Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Oct 1879, p. 3

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V I ,,,, Beat. Pen, comprising 1' Ram, 2 aged Ewei, Shearlifift Ewes, 2 Ewe. Lambs, 139,8 arsh,di[31qoma.‘" rac4 u,“ ‘5’ ' 8m: .mmlgsmkc WJUDGFS R Field. Jennings, W Stim- Boar, aged, Int, J hogan, 2nd,: ’1‘ Boyn- ton. Boar Fig [879, 151,? M Elerb aer; 2nd, 8 Lemon. Sow. aged, Isl an’d 2nd. J Ho‘. 1 day. Sow P13 of 1879,2139," Geo Lem‘ou. tsun-‘OLK. ,. Jndg ea same as Bemsnire. Boar, wed, Isl,_ Geo Andrews. Boar Pig of1879, Isl, E. Sanderson; 2nd W Padget. M . _, , 'x ,yz, 'Fall White Wheat, lst John Mably. Any other kind Fall Wheat 151;, J 110 Mably; 2nd P H McKenzie. Spring Wheat, lat. Mably 22nd, Jus. Bug g. Two Bushelssrowed Barley, lst, Mably; 211, McKenzie. Two bushels Black Outs, lst, J Mably. Small Pens, lst McKenzie; 21111, John Mably. Large Peas, let D Dennis; 2ndG Anâ€" drews. Indian Corn 196, Geo. Walker (1, Wells. White Beans, 131:, Dennis; 2nd, F Uodflsfl, Beans my kind, lst, Mablv; 211d, Dennis. . SEEDS JUDGE suâ€"flhme’hs Grain Timothy Seed, lat. J ”Mably 2nd, F Bodfish. Clover Seyad 1812,, Daniel Dennisimd, Seth Hen.- cock. Flax éeed, Ist Dennis. BOOTS. JUDGES, Same as Gmin Ewes Potatoes. lab. '1‘ Armstrong; 2nd, Che. horn Late Rose. Potatoes, 1st, Dennis. Potatoes, any kind, lat Dogma; 2nd Thos- Arm- strong. Casi-rots, Early ‘ o‘i-n;1i3t,1)ennis;2nd WYoung. White Field Carrots, 151' Dennis; 211d McKenzie. Carrots, red or- orange. lst, Dennis, 2nd, Robt.-E7&ns. Beets, let A &,R .Wells; 2nd, J McDonald; fiweedish Turnips lat Armstrong. 2nd, Wells. White Turning, Globe Mungel Wurt- zels, lat, Bodfish; 2110, Dennis. Long Bed Wurt- £915,131; 1)‘ Andrews; 2nd Dennis Recommend~ 0&ka Clover Seed Thos Ferguson. 2 Ewes. 2 shears and overâ€"1351811 Figar- heller; 2nd, Thou Boy men. 2 Ewes, yearling-45:, G Weldxick; 2nd. H. Fietheller. _ town. _ ' ' Bpnn Cnrriaae IIor'sesâ€"- lat, John C Mc- Cnpty; 2nd, H Hulse. n‘ Roadstersnlst, Edward Irwin: 2nd F E Moncrief; 3rd, A McArtburu Two year entire coltâ€"151,0 Hanstock; int: 35‘ Waifi‘ng.‘ Two year old Gelding 01f Fillyâ€"lat, W M: ill; v2nd, Q St George. I} I earlin‘g Entire Coltâ€"lat, Daniel Camp: 0 la IMfearling' Geldmo or Filly, Ist. 1) Camp'- Bull. Zyenrarâ€"Ist, Seth Hancock; 2nd. G Lemon. Yearling Bullâ€"lat, Lot Hartman, 2nd, Seth Heacock‘. V _ Single Carriage Horseâ€"lat A J: R wens, m,- .«Gm'JIAmmn, 3rci, Fry J: evemon. -- ‘Singje Roadsterâ€"Isl, Jas Wayling; 2nd In’hn Hogan; 3rd. Major Stephenson Saddlquo'rseâ€"lst, Mr Perlmm; 2nd, H Hillse; 3rd.’zHrE Comer. Douglas & Wells’ special prize for Egb- grad~ Chief Goll,â€"-Spring Filly-â€" w An- rein. Spring Colt. Erin Chiefâ€"lst,G Graham. Spring Fillyâ€"IstH P Smith nonsmn‘sum. anointâ€"R Kennedy, J Bugg, I J Hartâ€" man; 7. Lady Di-iverâ€"Ist, Mrs W Y Andrews; 