Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Jul 1879, p. 2

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Pacine Bulwdy Luandaâ€"J 8 Dennis YORK, HERALD, The Downfall of Poland! Thedeed is done. Letellier ‘is dis- I missed, and the country seems to be safe. He has been removed ; and yet we are willing to testify that. the shock was very slight, if, indeed there was any, in this neighborhood. Good, steadfast Grits, who were waiting for an earthquake, no doubt really believe that there was a slight shock, but if so, we did not notice it. We were threatened with all sorts of evils ii' Letellier was dismissed. Signs would appear in the heavens. and many other things "that never happen, save when kings or heroes die." Well, after all, there was very little reason for such ridiculous outbursts as preceded and followed the act of removing that gentle- man . The course pursued by the Mail was much more dignified than that of its contemporary, and the same compari- son may he proceeded with to the great advantage of the Conservative papers all over the country. Some of them were, of course, as wild as the Reform organs, but with the exception of Quebec, they generally treated of the matter in a calm reasoning style. 7 There is no necessity for us to reprint the particulars of the ofl'ence for which Letellier was dismissed It has been [thoroughly published over i the Dominion ‘ The case was unprece- dentedinCanadian history,and although there‘are some featnnes which might bet telnhaVerb‘e-en avoided, it will be seen on cafeful‘consideration, by even opponents offthe, actyllhatjthe course pursued by Sirâ€"John was without doubt what he and-hiseolie'agues felt "convinced to be the onlyfiofieet and only permissible one , under the'c'i‘i'cumstances.‘ We think the country will survive. We fancy it will not be crushed or trodden under foot'by' the base, heel, etc., of the Ottawa autoc- ncy. The only sadfior regretful feature which has arisen sinée the “last. expiring groan of 'the'broke‘hConstitution sounded through our car and reached our heart” is that Sir John has been compelled, through fear of assasssination or. scalpa ’tidnyto forsake the home of his child- hood, and all the dear, familiar associa- tions, and wander amongst aliens and strangers ,â€"-that he should flee to Eng- land for that safety he is denied on this great and glorious hemisphere, when the shrill cry of the Eagle, and the flap,flap, ofits wings has not ceased, and will not cease until this refugee at the efiete Court of any tyrannous nation, be de- livered over to the just vengeance of an injured and enraged people? Ruat mlum. The Economist man cannot under- stand how any one can admire Blake as a liberal-minded, man and speaker. If his mind has got down to such a narrow groove as that, he certainly is to be pitied He seems to think that one political party should not for a moment suppose there can possibly he any good or reason- able men in the ’other. It would be news to him to hear that there are good men on both sides. The Economist is misrepresenting the truth when it tries to imply that the HERALD endorses Blake’s rem arke regarding the National Policy. We think Blakea man of great talent, a Liberal and a good speaker, but even he is not quite perfect, and many of his theories resemble toy balions nice to look at, or talk about, but use- less for all practical purposes. If the ' Economist understands him so thorough: ly and has such great admiration for him, it shouid publish a few articles ex- plauntory of his Imperial Federation scheme,CnmulativeVoting etc. Blake’s. speeches only refer”. to these matters in a general way. '- The country would - like to hear something more definite regard- ing them. It is‘easy enough to give an outline, but let usrby all means have the filling in, ifit can be: filled in. The “Economist” and Blake. We do not need ‘to go 'back to the ‘ foti‘i‘teenth'oi' fifteoth' centuries for ‘fear- ful tribulatiomsrimd heameuding scones ‘ of misery, criuelty' .and‘VdevastaLiloh. Terrible as Were 'rthe rmvages of the Black Death in'Europe and Asia during the period above mentioned, and feai‘f’u] «is was} 'the distres's'and gruglty witness ed, it. appears that §imitnr Scenes are .to be seen, on a 'much smaHér scale .of course, in Mremplgls. Thepngue is -on the increase; deaths are“ becoxfiigg.l more frequent“ [Refugees ffoxn.»t11e famtoity are to be found all over who“ Southern, states, and no one takes any: pit; on them. 01d friends} even .compe'l them to leavmtheir houses 'and “move Von.” W hen the yeHow fever attacks any one, they are immediately deserted, and «left to die as they may. So great; is .thefear entertained that in many iowné'iw the vicinity of Memphis, the'inhabitants have their trunks packed and everything ready to fly the minute they hear:of any outburst in their.‘ midst. The weather has been damp and .very unfavorable ‘to othc sick. ’ THURSDAY. JULY 31, 1879 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Only $1 a Year. Published by Memphis Plague. Meeting of Board of Education was held in the High School Building this day at 9.30 13.11:. Present,â€"R. Marsh,Esq.,chair- man; Rev. Messrs Campbell and McCah lum; Messrs. Lane, Teef'y, Boyle, Duncan and Crosby. