comparatively short time is allowed for ,earncst..u,nd thorough work. In the l three York, the conservatives havcl‘ Brought ‘out'good men, against whonn their opponents can make no headaway. True,theyl can slander and ubnse them personallyï¬as seems to be the only object ot'Isome those \vho'oppose hinTyrrell; but ruch dishonorable Hand uncreditahle tactics always redoqu to the disadvun tnge'of those whofresort to t,hem,and the electiondn West York will prove that‘ic isvunor exception to the rule; Thrre is every indication that the three Yon-ks “ill again be swept‘bylhe reulehumpiOn-s "bflLiber-tyhni.Progress. '1 he men of l York only need to vote for an economi- l cal and efï¬cient Administration, and the lresultlvrill Show that their judgemvnt' was sound, It is i'rfquently said by some advocates of the Mowut Govern; ment, thugs’ull the Conservatives Promise is a little‘economyï¬nd that they have I qutrxttextoli their side eapoble of govern- 1 ing t'he“‘counlry. Such assertions hardly need any mfg- t:1ti0r,or are wor’l'lig} of" uoï¬Ã©Ã©. is a“ veryï¬well g9 condemn men unheard; but adult is L0 argument, and if ‘it were as true as it is f'ulaeLiL would not Bé suï¬i- cient reason why the ‘MOWut ’A’dmiiï¬s- (35611651 by a E'cetiaud 'Yénrd detecting“ named-Edwin Butler, who traced, guy and anreslcd him... ,He wzlsmorking‘for Mia‘rfurtï¬Ã©rï¬nilridiéay Dunn. fle ï¬deteéï¬â€™izé’ “win-inks. min haska England; ,e {when shou'd be allowed to .rgin the Province. We do not suppose that such ,is ghelimeglion oflhe quemment, but. tlie‘ fab: is still {he-same that they are ‘b‘lundering dcéper‘ .and decperr into ex- travagance and debt,whieh wxll soon be heavily n‘nddi‘rquly felpby, the electors un less a “right ubouL"is immediately made. '1‘ 51c action of the CohTseï¬v‘a-Iives» dur- ing the last session clearly eyiuces their determination to alvocage, upldd and carry iu'ltoilexcc'utinn their poiicy of henchment and reform. There is“ (V) need to go into ï¬gures to show' that the Government is ektmvagnnt, and that we are getting into debt; iForm‘nutelyï¬, Sandï¬eld Mucdenald ' left “aï¬himldsenie‘ surplus, which has been drawn ‘upon t9 the extent of 82:08am}, and litheref'cgr; the peel e do not yet, feel ‘tlie hnrdren which is fast piling up on theiij shoulders The expenditure of the Province has exceeded the gevenue For: t: v past four years as rbziéwéiâ€"w, 5 ,; $441029; ’76, $551,403; ’77 ->d65,335 leaving these sums as actual deï¬cits, and yet knowing tliuginlle Province was not paying running' egpeLnses the Gov-7 ernment have increaeedi'the annual ex- penditure from $1,816,867 in ’71, to $3,117,414 Max:771, We gsk the men of York on which sid» tl‘cy intend to be foundâ€"Whether 07: than of economy, and good Govern- ment,0ur resource; husbnudediaur‘expen- diturcs l‘cstricted,and the Province in u p: osperous and fluul‘irliizig condition,â€" Cir \ilicthcr-tliey wish a repetitimi of the extravagance; and blunders, offbe, past ,. : ,VV - ' n iour ycu‘.»5,, inculloimlg Govgrnment do not admit; [lint they are in 'n‘rror. They do not pronnse any ufmm or rumegi'y‘. Let ‘tbc ‘elgqlors; then, put iheir‘t'ru’st in those who have shown their willingness to do all In their power in bettcv the cundilio‘n‘ of public affairs; and we f‘ecl assured‘they will no. be dis- uppomtcd. PARTY WITH A VENGEANCE.â€" Some 01" the Refolmers in this village. ure :ieicrmimd that the HERALD ofï¬ce must be crushed out, and on every posâ€" ‘sibla occasion they exertgthcmselves .to {prevent us havirig ï¬ziir play. At a regéut. meeting 0:" the‘ Mechanics’ Institute Committee, the Grits voted snlid'to give the printing: to the Liberal.