3119, MyafirLibby.MeArrthu|-. JUDGIsâ€"E Sflttb‘érasn, Victoria Sq r.: Henry Jennings, Markham; Wm Story,Bloomâ€" inglou. Bull, ngedhâ€"lst; L L.Har;tmnn 2nd,~ W Linton. Milch Cowâ€"'-lst. Seth Heacock; 2nd, 8 Lemon. . Judges same Cotswold. Fierheller. ,.. == ’ ' ‘ 2 Ewes, 2 shgarfi and men-lat, F P. fiuh; 2nd, Geo Weidrick. - 2 Ewes. lyeEr-‘Z-Iat, M Fxclhelne' 21 T Bnynlou. .: , 7 Best I’en, compnsum I Ram" 2. Ewes. (Aged, ) 2 Shearim'g Ewes. 2 Ewe 'Lme8'- W W Human, d'r}.loma._ ' e‘it‘er. two ears oldâ€" 1 us Lemon. 1lam-lint? Hexfétâ€"lsl, Seth Heacock. Heifer Calfâ€"lat, W Linton; 2nd, Seth hucock. filer, 2 yeais: oldsls‘t, fl McKen. _. Heifer, yestrfi'ugâ€"Ist! 3 Bull; 2nd, G Gull)". Heifer Calf under one yearâ€"1;“; R Field; 2nd, S Legnoqil _' ‘ JUDGESâ€"Jan Russell, Richmond Hill; ‘Thoa Lawson, King; John‘Bier-bv, King. Ram, 2 shears and overâ€"4st, W Biqbiy, 2116. Geo Lawson. ‘1 ‘ ‘ ' Ram, l ahetr ~1-Ist, Geo ‘Weldxick‘ " Ram Lambâ€"Isn'MiFreheller; 2nd, Geo Weldrick. Best Pen COMgIIFIng L ram.2 noed Eng, 2 Shearllng EVg‘fil‘. '4 Ewe Lambsâ€" M Fien- heller, diploma. Ram. 2 shears and oveIâ€"Ist S Lemon. Rum, InheafiLIsI; 'w PadJeI, 2I'Id.. w Bo nton __ am Lamb--l§t,~,Geo,IWeld-rick, 2nd, M" 2 Em: Lambsâ€"In; Geo Weldric x; M Fierheller, ‘_ . , (3' 119111011; 2nd, A & R s. Partridge Cochinsâ€" 131;, Wright; 211d.‘ ght. Plymouth Rockâ€"lat, Wright; 2nd ,Wells. Black Spanishflst & 2nd',LA dz W Wright H011- ieusâ€" 131;, Wright; 2nd, Wells White Leghorn â€"lst '1‘ C AppletonVV2nd, .Wright Any other Breedâ€"lat, and 2nd 1'1 ht Geeseâ€"lat, Writh 2nd, W Linton. Ducks_â€",g1st,Wright; 211d, Budget. Alyabun'y Duckâ€"1st, and 2116, Wright. Pigeons lit, 0 Butcher; 2nd, S 15‘ Phillips. Brood Mareâ€"lati-Gr Graham? '2nd, Q 8!. Genroe. Spring Coltâ€"lat, G Graham; 2nd, Wm young. Spring Fillyâ€"lat, H P Smith; 2nd. John “CC Curly. Judges same as “Cot-sveld. v Ram, 2 shears n96 ovaâ€"Int? S Lemon; 2n1,RMnrah. Ram, I shearâ€"«,Jst R Marsh Ram Lamb~ â€"â€"-Ist,. S Lemon; 2nd. R Marsh. _ p 7 2 Ewes, 2 shears and ovefélst and 266,- B Marsh. > 2 Ewes, l shew-h‘ém and 24d R \Imshje 2 Ewe Lambé; Int, R. Mixrsh; mid, S Lemon. Any other breed, hes: pgn 2(lfat, Ist, Legion; and, W'figfiyjflééni', ' .w‘; .. , Recommended,’ {Biz’rksbi're-z Bohr, aged, 1321 Geo ngdrigk; 23¢, E Roz"; m} . , Bby Rider-Lin", Wilton Andrews; 2nd, Richardson. Sow, aged, Iat, G56 Weldrick; 2nd, W Boynton.a >_ . _ 3 ' Sow Pig of1879 In, W Padgel, 2m] ESsnderson. . ‘ lvnass.-â€" s MmehellJ Wood, and Jos. stokes, all of King ~-~.. 2.qu Izmgmpsvast .Mright: 3n?» M a - .0...”â€" Bow. aged, fit,- “on Boyxiton; 2. d Geo Andrews , . JUDGESâ€"Job Wella,' King: Geo}? Riéhaxdson, Wlaiijghq h; Thos. Apnqtrpng'.‘ W itchurch. _ DOMESTIC MKNUFACTUR‘E. JUDGES. Mrs.