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. The committee on School sites made no report. Mr Lane reported progress in the matter 0ftbe extension of Miss Couiter’s certificate. Mr Lane wns instructed by the Board to continue his efforts in the endea- vor to secure that extension. Communication was read from the Min- ister of Education. confirming the opinion expressed by the Deputy Minister, that the management of the High and Public School should be kept separate. Also from lhe Deputy Minister informing the Secretary ofa letter that was addressed to the Rev. ICampbell, copy of which was enclosed, asking for infmmation regarding the High and Pubiic Schools. Awplication was received from Miss Johnston, no action taken._ Communication from the Head Master of the High School, recommending that Mr Clubine be paid the sum of twenty-eight. dollars, for services as monitor, and that. Arthur Grant be paid five dollars as moni- tor in chemistry. Mr Bracken'reported an average atten- dnnce of all departments, fuller report next week, also about. the destruction of school prgperty.” The following resolutions were moved by Mr. Campbell, seconded by Mr Duncan, that the matter against, Ross, and all future cases ofthe kind, be referred to the Com- mittee on School Management-Carried. Moved by Mr Crosby, seconded by Mr Boyte, that Mr Clnbine and Arthur Grant, receive the sums recommended by the Head Master. for services as monitors. and that the Head Master be requested to diapense, if pousible, thh the services of a monitor for the; ensuing: term.-â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Mr Teefy, seconded by Mr Lane, that the Secretary be instructed to answer the queslions of Ihe Deputy Minister in the order in which they axe asked. Moved by Mr Cosby, seconded by Mr. Duncan, that the teacher of" the senior division of the Public School, shall be considered Head Master, and all former resolutions conflicting with this resolution will he rescinded.â€"Carried Mr Trench ertered and took his place. Moved by Mr. DuncanI seconded by Mr. Lane, that the sum of $1000 as recom- mended by the Secretary, be. levied upon the ramble pmperty of the section for the support, and maintenance of the Public School.â€"Carried. V'I‘he Secretary reported sufficient. funds for 1he support and maintenance of the High School.” Moved by Mr Teefy,seconded by Trench, that, 1he Secretary be insiructed to procure a. press and letter bOIVk, for the purpose of keeping copy of all correspondence.â€"~Car- tied. DnRobitaiHe was sworn in Lieutenant Governor of Quebec on Saturday morn- mg. A Berlin despatch says that a theatre in the Kremlin at Moscow was recently burned by Nihilists. Advices from Moscow announces that agrarian disturbances have broken out in various districts of Poland. It is believed that the Emperor of' Austria win visit the Emperor of Ger- many about the 11th of August. A motion is before the French Cham- ber of Deputies to grant 300,000 f'rarcs in aid of the suffers by the recent inun- dations in the South of France. A Rome despatvh says Monsignor Masella is fufly instructed on all points for the proposed interview with Prince Bismarck. As the King of Spain was driving to to church on Sunday morning nu ‘ old woman, supposed to be insane, flung a heavy stone at, the royal carrmge. The Anglo-American Cable Company has determined to lay a new cable next year to meet the anticipated increase of busin’ess consequent upon Ithe lower tariff. The Archbishop of Paris has address- ed a letter to the Senate protesting in m the name of liberty against M. Ferry's Education Bills. Major Cavagnari and the members of the British Msssion arrived at Cabal on the 24th inst, and were received in a. very friendly manner by Yakoob Khan It is understood that the Spanish Cortes next session will introduce fiills for the gradual extinction of slavery in Cuba, and the- compensation of the proprietors as the slaves. The'Govemorâ€"General of Algiers has issued a decree sequestering the territory of the cities which recently revoked, and imposing an extraordinary contribu- tion of 255,000 francs upon them. ~, There was on Thursday night, or rather early Friday morning, another robbery beside that at Mr Smith’s. The house of Mr Thos Eagle was entered by cutting part of h pane out of a. kitchen window, unl'astening the sash, and prop- ping it up with a stick out in the garâ€"- den. Mr Eagle’s clothes were taken from his room and rifled of the money they contained, over $40. This seems to have satisfied the robber, as the xclotheso'f'tihe Misses Eagle and a lady visitor, with money .in the pockets too, were undisturbed. This robbery was kept a secret by the household visited, but before long the villagers were aware refit, the robber rhaving himself stated the fact. This and orlrereimumstances may lead to the detectionvof the thief. Avcouple of officers of the Central Prison were out here-on Saturday morn- ing looking for an escaped convict. They walked back in the afternoon. Rev Mr ‘Walllacepf Toronto, preached ‘in the Presbyterian Church on Sunday, and took part in the Sunday School vexercises in the morning. «Globe Owing to some bitch in the negotiaâ€" tipns between the Churchwardens and the Bishop. there wasno service in ’the Anglican Chapel (Rev Mr Johnston’s) on Sunday, Mr Johnston is at. {present absent'on mvucafion nip. Board adjourned. The Latest News. School Board. Weston Notes. REPORTS 30th JuYy, 1879. Court of Revision will be held in this village on Monday, August 11th. There are sixty three persons in this Municipality qualified to serve on juries Particulars regardingr the Toronto Ex hibition may be ascertained at. R Law’s, Is the Fire Engine in‘ good order and ready {or immediate service? is a ques- tion that should be‘ answared in the afâ€" firmative. Sanderson’s have added greatlv to the appearance of their store by a little paint judiciously and artistically distributed, Brown is having a veranda erected in front. of the Barber shop, and his flour and feed store. The song of the Reaper will soon be hushed never to go again, until next harvest. Bring on your threshing machines. A number of' the latest and most in- teresting novels from 15 to 20 cents j‘qst arrived at the HERALD Book Sxore. ‘ Quite a heavy wind and rain storm in this neighborhood on Monday evening last,A stroke oflighting appears to have connected with someflfing somewhere near this village, but we have not heard of any damage done. ’ ' We are glad to see that a letter in last week’s HERALD, has had the good effect ofstirring up the authorifics of our village, to a sense of their duty. If our friends have any suggestions to make for the Welfare, and safety of the public, the HERALD is the medium. BURGLARY AT THORNHILL.