â€"refnsing :3 iet it. go by tender or give half, .to each (-l’dce. \Ve are aware, of course, that many. ltci'ormcrs are quite averse to such tactics, but then: are some in the \‘iiluge who Consider them very clever- When they happen to be in the minority, of course, the}: thrget all abput __such muttels, ‘nï¬d go in Tor tendering. "The ')onservat,ives are honored by. the com bï¬rishn. ' ' " ' "Il‘éri‘afnfiâ€" On‘Mondz’n'y laét, a mat) named Thus R. Shelton was arrested at. ‘lmbmuke, on a charge of forgery“ It appears that he had been. a clerk in ‘u’ post-olï¬ce In Ledbury, coquy of Here-â€" loyd, England; kind, it’ is allcgpd, forng unbncy orders to the extent of £60. He cl’gthe country and was followed Mrl‘lassie, agricultm'vl implements manufactureâ€Ncyycixstlefllas written a letter siy‘iï¬ré; ‘the NJiwin effect a_ lo’ss- to his ï¬rm‘ M" 640000 a? y‘ear;and M r. John ~1‘I'ig'gul‘i: ~of‘7 Brampton†anoi her ii:.nri1‘xi‘;i' ugh-if {v‘ "Well' pleased, and '1 21¢ the duty: has ,0 per Cantliu'séézi'd' T H E HERALD. Only One Dollar a Year Where Are You ? AD‘.’F12"‘1 ; .31 . ' P“ u un'Jnï¬ The fleeting on Friday twen- . ing- .......â€"-. I The first grand political meeting of the. campaign takes place to-morrow evening, and' will doubtlessrbring toâ€"- gether a very [large audience. his not intended to be a one-sided meeting. Every one is invited to attend, no matâ€" ter what opinions they may hold on political"Questionst Some of the most able brilliant speakers on both sides will, We are informed, be present. The leadtr of the-Opposition, MrMeredith, of London, will make an able review of the shortcomings of the Mowat ‘Aduiinistrn- tion, and, as it is doubtful whether this gentleman cankutteud any other meetâ€"- irgs in the county, those who wish to hear him should avail themselves olathis opportunity. v Messrs Morris, ex- LLieutenant-Gov of ‘Maniaoba, will adâ€" dress the meeling, as will also Messrs Scott, Fey, Robinson. Tyrrell, and ;Murphy. It is expected that. some of the leading men of the Rye-form Party» in the Local House will be present,†'rso,L all the better. The audience will‘ then hear whatthe,ablestwdetknders l the Mowut government have to say, and ifthey cannot succsssfully refute the statements of their opponents, and conâ€" lvince their hearers that their assertions are founded on facts, and that the Gorâ€" ernnlent, whose cause they are adtoca- ting, is an economical, tï¬ieient and ‘ capable one, then there is no hope for it. That they can do so,we vely much doubt. The farmers are now becoming as well posted in political matters as many of those .who undertake to inâ€" l struck or hoodwink them, and there are very few who do not know that it is I simply impossible to show or prove that we could not have a better Government than that which we now possess. Let “every elector turn out to this meeting, and judge for'himself wh’etlierrthe'so facts .are not beyond refutation. There_ was but very little commotion or excitement produced by thé votg being takeu 0n the repeal of the Dhnk‘i'n Act Jestertglay. A stranger from anoth'er Coun'ty passing through would hardly [have been aware of the fact that a struggle for victory was ‘ta‘king, place betwecn’two great bodies of o’la‘sses of the people. The rousing, Stirling. old.â€"’ Iii-Inc elections have forever passed awaf; with ï¬le introduc‘iion of tlié ballot, apd 't'likezclosing of li'otels on Polling dziif. Tli‘er'éï¬ï¬n‘ be no doubt but lliat thoï¬e whoV_§.thd_5esterglay, in this neighborâ€" lxooidjiat least, did so in their sober .senses, and ivere not under the influenc'i; Ofliquoxi‘,‘u*=,i to a certain extent, many used to be on former elections for d3}- _f'e_rcnt purposes., Voting on the Bapeal of- the ' Dunkini Act. The Ontario elcclinns are to be heid even sooner than was generally suppnsvd. The Globe Hnnoucus llmi the nominations are llp'luke place 11 1'29 2911;.0f ‘May and the ele‘mions on the m of June. Majm-ilies against the petitionzâ€"Bcg'arz. lqwn,.20: Bloomiuzton. 