Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Jun 1879, p. 3

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J York County Council (Contidued from second page. DITCIIES AND ROADWAYS , Mr Jackson moved the Council into Com- mittee of the Whol’: to consider the pro- priety of petitioning the Local Legislature to amend Chap. 150 of the Consolidated Statutes so as to clearly define the depth of ditches to be guarded and the width of roadways. , In Committee, Mr Jackson moved that the Roads and Bridges Committee be irrâ€" trusted, to draft a petition for the pur- poseindicated. Carried. . The Committee rose and the resolution was adopted in Council. AFTERNOON SESSION. . Mr.Hamilton moved the Courrcrl into Committee on the following resolutionsâ€"- )‘That this ,Council petition the Dominion Government to release them of the amount ' awarded to the Government by arbitration for toll houses and other plant onYork road on condition that this Council remove all toll houses from said roads and make them free to the public.” lle pointed out that the present mode of collecting the revenue from tolls was by rro means economical, as it took a large number of men and their families to collect it. The system was, moreover, unjust, as people using the roads for short distances were charged more more than those using them for long dis- tances. In most other civilized Countries toll gates had been abolished, and the country should not be behind the age. The tolls might be assumed by levying special rates on property bencfitlcd. The debentures outstanding had been principally issued to build the bridges,but these bridges were county bridges. Mr Patterson here moved that the Corn- mitteeiise. Carried. The motion was therefore killcd. 'J'Iir: 1NDl'S'l‘ltlAl. axnmrrioN Mr Gray moved that the Industrial Ex» ‘ Iiibition Association petition fora grant of money to assist them in holding a grand exhibition for three weeks in September, he referred to the Finance Committee. Carried. EDITCATIoN. Mr Jackson presented the report of the Standing Committee on liducation. It It.- commendcd that the reports of the Public School Inspectors be printed and tlruta grant of $l00 be made to each of the Model Schools atYOrkville and Newman ket Ithe same as last year. With respect to the recommendation of the Inspector of the northern district relating to a grant towards half-yearly examination of the schools of the county as a stimulant to teachers, the Committee, while glad to receive any 11* commendairn from inspectors, held the conviction that the increasing salaries now paid to teachers ought to he sutlicieut induce ment to them to do their whole duty. The Committee learned with satisfaction the irr- creasing usefulness and elliCrency of the High Schools of the countv,arrd recommend- ed that in addition to the grant made last session, a further srrm be appropriated to each of them for the second half-year as follows:~â€"No 1 District, $350; No 2, $350; No 3, 350; No 4, $375. The report was adopted Thursday June 19 TWELFTH BATTALION. Lieut-Col. Garden and Major Selby were introduced, and spoke briefly in support of of the petition for lrelmt-ts for the Battalion The ground on Which they based their request was that the Battalion was expected to take part in the gathering of voluritcet‘s next September to do honour to the ' n ' Princess Louise and the Governor-General. a I They-were not to have any annual drill this year,and so the men could not be assassed to provide the necessary helmets. DRESS GOODS 1N ENDLESS VARIETY. MrSaunders thought it would be a pity if \he Battalion were not placed in a position of equality with other battalions in the mat ler of uniforms. Mr Thorne was sure the YOrk battalion should be able to present as creditable an appearance as any other in the Province. lie. thought the (jovcrnriient should have provided helmets as well as uniforms for the voluntt'crs,but since they had not done so he would like to See the Connerl