Northern Railway Time Table Auwmurket. 8 If, u. m 12 45;; m 7 36 p.m Nerora 8 27 1 05 7 49 King. ' . 8 45 1 30 8 07 Richmtm 1 hHl 8 56 1 45 8 19 Thornln 1 . 9 07 2 03 S 32 VVestnum 9 40 9 00 Dnvenpm c 9 80 2 32 8 55 Parkdalo 9 37 2 d2 9 02 Toronto. .. 10 ()0 3 10 9 20 Proctcr's Dus leaves Cosgrove’s Hotel every morning M7 30 ofclocglo connect. with the (amine {going north and sovih; 11,941.30 p'm, for twins euvmg Toronto at 4.15, and reburnng at G; at 7.1511 m. for South. Richmond Hill manufacturers have been very successful in prize taking at the fairs this year. Trench, we are informed took ï¬rst at Newmarket in open buggy, and Wright secured ï¬rst. in top buggy. Patterson Bros, gota fair share, and Wilson came out we cessful generally. Proctor showed the Toronto Reaper and Mower to good advantage, and was not left behind in the distribution of' red tickets, or their equivalent. In stock W Palmer, show~ ed agood farm team and got ï¬rst at Aurora, R Marsh’s Southdowns met with their usual success. Hehas at- tended Aurora, Markham, Newmarket and Toronto Exhibitior and his share of prizes was larger than any other ex- hibitors of any kind of sheep. Palmer’s “Della Wait†took prizes to the value of $35 at Hamilton, beating the best horses in its class in Canada. Judg- ing from the prizes secured, this is a Village of no small importance, and many farmers in this immediate migh- borhood have been equally successful in maintaining their reputation for good stock raisers. Toronto Pn‘rkdnyl . Davemvmt. Weston. 'l‘hm nhil' Richmond, H“l King. “ Aurora" Newmurket . 3 Our Success Well bound books are stitched to- gather with cord or string, and sewn together on tapes,giving that flexibility to the back by which a book lies open. Books formerly would not do this, beâ€" cause they were stabbed and then smog inserted, how much more inflexible must wire be. The result- is simplv then the book Wlll not. lie open of itself, and when a great strain is used to force it into that position. the wires, from their want offlexibility, must cut the leaves of the books so as. after a little wear, to loosen them altogether. Books have been heralded forth in the States with the highâ€"sounding litle of “Ironâ€"clad.†These books are what is technically termed â€stabbedâ€â€"an old and exploded system, not only much cheaper, but. far inferior to sowed one, as at present in goneral use; but being stabbed with wire instead of'witli shing. as formerly, are more awkward to use than of those ofa departed age. How will this suit chiir‘rcn at schooi? They require to use their book “inhout having one hand occupied in holding 1i? open. If they cannot spare a l)31.d,iimy must necessarily carry as a Suh-‘liilhe for this purpose something akin to either a pebble or a brickbat. 'The strip of tin or iron innic’e the back of the casing is :1 me1e sham; if 1: does no ha rm, it certainly is doing no good, and yet this 1'; said to be patented! We have ftquornly seen ci1i’d.en run their slatepaucil where the tin is pieced at theinside back oflhcse books, and it added to the strength of the booksjust as much :19 the sin does. Ironâ€"bound books. if' ever used, mll (even at a lesser puice) materially inâ€" crease school cxpmses, as pnrenls wi" soon ï¬nd they will have \0 buy two if' not three h00kg instead of one, as they formerly did. Il‘the public can be inâ€" duced to buy them, they will vae a fortune to the happy inventor CI).â€" decs Monthly. “If we wanted to ï¬nd out aï¬rsf. (2199i fulsiï¬er of truth i’l this viilag‘e. we shou d hunt for the man who nned the ab ve arlxclo, for a more whoiers'le tissue of M’se- hood we have not read for many a day.†In is so very seldom that this nmiab'a oomph: fail out: we are quite alarmed about ‘he consequences. A Tmr such abuse as the Kg’bimer man leueived 1:.33 week, we snpp'ose he will non be satisï¬ed vm'n any‘hing shout of' the Era man’s scalp. "How pleasant, a thing it is, :0 dweil ï¬ogethcr in peï¬ce and harmony,â€â€" or something llLe that. THE GREAT DOLLAR NEWSPAPER. “7e aiein receipt of ï¬n advertlsmnon. from the Mail, which is unavoidubr, crowded out of this issue. The icmw are exceedingly liberal, and cannot Fuii to be appreciated. If is offered from nnw until the end of 1880 for $100. The Canadian Farm Annual for 1880 will a'so be presented to every year.y subsciiber. Pipes, Muci’lage, Jae, eke, for sale at the HERALD store The Dominion Government is invitâ€" ing tenders for the construction of 1‘27 miles of the Canada Pacxï¬c Railway in British Columbia, the work to be let in four sections. it is admitted that Burâ€" rard In let has. been ï¬nally ï¬xed upon as the western terminus ofthe road. The Newmarkct Em pitches i010 ilk weâ€~be!oved brother. the Iflforvnm‘, in this mild and frt‘nerly mannerz†Sale of Short Homsâ€"M J (‘orkeIV Farm for Saleâ€"J Lungstufl‘ Taxesâ€"M Teefy. Pucmc Railwayâ€"F Bruun THURSDAY, OCT E110 21ml: gnu/3111!. