shim Bowman, wife of deceased, sworn, saith-Alr.Bowman.deceased hss suffered very ' cun'ch‘for several years with dyspepsia. 9 flé'ï¬ié taken a meat; deal of, medicine of ’idifle’r'e'ntqtitids.†Among the medicine he has been in the habit of taking was ehlnrnl which he has been in the habit of tuking for: several jyearé,ln relieve distress urising l" ‘ he subp‘ds'edfrotu dyspey‘sin. He appear- " Od‘ to suffer more the last few weeks than .u'fotmerly and look in consequence lnrger Aqumuitiea of chloral. I noticed during the g lssmhiee dyspst pflhis life his mind seemed to be aï¬ected,which I supposed was caused by the medicine. I was aware that he sent “will,†fogmedcine on Friday to Unionvillo. [dong know_whethei he took any medicine '19:; Friday'or Efidny night. On Saturday mbrn’iug ubout'elig'ht he appeared about as he ‘hfl‘WOl’ some days," except weaker. I left the room not more than ten minutes. He Mime“) the=d00r and called for a drink. Heinidhe-hqd taken an overdose of the :mediqinezthtu he made a mistake, I wish- _od to p'rpduce vomiting but he could not. junow. I then sent.’ for Dr.Langstufl'. .Decea‘sed‘ retnniued unconscious from the time of thpynttack Until the following after- . noonnibout {our o’clock, when he became Edn‘uelods: ' He died ebuut two hours ul'tei- J‘l‘i‘ï¬fs. l‘hlm'e'I'no doubt'he died in conse- e'qien‘cetnt‘a’n overdose of the medicine ad- ministered by himself. ngtqr Hunter ofPWhltChurch, sworn, " .pilh: n [eggsgflled onHSaturdny allernoon _ tone: deceased; “found him lying on the “' floor inseusbile. From his uppenrancel 3‘shc'mld judge he was‘ Suffering from the "“ efl'ect of narcotic p'oisbn. We used all 2 :mesns within reachto restore consciousness _~,.' sudi‘pnrtielly succeeded. but. eventuallyhe “junk about six o’clock Sunday evening. I think he has been in the habit of taking chloral ( at leust he told me so ) and I um oï¬ropinion that the huhitunl use of that drug 1‘; Vbull’l'j‘t'rotlu-ce a "morbid condition of mind " ‘5 perhap- n‘mounting in certain 'cases to ' mrnomenia,br‘temporary insanity. John -Miller swore deceased: had told him athut‘he was in, the. habit of hiking sblqtpl fordgspeps‘iï¬mud to the fuel that ' 'ghjflel‘dbf‘éulbmelflf ï¬ve gruiim eucli.‘ l i wfl'burliculur‘in writing the qUuntitiea in "'3' ’Fich‘p’owder as_ well as on the honles. 0n 'i'Fridny‘l recei've'd hp o'r'der {Orm him by" ’J'otiif M1ller.for twenty doses of morphine" "116?!“ ones-half thce of chloral. ] svnt him' ï¬'z‘il’dink’lhï¬rphiue in (me‘ powder, uni! swatejow-Hw package “six grams morphine 4-24 dubea’.’ [ also sent him one half ounce chlorile 5 _I heard an Suturdhy evenit'g. he he had taken an overdose of the medicine. I believe in his can if he took all the ï¬gudiï¬iné Identhn Fiidny in One duse, it would be quite sufï¬cient to produce death. M opinion is that the medicine he told me fig was in the habit oftaking,if taken con- V‘lir‘x’uglly, would tend to produce depres :Lojtfulof spirits,or a mobid condition of mind THE VERDICT. 7 Lle jury after a short deliberation. g himght iu a'verdiCt “That the said John : ï¬bfymun came to. his death at his own haueeï¬n the towmhip of Markham,on Sun- -d§f'the ï¬rst day of June, an over- ‘ dose of chloral and morphine, administeted by himself by mistake.†‘ _ Albert Pingle. of U’ninnville, doctor of WWIIO,~$MTH,MH}HI 1: new deceased Juhn Bowman fungeverul yearn. .I lust saw 'him ‘ï¬fivéih’Tofohtyon Zofh‘last Mai. I have " had‘ “were! "conversations with deceased "3500! bid heallh'mid “in effect of certain 54 'dnigl‘. ‘ I ih‘g'n heird' him complain of dys- “‘p'epaia,rir‘ billions attacks.