Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Jul 1879, p. 2

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Advice Regarding Manitoba. YORK HERALD. H. KEEFLER, RICHMOND HILL ; ONT The following article f:om the Irish Canadian, contains advice which might be advantageouslyfollowed by any of our readers who may have an inclination to go west, regardless of their nationality or religious denominaiion. “The movement (0 Manitoba will we trust, include a full proportion of Irish Catholics. The first comers into that new country will catch its fat things. The lands in most part of' the Province are extraordinarily rich; but are being culled out rapidly by settlers. The Red River valley and the lower parts of the Assiniboine valley include great uncle of what is perhaps the best water-soil on this Continent; and certainly offer in- ducements of fortune which ought not, to be allowed to pass by our people. Breaking up a home on report, no matter how well authenticated, is hardly wise. The Irish Catholic ought to cling to his Ontario homestead; and if he thinks ot'leaving it, to go fi1st to examine the far-off lands for himself. The Surveyor General has supplied a basis of information which every one should inspect in the Land Office at Winnipeg. His maps have divided the Province into parcel of land a niilesquare, each of which can be identified on the ground by “blazes” on the trees, or otherwise. The field-notes in his possession state the growth, if not the soil on each side of that tract; and give sufficient insight into its quality, its wood, its'water, to enable a practical farmer to select in the office a few such lots for his personal examination on the ground. An intelligent choice made in that Way, the intending settler can return to Winnipeg, buy the lot he has selected, and retracing his way homeâ€" all within a monthâ€"take his future course knowingly. Parting with'the old homestead is‘1 in most cases a doubtful policy at first. A man With grown up sons should never i do so; but leaving them behind to keep ‘ things going at home, pioneer the wayl to hislot in Manitoba, himself. A re- versal of this order of proceeding would be the better course under some circum- stances. Bnt in any event it is always wiser when a man can raise otherwise sufficient money to start his new home, to cling to the old. Fencing, draining. housing, all carried to a certain stage of progress on the {arm of the future, the place in Ontario might then be turned into capital; and everything ready to icceive the family, the goods, chattels and little ones could be removed to work out the future in the new venture. But all this apart, we trust earnestly our people will not let the opportunities of fortune open in Manitoba, pass with- out wise and bold effort to turn them to their own account. Trotting.â€" lst, Taggart; 2nd, Dunn. Running.-Ist, Smith; 2nd, Ferguson- A young man named Robb Arkens had his foot badly bruised by being; ac- cidently hit with a heavy dumb~bclL A big crowd gathered at the 7th of King during the day. The grove swarmed with people, and the road in the immediate vicinity was covered with them, while the running, jumping, etc., was going on. No intoxicating liquors were allowed to be sold, and only one or two persons were observed to be “a little off.” Quite a number from this village went out to see the sport. It was very pleasant in the cool grove, and the large dancing platform was crowded all day. A great deal of interest was evinced in the horse racing, and many persons were anxious to bet almost any amount of money, that their favorite horse could not be beaten, but strange to say there was not any money put up. Taggnit’s “Dominion Girl” cleaned the other horses out on trotting, and Smith’s mare took first money in running. Some good jumping was noticed, and the men ran well in the different races. We think it would be a great improvement ifthejumping, etc., could he arranged to take place in the grove, where the spectators could have the benefit of a little shade. The usual amount of love- making was going on. Below we give a list of the succeSSl'ul competitors in the games, etc., which information was kindly given us by the Secretary, Mr Ma-lloy. Dominion Day at the 7th King Puuing Stoneâ€"1M, 3e1‘0me Campbell; 2nd, John Campbell. Tossing Caber.â€"Ist, John Campbellflnd Jas Malloy. Quoit Match{~1st. J Stump; 2nd, John White: ’ Hop, Stop and Jump.â€"-lst, H Share down; 2nd, S Egan. Race 100 yards.â€"â€"lsf, Huge]; 2nd, Sul livan. MENS’ SPORTS. Standing Jump.â€"â€"lst, If Sherredown; 21131,; Gregory. Standing High Jmnp.â€" lst, Gregory; 2nd,She1-edown. Rnnmng Jump.â€"Sheredown; 2nd, S Egan. Race 180 Yds.â€"Ist, Whitmore of Wood- bridge; 2nd, J Gregory Hill‘ale Rhee 186Yés.