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Iron Glads- MOVING INORTH 9 14 1 15 Mom .‘G SOUTH. EH: Nixr-d Mail. Exp. Exp. 7 '20, am 1145â€] m 4 1513.111 7 40 12 0" [mm 4 37 7 50 ll 12 4 45 7 55 4 50 3 15 12 30 6 13 3 2“ 6 '25 B 45 5 40 3 “3 1 05 6 00 â€\f at the Fairs b'bmtt‘ 1879 445 450 613 625 5-10 600 612 Mail The 27th annual Exhibition held by the Agricultural Societies of the East Riding of York and the township of Markham, was continued here on Friday. It was calculated that after so many fairs held in other places the Markham Show might fall off as an attraction, as 1egards the number of entries, quality of products, and in general interest, but such was not the case. in late years there has been no Exhibition held here that equalled the present. Counting the values of special prizes, of which there was a large number, the amount olfered for competition reached the sum of about $4,000. The number of entries at the present show was 2,700, about 400 over that of last year. As to the quality of the exhibits, it is safe to say, thnt in the greater proportion there was a. higher grade of quality. And With regard to the attendance, it seemed as if there was no falling off in numbers, for the grounds were crowded. The re. sult of this gathering ot‘ pnoplc all over the riding was quite gratifying to the directors and ofï¬cers of the Society. The oflicers for the present year are:â€" David A. Milne, Scarboro’, President; James Robinson, Markham Village, Secretary and Treasurer. The Society may be conwratulated on the success of their Exhibition. There are not many manufactures car- ried on in this village, so that the bulk of the exhibits in some classes is import- ed from various outside workshops. Mr James Robinson, exhibits a quantity of leather from his tannery here. J Nighswnndcr, exhibits some sets of barâ€" ness. L C Wideman, ltingwood, hibits some marble work from their shop. In furniture, stoves and some other descriptions of manufactures, the parties exhibiting are merely agents for In the agricultural implements depart- ment, it would be tedious to enumerate again the various articles in labour- saving machine‘ that were shown, more as 11 matter of' business by the several agencies than with a desire to compete for the prizes that were olfercd. They arejust such implements, and in most cases the very same implements, that have been named repeatedly in these columns this season already. There arena improvements made since they were last noticed, and are only changed, not For the better, by the wear and tear of' carrying them .0111 one Exhioition to another. But. there was a wood show of tl1ese1mpl nents as might be expee ed would been seen in a country whe1e the busier ss of fnrmimr has been ca11ied to such perfection and success as is wit nessed in East York. And the effort that has been made by dealers to pre- sent their stoek b ore the farmers 0 here, is a proof that the value of suel; .1 constituency 1s thoroughly understood by the manufacturers. cn exhhnion here a nIImher of flor". (le- slgns so (1%;in ï¬nished that 'Iiey deselve to ho notice The ladies‘ woxk altogether makes a ver {we y sh: Them, 18 a larue show of poultry. all the ï¬nAInd sought-IIF.eI bxeods, and as this was the ï¬rst public appearance of most of the birds, they weIe in flue condinon, and then lemher marks dialinct. Seeing so manv lIiplI-cluss birds at. exhibIIionsD one may well make the mental Inqui.y, wheIe do all the mall, tough, and ill- conditioned birds come from? There are 80 entries in pigs, all exhibi- tion animals. of the best breeds of their kind,and forming a large show. ness. L C Wideman, llingwood, ex- hibits some ninrble work from their shop. In furniture, stoves and some other descriptions of manufactures, the parties exhibiting are merely agents for manufacturers outside. But from what- ever source they came, the exhibits were good. The woolen goods were in fair quantity, the product of household looms and knitting-needles. The old. Fashioned styles ol'working up wool into flunnels, blankets, mitts. and socks have not been nearly abandoned in the East Riding, and the productions ofhusy hands are numerous in this class. There was a very ï¬ne show of wheeled vehicles, carriages, buggies, light and heavy wagrtons. The Well-known manu- i'actory of SpeiUhtds Son, Malkham is represented by