†he sometimes “and! them. He told me he was accustom- ‘d'd‘to inking morphine. chloral and other ",ltirdi§iliel§;‘h‘e Add me so this spring. on ""diï¬'éfénf-foï¬ciï¬ionnl and I inferred from his “inn‘g'uisgeflhiathe Was quite familiar with "‘1hi'i13uhl dpses of these medicines. I fur- ""1Iished him medicines thce last wcek. On "i'Tubsduï¬l 'lhink it. was,l furnisth him _""'by his saliquw‘l‘mlf‘ ouliée nt'chlornl and six bu'V‘OY»; : - g - ‘ ' _ _ *'* I he we'n't t9 Uggnol:V4l__la, (qr qulcmo on Fri- din. ‘ ‘ On Monday morning the 2nd inst the pubtib were startled by hearing more or lessj contradictory rumours that John Bow- .man' committed suicide by poisoning ‘imself‘ ,, Many of his‘friends doubted that had oh'nimiued suicide, but his death seemed ï¬bes’ settled fact; Dr.Dolierty, “maternal summoned and held an inquest bu' thetemains on .Monday afternoon. A ,repor'ter was sentto the residence of Mr. ,.Bowman,who lived at Almira. a small dwelling in the rear of the 6th Concession ‘Msrkhnm, and through the kindness of Cp'wter Doherty,secured all the principal _ ' uce ‘i_v_en,bearing on the cause of his (loath. he reporter also spoke to several ofgthe neighbours, and they were almost. :unaniuious in asserting that they believed ,VHrtBowmui’s death was caused by a mistake ,.on;his_otvn part in taking an overdose of chloral or morphine,which his friends knew he hadé been in the habit of taking for that nost‘distre'ssive of diseases,’lyspepsia. THE INQUEBT. i: The~ wereulus Brodie, foreman, Al? 'fre'd potfo‘d. Peter Fumes, Andrew Bril- ‘liinger.fl:'Phitli'p‘Query. Wm Mustard. Geo Musth,Geo Meltalyflvm'Carruthers. Benj. Jenkins; Geo Luws‘on, 'l'hos Williamson. 3Phillv-lhackliu; Geo H Summerl‘eldt, and {jlethVHonven . Death ot’J no.130wman Yhtqugh Tnkln' AnIOVOII'dOIO Of . Chloral. ‘ AND HORSE SHOER‘ '"- From a report submitted last session to 3111: Ontario Legislature by the Governâ€" .ment, in regard to the Boundary quesâ€" ,._tipn,we learn the area. of this Province, including the recent acquismion obtained 'by the settlement referred to, is now “2212900 Square miles, â€" The extreme 1 length is given at 1,070miles, and the 5 greait've‘ht'mdth 400 mileâ€"with a coast line of310 miles. Northward. Ontario extends to J amee‘ Bay, and Westward .7 001116 Eaklefoflthe Woodu, Manitoba, John Doherty, Coroner. ~J-.T.Brodie, Foreman. .Thelate John Bowman was :5 leading miller in the township of Markham, and re- presented the township in Council for 5 ygprgyone as Councillor, one as Deputy- lleere. and-three year- its Reeve. He was ,":lmthe Conservative Candidate for the : ‘uat. Riding of York, for the ï¬rst Local ‘Asaembly, in l867. He was considered an ;excellent. business .man, and had many of who elementr 0t character necessary to "trinket 3" [ï¬bminent public man. He was ï¬able'iu his manner, quick to read [human nature. had perfect control ;of his temper, ready witted, prompt and de- icided in business action. The deceased fleaves many warm" friends to mourn his 'pudden taking oï¬'.â€"Economist. , a‘GeO. STEPHENS I - ‘Horaeah‘oeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. ' Pliée of Businou just north of P Crosby, EM», Yenge street, RichmOud Hill 'Gen'eral Blacksmith, THE lNQUEST Prepared & sold by H Sanderson 8: Sons BAIL-SAM OF LIFE; For COUGHS and COLDS Feb 6th, 1878 Mourning Goods 3 Specialty I EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE Bleached and Unbleached Canadian Cottons, Prints, Ducks. Drills, Shirliugs, ’l‘ickiugs, etc, etc, etc. Staple and Fancy EBBEEBIES, CBflEKEll Y, HARDWARE, 810., M; Ban be seen At the Fire Proof Store The Tweed Dcpurthnt was never before stocked wiih such Nice and Cheap Goods. The Stuck is so’ large and good that our customers have some diï¬ieully in making their selectiosu. Come and leave your onders early, before :he Tailors are too buay A 600]) ASSORTMENT 0F A FRESH STOCK Spring! Spring I Me'wv Gaods 2 WALL P G SAVAGE Try Samdgrsan’s A FRESH AND 6001) STOCK Boots 85 Shoes! Worthy of the Inspection of those Desirious to Purchase, and which will be sold GHEAP for Gash