make the necessary grant. He moved, seconded by Mr Saunde s,the adoption of a resolu- tion instructing the Finance Committee to report a grant to the battalion, the amount yet. to be named. This was carried, and the Committee rose. COMMISSIONERS oN cocsrv rtior'EnTY With reference to the removal oftlre toll- gate on the Lake Shore ltoad to the west- ern limits of Parkdale, the Commissioners reported that as the gate-keeper asked to be paid $1,000 for consenting to the re- moval of the gate, and the revenue would fall from $2,010 to $900, they could riot recommend the proposed removal. Claims had been presented them by Messrs Sproule, Chamberlain, Turner, and Sheard, for damages said to have been sustained by them through the removal oft the old bridges, and the establishing of trespass roads on their respective proper- ties at Islington and Springfield durin,’,r the. construction of the new bridges. '1 liese claims have been thus settled.â€"â€"â€"'l'urncr,$10 Chamberlain, $30, Sheard, $55 and Sproule $30. They did not think rt necessary to do more With regard to the condition of the York Roads than to refer to the full report of the Superintendent on the same. Mr Emerson Taylor had been allowed to place weigh scales on Dundas-street, in the village of Springfield, and Mr John Palmer had been allowed to remove those atRichmoridflill from their present positron, boththese privileges to be subject to the instruction and approval of the Superinten- (lent. The Commissioners had decided to ap- peal against the verdict of $475 and costs returned against the county in the suit of Walton v York. The case will come up for argument in November next. The Commissrouers had decided to make certain propositions of settlement to Mr. David Brown with regard to the accident which occnred to him at lslington some time ago, but. these had not yet been accept- ed. These. propositions Were to be with- out prejudice to county, and were made only With the idea of preventing litigation. INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION- ]IlrJ W McMaster 'as called upon to address the Council with regard to the matter in hand. It was likely to be the only time the Council would be asked for a grant, as they anticipated that the Exhibi- tion would be in future years self-sustaining Mr W' Rennie pointed out the necessity for their having more money to carry out their proposed building operations. The agricultural products of lhanitoba were ex- pected to be shown at the Exhibition, and that itself would be an attractive feature. Mr A J Close spoke briefly iii the same strain. Ex.â€"Ald McGee next. addressed the Com- mittee. He again pointed out the benefits that both city and county were likely to gain from the Exhibition, and the necessity of vigorous efforts to make it worthy of the presence of the GOVCI‘HOPGBHCI'HI and the Royal Consort. He showed that the sum proposed to be spent in prizes, viz., $20, 000,was larger than any sum ever before proposed for alike purpose. He said in answer to a question that other neighbour- ing counties were waiting to see what York would do in this direction, when they no doubt would be glad to give assistance also. l 0 ALL RECEIVED B Y Richmond Hill, May 8th, 1879 Spring . â€"â€"â€"-> capâ€"â€" NEW GOODS Cheaper Than Ever Ban be seen At the Fire Prod Store (WWAM Afi/xammlm/a N EVERY DEPARTMENT COMPLETE Tire Tweed Department was never belore stocked with such Nice and Cheap Goods. 