â€"~1st, Sheredown 2nd, Earles. Bones Wanted~PR Lamb 6: Co‘ Three Jfimps.â€"1st, J Gregory; 2nd, Wigans. - THURSDAY. JULY 3, :879 Opposite P. Crosby's Residence NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Only $1 a Year. Published by HORSE RACE. ( From our own Correspondent.) Quite an exciting race took phat-e on Sat- urday evening, the 21st ult., between a Thornhill conveyance and a youngr athlete resident of the village, from the “Golden SunH to 'J‘hornhil. The young man came in ahead by (,VQI‘ a length. From the speed made it was supposed that the contestants thought a whirlwrnd was going at a terrific gait over the hill. After that contest the athlete was challenged by an ambitious farmer who claims himself to be a chant- pion of the lVest to run a two-mile race for ssrnall sum. The deposit was placed in the hands of the stakeholders, and judges appointed so that there should be no dis pute as to the result of the race. It was witnessed by a large concourse ot‘people of all grades. The young.pedestrian was again successl'ul in out-footing.r his opponent. The outsiders sought the hotels, but; were much disappmnted to find that they were closed. They forgot the Crooks Act was again in force. I' may mention that this act is an injustice to the travelling public and hotel lteepms with reference to Satu'dny night. It is impossible for people to do their business in Toronto, and return before that hour. 1 think that law was intended to protect the laboring classes in large cities so as 'not to allow them to squander their week’s earnings. The peoplein the country are crying strongly against it. As far as Sunday trntlic is con- cerned I claim itjustice, hotel keepers rc» require rest as well as others. I would suggest to the residents to get up a purse ‘10 he run for weekly. It would wake up ‘the village from its slumber {or the past ten weeks. 0n travelling over Yonge 5L, seciions Nos. 2 and 3, 1 must. stale it is the best loulsed aller part on the street. I did no! wonder when inquiry told me llmt 11'. Duncan McCague of Newton Brook. has the management of both sections. Mr Mc- Cague is an old hand on the road, and has the reputation of thoroughly atlendingto his official duly. He well deserves Ihe praise. Olhcrs on the road would do Well to follow his example. A closely Contested game of croquet was played a short time ago, on "Shooter Lawn.” IL was interesting to all until a dispute arose between the domine and modest J09. 'lhc fists assumed pugillstic terms as if the bodies took an electric shock. Joe madeal'eint. It was readily guarded. Tom wasin the distance look- ing on. Fortunately female persuasion intetfc-rt'cd and quellcd the disturbance. The parties sought their respeclive homes forgetting to relate the occurrence to the children.aud aller retiring dreamt; that the game was originated only for young lovers to pass their happy hours away. A young: man of the- age of twenty and live, well- fixed in pecuniary circumstances, is anxious to become the possessor of a [101‘ [cr halfto sojourn through this life. He is bashful in action, and from is stately 31-: peamnce, his amiable disposition, and ten.- perate habits, he may be considered the model young man. Ladies throw off the garb of hashi'ulness, and become the happy owner, do not let this jewel escape your grasp. Elder ones and those ol'experience please take this matter into consideration, and do your duty towards the young. Have one tzustwmthy act recorded in the pages of memory. The Catholic picnic held here on Do- n‘inion Day was an immense success. These gatherings. under the [management of Elev. Father McGinley always pay of? pleneant. and satisl'uctoxily. The dance held in the evening at the Queen’s Hotel new hall gave theyoung people an opportunity ta conâ€" tinue their fun, and the fiddles “ere kept going until nearly three o‘clock. Czrpt.Alex.Williams was the next witness. The bandages found on the body of Mrs Ilull were shown, and Capt \'\ illiams says Mrs Hull had on a night dress and a short petlieoat and also an undershirt. She lay on her back a little turned towards the right. Her arms were tied with a three-cornered hand- lxeiehiel’ and this bandage (exhibiting it) was tied over her eyes. (Here another bandage was produced A large knot was used asa gag in her mouth. A stocking and some sloeking supports were nsed to tie her hands behind at the elbows. Long sisips of sheeting were used to tie her feet to the bed. ( Here a towel found in the room with a hole burned in it was handed to the jury and the night dress worn by deceas- ed was shown in evidence.) There were no marks of violence on the body except :1 seralehon one of the fingers and a small scratch on the nose. The room was in disorder and the contents 0;“ the trunk were