R. SIVeRS G M CHURCH Custom Work Promptly Attended To SATIN FACED AT 15 CENTS Richmond Hill, May 8th, 1879 gm: gantrtiï¬cmmtï¬. CHE AP Richmond Hill, Apri125th, 1379 Richmond Hill, Feb 6th. 1879 Remember the Place, near the Has Just ReceiVud BEST REMEDY IN THE MARKET. AND GOOD Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill Cheaper Than Ever DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. NEW GOODS RECEIVED B Y Constanly on hand; IS AAC . CROSBY PROF WRIGHT .lnte of Toronto. has ï¬tted up a shaving saloon in the stand formerly occu. pieb as n. photogmh gallery, (next door south 01 Browns Store. and is now prepared to attend to all customers in ï¬rst class style, and. at reason- udle rates Call and Sea SHAVIN Gr 1 U0 BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Syecinl nttlmtion given (‘0 Stair Iiuilding. I’unctuul attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. 0. Speciï¬c Medicine! "all: I'l H N l\ - . \’ 'llshlkmedy 131m unfailing cure for Seminal Weak- ness,Spermatorr- hen, Impotency, / and all diseases .. %§ that follow us a . sequence of self ‘ Abuse,ns loss of A Memory, Univer - mgsull Lussitnulc,After pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and mmxyother diseases that lead to insanity con- sumption and a, premature griwe. [3’ Full pa 1'- ticulurs in our Pamphlec which we desire to send free by mail to every one. Ad 3; ‘ '\ ‘ eforeT AN D H a. 1r Cutting : TRADE MARK. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all Druggist at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt. of the money, by addressing. THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, KEFFER, CONTRACTOR AN1 0 BUILDER. Sherwood. 4th Con. Vaughan Toxunto, Ont" Canada N B.â€"â€"The demands of our business have ne7 cessitated our removing to Toronto, to which place please address all future communications. [EE'SOld in Richmond Hill by all druagists. and everywhere in Canada and the United States .11 wholesale and retail druggists: The Greqtljlng- TRADE MARVK. GRAY'S RICHMOND LODGE, A: F 51 A M, No 23, G R Câ€" Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock, pm Isaac Crosby, W M r, RICHMOND L O L, No 778-Meets in the Tem- perunce Hall, on the Friday on or before full moon, ats p m J H Sanderson, W M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPILE, No 465, I O G T- Meets in the Temperance Hu11.every Wednesday evening, at 8 o'clock. Wm Harrison, T D DUNKIN AOT-Centml Committee meets at the call of the President in the Temperance Hall. Dr J N Reid, Thornhill,Presideut ; John Sander son, Richmond Hill. Sec ‘ : ,v ' The Methodist Sabbath School Temperance Association issue pledge ‘curds eyery Sunday when desired. Wm Harrison, Supt MECHANxcs INSTITUTE.â€"Librury of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R E Law, Librarian. Lectures and discussions periodicnlm RICHMOND Ham CORNET BA‘NnaMeets for prac tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock JOHN Powell, Leader VILLAGE COUNCILâ€"Reeve, Wm Trench ; Coun cillors, Muconwchy Ben Redditt, P G Savage, W Powell Clerk, M Teefy LIETHODIST’Services at 10.30.11 In, and 630 p 111 Sunday School at 2 30 p m Pmyer meeting every Thursday evening, mu] Sunday School Teachers meeting and Bible Class on F1 iduv evening, led by the pastor, Rev Mr McCullum. Assistant, Rev Mr Howson ST MARY’S (EPIECOPAL.)â€"Scrvices at 3 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament. are held at 11 [L m Slmdny School at 11.30 p m Rev B Shunklin, Rector ROMAN CATHOLICâ€"Services : Thornhill MS a, m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 0.111 ;‘ the following Sunday at. Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornhill at 10 30 a. m, alternating with Markham e'very 3rd Sunday . Vi‘nï¬sniTEmAN~Services at. 1130 a 111, Imth 30 p 1)) Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7 30 Rev 1 Campbell, pastor ' This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commeb cial Travellers. Good Smbling and attentive llostler. Terms, 951 per day. The Richmond Hill 'Bus leaves this House at 7.30 84,111., for Tor- onto, and returning leaves Torontu at 3.30 p.1n. Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stubling and Lttoncive hostile): Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.30 a m, l 1) Lu 4.16 pm, and 7.15 p m. , V 3 v 7 5' The Pine Grove Hotel I THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, J‘ Palmer, Prop E E Harris, Prop The Robin Hood Hotel, HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, Proaident. George Gooderhnm .................. Vim-President DIRECTORSâ€"Sanluel Plntt, M.P.. Wm. Gender- ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Ron. D. L MMpher3011,Seanor; -, - Capital. $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $300,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 ' Saving; Bank SM our reduced 101m table. For further information apply at at tho Omcea the Comunnv. Walter S, Lee,‘Ma-nager An excellent Hotel in every respect Good stub~ ing and attentive hustlers. Money received on deposit, ani Interns payable hult yearly or compounded. Cosgrove Bros, V_ Prop’s $20,000, tcfllozm‘on‘ Mortgage or realestate at law tune of interest. Transactions strictly private and conï¬dential, upply personally or by letter to the undersigned. x Richmond Hill. 12th December, 1878. \VESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. MO NEEY; time of the Royal College 6f Physicians London, England. Consultation daysâ€"Monday and Thursday, forenoons. Residenceâ€"Weston. Bethune, Moss. Falconbridge AND HOYLES, Jas Bethune Q C N W Hoyles. l8 .9. 20 King Street, West, Toronto. U mans, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery, etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Togmto. BARRIS'I ERS, 850 Barristers, Attorneys-mt-Luw, Solicitorsdn- Chancery, Conveyancers,eto. Oflices~1mperiul Bank Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, QC: JOHN BAIL. WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. 83121411? BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- TE RS. Attorneys. Solicitors-in-Chancex‘y, Ferguson, Bain, Gordon a Shiplev, sex, right in mm.- .b'wn localities. Par ticulars and samples worth $5,:ree. improve your spare tx‘me air this business. dress S'rmson &Co..lPortlu.nd, Maine. business you cap pnguge In. $5 tos20 pot day mtlde by. any worker of either FREE by mail. .tEdAn's'IMPEnIAL SAFETY-PAD TEUSB ; gives immediate relief ; cures in 4 £0 12 weeks. Eï¬dors‘ed‘by high medical authority The most valuable aurgioal invenï¬ion‘ of the cen-v‘ tury. The secret glean; is, this truss holds rup- ture during hardest exercise, and can be worn night and day with great comfort. Very cheap Prof. J Y. EGAN Barnum Outï¬t March 21, 1878â€"6m‘ aways" 5723mm u“ ,, ‘V ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Woa'rs EVATTA NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, AND SAVINGS COMPANY. omceswh‘o. 70 Church strget, Toronto. RICHMOND HILL ONT.. gram @Wflï¬. . R. S. TYRRELL, LICEN BRANCH Mortgages Bought J. K. Falconb'idge MONEY T0 LOAN. CHURCHES PINE GROVE, ONT SOCIE'I‘IES. MONEY P. ‘0‘; Box 2527. RU-PTURE. gum-w. iitmtiral. gv’ma; C Moss, W C Fulconbridge \V Bwrwick, A BAyleswnrth Bdok, Stationery and Farley Goods Store; C H O O L BOOKS! Belts ; Baskets ; Braids ;' Brushes ; Cards; Cheap Groceries and Provision l 338%} WELEQWEQ Ontario All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds selected from the Importers iu the Dominion. Cheap Goods and No Humbug ! GllFAT BAHRAINS IN HTS £1 SHflHS! Cheap Flour and Feed, Lard. CHEAP FOR CASH, CloverZoTimothy Seed GOODS DELIVERED DRY ReadyMadeOlothing Reynolds and Newtons