Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Aug 1879, p. 3

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the Government asked power to let a sec- tion, they did not engage to let the whole 125 miles, but they had adopted the policy the hon. gentleman (Mr Mackenzie) had assumed in the advertisements asking for tenders for. contracts which were to be closed on the Blst of December last. He did not believe that. if the Bute Inlet. route were adopted, it: would be possible to Sub.- mit 125 miles of that route to contract, but he would say to the hon. gentleman that sixty-two miles from Waddington Harbor through‘Cuscade Range was in a better condition, and was for more accurately surveyed, to be submitted to the contrac- tors‘than the large sections of difficult con- tracts that the hon. gentleman took power from the House to let. without the previous sanction of Parliament. So much. for the engagement the Government were now asking the House to assume, and he now came to the criticism offered by the late Minister of Finance, as to the made they would take to carry out this policy. He was asked whether he proposed to sub- mit an Act. Heâ€"lhr Tupper~ replied, no. Of course they could not carry out. the resolutions without an Act, but theyy were tentative to an Act. The Government pro- posed to invite the attention of the lm- perial Government to the matter, and to endeavor to obtain assistance from them in accomplishing this work. If the Imperial Government gave the required aid,of course it would ‘be necessary to come to Parlia- ment to authorise the appointment of Com- missioners, and to define by law the mode ‘byiwhich the scheme was to he carried out. But that legislation would he premature until they had first, under these resolutions. made those efi'orls which they hoped would be successful to obtain aid and co-operation frOm the Imperial Government. The ex Minister of Finance had accused the Gov- ernment; at dili'erent times. of having in- 'troduced a tariff hostile. to British interests. and in favor of the United States. and had stated that, therefore. they could not ex- pect to obtain aid in England. MR. TUPPER: said the hon. gentleman.i l at all events, had said that the reason the 'Government could not go to England was because they had adopted a tariff piejudicial to British interests, that the time was inop- portune. The hon. the lender of the 0p- position had also taken that ground in the most empimtictemm., He stated that the tariff was ,in favor of American and against ' British interests. Heâ€"Mr Topperâ€"held a differentview.‘ One 'of the reasons which led the Government to consider the neces- sity ofre-adjusting the tariff was, that all the trade of Canada vas flowing in the direction of the United States instead of the Mother Country. Heâ€"Mr Topperâ€"â€" maintained thatthe present time was op- portune. This Government could go. to the Imperial Government with the confi dence of receiving their support in their application. This Government could do that which their predecessors would not have been warranted in doing. They would be in a position to say that they felt it their duty. when they found the expenditure of the country exceeding the resources. to come down with a taiiff that would give, such a revenue as would cover the expen- l diture. That was not iikely to hurt us in the estimation of the English capitalists or Government, when they could be called on . to endorse the bonds of Canada. for we had not only given them the assurance that all the credit they had given us had been fully, redeemed: but that the Government, in order to show to the, world that the credit: ofthe countiy always should remain uiiiin? paired. had brought dOWn a. tariff which would create a revenue ample to meet all‘ expenditure. He had endeavored to show hon. gentlemen opposite that there was no increase of obligation. no demand for power such as had not been given by Parliament to our predecessors. and that the Government was warranted in the effort they were matting. He had been asked by the Opposition how it was that he had pourtrayed a paradise in the Nortn- West.