Homeâ€"made 1119111] 3 loaves, oseph Davis & C113 p11ze.fuultcen enl1ies, Obest Mls D Closbv; 211d, M18 J L Patterson, 31d, wm Bell, Y01k. ,7 Honey in éomb, H R Corson’s prize. 5 entries, TVJ Dougall. .. n“ u. Honey, strained. 6 lbs, 7 entries, best, Mr Wilson; 2nd, John Ramer. Maple sugar, IO lbs.. 4 entries, best, J Ramer; 2nd, w Major. Maple molasses. 7 entries. best, Mrs w McDonald; 2nd, John Rainer. Catsup, 11 entries, best, Mrs E Burk; 2nd. Juhus Bruels. on; éntrives, best. Mrs‘J Rumer; 2nd, Miss M Malcom; 3rd. Mrs C Trams; 4111, Miss Mary Dimmif; 51h, Jus Struclmn. 1 v Prize L183 of E. Y. Fall Show "ï¬Ã©illeyin com‘lg, ten lbs., H R wales’ prize,5 entries, TJ Dougal]; 2116, Mrs John Wilson. Sample ofpreaerven 6 entries, best Mrs RameI: 2nd. MIsHeo Vulienline. Jnr of pickles 7 enhies, best Mrs G Vallenline; 2nd 1* M 'lnckct. 3 bolIlvs of home made wine in qunris, Sentxies. bent, MIS Hamilton 1131]; 2nd, Mrs E Burke; M IS A wmllten. V Assortment sealed fruit. 6 jars, named, 7 entries, best. Mrs ll Johnston; 2nd, Mrs J Ramer; 3rd. Mrs w H Hall. Absorlment ofsealed fruit, largest and best varietv, named, lwo jars of each, F M Tucketl’s prize. 2 entrigs, F M 'l‘uclieu. Jelly, 3jars. 14 entries. best, Miss Mary aner; 2nd, Miss Elsxe Smith. SPECIAL PRIZES. 30 lbs Butter, Mrs Oxford’s prize, 6 en tries. Mrs Noble. But:er.lOle,in ll) r0lls,1’etl9y & Dinenn’s prizn. 8 entries, Mm George Lawson. n n n,,,lk_~ 1:1/11 or1111u-,n 1111a â€1111,;1 1A .. 2011)S. B111111, T 111 Buny s I111ze,1‘1111neen e11t1ies,1 11113 E wood. 2011111.]31111111. Goo Mitc11e11s prize. 13 ennios \115 A Mcthsmn 201115 Butler w 112111 3 1111ze 0 entries, Mls w Mc1)1111:11d. '11161111 1bs.]iutter,a C Taflm‘s p11ze, 5 (“111195.11118'11108 l§0y1111111 Twontv ï¬ve 111s. Butter, G Digby’s prize, two enhies 1111s (10111111151. 101113. 131111131, made by gir1s under eigh- 1681119a1311111gre, J I’:1.1k~1’ DI1ZE. 5191111163, 1511 Miss 1111100111: 2011 Miss 111111011 Ext1aâ€"5OO pounds IIonoy,1Mart1111 Ramer, highly recommended. GRAIN, SEED, Sac, Judgesâ€" E Whaler Stoul'ï¬ille; 'W Hood,1r1\lilliken;1) Johnston Mulâ€" Vein; R Black, Buttonville Spring wheat Allan’s prize; Morrison, 20d, Johnston. .IJUltrn, unu,u .- Oats, black bushels 5entrics, lst SRennie; 2nd, Isaiah Johnston; 3rd, Nighswander Bros. \Clll’ Ah 1; u\;1\,uun. 4 bush Soules “ heat Gnoderham & \ths p1ize, 2 ontrius,Jan1es Wier. v with Pllbk, A.\u\l \ â€W Fall “heat, ‘2 bushels 17 ug'nhtlies 15b 1 Johnston; 13nd, Samuel McMullen 31',d R W Thomson. Oats,w\1ite or y(,,llow 2 bushels 8 entries 1st “In Lea, 53nd “7111121111 Rolph; 31'd,7J07hr1 Irwin. 