'lhe Stock is so large and good that our customers have some dilliculty in making their Come and leave your orders early, before the Tailors are too busy selectiosn. a @003 ASSWT Bleached and Unbleached Canadian Cottons, Tiokiugs, etc, etc, etc. lilillll, ti liltil I. Constanly IS AAC CROSBY Richmond Hill, Feb 6th, 1879 B.ALSAM OF LIFE; For COUGHS and. COLDS BEST REMEDY IN Prepared 8: sold by Corner Yonge and Centre Feb 6th, 1878 cw @rtvtrtirtnttnttrt. g , C2 CHEAP GOOD AND R. $W6R$ Has Just Iteceivpd A FRESH All) GGOD STIDCK â€"â€"â€"- 0 F â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Boots 85 Shoes! Warthy of the Inspection of tlrosc‘ Desirious to Purchase, and which will be sold GIIEAP in Gash Remember the Place, near the C M CHURCH Custom Work Promptly Attended TO‘ Richmond Hill, April 25th, 1879 SATIN FACED AT 15 F PM CENTS prong . Prints, Ducks. Drills, Staple and Fancy itilllllii, it, on hand; 0? Shir-tings, ‘ till. 7 THE MARKET. H Sanderson 8: Sons Street East, Richmond Hill massesâ€"retire (Jr encral AND Inacksrnit li , HORSE SIIOER. Horse shoring done at. $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. Place of Business just. north of P Crosby, Esq., Yonge street, Richmond Hill B KID FFICII, CONTRACTOR A NI - r ' BUILDER. Sherwood, 4th Coir. '\"tru;:hu.u, Ficcinl tittlmtitrii given to St air 1311i1diu r. ,l’unctutrl attention will be given to all orders. l Address Maple l’. (l. GRAYS .Speoifio Medicine lr , TRADE MARK. ,Tho(lrorrtl‘lng’TRADE MARK. I lrsliltonictlyisun unlailiirgcur ' ‘ Scirriiiiti \llt‘ls‘h.l“]l(‘l“lltlittl1‘- Iloa, Ilillttlhtnlt‘)‘, triitl rtll 'lISt‘ ‘ I}; that follow 1 u. A; . k , V scum-rice of self _v , ,\ .\‘\ ‘ Abrrsthus loss of '5>'\,;\ \‘ ‘ illci'rioi'y. Iliriuq' : - ‘ fore Takmgsirl Iriltqsitlltlt',Afte1 Taklng' pain in the Back, Dimiicss of Vision, Pi'oiuafiiro old ago, and ‘ Iriitirytrtlrerdiseases that lotrtl to insanity critiâ€" , sriirrptioir ttlltl a preiirtrturo grave, l." Full par- , ticulrrrs in our t'ainplrlct which we desire to send free by mail to every one. l Tire frptrcilic Mctliciiiois sold by all Drug’gist atr$| per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, Toronto, Ont, Canada N I}.lelC demands of our business have DC- eessitutod our removing to Toronto, to which I place please address all future communications. Savings“ Bank , . ' WEEâ€"3" imam) gilitttilr r»; liq b S()CIET1ES Iticriiioun LODGE. A. F & A M, No 23, G R C~ Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the r Moirtlav on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock, pm y , SI tart rrttrtrr it runs r. stir IlIcIIMoxn LO L,No 778AMcets in the Tern- Cheap Grooeries and ProviSion l . pcmirce Hall, on the Friday on or before full A FRESH SUPPLY OF moon, ate p in J H Sanderson, \V M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No 40:"), l O G Tâ€" Meets iii the Tcirrpertiirco Hrrll,every Wodnesday evening, at 8 o'clock. \Vm Harrison, '1‘ I) . , Dr A ROBINSON. % sURG‘EON' DENTIS’I, vsrtr's V Thankful or the favors oftbe past the-years; may still be eonsultmd in any branch of the proâ€" fessioii, as ,iollows I » Richmond Hill.... DUNRIN Acr~Centra1 Conmiittee meets at the call of the 1‘rcsidcirt iii the Temperance Hall. Dr J N ltcitl, 'l‘lrorirlii'll,l‘rcsitlciit ; John Sunder son, Richmond Hill, Sec The Methodist. Sabbath School Temperance Association issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. \Vin Harrison, Supt 9th & 24th of each monthl Maori/titres, Ixs'rcrownâ€"Library of over 1000 tutl’almer 11011. t , . . '* ' , : Aurora 1st: 8th 16th and 2énd do volumes open every Tuesday evening, In the I 5 v y . y Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R E Law, ‘- "’ ‘ I - . ...... , ...... 211d (10. Librarian. Lectures and discussions periodicalln‘ o r I m o e 6 Markham ...... Biennium: H.I.L Cousin BANDâ€"Meets for prac Victoria Square ...... tice every Tuesday airuLSuturday evening at, 7.30 gigglian . . . . . . . . . . . . o'clock JoiiN Powell, curler - . _ . e ..... . t , All kinds of Field and Garden Seeds selected from the Best Gro’Wers and fil’loydyndge ...... VILLAGE '(YoI:N(‘II.â€"Reeve, Wm Trench ; Conn - . . . . 6. llmrg .. . ...... Cillors, Macmiaehy Ben ltcdditt, 1’ o Savage, Importers m the Dommlnn. Nobleton ------ . Anasthntics, as Nitrcr ofdel‘ed,‘and none but. the best material used \V Powell Clerk, M Tcefy CIIUR.CI{ES ST MARY's ( GI'IscorALJiServices at 3 p in, exâ€" cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and stu-raiiicirt are held at. 11am Sunday School at H.130 pm Itev It Slianklm, Rector Cheap Fldur and Feed, Lair-oi. _-,_ In fact everything you want, you can get PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST: . VISITS H h C H "A P F O C S Lafroy i I i I I i I i i I i I i . 