~ W G Lloyd, Mr C. Playtef, Mr W; Young, all 01 Whitchurch. Carpet Rug, lst, A Grittfih. Woolen Blankets, lat, J as. Bu‘ 3. Bed Spread, 1515. G Johnston; 2nd, R Soules. isce-work uilt, lat, C Butcher: 2nd, G Johnston, 10 yds. ave. ; Wool Carpet, lat, and 2nd,. H Wells, 10 yds. Rag Carpet, lab; and 2nd, D Rogers. 10 yds. Flannel, home-made, lst, It McKee. Pair quleij §ocl§s_; __I'st', 1D Qennis. Cottons lungs, lst P H M'cKeniie. Recom- mended, og cabin uilt, G Johnston. A small portion of t a list is crowded out thin week... Liberal Conservative “Sam-my Gums. 1.151911 Cowxrs’i; w E Ppcke’g 2nd, R ‘tlz'e List of Auiora show-i CARRIAGE 0R ROADST ER. :21. .--Geo Lemoni Lemonville; J “‘15, Richmond 11“]; W Brydon. Loyd- DURHAM CATTLE. SHEEP-J ’(Wz‘éwom. LEICESTER. POULTRY. 20d} 2m], T , H E PEOPLE'S STORE $33333 ' @R@@ERETES 92 FROM 1ST OCTOBER, ’79 END OF DECEMBER, 1880 Croc‘qu‘ly of every description. ONLY $2 A YEAR! WEEKLY Furniture at Toronto RIGHT ON TIME! Wiflm’g SGQN ESE EE&E Q CHERRIES, BBIIIIKER Y, HARBWABE, 816., 813.: Ne'w G~oods 2 Richmond Hill, Oct 1st, 1879 PAlN'I‘S AND OILS AT LOWEST RATES Richmond Hill, August 14th:. 1879 Which wiil be sold as Cheap ns-nny home north of Toronto, for cash Cheaper Than Ever Room Paper sold below Toronto prices, for Cash Summer Goods Selling at an Immense Reduction. PRICES, FOR $2, CASH ONLY AND THE Constantly on ‘ hand; Also agent for Gurney and Hart &, McKillop " Stoves. Mimi's for sale '1‘ 0 THE Is we“ stocked with TH E ISAAC CROSBY FOR CASH P G SAVAGE METHoan-«Survices at 10.33 a. m, and 6.301) m Sunday Suhool at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening, and Sunday School Teachers meeting and Bible Class on Lida. V evening, led by the pastor, Rev Mr McCalIum. Assistant Rev Mr Pickeung PBESBYTERIAN --Services at 1130 a. m,‘ andfi 30 p m Prayer run-Ling on Thursday evening at 7 30 Rev I Campbell, pastor ROMAN CATHomc- 1‘91 vices: Thornhill 5159 a. m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 11111; thé following sunday [Lt Richmond Hill at. 9 nm,nnd'1‘hornhill at 10 30 u. m, alternating with Markham every 3rd Sunday RICHMOND LODGE, A. 1“ (1' A M,No 23, 'G R 0â€"- Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hallway the Monday on or before full moon, at. 8 o'clock, pm lsutw Crosby, W M tiate of the Royal College of Physicians Londm1,Em;lm11L Consultation day’sâ€"Monday and Thursday, 101191100118. Residenceâ€"~Weston. MECHANICS INSTITUTE-"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hull, from 7 to 8 o’clock. R E Law, Librarian. Lectures and discussions periodicalM RICHMOND HLLL CORNET BAND-Meets for pmc tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7. 