1 . Peas small 2 bushels, 8 entries 1st, JBruels, 2nd, Wm Lea, 3rd, Hugh E11 iota. ‘, Peas, marl‘owf'ut, 2 bushels, 3 entries, 1st. I Johnston; 2nd, Julius Bruels. Barley, 6 rowed, 4 bushels, Thomas Davis’ prize, 7 entries, 1st, Jobert Johnston; 2nd, 8 Ronnie; 3rd, Rv W Thomson. B1rleV 21owedZ bushels éontries, lst, '1‘ Gibson, 2nd, S Bennie; 31d J Biueis. Barley, 10 bushels, D A Milne’s prize, 6 entries, J Brethour. Judges remarksâ€"Mr S Bennie shewed 10 bush 2 rowed Bailey of ï¬ne quality in this section, but not allowed to comppte, otherwise would have taken the prize. Timothy seed. 1 bushel, 2 entrichst, S Rennie; 2nd, J Bruels. u JICIJHIL, HI u, V n...“ Clover seed 1 bushel 5 entries, lst, S Rennie; 2nd, J luuels. {ed clover, 2 bushels, 1 entry, S Rennie. Flax seed, 1 bushel, 2 entries, lst, J Bruels; 2nd T 11 112x11. Tares 1 bushel, 1 entry, J Bruels. “Thite be;1ns,1 peck 13 ennies,1st2 H T Robson; 2nd, Levi _\Vismer. Induln COI‘I'] 24'ears, 7 entries, 1st, T H Eckardt: 2nd D Break. ' Barrel of flour 5 entries, lst, A G Crosby; 2,nd James beith. Barrel of oatmeal 1 entry, C Russell. Barrel of p01: or pearl 1 entry, 0 Russell. Potatoes, late 11 bushel 11 entries 15h, A Hood; 2nd? Geoxge Miller, 3rd J J Weir. ROOTS. Judgesâ€" same as for Grain. Potatoes, early, 1%}; bushels,†entries, Ist, S Rennie; 2nd, L Patterson; 3rd, James Hood. Mange!“ urze], long red or yellow, 8 roots, Gentrics 1st S Renni9; 2,nd B Muldoon; 3rd V\ m McDonald. Butt Mangel szel, globe, 8 roots, 4 en- tries, 1st. 8 Bennie; 2nd, H Elliott; 3rd, Edward Leathers. Bee‘s, common.8 roots,10 entries, lst, S Rennie; 2nd, H T Robsmu. Sugar Boots, S Rennie; 2nd, Elliott. Turnip ps, Sweed 8 roots, 14 entries, lst J Little; 2nd Geo Keith; 3rd Ste’phcn Wesfn‘oy. Carrots whit; 8 roots,12 entries lst S Rennie; 2nd, \Vm \Ve estney; 3rd, Stephen Lu_wson. n . n ulua. Ann, V vaII , ...‘.\., .H... -_VV,__ l’arsnips 8 r0021: 12 entries, lat, G V allcntine; 2nd, S Rennie, _ Carlots long orange, 8 roots 7 onâ€" tlies lsc S Rennie; 2nd, Jas Hood. V EUIUUllI 1C, gnu, U AU\1I~- 12 Long Manuel Wurzels and 12 Globe Mangel Wurzels. John Snowball 5 prize 12 entries D Rennie. H. . . 1 n,“ Aluu, ‘4 u. nun, 7,, -.-.. Sample of Manvels lurnips, and Car rots,10 of each variety, Steele Bros prize, 8 entries, S Rennie. CARBIAGES AND CUTTERS. Judgesâ€"Geo Mo1ris0n, Aurora; J Stephenson, Unionville; Jo’hn Millard réne horlse covered’cnrriage, single seated. 6 entries, 1st R & G Pringle; 2nd. Geo Wales, One horse open carriagn,single seated, 3 entries, lat. H R Wales; 2nd, W B Brown. Op en Buggy, 4 entries, lst Wm Trench; 2nd, VVB Brown. Buggy, not painted, Josiah Hall’s prize H R Wales. 0 Aunt, 1A ‘1 n ..... Cutter for one or more horses, 3 enâ€" tries, 1st: H R Wales; 2nd, W B Brown. Conï¬dued from 2nd page 1en lbsin pound rolls. twentyâ€" 2 bushels, Ross and 11 entries, 15h, John \Vm Webster; 3rd,, I 8 roots, 3 entries: 1st, \V H Fry: 3rd, Hugh SGMETHING FRESH REA?