Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Aug 1879, p. 3

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The clerk read the following accounts: M H Keefler.printing,and ad- vertip'ing Voters’List etc. $10 60 C Presbyterian Church Trus~â€" ' tees, )two graves ......... 4 00 John Sanvidge, digging grave 2 00 W Bricknell’s account cutting thistles, repairing sideâ€" walks ...... ............ 7 75 T J Dobson,for service as As- sessor...................... 20 00 Moved by Mr Savage, seconded by Mrl’owell. that the Treasurer is hereâ€" by instructed to pay the foregoing ac- counts.â€"â€"Carried. H Pulrsuant to‘ adjournment ghe Conncil': met. The Reeve in the chain. Connâ€" cillbrs' pr‘éhén'trâ€"“Még‘s‘rs ‘McCOhaghy. Powell, Reddi'tt and. Savage. The‘ minutesvof meeting of 14th July read and approved. The petition of H B Dewsburry and twentyâ€"six others, praying the Council to proclaim Tuesday,t11e‘26th of August a “Civic Holiday" was read; and prayer granted. v Mr Redditt moved, seconded by Mr 'McConaghy,tllat the clerk is hereby instructed to have twentyâ€"five small hand bills printed (by tender,) proclaimâ€" mg Tuesday, the 26th August, a civic holidayâ€"Carried: The’ clerk read the follmfing comâ€" munication from K Mackenzie, Esq, Judgéléf'the‘ County Court of York, rcâ€" lafingtp Mr D C O’Brien’s Appeal from the Court of Revision: » SIR,â€"â€"I.received yesterday what purâ€" ports to bea notice of appeals from the Court of Revision ofthc village of‘ Rich-- mond Hill, to Judge of the County. The notice is all wrong and illegal, and no prooeeding can be had upon it. It does not appear in the notice that. O’Brien, the appellant, is a Municipal Elector. according to section 556, sub- section 3 of the "Assessment Act,” or an Agent for any " person under subâ€" section 2. and the grounds of appeal are not specially set forth and stated, as required by ‘theAct. There can be no Ftippeal heard on this notice. I have no jurisdiction to act on it. To the clerk of' the village of Richâ€" mond Hill. A4 communication dated Toronto, July 8th, 1879, from H J Hill, Score- tnry of the Industrial Exhibition Asâ€" sociation,“ together with other printed papers and Prize list, was laid before the Council, and the communication was read; also communications from John Caldwell, dated 25th July, and Wilâ€" liam Morrison, dated 3151: July,relatxng to Hand Fire Engines. Mr Redditt mpved, seconded by Mr Savage. that d‘fessrs 'McConaghy and Powell‘Be a ’committee to mul.e arrange- ments with'Mr Palmer for renting Coun- cil Room"r Engine H ouse, and other neces sary accommodations required for Muni cipal purposes. and report at next meet- highâ€"Carried. A communication from James Daniels~ dated 18th August, was read, by which Mr Daniels rcsxgns the ofiice of Inspecâ€" tor, etc., and accepted. Moved by Mr SavaL'E. Seconded by Mr McConaghy, that Mr Trench, Mr Reddilt and MrJohn H Sanderson be a commigtele to purchase a Hand Fire Englné, Bee! and sufiicient Rose. for this vfllé‘ge', if‘they can find such to suit, notto exceed seven bundrcd dollars.â€" Carried. Mr Powell moved, seconded l'y Mr McConnghy, that the committee on streets and sidewalks are hereby authoâ€" rized to receive tenders for laying plank sidewalks 0n Arnold street; and Centre street (east) tnbe three planks wide, and on Church street, and Dufi‘erin street tobe two planks wide. Tenders t be left. at the clerk‘s oflice (sealvd) ‘u to noon on Monday next, the 25th instâ€"Carried. The Council adjourned to meet at 8 pm on 25th inst” in Court Room. M. TEEFY, Clexk. Union-ville is becoming justly cele- brated for its social qualities, notably in celebratingthe anniversaries of weddings The first was one of the rare celebrations -â€"a golden weddingâ€"Mm fiftieth anniver- sary oflmarriager-and the happy recip- ients were Mn- and Mrs. Eukin. The