10; Klein!)erg;‘13; ï¬cbmnbeljg, 4: Pine Orchard, 17; Pin-i;- dul'ef‘Z; toml. 6G. liecapimlmion:â€"Toml mnjnrity for the petition, 960; tulal Inuit):in against the pelilion. 65), leaving 3 ,mujol‘iyy for the u- penl 0f894. ' ‘ 'J‘hgxlh'ail putsllhe majority for the Icpenl at 1029. I lm'w' ’01:x ELEC’I‘]0N.â€"â€"An er-‘husinstic nu v1. »; of due {ï¬ends of MLJumk-s [behin- son,lhe liberal-Consex'vmive candian for 1119.7 Local lmgisluturerwas he‘.d in llle Tem- perance Hull,Kingstou Roude‘xiday' night. The; meg-ling was addressed.on behalf of MERnMns'on ,bV 'Me'ssxs. Morton, Evans Brooks aI'IdA-Mee‘kms weli us by the nominee MessrrJMain and McGregn ' advccated 1ij the intej‘esm of lho Reiorm candida“). There was a iarge nllenvlnnce of elec "s, mud 1116 Speaking continued until h:-H'â€"pasl eleven b’clnck;hi~enking up at lhul hour with cheexs (or the Qgeeu {and Mrliobinson The resuli of the votes was a mnjoritg for the xepeul. The returns by majnriliï¬ ure as followszâ€"accurdmg to the Glébc._ Majorilies for the petiliunzâ€"Newmal'ket. 99; Hullund Landing, 5!; Aurora, 57; Queenswlh. 25; Sharon. 62 Glonvilie, 10; Kuswick. 30; Slouï¬'ville, 4; BIIHHCViIIC, 50: Kellleby. 24; Luydtown, 16; Sutton. 104; Noth Gwil'limhuz'y, 103: Franklin, :15; Whilerosq‘ 30; Wvï¬lon, 46; Woodbnd'n. 75; Vï¬ichmond Hill. 3; Thornhiâ€, 33; Yorkv‘lle. 69; Markham Township, 24; total, A30. 7 Mr James Young. of Galrt, will con- test North Brunt, in the Reform interest for Local Assembly. Severhliof lhe' gr'und juries Fave been“. asked by lhcjudges Io give their opinion in régaid IO lli'e .i'Hinction of lhe number of grand juiors. They ale ummimous in “1118 opinion mm the reduction will be an admin- xage. Some of them go so far as to say that it would be an wicuntage ii the grimd jur‘y ‘were abolished} altogeiher. This Opin- ion is gaining ground. ' I SHOOCUSG AcmnENLâ€"Good Friday morning a number o'ï¬yonths of all sizes were-sining on the’hillside 50ml) of‘M‘aIk haul village One ofthe number hac‘ a reâ€" vol‘v‘erï¬nd the lads were ,liiindling it. Finally lief/tie Fleury got hold of it and Was pointing it around at nothing in par- Licnlmgwhen it went off. ‘ The bullet 'j'li'gllfiowly inisséd ' .Geoig, :/ Cté’x’i’v'k head and hip Garret Barri; jr‘ui'n lhe thigh, atrï¬lung the bone and, glancing down wards. Drs. Robinson and . Doherty attended the lad,but were unable to ï¬nd the bullet, This should be :1’ Warning to boysâ€"and ftn.en,£oo,f’oi' tliat_ matter“â€" in the handling of ï¬rearms, but we do not suppose it will be. They have been warned time after time about this same carelessness,and s'ill neatly every paper “you'piclg;up‘eontuins..one or. nigi‘c notiï¬es" oi'ju~;: :uch accideix’fr. ’ Friday Even- LOCAL NE} ’S.-â€";Wg' shall happy to receive at; all (lines, from miy.»p§rt of the County, Yféms 6f LpéalgNewae-fsu'ch as acci- dents, orï¬ny imefesï¬xfg'glncidgng whatever; from an"‘of oï¬r ï¬ubï¬gï¬bers or‘rb'uders gen- erullyt‘ï¬): lhe; ' pose of publication. He‘i-ald Book Store. Dewshélry’s Block For sale 10.cg‘lnltiandl 5‘.9em music. Almanacs for sale. French Dictionaries and other school Booksljï¬stxreéeiverl.