â€"On Monday evening last. three persons at. tempted to burglarize a house in Thorn. hill. Susplcions were aroused by their ac‘ionsmnd a few villagers endeavored to arrest them. Two escaped, but the third one was caught, tried Tuesday morning, and sent down for six months. WHO OWNS THE Gensmâ€"We would suggest to’ the owners of the geese that promenade up and down our sidewalks, the danger of having to go to the Village Pound for them some fine mornino'. The Industrial Exhibition to be held at Toronto in September will be ahead of anything ever seen before in Canada. It promises to be an immense success. It will be open from the lat to the 19th of September. The Marquis and Prin- cess will be present. Over $20,000 'are offered in prizes. Reduced rate and fare will be ofiered on all Railway lines. Peter G. Savage has now the finest and most business-like store front in gthe village. The whole building has been greatly improved, and presents a very nice and fresh-looking appvarance, A person could hardly recognize it as «be old stOre of a few weeks ago. The furniture store is now on the south side of the Grocery department. Mr. Sanger gives an exhibition of slack rope walking, and equestrianism at 'l‘horuhill, to-day. 'l‘o-morrow (Fri- day) he will give an exhibition in this tillage. He walks the rope with skates on. and across and under flaming circles of fire. He performs on strange horses, and also gives a flying Trapese act. Admission free. Slack rope walking at. 3 p. m. ENTERPRisE.â€"Messrs. Speight 6;, Son, oftbe‘Novelty Works, Markhzim; shipped thirty cans for Messrs. Manning & (30., Toronto, on Tuesday; last, Lobe Used in the construction -'0f the Pacific’ Railway between Thudder Bay and Winnipeg. This. enterprising firm built the thirty carts from the raw, nmterial and had them completed within 15 days from the receipt of the order. Economist BELFORD CLUB REAPING CONTEST. â€"â€"In consequence of the heavy rain fall, the trqu of reaping machines on Mr. F Munroe’élarm was posponed until 1Fri- day, the 25th inst, and then came off on the farm of Mr. William Arm- strong, Lot 9, in the 10th Con. Mark- ham. A large number were entered, - The Telcgram says.â€"â€"Yorkville wants to be annexed at least a number of of large taxpa) era, of the town are agitat- ing therefor. When the city gets her charter, they will be glad to come in. We have been favored with Samples of the celebrated Spencerian Double Elastic Steel Pens, and after trying; them feeljustified in highly commendingl them to our readers. They are made of the hest steel, and by the most expert workmen in England. and have a nation- al reputation for certain desireable qualities which no other pen seems to have attained in so great perfection, among which are uniform eveness of point, durability, flexibility, and quill action. Itis thus quite natural that the Spencerian should be preferred and used by professional penmen, in‘business colleges, counting rooms, government ofiices, public schools, and largely throughout the country. Indeed. so popular have they become, that of the “Number One” alone, as many as eight millions are sold annually in the United States. The Spencerian Pens may be had. as a mule, from any dealer; but, when not rthus obtainable, the agents, Messrs. ‘A‘lexander Buntin & 00., 345 St Paul Street, Montreal, will send for trial, samples .‘of each of the twenty numbers ‘on reeeiptcf twenty cents. The Governor-General will arrive in St. John, N, B.,' on thefich of August, and on the -] will leave for Prince Edward Island. He will beracoompanij ed by the Princess Louise. COUNTY NEWS A Pen Worth Recommendlng LOCAL NEWS. [From our Exchangesl DEAR SIR ‘ It has been a cardinal undisputed principle of responsible government, that no Govenor should dismiss his Ministers, as long as they retained a: majority in Parliament, hut Governor Letellier oi Quebec, a professed Liberal 1. and Grit, ignored this principle and arbitrarily dismissed his ministers, although they at the time had a work- ing majority in both Houses, and ap- pointed the rouge Joly Ministry, and then called a new Election. Now Pre- mier McKenzie boasted in the House, , that the electors at the Polls had en-I‘ dorscd this disgraceful coup d’ stat. But how ? Why there was a tie, and ‘ that pure Grit Joly made a Big Push, mesmerised the speaker ; and by dis", ‘ reputable process obtained a base maj- ority. The torrents of abuse and sland- er that have by the Globe and other‘ Grit newspapers been poured out upon1 ‘ all who opposed Letellier‘s high handed; arbitrary proceeding is plain proof that ‘ the liberalism of the Grits is merely nominal. That party is everythingand principal a secondary consideration. 