strewn on the floor. The missing jewellery was afterwards described to me and a. list of the pieces made out. The Presbyterian picnic was held on Dominion Day, also. A procession headed by the band, marched from the village M II] to the beautiful grove of Mr John Dixon A walking match took place at. 5 pm. Distance 3 miles. All delicacies of the season provided. flanlan Pop wastowcd mound the crowd. The grounds were visited by a large crowd, all of whom seemed to enjoy themselves. THE VERDICT. The juty was absent 34 minutes and returned with a vci‘dict“thac the death of Mrs Hull was caused by shock and asphyxia at the hands of'Chastine Cox. The prisoner in answer to the cor- 0ner,snid he “'3‘! thirty-two years old, and was born in Virginia. He added, “All I have to say is that I did not intend to inj'u'ea hair on the lady’s head. I only went there to get what I wanted and to leave. I did not in- tend to commit anything disorderly.” He was committed to the Tombs. The Grand Jury at two o’ciock this afternoon found an indictment against Cox for murder in the. first degree, At the picnic on Dominion Day, there were two competitors for thefat man’s race, Billy and Charlie. Charlie imagined the the Michigan Central was after himy and came in a winner by two yards. Billy's speed was obstxucted by that dog. “Shoot that bull dog.” Next was the gentleman’s race, two entries. I don’t. know the names. The nice young man with the lock before the heart could not keep time to the chimes of the village bell. ()nr neighboring vil- lvge has been sending challenges to us to contest spelling matches. The vacation is neat',let the teacher and Barnabas [min the pupils in the art. of pcdcstiianism, and then come and see us. NEW YORK, June 26.-â€"'1‘he inquest in the Hull murder case was resumed this mowing. Officer J.D. \Vaterman testified to fiuéing thg boglpij the murdered lady. July 2nd, 1879 The Hull Murder THORNHILL LOCAL NEWSâ€"We shall be happy to receive at all times, from any part of the County, items of Local News, such as acci- dents, or any interesling incident whatever, from any of our subscribers or readers gen- erally, for the purpose of publication. French Dictionaries and other school Books just received. Franklin Square and other libraries. Berlin Wools Beads &c (be in stock. Herald Book Store, Dewsberry’s Block For sale 10.cent and 6.cent mnsw. DOMINION DAY.â€"â€"Tbere was not any celebration on the Hill, and those wish- ing any sport or fun, emigrated to the neighboring villages. The Temperance question is still dis- cussed. Mr Chantlers reply appears this week. The Richmond Hill and Nobletou Brass Bands assisted in increasing the attractiveness of the King Pic-Nic by p‘uyinga number ofsclections. MCNELLY’S WOOLEN Minaâ€"We understand the Richmond Hill \Voolen Mills are now in good runninsr order, and considerable work is being pushed through. The friends of the Rev H Starr will be pleased to read the address in another column which accompanied a presenta- tion to him by his Collingwood Congre- gation; He has many warm friends in this village and neighborhood, who will rejoice to hear how highly he is esteem- ed by his Collingwood acquaintances. PERSONALâ€"Mr. Thos. Crawford, late of the Collingwood Enlcqyrise staff, and now holding a “sit” on the N.R.l{., was in town on Donunion Day. He seems to be flourshing physically and fiuancilly. CATTLE FAIR.â€"Prices were not high at the fair on \Vednesday last, ahhough one fineJooking cow brought $40. She is five years old, and was purchased by Mr Pugsiey from Mr Alex Marsh. The attendance was not large, and but very few animals changed hands. PERCONALxâ€"‘Ve are very sorry to learn that Mr H McCutcheon has been confined to his bed for the last: few days through asevere attack of inflamatiou of the lungs. We hope to see him around again all right in a few days. We were pleased to notice that Catholic picnic held this year in Mr McDougall’s grove, 'l‘hirnhill, was a. decided success. The committee certainly fulfilled their pro- mise announced in the bills “that no pains would be spared to make it. the most pleas- ing entertainment of the season.” The dinner was well gotten up, and heartily relished by the hungry crowds of pleasure- seekers. Swings, croquet, etc., contri- buted to the many facilities afforded those wishing amusement. Foot. Racing, jump- ing, created quite a little excitement. Good prizes Were awarded the successful competi- tors. A gold chain was putup for auction, at a contest between Miss Slany of llieh~ mond Hill. and Miss Collins of Thornhill, was awarded to Miss Slany, $35.70 was the amount raised on behalf of Miss Slany and $3t.70 for Miss Collins. Music by a fine string Band induced many to take a w‘irl on the platform. The Social Entertain- ment held in the evening in the new hall at the Queen's was also well attended. The whole programme of the day passed ol’l' pleasantly, quietly and successfully. BAISING.