second i was a wooden Wedding, the anniversary of the fifth year of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. B Fenwick; rthe third. the tin weeding1 the anni- xversary of the-tenth year of the weddedl ilife of'Mr and Mrs. Edward Ecliardti‘ The fourth was a silver wedding, in commemoration of the anniversary of the twenty-fifth wedding day ,of Hugh '1’. Crosby, Esq, and wife, on the 8th inst. and eclipsed all previous celebra- tions both in the number of guests and quantity and quality of souvenirs pre- sented. There were-shout 200 invited .guests present. The probable value of .the presents is about $225. Amongst ,the most fittractive and expensive of these presents were acenztre piece, being a fruit cruet presented by Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Stephenson; a sugar bowl and spoons presented by Mr. and Mrs. J Webber; ,a service by thirty-six of the citizens of the ambitious Village of Unionville; a silver senver presented by Mes:rs. J ohn- ston and Sheffield was also of very unique design.â€"â€"Economist. ‘Within a short time, Mr..Simeon Lemon, of King. has had t-welwe turkeys stolen; also a half-barrel of vinegar from the house. Mr. Bill also had two lambs stolen from his premises. They were thorough-breds, purchased from Mr. Lemon. On Thursday evening the 7th inst., a few of Mr. W. A. Curtis' friends met at the Queen’s Holel, Aurora. and presented him will) a Purse containing Seventy-five Dollars accompanied with an address, on the eve of his departure for Cleveland, Ohio, where he is gone to not as general agent for [be publishing firm of Kingsley & 00., of Chi- page. VILLAGE COUNCIL I am yours, e_tc,, Silver Wedding, Toronto, 18th July, 1879 Angus} 18th, 1879 K 'MACKEMZIE . Lz‘beral Conservative- PAINTS AND OILS A specialty. and parties from a distance can have their wool carded on lhe same day to take home will] them. Cloths. Yarns, Blankels of my own manufacture, kept con- stantly on hand to exclmngqfor wool. Haviulg had a life-long experience In all branches of' the Business, WUOLEN WERNER}, SPERII‘QINE}, WWW, FULLENG, BYEING Markham, King 85 Vaughan : I DEFY COMPETITION! As to quantity and qua‘fity ufthe work 1 mm out. I 3180 wish to return thanks 10 the many customers in King and Vaugh'fllflVllO fuvoxjed' me” with their patronage in past years, and request their favor in future, as I hnvu better facilities to fiive. if pos- sible, better salisfucliun‘ , {I hope by strict allemiuu to'hufeiuess.'m\d slruighz forward dealing to merit aishmfi of public patronage. Pxic as usual. Give me a cull. ROLL CARDING ucflllllg ll) lurflll‘ 'dl-SIJHIU Ul puUHL: nuuuuagc- A IICU an usual. unvr: "IL" a bun. Wool left wigh‘l’Myr Hopper, Butéher, Richmond Hill, will be attended to, and returned without, delay. r. H Book, Stationery and Fancy ” GoodS'Store, U- BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Syecial atthntion given to Stair Bllildill g. Punctuul attention will be given to 11.11 orders. Address Maple 1’. 0. 80 H 0 O L BOOKS! Belts ; Baskets ; Braids ; Brushes ; Cards; can make money raster at work for us mum at anything else. Capital not required; we will start you, $12 per day at home nmde by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. 005th outfit and terms free. Address TRUE & 00.. AugustaJIuine. ANHOODY Womanhood. Free. A warning against imposition. How youth and middle aged (both sexes) may restore their shattered constitutions, especially if- Iurising from early in discretions. Herein lies your only safety; by a professional gentleman of rare ability. High Canadian press testimonials. Mention this paper Send stamp for answer. See advertisement head. ed “Rupture.” _ .v -" «nu‘. 1-r ...,,, n,,i KEFFER, CONT RACTOR A N1 - BUILDER. Sherwood. 