'l‘hus establishing a. precedent, fatal to our Liberty, that a governor can at any time, put Parliament at defiance, and become an irresponsrble dictator. Had the Governor General dismissed Premier McKenzie, when m the" zenith of his power, and appointed a Conservative Ministry, the Grit papers would then have been furious on the opposite side ofthe Question, what a burlesque .on I consistency. To the Editor of the Herald. 1 AN OLD SETTLER \Ve are always glad to hear from our old friend. Ed. DEAR SIR.â€"â€"In looking over the Economist of last week, I noticed in re- ference to theBuse-Ball Match it stated that “the Markham Club played very badly, but the Richmond Hill (Juniors)- did ten times worse.” NOW Sir, if that is so, the Markham Club must. have. done ten times .better, and Richmond Hill only" making 9 runs, Maikh-am would have to make "90, but they did not make half that number. I really hope now that politics is at. a rest for a short time, that the Economist man will give up that natural habit of telling those infernal â€", and confer a favor on his readers. Richmond Hill July'29th 1879 To the Editor of the Herald. (From our own Correspondent.) Manilla July 28th 1879 Manilla is a flourishing little village containing about 500 inhabitants. It is Situaled on the townline (or better known as the Portage Bond loadings:i to Port. Perry on the south, and the Duke 0n the u rth) between the toivnslnps of Bmâ€"afi‘fM‘ariposa. It contains m6 Hotels, kept in a first rate style sultlflble to the wants of the travelling public ; four fine churches, so you may suppose it does not want for religious ceremon- ies ; 5 stores, In any you can purchase from a needle to an anchor; school house, 2 telegraph oflices, post office, milliner’s shop, watehmaker’s shop, 2 carriage- shops, 2 blacksmith's, waggon, paint shops and tannery. The private resi- dences are neatly built of brick, stone, and frame materials, and have the lawns tastely laid out by gravel walks and ornamental trees. The-fair sex by their presence and ornaments, are not behind in adding beauty and happiness to these lovely dwellings. The villa e is :two miles distant from the Port ' erry and Lindsay Extension station, where Mr. Fred Thomas has erected a large and commodious hotel, for the convenience of those who daily go on and at? the trains. Since then Albert Ashton, has opened out a large Agricultural shopi where every kind of implements may be l had, and repairs for the same, also scver- t 11' stores and dwelling houses have been i built. The land in both townships to the south is light and very stony, and , .is broken agreat deal by swamps. 3 To the north it is much heavier and will correspond favorably with the land in Markham township. I may mention that on the fourteenth line of Brock there are some farms as fine as any in | Canada. In the northern parts thel harvest is fully two weeks behind the ’ southern, the' reason assigned is that, last full was wet, the farmers had nol opportunity of doing their usual plough- ing and consequently left the land wet ‘ in the spring, and prevented early seed« ing. I_was on one farm where was sown 65 acres of Red Chad and Scotch ‘ wheat. The farmer told me it was not worth cutting being completely destroy- ed by the midge. On the same farm ,and sown about the same time were 15 acres of California Goose Neck. The midge had not touched it, In the south- ern parts the farmers are busy in the midst of harvest. Mr Henry Farons near the village has 40 acres of Red Farrell and Club. It is as heavy and fine a crop as you would wish to notice. Vt herever sown early it has turned to be an abundant'crop, when late it has been a failure. Not much fall wheat sown, but what was. has been the Claw- son, and is a very fair crop. The bar- ley what there is, looks well and he- speaks an average yield. .The other crops, hay, peas, and oats, will yield far betterthan expected and are much beâ€" yond the average. Potatoes good, other roots are a failure. Every facility for marketing and travelling, no matter in what direction you wish to travel, you will find a gravel road, and kept in the best state of repair. The village is 5 miles from Cannington, 15 from Lindsay and 15 from Port Perry, eaeh village has a railway station near by. The farmers do not interest themsel. I vesin raising high-bred stock. Each has quite a number of cattle but are of a low grade. I may say the same with reference to sheep and hogs. I notice} an improvement in .the breeding of horses. @fiwmmmmmm. .- “MANILLA. Yours &c. BASE BALL. (Continued from last Wests.) Exception may be taken to the approâ€" ‘ printion of such a large extent of land for the building of this road, as exception was taken by hon. gentlemen opposite to the app'i-Qpriation of fifty million acres of land to be under the control of a company. We do not pro‘pnse here to put the land un- der tita- control er a company, although I Conlesslsn fur as I am cnncvrtmdfl Wt uld be glad. did the ctmdilimi of things permit of it, if atom-i any, liberally nided.. could, he fuund to take this work up, and, at their own responsibility and risk,carry it to com- pletion. But. in the absence of that means of attaining our object. we believe- we are right in placing in the hands of a Commis- monâ€"ou which the lmperial Government shall be with us jointly representedâ€"a ‘hundred million of acres of land for the 3 construction of the work' Why] if we lgave the whole of the land in the North- l West for the construction of the Canadian Pacific RailwayY it would he better than tol leave those immense fertile districts untied- den, for, I may say, an age to come, iiei< ther contributing to the henefit of the world not‘ the consolidation of British power and the extension of British interests on this‘ continent. That being