Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 1 May 1879, p. 3

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y reason of Messrs M C Cameron and John Curling being member's of it, and . although they could not find fault with the matiner in Which Mr Sandfield ‘Mncdonald administeredithe affairs of the country, they said that nevertheless it must be corrupt _. - They also took .the' position that his railw’ay policy was an ,ipterferenqe with ‘tbe'rights of the represen- tativesofnt‘heipeople, and objected .to his I " "undertaking the location of.-.public buil- 'din§s"i‘or which the Legislature voted / money. ' These‘ were the four principal grounds on which they appealed to the . people.i The question for consideration was howfar had the Reform Party been con- sistent with the professions upon thestrengtli of which they induced the people to place ,theinimpower. Why‘_the very. act which . “created the Gover'mment' of Mr Blake was one by which be abandoned the principles upon which he had objected to i11e..Goverii- merit 'of Sandfi-a'ld' hiacdo‘nald, for by taking - ' Mr Scott; a'strong. Conservative, into .the Cabine.t,. he formed a. coalition.- He, Mr. Neredith,cared.not-how liigh‘Mr Blake’s re- putation was; by that, act I he was guilt of ii olitical‘wrong for which his partyushould is held responsible. C'h'eers.,- What (posi- tiou had the Reform Government taken in regard to their principle about the alliance . between the two Governments. From first to last, there had :been the closest alliance -, between the Governments of Mr Mckenzie - ,MrM0wat. At ‘he lastgeiiei'al. elec- ,,,tio_ris_1 for: theOommons;in every constituency in the country almost every member of the z'Qntar’io Adtninistralionfwas going, about] ‘ advocating the cause ofvthe Dominion Gov-: '. eminent; h as no'tthis'an abnegation'ot'a ; " ~1priti'ciple they had piofessedu Mr Mowat 1 who claimed to be a conscientious man, felt » ,i it to be so, for in addressing a public meet- ' ’ing in the interests of Mr Mack'e'nzie’s Gor- , ernfiment,he felt constrained to say he came there notas'the‘HpnMr M0wat but as a private citizeh. But. it was impossible for ’ 'a'ny member ofthe Cabinet to divest him- self of the'ihfluence "of his local, position, and this was not‘ the intention, and _in- this . printer also thevaere false ‘to the pledges . made to the people. Cheers. Then in regard. to’the million and. a half voted for ‘ railways, the position taken by Sandfield Mandonald was that the money having been, ’ appropriated by Parliament for the purpose ’ ofhuilding railways, the GoVerninerit,while axesponsible to the HOUSe, should say to what railways’that aid should be given. The » Opposition objected, and, said that each ap~ , propriatiou;should be submitted to votcct' . ‘,_.the flange." .There‘might besomething in -"t'Iiat'cohlentio_n, 'but he asked, what, did ‘th‘éy'd'o‘when they got into power. They , repealed Mr sandfield Macddnald’s Act,and; , . made provision that theGoyei-nmentniight, -‘ byeorder-imCouncil, make appropriations for these railways. which should be sub- mittedvforLthe assent of Parliament; but they brought. these appropriations down to. the House at'the close of the session,_. and “refused to give. the representatives of the. ' 'péb‘ple five daysto discuss them, but pushed them ‘tlirofigh en bloc, and, voted away hundreds of thousands _ of dollars of the gpeople’s moneyi, Was this-a substantial compliance with their pledges. Time 'should have been'given lor due‘, considera- -- lion oith'e claimsoftherailwaycompanies. ‘ “(and withoutthistlicf p’roeeeding‘was a farce, land the arrangement oflyMr' 'Sandfield Mac- dunald a far better one. ' Hear, hear. ZWith regard to the location of public build fings', it was thought that if they‘had a cer- :tain sum with whichgt’o build, it shouldbe flitatnd 'what place the' huildihg.‘ should. be .located. They did not'do this, howerer, ibut availed themselves. of a: provision-rim v 3th'e constitution, by which: it was impossible for an appropriation to, be made.) without a .fiecomrnendation from the Meat-Governor, feud when money was recommended. “they brought. down also a. recommendationriofi . his Honor that-the ex;rehdi‘th’re"’s‘lihul'd be ‘ at a particular» place, and the House had no ' altern'atiye bumo pass the " proposition, or vote "it down altogether, as no amendment could made‘to such, 3‘ recommendation. This whs'ai'ving the people a stone when r-thé'y phked for biead, because the House 31nd either to do Without the publichbuilding ' :qltogether, or take it'iti the place recom- ’ ni'e'tided by the Lieul.