4th Gen. Vaughan not required; we will start you. Men‘ Women, boys and girls make money jashcr ILL work fer us th [in at anything else. The work is light and ulensunt. and such as anyone can go right at. Those who are wise who see this notice will send us thuir addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at “ork are layng pp large sums of moan . Address TRUE AMONTH surmteed. $12 a (lay at home by the industrious. Capital DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST nn'ALTrr‘v AT Bones Wanted &“00“.,Afigusfih, Maine Good wages can he made collecting and ship‘ ping bones and hoxns to us. Bags loaned. Prompt remittance. For further particulars address. PETER H. [AME K: 80., Richmond Hill, July 8th, 1879 Richmond Hill, May 6111, 1879: Havrng leased the above mills, forlnefly known as the Lawrence mflls, from Mr John Lnngstafl', for a term of years, and having,r added the latest improvements in machinery, [ am now prepared to do QUALITY AT Next door to Dewsberry’s Harness shop. IS NEW READY FOR BUSINESS, HUGE BARGAINS IN ADVICE. Manufacturers, All other kinds of Books kept- constantly on hand. RICHMOND HLL Prof J. Y. EGAN Hamilton Ont. THOS. NIGHTINGALE'S, mg ERE Chromos; Concertin‘as ; Croquet Setts ; TORONTO. In use in the High and Public Schools. And Finishing in 9 Superior manner. TO THE INHA‘SITANTS OF For Sale at a small advance on Cost, Yorkvile Collars; Dolls; Drums; Engravings Buck, Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and nlanyobhor diseases that lead tu insanity con- sumption and (1, premnture grave. [if Full pur- ticulars in our Pamphlet which we desire to send free by mail to every one. wanking The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggist at 5| per package, 0r six packages-for $5, or will be sent by mail on receiyt of the money, by addressing, GRAY’S Specific Medicine! THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, TRADE max. Tolonto, Ont” Canada. NBâ€"The demands of our business have ne- cessitated our removing to Toronto, to which place please address all future comnmnications IESold in Richmond Hill by all drquists, and everytfihere in Canada. and the United States 11 wholusale undretajl druggista Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. AND HORSE SHOER‘ Place of Business Just north of P Crosby, Esq., Yonge street, Richmond Hill AVVEEK in your own town, and no capital risked. You con give the bus- iness a. trial without expense. The best opyortunity ever offered for those will- ing to work. You should trv nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the bus- iness We ofier. No room to explain here. You can devote all yourtime or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms" and urti- culurs which we mm] free, $5.0ut‘fit free, ‘ on’t complain of hurd' times While ou have ~snch a. chance. Address H. HALLET & 00., Portland Maine. ' ‘1 Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit; each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation) and regulotion of the natural beeth carefully nvoing all unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. Assistant. s. ROBINSON, DI§PENSING ' and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Yonge street. York?i]l'¢."0nhario.x~,1m orter and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, tench and English Perfumery,Englishand American Patent l Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, umd Drug- ' gist sundries of every description. Geo. STEPHENS General Blacksmith, lish Remedy is 1111 unfailing cure for Seminal Weakâ€" ness,Sper'nutorr- hem, Impotency, and all diseases that follow as (L sequence of self Abuse,fl3 loss of .Memory, Univer >su1 Lassibufle, T139 Greqvt Eng- TRADE MARK. After. Taking. Wehave been favored with samples of the celebrated, Spencerian Double Elastic Steel ‘Bens, Iand after trying} them feel justified in highly commending them to our readers. They are made of