the case, Sir, [I believe we have a substantial basis to which we can look for the building of the road. Exception may be taken to the minimum price oftwo dollars an acre, but who is there who will not say, looking at the diameter of that land in the North-West. that the settler will preferto give two dol~ lars an acre for land within twenty miles of a railway that will carry his produce to market, than have, as a. free gift. land without railway facilities. We may, there- ‘fOle, fairly utilise that. great. work iii such :a way as will thus promote the settlement of these lands. I may he told that the purchasers of this land will lock it up. ;They cannot afford to do that, Sir. It is ‘ only by settlement that the purchaser can make the land more valuable; and if they do lock it up they will only be contributing to build the railway and to give railway lcommunication t0 the reSI of the country still lett untouched. The House will see, ‘ Sir, that we have not iitCieased the amount since our former proposition. Then we proposed to give a company fifty million I acres in alternate'blocks, the Government ireeerving the alternate blocks. Now, in t the changed condition of things, we utilize the whole immediately, and propose to The Pacific Railway. Br. TU PPER’S SPEECH. make it t'm m a substantial basis for the building: of tlie ro'nd,‘ not quite covering the vtews of my friend from South Norfolk, but looking in the direction of making the land and-the road the basis of credit upon which to obtain the money necessary for the pur- posevof accomplishingr the construction of this gloat nationulhighwuy. which alone can make the land-of any value. I do not, Sir, intend, at, this late period of the Ses- sion. to detain the House any further, but feeling that, hon. gentlemen Opposite will be able to give their cordial support to the Govmnment on the main features 0t this great question, however we may differ on some of the minutiae; feeling that we are agreed upon the necessitv of immediate action,and in such a way as [9 promote the prosperity of our country, afid looking to hon. gentlemen opposite as not prepared to take any serious objection to lhe pro- posals I submit, I beg leave to move the following Resolutions: "l. flesolvcd, That engagements have been entered into with British Columbia. as a condition of union wit :Cannda that a line 'of railway to connect. t 9 Atlantic with the Pacific shall be constructed with all prac- tical speed. " “2. Resolved. That the( Pacific Rni1~ Way would form a great Imperial highway acrosslhe continent of America entirely on British snii, and would previde a new and imporlant route from England to Aus~ traliu, to India and 10 all :he dvpendencies of Great Brimin in the Pacific; us also to China and Japan. “3. Resolved, That reports from the Mother Country set forth an unprecedenlod state of enforced idleness 0f the working cl asses. and. {he possibnlity ofa scheme of relief on :1 large scale being found indis- pensable to allevi‘am dest’itulion. "4. Resolved, That. the construchon of the Pacnfic Railway would afford immediate employment to numbers of wbrkmen. and would open up vast tracts of fertile land for occupation, and thus would ‘ form a ready out-let for the over-populatcd districts of-Great Britain and European countries. “5‘ Besolmd, That i! is obvious that it wo'uldbe of general advantage to find an outlet for the redundant population of the Mother Country within the ‘Em‘pn‘e,’and thus build up flourishing colonies on Brit- ish soil, insiead of dlreclmg a stream of immigration from England to foreign coun- (lies. “6.- Resolved, That in View of the im- portance of keeping faith with British Cni- umbia, and completing the consolidation of the Confederation of the Provinces in Brit- ish North America, and for the purpose of extending relief to thetunemployed work- ing classes of Great. Britain, and affording them permanent homes on British soil; and in view of the national character of the undertaking, the Government; of Canada is authorised and directed to use its best foOtIS to secure the co operation of the Imperial Governmentin this great under- taking and obtain further and by guarantee or otherwise, in4 the construction of- this great national work. “7. Resolved, That it is further expe- dient to provide (1) That one hundred mil- lion acres of land, and all the'minerals they contain, be appropriated for‘ the urposes of constructing the Canadian Paci c Rail- way. (2) That theland be vested in com- missioners to be Specially appointed, and that the Imperial Government be repre- sented on the Commission. [3] That all the ungranted land within twenty miles of the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway belonging to the Dominion be vested in such Commission; and that when the lands‘ along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railn way are not of fair average quality for set- tlement, a corresponding quantity of lands of fair quality shall be appropriated in other parts of the country, to the extent in all of100.000,000 ofacres. [4] That said Commissione:s be authorised to sell, from time to time, any portion such of land at a price to be fixed by the Governor-in-Coun- cil. on their recommendation, at the rate of inot less than $2 per acre; and that they i may be required to invest the proceeds ' of such sales in Canadian Government securiâ€" ‘ties, to he held exclusively for the purpose {of defraying the cost. of the construction lof the Canadian Pacific Railway. “8. Resolved. That the withdrawal for sale and seulement of lands of twenty miles 01: each side of the located line ofthe