‘ F'rariklthcjiiaré and olher libraries}. Berlin Wools Beads &c &c in stock. Parties not receivmg the "Herald“will please inform gs by postal curd. Lehdi-hg Library at the. HERALD Book Store. Call and see. Cheap reading ofall the standard woi‘ks '- Now wouM be agood time for our villagersatawmplaceyanyv ornamental trees that have been damaged through the winterg'and H100 placebï¬ï¬ ethers on some 0f the va'caigg‘Spgxpes‘grlong » the streets. Noihinv adds moreJo the appearance of a residence: men a few trees. The troublewigpoy,_m,uc}1,and the expenses triflingflgflmake . jams, village,by a few '. addition ql; rgrngngen‘tal- «treesfptcsent a . very huddko mé‘h‘pizéur’aiitew An «interesting letter from Wood- bridge will ‘be found “in uumhc-r column. CprERVAToBMâ€"Mr Wm Atkinson hasï¬regted a small, but very- ï¬neJookâ€"‘j ing meservmofy, which c-msiderubly improvgs the appearance of his residence. , , GRAND Coxcmrim-A grand Concert wjll b9. he‘l’dl‘in icdnugcnon With the- Meclm : , Ipstilulc, on the evening 6f the -4lli 01" Muyjn lhe'Masonichull quuinsgwijl be spared 'to make it a grggn c0035., ' . Thiz“ 'foohshmmï¬n’ foldeth his hands and saith: “There: is no blade, why should I advertise?†But the wise man is-net:se.~-~Hewdloopelh it up to the newsp’apers, and verily he druwexh cusâ€" t'omets from afar off, We print. "visiting cards cheaper andlzï¬s well as any oflicc in the County Come and see. In nnothennolu‘m'n will be found an advgmisemeuï¬ ï¬guring Bees for sale. Parties wishing to buy should read it. CRICKET 13L“; --A meeting of. those intentsth in H19game of Cricket. will be held in the Court Room, on the' evening of Mondayéncx‘t, for the' purp0>e of organizingva Cfu‘b. We hope the boys wiHumuka a-strong muster, and organiZc a good Club. Olders férprivming cah be left at the YORK HERALD Book and ttationary Stow, Dewsberry’s Block: .~"DI'£S,SIONARY BIEENNG.-â€"A- Misâ€" sionqrymmeglipg was hqlgl at Patterson last Tuesday evening. Interesting adâ€" dresses ‘ger'bfldclixtc’red by Mr Jeffery and other gen‘lemen. ' 75V_AU<§1Â¥A§§¥' Sriégxe FAIR. -â€"'West Y'Ol'k,:axiijjygughun‘ Eair'Jv‘ill be. held at XV‘oodbridge on :Fddz’nyflï¬tb. mgA'begï¬giful assozhtmcipbt‘ofladi’éé _ Silk T195,Ki_d« ngves in all the popular“! shydéï¬fï¬â€™dfbsols > {1pm 2:50 eaclgab Reynolds and Newton. ' > iandq' 'j re assortment of Gents Ful- ' hi‘hg§ziecé'1wd at Rei'rmlds uixd'Newton, \villlbg igid cheap. [TunaE White and 00191- ed“seljfrrs‘flc,Lait-m ’svylé out.†i“ ' : iiezia’ï¬ufvckésfjekte}. It coï¬tains algrwtvdculhof information on many lieï¬ and subjects coming under the ohsekbï¬'ï¬ph iif'tixe wi’i'ter, who was,.a res‘iden‘ï¬~ ofï¬his ~ngitzg'lllzyorlgoogl some] Years ago. ~.: ' * - saw M1319; 3mg “91 rJysiveas'r 1m llerev'onV'fueS‘ddflasbm visit Guelph and wï¬mess thh'e inaugerniion of that town as a cipyrfwhnc‘h} gamut. Lopk place Vï¬lwns To "GUNBLPH.â€"Zâ€".Mr.P.G. on I “fiedï¬cï¬iiziy: last.â€~ ' i}. would be as well i6 blezln things up at once. 7 , Hor'ée Bllls printed at the HERALD ofï¬ce. aslphenply. neatly and quickly as any othér ofï¬Ã©e in‘the County. Orders {or “all ,work may be left. at Palmer’s 0}"Cdégn‘ove’s Hotel. -v Tlrmp‘erpetunl Wickrbreaks no lamp chimneys; needs no trimming; saves all cleaningoftlumps; muk'osno smoke; and gives most. bcuutilul, ‘clear, white lightéâ€"iâ€"Forï¬zï¬cfnt me HER-ALDstorv. GOOD Skimâ€"On Tuesday last, 22nd inst, “Wight; @Sonis Shipped a very ï¬ne looking new bus to Messrs. McKinnon & Wesleypf Glute‘nliui'st, about 100 miles†north of tluS‘villqgc." It is a good sign lb see ordexs'ilémiiing fran such 'a dis~ lance. 1: shows that this ï¬rm turn out a {ma artisgle, kind-Ema: the excellence of their wdi'lémanshaip‘is yvell kuorn and appracinggd. "c'cu’tinue to p" ‘pe‘rh “'†' -_ 9111:3112; Boowsadur 1L Siyersl"-lms7a vcï¬y lziii’ewe'iéck bf; :30be mid Shoes. Every shape-lam} kind can be found mere, You will be sure te see some; thingwhiph will satisfy you. They will be sold cheap for cash. ~ . MrNeil FIinnnon, of Cashdy,‘ agent For-Abram Ufégamw, (if Georgina} has sold during the past two years, me? 150 hives of b--es. The Kirby‘hhchine appears to be a fuvurilé (Wilh mï¬ny farmers, 1,755 being: sold inCJSnTiS; I‘tr-was ,viclorious in‘1877j in 19 ï¬eld trials; and came out. ahead in 1878i!) 28»;trials. Sge advertisement in another column. I CI.E;&.I"171‘.