the best steel, andtby the most expert workmen in England,, andvrhave a nation al reputation for certain rdesireable qualities which no other pen seems to have attained in so great perfection, among which are uniform eveness of point, durability, flexibility, and quill action. Itis thus quite natural that the Spencerian should be preferred and used by professional penmen, in business colleges, counting-rooms, government offices, public schools, and largely throughout the country. Indeed. so popular have they become; that of the “Number One” alone, as many as eight millions are sold annually in the United States. ' r The Spencerian Pens may be had. as a rule, from any dealer; but, when not thus obtainable, the agents, Messrs. Alexander Buntin & 00., 345 St Paul Street, Montreal, will 'send for trial, samples of each ofgthe; twenty numbers on receipt of twenty cents. HE GREATEST WQNDER ( MODERN TIMES. The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorder! of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds} Sores mnl‘ Ul‘cerspf how- ever long standing. FarrBronchitngDirptherm, 991132115, (1531513,>unt.‘Rpeq1§utisml, and all Skin fiissaseszt 115.3116 eduul. I most respectfully take leave to call the a. mution of the Public genet‘allyto tl a fact, th a, certain Houses in New York are sen ing to many parfs of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of my Plug and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. I donot allow my medicine to be sold in any pin-t of the United States. I have no agents there. My medicines are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street. London ~ In the books of directions mixed to the spur- ions m mke is u, cantinnmnrning the Public against being deceived by cottuterfeits. Do not be misled by this audacious his”, as they are the counterâ€" feits they pretend to denounce. Those counterfeits are purchased by unprinci‘ Ned Vendors at onevhnlf the price of my ring and Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines I most earnestly appeal to that sensa of justice which I feel sure I may Venture upon making from all honorable persons, to assist me, and the Pub lie, as far as may lie in their power, in denoun mg this shameful Fraud. Each Pot and Box (I! the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stampwitb the words “ HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OmmIiN-r LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label lathe address, 533, OXFORD STREET, Logmcm, where 3.10110 thev are Manufactured. ‘ The Trade Marks of these Medicmes are repis tel-ed in ()ttthu. Hence, any one throughout the British Possessions, who may keep Hm American Count/elicits for sale, will be prosecuted 563 Oxford Street. London, ' Jun 1 187$) ._ J Hollowdyfs Pills and Oirxftments bearing any other addx‘ess are com:- ter nits ' q r Thankful or the favors of the past the years, Ir my still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession, as follpws : ' ‘ r Richmond Hillw. 9th 65 24th of each month (at Palmer House) - Aurora, 131:, 8th, 16th, and 2an “ do Ncwmmket, ...... > do Shoufl’ville.. . do Markham ...... .. ' do Victoria. Square do Thornhill ...... do Maple ...... ‘do . Woodbridge . ' do Kleinburg ,. ' do ordered, and none but the best material used Lefroy .................. Holland Landing Bond Head, . ,. All the rest of the time any one who may require his servicos will be sure of finding him uthia oflice KNEW THREE-E By reading and practicing the inesfimnble truths con- tained h: the best medical bo eve; issued, entitled SE F-PRESERVATION Price only $1. Sent by mail pnhrccgipt of mice." It The Doctorrespectfully solicits attention to the new process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burnish- ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cases otherwise hopeless, can