â€"Mr John Duncan “raised” a new barn last Saturday. We hope he may have it filled to overflowuzg afler the 112.2 vest is over. GOOD FOR THE HILL.â€"-Mr Palmel’s trotter, Della Wait, took first money at Newmarket on Dominion Day, amount- ing to $35. Harry Hopper’s Tinker took second in running lst Innings. \V‘Rob' Son, )‘l‘fl oc,i7...,.. PQucrw, c Prv'n VVB (“5141.11 F0: sivel CMcKenzie 1) Fox, GFLL (231', ‘) Mckcn ison, 1) McKenzie -mm, c J Forechr... Tu‘dgvonp €zonghifl 11:11 (18011011, 0 G Fmesterw JRoobottml,b McKenzie ’l‘Brovn, not on; U wides A 11,, e7 , c Ilsebottom. W McKenzie, b I'orcste A ‘Zboughte‘lburg, 1, gun out‘ E Frishy, not out. Dye. At ameeting 0f the officers of the 12th Battahon, held at, Newmarket on Dominion Day, it was decided to take part in the September review at; Toronto, during the presence of the Marquis and Princess. $50 was granted to each Company out of the County Grant, to procure helmets. J Forester, c G Fox-es 4:12.. 0 Mc' 0.12%, b C Mckenzie J LJJLITV, A1111 out” \V 1311119, run out. R Frisby, b 1’ Ql‘er W ’0 tson, b 1’ Que: G Fore to), b Meliunna A G‘IEAT i)!PROV€ME\'T.â€"Snvnge has put a new front in his store, roâ€" painled the inside and otherwise greatly improved the appearance of' his build ing. A new advmiisemenb will appear next week. In the meantime he announces that he is now ready for bus- iness, and is doing a good th7ng in paints and oils and machine oil. Go and see 'now neat. his fumimre and grocery stores are. 'l'he Clerk of the weather favored us on Dominion Day with abundance of' fine weather, and the attractions brought; a gran many pleasure-seekers. The teaâ€" meeting was largely attended, and the of- ficers of the Sabbath School netted a large snm tor the purchase of books. Among the other attractions may be mentioned the Cricket Match between the married and smgle members of the Club. Wickels were pitched at 10 o'clock, and after a hotly contested game of three hours, the score stood as follows:â€" Almanacs for sale. Totals LOCAL NEWS. Total Victona, Square. I\L RRIED MEN S‘NGLE MEN 20 2nd Ix:ninjs. b J l‘urcchr b McKenzie b Mcl’enzie 1) MC ‘ run 01‘ c, E Fnsby. bJ E0 ter run mu...... 0 Roblnso 1 VViLleh lst. Inning: Forester F< ester 27 17 The Orangemen of this district will celebrate the anniversary of the 12th July,at the Argicultural grounds, Mark- ham. Several sister lodges will be pre- sent. Games, amusements, speeelles,etc. GREAT REFORM DEMONSTRATION.â€" Tlie East Riding of York Reform Asso- ciation intend having a Reform Demon- stration in the Agricultural Hall and grounds, Markham, on \Vednesday, the 9th inst. Amongst the. prominent speakers are the Hon. Edward Blake; Hon. 0. Mowat. Premier of Ontario; 0. F. Fraser, Commissioner of Public Works; G. W. Badgerow, Esq, M P P and others. MORE COUNTERFITS.â€"~Mr Hugh Me- gill of Markham has in his possession a counterfeit $10 bill on the Ontario Bank. The imitation is remarkably good, the only difference to be noticed between it and a genuine one being that the paper is thinner, and the engravings somewhat- blurred. The number is also in a smaller type. A newspaper man would take such a bill in a minute, as he so seldom sees a genuine one. A trial of reapers will be held under the auspices of the Belford Agricultur- al Club in the neighborhood of Belford this " season. Several manufacturers have intimated their intention to enter the contest and give the farmers an opportunity ef’judEfing for themselves of the merits of the several machines. FASHIONABLEWEDDING IN MARKHAM â€"On Thurday of last week, Grace Church was full to the door by an echct- ant audience to witness the marrige of Mr 'l‘hos F.Webb, of Colborne, to Miss Burk, of Markham. The bridesmaids (Miss Kennedy, daughter of Mr Ken- nedy, of the firm of Sampson, Kennedy & Geinmel, Toronto; and Miss Deeringr, of Coburg) and groomsmen (Mr E T Rutherford. of Markham, and Mr Chas “lebb, 0F Colborne) arrived first, and were quickly followed by Mr Webb, Miss Burk, and Mr E B, who gave the bride away. Rey Mr Hart ofiieiated, assisted by the Rev Mr Fletcher. The bride were a beautiful canaryâ€"colored princesse silk dress and a white tu'le veil; the bridesmaids were dressed in white (further description is out of our power.) The happy pair left in the evening for the Thousand Islands, where they will spend the houeymeon.â€"Econ omist. NARROW EscAPE.