seveaal heavy waggonsâ€" their specialty. H R W ales, Mark- hum shows some well ï¬nished bugnies democrats, and a handsome cutte1.R & G. Pringle, Markham, exhibits sever- al handsome and richly trimmed carri- ages and liaht waggons. Wm. Todd, Greenwood, Zâ€makes a creditable display also of' carriavres. and a heavy waf‘rgon. “7 B Brown Stoufi'villc,.r ed A. Wright. & Sons, Richmond Hill are exhibiiors in this class. The display of these articles is quite large. but not surp1ising- iy so in a district where good horses are so numerous and so highly prized. The exhi'n lion of grain and .seer’s is not h! we. nor is it, = lid that, it is of extra qual- i‘". fixe thM ‘8 guod, both fall and mg. The groafefl ( shown is of 1h) Viawmu vmie y. ‘he 'qprmrr wheat )3 " good berry, but, not so b:1'hL"s to make i ï¬ 3 mile. Th? Em! i; a fair medium (1m in]. in weight and c0’w. '1 he qua‘ny of the rnois and vegetabks. 'a hmlreeu nepmleï¬ everymwre this sea- Jm. is above lhm, 0F the ordinary Seasons nas‘; and \he qnanliw was ‘7') keep- ix; w 111 Ihe inure weir! {h It. has answered L the Emma s’ Inhale. Fwiz has gwwn we'l ton mis semal \Vilh some. n." lne horticul- lu £313. The display of apple; i§ large. ad 2119 fmit of ï¬ne apheamnce, large mui “eh gained. '1 here is a'sn a and M‘nbil 01' 119mm hut not :1 large disp'ay >3 ‘ “yes. Thi; show of fmit is commented un as bLi m quite stmerlor. '1 he Exhiblmm commiseq 1he pvize hnme- made hlead shown ivy M: s D Cl0\‘)_y. 0! Markham Villatre, and 11mm 0t M s L C Pane son of Scar’bono . [he (Replay or" hoary paosenied by M Ramer Cedan Grove. s exceed}: lgiy Huge and noticeable. [here i4 an Immense ShOW of butter, and [he Jt-d.‘€S. af‘ertwo hours’ la‘mriom Lasting, Came lo the cmnchxsum that it i; a ï¬st-cm“ Ln- '1 nele 9H 67 e 1ries,nnd the names 01 WE] me g oftrst pxizes me ulven hexewilh. Im- 10105. MISG Luwsov, Mmkimm; 10 “5 again, Mrs T RammJiingvwood; 20 ms M s Jhos anlon. Mavkhn m; 25 lbs. in ('1(,C|(,MIS J 60an Ma I‘ll-Am; 20 103 z'gmn. Mrs Alex Mc'x‘hvx'smf. Max‘nhnm; another 20 lbs, M.s W Manna’d, Man‘- ham; another 1101‘): B130 Wood. Mank- lwm; ‘25! Ms»; J 16 N01) e Mu.k'nam; u {or hes. JO lbs. made by givl under 18 jm's ofztge. M"~ 2 S Macon. Sca‘brm. There 13 no lavk of exidence also 1km, t‘ne ‘whes rf' Mmklwm cullmme [1103.2 15'“, aniSI-zc leanings towmds what ix‘ so well mudmsfnod to be ladles~ work. There we on exhhnion here a number of flor“. (‘0- s so (1%.;in ï¬nished that 'hey deserve- Max kham Fall Exhibit. A Successful Show. MA HKIIAM, Oct. 3 The Irhh nntheut aghauws have succeedeâ€l in sLirrinq up the south, centre, and west of 1rdand, and fluâ€" mense meetings are beinv held to deâ€" nounce the landlords. So far the priests havetaken butlhtb parnin the moveâ€" ment, it being almost entirely in the hands of the politicians. Mr Parnell, who is assuming the part of leader, made a very signiï¬cant speech at Cork on Sunday. The strike~fever in St Louis is we‘d nigh terminated, almosn = l the manuâ€" faciuvrs having yielded to (he demand for innreased w ges. At Fail River the system of paying by the piece aod charging for board is to be adop‘:d ioâ€" slead ofpuyin'r by the week and giving board free, and it is likely to bring the protracted stilke there to an early end. The proposed commercial treaty be- tween Renee and the Uni 9d Suteo was warmly approved by a large end influeu li'di public meeting heid in Paris on bunduy afternoon. Mr Fernando Wood, of New York, who is a strong advcca.e of commercial reciprocity, was one of Lixe speakers. The promoters of the treaty are urging immedia , action. The. Russian newspapers have begun a fresh numburst against Germany, and this time England shares in the attvck â€"pr0mptcd, doubtless, by e Ieceut turn of' aHuirs in Afghanistan. One N. Pelersburg journal says that a War of life and death with England is only a question of time. There about 300 entries of horses. This is considered a large number, but. the en- tries in the carriage and roadster classes are so large as to force the ï¬gures up so high. There are sixteen entries in blood horses; entries of imported draught horses number l6, and of Canadian draught horses 90. In the stallion competition, in which three horses were entered in this class, Richard Grahnm, Pickering took ï¬rst prize; Chinn, Pickering, second; and John Morrison, Scarboro‘, third. 