WOOLEN FACTORY Markham, King 86 Vaughan: GNNIIING, SPINNING, WNNIIING, FIIIIING, NYGING A specialty. and parties from a. distance can have their wool carded on the same day to take home with them. Cloths. Yarns, Blankets of my own manufacture, kept conâ€"' stautly on hand to exchange for wool. ROLL CARDING! I DEFY COMPETITION! As to quantity and quality ofthe work I turn out. I also wish to return llianks to the many customers in King and Vaughalhwm favored me with [heir patronage ill past years, and request their favor in future, as I have betier facilities to give, if posâ€"' sible, better satisfaction. I hope by strict attention to business, and straight forward dealing to merit a share of public patronage. Price as usual. Give me a call, Wool left with Mr Happer, Butéher, Richmond Bill, will be attended to, and returned without delay. ___.__- -_ WTHOS H MONELLY Richmond Hill, Mar 3ist., 1879 Richmond‘ am, May 61h, 1879." Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, Richmond Hill, May 8th, 1879 NGXt do‘or t6 Desterry’s Harï¬ess shop“. Havmg leased the above miHs, formerly known as the Lawrence mllls, from Mr. John Langstaï¬â€˜, for a term of years, and having added 1he latest improvements in machinery, I am now prepared to do Am J Brown’s. All kinds of Farm Produce taken at Market Prices Having had a life-long experience m all branches of the Bilsiueas, All other kinds 6f Books kept donsï¬adtly on hand; ORDERED (b :8 RICHMON HILL Chromos; Concertinas ; Croquef Séf’is In use in the High and Public Schools. Groceries, Gents’ Furnislllngs, For Sale at a small advance on Cost; WILL BE FOUND AT And Finishing in 3 Superior manner. TO THE INHABITANTS 0F A FRESH SUPPLY OF Collars; Dolls; Drums; ExigfaVings In fact everything you want, you can get JOHN BROWN Best Growers and in; GREATEST? WONDER 0115 MODERN TIMES. The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stonulch, Kidneys and Bowels. and, are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. vrThe Ointment is the only reliable remedy fur Bad Legs, Old \Vouuds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever loug standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheriuj Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. I most respectfully take leave to can the at tention of the l’ulrl' ’onv 'nlly t') the fuct, th IL certain Houses in ' Lily: to 1mm}: These countefleits are purchased by unprinch plea Vendors at one-half the price 01' my 't'ills and» Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine» Medicines {Ens {){ihk'igio’ï¬ka STURiOUS IMITA‘frIONg ï¬t my Pills and Ointment. Those frauds bear on their labels some address in NewhYork. E I donut ullow my medicine to be sold in any, part of the United States. I have no agents them. My medicines are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street. London In the banks nf directions afï¬xed to the spur-7 im u mnkeis u. cuutimLWIU‘ning the Pl‘mic ï¬g'uinsfr lming deceived by mnnterfeiis. Do nut be misled hv this mulucimis tricirhas Um)’ are the counter feits they pretend. to henmmne. . I I most earnestly appeal to tlmt Sense of justico which 1 £061 sure I may venture upon asking from all honorable persnns, tn assist um, and the Pub- lic,.us far as may lie in their power, in denounc fug this sllmneful qud. § Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicinoa. bears the British Government Stumj),u‘ith the words: “ HOLLOWAY'S lung‘s AND OINTMENT. LONDON," engraved theme: 011 the label is they address, 53;), OXFORD ST] nu", LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. , , n r. ‘ The Trade Marks of these Medicines are reg? . ter 1iu Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the! British I‘osscssions, who win y keep thn American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 552 Oxford street, London, J an 1, 1879 Ointumuts bearing any other uxldreés are cuun tcl'fcus * - NIANBOOD, Womanhood. Free. A warning‘ against imposition. HOW youth and middle: aged (both soxw) nmy restore their Blmtwmd constitutions, ospeciniiy if arising frail eiu‘lyin . discre '(ms, Herein lies your Oiil’y Ea (:ï¬y ; hy A" professional pcnummm of fibre ability. High‘ memiiun press testimonials, Mention this: paper Send stump for answer. Sue advertisement head ed “Rupture.