â€"-Messrs. D Phil- lips and Joseph Leonard had a very nar- row escape on \Vednesday of last- week while digging a drain from Mr Phillip’s cellar, Aurora. It appears the sides of the drain fell in, burying Mr Leonard up to the bre: st, and Mr Phillips, who was under him, up to the neck. Had it not been for a number of men who were at work at a stable belonging to the RM. parsonage at the time there is no doubt but they would l‘ave been hurt much worse. As it; is, Mr Phillips is pretty lame, his leg having been severely bruised; and Mr Leonard received a bruise on the arm. OTTAWA.-â€"Ab0ut six weeks ago the. public school building, in section 10, Gloucester, was destroyed by fire. It turns out that a young man named Wm. Gibson, was the party guilty of the crime. He stated that he had fired the shed, but did not anticipate that the school building itself would be burned, as it was not attached, there being a space of about five feet'between the two A valuable dog, belonging to MrJohn Sheppard, of Aurora got his quietus by the hand of the poisoner last week. There are about four dogs to the square foot in Aurora; but care should be taken that the right ones are destroyed. One of our’iron factories was closed for sometime. The hands ofanother Were on half-time. Our mill was stopped running, but with the N P in force the steam is get- ting up, and we look for a brisk business shortly- greatly to the appearance of this body of Musteians. 'l‘hehnts, in build re semble those worn by the policemen of Toronto, excepting that they are pro- fusely decorated with silver, and the top so arranged that. either a spike or plume can be worn. We understand they cost about 554,50 each. We see the York County Council have granted $400 towards supplying the whole Bat- talion with helmets. Old York can then lay claim to having one of the finest dressed regiments to be found in the Dominion.â€"Ltb.Conservative. At Qn early hour on Wednesday morningr of last week the Davisville Hotel, on Yonge-street, north of York- ville, was t'eloniously entered, but no booty was secured. A little later in the morning a second attempt was made,but the landlord awakened and frightened the thieves away. Shortly after two o’clock the same morning an attempt was made to burglarize the house of Mr. Davis, the Davisville postmaster, but the thieves were frightened off. On Mon- day night Carson’s Hotel at York Mills was entered, the booty secured being trifling. Tramps are blamed. â€"â€"- Telegram. The Rangers’ Band of Aurora, have refeived their new helmets which add The ruins of this and lnsr week have pro- duced a great change on the crops, and there is now every prospect of an abundant harvest. Sprng crops of all kinds lool; unusually well. A. good deal of fall wheat is rather late, but with favorable weather may yet be a fair crop. The rattle of the mower is beginning to be heard, and before this reachs you much clover shall have fal- len before it. A short time ago Politics and Canadian tliistles seemed to hold sway in Ilie country. Them have been more hats ihan Thick- penny's flying in the air since the late great 'Jiumph. However, things have again al- most found their level; the thistles have been topped c~fl‘,r.nd the distinction between Grit and Tory is not so noticeable. The fruit crop is only middling in this localitv. The Miniken Hotel is again favored with license. ’l’here is plenty of accommodation and everything of the very best. COUNTY NEWS [From our Exchangcsl MILLKEN. Crimes & Casualties in Canada Shocking DeathsCrlmes, Academe During the Week. BELLEVILLE.~â€"-Dr T E Alten was charged with attempting to commit a rape upon Mrs. M.B. Murdock, while adjusting a truss on her person. The magistrate doubled the shatemeutfis the Doctor had been called in three or four times by Mrs Murdock, after the at- tempt she complained of was made. He dismissed the case. COBoURG.â€"-Mary Mofiett, a young lady, took a cupf'ull of Paris Green,with the intention of killing herself. Her recovery is doubtful. 0TTAWA.â€"-A man named Graham was brutally beaten by three roughs. He is in a dangerous condition. A fight between four Irishmen and Frenchmen was witnessed by nearly a thousand persons. The police took them in charge. LOND0N.â€"Mr.A.1\Iurry fell out of a vehicle and was picked up insensib1e. Kickham, a G.\V.R. workman in the car shops, was struck on the head by the winch of a windless, and a very large wound inflicted. TRENTON 0NT.â€"Walter son of J. Hendrick, Murry Township, was thrown in front of a reapmg machine'filhile cut- ting hay, and his both legs so severely cut, that he died from hemoorhage in in four hours. MONTREALâ€"A G.T.R bracksman pitched J Lowther offa train while in motion. He was taken to the hospital. deIy cut. OTTAWA.â€"J R Stewart took a dose of poison by mistake, and had a very narrow eunpe. EmiIic Dubois says Edward Massiu took her out for a dnve and criminally assaulted her. ALY)IER.