â€"'Tlic back yards should now be clezgnqd up before the warm weather seysl inf Fevers, diphtheria, and otherills wry frequentlyvesult from ï¬lth; accummg‘ations. The health inâ€" spector Soon bpfggjng arom d, and LOCAL NEWS. Honl‘rl Douglas of ankri‘.le.wus in this viiluge on Tuesdu; lust. buying 119180st the North West Moumcd I’okic’emnd succeeded in securing several ï¬ne animals. The Collingwood Bulletin says. that. on last Sunday ev:ning“ Rev.J.Herbcret Starr preached a very interesting sermon in the Methodist church on the sin of Lli. MARKHAM SPRING SHOW.â€"â€"Thc East Riding of Ydrk and Markham Agâ€Scc; will hold,,;_thei{ Spring» Fa]? at: "Lorne ParliU’tii'oh'vil‘iépn' Wédnesdny, April 30 inst. BUTTERâ€"157M not about time the mar- chants of‘ Richmond Hill should act rationally v;th purohusin‘g button? As a rule,thc woman who makes poor butter not, ï¬t fov soap grease, is paid' as -muc'-h for the ï¬lthy, unsavory commodity,“ one who brings the pure “ gilt edge"to mar- ket. This is placing a premium on the manufacture of poor butter,and discour- ages good butter makers in a correspono ding degree. This practice should be stopped and the price of butter regulated by qualitv,like any other commodity. We hope the merchants will come to some understanding on this matter,a'2d they will ï¬nd it hentï¬cial to (themselves and the town consumers. This is Vennor’s latest. prediction:â€" A minyzperiod and somewhat warmer weather is now' approaching, but this will againlbe followed on the closing days of April or bugining of May by anothgr spell of very backward, cold,zmd liker wintry weather; snowl'ulls will be recorded in many parts during the fore part of May, which will be cold and wet throughout. Many think that 'owing‘ to the (thensive gtiowfa'ls of the past winter,'we are likely to huvé a dry and hot. summer season. I conclude the very opposite will be nearer to the actual state of'lhings. The summer; at. any ra_te,liupllito thomiddle of July, will give abundance of‘ rain; and with a tempera-â€" ture below the average. August, Sep- tember, and October will be the fairest months. 0n Wednede night of last week,ll1e Wesleyan parsonage at. Cohuvg, occupied l by the HeV.C,FlBh,wlm was “ville .pnslor of the hlellicdist Church at Richmond Hill some years ngo.wns entered by burglars and the whole house ransacked. There were over a dozen persons sleeping in the lmisleyel swange :0 any no one heard llle I‘ubbem.~ It, is" supposed that chloroform was used as the whole family felt deWsy and sleepy the next day as if they had been drugged. By Ihe way that clothing was Overlmuled and pocliels 1- rumugedJL is sup p‘hyédf‘ifhat the burglarsï¬were .aflermoliev ,‘lr jewellexvms after bringing a lot nfllxings down :0 (he hull they left lhcm lhere,onl_v taking away a few uniclea of the value uf about ï¬fty dollars. Axe-Hum Snern'Lâ€"Mtgsms Speight J: Son of Markham shipped on Tues ay last {'nr Manhobu lheir second 10! of twenty v‘~~e waggons. Aliwlxe: ï¬ny will be, bhi'pptd v ~~e waggons. in a nym- ,LSL'DDEN DEA-rmâ€"L'r Philip Claikan dropped dead on Thursday afternoon. lOlh inst. He was at, his work in Fleury’s foundry, Markhamgwheie be amended 10 1119 engine, u..d hud’gone out foi wuod, and whilo oniside dropped dead. He was sub- ject in hean disease and was also tumbled with