be efiectuale. treateh and the diseased tooth, however much decéiyed, may be completely built up with Solid Gold, and, restored to its original size, shape and usefulnessd â€" â€"___ ., “T. -_ _ ...... , treats ofExhaustcd Vitality. Premature Decline. Nervous and Physical chility, and the endless concomitant ills and untold miseries thgt (caulk therefrom, and. contains more flmn 50 original prc. scriptions, an one of which is worth the price of the book. T 115 book was written by {he most ex» tensivo and probably the most skilful pmciiiio’nct in America, i0 whom was awarded a gold and jem cllcd mch by the National Medical Association. A Pamphlet, illusirated Wm: 'tho very finest Steel Eugravingaâ€"a mar-i ' vol of art and beauty-o E sent FREE to all. Send for it at once. Address I’EABODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bul-T LF finch St.. Boston. Mass. I SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. 6: (J. Blachfm‘d’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit; each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation) and regulation of the natural teeth carefully nvoing all unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. Assistant. BEWARE OF ' NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS Opposite Algeo's Hofel, HOLLAND STREET, BRAJFORD‘ Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS], W7 0. ADAMS, L.D.S., I SURGEON DENTIST. has gram]; 9th of mud: month 2612).} do 28th (10 FA RMERS, FARMERS 1, Ifyofi want; HARVEST T0018. o-aal’at‘ J Brown’s. The largest: and cheapest stock in Town. 11' YD“ WANT fiRflBERIES AND PRWISIDNS, BALL AT J. BROWN' The Best Machine Oil “HEBREW. HAM. FLfllIH 8x FBHII A SPHEIHLTY. ’EEE 333% WAREWEQ Everything you Want cheap for cash, at J. Brown’s DRY ReadyMadeClothing Try Smderson’s Cholera Specific Prepared 8: sold by H Sanderson «Sn Sons Reynolds and Newtons Drugs, Toilet Articles, EBHEERIES, flllflEKEil Y, HARIIWAHB, KILL 8113.; VERY CHEAPLY; Me'wv G‘oodfi 2 A sure and eflectuul remedy for the cure of Dyswtry, Diuhoerm, Cholera. Morbus, Summer Com- plaint, Pains in the Stomach and BAWels, &c. A Lot of No. I Shingles on hand, ‘5: Richmond HilT,July16th, 1879' Goods Delivered in the Dan Tim-e, The highest market price paid for Butter, Eggs, and ailI kinds of produce. Cash {or Oats Richmond Hill. Mav 91h,1879 Richmond Hill August 3th 1879. Richmond Hill, August 14th. 1879 Prescriptions carc- Remember the place, They have the on hand OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, EXECUTED Corner Yonge and Centre Stfeet East, Richmond Hill If you want Cheap Boots 3‘, Shoes, call at J Brown’s Cheaper Than Ever 2 Groceries, Gents’ Furnishings; Summer Goods Selling at an Immense Reduction. Will 50ml be here, and Bargains will be given. WILL BE FOUND AT In use. kept constantly on hand Constanly on hand; FIRE P1410017" s‘ron: v IS AAC CROSBY JOHN BROWN A-POTHE’GARY'S MAL-L. Chemicals. Perfumery, a large stock of iully compounded. 'Torofimiz Pm’k‘dgxm Davenport. gfafifiemn .. o'mhiflq .. .. Richmond Hill Aux-Bran fiEQEIZ‘r‘keK Nemfkét. Al'u'bm ' ' ng. u Richmomi‘ Hll Thomhill. .. Weston l. ;. Davenpotfi‘ . ankdule.. Toronto' 2,4 ; d 16 _ z _ ‘ 81 , 9 go. Pmccm's' 1mg I'ehir'ed‘ chsg’mm #95291 evéfi morning to connect with the min’sgoiflg. nerd at 7 aoa’clbck,=nnd the tiaingoing- south 7“ 303.130 RICHMOND HILL; .1 Palmer,» Pr: This House is one of the' 139eq Hotels to bti found north of Toronto. Ever thing is manage: in First Class Style. Sam 19 com for” Commerâ€"’ cm Travellers: Good 8 ablifik and attentive. h‘tsstlex‘; Tefinéi $1 at am The Richmond; Him This lqéc'veg fh'a afie’é 361303.111" lor Tor- onto, aha refiuihi’fi‘g €‘me5 Toianwm; 3.30 p.111. THE PALMER Ho‘usfl The Robin 'and floteI; stubling and attentive hustler, Proctor’s Bu‘s,‘ leuvbsfithis Hotel to connect with all the N B K Twins gem North and Swath; at 7:30 a. m, l p ni 4.15 fiim; Mi 7.15? m; > . ‘ RICHMOND HI’LL ONT.. V 3 _ Gosgrove Bros; 1* o’p's The Pine Grove Hotel f E Harris, Prop AND SAVINGS COMPANY. ,- Omcesâ€"NO. 70 Chur’ch street, Toroxflsfi. non. G450. W. mm}; swatchffefiideni ' George Gooflorhmm' ...... -. V'fchrosidenf' '.' 