30 o 'clock JOHN Powell, Leader VILLAGE 'CouNCILâ€"Reeve, Wm Trench ; Coun cillors, Maconughy Ben Redditt, P G Savage, W Powell Clerk, M Teefy iness a trial without expense. The best opportunity ever oifeied for 1.11039 will- ing to work. You should trv nothing else un .il you see for yourself what you can do at the bun:- iuess we offer. No 100111 to explam‘ here. You can dc vote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that. you work. Women make us much as men. Send for special private terms and . arti- culm's which we mail free, $135 outfit free. on't complain ofhsrd times while you. have such a chance. Address H. HALLETT & 00., Portland A WEEK in your own town, and no BB capital risked. You cangive the bus- The M»thod1st Sabbath School Temperance Associs-tion issue pledge cards every; Sunday when desired. Wm Harrison, Supt ST Mum's (Emm urn. yâ€" ~ervires at 3 pm ex- cept. the thild Fm any of every month, when the sen vice and sacmmenh we held at. 11 a. m Sunday School at 11.30 p m Rev B Shunklin, Rector RICHMOND L 0 L, No 778~Meets in -tbe Tem- perance Hall, on the Friday on or before full moon, ms 10 m J H Sanderson. W M. . RICHMOND HILL T'JLMPLE, No 465;, I 0 G '1‘â€" Meot_s in the Temperance Hall,ev'ery Wednesday evenmg, at 8 o’clock. Wm Harrison, TD DUNKTN ACT-~Centm7 Committee [Duets {if/the call of the Prenidnnt in the Temperance Hall. Dr J N Reid, Thomhill,President ; John Sunder son, Richmond Hill, Sec » EOV. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. Genrgu (hmderlmm .................. Vice-President DYIIECTORS ~S.\.mual Plath. M.P., Wm. Gooder bum, Gen. \V.Lewii, Tho“. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucpherson, Senator. Maine Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $300,000 Total Assc 11:, $3,000,000 Sm our reduced 1mm En‘bl'a. For furth 9: in formnhuu apply at at the Offices the Uomuanv. Walter S. Lee. Manager Money recelved on deposit, and ‘interes 'payable half yearly or compounded. $20, 000, (20‘ o9n on Mortgage or real estate at llw r . .eolin XPSL 'j vans”1‘10nsst1'cth'privnto and C(nlfil Lml, npr 1y pc. su1x;y or in L- LLer to the nude: Lgned. J. K Falconb‘fidge Richmond 13:71.12 ‘11 Deuomber,1878. ' U' BUII DEF. Snerwond 4th( on. szmg‘n'nn, S1: ecin‘v mthmiun {u i n In Stair Building. P11: ctsm‘x attenuiou will be given no all elders. Address Maple 1’. O. . Savingy’s Bank BRANCH can make wruney' mater at- work iorus man at a11)‘tllill:£e‘.- “ (at-itul 1101 "required; we will m, 1 yr)" In}? um; day at home mada by the imluszrrious. Men, women, bovs and girls Wanted m'rrvviwt-e to work for us. Now in the time. Cosiiv 0'1 , . :md warms free. Address TRUE 6: 00.. Augusm‘ Maine. ‘VESTERN CANADA LOAN AA I) S \VINGS COMPANY. Horse shodng done at $1 a. set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. Place of Businessjust north of P Crosby, Esq., Yonge street, Richmond Hill Geo. STEPHENS AND HORSE SHOER‘ MONEY; Q“ was? 0W as a ‘ - - - 7 :wrguenm of self {I . “ \ .1 Ammo. 5108‘: of _ ‘ ' Me'um‘v, I or - Before Takmgfinl Lass)._'da.After Takmg' pain in the Bflfl1{.D:V1“IFSR 0" Vi fimn Premature 01d age, and m. Jynmhr‘; diam [halv'clmm w msmn’ \- c011- sn ‘0th ‘01] run! \y W . mmm'p u e. Li” 1" parâ€" 150 kw A i-x mm i‘umeâ€"x winch v :1 \1«',an\‘ u) send free by “11:11 to ax evy «me. The Swamifiv Medioimâ€" '< kol'd by all Dm t at$| )m‘ \m-fiug , nr NY wnkuges for $5. 