'Jhere weie about 150 entries of sheep I3 of these were Leicester.; 53 Southdowns. and the large nnmber 0t" 96 ent-ies of Cotswolds. The big sheep appear to he in the ascondant in public tamr at present; although there have been heard expmssions nt'growing favor towards the Southdowns. At. this Exhibition Robert Marsh shows the largest number of Southdowns on tlre ground. '1 he day was 9. most agreeable nnd suc- cessful nne. The weether was fine; the Mnrkhnm hand was, peif'orming on the gxounds timing the afternoon; there. was a large assemblage of Visitms, and everything crvttriuce'l to make this another successful Mmkhnm Show. The time for closing was Carly, and the Exhibition wnsat an end and people on the way home het'ote sunset. muzn LIST CLASS lâ€"nLoon HORSES. Stallion, aged, 1 entry, 1st, N Gates. 9: HUN. 2 yrs 0ld,1 entry, Ist, War- Broo‘d make, will) foal by her side, 5 entries, 15L James Lawrie; 2nd, J B Forsyth; 3rd, Newberry Button. Filly Spring 3 entries lst, N Button. 2nd_ J B l‘orsylh. CLASS 2â€"CARRIAGE HORSES. StaIiion, aged, 2 entries, lst, J L Barkey; 2nd,R0bert Cheyne. new“, mm, ‘ V .............. Bugay horse p -ze plI‘Qented by W W Walker, Unionville, 29 en 'es, let, Geo Robb; 52nd, John Jenkins; 3rd, Geo Mourison. Saddle Horse, prize presented by T Hall. bol keeper, 12 en'ui , 13L, N 0 Down, 2nd. Wm Wr ker, p'osemed by Adam McDowell b.3dle and mm- tingalo; 3rd, James Degeer. CLASS 3â€"ROADSI‘ER 110mm. Stallion, aged, px'ze presented luv ,5} Davis, Dominion Brewery, 2 euuies, lst, “Tm Meek; 20d, T Comm . Roadster Coll, 1 yr old, 2 out ies, Isl. John Wakeï¬eld; 20d, Clms Tran. Coin, Spring, 1 entry, James Sim- HIGHS. CLAES 4-DRAFT HORSES, IMPORTFD. Stallion, .' ed, 3 entries, lst, R Gra' lmm; 2nd, 'l'hos Chinn; 3rd, John Morrison. Sre'llion,1 year old, 2 entries, lst, Jos 'l'humpson; 2nd,J I Davison. C011, Sp ing. 1 en‘.ry. Wm M Miller. Brcod lmre. wini) for! by her side, prize nrcsen.ed by D Peesox‘jr 3 entries, lst. \Vm M Miller; ‘Zud, J I Davidson. Filly, 2 yrs old, 1 entry, J I David- Pewemherthe place next door to Mr Dewahur-y’sJor the ciwapest School Books, 10: Stationary and other School requislies. rem 'J'omiinson, » Colt, Spling. 2 entries, 1513, James Lawric; 20d, Wm Helliwell. Span Caninge horsca, ma chcd, p ize presented hyA ABoult.bee, M P P, 132.: - rismr Toronto 8 enuiee, lst L Ba (1- g;er0w 2nd, Aflnllnnough. -- “v SCH. Fillyâ€q pling 3 entries. 18f, James I Davidson; pan, Jas I Davidsoil The show of cattle was also large, com- prisingalot of good stock. as is always the case at Markham Exhibition. There were 66 entries at Durhams; 32 entries of Jersey or Alderney cattle; 32 entries of Ayrx‘hiros; and 35 entries of grades. 'Ihese cutile were exhibited for the most by men who have made the townshig" of Scurboro’ and Markham fmnous for the snpeuiur brands and first-class stock lhev haVe raised. Filly, 3 yrs old, 2 entries, lst, J B Forsylh. FiHy, 1 year old, 2 Pntries, lst, Jas Lawrie; 2nd J B Forsyth. Filly 23 r; 01d 6 entries, lst, J B Forsyth; 2nd, James Peters; 3rd, B Fowler. Filly,1 yr old. 10 entries, lst. Wm Brown; 2116, J B Smith; 3rd, Donald Douglas. Fiily. Sprin"! 6 entries, lst, H P Smith; anJ J; Barkey; 311, N But.- ton. _FiHy, 110. Colf,'pr'ir{g,prize présentcd by Dr Eckhardt, Unionville. 6 entries; lat, John Cox; 2nd, Jonathan Baker; 3rd, l’enjami'l Millikep: Bvrood mare, with foal by her side, 9 enh'ics, 1st,, Simon Shunk; 2nd, 0 T Hunter; 3rd, John 700x.» Filly 3 yrs oid, 5 entries lst John Cuthhert; 2nd; Simon Shunk; 3xd, Nighswaridcr Bros. Stanion 2 ylsold' 9 emies,1sc, J Palmer; 2nd W Lï¬ sous. Stallion Harrison. Sre'llion 1 yr old, 1 entry, James Law 3 yrs old, 1 entry, Chas ’ (Conchï¬u next wee 1;.) ' 10(3de one down with the be t of his n lip, and then whipped up his horses and escaped. All these r0bber?:s and attempted robberies should Stir up the county authorities to put in motion some plan f preve*1tin;_r crime and for detee-ing and puniahing the perpetrators. The constabulary should be awakened to the Importance of the si -ation, and. aded by the people, they could do much, in conjunction with the city police to prevent these robberies, or at. least render them of less frequent occurrence. ~Globc. HIGHWAY AND OTHER Ronnnmns. â€"â€"-Wn.h3n a number of miles west, north and east of the city the operations of l u.;;‘nrs and footâ€"pads have been carried on {or some tune most. diligently. Fre- quent reports are heard of depredations about farmâ€"yards and in houses, both in the strictly rural pans and in the nume'ous hamlets and viilages in York and Ontario * antics. Some 01' these are puomp.'v ieponed, while o.'iers are not known 101‘ days or Weeks beyond a HHHOW circle, and others ngain are not made pnhllc Pt ell. Along the railways leading [on] this city the operations of househreakers and t'ootpads seem u» have been very active of late, probably beâ€" cause of the fact that farmers