-â€"â€"Melvin Parker, aged 14, was arrested for placmg iron chains on the G.W.R. He pleaded guilty. and will be tried at the fall assizes. WARstILLE,Ontâ€"John Hatley.was Found dead this afternoon on the road side betweent his home and Newburg. Cause extreme heat and intemperancc. LONDON.â€"â€"Coustable Daniels was hit with a brick, knocked down and brutally kicked last night. HALYFAX, N.S.,â€"-A truckman named Burns was badly beaten last night at the north end of the city by another man in a fight, and it is doubtful if he will recover from his injuries. d'i‘ught of' cold'water whiie veryhel'lted, demh resulting from congestion of the lungs thus caused. Ex-Alderman Cornnell dead ...... The City Fathers planning how to im- prove the condition ofthe city waterâ€"to the great job of the tadpoles, newts and other marine monsters that daily appear in our water bottles ..... .The dead body of' an infant found in the Exhibition grounds...... .A Newfoundland dog belonging to Mr Joe Soholes, died sud- denly 2: er swiming in the bay at York St. slip. The foul water poisoned it... The Argonaut Rowing Club boat-house and Scott’s lumber-yard, Yonge Street, destroyed by fire ...... A man called Clark killed on the G.W.R. track near Simeoe street. An engine struck him dragged him upwards of 200 yards, nearly serving his head from his body... Archdeacon Whitaker will return to Toronto after his hollday in England... A new carpet presented to the Rev Mr Broughall, incumbent of St.Stephen’s. The ladies as usual, the donors...... .An old man, Lunn, committed suicide through drink ....... . Jas.Banfort and G.C.Saunders awarded one a gold and the other a silver medal for saving drowning men. The former has saved five lives, the latter one....... A violent thunderstorm on Thursday... Reception to Archdeacon Whitaker at Trinity College on Friday night ..... The Toronto Field Battery in their new helmets ....... Thickpenny, the mur- derer, sentenced to death by Judge Cameron, will most probably have his sentence com muted to imprisonment for life as he is evidently insane...... ..It is not a criminal oflFenee within the mean- ing of the Statute to sell liquor on pol~ ling days. So Mr Justice Cameron de- cided in the case of Mr John Ayre of the Lakeview House Saloon, Parliament street ...... .The GiraudJury recommend- ed the introduction of the crank and treadmill system into the City Jail}- -â€"â€"]C’ustcr72 Enmrrz'sr. Quebec.â€"Chas.Levesque, aged 22, labourer, died suddenly at Ancient Loretta, tyro‘u‘gh dlinLinz a copious It is mix} that a case of rape is report- e} M; Montmngpy, but that on account cf’ the social position of hoth parties pro- ceedings have been suspended. The body ofa female child found in the St.Charles cemetery is supposed to indicate a case of infanticide. An in- guest will be held to-moriow, and the dmcciives are working up the case. PORT LAMBTON.-â€"â€" The accident re- sulting in the death of Frank Wagner, of Thorald, who wag lost overboard from the steamer Clinton on the 2‘3nd inst in Lake Michigan, occurred as follows;â€" VVagner was running a barrow along the main rail of the xessel, when he stumbled and the barrowstriking one of the timber heads threw lum overboard. BROCKVILLE.â€"A man named Wm. Masters, from the township of Leeds, who was committed to gaol here on June 17 as a dangerous lunatic, died suddenly this morning. A man named Higgins, in crossing the :'ver ten miles above here, whilst under the influence of liquor, upset his boat, and was drowned. COESWALL.â€"Tl)e body of an un- known woman was found this mortfing near Gleason’s lock. Mrnwall canal. The body has been in the water some day& Toronto News Items Thursday June 26th Our columns are open to a fair dis- cussion on all subjects. without pre- judioe. Dear Sinâ€"It affords me great pleasure to again hail your friend, G Hale, but at the same time I am greatly distressed to think that he should find himself in a fog. His queries, remind me of two persons who agree to ask each other questions, stipulating that the one who first asked a question, that he himself, could not answer, should pay the wager. So after having duly tossed for the first innings, questioner No 1 proceeded,i,e, why does a chip squirrel, burrowing in the ground not leave any dirt at the entrance of his hole. To the Editor of the Herald. Q No 1 again asks, but how does he get there, Oh says Q N02, that. is a question of your own asking, answer it. If G'.H will discover the solution of his former subjects he will I have no doubt find the answer to present. enquiries. He says that he is ina fog, I think that he must have been in a. dense fog, when he sought to apply the case of Jereboam, to King Alcohol. As to his doubts he had better accept of my invitation to come down to the county of York, and 'in- vestigate for himself. Far fetched evi- dence will not over-rule present facts. Youis respectfull Questinuer No 2 replies,be cOmmeuces at the bottom to be sure. Buttouville,June 20th. Our Methodist friends we to be con- gratulated on the re-appoi.