A petition was presented by Jilr Keesor, from T. W.Rohson and twelve others. ask- ing a grant of $100 to purchase gravel '0 put on sideroad allowance between Lots 10 and II, in the 7lh Cun. A communication was receved from R. Cunningham, road overseer Div. No. 16, drawing attention of the Council to fences between Lots Nos. 4 and 5, front of 4th 0011., being on road allowance, and asking that action should be taken to have them put. in their proper places. MrtJames. seconded by Mr Kester, mov- ed that the Treasurer pay the account of R.Cunningham, road overseer Div. No. 16, being fur 420 feet of lumber at $10 per M., amounliug to $4.20. The above Council met at Hall's hall, Unionville, on Saturday the 28th uh. Members all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. U&-, nuluuullua Iu w-x.1.v. Mr Kester, seconded by Mr.Reesor,move- ed that the sum of $2 be paid to P.Coouev for ditching and cleaning twenty-Mo rods of diwh on Sidcmad between Lots 20 and 21, in the 8th 00m, and that the Treasurer pay the same on order of the mover. . Mr.J ames. seconded by Mr Heesor, mov- ed that, the Treasurer pay Thomas Cherry the sum of $S,f0r brush for the German Mil] hill road, said Sum payable on order of the commrssroners. Mr Kester. seconded by Mr.James, movr ed that Ihe Treasurer pay the sum of $XI. 18 to John M Ke-ster, for 800 feet. of lumber and cedar stringers for bridge and sluiceway on the 10m Com: road Div. No. Mr Recsor. seconded by Mr James, mov- ed ‘hat the Treasurer pay $4 each to the following; persons. viz: Drs. W W Robin- son, Ecliurdt and S L Free], being for certiï¬cates granted in Ihe matter of the in- .sanity of Amanda. Tomlinsun. Ml James, seconded by Mr Ressor, mov- ee that the Treasurer pay the account of Messrs. Delamer, Black & Reesor, in the mailer of Public School Bylaw, Stoufl'ville vs. Markham. 60. Markham Township Council Mr h’eesor, seconded by Mr Kester, mov- ed lhat the account of Mr James anrie, jr, being for building a bridge and furnishing material for the same in load Div. Nu.,60 amounting in all to $19 63. be paid by the Treasurer. Mr James, seconded by Mr.Rcesor, mov- ed that the Treasurer pay the account of Peter Boynlon, overseer Div. N0 11, for 611 t'eeL of lumber at $68 per M., umoum- ing. to $4.96. Mr James. seconded by Mr Kester, mov- ed that the Treasurer pay Jacob Heise the sumvof $10, forIGO yards gravel placed upon Div. No. 6, as certiï¬ed to by P. "Finnie, road oversevr. Mr Kester, seconded by Mr Reesor, m0v- ed that the account of Carson & Son be paid by the Treasurer, amounting to $16. 50, for printing. Mr James, seconded by MnKesler, mov' ed that the Treasurer pay the following ac- counlsfor gravel, as certified to by the overseer of road Div.N0., 31, viz: Geo. Eukin, 60 yards, at 10 cents, $0: David Johnston, 1230 yards, at 10 cents, at $13; H.P.Crosby, 400 yards, at 10 cents, $40. Mr James, seconded by Mr Kester, mov- ed that the Clerk be and n hereby in- .mructed to notify all the Public School Boards of the Municipality as to the changes in the law in rel'emnce to the levy- ing 01 morale in the respective school sections. ' ~ ,MriKester, seconded by MLJHmt-‘S, m nv- ed mm the sum of $3 be paid by the Tren- surer to Joseph Slierrick, for 5 posts, 100 feet Inmber and ditching. Mr Reesor. seconded by Mr James, mov- ed that the Clerk be instructed 10 get 250 copies of Voters’ Lists primed in the usual form, and that the Clerk be also instruct- ~ed to supply extra copies to parties desir- ing [be same upon payment of the price ï¬xed by the statute, and pl= ce the proceeds to ï¬le medic of HMS municipality. Mr James, seconded by Mr Reesor, mov- ed that ï¬le Treasmer pay Jas Gardlner the sum of $1 60 lowwds the earthwork at the German Mill Road on order of the com- m issione rs. Mr James, seconded by Mr Kester, mov- ed that the Treaurer pay William Gardi- ner the sum of $7. for building abutmems at the German Mill bridge, on order of the commissioners. Mr.