are now bringing in their wheat, takin-‘I home more or le 'money, and circulating it among merchanls and tradesmen in their seyeralneighborhooos In adu Lion to c ues of robbery by t'notp ds l "y reâ€" corded in the Globe, several have taken pl. cc, and have been attempted, on the York and Vaughan plank road leading north from the city. A King farmer, Mr David Blough, who gave a mo.) a ride in his We got], v.39 drugged by his possenger, who al’ierwalds went through his pockets. Fortunately he had his cash so securely hidden that. they could not ï¬nd it. This happered in Vaughan.1 a little north of the lork town line. On the same road, farther soueh, a Mr. l Lahmer was ï¬t pped, and robbed of thel price oFa load of hay in the evening whi'e it was yet. quite light. A MrJaeob Story was also stopped by two men on this road, south of Maei'arlnne’s Hotel, butt on their demanding his money hel Thompson 1’ M Sunday" School hold their anniversary on Monday Oct. 13th Bevs W.Reid, R Patterson, and the Pastors will deliver addresses. The Aurora Choir will furnish music. Tea at 1‘). o’clock noon. Admission 25c. children 150. schollars free. At the General Sessions. held in Tor- onh last weelr, James Gardner, of'Thorn- hill; was convicted of indecent assault. on being asked if he had anything to say, replied that he was innocent of the drime. The Judge replied that there was no doubt tn at the eiidence had been clear against him. '1 he Jurv had taken a lenient ' few of his case, for they might have found him guilty of the, capital offence ofrape. He (the Judge) spoke very strongly against the crime the prisoner had committed. and sentenc- ed lringto two years, less one day, in the Central Prison. REUNION.-â€"The Re union in the Ma- sonic Hall on Tuesday evening. was not well attencled. A good eï¬ort should be made by all those into erted 1n the suc- cess of the Mechanics’ Institute,to work up a ll house. Mr Mulholland,of Toronto, gave two imitations, “The Moneylvs Man†and f‘ The Diver.†He recited well, and was deservedly ap- plauded. Mr Galavan. of \Voodbridge, samr several sonqs, among which were “Trufalgars Bay†and “The Villawe Blacksmith†He was loudly encoued. Mr Edwards, of' VVoodbridge, accom- panied on the piano. Mil“ Story, Mr. W Sanderson, sang several, humorous Enema pnu‘ were well received by the Au- dience. Mr Hume gave a number of mouth-organ solos. very nicely. He was accomprnied on the p“nio by Miss Hewison who also prodded during several other songs, and ucquitled her self creditably. Mr Stewart gave a reading, and a song. Mr D T Fair- bairu, lCClled “Parhassius.†Subscribe for the weekly Mail. Can be supplied at the HERALD Book Store by subscribing: now you get the balance of the year free. Through the kindness of the Econo- mist. we expected to be able to give our readers about three columns of the Markham prize list, having been promis ed a copy by that paper, on Wednesday morning. Through some delay, un avoidable, no doubt, we did not receive the list in time, and are unable, there- foxe, to publish more than a small por- tion this week. CRICKETâ€"A Cricket match was played at Auroraa few days ago, be- tween the ciub in that village and the Victoria Square team. Score, Aurora, two innings. 68' Victoria Square, one innings, 117. Oh, a-Auroras, how comes this thusly? 1 O Gr T.â€"-The programme at the last meeting of the Richmond Hill I O G T Lodge, on \Vednesday evening, was of much interest and well sustained ail through. The following Bros. and Sisters took part. Bros. Hannigan, Home, W A Sanderson, W T Storey and Sisters “7 T Storey and E Hewi- son. The entertainment committee take much pleasure in announcing a good programme for next Wednesday evening, and hope that all the members of the order will be present. Wheat going down to Toronto lively. Mugs for sale at the HERALD store. Pay your taxes before the 15th No- vember, and save the discount. Teacher’s Convention at Newmarket, on Friday and Saturday Big Threshingâ€"We are infbrmed that John Wise and MrJ Williams, thrashed 750 pushelg of oats. in three hours, at Wm Wright, Yonge street. Now Laokie, how is that. Combs ard Brushes att he HERALD store LOCAL ITEMS. By the Rev James Curls. at the par- sonave, on the 25th inst.,1llr Henry Rams- den. son of Mr Thos Ramsden. of King. to Miss Mary Ann Elliott, daughter of Mr Wm Elliott, of Aurora. By the Rev James Curts, at the residence of the b1ide’ s father, on the 241h inst,,M1 [52: c G01aon,son of Mr James Gordon to Miss Ida Amelia. Sharp, daughter of Mr .1110 Sharp, all of ng. On the 10111 inst., by the Rev J R Jones, Mr Gustavus A winu. of Newmarket. to Miss Jeuuet Mc'l‘avish, 0t Huron Guy, Michigan. At the residence of the bride’s father, Mount Albert. on Monday, the 15111 iusl.. Ly the Ber J S Eakin, B A.. Mr William T Rear, to Miss Martha 8 McKm ou,daughler of John Chaine McKewon, Esq. On the 24th inst., at m Paul's Church, Newmarket, by the Rev H B Owen. F H T L., Incumbentmssisted by the Rov Canon Givins, D C L. liquor of St. Paul's, York- ville, Edwa: d H Irving ,Esqr†of Bonsbaw, :0 Emily Florence, dau’l'hler oftne lale W Roe, Esqr. of W1!low Dell. Newman-ken. LUCY.