Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Apr 1879, p. 3

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' 2+ Gilmor- .3) ‘ ‘ speakers ,r'zenerally seem to have snid noth- s‘lbci‘talllsercne," triad eveiiyj”assurance of _._ Woodbridga.., (From our own Corrrspondent.) _, In SOUR-lust week's correspondence, you nvv the boiler riveting machine imported in; "Mr Abell,’cost tour hundred dollars, it should have been four thousand. .-It cost in England six hundred pounds sterling, making with duties and , carriage the large sum named. It IS the only machine of the kind in Canada. ,_. A, ,The Reform Social .came off on Thurs- day last, as advertised, ~at Gilmonr’s. As ' :those favorablel'fo'the electron of the go}: pdidye,’Mr‘l’htterson. we're‘in- V _ _, t‘fi‘epatllélidit'nce'it-Zas‘srn'all indeed, not it. er‘rty beiri}; _pre$erit. air'd‘oi'th‘es'c only five were, villng'ers. Saturday's Globe gives urticl‘e’s, misleading: " One not acquainted with theht'acts WOuIdthirrk, on reading the re'ort_.'t_liat it Was quite a large meeting ol’llthéfélettoi‘s, whereasihere were nine sp'ciikers‘ and ‘an audience of exactly the same r‘i’irmber. Mr Patterson was not, present. owing. to illness. He was repregrnted by, Dr McConnell who “said 'higlittlr; piece’f withp'very little variation ruin: _usual;‘and the speaker was Ill ‘A :Fleming'. who ViS'he. It must have been as Aflémillfi Ward says,“a'v‘ery'afi‘ected sight” . ‘toxsee'his ‘ special .grief'” and ‘to see those thear‘stlratflfilled his, eyes’ on hearing the , result. of the election in West York. The trrg of_irn_nortance, unless abusing Mr 'l‘yrrell'lwa's considered important." Let me' ,gay to our Reform;frieu'ds,'rthat if they ‘fcqirnotoo better than, .make persorralfl'at- tacks ori'the. opposing candidate their cause mustbc badenough. , " ‘ During, the lust clcctiorr. the Liberal ,nrade such libclluus attacks on the Conser- vative candidate. we :Itnowing their false- ,ness, . that even Reforrner's lhecnnre dis-, gusted with it, and undoubtedly it wasl partly the cause of the deteat or its candlâ€" dale by so large a majOr-rty. Gentlemen, cmrduct your” canvass so that when you are In den next time, you can say you fell llrtuku’tih‘lyf“ ‘ “ I' - V The Easter services in Christ Church were ofa very interesting character. The altar was decked with vases of beautiful flowers, and the services were impressive. The singing lead by Mrllfldwards and his choir, at all times good,““was particularly line at 110th morning and'evening services on Easleilday.” ' ' The Concert in the Orange Hall was a decided success. It is seldom our citizens are flavotjed with such a gfinuinfi treat as that. enjoyed last night. It is no'easy rnatter to collect so much musical talent in a cobritry "Village. Particular attention may be called to the singing or Mrs Mickie, _;LII68-FI0ldIII|,V,. Mrs Thomson, ,Porter, Mc- Carswell and Mr Green, and to the recita- H I I tions by MastenDick Watson. His render- ing. of “Casablanca.” ,ar-d‘ .“l\ly Pappa’s Grave” were almost perfection. The latter drew tears to the eyes of many of the audience. ,‘iThe refld’trw;.by Mr Agar was very creditable, and the recitation by , Miss MIEineldrng. Iolrn Gate and J Mc- dsexcejlcnt.‘ ' ' " ’ f ' Apriltlfi,‘1879.