0: win -)P “and?” mailun race-hunt me money, by Harassing, THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, GRAY’S , Specific Medicine! TRADE MARK.‘ A Tn‘w‘o, O' , Canada. NB.â€"T‘Hdemam120* out; bnsfiwss have ne- cessimted on: re .10 ‘ g to Tozm‘o, t0 which place please 2x130 ": 931 future cananunications ES -15n]'r')mondH. lhy 1 ‘11h' mg .ts, and everywncle in Canada. and \he Unitdd States 11 wholesale and my ail d1 ugoik s TO $6000 A Y EAR, 01‘ $5 to $20 9. dsw in your 01111 1001111 w. I\'o risk Women 110 1111 1111111113 nen. Many make more than the £11110th stated above. No one can fail LO make money fast. Any one can do the 111011;. "1111 0.11 1 41111413 from 5005119 to $211.11 110111 11‘; (19.0.1113, you. eveni 111's and sp111et'1111e 1) 1‘ n. 1115111888. .11; costs nothing to 1.1V 1 1e 1111 was \‘othiug like it. for 11101 ey mnkins evr:1 01111011 L)11fm‘.e Business pleasant: and 5:31ct1y 1.1/1- -1n. 11:110. Render, if vou wzmt; to 111OW 3‘1 3.11111 111* 11951111134111; busvuegs before the 111111111» , .1121 3‘ - .5 110121: 11111119»; ..1111 we will 5191111 "011 ‘ "1111011111: 15111111 ..1'.Ev1lie arms free; sa111p1es 111111 35: 1111‘0 .1ee;1111 11.11.121111111110 up your 1.111111 "11r yourse ‘. Addues. GEORGE STlNSON .51 ()0 11 11111.1. Mame. March 21, 1878«â€"â€"6m DRAIN TKLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT éiifiillaw glimmm A} I) S \VINGS COMPANY. Ofliceqâ€" 1) u :0 Church street, Toronto. KEFFER. CONT BACTOR ANl . R. S. TYRRELL, LICEN QUALITY gr General Blacksmith, Mortgages Bought MONEY T0 LOA N. CHU‘RCHES MONEY SOCJIETIES imam. gflumg. EROS. NIGHfi‘INGALE's, Yorkvile 'thG-I'Pfi' F,“ TRADE MARK. Prepared <35 sold by H Sanderson <3: Sons Try Sandersm’s fihalem ggecific II' YfllI WANT EREL‘BRIES AND PRWISIDNS, BALL AT J. BBflWN’ LABHAEHN. HEM. ma §I FEE]! fl SPEEMLTY. They have also on hand Drugs, Toilet Articles, FA RMERs, FARMERS! Ifyou want HARVEST TOOLS, call at J Brown’s. The largest and cheapest stock in Town. G EEEE MILL Everything you want cheap for cash, at J. Brown’s @Mfl PULLINE AN}! BYEINE IN ALL 1T2 BRANBHES. ROLL CARDIN G g fiwm Bafling, Yams, 10., Hm, Always On Hfind SOMETHING A sure and effectual remedy for the cure of 'Liyae‘ntry, Diabocrm, Cholera Morbus, plu mt, Pains in tue Stomach and Bowels, dzc. DRY G’OODS AND GROCERIES I- ORDERED AND READY-MADE CLOTHING W A Lot of No. 1 Shingles on hand. ‘3! Richmond Hill, July 16th, 1879 Prescriptions care- Remember the place, Richmond Hill August 6th 1879. Goods Delivered in the Day Time, The highest market price