90333161: DanoTonaâ€"Samuel Flatt, Mi). 1mm, Geo. W. Lewis, Thou. H. Lee; H051: D. L‘_ Macpherson, Senator. , Capital, $1,000,000fieéerve Fund, $360M .4 Total Assets, $3,000,000 . Savings Bank 1 :BfiAfi‘dH ‘ S’éé om- r‘eduaed men-me.» _ ‘ .. , .. For furfIJér ififb’fm’ation nipply at at th‘e omcen' the Comfiami ‘ ' . . Walter S. Lée. Manager .An exbeilefit 11'0- eii é‘é'efi mopeds Gooa'sm: ing and attentive os lers. Money rqqgwed on. deposit, mid jnt'ereS‘ payable h‘alf‘ yearly or eom‘pon'nd‘edL .‘ sgoooo, to 195111 on Mortgage or realesfitgte at low mtg of iptéfgfib; Tynnsuctiong strictly pm ’ ' and c’onfiéfentiul, apply personally or by letter d the undersigned. Mortgagés Bougfit _, _ I '_ . J. K. F'dl'co‘nbv’idgd Rich‘m‘oim Hffl.‘12hh December; 1878; A ' U, tints of the Royal College 61 Plfisicians‘ Lo’n'don; England. Consultation daysâ€"Monday and Thuraduy; forenoons; Residenceâ€"Weston.- VVEST'E‘RN CANADA L 0 m AND SAVINGS COMPANY. . MONEY; 9ch 64 Adeiaide acreef Ensfi, (opposite the Con House), Toronto. ‘ _ , I , , _ ‘ ALFRED BothThnb‘. WM: Waters Evu'r‘ Bethune, Moss. Falconbridge AN'B HOYLES, ’ 11 as Bethune Q C: 0 Moss, W C Falcogxbridgel N w’ Hams, W mwmm A BAylesfidrbfi Barristers, ,Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitorsdu- Chancery. Conve ancers, etc. Oflicesâ€"Imperinl Bank Buildings, ellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL. WM. BETON GORDON, GEO. F5 SHIPLBV‘I Ferguson, Baln, Gordon 31. Shipiév', Excellent accommodation for the Public. Gron Oflicial Asaignee, Real Estate Agent, Convefi ancer, Broker, 1:20., &0., Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance efiepteditiw. 6w. . OFFICEâ€"Victoria Chambers, 9 Victoria. street Toronto. - FREE by maiL Eam’s IMPERIAL SAFETY-'PAIJ TRUSS ; gives immediatexeli’ef ; cures in 4 to 12 weeks. Endorsexi by high medical authority The most valuable surgical invention of the cen- tury. The Secret otcure'is. this truss holds rup- ture during hardest e‘xemiue, and can be worn night and Q53 fishflgreau comfort. ‘ Veryncheap var. 1'\Y "M".- NORTH or SCOTLAND ananEns,- . I9 ab 20 Kifig Stfeét, Weét; Torohtda BOULTBE‘E ‘6: EVA'I‘T. BARRTS= {[‘ERS; ’ .Attm‘flqw, Solicitorsfiu-thyery Money to Lend at TO $6000A YEAH, or 35 to $20 a. day in your own locality. No risk‘ Women do as well 1.3 men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can fail to mu‘xe money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from 50 eta to $2 an hour by devoting gour evenings and spare time to the bugjness. I costs nothing to try the business; Nothing‘like‘ it for msaoy maxing ever ofiered batons Business pleasant. and strictly honorable. ‘Beadef. if you want to‘ know all about; the best paying business before the ublio , s'end us from: mldrarzfi and -.W0 will sen you 11111 putticu urn and private terms free; sumplesfiijh 5155 51m freq;_you can then make up ‘ x 1 “M .31~r\’r\l<‘)i BARRISTER§,&G éumpies with 3'55 him free; yofi can then make 1 ‘ our mind for yourself- A‘ddreas GEORG ngsox # CO..Anguflta, Mama. March 51. 1878â€"61111. JAMES GORMLEY, @le ‘@}Wflfic . R. s. TYRRE‘LLMLICEN ;- vg-‘a'sifi‘uy )1 my; MOVING” NORTH H ; a , $1,053: 1 .2; HON'EYTOâ€"LOAN‘. Fiof. ‘fYT'E 7i ELY-5n toxi’ ' Ontari PINE GROVE, ONT MONEY s 23' . i2 47.. 8 43‘ I, 05, a 56 1' 15 nOVING‘ SOUTH. P. O. Box 2527. umo fl , .3 v2?%.fl2 47777.88 Edfifiafiz. ma; want; Exp? Mixed V g 559, mm 12 45pm‘ gummy;- gfitgat‘ b EX‘DC Low Rates, “ii-w gait r 49, “ s 02”“? s 20 a 32 i1 45.

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