9th Of eflnh month, I : ( § A ’ Holland Landing 20th do. _ , Bond Head... . 28th , do At J Brewn’s. All kinds of Farin Produce taken at Market Prices All the rest of the time any one who may requinbr his services will be sure of finding him athis ofiice GOODS DELIVERED JOHN BROWN ym’ Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, Bacon, Hams, Botato‘cs, l‘Ilfi’l‘llt’fl)IRT!-SOI‘VlCGS at Wilt) a. m, and 6.30 p m Sunday School at. :2 30 p in Prayer meeting every Tliurstlrt)‘ evening, and Sunday School Teachers liltlt‘iillg lllltl Dildo Class on Friday evening, led by the pastor, Rev Mr McCaliuiri. Assistant, Rev Mr Howsoii .l‘iiiasn\"i'IairIANâ€"Servicos at. 1130 n. in, antva 30 p 111 l'raycr meeting: on Thursday evening at 7 30 ltcv I Cairrplroll. pastor HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD. The Doctor respectful] v solicits attention to I711“. , new process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burifislu; ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cases otherwise hopeless, can be effectually trettteh and the diseased tooth, however much decayed; In my be Completer built up with Solid Gold, and; restored to its original size, shape and usefulnessd ROMAN (lATlIOLItlisvl‘ViCOS : TIlOI‘llllil‘l att) a in and lliclrtrrtrirtl l'lill tttlll 3011111 ; the following Sunday at lticliiiioutl Hill at 9 arm, and Thornhill tit. 10 no it In, alternating; with Markhruri every 3rd Sunday ‘ RichmOnd Hill, Mar 3m, 1879' ...-. .V -,_â€"_..v.. “â€" gun i XE] Cr ADA MS, L.D.S,,‘. .. . I ; SUIiQIiON , DENTIST, has, I‘Olllt'l'l’ctl to 8‘! King street East, Toronto, over ll. (c C. lllachtortl’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit. each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully uvoing all unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING, Assistant. . 1- .V‘ W S. ROBINSON, DISPENSIfo ' and l’lturirrirceutical Chemist, 35 Yongor Yonge street. Yorkvillo. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and, English I’crfuiirory, English and Airioricau Pattern Medicines, Horse and (tattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of every description. -I # saunas THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ’Book, Stationery and. Fancy J Palmer, Prop » Goods Store, Next door to Devifsberry’s Harness sliop. This Housois one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto, Everything is managed in but (llllrS Style. Sample Room for (‘olmrrer- cirrl 'l rvelh s. Good Stability; and attentive lrostlcr. Terms, .E-l‘. per day. The Richmond Hill ‘Bus leaves this House at 7.30 8.111.. for Torâ€" onto, and returning loaves Toronto at 3.30 p.111. For Stile at a small advanbe on Cost, SCHOOL BOOKS! In use in the High and Public Schools. c The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL ON'I‘.. Cosgrove Bros, attiatttlttutmtar fur particulars to ll. Maine. I .._I.“ ._r_ a week in your own town. #5 Outflt free, No risk. Reader, if you want a business. at which pursuits of either sex can make great pay all the time they work, write HALLETT A: (10.. Portland; Pl’op’s Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stabliiig and attentive liostlcr. l’roctor’s Bus lotrvctt this llotcl to ooriiioct \vitlrall' the N R R Trains going North and South, at. 7.30 n. m, 1 p m 4.15 p m, and 7.15 p m. b , All other kinds of Books kept Constantly On hand. The Pine Grove Hotel , Belts ; Baskets ;Brards ; Brushes ; Cards; , PINE GROVE. ONT Chromos ; Concertinas ; Croquet Setts j E B Harris, Prop Collars; Dolls" ; Drums ; Enaravings An excellent Hotel in every respect Good stab- D ing and attentive hustlers. stint. ” RtoHruouo HILL WOOLEN FACTORY ‘XZESTICRN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. OfilceewNo. 