Biighi’skdilseuse of the lrdneys. The deceased manzieavrs a wife Bud family nf rmall children without any means of 5.1;,- port. The Markahm Mechï¬nics Institute have fecexntlyinlade a handsome addition to the library in the shape of the old High School,or rather the people’s libr- ary. It was of no use to the school and is ,of value ate the library. This liblsry has all,or nearly all,ol' lVash- ington Irving’s works. T119 beneï¬t concmz, held in the Town Hall. Auror:--, 0; Wednesday evening lust, was a degided SUuCESS. Mr Mnirs, who me! “ill: a vQI‘y severe accident this winter.and for Whoï¬e 'heneï¬l it was got up is well des- erykjng of all I'm: assistance that can be gi‘ven;,beiiig usleady, industrious young mam. Master Noah Ramer, son of Mr David Ramer, Markham. has nn exhibition at ï¬le Economist, Ofï¬ce a Canadian landscape painting “Summer on the Olluwa," by him shiftth would be considered excelhâ€"nL if exé’cutwd by a more experienced hand and a head uf more- ripened conception. Mas- .[eg Rainer has not bud a single lesson in drawing yet his ponrryinz of uutuxe with she pencil is liuiy uslonishinw. lime made on their rï¬tmn journey was somelhiug terriï¬c. Doubiless, practical iokers have again been at work. The Rev.E.D. Silcox,of Stouï¬ville, has accepted :1 call to the pastoral over- high of the Congxegational Charc'h‘at. .Umonville. M _r.C?H.Keays,_of' the Con- gicgaiionul Collb;e,"tl\lomreal,' is to‘ be with him as assistant this summer. A newï¬cb‘urch is -to he built which will cost about $3000. Pmport has iLâ€"Iha! two ,young men, whilé escorlhg the‘r gi'ls home, on Sunï¬ay nightl‘dijt, were corsidembly smrtled by seeing two ï¬gures. enveloped in whiteï¬ssue from a graveyard, not many, miles from Aurora. Those wlmknuw slate, that the While Mr Charles Burden was passing along the mm! in Ihe rear of the 5Ih con. King, a short ï¬nw ago. he discnvered an oiler. I’wcurmg “club. he gave chase; :u.d.1xï¬cr Spine ditï¬cully, his Ollershiy was despaiched. It proved to be a very huge male one, measung ï¬ve feet from liu Io ï¬p. The skin was lulerlv sold to Mr E Slavevuson, fur dealer,ot' Aurora. J‘N'EW'ILOï¬EL 1N AURORA.-¢Planu and speciï¬cu'ions are ready for a new Brick llotcl,to be built on the corner of Yonge and Mos'ey Streetsth Mr.Jas. Waite. The building will have a front. age on Yonge Street,0f forty fcet,and bu Mosley Sti’eetï¬l‘ty feet;to be three storeys highm‘ilh Manvsard roof. It will have capacity of‘eighteeu bedrooms,and ï¬ve silling rooms,and other necessary uccoxnniodalion.to make this one of the most Convenient. hotels in the country, WORTHY 0F 1MlTATION.â€"â€"Mrs.erlis an agodludy ofCumberlund County,Ky., died recent); and left $1,000 to the editor of the Glasgow (Kyu) Times in Iokep of the colufort‘ she had found in reddng his paper in her sorrow. I Aged reader of the HERALD go than and do likewise. ' ‘ - - ~ COUNTY NEWS YORKVILLE NEWS Rev.Mr.Joncs expects to 11013 services in'1hc new Church of the Redemmer before the dog days. The now Rosedule Bridge is progress ing rapidly. Rev.Mr.De'sbarres has been chosen by the Vestry of St.Paul’s as Rector,Rev. M I'.vaens being voted :1 retiring allow. ance of$600 per annum. ;A couple of our wiseupm mfg {nightly heard singfng sadly a sOrrowful dnett entitled,“\\’here, and oh, where has our hard earned money gone?"and they part with muiudl‘ipf‘driz‘statiOï¬h that they will never play at constable again. ' Our police force are to be newly unifor- med. Chief Johnsto‘nï¬lready the ‘too- much admirch (if-the fair sex,willt. then be simply irlesisible, ‘Ve are afraid that arrests will be on the increase. Rents have fallen in. Yorkville con stderably of late.