-Governcr.. Upon, town-y ground upon which they had sought' h theicondemriationpof. Mn Sandfield Mac- ‘thhald, they had been‘false to the ‘ pledges ~ made to thepeopl‘e,‘ and had in substance abandoned every, one of: itiliem.3-Clieers,~ Yerhaps the most important function which ~ "a Govorn‘ment had to perform is the admin- . . .istratioauof the financesfof the country. It " waistcomewhat adry subject, but'he had to quasklztheir. careful consideration to‘o com- ~ parison he‘wlsabout to make of the condi- _. ', .ticnofaffnirs under that administrations of I, ' ,Mr Sundfiéld thdonald and Mr Mowat re ” up ctively, .byzwhich they would be able .to _ gge‘ whether the Mowat. 'G0verii'meht had' ;‘:,._00[,lflllct€dil'h0 finances in ihe'interests of A .ecchom-y;and of the 'p'eople:' The' Treaâ€" , surer, Mr Wood, in his budget spee‘ch,made ' , last session, claimed that the surplus which his Government ‘had,'~ now amounted to _.$4.,430,-993. Mr Wood made upth'at‘ state~ ‘ ._ ,ment by claiming that there were $2.179,- ,- 010 of investm‘ents‘in Dominion bonds; $553,540 in drainage debentures; $2,786.- 418 of special or trust'fuhds in the liauds oi; the, Dominion Government; $105,541, L. ;.,t_ihn_re Qtlibrary of the old Parliament of' ” Canada 2._t'issig.ned t to Ontario; $144,135 balance due on account of the Municipal “Loan Fund; $19,000 balance due..on,jMe-" chanics' “institute: $9,012 due by Credit Valley railway for land, andfihalanoe from “vs/Mimico- farm, $6.305, Making a total of 3 -‘ $55'842,'_I_48. " Mr Wood made his liabilities, :including the share of the land fund,which belongs to the Province ovauebec. $1,411, - :r' ‘755; which being deducted from the gross ' "'pdtfphis',‘ lefta balance of $4.430,993. They would observe that in this" statement Mr -. Wood included not: merely the, moneys ‘ invested'jand actually-jthand,‘ but also the large sum of 82,-7862‘418 of the trust funds in the hands of the Dominion Government, 5141.135 balance due on Municipal Loan Fund. and! several small sums due forlands N6W,’"'wl'ten Mr Sandfield Macdonald dealti with the surplus, what he meant to convey was that he was dealing with the actual mrney saved out of the annual revenue of ' the country. On the 31st December, 1871, Mr Sandfield Macdonali had in actual money paid out- for debentur’és of the Gov: ernment, and for money on special de~ posit. $36319” (page 10,Public account, 107-1] 51:, These moneys were5 composed of $250,000 worth of 5 per cent. debentures, $705,471 of.6.,4ercents., and $1,192.33 Dominion bob 5, and special deposits in the bank “$890,174. New £250,000 stg. “pf the Dominion bonds had been purchased at 98 and had increaseda'n. value. and the additional two per, cent. would represent $24,820; the market value of these debentures incre ised by $111,857 over par. The actual balance in the bank on ordinary current account was $172,985. 90 that Mr Sandfield Macdonald had in ac- tual cash and actual cash investments $3.- 947.642 saved out of the ordinary revenue of the Province during the four years he fits. in powers . - Erouudtha't it'was a coalition Government} Pubnci ' Pan‘t‘i‘cal ‘ Meeting. "“Ilrfhl’lerédlt'h'vu‘ Speech. (foomi'nuc’d'fi'om "121;.tlpagc.) All kinds ofFi/eld and Garden Seeds Selected from the Best; Growers and Importers in khe Dominion. Cheap Flour and Feed, Lard, Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, In fact everything you want, you can get Cheap Groceries and Provisions! GOODS DELIVERED EBFAT" BARGAIN“ N flflflTS‘ AND SHIJES! CHEAP FOR CASH, Spring! Spring 3 Mourning Goods a Specialty _! GlovechTimothy Seed The Tweed ‘ Department was never before stocked with such Nice and Cheap Goods. The Stock is so large and good that our customers have some difiicully in making their selectiosn. Come and leave your ordera early, before the Tailors are top busy Gan be seen At the FireProof Store EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE RENE ASSWTMENT 0F Bleached andl'Uaneache'd Canadian Cottons,‘ Prints, Ducks. Drills, Shirtings, ‘ ' ' ' ' Tickings, etc, etc, etc. ‘ Staple and Fancy CHERRIES, mm“, Hmwnnfi, M; m}; NATIONAL POLICY e'uv G0.