[’.cesor, seconded by Mr James, mov- ed that me sum of 2380 be granted 10 pur- chase gravel on Lot 10, 7111 Con; said sum payable by the Treasurer on Older of rthe Reeve. Mr Kester, seccnded by Mr James, mov- ed that the Treasurer pay the sum of $3 for use of each polling booth used at, the last Local election in this municipality. Mr Reesor. seconded by Mr Kester, mov- ed ‘hat the name of D.Ressor. jr., in By- L‘u‘w No.307, be erased and the name of Edward Leathels be inserted in lieu thereof and that 'lhe seal of the corporation be attached to this resolution. u \u n m vaunuv‘wu. Mr.Reesor. seconded by MrJnmos, moved that the sum of $16 be granted to repair the road between Lots 10 and 11. in the 10th 0011., and that F Pike and \Vm. Armstrong be commission- ers to expend the same; said sum payable by the Treasurer on order of the commissioners when the wgrk is completed. . n,“ ,,,,:. LL-.. Mr James. seconde by Mr Kesler, mov- ed 1hat the Treasurer [my S.S.Gummer the sum of $6, for supervision ofthe driving of of piles at the German Mill bridge; said sum payable on the order ofJames Guidi- ner. Mr James. seconded by Mr Reesor, mov. ed that the Treasurer pay the sum of $1198. for Atraighlening creek. building new bridge and ï¬lling 01d bed of creek where old bridge was at Headford; said amount pay- able on order of the commissioners when the Work is: cumuleted. _ ‘ ._ __- 1|V,A Avvu .v Mr James, seconded by Mr Kos’mr, moved that the Clerk notify S S (Bummer and J Harris, road «overseers, to have the lumber from the 01d bridges in their divisions pl‘npcl'if) cm i 1 fmr. ‘ a ,nr,. v. ,i .. ,1 “nu. Mr.I este , ,d by MrRossor, moved that $20 be paid by the Treasurer for repairing; the bridge on the sidoroud between Lots 25 and 26 :i; the 7th 0011., said sum payable by order of tho eeve. UAAub\zu .» v ‘ ~ A - . J r 7 7 Mr Jame , seconded b) [r Kester, moved that the Treasurer pay \Vm. Gardiner $30, for rupnir- ing breakwater and channel at the German Mills said sum payable on order of the commissiom era when the work js complete 1- vâ€: uqu nu] n Mr Reesor, sccom m 3 “ fer, moved that $30 be granted to gnwol the (mstern townline, commencing at Ballard and going northY upon condition that Pickering gmth an equal amount, and that C01. Button, VVmJSoyd’ and \Vm.Arm- strong be commissioners to expend the same; Enid amount payable by the Treusnrcr on order of commissmners when the Work is crunpleled. Mr.\Villizuneon, seconded by Mr Reesor, mov- ed that . {$.09 be 1mi<lby the Treasurer to \V. H.Radc1i , for 2.777 feet 3 inch plank furnished for Unionviue bridge and culvert in road Div.No. 41, said sum payable on order 0ftl10 m vcr y r . 7 Mr Beesor, seconded by Mr \Villiumson, mow -ed that Mr Kestm‘ be cmnmissionor to supm'iu‘ tend, on behalf of thi" municipality, the buildng of two culverts on the eastern townline, the municipality of Pickering having agreed to pay one-half the cast. 011 moth 'Counei] adjourned to meet on Saturday, 30th day of August. ~11 conomist. The American Agriculturist thus shows up the Bandanah Manufacturing Company in answer to several inquiries from the publishers of newspapers, "The fact that this“Bandanah" gives in its circulars no local habitation or address in New York, it cannot want to be known to any great. extent. Country publishers and every one else may be sure that a concern that gives neither street, nnmber nor post ofï¬ce box, is'not one that they can “draw upon at the expiration of each quarter†with any great success.†Too manyYankee humbugs of his nature prey upon the country publishers This Hous’eis one of this Best Hotels: to be found north of Toronto. Everything is nmnuged in Firsb Clns‘s Style." Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Enabling and uttuntivo hostlor. Terms, per day. The Richmond Hill ’Bus leaves thls House at 7.30 mm, for Tor- onto, and returning IcaVes Toronto at 3.30 p.111. THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer, Prop Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stubling and attentive hustler. I’l‘ncuvr’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.30 a m, 1 p m 4.15 p m, and 7.15 p m. The Robin Hood Hotel, The » Pine Grove Hotel ! PINE GROVE, ONT E B Iâ€"Iarris, Prop HON. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooduflmm . Vichresident D1mac'r0115#Smnuel Plutt, M.P., \Vm. Gooder- 1mm, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucpherson, Senator. Cosgrove Bros, Prop’s Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total-Assets, $3,000,000 An excellent Hotel in every respect Good stab- ing and attentive hostle) Savings Bank BRANCH \VESTERN CANADA L CA N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Money recmved on deposit, ani interes payable half yearly or compounded. SN) 0111‘ reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Oï¬ices the Connmm‘. Walter S. Lee, Manager $20,000, tn 102m on Mortgage or real estate at low rum ut’interest. Transactions strictly lrrivuto and conï¬dential, apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. Richmond Hill, 12th December, 1878 a N E v; tiute of the Royal College (if Physicians London, England. Consultnmiml dlwsiMnndny and Thursday, forenoons. ResidenccaHWea‘ton. DR; Jns Bethune Q C. C Mom N \V Hoyles, \V Barw Bethune, Moss, Falconbridge AND HOYLES, U TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-manmmery, etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, [apposite the Court House], Toronto. l8 8!, 20 King Street, \Vest, Toronto. Barristers, Attorneysâ€"ntiLuW, Saliniturs-in- Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Olï¬ces-lmpm'iul Bank Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUS 3:, Q.C. JOHN BAI)“ WM. SETON GORDON, G120. F. SHIPLEY BARRIS’I ERS, &0 Ferguson, Bain, Gordon & Shiplev, Ofï¬cial AssignL-o, Real Estate Agent, Convey- uuccr, Broker, &u., 650., Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought und sold, or rented. Insurance cfl‘octod,&c. 6:0. OFFICE,-â€"Vict0riu Chambers, 9 Victoria street Toronto. Money to Lend at Low Rates, _ busluess you cxm engage in. 5 to $20 per any made by any workm‘ of either sex, right. in their own localitim Pux tic111:n'su11_d 52111111105 worth ,free Improve your spnre tnno at tlns _busmess. ' dress STINSON &CO.. Portland, Mame. { REE by mail. EGAN'S IMPERIAL SAFETY-PAD TRUss ; gives immediate relief ; euros in 4 to 12 weeks. Endorsed by high medical authority The most valuable surgicle invention of the cen- tury. The secret of cure is, this truss holds rup- tiu‘e (luringhurdest exercise, nnd 4 :m b0 worn night and. (lay with greut comfort. Very cheap Prof. J Y. EGAN Hamilton Ontayri The Farmer’s Favourite and Finder’s Friend, No Breaks. No Delays. No Running for Repairs, EVERYWHERE ‘ TRIUMPHANT ! March 21, 1878a6m No annoyance in theÂ¥Harvest Field, but 1755 SM EN 137%! a “perfect working machine 19 Victnries in Field Trials in 1877 ; 8c 28 Victories in ’78 More Victories than gained by any other 3 manufacturers in Ontario Alarms-D iBKEaUL’TBEE. WM. \Von’rs IlvATm Always in Warking Order The Krbv Machines made by A Harris, Son & Co sole Manufucturers for Ontario Allan ll. Winans, Agent, Cosgrove’s Hotel, Richmond Hill, April 24th, 1879 QOULTBEE & EVATT. HARRIS- AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Oflices~1\'o. 70 Church street, Toronto RICHMOND HILL ONT.. NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, .TADIES GORDILEY, Emma (Emlyn Farmers make money in buying R. S. 'I‘YRRELL, LIOEN Mortgages Bought J. K. Falconbvidge MONEY T0 LOAN MONEY P. O. Box 2527. RUPTURE. gammy. gtcfl'icnl. 35:99:11. C Moss, W C Falconhridge \V Burwick, A BAylcsx‘s‘prth Book, Stationery and Fancy Goods Store, SCHOOL BOOKS! Belts ; Baskets ; Braids ; Brushes ; Cards; BES% WEQWEQ ReadyMadeOlothing eynoids and Newtons WOOLEN FAC’EOBY Markham, King & Vaughan: ENNNINE, SNINNINN, NEANINN, FNLLINN, NYNINE A specialty. and parties from a distance can have their wool carded on the same day to take home wich them. Cloths. Yarns, Blankets of my own manufacture, kept con- stantly on hand to exchange for wool. As to quantity and quality oflhe wOI‘k 1mm out. I also wish to return thanks to the many customers in King and Vaughflflmho favored me with their patronage in past years, and request their favor in future, as I have better faciliiies {0 give, if pos- sible, better satisfnclion. I hope by strict allemion to business, and straight forward dealing to merit a sh are of public patronage. Price as usual. Give me a. call. . --.. . 1 ROLL CARDING! I DEFY COMPETITION! WSSI‘z‘éï¬ï¬Ã©ihï¬ifl1165M;BhkéhéflRiEhmond Hill, will be attended to, and returned without delay. 7‘ Cheap Goods and No Humbug ! EBFA’E' BABEPJNS IN HINTS 81 SHï¬ES I Cheap Groceries and Provision All kinds ofFieId and Garden Seeds selected from the Best Growers and Importers in the Dominion, Cheap Flour and. Feed; Lard. Cover&Tanothy $eed CHEAP FOR CASH, GOODS DELIVERED ï¬chmond Hm, May 6111. 1879.