†Houses that" were wont, to fetch 830 per month are now offered for $25,:md others in proportion. Mr. Robinson,the ConserVativo cun- didnte for the Local, House paid us a visit on Thursday. He' Will open the campaign vignromly in Yozkxille this week. Mr.R.is cunï¬denn 01' his chances of success. MnBouh'bce, oui' mechi' for.‘ 'thc Conmmns.puid a hurried visit to Yerk- viHe on Euste rMonday. NEW TE.\'(lfl.â€"-We are pleased to notice that SLPuul’s' Choir has a new‘ tenOr-in the pelson oer.Brimnmne.it is so very seldom we see a tenor now-a-dnys. V01.v:<'rn-;):Rs.-â€"Cnpmin Vidal is actively lenching his company spring or seningup drill. They‘re good on the whole.but a few can Btfll‘d'fll‘l the Setting'up‘cat Thom’s) they can get. REMOVAL.â€"N. Murphy. Esq., 1he well- knuwu burrisler,is about leaving Yorkville for a residence in Surrey Place, weal of Bledalbaue slregtjn the ,cjly. . ASSAULT.â€"’A stylish 'voun'g mnh,‘wilh n Duï¬min cast m his eye, named Shielde,but troubled with a weakness for bullying and sn-iking his sis’3erg,go_t one [nomh‘iu jail for rel'lection,by Mr‘J‘uslice, Album. ‘ The thnuhical perfoxmunce and. concert in aid of the repair fund of the parsonage of Trinity ‘ hurch, Aurora, will lake p‘ace on Wednesday evening,1he 30111 inst. A ï¬ne pelformance is mni’cipntedg r "‘ *‘ _ V â€"â€"â€"At Yorkville‘ on Monday lust.before Jusï¬ces Carr and Foster, {obert Mom-.of Purkdule.“ns ï¬ned $25 and cests for selling liquor wilhou‘t a license. John Duck ad‘ mjlted selling liquor cohï¬ï¬‚r} go the D'y'nkin Act,pnd kaï¬iï¬hed $20 ‘nxadtuets, ‘ MOUNT PLEAsANT.â€"-â€"Alrendy Sunday visxtors wend their way in hundreds to Mount. Pleasant; In a fortnight the cemetery will be as attractive as" ever, The swans, rabbits. peacoaks, &c , I’vhich MnEnglchm-t has had housed all winter ml] relurmto their old hanntthe swans in particular being strong attractions. MrDobson has applied lol‘ne County} judge for a new trial’in tlw McDonnld‘ case. This is not; to be wondered -;at-,nsi1 lhe‘jury stood out only at‘ the last tol make the damages $200, instead of the $75 ultimately agreed upon, However between coats of' counsel.&c.. and costs of applications nF-Ahis kind,M‘.}‘.D0bson' will doubtless succeéfl in carrying out' the original intention of the jury. " Flourâ€"full, per barrel spring, per do Barley, per bushel Outs, per bushel . Peaso, per bushel. Rye, per bushel Hay, per tun Straw, per ton Potatoes, per bag, new A pples, per bushel ...... ls utturwl‘b rolls, year it Barley, do ,,. Outs, do" Peas do .. Rye do ..... Dressed Hemmer 100 ma. . . Beef, hind quarters, per b0 tbs . Mutton, by the carcass, per 100m Chickens, per pair ., Ducks, per brace Geese,each ......... Turkeys. each Butter,lbrona large 10113,. tub dairy Eggs, fresh, doz Potatoes: her bug†Anples per bunel Onions, per bag; Tomatoes, per bush. Turnips,‘ pqx- bug Carrots, per bag Boots, per bag Pursuips. per bag. Hay, per ’l‘ou. Stxgw, per mm Wool‘ per 1b.†A couple of whiskey informers,hroth- ers named Wilcox,had a somewhat exâ€" citing time in Yorkville and vicinity on Saturday. A magistrates’ court, was held in the Town Hall,and on the evid- ence of the informers the following in- dividuals were convicted of selling: liquor contrary to the Dunkiu Act: Frances Hayden,two cases,$25 and costs in each; John Colley,Dundas street,two c:nscs,$20 and costs in each; Michael Slottery, Brockton,$25 and cosisfltohert. \Vilson, Dundasstreemwo 'oasosï¬â€˜lt) and costs in euch;William Hu‘nwick,Lan1bton,$‘-"0 and costs. After the Court adjourned some. threateninglanguaqc was used to. wards the Wilcox brothers, and they thought the best thing they could do would be to ‘steal silently away As they were doing so, the