70 Church street, Toronto. Plow. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderham .................. Vice-President. DIItEttTous ~Saniucl Platt, M.I’., W'i’ii. Goodor- liain, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mncphorson, Senator. ‘ Reserve Fund, $360,000 HE GREATEST WoNfiEit oil" MODERN TIMES.» TO THE INHABITANTS OF Markham, King 80 Vaughan :' Capital, $1,000,000; Total Assets, $3,000,000 The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Rentals, and. are invaluable in all complaints incidental to BRANCH I-Iavrng leased the above mills, formerly known as the Lawrence mills, from Mr. Females. . _ , . i - _____ John Langstafl‘, for a term of years, and having added the latest improvements The ()iutnrenti'fi U10 011W rcliuble remedy for. Bad Logs, (>Itl \Vtr‘triitls, Sores and Ulcers of how: over long: standing. For Bronchitis, Dipthc 'a, Coughs. Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all 8 in Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF I , .\ w roar warranting; I most respectfully take leave to call. the at Lcirtioir of the Public generally to the fact, th in i certain Houses in Newfi'ork are sending to many: =pMIS of the globe Sf‘bltIQlj'S IMITA’I‘IONS of my Pills and ()iiitnr'ctit, These frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. . I donor. allow my medicine to be sold iii any ‘part of the .Uiii’tetl.Sttttes., I have no agents there. My medicinesnre only made by me at , 5.33, Oxford. Street, London In the books of directions affixed to the spur. ious iirahcis a. caution,wai'ning the Public against being deceived by counterfeits. Do noube misled. by this audacious trick, .as they are the counterâ€" feits they pretend to denounce. . .These counterfeits are purchased by unplka pletl Vendors at orieliali‘ the price of my Pi sme T Ointment}, and are sold to you as my genuine l‘ Medicines y ,1 , , > , _ I most earnestly appeal to that senseof justice. which i feel suro.l may venture upon asking from all honorable persons, .to assist 310,4}th the Pub- Iic,,tis fur-as may lie in, their power, in denouu for; this shairrei‘ul Fraud. , . l'itLCIl Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines. - bears the British Government Statnp,,with the words, “ Hoir'Lowav’s PILLs AND OINTMENT, LoxnoN," engraved, thereon. On the label is the mlrlross, 5:53, OXFORD Sfi'uicriT, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. . . , Hollowrr.y‘s Pills'. and: Oiiitnronts bearing any other address are coun- terl'oits - .. ., - , The Trade Marks of these Medicines are remit, tcrotl in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the, British l’ossessions, who may keep the American Couirtorl'oits for sale, will be prosecuted 5.53 Oxford Street, London} J an 1 IS?“ in machinery, I am now prepared to do Etillllll, lllllltlllrll}, llilllllllli, Illlrlrllllli, llillll And Finishing iii a Superior manner. ROLL CARDINGI A specialty. and parties from a distance can have their wool carded on the same day to take home with them. Cloths. Yarns, Blankets of my own manufacture, kept con- stantly on hand to exchange for wool. Money received on deposil, an'l ititcres payable hall yearly or compounded. MONEY 7170!]. OAN. Soc our reduced loan table. For further iriforrriatioir apply at at: the Offices the (Touriuruv. Walter S.‘r,he‘e.wManager MONEY NEY; $20,000, to loan on Mortgage or realestate at low rate ofiiitcrcst. 'l'ruiisnctionestrictlyprivate [Llltl confidential, apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. Mortgages Bought J. K. Falconb'ldge lticliin curl Hill, 12th December, 1878. >94â€"nâ€"â€"_. Having had a life-long experience in all branches of the Business, DEFY COMPETITIOR‘! As to quantity and quality oftlre work I turn out. I also wish to return thanks to the many customers in King and VaughlUl,Wlltl favored me with their patronage in past years, and request their favor in future, as l have better facilities to‘ give, if [105- sible, better satisfaction. I hope by strict attention to business. and straightforward dealing to merit a share of public patronage. Price as usual. Give me a call. Wool left with Mr Hopper, Butcher, tichm’oud Hill, will be. attended to, and returned without delay. . . . THOS H MONELLY Richmond Hill,“ May 6th, I879. I gtlcrltutl. I R. 11. S. 