“ Richmond Hill, Mav “th, 1879 Richmond Hill, Mar 3ist., 1879 Next door to Dewsberry’s Harness shop. Havmg leased the above mills, formerly known as the Lawrence mills, from Mr John Langslaï¬â€˜, for a term of years, and having added the latest improvements in machinery, I am now prepared to do Bacon, Hams, Potatoes, A: a Brown’s. All kinds of Farm Produce taken at Market Prices Having had a life-long experience In all branches of the Business, All other kinds of Books kept constantly on hand. ORDERED & RECHMON , HILL Chromos; Concertinas ; Croquet Setts ; In use in the High and Public Schools. Groceries, Gents’ Furnishings, For Sale at a small advance on Cost, WILL BE FOUND AT And Finishing in 3 Superior manner. TO THE INHABITANTS OF Co'1lars; Dolls; Drums; Engravings A FRESH SUPPLY OF In fact everything you want, you can get JOHN BROWN Thankful of the. favors of the past the years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession, as follows : ' Richmond Hill.. 9th & 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newnmrket, . . ‘ . . . . . ‘ . . . 2116. do Stoufl‘ville,. . ...... .18th do Markham . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . 20th do Victoria. Square do Thornhill . . . . . . . . . . . . . do Maple . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . .26th (10‘, Vfl’oodbridge ...... ...28_bh dq Kleinburg , ...29th do Nobloton ,30t11 do Anasthetlcs, as Nltrous Oxide, etc.,‘ used when ordered, and none but the best material used. Lefroy,,. Holland Landing Bond Head... All the rest of the time any one who may require his services will be sure of ï¬nding him at his oï¬ice The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to the new process of Fillin Teeth with Hard Burnish- ed Gold, By this emltiflll operation, caSes otherwise hopeless, mm be effectually tr'enteh and the diseased tooth. however much decayed, may be completély builthup with Solid Gold, and, restored to iLS original size, shape and usefulnessd vv - SURGEON DliNTiST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & (J. Blnchford’s new shoe store Best mineml teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural weth carefully nvoing ull unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. Assistant. \‘V ‘ and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Y rnge street. Yorkville. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English Perfuniery,T.11glish and American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of every description. at which persons of either sex crm make great pay all the time they work, write for particulars to H. HALLET']! 6; 00., Portland Maine. ' n. week 111 ybur own town. 9.145 Outï¬t free No risk. Reader, if you want a business W. 5i; HE GREATEST WONDER C MODERN TIMES. The Ointmentis the only reliable romeay for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptherin, laughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys uhd BdWéls, and are invxLluublo in all complaints incidental to Females. I most respectfully take leave to call the a mention of the Public generally to the fact, th 11. certain Houses in New York are sending to many park! of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of my Pills and Ointment. TheSe frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. I donot allow my medicine to be sold in (my part of the United States. I have no agents there. My medicines are only made by me at {)u3, Oxford Street, London In the books of directions afï¬xed to the spur- ious make is a. multionnvnrning the Public against being deceived by (Sountorfeits. Do not be misled bV this audacious trick, as they are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. Those counterfeits are purchased by {mmâ€"inci- ploll Vendors at mm-hulf the price of myl‘illszmd Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine: Medicines ‘ I most earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which 1 fuel sum I may venture upon asking from all honorable persons, to assist me, and the Pub4 1ic,ns far as may lie in their power, in denoun fng this shameful Fraud. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stump. with the words “ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone they we Manufactured. Ointments bearing any other addreéa are coun- toricits unm- n The Trade Marks of these Modicines are regia tered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, Will be prosecuted. 