‘ Human 7‘: o <’â€"_77 7 OUR' TEXAS LETTER. (Cortfimlcdfront last week.) Corsicana, March 15th, 1879' To the Editor of the. Herald; .011, border relations the comment might the Mexican Government is that so far as they are able it‘ will remain so. They are anxious to cultivate the most friend i]. and intimate relations ,both by trade, ‘and‘trhd'e fabilitics, especially the latter. These are the assurances of the present President, 'Po‘r'firio 'Dirrz. To further these ends a noted Mexican'lccturer Wlll visit the States this surnruerand Mexico is now.making preparation for an Inter- national Expcsiriorr to be opened in “January next... Will Canada, bc' repre sented there? From all I can learn, if she can profitably send ' Royce Reapers to Roasia and Watcrous engine to Peru, there, is mogehthan the amplcst room for , a profitable display of somelot' her looSe truck'in' Mexico, and shouldyour Com- missioner‘havc the gold fortune to catch the ear and-sympa.thies of the upper ,u tens, nssiduity in that direction might." n‘ot. be‘nrisplzeed- . ‘ ’You'will'iinderstand what I' mean, when 1 say, that the country was mostly set-â€" »rt.lcd by photo-you acaLl seigrwrtial-,te.rur'e, and upti‘ll the present, the clergy has run the thing, Peons do the work, while gay cavalier-s (caballerousJ do the agreeable to i “black eyed "serior~rtas”wh0se loveliness of feature and voluptuousueSS of‘ form have not" been painted do exaggeration even by thevglowing novelist or the exlruberant poet.” need I say more. 1"" '» :Utlicials havggenerall‘y to 20 armed and guarded, Sclfb‘bls are lgenerally ' good in the cities and towns.but a"nriserable farce” in the country. To lorm,lrowevermnytlting like a true estimate of what. was going on, one would need. to understand the Spanish language. Manufactures has so far been mostly supplied from lfiurope. The harbor of VeraCruz (the true cross,) is almost the only one on the Gulf. r Texas Senators are urgent for a grant to equip a It It to the city of Mexrco from San Antonio. Dia'zhas- promised all the [encouragement he can give to, all enter» “prises of the kirrd.‘.; . ' ~’ ' ' .r; They say that the most lovely scenery imaginable, is along‘the, R R, from Vera Cruz to Mexico, an European Company bdilt the road. Coming back, however, for the" present to our "sunny South.” We are poor"but honest. -Mrnrphis Crty has surrendered its charter unable to meet liabilities: so also has Mobile. Savannah thinks of doing the same; and only through the assistance of private parties has the vven‘er‘able and timerwor’n but. chaotic city of New Orleans been saved frorn‘doing' the same. The editor of the ArlanatavCansLttution has been addressing a friendly letter old to General Shermarmn which he asks him vial he thinks} of the development ofthe country since-t 9 war. The General re- plied In a most. touching and friendly letter which was copied by the News, advised the country to encourage immigration for they had an equal country and a superior cli- vmate to anything north or west. of them; and finish ed .bysayiug that'he as a young man. the Atlanta; man, had :moye' inter-jest _in’such things _th'aii’ he, "Sherman, possibly could hattej but’ should beaver see fitigto call on him, heurould be happy to afford but] all the advice and information in his power, for he had passed through that country on the stage before Atlanta was, thus. fitting himself for the subsequent "‘mat‘ch:0f l864.” ' ' ‘ What kind of weather have you.' ring}. S NEw ’ GOODS a... *4 ' f." I Than V‘Ever Gan be Seen Attire Fire Proof Store‘ A WV, Mn AA/R/ \M’J EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETErGENTLEMENâ€"â€" gTheTweed De pnrtrnerrt was never before stocked with such Nice and Cheap Goods , selectiosn. Come and, leave your orders early, before the Taildrs are too busy DRESSvGOODS 1N ENDLESS VARIETY. I. soon asses-instant- Bleached and Tickings, etc, etc, etc. Staple and Fancy Constanly on hand; ISAAC , CROSBY Richmond Hill, Feb 6th. 1879 .7._7_7_777._._77â€"7#777 _ . ._. 