®fl® 2 Ontario .HOUSB Boom Papers & Window Blinds G. SA VA GE PAINTS AND OILS FURNITURE & GROCERIES! @1183]? Far @53th Tm Sandersmfg J . m Gownsm: COLDS Prepared 82; sold by H "Sanderson & Sons Feb 61th, 1878, Richmond Hill, Mar 3ist., 1879 OWEST PRICES FOR GOODS Richmond Hill, Feb 6th. 1879 Richmond Hill, March 2011;, 1879 At J Brown’s. All kinds of Farm Produce taken at Market Prices Cheap Goods and A specialty. Window Glasses of all sizes. The usual Stock of BEST REMEDY IN THE (MARKET. Cheaper Than Ever 70mer Yonge and Centre VStLreewaast-g-Richmoud Hill DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. NEW GOODS Is Complete. All new Goods and no Old Stock Call on Pete before buying elsewhere. ALWAYS ON HAND A FRESH 'SUPPLY OF Constlanvly on hand; 1n the Village. My suppy of IS CA RR'IED. AND CARRI‘ES ‘ THE IE AAC CROSBY No Humbug ! JOHN BROWN P G SAVAGE ELECT O R S West York GENTLEMEN, I had the honor Of being nominated to contest this Riding at the next elecâ€" tion for the Ontario Legislature. and I may say thatl considering the reckless extravagance of the present Government in expendingduring‘the past Five Years, Two Million Se‘ven’ Hundred and Thirtyâ€"five Thousand Dollars more than the revenue amounted to, as shown by the annexed figures, it is time we had a change'in the management of Provincial afluirs. Pledging myself, if elected, to use every endeavor to largely reduce the expenditure, I respectfully solicit your etc and influence. Yours truly._ WILLIAM TYRRELL. 1874- Expenditure,. . .333, 871, 500 Revenue,....... 3,446,300 , tinte of the Royal College (if Physicians LondonY England. Consultation dm'saMonduy and Thursday, forenoons. Residenceâ€"Weston. 1876 Expenditure,.. $3,140,600 Revenue, ....... 2,589,200 Total excess of expenditure over revenue......... .......$2,735,000 1875 . > Expenditure,..$3,604,500 Revenue,....... 3,159,500 1877 , , .,, », Expenditure...$3,117,400 Revenue ......... 2,452,000 1878 Expenditure,. . .32, 902 ,400 Revenue. ......... 2,254,400 This House is one of the Best Hotels to ba found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stabliug und attentive hosfler. Terms, per day. The Richmond Hill ’Bus leaves this House at 7350 n.m., for Tor~ onto, and returning leaves Toronto at 3.30 p.111. Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stubling and attentive hostler. ‘Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connectwith all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.30 n. m, 1 p m 4.15 p n1,.nnd 7-.15'ii-m. " ‘V RICHMOND HILL, 3' Palmer; Prop TH E PALMER HOUSE, The Robin Hood Hotel, The Pine Grove Hotel I E B Harris, Prop HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Goodcrhum ....... . Vice-President DmEcTonsâ€"Smnuel Plath, M.P., \Vm. Geodet- ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Ron. D. L Macpherson, Senator. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 ‘- S’aving’; Bank Cosgrove Bros, Prop’s Sm our reduced 101111 table. For further information apply at at the Ofiices the Commmv. Walter S, Lee, Manager An excellent Hotel in every respect. Good stab- ing and attentive hostders. Money received on deposit, ani interest payable hall yearly or compounded. EWEJevofinterost. TranszaEtiBné strictly private and confidential, apply personally or by letter to me undersigned. Mortgages Boyéhf’fi" * J. K. Falcohb'idge ‘VESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Oflices;1\’o. 70 Church street, Toronto. $20,009, t‘o 108711 03} Mortggge pr‘rgnlesmjze at; Richmond Hill. 12th December, 1878‘ sex, rightâ€" in their own localities. Pur- ticulurs and samples worth $5,free' improve your spare time at hhis business. drags STINSON &Co.. Portland. Maine. business you can engage In. 85 to .32 HF per day made by any worker of either 5 Licensed Auctioneer for York County, solicits- patronage and friendlyinfluence. Rates reason- able.. Address,,Victoria. Square MONEY; March 21., 187 8â€"6111 RICHMOND HILL ONT.. “QEWI @Wlfio R. s. '1‘YRRELL,V VLTCEN BRANCH MONEY T0 