553 Oxford Street, London, J an 1 18m can make money faster at work tor us than at anything else. szitul not required; we will start you. 3-512 per day at home made by the industriuus. Men, women, boys xmd girls wanted evol‘ywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Uostlv outï¬t; and terms free. Address TRUE & 00.. Augusta. Maine. h ANHOODY VVomnnhood. Free. A warning against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore their ,‘Lntterad constitutions, especially if arising {ruin :arly in discretions. Herein lies your only safety; by a. professional gentleman of rare ability. High. Canadian press testimonials. Mention'flais - aper Semi stamp {9r answer. See advertisement sad 6d “Ruptuiï¬e‘ mow 1mm? treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premature Decline, Nervous and Physical Debility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries thnt result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pre. scri tions, any one of which is worth the price p! the 00k. This book was writmn by the most ex- tensive and probably {be most skilful practitioner in America, towhom was an‘dod :1. gold zmdjcw. clled medal by the National Medical A? sociaiion. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very ï¬nest» Steel Engravingsâ€"n. mar- vel of art and beautyâ€"- sent FREE to all. Send ‘ for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Dill-T s E L F ï¬nch St“ Boston. Mass. R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, v VISITS ‘ Opposite Algeo’s' Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD MODERN TIMES gfliï¬cclmwm, RAIN TKLE, OF THE BEST s. ROBINSON, DISPENSING QUALITY g; Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS'I, ADVICE. gram. Prof J, Y.EGAN Hamilton Ont. 7rims. NIGHTINGLLE‘S,’ C. ADAMS, 1,399., 13y reading and practicing the incstimablc truths con- tained in the best medical book ever issued, entitled I SELFâ€"PRESERVATION rI’rice only $1. Sent by mail hon“ rccgjpt of prism. It 9th of esu-h month 26th do 28th do Hollpymy’s Pills rmd Yorkvila PAINTS AND 0mg MA? 01L Spring! Spring! Gan be seen At the Fire Proof Store Mourning Goods 3 Specialty E EVERY DEPARTMENT (30151151131713 ' The TWeed Department was neiYer before sto'cked with such Nice and Cheap Goodagl The Stock is so large and good that our dustomers lmye some difï¬culty in making their selectioan‘ Come and leave your orders early, befOre the Tailo‘rs aré too busy New GOODS Goods 2 Bleached and Unbleacheri Canadian Cottous, Prints, Ducks. Drills, Shirtings,‘ Tickings, etcj etc, etc. . Staple and Fancy CHERRIES, EBflCKER Y, HARDWARE, MI), 813.: A GOOD ASSORTMENT 0P Try - Sandersmo’s BALSAM 0F LIFEg For COUGHS and. COIL-15$ Prepared & sold by H Sanderson & S6ï¬-§ Feb 6th, 1878 Richmond Hm, July 8th,- 1879 A FRESH AND G001) STOCK R. SWERS Boots & Shoes I Worthy of the Inspection of those Deairious to Purchasp, and which will be sold Custom Work Pmmpbly Attendea SHEA? for cash ggcw gflvvrtmmmtï¬. CHEAP Richmond mu, épril 251b, '1879 Richmond Hill, Feb 6th. 1879 is NW READY run iUSINï¬SS; inï¬ll: mum at Remember the Place, near ,the Has Just Receivul M CHURCH AND GOOD BEST REMEDY IN THE MARKET; 0116131561? whan Eire}? S Torner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hm DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY; Constanly on» hand; 18 AA“? CROSEY Geo. STEPHENS AND HORSE sHoE-Ré Horse shoeing done at $1 a Set for Cash; and 40 cents} for fe‘moVes. Place of Business justnorlh of I" Crosby, Esq., Yonge street, Richmond Hill "'9: "'"""'lishRem13dyis 3711 V untailing curefm.‘ Seminal VVenk: ness,Spermatotr= hen, Impotency, and all diseases that follow as a. sequence of self ‘ V . ‘: ~ï¬buse¢m 1835 of‘ r. ,. V akin emor , niver - Before T 888.1. ï¬asaitude,mer 1321111 in - the v flack, Dimï¬eas uf Vision. Premature 015. 3.36, am! manyother diseases that lead to insanity can: aumption and a premature grave. Full par; ticumrs in our Pamphletwhich we asire to send free by mail to every o‘ne. : - .\' Us BUILQER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan; Special attlmtmu given to Stair Building! Punctualflattpnï¬iog will be given to all orders: GRAY$ Speciï¬c Medicine! T‘ADE MARK. Address Maple P. 0. The Speciï¬c Medicineis sold by all Dwggm af 5| per package, or six packages for .5, B! will be sent by mail on receipt 0! the money, by addressing, THE GRAY MKDICINE Co, Tomato, om†"gunman NB.â€"Tho demand: or our businegu hive 1'15 desaitnted our removing to Toronto, to, whio plgwo plague address all future communicaqu l3’Sold in Bichmbug Bill by I (imagines, as everywhem ‘in Ctnada and the 131'!“ sun. all wholesale and retail‘dmgï¬m ' CONTRACTOR Am General Blacksm itb, '_I‘h_e GregtEng-TRADE MARK.