‘ when discussing the taritf he pointed to the want of prosperity in Canada itself. Heâ€" Mr Topperâ€"would not have ventured to propou'nd such a policy if the Government had not dealt with the one grievance before they brought in a measure. in relation to the' other question. ' The first effort of the Government was to provide the means by which Canada was to return, as she would: at a very early day. to a condition of' things in Wilichtlhfi great demand would be not for labor but for laborers. That was the‘ cardinal point of their policy. The Gov- ernmentyby these-resolutions, provided for the demand for a vast body of unemployed men in addition to all our own count-y sup- plied. MR. MILLS: What class. Ma. TUPPer said that 10,000 of the best men -in Canada were at this moment pour- ing into the North-West to create a great fertile‘and prosperous country, and a de- mand would shortly be felt here for every class of labor that could be brought into this country. He had stated that the Gov- ernment had proposed no additional obliga- tion. that in those resolutions were pro- pounded the means by which those obliga: tions now before us could be met. There was no Canadian with a spark of patriotism within his heart who could look without pride at this great Canada of ours, or could dwell without. enthusiasm, upon the fact that here in Canada,washed by the two great oceans. was a country below the artic circle, as great as Europe, if ihev took the small countries of Spain and Italy out of it. We not only had this magnificent country. but we had it endowed by nature with all those natural features which were neccsrsary to make a country great and prosperous. We had within our country over 200,000,000 acres of the. most fertile land in the world. " inhabited by a people who though only .nuuibering 4.000.000 now.were as indus-‘ tribus. as intelligent and as enterprising a population as could be found on the face of the globe. Under these circumstances. What Canadian statesman was there. with the responsibility of developing this mags nifieent country thrown upon his hands. who would not be a traitor to the best in- terests of his country if he did not put for- ward every efl'ortlto construct a great na- tional highway that was to be a bond of union from one end of this magnificent country to» the other. They ought not. to appeal in vain to the hon. gentlemen op- posite. Instead of raising an old exploded cry, instead of exciting a single feeling that was calculated to damage their efforts. it Mas-their duty, it. was the duty of every patriotic Canadian to unite on this grand quetion;.and..difi‘ei‘ as they might. upon six-154m ‘ Mn. CARTWRIGII'I‘: Idid not Say was in the interest of the States. I said was hosnln. to all imcrests. :duealions-of personal or party polilics, on this great quéstion of a great national highâ€" way for Canada, to which all parties in this country had been committed in the ‘most solemn manner, they should all unile in one steady continued patrioiic effort. to bring to consummation a scheme on which the undoubted prosperity and rapid pro- gress of the whole country depended. A number of the latest and most in erestin’g'novels from 15 to 20 cents just airived at the HERALD Book Store. PACIFIC RAILVJAY. (Confirmed from End page.) Dr. Tupper's Speech. z‘ This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hostler. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill ’Bus leaves this House at 7.30 mum, for Tor- onto, and returning leaves Toronto at 3.30 p.133. We have been favored with samples of the celebrated Spenr-erian Double Elastic Steel Pens, and after-trying them feeljustificcl in highly commending them to our readers. They are made of the best steel, and by the most: expert workmen in England, and have a nation- al reputation for certain 'desireable qualitxesv‘vhich no other ,pen‘ seems to have attained in so great perfection; amongwhich are uniform eveness of point, durability, flexibility, and quill action. It is thus quite natural that the Spencerian should be preferred and used by professional penmen, in business colleges, counting-merits, "government ofiices, public schools, and largely throughout. the country. Indeed. so popular have they become, that of' tie "Number One” alone, as many as eight millions are sold annually in the United States. > The Spencerian Pens may be had. asva rule, from any dealer; but, when not thus obtainable, the agents, Messrs. Alexander Buntin & 00., 345 St Paul Street, Montreal, will send for trial, samples of each of the twenty numbers on receipt of twenty cents. THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, J‘ Palmer, Prop The Robin Hood Hotel, Excellent accommodation for the'l‘ublic. Good stubling and wttenbive hustler. Proctor’s Bus leaves this HoLel to connect with all the N R It Trains going North and South‘ at 7.30 a m, 1 p m 4.15 pm, and 7.15 p m. ' The Pine Grove Hotel ! PINE GROVE, ONT E E Harris, Prop HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderham .................. Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Snlnuel Plath, M.P., Wm. Gooéler- ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Macpherson, Senator. ' Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 A11 excelient Hotel in every respect Good stab- ing and attentive hustlers. Cosgrove Bros, Prop’s Money recewed‘ on deposit, tin'i interes payable halt yeaxly or compounded. Ste our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Offices the Commmv. Walter S. Lee. Manager Savings , Bank ‘VESTERN CANADA L O A N ‘ AND SAVINGS COMPANY. $20,000, to 1mm on Mortgage 01" real estate at‘ low race ofiuteresc. Transact-ionsstrictly’private and confidential, apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. ' Richmond Hill, 12th December, 1578‘ 1, time of the Royal College of Physicians London, Englund. Consultation day'sâ€"Monday and Thursday, forenoons. Residenceâ€"Weston. Bethune, Moss. Falconlbridge AND HOYLES, Jas Bethune Q C‘ N W Hoyles, l8 3:. 20 King Street, West, Toronto. U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors~in-Ch&ncery, etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Togonto. BARRIS'I ERS, &0 Barristers, Attorneys-utâ€"Law, Solicitors-in- Chancery, Conveyancers,etc. Ofl‘lcesâ€"Imperiul Bank Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Ferguson, Bain, Gordon & Shlplev, Official Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- Elmer, Broker, &c., &c., Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance efiected,&c. die; OFFICE,~â€"Victoria. Chambers, 9 Victoria street Toronto. . ' OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRTS- TERS. Attornevs. Solicitors-in-Chnncerv. Money to Land at Low Rates, To $6000 A YEAR, or $5 to $20 a day in your own localitv. No risk. Womendo as Well a3 men. Many make more than the amount stated above. 1V0 one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the Work. You can make from 50 cts to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business, It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money maxing ever offered before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the public , send us your address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free; samples .with $5 freejlyou can then make u A :3", A nnAnm samples with $5 free; you can then make u gout mind for yourself Address GEORGE TLNSON 6a CO..Augusta, Maine‘ March 21, 1878â€"6111‘ ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Won'rs Evmm‘. A Pen Worth Recommending NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. RICHMOND HILL ONT.. JAMES GORMLEY, :égm mm. . R. S. TYRRELL, LICEN Mortgages Bought .1; K. Falconb'idge AND SAVINGS COMPANY. MONEY T0 LOAN. MONEY P. O. Box 2527. ’gficflicnl. gammy. $251311. 0 Moss, W C Falconbridge W Barwick, A BAyleswnrth PAINTS AND OILS Book, Staioner and army ‘ Goods Store, SOHOOL BOOKS! Belts ; Baskets ;Braids ; Brushes ; Cards; WOOLEN FACTORY ERBHINI}, SPENNING, WEAWRII}, FHLLINE, MEIER} A specialty. and parties from a distance can have their wool carded on lhe same day to take home with them. Cloths. Yarns, Blankets of my own manufhplure, kept con- stantly on hand to exchange for wool. - _ .L. “xi”, ' i Having had é. life-long: experience In all branches of1he Business, Markham, King & Vaughan: I DEFY COMPETITION£ As to quantity and qna‘d'y uflhe work Iturn out. I alsn wish 10 return thanks to the many customersin King and Vanghdnmhn favored me with their patronage in past years, and request their favor in future, as I have better facilitiefi‘io give. if pos- sible, better satisfnclion. I hope by strict almmion to business. and straight forward dealmg to merit a share of public patronage. Price as usual. Give me a call. ROLL CARDING! 'wnanm with Mr Hoppér, Butéher, Richmond Hill, will be attended m, and returned without delay. 7 ‘ H GRAY’S Specific Medicine! unfailing cure for Seminal VVeak- ness,Sper*nntorr- hes, lnipotency, and all diseases that follow as a. sequence of self _ ' ‘ \ x \K fibusems loss of ' emorv, Univer - Before Takmgsnl Imssitude,-After pain in * the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and. manyother diseases thus lead to insanity conâ€" sumption and a. premature grave. l? Full yar- ticulurs in our Pamphlet which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by 11.11 Druggist at 3| per package, or six packages fox $5, or will he sent by mail on receipt) of the money, by qr‘ldressing, THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, Tomnto, Ont" Canada. NR-The demands of our business have ne- cessitated our removing to Toronto, to which place please address all future communications lfi’Sold in Richmond Hill by all drquists, and everywhere in Canada. and the United States 11 Wholesale andretail druggists Geo. STEPHENS Horse shoeing; doné at $1 a set fér Cash, and 40 cents for remnVes. AND H ORSE SHOER‘ Place of Business Just north of P Crosby, Esq, Yonge street, Richmond Hill iness a. trial Without expense. The hebt opportunity ever oifered for those will- ing to work. You should trv, nothing else until you see for yourself What you can do at; the bus- mess we ofler. No room to