Pacific Railwav, has, in part, had the ef- fect of throwing settlements south and west of Lake Manitoba. “9. Resolved, That in existing state of things, it is desirable‘to combine the pro- motion of colonisation with railway con- struction on the Canadian Pacific Railway west of Red Riven. I _ "10 . Resolved, That the Government be authorised and directed to locate a portion of the Canadian Pacific Railway from the Red River, westerly, running to the south of Lake Manitoba, with a branch to Win- nipeg; and if they deem it advisable, to enter into-n contract for etpending a sum not exceeding $1,000,000 in constructing the said railway without previously submit- ‘ting the contracts to Parliament. “11. Resolved, That it is expedlent to make further explorations in the Peace and Pine River Districts, and other sections of the cmmlry not yet examined, in order to ascertain the fensibihty of a line through .the largest extent of fertile territory. be- fore beginning the work of construction in British Urdumbia. ' ‘ “12. figsolficd, That in flu; opinion of the Houée fhé selectmn of the Burmrd In- let termmus was premature. “13. Resolved, Thatit is necessary to keep good failb with British Columbia, and commence the construction of We railway in that. Proyince as early as is practicable. “14. Resolved. That the Government be authorised and directed to make such fur- ther explorations as they may deem neces- sary for the said purpose, and so soon as they have finally selected and located the line, to enter into contracts for construc- ting a portion of the same, not exceeding 125 miles, without the further sanction of Parliament, so that the work of construc- tion may. at latest. be commenced during the present season, and, thereafter, be vigorously prosecuted.” ' Home 0? Commons Monday, l2th May, 1879 DR. TUI’PER said that, as no one appear- ed desiii'ous of saying anything; more on the resolutions, he would briefly reply to some ofthe crtticiSms and remarks which they had elicted. He had endeavoured, in introducing the resolutions, to avoid open- ing up any debateable ground between the two parties that did not necessarily come under the consideration ofthe very impor- tant questions involved. He regretted very much that hon. gentlemen opposite should not have felt it their duty to confine them- selves to the discussion of the questions naturally and necessarily raised by the resolutions themselves. He would not follow thetr bad example on the present occasion. He dld not intend to discuss what. was familiarly known as the Canadian Pacific Railway Scandal, and he did not think that hon. gentlemen opposite had any reason to suppose its revival would benefit either. themselves, or the country. it was quite true that hon, gentlemen opposite had snatched a hasty verdict from the country, by using that question as a means of exciting the public mind. But, they ought not to forget that, after five years’ of centinuous discussion of the ques- 110nm and out of Parliament, after the, whole matter had been deliberately sub- mitted to the people, its verdict had been of the most unmistakable character, against the views and conduct of the hon. gentle- man opposite. The verdict ought, forever, to set the question at rest. He would think that the hon. gentlemen Opposite would hardly be prepared to utter so great a slan- der against the people of this country, as to assume or declare that any gentleman with the slightest taint, upon his personal honor could receive their deliberate support as Premier of the vast, majority of the peo- ple of Canada. It was obvious that they had utterly failed in convincmg the public mind of the soundness of their views on this question, and they saw the party charg- ed with one of the greatest political crimes --the sale of ,a great public charter for personal or party interestâ€" corsidered by the people more worthy of their trust thanlhe men to whom they had recently given five years of trial. He did ‘not in- tend to say more on this subject, which he regretted had been introduced. He had made what. he hoped would be a Successful appeal to the patriotism of the hon. gentle- men. opposite. He believed they had party issues enough on which they could legiti. mately divide, without dragging down into the arena of party strife a great question that the public interest. demanded should be raised above it: and he did hope that in the future consideration of the question here and elsewhere, hon. gentlemen op- posite would feel that. they owed it to their country. even at, the sacrifice of party ir- terest. to give all the aid and co-operation that he (Mr. 'J‘upper) solicrted at their hands to the Government engaged in deal ing With this great question. He intended briefly to examine some of the objections of hon. gentleman Opposite to the resoluti- ons. The language of the leader of the ()ppositon. and of the late Ministers of Fin- ance and of the Interior, would lead to the supposition that in those resolutions the House and country were asked to commit themselves to some new and onerous obli- gation. He (Mr. Topper) denied it. ()n the points raised by those hon. gentlemen. Parliament had already committed itself to everything asked in the resolutions. . Those 'lhon. gentlemen stood as fully committed l I l as gentlemen on his Side to. evelythinz asked in 1th resolulions. Exceplion had been taken to the demand to appropriate 100,000,000 acres for the purpose 0t con- strucnng ihe Canadian Pacific Railway 0n the Journals of Parliament ’ of seven 111885 a trial without expense. The best. opportunity ever ofiered for those will- ing to work. You