â€"This celebrated trotting mare is still keeping well to the fore, on the other side. At Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday of last week, she took ï¬rst money, Winning the race in 2:24. At Palaskola last week, they app ared not only to have had good horses competing against them, but a bad track and worse judges, the latter being apparently so hiesed, that the. surging crowd ï¬nally broke forth in a wild cry for “The Canadians and fair play.†She took ï¬rst money at the latter place. AL Richmond Hi“, on wednesday, Oct let, the wife of George Tyndall, of a 30-1. The following business was transacted at the last meeting of the Village Coun- cil, but was crowded out of our report published last week:â€" Nathanal Stepheï¬son, removing plank ............. . .......... $1 00 James Piper, for digging ditch on Arnold St. .................... 1 40 James Mann, for advertising ....... 1 00 George McGregor, repairing Fire A The following accounts were read and ordered to be paid. Nathanal Stephenson, removingfl _ Enjine....... Joseph Harvey, repairing sidewalk James Daniels, work and serving anr‘érg pru‘Tug or Filly,â€"lst Thou Liyud. B1401] mumâ€"1H. Thos LEyod; 2.1d. Swim Cyt,-lst, Geo Lemon; 2nd, T141 Lly 04]. $91 nr Fiu' v,â€"Ist, Wm Andrews. (.EHRAL PURPOSE HORSES. Span -1 lmne ,â€"]st, Daniel Campben; 2nd Er Hill] vain. notices. .................. .....: 3 50 Robert, McLennan, a blind man... 5 00 Paid for lodging ffr ;At_trmmp......2 _ 25 The pound ke‘eyer handed over to the Treasurer the proceeds of a sale of colts on 23rd June, ten dollars of which were in Consoliduzed Bpuk Bill, which were pwsced by the Council. The following c-xmn-Jnications were read:â€" From me Clerk of the village of Port Perry daled 15m Sept and 24th Sept relating to Hand Fire Engine in use in that Vlllaqe recommending the purchase of :1 Steam Fire Engine in preference to any Other. fol} $4 '70. From Arthur L Wilson Esq, Clerk 01" the Township of York dated 5th Sept. relating :0 his system or work for managemnut ofancipal matters. Moved by Mr McCc-naghy, seconded by Mr Savage, that Mr Keefler's tender be accepted.â€"Ca.ried The Exhibition took place in the Park. on Monday and Tuesday of last. week. and turned out very fair, although some classes were not so well filled as on former occa- sions, there wm siill u gmd exhibit on the whole. The altendance during the ï¬rst day was comparatively small but on the second day there W?S an immense assembly, nearly $200 being taken in at the gate alone. In implemenlfl, the principal exhibitors were Mr Jos Fleury, and the 'loronto Reaper and Mower 00. There was very keen competition in the line of stock, more particularly horses the Judges ï¬nding considerable .ditfvcu‘ty in awarding the prifes. There were 15 Chiefs secured nrizes. n. .. I .- I‘# I ‘ n... Yearling Ev-iiue,'â€"1n,'1hos Lloyd; 2nd, Hey «y Ramad‘an Blood Maryâ€"152, Thus Lloyd; 2nd,Wm 1’? ‘ get. Spring Coluâ€" Ist Wm Padget. Moved by Mr Redditt, seconded by Mr Savage, that the committee on streets and sidewalks, are hereby in- structed to cause the plank walk on the north side of the sideroad running west, towards the R ilway station, and named by By Law, Vaughan street to be put in good repain; also the plank walk in tront of: .e residence of'p MrS Proctor, on Wright street. to be put in good re- pair, and that arrangements be made to have crovings on Yonge street at the following points, one at or near ‘Wright’s carr ge shop, one opposite \Vrisrht street and one opposite Centre streets. Curried Tenders for plinting tax bills and advenising were Opened and read as ‘ M" Wm Pa‘mer, of L'mhmond Bill seâ€" cured kn. for heavy draught horses. Mr R MaAh had a good show of Snumdowus,uud ua usval, necn ed a mega number of prizes. 'on year 0.6 Gelding or FilIv,â€"Ist, Dav ci l)enn:=- . 2rd, Geo Lemon. The following is the Prize List of the Awoza Agricultural Show-.â€" DRKCGIIT HORSES. JrnGEsâ€" Chas Buodie,Whitchurch; M Wes‘ 19y Kine; DML-Lean. York. S-mn in {lazinessâ€"13! Wm Palmer; 2nd, Jan Wells; 3 (I, John Palmer. 