L0 PINE GROVE, ONT MONEY Samuel Brown flcflirat. TO “THE gammy. ‘AN. $425,200 $445,000 DEFICIT. $551,400 $665,400 $648,000 ARRIVIN‘G THIS WEEK. 1 K“ 'COMPLETE STOCK OF ._AT__ REYNOLDS & NEWTON Spring. &» Summer Bry Goods, PAPER BLENDE ! Spymg ' SOOOmllSWaHPaper VERY CHEAPLY, Yo , 1k 6 6 Opposite P. Crosby’s Residence. TO THE ELECTORS THE East Rdng York! 11d. Fancy Goods Store, Befofacrmgmmm; mm; sul Lassituda sal Lussitudo, pain in the Back, Dimncm of Vision, Premature old age, and munyother dismses that lead to inrnnity conâ€" sumption and upremature grave, In Full Inn'- ticulurs in our lemphletwhich‘w’e desire to send free by mail to every one. ' 58mm Takingmemory, UniverAfter‘ TRADE MARK Belts ; Baskets ;Braids ; Brushes ; Cards; The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggist at $| per package, or six packages fox $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, THE GRAY MEDICINE co, S (3 H O O L BOOKS ! GRAY’S Specific Medicine! Windsor, 01m, Can ads. l3?Sold in Richmond Hill by all druggists, and everywhere in Canada, and the United States Mr all wholesale undyretlfl druggists. Richmond Hill, March 20th, 1879 Next door to Dewsberry’s Harness shop. 0f English, American, and Canadian Manufacture, ~beuutifu1 designs. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED The Great Eng~ 'lish Remedy is (m unfailing cure for Seminal \Veuk- x ness,Spermntorrâ€" hem, Impotoncy, and all diseases that'follow us a. sequence of self Abuse,us loss of All other kinds of Books kept constantly on hand. A VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT Chromos ; Concertinas ; Croquet Setts ; In use in the High and Public Schools. AT THE OFFICE OF THE RICHMOND HILL, ONT Local. House YOUR VOTE ‘AND INTEREST SOLICITED FOR James Rabinsen, Conservative Candid ate For Sale at asmull advance on Cost IN" STOCK = Collars; Dolls; Drums; Engravings; â€"â€"FOR, THE-â€" REYNOLDS & NEWTON TIIE u M c ribe, U o BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Special n‘tthntirm given to Stair I311ildxng. Punctunl attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. O. 4 REE by nmil. EGAN‘S IMPERIAL SAFETY-PAD Timss ;,gives immediate relief ; cures; in 4- to 12 weeks. Endorsed by high medical authority The most valuable surgical invention of the cen- tury. The secret of cure is, this trruss holds rup- tureduring hiu‘dest exercise, and can. be worn night and (111 y with grout comfort. Very cheap Prof; J Y. EGAN Hamilton 011ml“. KEFFER, CONTRACTOR A N1 0 BIIILIHCR. Shm‘wnnd, 4th Cnn lea'hnn For the Herald NGW. RUPTURE. Thankful or the favors of the past the year's, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession, as follows 2 Richmond Hill... 9th & 24th of each month (at. Palms-r House) ' Aumm, lst 8bh,16th,und‘2‘2ud Nowmmket .. .2nd Stnnffvillc, ..... ..,.18th ‘Mnrkham ...... . . 20th Victoria Square .. 1th Thornhill . 1 Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and 2‘2ud do Nowmmket do Stonffvillc,. . do Murkh am ...... .. d 0 Victoria Square do Thornhill ...... do Maple . , . , . . . . . . . . do Wnoabridge ...... do Kleinburg .. ‘ -. do Noblcton ...... 30th do Annsbhcbics, as Nxtrous Oxide, eta, \iscd who ordered, and none but the host material used. [I n Lefroy ............. ' u ‘ Holland Landing Bond Hemlm All the rest of the time any one who may requirb' his servicas will be sure of finding him nthis office The Doctor respectfully Solicits attention to tha. new process of Filling Teeth with Hzml Burnish- ed Gold, By this beautiful Opel-Minn, cases otherwise hopeless, can be effectually trenteh _ and the diseased tooth, hmxenr much decayed, may be completely built up with Solid Gold, mxd,‘ restored to its original size, shape and usefulnessd. I SURGEON DENTIST, hue removed to 87 King street; Emit, Toronto, over H. & (L Bltxchford’s new shoe store Best; mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. P'u‘tieulm‘ attmtinn given to the preservation and regulutiml of the natural teeth, carefully uvoing ull unnecessary pain. A. W SI’AULI)IN< ‘v, Assistant, V V ‘ and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Yonge street. Yorkville. Ontario. Impurth and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English Perfumery, English um] American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, undDrug- gist sundries of every description. a Week in your own town. Outfit free No risk. Render, if you want u. business at which persons of either sex can nmke great pay all the time they work, write- for particulars to IL HALLETT & 00,, Portland, Maine The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. , The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Dipthcrin. Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin-7 Diseases it has no equal. I most respectfully take leave to call the us- tention of the Public gt: 16 fast, thut, certain HQHSefi i_n New film * bin-rs of the globe SPURIOUS IMI'm‘ri‘ons 6: my P1115 and Ointment. These frmlds bear on their labels some address in New York. HE GREATEST WONDER 0F MODERN TIMES. I donot allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I have no agents there. My medicines are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street. London In the books of directions ufiixed b0 the spur- ious make is u. euutimmvurning the Public against being deceived by counterfeith Do not; be misled IN This audacious trio", 115i thoy‘m‘e the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. W . 0,; rnmnvml ‘ These counterfeits are purclmsed by unprinci‘ pled Vendors (Lt one-half the price of myl‘illszmd Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines I most earnestly n‘ppeul to that Sense of justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking from all llonomblu persons, to assist me, and the Pub- lic, us far as may lie in their power, in denounc fng this shumef\111*‘ruud. < Ench Pot and Box Of the Genuine Medicines benrs' the British Government Stumpfivith the words ” HOLLowAv's PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, Loxnox, where 8.10110 they are Manufactured. Ointments‘bearing anyother nddreés are coun- terfeits The Trade Marks of these Medicines nre rcgig tored in Ottawa. Hence, {my one throughout the British Possessions. who nmy keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 553, Oxford Street. London, Jam 1, 1879 1‘ ANH‘OOF“, \Vmimuhoorl. 1L0. A waruiri'qQ against impositiuu. Haw ranch and midth aged (both sexes) may rmtnm their shattered“ constitutions, espeniudly if arising from curly in disct'etions. Herein lies your only safety; by n. professional gentleman of rare ability. High" Canadian pre testimonials. Mention this upt'!‘ Send stamp for answer. See tulvort‘iscment ezul ed “Rupture.” arm nuke money taster ILL work for us than at] anything; else. szitul not; required; we will : start, you. $12 per day at; home made by the industrious. Mo 11, women, boys und girls Wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is tho. time. Costlv outfit mud tei‘ms‘ free. Address TRUE & 00.; Aumismflmme. DRAIN TlLE, OF THE RES"? nT'ATJ‘TV A'l.‘ mow 1mm? treats of‘Exhnusted Vitality, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, nml the endless concomitant i115 and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pre. scri lions, any one of which is worth the price of the ook. This book was written by the most ex» tensive and probably the most skilful praem inner in America, to whom was awarded a gold and jewâ€"' clled medal by the National Medical Association. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest Steel Eugravingsâ€"a mar- vel of art and beautyâ€"- sent FREE to all. Scud‘ {or it at once. Address" PEABODY MEDICAL ' INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bill-T F finch St" Boston. Mass. . BEWARE OF NEW YORK CWXTERFEHS. iih'éhEEIEJsiohniasa. R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST,’ VISITS Opposite Algeo's Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD QUALITY 4' gait-'vsumtcmw, S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING Dr A ROBINSON, SURGEON DENTIST, ADV1(JE-' {a mm? {9164‘ kW Prof J. Y.EGAN Humi‘r‘mu ‘Ont. gram. THOS. NIGHTIIfiGALE’S, ‘é’m‘kfii‘: By reading and practicing the incstiumblc truths con- tained in the best medical. book rcvcr ' 1, 9n ‘ of! f’;‘ige.oxfi;$l. Srént' by mail pnnrecgipt of price." It SELF-PEESERV'ATmlg . ADAMS, L.D.S Hollnwny's Pills and 9th of end) month. 26th do 28th (10

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