should trv nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at. the bus- iness we offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that. you work. Women make us much as men. Send for special private terms and parti- culurs which we mull free, $5 outfit free Don't complain ofl’mrd times while you have such a. chance. Address H. HALLETT & 00.. Portland I “will”. ... v...v.._ ,, , SE capital risked? You can give the busâ€" Maiue‘ NflTIEE Tl] EBEBITHRS Au ;_\/A.L¢‘ v“ u- vuwlv--_ ,7. vised Statutes of Ontario, the 'credito rs of WIL LIAM McELVAINE late of Richmond' Hill, in the County of York, who died on or about the 12th day of July A.D.1878, are on or before the 3151:9113! ofiJuLy A,p.1879, to send by pos (prepaid; \v AM." human. D€n1\n\/\‘1 cum unvy v; u nu; “Huh, to M. Tecfy, Esquire, fibfiry Pubdlla Bibhfimnd Hill, in the County of York-[as the agent for the Administrator of the su_i(_1 deceasedLâ€"the' ‘hris- nuunuwu. wvv‘. v- "n. tinn and surnames, addresses and description, the full yarticulm‘s of their claims, a. statement of their uccouuts,und the nature of the securities if any, held by them; or in default thereof the mid Administrator will, at the expiration of the time above limited, proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased forthwith among the parties entitled thereto, without regard to any claims of which the said Administrator, has no notice at the time of suchflisttib tion. . --... i A,“ _. x: v-_1. uU uumuc uu uuU nunu u; WM,“ “w H.«._,fi, Dated at Richmond mum the doumy bi York, this 19th day of June AD. 1879. . Administrator of the estate of the late William McElvaine. A not required; we will start 011. Men‘ Women, boys and girls ma 0 Money faster at work fer us than at anything else. The work is light and nleasunt, and such as anyone can go right at. Those who are wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are laying up larger sums of money” Address TRUE «52 00.,Augusm, Maine. / AMONTH suanteed. $12 a. day at home by the industrious. Capital 1n PURSUANCE of Chapter 107$ ‘sgchion 34, Re‘ .,- ,,.a 1‘11’1' M-oELVAVI NE, Deceased the Goods of WILLIAM ADMINISTRATOR’S (continued on third page) A WEEK >in_yopvr own JOHN PALMER Respeuung fhe Disp‘onuf of cortal‘n be; minlon Land’s foi- tihe Patio-es- of the Canadian Pacific Railway. “Public notice is hereby given that the Ionowé ing regulations are promng fixed as overning the mode of disposing of the Dominion Jands situate within 110 (one hundred and ten) miles on each side of the line of the Canadian Pacific .Rnili- Way 1â€"â€" 1. " Until further and final survev of the Said railway has been made west of the Red River, and for the purposes of these regulations. the line ofthe said milwuv shall be assumed to be onvthe fourth base westerly to the intersection of the said base by the V ine between ranges 21 and 22 west of the first principal ineriden,end thence m ndirect llne to the confluence of the Shell River with the River Assiniboine, “ ‘2. The country lyingon each side of the line of railway shall be renpectively divided into belts as follows : “ (1) A belt of five miles on either side of the railway, and immediately adjoining the samefio be called belt A; " (2) A belt of fifteen miles on either side of the railway, udjoinimzbelt A, to be called belt B; “ (8) VA belt of twenty miles on either side 01 the railway adjoining belt B, to be called belt C; ” (4) A belt; of twenty miles on either side of the railway, adjoining belt} C, to be called belt D; and “ (5) A belt of fifty miles on either side of the railway, adjoining belt D, ’to be called belt E. 3. “ The Dominibn lumla in belt A shall be ub- solutely Withdrawn from homestead entry, also from pre-emption, and shall be held exclusively for sale ut_six dollq‘rqper qcrg. - 4. e 1an n belt B shall be disposed of as follows: The even-numbered sections Within the belt shall be set apart for homestth and pre- emptione, and the odd-numbered sections shall, be regarded as railway lands proper. The home- steuds on the even numbered sections, to the ex- tent of eighty acres each, shall consist of the: easterly halves of the easterly hulves,ulsa of the westerly halves of the Westerly halves of such sections; and the pie-eruptions on such even: numbered sections, also to‘ the extent of eighty ncres each, adjoining such eighty-acre “home- steeds, shall consist of the westerly halves of the easterly halves, also of the easterly hxilves of the westerly halves of such sections, and shall he sold at the rate of $2.50 (two dollars and fifty cents per acre. Railway lands proper, being the odd-numberedsections within the belt, will be for sale at five dollars per acre. -' 5. " The even-numbered sections in belt C will be set apart, for homustends and pre-emptions of eighty acres each, in manner as above described; the price of pre-cmptdons similarly to be $2.51!} (two dollars and fifty cents) per acre; the railway lands to consist of the oddmumbered. sections, and to be dealt with in the same'munn’er as; above provided in respect? of lands in be“ B, ex. cept that the price shall be (three dollars and fifty cents) per acre. 6, “ The even-numbered sectionfi in belt D shall also be set apart for homesteuds and preâ€" omptions of eighty m-res each, as provided flu in respect of bolas B and C. but; the price of prev emptiona shall be at the rate of $2 (two dollars) per acre. Railway lands to consist, as in the belts B mnd'C, of the odd-numbered sections, and the price thereo' to be at. the uniform rate of $2 (two dollars per more, ~ 7. “ In the beltE, the description and men. of homesteads and pre-emptions, and railway lands resnoctively,to be as above, and the prime of both pre-emption and railway lands to be at the uniform rate of $17(on_e dpllax) per gore. ‘ 7 . A uuuunu “mm u; w. “1..., “WM...” km. 8. “ The terms of Bela of preâ€"emptions through? out the several belts, B, C, D,and E shall ‘be as follows. viz.: Fourâ€"tenths of the purchase money, together With interest on the latter, at the rate of 6 per cent. Der annum, to be paid at the en& of three years from the date of entry; the reâ€" mainder to be paid in six equal annual instal- ments from and after the said date. with interest at the rate above mentioned, on such balance of the purchase money as may from time to time remain unpaid, to be with each instalment. 