puié for Butter, Eggs, and all kinds of produce. Cash for Outs There‘s Somebudy's \Vtitfug, Waning, for :he Amazing Bargains now ofl'ered‘in SPE¢K Mahmud? Hm, Sept 4; 187-9 NNNNINN, SPINNING, NNSTNNI WNNNINN, Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill If you want; Cheap Boots & shoes, call at J Brown’s IN RUNNING ORDER Be Ye Ciw'ued, and Save Mowy by dropping in to See us ONTARIO (REYNHLBS §I NEWTHNS THOS H MONELLY ‘I, Sept 111b, 1879. In use, kept canstantly on hand A SPECIALTY. HATS. ETC. ETC, FOR THEMSELVES JOHN BROWN APOTHECARY'S HAL L} Chemicals; Perfumery, a large stock of fully compounded. Summer om- The Ointment is the only foliab‘e remedy £01: Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how~ ever lon standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheria,’ Coughs, olds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skiif Diseases it has no equal. THE GREATEST WONDER 0’ MODERN TIMES. The Bills purity the Blood, correc‘é all disorderd of the Liver, Stomach. Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints iticidental to Females. , I dunob (allow my medicine to he sold in rmy: part (If the United Stages. I have no agenié there. My medicines me only made by me at. 533, Oxford Street. Lonauu In the bouks of dirmmum .1me to the spur- ious 'hmko N 1' cnut mm 'zwning tlml’ublic against being vle eivud ‘0, ' mntarfeimx. Do not be misled bv ‘1~ nuducfous f-ric", as bncyure the counteh feix'ys may pretend to denounce. I most respectfully take leave to call the a. bentiun of theJ’ublic generally to the fact, thu v certain Houses in NrVV Ymk are sending to many- pans of the globe SPUlIIOUS IUITA’ DIONS of my Pills 11nd Ointumnh T1986 frauds boar 011‘ their labels some uddl ass in N ew ‘101k. '.l 3-) eountorfmlts me purchgusnd by unvrinci pl( (1 V011 flow at {me huh" the price 01 my rillsxmd Oin. mam, and are sold to vou {LS my genuine Medicines I mom. enmesrly appeal to that sense of justice which 1 fan] saw I muy venture 1111011 asking from 1111 honorable 11011501151130 as hint 1119 and the Pub- Jic HE 1111 us may lie in their p0we1‘,in denoun fng this shameful F mud Each Pot- and Box of the Gmmine Medicines: bar-rs thl‘ British Government smmp, with the words “ rIUTJ oww’rs TILL»: AND OIN'I‘MENT LO\IM)\T." engr: wed rhnreon. 011 the label is ‘rhe uddless, 53:3, OXFORD S’vm: m‘, LONDON, whele‘ alone they are Manufactured. Holloyvmy s Pills and Oiuhnemsbeming [my other addreés are coun- terfcits The Trade Marla of them Medicines nre rep’ 5 tcred m OLL awn. H 011m, any (me throughout the B1itish Possessions u. v nan keep the American Counterieibs for ane \\ 111 be prosecu‘tea 553' Oxford Street, Londoh,‘ J an 1 1679 ‘ ~ JHINH v 2. ,.3U mm” fur To ,, lorunm at; 3.30 p.111. H11 "B-Ls “Kn-W: i! OHLO, nndr ' RICHMOND HILL,“ .1" Palmer; 131-610? The Robin Hood H 01:61,!