77 77 7 7 7 7 77 77.. 7-. 7 7 .7 7. _ 77_777._._7... (}00dsl THIS ARRIViNGâ€" WEEK A V COMPLETE. STOCK" 'Olt‘ .__AT_ REYNOLDS a: NEWTON IN STOCK I 3 Of English, American, and Canadian Manufacture, â€"beautiful designs. A VERY LARGE ASSORTMEN’I‘ 1% Richmond Hill, March 20th, 1879 *' y::7m:.:_‘;1tt*:.t 77:72; :2: .:L‘:_Z::x‘ “1271‘ BArLsAM Lxfiifii; BEST REMEDY IN THE MARKET. Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill Feb 6th, 1878 case I I Cheap Goods and No Humbug GIFIT llllllillltli Ill llllll'l‘S llllll illlllll‘ A FRESH SUPPLY OF CIoverZoTimothy Seed All kinds of Field and G i 7' Importers r in the 'Domi'ni‘on. ‘" Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, In fact; everything, you want, you can get Our corn is all planted; pcaclr trees are in blossom; grass is up tw0_inches or more; and the trees are turning green. We are suffering, however, from rain. Wheat looks good. Most farmers are busy bed- ding for cotton. I see Rennie’s,of Toronto, advertisement -in a Waco paper.‘ .. ' ‘Xourslt'ruly, J. G. At J Brown’s. All kinds of Farm Produce‘taken at Market Prices Goons DELIVERED Richmond urrr, Mar 3rd,, 1879 ring 1W9“? -Gooast what'pu'rportg to'benf report of the meet» -ing.‘bnt is like so nrst'ny‘of the Globe”: . The Stock is so large and good that our customers have some difficulty in making: their l Mourning, Goods a. Specialty! Unbleached Canadian Cottons, Prints, Ducks. Drills, Shirtings, lilllllillllllll, Illillllllllll, IlllllWlllll, till, trill Spring 7 & Sinner ilry Goods, SOOOPOIISWallPaper (idiom Preface REYNOLDS, ._.& NEWTONt T‘ y Seamshrsosa’s For COUGHS and. COLDS Prepared & sold by H Sanderson 8: Sons‘ Cheap Groceries and Provisions ! arden Seeds selected from the. Best Growers and CHEAP FOR CASH, JOHN C ‘ Bnopr' . at». r r a. y-..» “it“s-.. .. ELECT QR S west WYork ,r _ I had the honor of being nominated to contest this Riding at thencxt .clecâ€" L tion for the Ontario Legislature. and I may say that, considering the reckless extravagance of thev‘prcseut Government in e‘xpending,during the post lt'ivr: Years, Two Million 'Seven‘ Hundred and Thirtyâ€"five Thousand Dollars more ‘than the revenue amounted to, as shown by the annexed figures, it is" time we had a" change in the management of Provincial affairs. ' ’ Pledging myself, if elected, to use every endeavor to largely reduce the expenditure, I respectfully solicit your ote and influence. ' I Yours truly. WILLIAM TYRRELL. 1874 . Expenditurc,...33,87l,500 Reveaue........ 3,446,300 » . -'â€"-.â€"-â€"--- $425,200 1875 . ' Expenditure,...$3,604,500 Revenue,....... 3,159,500 7 _ â€"-;â€"â€"â€"â€"-’â€"-â€"-’â€"- $445,000 ’ 1876 ~ ~ ' ' Expenditure...33,140,600 Revenue,......... 2,589,200 1877 r i . Expenditure.."83,117,400 ' Revenue......... 2,452,000 .._..__.__V,_,â€"â€"â€"â€" 118551.400 . $665,490 1878 a * ' Expenditure,..$2,902,400 r Revenue‘.......... 2,254,400 ' $648,000 .._. ___._â€"- Total excess of expenditure over rcvenne.........