9. “ The terms of sale of railway' lands to be uniformly as follows. viz,: One-tenth in cash at the time‘of purchase; the balance in nine equal annual instalments, with interest at the rate of six per cent. per unnum on the balance of purâ€" chase money from time to time remaining unâ€" paid, to be paid with each instalment. All an manta. either for nre-emplions or for railway lands proper, shall be in cash, and not' in scrip or bounty warrants. ' gm: gdv'ir’tifitfitt‘ntg: 10 “ All entries of lands shall be subject to the! following provisions respecting the right of way of the Canadian Pacific Railway or of any Gov- erngnentnolonizatxon railway connected thereâ€" wit , viz,: ’ ' ‘ ‘ a. In the case of the Trailwny' crossing land entered as a homestead, the right ’of way therer on shall: be free to the Government. b Where the railway crosses pre-em tiona or railway lands proper, the owner aha] only be: entitled to claim payment; for the land required for right of way at the same rate pgr more as he may have paid the Government for the name, 11. “ The above regulations shall come into force 011mm: after the' first day of August next, up to which time the provisions of the D0min~ ion Lands Act shall continue to operate over the lands included in the several belts mentioned, excepting as relates to the belts A and B, in both. of which. up to the snidrdate, home toads of 160‘ acres each, but no other entries Wil ,ns at present, be permitte’d.’ ‘ ‘ " 12“ Claims to Dominion lands arising from settlement, after the datehereof, in territory unâ€" surveyed at $110 time of such setflemept, and which may be embraced within the'limits uf» {acted by the above policy, or by the extension thereof in the future over additional tenitorymill be nltinmtely‘denvlt with in accordance With the terms prescribed above for the lands in the par- ticulm‘ belt in which such settlément may be found to be situated. >' ‘ 1 . “ All entries after the dam hereof at unoc- cupied lands in the Saskatchewan 1 Agency, will be considered as provisional until the milimyline through that part of the torritoties‘ has been located, after which the same will‘be finally dis- posed of in accordance with/the above regula- tions, as the same may apmy to thel particular belt in which such lundfi may be found to be situated. ‘ .. » - VH4. “Any further information necessaryumny be obtained on application at the Dominion Lands Office, Ottawa, or from the agent of Dominion Lands. Winnipeg, or‘from any of the 10031 agents in Manitoba m- the Territories, who are in pos- seRsion of maps showing the li . its of the several belts above referred to, u. supp y of which maps will, as soon an no‘ssible, be' fined in the hands of the said agentsior genera distribution.” By order of the Minister of the Interior, , y _ Jr 5. DENNIS, ' Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. m u ulu uvu‘ 14. " The above regulations‘it Will, of con rso, be understood will not affect sections 11 and 29, which are public school lands, or sections 8 and 26, Hudson's Bay Compmylmnds. 4 ‘. Luzan Rvskmin, Bones Wanted ,B’ags ibnned. Pr'o‘mlih‘emittance. For‘further particulars address. ‘ ' v , . Good wages'can be made collecting and ship- ping bones and hornsto us. 1. Any person who takes a. papetregplarly from a post oflice, whether directed in hm .name or unother’s, or whathex‘ he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. ‘ ‘ ‘ Blank nbtes2 payable: to bearer, and Blank Receipts for 5371621; _the Herald Book Store. " " j PETER H. [AMM an": 2. If IL persdn ordgra his paper discontinued ho must pay an mains, Grit/he: p‘ublishers may con- tinue to send it until‘pay‘mpnt is made, and then collect the Whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the ofliéepx‘hot." ‘ ' Women do as “"11 n3 maxi. Many make more than the amount stated abova. .Novone can, fail to make m‘ ney fast. Any one can (10 the work'.‘ You can In ke from 50 cts to $2 an honr by devbt‘ing ‘Vou’r evenings and spare time tothe business. Iiicosts nothing to try the business. Nothing like .it‘ipr money maxin ever oflered . before‘ .BusifiéSs pleasant and stnctly honnmble., ReaderlH you“ want to knownll about 73119 be’st paying. business before the public , send ,us your addrgsy and , we will senu you full perticlnars end 12 yate terms free; samples with 555 also” freeryo‘l' Arm than make up gout” mind for: yourself; Address GEORGE TINSON 6300.,Amm. Meme. “if, x ; . ‘ T0 $6000AYEAB, or" $5- to $20 a. day in your own localitv. No risk. LA W. CONCERNING ‘N‘E WSPA PERS 3. The courts have decided that refusifig to take newapapers or geriodicals-rfmm'tho post office, or removing an lemving themmnckuled for. is prima. facie evidencle 0t int‘entional fmud. w" DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. Ottawa, July 9th,‘1879. REGULATIONS Surveyor General. Manufacturers, TORONTO.

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