crowd caught sight of them and started in pursuit. The informers ran like hunted hares,and their followers kept up at hue and cry A policeman finally made his appearance and saved the inforiners,who took refuge in a police station. In the evening they had another run,but again out'atripped their pursuers. Wheat hall. new,per bush priug do .. d Barley Outs, ’ Peas Prize Books for Sunday Schools High and Public Schocfls, can be sup- plied through this 031cc. ’ RICHMOND HILL MARKETS THE M A RKETS. ï¬fe}; E61125; per lb PRICES AT FABMEBS' WAGGONS WEDNEBbKY, April It. 1879. (From the Dafly Mail.) Thursday, Api :1 2m], 1879. TORONTO; $4 00 to 4 75 3 75 to 4. 25 0 50 to 75 0 30 to 35 0 50 to 69 .. 9 00 t0 .0 .' 8,00 to I 0 so 93 $1 090 on to 918 to 16 , 18 12 1 10 1 50 55 '70 '50 16 1‘ 91 6.3 40 Our columns are open #0 a fair dls' cusslon on all subjects, without pie- Judico' It, has been cuculnted through Thbmhill, and.e.l§ewhet'c,by an‘eï¬! disposed (pgrlbu -â€" whqse 71.11th 1116 m)? coiiï¬dgf ‘tborl‘éy: to be in public print,.â€"lhht Ihafldf 6 cer’ï¬iiu resnecmble Hotel keéper here‘.‘ ï¬ned, :for certain reasons beneï¬cml to another pe'rsbn. Ichallenge the reporter to prove it." B. is a_]iur, and he know: it. If any think it true. ‘ let. them appeal tovthe Inspec‘tor‘awof the East and West Ridings of York. or'any mnmher of the Dunkin Assbciition‘ .who should know the names of the inform'or. To the Editor of the Heald. EPPS’S COCOAâ€"Gunner‘m. AND Cim FORTING.â€"“ By a thorough knowledgelof the natural laws whichgoirern the opera- tions nf digestion 'and nutrihon, and '51 I careful npplicaiion of the ï¬ne properljes of well-selecled cocoa, Mr. Epps has p'o‘vided our breakfast tables with a delicately"'__flgsv- Oured beverage, which may szwe us many heavyv ductors" bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitu- tion may he gradually built up until sltqng enough to resist every tendency lo diséï¬â€˜ue. Hundreds offlsubxlé maladies are'fluéling mound us fendy ’to aztack wherever ilie're in a weak point. we may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fo[liï¬ed will) pure blimd and properly nourished l'rame.â€â€" Civil L ervice Gazette. Suldj éuly in puélwts labelledâ€""kam Ens & Co., homoeopathic Chemists, 48, Threndneedlc six-eel. and 170. Piccadillv. London." Apply to Josiah Mama", BEES ! BEES ! Carrville, 1’. 0. BWTJJS&SEQES A FRESH» AND 6001} STOCK Lâ€"wâ€"â€"I~ 7016M. Worthy of they, Inapectiou uf_ 'thoue ‘ Deairioua ijurclmse. and which will be sold A part. of that valuable property, belonging to Mrs. Pollock, situated on Yonge atrect, Richmond Hill, opposite Dewberry: Biock. ‘ .z.-For.funher particulars; elm-apply to Horse shdeing done at $1 a set for (Disk, and 40 cents for removes. Boots & Shoes ! Thé Farmer's Favouiite' and Binder’l Friendt No Breaks. No Delays. No Running for Repairs, Place of Busineu juntnorth of 1' Cfoaby, Esq., Yongo street, Richmond Hill ' R. SVERS 1755 SM IN 18181.! Machines made by G Harris, Son & Co, Bole Manufacturers for Ontario Richmond Hill, April 24th, 1879 Geo. STEPHENS AND HORSE SHOER. No annbyancp in the_Hurvest Field, but The Kirby C M CHURCH Fm- Sale | ï¬â€˜HEAP’ fair Gash TRIUMPHANT l Always in Working Order a 'pcrfect working machine 19 Victories in Field Trials in 1787 ; 8:. 28 Victoriel in ’79 More Victorian than gained by my other 3 manufacturers in Ontario «31m @dvertimmm. CHEAP @nmmnuï¬mmm Richmond 21m, Apin 25th. 1879 Allan ll. Winans, Agent, Farmers make money inbuying EVERYWHERE Lot 13’}, Qon 2, Vaughan, or t_o Remember the Place, near me General Blacksmith, H as Just Received AND GOOD FOR SALE Thornhill. (‘osgrove’s Hotel, I CROSBY April 20111.13? W. W ulsoxn;