'J‘wo yea: Entire Comâ€"ML. T7108 Lloyd G Lemon Two yen" Gelding or Fillynâ€"lst, Joshua Wilson; 2nd. Milton Wells. Yearling Enthre Coll.â€"-lst, Joshua Wil- In Ihe Hall. the exhibit. as n rulé, was cellainly below the average. Several of the Melchants had a good display of their goods. 0n Knives for sale at {he HERALD store. OWSI-v . H. Keefler, $4 45. J. A. Stewart, (continued on thirdpagc) Aurora Fall Show. Village Councfl. MARRIED BIRTHS. AMONTH bl'au'LeeL‘ 55:12 a day at home by (he infuse nus. Caphel not requS-‘ea: we w' l strut you. Men' women, boys and girls make money instar at, work fer us man at anything else. The work is light and 'ole “ant, and huch as anyone can go ï¬ght at. Those who are wise who see this not-ice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outï¬t and tours free. Now is the time. Those ahead at work are layi: g up large sums of money. A dress TRUE & 00.,Augusta, Maine. Dru . w‘ ; sd Gee-x 9:2 -' To th‘ Luau-0,1.) Eggsdxekh, don P0 was )e'lm. Anylek pe ‘mt'ul 04i01s,pe. JAR Ton†ntoes, pP’ gum Tv'un‘as, per J13 CL; 035, p8' 5213' Beefs,pe.‘ gag Pu ‘sa'as, per but, Hav per, ton ......... Sf aw pe.~, ion W001 per 1‘.) Eggs p.‘-r u The minutes of thé ï¬revious meeting wet}; read and adopted. Commumcations were received from G Smith re account of H Morrow; from F Shanly re sidewalk on Soadina road; from Wm Brown,asking to be appointed collector for f"1e current year in Eastern Divisions Nos 4 and 5; from Mr Wilâ€" liam Tyrrell re F Shanly’s communicaâ€" tion and 'l'hos Gilbert vJohn Carson; from James Mnirhead re ditch on hill on side road between Lots 10 and 11, 3rd concession East York; from A F Miller, Secretary, Toronto General Hospital, in reference to York township patients; from R. S Tyrrell, M 1)., re Richard Ezzard; from Frank Boston, in reference to the appointment of side-- walk commissioners at Norway. Accounts were received from Messrs Winnif’rith Bros, for stationery; from C W Bunting g. for advertising; from Messrs Vloore Bros, for printing. Petitions, with subscription lists,were received asking for grants to assist in building Sidewalks at Don and Danforth road. Brockton road, and Norway; also to improve road running through lot 7, 2nd concession from Bay, E Y; from John C Snider e: al, ask‘ng for a grant to open a waler course on Lot 22. 3rd concession W Y; from J )1 Anderson, James Young, Rodolphus Wilson, James E Hop kins band James Brown: asking to be appoilned collectorsof rates for the year 1879; from John Burke ct al,askâ€" ing for a grant to repair sidewalks in the village of Eglington; from Thea Vaughan et al, asking for aid for B Cole. SAM: or SHORT Homoâ€"Mr}! J Cortex-y offers 101' sale 20 head of abort horn cattle, Horses and implements at Longs Hotel 'lhornllill, on Thursbay, Oct. 23r6 T'be ï¬ne show Cow, Katinlsa will also be sold. Sale at 12 o ’clock Noon. This is a good opportunity for those wishing to purchase good stock S. Eckardt, Auct. 1‘ at “ L’sbf The Council .met at the Council Chamber, Eglington, on Monday last, all 3pc mgmbers l3ei_ng pre‘spnt. Estimates were received from the Township Eng‘neer 76 Dennis Daniels, W Milne & Son, and Charles Robertâ€" son & Co. The Clark was instructed in ndver» tise for the Opening of a road deviation at lots' 4 8 Humber Range, also for the closing of original road allowance. The Council instructed Thos Gilbert lo stav proceedings in suit Gilbert v Carson; the Council also examined into the claims of Frank Langrill for sheep killed by dogs. Byâ€" laws were passed as follows: - By-law No 598, appointing commis- sionersto open water course and im- proved road and bridge opposite Pot 22, 3rd concession, West York, and on Dnvenport. road and Don and Danforth mad; By-law No 599, instructing the Treasurer to pay the sum of 81,3150! for 1110 improvement of public highways audollur pn-poass; Byâ€" law No. 660, instructing .he Treasurer to pay for clmritabfem purposes the sum of $120; Bvlaw 601, nppninling collectors for 1879: Bylaw No 602. accepting tenâ€" ders for public works in the township of York; By-law No 603, amending Ev law No 555. Monday 20th Oct.,â€"Farm Stock am} Implement, etc., Mr H McMuHen, Lot, 34, rear of 6th Con of Vaughan. Sale to commence at 1 o’clock. J C Stokes, Ans-L, Reports were received from the Treasurer, showing the amount of taxes levied in York township for 1879; from N Sheppard, showing the amount of non- resident, and nonâ€"collectable school taxes in East. York for 1878. Tenders we.'e received for improving Foxwell's deviations Th3 Township Engineer was in- structed to examine bridge on road run- ning through lot 17, 2nd concession from Bay; also to survey road allowance atlots 36, 37, and 38, 3rd concession from Bay. A certiï¬cate was received from Isaac Doilrlery To John Mc Cartney: The Keeve was requestea to make ar- rangements with the Toronto Genera? Hospital for maintenancg of pasiqqgg Jewellry for sa!e at. the HERALD store. 