explain here. You can devote all ye at time or only your spore time to the business. and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and parti- culars which We mail free, $5 outfit free Don’t complain ofherd times while you have sucha gigapce. Address, H. HALLETT-& 00., 30filflud A’WEEK in your own town, and no E capital risked. You can give the bus- Maine. Richmond Hill, July 8th, 1879 Richmond Hill, May 6111, 1879 Havmg leased the above mills, formerly known as the Lawrencé milla, from Mr. John Laugstafl', for a term of yems, and having added the latest improvements ‘ in machinery, I am now prepared to do Next door to Dewsberry’s Harness shop. For Sale at a small advance on Cost, IS NOW READY FUR BUSINESS, HUEB BARGAINS IN General Blacksnfith, All other kinds of Books kept constantly on‘ hand. RICHMOND HILL Chromos; Concertinas ; Croquet Setts ; In use in the High and Public Schools. And Finishing in 9. Superior manner. TO THE "INHABITANTS OF Collars; Dolls; Drums; Encravin s D J-Jo BUTLDER, Sherwond. 4th Con.- Vaughan, SLecial ntthntion given to Stair Building. Punctual attention will be given to all orders. Address Mame P. 0. can mime money meter at work tor us than at anything else. Capital not required; we will 3mm; you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfit and terms free. Address TRUE & Co..Augusta.Ma.ine. . ANHOO“, Womanhood. Free“ A warning against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore their shattered constitutions, especially if arising from early in dich'etions. Herein lies your only safety ; by a professional gentlemuu of rare ability. High Canadian press testimonials. Mention this paper Send stump for answer. See advertisement. head ed “Rupture.” KEFFER, CONTRACTOR A N1 ' BUTLDER. Sherwood. 4th Con; Vaughan not required; wé will start 011. Men‘ women, boys Mid girls ma '9. money mister um work fer us than at. anything else. The work is light and nleasant, and such as anyone can go right at. Those who are wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at; once and see for themselves. Unstly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those glready at work are layigg Pp large ggngs of money: Address TRUE AMONTH suanteed. $12 a day at a" home by the industrious. Capital Bones - Bags loaned. Prompt nemitmnco. For further particulars address. DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST n'nAYJ'l‘v A’T‘ &“007,Aagua€m, Maine Good wages can be made collecting and ship- ping bones and horns-to us. PETER H. '[AM3L& [10,, QUALITY A}: ADVICE. Manufacturers, Prof J . Y.EGAN Hamilton 0112.. THOS. NIGHTINGALE’S, TORONTO; Yorkvile Thankful or the favors of the pt‘L‘s't the years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession, as follows : Richmond Hill. 9th & 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, 151;, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newnmrket, ...... Stouffville ...... Anasthntics, as Nitrous Oxide, etc., used when ordered, and none but the best material used Lefroy .................. Holland. Landing Bond Hendm All the rest of the time any one who may requirs his servicas will be sure of finding him at his office The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to the new process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burnish- ed Gnld, By this beautiful operation, cases otherwise hopeless, can be effectually treateh and the diseased tooth, however much decayed, may be completely built up with Solid Gold, and, restored to its original size, shape and usefulnessd W ‘ ' 0 SURGEON DENTIST, has - removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & C. Blachfm‘d’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. P'u-ticular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully twoing {L11 unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. Assistant. ' ‘ and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Yonge street. Yorkvillc. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English Perfmimry, English and American Patent- Medicines, Horse Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of every description. HE GREATEST WONDER C MODERN TIME S. The Pills puriiy that Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. " V r ’ ‘ “The Oiiitmmfi-éa-tbo-en‘ry reliable» remedy 491! Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheriu, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism. and 1111 Skin Diseases it has no equal. I most respectfully take leave to call the a. mention of the Public generally to the fact, th 11, certain Houses in New York are sending to many pm‘l‘s of the globe ST’URIOUS IMITATIONS of my Pills and Ointl’nent. These frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. I donot allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I have no agents there. IVIymediciucs are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street. London In the books of directions affixed to the Spur- ious makeis a. cmflionwurning the Pubfic against being deceived by connterfeits. Do not be misled bv this audacious trick, as they are the counter- feits theypretend to denounce. These counterfeits are purchased by unprinciâ€" pled Vendors at oneâ€"half the price of my l’ills and Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines I most earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which I feel sure I may venture upon making from {1-11 honorable persons, to assist me, and the Pub- 1mm; far as may lie in their power, in denoun fng this shameful Fraud. Each Pot and Box nf the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “ HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the addrosn, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where £16m; hie? ai‘erManumctm‘ed. Hollowmy’s Pills and Ointments bearing any other address are coun- terfcits The Trade Marks of these Medicines nre 113913 tered in Ottawa» Hence, any one throughout the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 563 Oxford Street. London, J an 1- 1875!” . EVERYWHERE TRIUMPHANT ! No annoyance in the Harvest Field, but a perfect working machine 19 Victories in Field Trials in 1877 ; S: 28 Victoriqs in ’78 1755 SIILI] ’ IN 1873 I Always in Working Order myrEm’Vimm‘ies than gained by any other 3 manufacturers in Ontario T he ' Kirby Machines made by A Harris, Son & Co sole Manufucturersyfor Ontario The Farmer’s Favourite and Binder’s Friend, N0 Breaks. No Delays. No Running for Repairs, BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEI’I‘S. mow TEYSELE’E treats of Exhausth Vitnluy, cmaturc Decline, Nervous and Physical chility, and the endless concomitant ills nun untold miscrics that result therefrom, and contains more than 50 original pro. scriptions, (my one of which iq worth the price of the book. This book was written by me most ox- tcnsivc nnd probably the most skilful practilioncr in America, 1 o whom was awarded a gold andij- cllcd medal by me National Mt‘dical Associmion. A Pamphlet, illustrated with the very finest Steel Engravingsâ€"a mar- vcl of art and beauty- amt mm to all. Scnd for it at once. Address PEABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, I. o. 4 Bulâ€"T s E finch 5t" Boston. Mass. R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD MODERN TIME S Allan 11. Winans.‘ Agent, .. ‘ ‘_ ‘ ’ . . Banners make money In buying S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS'L Cdsgpdvé’é .Hdi‘elzj gnaw. c. ADAMS, L.D.S., By reading and practicing the incstimublc ‘ruths con- tained in the best medical book ever issued. entitled I SELFâ€"PRESERVATION ‘Prico only $1. Sent by mail _pn__ recgipt of price. It 1:... 9th of eanh month 26th do 28th do Ban lie seen At the Fire Proof ' Stow EVERY DEPARTMENT”: CJOMfiL‘Eâ€"Tfi The Tweed Department was nevier Before steaked witli such Nice and Clieap' Gho‘d'fl‘. The Stock is so large and good that our customers have some difficulty in making their" selectiosu. Come and leave your orders early, before the Tailors are too buny Mourning Goods a; Specialty Bleached and Unbleached Canafiian Cottons, Prihts, Ducks. Di‘i‘llk,- Shift-Hugs}. Tickiugs, etc,‘etc, etc. Staple and Fancy EMEERIES, EflflfiKEfl Y, “BEWARE, 8d}, 5 %WD ASSBRTMENT 0F NEW ‘ GOODéi £5 Everything A FA RM E RS, FA RME II‘ Y0]! WANT GRUGERIES AND PRUV’ISIDNS, EAT-I} AT I. BROWN” The Best Machine LAM. RAE-HM. HAM. FLIIIIR 81 FEEII A SPECIALTY. 33E 3 9&3 Wfiifinfifil BeadyMadeCIothing For COUGHS and. COLDS Reynolds and Newtons They have also on hand Drugs, Toilet Articles, : -_ . GHEAPIJY. BEST REMEDY Prepared & sold by J03 W A Lot of No. 1 Shingles on hunch ‘91 Richmond Hill, July 16th, 1879 Goods Delivered hr the Day Time; Richmond Hill, Feb 6th. 1879 The highest market price paid for Bufiter,- Eggs, and: 1111' kixi‘ds of produce. Cash for Oats Richmond Hill. Maw 9111. 1879 Prescriptions carc- Remember the place, Richmond Hill August 6th 1879. Try Sanderson’s “ Balsam of Life,” OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED Cheaper 'Tharh: 1365f Corner Yonge and Centre J Brown’s. The largest and cheapest stock in‘ TOWn If you want Cheap Bo'ots &‘ Shoes‘,.-cu11 at J Brown’s DRESS GOODS IN ENDLESS VARIETY. Groceries, Gents" Furnishings, WILL BE FOUND AT In use,‘ kept constantly on hand: ONTARIO Constanly on hand; ERS 1‘ Tf'you’ want HARVEST T070138, calll u'E ISAAC C‘s S ET Street. East, Richmond Hill IN THE MARKET H Sanderson 8: Sons JOHN BROWN !ully compounded. APOTHECARY'S HALL- Chemicals, Perfumery, a large stock of at, J; .Blei’E

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