-.......32,‘735,000 _____ ,7. W Walnut. , It. It. S. I'I‘Y‘RRELLL- LICEN tiate of. the Royal College of Ph slcirzns London, England. Consultation davsâ€"Jondny and Thursday, forenoous. Residenceâ€"Weston. tor drills. '. THE PACMER"‘HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL,’ :1” Palmer. Prop, Tnir House is one of the Best Hotels to bi found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cirrl Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hustler. Terms, .vs‘l per day. The Richmond Hill ‘Bul leaves this House at 7.30 n..m.. ‘fr r ’l'or- r auto, and returning 1t uvcs Toronto at 3.30 p.111. The Robin ' Hood Hotel, mounoun HILL ON'I‘.. Cosgrove - B ros, ._._ .7. . Pr op’s Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stabling an 1 attentive hostlcr. I’roctor's Bus leaves this hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at ‘ 7.30 a. m, 1 pm , (.15 p m, and 7.151) m. , ' ' .- r The Pine Grove Hotel ! PINE GROVE, ONT E :8 Harris, Prop ______-._ M An excellent Hotel in every respect Good stab- iug and attentive hustlers. ill-outta ESTEI’N CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofllcesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Goodel'bam ............. ' ..... Vice-President. DInEuToRsâ€"Samuel Plath, M.P., Wm. Goodcrâ€" ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H’. Lee, Hon. 1). L Macpherson, Senator. ' )apital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 « Saving’s , Bank ' BRANCH . ' Money received on deposit, and interest I payable hall yearly or cotttpoutrdcd. MONEY T0 LOAN. See our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Officers the Comvauv. _Walter S, Lee. Manager ; ' MONEY mopjv; o. r $20,000. to than on Mort. age or real estate at low rate of interest. ' Trnnsrt'c ions strictly private and confidential, apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. . . . . t . mortgages ‘ Bought J. K. Falconbrldge Richmond Hill. 'l2th December. 1878. sex, right. in their own localities. Pain ticulars and samples worth $5,1rcc' improve your spare time at this business. dross STIyscs £:Co.. Portland. Maine. business'you can engage tn. $5 to $2 Samuel Brown able. Miners. Yictotia 5cm“ ,Dul‘tcrr.i per duymadc try any worker of either Licensed Auctioneer for *York County. solicits patronage and friendlv influenco. .Rfltfl reason- l l r r l i l t IS C CARRIES . . . .. .,-.' in a. POIIOY AltltlED, . AND on we GE THE owns'r muons ron GOODS , In the Village. :My sappy of Room Papers 301. Window Blinds Is Complete. All new Goods and no-Old Stock PAINTS * AND OILS TA specialty. ALWAYS Richmond Hill, March 20th, I 870 Window Glasses of all sizes. ‘ The usual Stock of FURNITURE GROCERIES r Cheap-pFor Cash 3. r P ‘ c SAVAGE HAND OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED V ER Y. ,. CHEAPL Y , AT THE OFFICE OF THE Tork r ‘2‘ Herald” RICHMOND HILL, 0 NT OppOsite P. Crosby’s, Residence. TO _________ THE ~ELECTORS OF THE East iding Of York! YOU [I VOTE SOLICITED AND INTI“: {EST FO R James Robinson, THE Conservative Candidate FOR THEâ€"â€" 7 Local pHouse l h_..._ ~._._7..77.77_77 .7 7- 77.77 7 . 7 77 , EE inn . Book, Stationery and. Farley. no 1,, Goods Store, ' Next; door to Dewsberry’s Harness shop. For Sale at a small advance on Cost, so H o o L BOOKS t In use, inthc High and Public Schools. All other kinds of Books kept constantly on hand. Belts ; Baskets ;Braids ; Brushes ; Cards; Chromos ; Concertinas ; Croquet Setts ; Collars; Dolls; Drums; Engraving. ; wuss: GRAY is Specific Medicine! The GreatEng- TRADE M TRADE MARK. . _ . . . ltsrr itemedy is an unfailing cure for Seminal VVeukâ€" ness,Spermatorr hen, lmpotency, and all diseases that follow as It ARK. . ‘ sequence of self ., ~ . {liaisons loss of "55': " ’ . emery, Univer' ‘ _ T - m°r° Tmngsal Lassitude,Aftar Takmg' pair! in the Back, Dimnesa of Vision, Premature old age, and . manyohhcr diseases that lead to surnptlon and a premature grave. itz~runity cou- l...