-iment of Rev J H Starr to the Collingwood station. It, is not too much to say that Mr Starr is the most. popular minister than has ever pre- sided over the Methodist enurch, in this town, and deservedly so. His many en- nohling social and Christian attributes have not only endeared him to the members of hie own church, but have also gained for him the resnect and esteem at all who have the pleasure ofhis acquaintance. After his return from Conference his congregation expressed their pleasure at, his rr-uppoini- ment by presenting him with an address,&c. We are indebted to the Bulletin for the fol- lowing particulars: Presentation and Address. Richmond Hill, en Tuesday, June 17th 1879, the wife of Mr. Jes Mum. of a daughter‘ Rev J. Henna” STARR; DEAR Staâ€"It m wi=h much satisfaction that we, a few members of you: congregation. avail our- selves of the pressnce 0t" yourselfand family among us for" another year, to ofl'er a re- newed assurance of our attachment to van and the church of which you are the es- teemed pastor. We are glad you have been sent hack totw for another term, and that the pleasant. associations of the past year are to be prolonged. Your appointment is the alt more acceptable on account of the en- er-J and judgment you have displayed dur- ing ‘he year tha: has just. closed, not only in caring for the souls committed to your charge. but also in so successfully carrying out the various schemes of church improve- ment which have added so much to our comfort and gratification. While you regu- late the afl'nits of our church you may rest assured that in the future. as in the past, we shall cheetfully lend our assistance and aid in all schemes for the maintenance and ex- tetISton of the "eligion of the Bible among the people of l.‘-ullingwood. Pettnlt us also to express the hope that your appointment to this charge meets with the approbation ofyourself and family. and that. the rela- ltons we sustain to each other may be as agreeable to you as they have ‘een to us. We beg you to accept this unall gift as a slight token of‘ our esteem and wishing you and your family long and useful lives. and asttfe and nappy entrance into that King- I‘om which has been prepared for the faith ful, we bid you a most hearty welcome hack to our church, our homes and our hearts. The present consisted of a Very hand- some study cont. Rev Mr Starr made an :tpnropriate reply. expressing the pleasuse he felt fit this mark ol confidence and satis- faction on the part of his congregation. The presentation was a complete surprise, as he had not heard awhisper concerning the intention of the meeting. Mr. w Williams, B A., gave n short address. Rev. J E Starr gave areading. and several pieces of music were sung. The Indies had thought- fully provided tel'reshments.flnd the even- ing passed off most agreeably. Rev Mr Starr is greatly esteemed hy his congrega- tion, and has gained the respect of all who have become acquainted with him during: his residence in Collingwood.”â€"â€"Mcssenger Waterloo, Que, June 25,â€"There was a fatal collision between the regular pas- senger train of the South-Eastern rail- way bound for Acton and Sore], and the engine of a construction train at this place this morning, at half past seven. The two engines came together round a curve. The engineer and fire- man of' the regular train jumped OE and saved their lives, but the driver of the other engine, John Daly, and his fireman Moise Morreau. were instantly kilied and have not yet been got out of the wreck. Fred Cutter, ir, of Sutton, and two men named Taylor and Tretoult are seriously injured. Taylor is still in the wreck and is being dug out. Almost miraculously the passengers all escaped with slight bruises. It is said that Jean Lussier, Salime Tetrault and Stevens: who were seriously injured can- not recover. The cause of the accident is reported to have been a misunderstand ing of' train orders by Daly who had orders to remain at Warden until the passenger train arrived, but had no watch and did not know the time. Richmond Hill, Friday, 'Juno 'Mh, 1879, Marv Ann. the beloved Wife of Mr. James Mann, Edi- mr and Proprietor of the LIBERAL. aged 29 years. . "Last Friday evening a number of the corgregnlimt of the Maple St. Methodist chuzch met in the lecture room of the church to welcome their pastor, Rev J Herbert Starr,who has just. been appointed a second year to this station. Mr Begg oc- cupied the dmir, and Mr Chas. Moore rend Ihe following address: Fatal Railroad Collision @mmmuuiwmm. Two Men Killed BIRTHS. DEATH