'The Council then adjnurned. York Township Council. RICHMOND I) iLL MARKETS AUCTION SALE. TH E MA RKETS. c611? TORONTO: WE muss!) n, Oc’y, 9ih,18’79 ’JLu In (.(n . -U(‘ In G“; 9:21), 15 9 £575 to 0’) $ 120 .. 117 . 57 .. 35 C0 53 5 50 000 0 £5: 33 65 0 60 u) 70 8 (:0 t) 10 U‘) 00 0» to 00 0 45 i3 0 55 0 30 is) 40 a )4 V) 15 0 I? m 73 0 12 w 0 13 52$ i0 0(1) 950 (3 65 50 7 00 10 50 5 03 7 ‘) 030 m 25) 40 75 )8 11 14 )1 70 75 1 50 $122 1 70 20 12 15 15 1 Ci) 1 5') 2 0) (0 0 ()0 Licensed Auctioneer fer York {Putnam sol!- cited. Rama moderate Address Oashol, Licensed Auctioner for York County. Mes pro.upi,lv attended to. Rates reasonable. Pub mange solicited. Address, King, P q Licensed Auctioneer for the Couniy of York solicits your patronage and f;ie.1c‘.!y influence., Teston,P 0 Mu hghuc" Lou-4m “mu sud. hum: u-rQ‘ andznh ,4.w“‘l1:l(\. IJH‘UI‘UMM alive.“ As. .i OFFYC it; ~ Vic. \n in Lgumoem, 9 Vicubl‘it and TOIUHLO. Ban x no ‘5. {.omeys- M. Law. Salimwrsdnâ€" Cha- ucer Uu :veva met-,5 etc. Urdcoaâ€"Iupoml Ban“; Bu: J -,., Wm-iugmn it an. ’1' war-to. Tums“ Fz‘xccmm Q 5. JOHN Bélh. W“. Simon G()"DO), GEO. F. Shun]! Oli'ï¬'ul Anigue’c Rani {muse Again. Jumper ; lx'rr' 3.05! . Ju-.. dim. SHflflT HflflN BATTLE, U TEES H'rOFMVb bf «- 2.0.: my Juneau, etc.. (’1 Adam: «e thee. £39., a man". a ..m Qua" Hanna:V Twang. £ BOULTBEE. War, W03“ Burr Jas Bethune Q C. 0 Mom, WGTMkflp N W Hoyles, WBarwick, A Bï¬ryhuuih Money to Lend at Low Raina, Ferguson, Bain, Gordon 1. Shlplovg Thursday. 23rd Oct; OULTBEE & EVA'I'T. HARRIS- TERE- fliorMV» Sure €ho.-z.'n-A}Zvan_cory, s Eckardt, fact. A Farm adjoining the village of 'J'hnrnhiLl containing 48% acres, good House and Earn. Immediate possession given. Bethune, Moss. Fulconbrmge AND HOYLES, '8 a 20 King Street, West, Toronto. At Long’s Hotel, Thomhill; Ddemgnaq and endorsed "Tendon Paciï¬c Buil- w-vw 'will no weivnd At this oflico u h) noon on MONDAY, the 17‘}: (my a! NOVEMEEB‘ mxl, 10x ceréaixr works 01 conï¬rm-flan required to ba executed on ï¬ne line I om mm: Yale to Lalo Kuuloopu, in ma blowing actions, viz: m‘mory'a Br .0 Bos‘ion Bar ...29 miles Boston 31 : to Ly'ttou.. 39 mile. Lybzon 1.0 Junciun Fla I milos Juncï¬rou Flu: t) Savanna miles 8 Jet: ta-iunb, blur. a! grant - -, condition», 0! contract, jams of Randal; and all printed in» fox-v, mum may be ubniued on application n's my Pnc'ï¬â€™c Raflway 0mm in New Wea‘miaiuh), Brit'sl-Colur.nbiu,nnd at tho ofï¬ce of the Ehâ€" gineorin-Chief at Oitawn. runs nnd promos wiA‘ be opex- K "’Jspect‘onï¬: £118 lyric: (Alice. Now“ is lucky given, that ibo partner- ship heremï¬owe existing between Warren Bewison, and Ralph Arclier,' m the village of Richmond Hill as house and carriage Painlers, glnmera, etc; has mil day been dissolved bv mutual consent. All account. must be paid to Warren Hewison, who is authorized to collecs [be same. ' BARRIS'I HRS, disc Langstaï¬', P 0 Municipality of Richmond Hill. No ianï¬ev will be entertained um ionrén; of the prLJted- {oms'anfl' in the coudiaiona-an com.- plied with. Séctui Department of Bunny: a n1 Canal», Ouawa. 30th Oct; 1879 l7 Villags, School and nthe: Taxes. THE undersigned is nuthorized to give. notice to the Ratepayers ofthe Village 0? Richmond Hill, and Union School Secw tion No. 3 of Markham and No. 401' Vaughan, that he will receive the Tuxem at his oï¬ice unlil the Bill of particulars will be handed to ,0!!! when you call at the Post Ofï¬ce to pay. Eanadian Paciï¬c Railway. DISSOLUTIONMPARTNERSHIP 15th November Nam; And be Is instructed to allow 5 per cenlmï¬ upon the rates levied for County, Villago, Public School am“! Railway purposes. to such as will voluntarily call and pay their taxes to-Bim at his otliv' before the ï¬llhvf teentlx day of November aforesaid. By order of the Connoll. M. TEEFY, Clerks Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill October 2, 1879. FQR SALE W Tendon 'orcolungikuk In Irlflfll gummmmï¬â€™ 05W. gm: advertit-‘cmmtz. HORSES, IMPLEMENTS, £70., ammn TENDERS. addressed to the u. Sept. In: 18?! Pay yourlaxes and save 5 per cent? NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, JAMES GOBMLEY, Total Taxes; $3 CREDIT SALE For particulars see posters Apply to At 12 o’clock, noon, 'on or 20 nub or By OrderL Danlol Klnneo, P. O. Box 2527. Jas c Stokes FARM F Button“ JOHN LANGSTAFF. Clerk and Treasunr. '1‘. BBAW, Warren Hwinon Ralph Archer. 3 i» I J Corker!"