'I‘YRRELL, LICEN tirrtcof tho Itovul College of Physicians London, England. consultation (luvsâ€"Monday and Thursday, foreuouns. Residenceâ€"“705mb. March 21, ISISâ€"tho. 338% WAfirWEt W gland. i‘x Bethune, Moss. Falcoiibridgel AND HOYLES, BARRIST ens, &0 NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, By reading and practicing the inestimablc truths con- tained in the best medical . . ook ever Issued. entitled SELF-PRESERVATIOI} T SELFI’i-ice only $1. Sent by mail on receipt of price. It treats ofExhaustcd Vitality, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical chility,‘ and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries that result therefrom, and contains moreylran 60 originallpre- scri tions, an one of which IS worth the price of tire 00k. T iis book was written by the most ex- tensive and probably the most skilful practitioner IS &20 King Street, West, Toronto. J as Bethune Q C. (1 Moss, W C Falconbridge N \V lloylcs, \V Barwick, A IlAylesworth lgOUIfl‘BEE & EVATT, BARRIS- Tltllm, Attorneys. Solicitorsâ€"iiiâ€"Clririicery, etc, (it Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court IIOusc), Toronto. ALFRED BoULTnItE. )n WM. Won'rs IlvA'r'r. Geiits’ Groceries, Furnislilng Ferguson, Bain, Gordon «St Shiplev, Barristers, Atbfil‘llt‘VS~llrtrTlfUV, Solicitors-in- (llmncery. Coirvcyaut. . ., otc. Olliccs -Inrpcrial I’urirk Iltrilrlin'ts, Wellington street, Toronto. can make money raster at work for us than at; anything Irriritrrl not. required; We Will in America, to whom was awardoda gold and jew- A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very fincsfi Steel Engravingsâ€"a mar- I sent FREE to all. Send for it at once. Address ‘ , . , V , _ , . r ,7- i] start you. 2 pol“ (lay at homo made by the: industrious. Men, women, boys and girls cllcd medal by the National Medical Association. vol of art and beautyâ€"- PEABODY MEDICAL ' INSTITUTE, No. 4 But-TH s . finch St" Boston. Mass. wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the ORDERED w THOMAS 'lr'rriuutsov, QC. JOHN BAIL. time. Cusrtlv outfit and terms free. Address Witt. Sn'roN GorrnoN, GEO. F. SHIPLEY TRUE ti Co., Augusta. Maine. P. 0. Box 2527. \ MIMI-.- . _.- _.~_. v if v er . ° , .. A DVIOE.‘ ,I business you can engage in. $5 to 3720 r ' v I . v . I ~. 11 per rlrryinutlolry niiyworhcrof either ‘V ANHOOD, Womanhood- F“ e, A warning aux, right in their own localities. l’ar , 7‘ I _ against imposition. How youth and Initial, M. ticulars and samples worth gift-co. ' ’ aged (both sexes) may restore their shattere irriprovc your spare time at this business. constitutions, especially If arising from early In Herein lies your only safety ; by of rare ability. High aper cad diseretions. professional gentleman _ . a Canadian press testimonials. Mention this Send stump for answer. See advertisement 'd“R1 titre." ' . 8 ID Prof J, Y.EGAN Hamilton Ont. (tress STINsoN &Co., Portland. Mattie. WILL BE FOUND AT RUPTURe.iW' , REE by mail. EGAN’s IMPERIAL SAFETY-PAD , Tiwss ; gives irrinrediribe relief ; cures in 4 to 1;: weeks. Endorsed by high medical authority The most valuable surgical invention of the cen- lfiflold in Richmond Hill by all druagists, and everywhere in Canada and the United Sta‘bei all wholesale and retail druggiets. Reynolds and NewtOns' DRAiNian, or THE Bust? tury. The secret of cure is, this truss holds rup- ture during hardest; exercise, and can beworu . ' ~ ~ QUAL’TY ‘frTE‘IOS fixGHTmGAlffiga rm. J Y. EGAN Hamilton entail, Rlchmond Ht“: M8? 8th: 1&9 fuming night. and day with great comfort. Very cheap ,

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