“ Full par“ ticulm's iu‘r ur Pamphlet which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Modiclueis sold by all Drnggist at 5| per package, or six packages for ’5. or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money. addressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE \Vindsor, by Go, Out... Can 11er ts NOW. Fer the Herald 7.7â€"..7___-77.__7 7-4 77__,7777_77_77_7. B KICII'FER, CONTRACTOR A Nl BUILDER, Sherwood. “.11 Con. Vaughan, Special ntthntiori given to Stair Building. Punctual attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. O.’ - RU PT U R E. IIIREE by mail. EGAN's IMPERIAL SAFETY-RY.) _ 'l'Buss ; gives immediate relief ; cures ir l to )2 weeks. Endorsed by high medical authority vl‘he most valuable surrzicnl invention of the cow tury. The racrct of cure is, this truss holds rup« ES'Solrl in Richmond Hill by all druegists, find I ture during hardest exercise. and can be worn everywhere in Canada and the United Stat-es by sll'whclesale and retail drugaist'h t ‘ night and day with great: comfort. Very cheap Pratt! YIGLX‘. Emitter: Ocean, ribâ€"scribe, l Dr A ROBINSON. fi suncuox DENTIST, Thankful! or the favors of the past the years; - rr ay still be consulted In any branch of the pro‘ fessiou, as follows : Richmond mu .......... 9th a 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora. lst 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newm nrkct ,.. ...... 2nd do Stoufl'ville ...... 18th do Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . 20th ‘ do Victoria S ...... llth do t Tlloruhlll ' do . . do do Kleinbnrg do I Nobleton do Anasthetrcs. as Nitrous Oxide. etc, used when ordered, and none but the boat material used PORTER, Sunolos Dssrtar, , vrsr'rs , ’ Letroy .............. Holland Ilrurdir 5 26th do Bond Head ............ ’Sth do , All the rest. of the time any one who may requiro his services will be sure of finding him atbia oflloo , Opposite Algeo's Hotel; HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD. The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to tho new process of Frlliug Teeth with Hard Burnish- ed Gold. By this beautiful I)1l(i!‘,ll-Irl01l,' cast-l otherwise hopeless, can be effectually treatch and the diseased tooth, however uruoh decayed, may be completely built: up with Solid Gold, and, restored to its original size, shape and uscfttluossd 9th of each Month. 7 . “I c. ADAMS. L.D.s., v Summon DENTIHT, has rentovod to 87 King sci-cut East, Toronto, over H. K: C. Blacbford's now shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in it manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth, carefully nvoiug all unnecessary pain. A. \V SPAULDING. Assistant. S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING and Yhttrnmceuticnl Chemist, 35 Youth Yonge street. Yorkville. Ontario. Importer and. dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, l: ration and English Perfurnery,Engllsh and .lmcrlcrtu A’i‘eII‘ Medicines. Home and Cattle Medicine, and Dru;- zist sundries of every description. - fttisrrtlrmcous. a 7 -7 7 .7 77- 7777‘--.