†cuu mum: money mstor at work for “R than M, mnythingelue. Umxitnl not required; we will†start; ygm. per duy at home made by tho, industrious. Mcn, women, boys and girls. Wanted everywhere to work for us. V Nowin tho‘ time. Costlv outï¬t and terms ffceï¬ Addrosl TRUE 6‘5 (.30.. Augusta. Muine.’ 1: Thankful or the favors of the past the years; n‘ ny still be consulted. in any brunch cf the pro- fession, as follows: Richmond Hill... 9th & 24m ofeagh mbuth (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22118" rig Newnmrkot H ...... 21111. (10' Stoufl'villo†. do Markham ...... . dc Victoria Square do Thurnhill ...... do Maple . . r ‘ , . ‘ . . . . . do ‘Voodbridge ...... ‘ do Kleiuburg , ...... r 30 Nobleton .‘ . room 0 Anasthetics, us Nitrous Oxide, etc., Ii’se'd whenI ordered, and none but the best material used DRAIN TILE, OF THE BEST mu rJ'r‘V A'F Lefroy..., ............ Holland Landing Bond Head, All the rest of the, time any one w‘ho‘may require, his servicfos will be sure of ï¬nding him at his oflice The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to “13 no N process of 19;]!ng Tenth with Hard Burnish- ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cases otherwise hopeless, can be cfluctunlly treutoh und the (11903le tooth. however much decayed, may he complntoly built upwith Solid Gold. and, restored to its original size, ‘shape and usefulnessd W "v - SURGEON 1)ENTIST, hus' removed to 67 King street East,†Toronto. over H. (C: C. Blchhford's Lew Shoe More Best minch teeth inserted in a. manner to suit ouch pntinnt. l‘mrticnlnr athcntion giVen to the preservation and regulation of the natural beech carefully :Lvaing n11 unnecessary pain. A. W SI’AULDING, Assistant. W 0 and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge, Yonge Street. Yorkville. Outxurio. . Importer nud‘ dealer in Pure D:"1gssmd Ohnmicu‘ls, French and English Perfmne‘. )r,}«lrzgligll and American l’uteut Medicines. Home turd Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of cvch description. BEWARE QF I NEW YORK Cnvfl'mflns; me 1mm? treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pro- scrixétions, any one of which is Worth the price of the 00k. This book was written by the most ex’ tensivn and probably the most skilful practitioner in America. to Whom was awarded a gold andjew- ellcd medal by the NM ixmal Medical Association. A Pamphlet. illustrated with the very fluent Steel Engravingsâ€"a man I vol of art and beautyâ€" - ~ sent FREE to 1111. Send †for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL f INSTITUTE. No. 4 Bul-T ï¬nch St" Boston. Mass. ,‘ at which yerh us of either sex~ can mmko great pay an the time they work, ,Writq for particulars to II, BALLEIT‘ &' Co) Portland, Maine. . '1; ï¬nal: in your own town.’ $5 Outï¬t free 8 No risk. Baum-r, if you want a business ’ “7. remove .9351; Stavï¬ï¬ioh'Masb} R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST,‘ VISITS Opposite Algeo’s Hotel,‘ _ HOLLAND STREET. BRADFORD QUALITY A'F‘ Eifliï¬ccllziucmw; s. ROBINSON, DISPENSING ADVICE; Dr. A ROBINSON; SURGEON DENTIST, ProfJ. Y. EGAN Hamilton Ont. THOS. NIGHTINGAL gonna. Dy reading and practicing the incstimable (rams con: tnincd in 111p bcsdt medicatiâ€" C 5;:0‘0519'snï¬gm‘g; mm pnhrccg‘ipt o_f price. It gï¬fylivï¬ï¬s'niï¬'nymoï¬ CL ADAMS: this; Hollaway's Pills and 9th of eanh month 26th do _ 28th (10 Yorkvile LE’H,