- 4.15 p 1:, THE PALMER HOUSEg Exryellent accommodation for the Public. Good.2 stublinq and utmtive hustler. Proctor‘s Bus? leaves thia Hotel to cunnect with all the N R R Trains going N0‘ 151. 1.1: £1601“), at 7 ‘30 a. m, 1 p m The Pine Grove Hotel !1 Cosgrove Bros", Prop’s‘ I“.‘\E GROVE, ONT E B Harris, Prdp‘ An excellent Hue] in every respect Goba stab-5 ing and amen give hostlers. Thankful. or the favors (if-the past tfie\ yedi'él: may still be consultud in any branch of the pro,‘ fession, as follows - Richmond HilL 9m & 24m of edch month‘ (at Palmer House) . Aurora, 1st, 8th,16th, and 2211!]. do, Newnmrket, do Stoufiville.. (10‘ Murkh 21m ... do Victoria. Square do; Thoruhill ...... (10. Maple ...... do VVoodbridge ...... do Kleinburg.. do Nobleton do Annsthnhcs as Fltrous Oxule, etc. used when' ordered, and none but the best: material used Lefroy ............. ' Holland Landing“ Bond Head ............ .’ 9th of ear-h mdnth" .. 26th do ..... 28th (10 Au the rest of the time (my one who may requirq his services will be sure of finding him at‘ his ofiice The Doctorrcspoctfully solicits attention to the new p; 00055 of I‘illing Teeth with Hand Burnish- ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cases othorw Lso hopeless, can be effectually treateh 1111.]. the diseased tooth, howeve1 much decay ed, may be r‘ompletely bu1lt up With Solid Gold, and,- ‘ restored to its ori 111111 Size, shapeimd usefulnesad‘ (m ‘ V I SURGEON DENTIST, has“ - removed to 87 King street East,’ Toronto, uvur H, & C. Blachford‘s new shoe store, Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit) each pmienn. Particular attention given to tha’ presurvuLion and "egumtion of the 1121,th teeth; carefully nvoing ull unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. ASSismnt'. V ‘ and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge. Ynnge sh e01. Yomvilie. Ontario. ImpOrter and' dealer in Pure bugs and Chemicals, French find English Perfume“y,English and American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cu'ul‘e Medicine, and Drug-' gist sundries of everv deCI'iDtiOn. M. H.VKEEFLER; YORK- HERALD Only $1 a. Year. Published1 Every Thursday Afternod‘lfi RICHMOND HILLg- 0N???” BEWARE OF NEW mm comm RFEfTS: Opposite A‘Igeo's Hotel; HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD: R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST,’ vrsms‘ R [CUMOND HILL ONT.. Opposite P. Crosby's Residén’d'e ‘éléfinfiel @mm S. ROBINSON, DISPENSING usr‘q an.» of the 114mb HotLls to bei ‘1 oi ’ (HI/Alum Fvclj'fllinv is mu naged ~< <- 2:. hm 9 km m for Commerâ€"_ .llers. u.» m Humbug mud mteI tive‘ uH‘ 'r. 'l‘hé IUCMmontI d-HNH vi.y.3(1fl,Â¥11.: fur Toro Dr A ROBINSON.‘ SURGEON' DENTIS gum.» CV. ADAMS, 11313.; 9th of ear-h rhdnth 26th do 28th (10

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