Geo Chautler. Speculation has been rife us regarding. the robbery of provisions from Mr Will- mott’s cellar, and among other things it has been suggested that when, as there is, a. certain wood within the limits of the towm, shipof Markham, that is said to be tro- quented during the shady hours for purposes that in some societies would be deemed questionable, it is thought that the ham, cake, etc.,may have found its way to that secluded retreat. Bones ‘ Wanted Good wages can be made collecting and phip- ping bones and horns to us. Bags loaned. Prompt remittance. Fdr further particulars addross. ' ' ‘ PETER H. [AME & 30., TMBERS FOR STEEL RAILS. Tenders addx'essed to the Honorable the Mind ister of Railways and Canals will be received at the Canadian Emlg ation Oflice, 31 Queen Vie” toria. street, E. (3., London, England, until JULY 15th, 11ext,for Steel Rails and Fustenings, to be delivered at MONTREAL, as follows : Specifications, Conditions, Forms of Tender, and all other information will be furnished our application at this office, or at the Canadian Emigration Office, 31 Queen Victoria street, E. 0.. London, England. Cosgrove’s Hoiel, â€" Richmond Hill, April 24th, 1819 Department of Railways and Canals; Ottawa, 13th June, 1879. Tenders for the construction of about one hundred miles of Railway, west of Red River, in the Province of Manitoba, will be received b y the undersigned until noon on Friday, lst August; next. ‘ The Railway will commence at Winnipeg, and run North-westerly to connect with the main line in the neighborhood of the 4th base line, and thence Westerly between Prairie 1a Portage and Lake Manitoba. Tenders must be on the printed form, which, with all other information, may be had at thu Pacific RuflwayEngineer's Offices, in Ottawa. and. Winnipeg. F BRAUN Sécretury Department of Railways and Canals, } Ottawa. 16th June; 1879 Nu'rffmmffifififiuus 1n PURSUANCE of Chapter 107, section 34, Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, the creditors of WIL LIAM McELVAINE late of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, who died on or about. the 12th day of July AJ). 1878, are on or before the 318$ day of July A,D.1879, to send by post(prepuid) to M. Teefy, Esquire, Notary Public, Richmond Hill, in the County of York, as the agent for the Administrator of the said (leceused,â€"their Chris- tian and surnames, addresses and descriytion, the full particulars of their claims, a statement, 0! their accountaand the nature of the securities if ‘a‘ny, held by themi‘or in default thereofA tlie Administrator of the estnze'o'f'il‘xe' Irm- 'XVi-l'li'Em McElvuine. The Farmer’s Favourite and Binder'a Friend, N0 Breaks. No Delays. No Running for Repairs, No annoyanqe in the»Ianrvest Eield, but 1755 SM.“ 1N 1&78! Machines made by A Harris, Son & Co- sole Manufucturers for Ontario if any, held by them; or in default thereof the said Administrator will, at the expiration of the time above limited, proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased forthwith among the parties entitled thereto, without regard to any claims at which the said Administrator has no notice at the time of such distribution. Datéd 5631313111336 Hilla'n the County of York, this 19th day of June AD. 1879. Notice is hereby given that the By-ans of the Village, relating to Public Health and Nuisances, will hereafter be strictly enforced, and that I am required to inspect the yards and premises in the Village. The inhabitants are requested to govern themselves accordinglv. JAMES DANIELS, Left on the premises oi the subscriber by some unknown party, one pair of Ducks. The owner will please call and take them away, and pay expenses. ALBERT SEAGER Yonge Street. Official Aasignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey-- ancer, Broker, 550., 650., Money to Lend at Low Rates, Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought. and sold, or rented! Insurance effected,&c. 8w. OFFICE,â€"â€".Victoriu Chambers, 9 Victoria. street Toronto. The Kirby a 'perfech working machine 19 Victories in Field Trials in 1877 ; SL 28 Victories in ’78 More Victories than gained by any other 3 manufacturers in Ontario PACIFIC RAILWAY TENDERS PUBLIC ‘ Health Notice! An Owner Wanted! EVERYWHERE TRIUMPHANT ! Always in Working 0rder gm: gavertimxmtz. Richmond Hill, June 24,1813 Richmond Hill, June 24th, 1879 Clean Your Yards and Premises. Allan 11. Winaggs, Agent, the Goods of WILLIKM McELVAINE, Deceased 5,000 tons by October 1st, 1879. 5,000 tons by June 151‘, 1880. 5,000 tons by October lst, 1880. JAMEg GORMLEY, Farmers make money in buying Buttonville N eWs. Manufacturers, By order: TORONTO. JOHN PALWER 1.1a nf the luta \ Illuu BRAUN, Sgcrotui)’. Insliector.

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