â€" a. a Week in your own town. 35 Outfit- free ‘ No risk. Reader, if you want a business at which persons of either sex can rrrukn grant pay all tlr’: time they work, writu for particulars to H. Hummu- Jr. Co. Portland. Maine ~ Bid 1 GiiI‘lA'i‘EST \VONDEB (rlt‘ MODERN Turns. The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorder- of tho Liver. Sir mach, Kidneys and Bowoln, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The. Ointment is the only reliable remedy tor 4 13nd Legs. (lltl \Vorrlnls. Sores and Ulcers of hows lever long standing. For Bronchitis. Diptlro-ria, 3 Coughs, Colds. Gout. Rheumatism, and all Skin 1 Dis eases it has no equal. l . BEWARE on ‘ NEW Willi CGUN'l‘EltFEit's, I most respectfully trike lcrtvc to call the at; wutiou of tho Public generally to the fact, that certain Houses in New York are sending to many parts of the globe SPURlOUS IMI'I‘ATIONS of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. I donut allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I have no agents there. Mymodlciucs are only made by mo at .553, Oxford Street. London In the books of directions atfixel to the npuv ions make. is rt cautiouwarning the Publicngatiush 1 being deceived by counterfeits. Do not be misle-l . luv this audacious trick, as they are the counter ‘ felts they prct :o' to denounce. I ’l'lrcso countrrt‘uits are purchased by unprincl‘ l pled Vendors at one-half the price of rrryl'illunnnt l Ointment, and are sold to you its my genuine ,1 Medicines I most earnestly appeal to that. sense of justica , which I feel sure I may venture upon asking from “ all honorable persons, to assist: me. and the Pub- , lic, us far us may lie in their power, in dcuouuc 3 tug this shameful Fraud. ‘ L'ucl] Pot. and Box of the Genuine Medicine! bears the Britiin Government Stump, with the words “HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AN!) OINTMRNT LONDON," engraved thereon. ()u the label in the ’atldress, 533, Oxuonn STREET, LONDON, where alouc they are Manufactured. l t . i Hollowny's l’llls and i l r r l l r r r Oiutrncuts bearing arty other address are couu‘ terfcits 'l‘lro Trude Marks of these Medicines nra res-in tel-ed in Ottawa. Hence, any one tht'ou bout the British Possessiotts, who may keep tho 1 mer‘tcau Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 5.58, Oxfu-d Street, London, J all I, 1 ‘TU 7.7 771â€"777. .. t 12y robots; and pflcudn. the “estimable truths con. aiucd in the best mldlctl book ever issued, entitled SELF-PRESERVATION K only”. Sentbymail | on receipt of price..1t treats olExltausted Vitality, Premature Dcclgu. [lawns and Physical chllity, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains mow- thnn 60 original pro. scri tions, any one of which is worth the pncc n! the oak. This book wa- written by the most. c» tensivn and probably the .ncst skilful practitrcnop in America. to whom was awarded a gold and yew. riled medal by the National Medical Association. . A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very but Steel Eugnvings-a mar- vel of art and beauty- "at yum to all. {frond . for it at once. Adam. -7“ l‘EABODY MEDICAL“ INSTITUTE. N0. 4 Bul- I inch 5t... Dalton. Man. I fl.â€" ll . wanted overywherc to work for us. Now is the - time. Costly outfit and terms frcc. Addreu Tum: & 00.. Anizusm. Maine. Cl!“ make I anythingol start you. ., per (luv nt borne rustle by thv) industrious. Men, worrren, lroyrs and girls cy :astcr at. work for In than 0| (int‘mJ not. required; we will *fi, 1‘3..- , ADV]: ‘D/IANHOOD, \‘t’ontanbtmd. Frco. A urlrruiuifi against. i::.prmil.ron. How youth and ‘nllldlfi aged (both sexes) IlrflV restore their shuttered l constitutions, especially if arising from early in r disctotroim. Herein lies your only safety; Irv 11 professional gentleman .a’ rare ability. High Cunt-dint. prrvm trastirnonirtls, A! iz-n :hi- nun-r: Semi stump for answer. SL‘L‘ advertisement and ed "Rupture." l , i77777 l 1 r l’rcl’J, 12.1;le nmrtwn om. ( RAIN'TtLE, or THE BEST 1 mm“ blues. )u'lGXTmGALI's. , ’ Ya!!! ‘n

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