“ HEB “ELSAYE ORDERED AND READY-MADE CLOTHING DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES! RIGHT ON TIMEE EREEERIES, EBHEKERY, “BEWARE, ML, 813.; "fw'uw Gâ€"aaflg ? @NLY $2 A YEAR! WEEKLY FROM lST OCTOBER, ’79 END OF DEGEMBER, 1380 The 7 7 T ' ' 7 ' re s Somebody s V\ amng, “ mung, for the Amazing Bargains now offered in SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES Richmond Hill, Sept 4 1879 Richmond Hill, August 14th. 1879 Be Ye Clothed, and Save Money by dropping in_ to see us Cheaper Than Ever Summer Goods Selling at an Immense Reduction. EflaEK HERMU FOR $2, CASH ONLY HATS, ETC. ETC, AND THE Constantly on hand; THE THE ES AAC CROSBY RICHMOXD LODGE, A. 1“ & A M, No hicc‘bb in 1311:! [(uhge 1mmâ€, Masonic }. Mondny on or before full moon, at, S‘ 1suuc Crosby, “7 M ' V RICHMOYD L 0 L. No 778â€"Moets iï¬ pemncu H1111, on hm Friday on or moon, anti 1) m 'J H Sal-160130115 \V. M‘ Illr‘mroxn HTLL TEMPLE, No 465, I O G TAâ€" Meets in the Tempemnce Hull,uvery Wednesday evening, at 8 o‘clock. Wm Harrison, '1‘ D DUNKIX ACTâ€"Central Committee meets at the call of the President" in the» Tempglzancg Hal]. mu. v; ““1 4“.» uuuuu u M Dr J N Reid Thornhill Prvesident, John Sandal son, Richmond Hill Sec The Methodist Sabbath School Temperance Association issxm pledge cm‘ds every Sunday when desired. Wm Harrison, Supt MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hull, from7 to 8 o’clock. R E Law, Librarian. Lectures and discussions periodicallfl RICHMOND ELLL CORNET B ANDâ€"â€"Meets for pmc tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o‘clock JOHN Powell, Leader VILLAGE COUNCILâ€" Reeve, Wm Trench; Coun cillozs Muconughy Den Redditt, P G Smuge, W Powell Clexk, M Toefy ST MARY’S (EPISGOI’AL.)â€"S0rvices at 3 p m, ex- cept tho third Sunday of every month, when the service and sucnununt are hold at 11 [L 111 Sunday School at, 11.30 p 111 Rev 1’» Shankliu, Rector lVIF/I‘HODIST#SerViCCS at 10.30 a. m. and 6.30 p m Sunday School at 2 80 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening, and Sunday School Teachers meeting and Bible Class on Friday evening, led by the pastor, Rev Mr McCullum. Assistant, Rev Mr Pickering 'PRESBYTEBIANâ€"Services at 1130 a. m, undo 30 p m Prayermeeting on Thursday evening at 7 30 Rev» I Cumpbeli, pastor ROMAN CATHOLIC~Sorvices : Thornhill 11w :1 m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 21111,t11e following sunduv M; 1‘111 hmoud Hill :1t9 (1111,31111’1‘1101'11 hill at 10 ‘U u 111 altonnctln ~qu11 Mmlihum evu1y31d Sunday tinteof the Royal College of Phy ohms Londm1,1%ngl:md. Consultation daysâ€"Monday and Thursdny, furcnoons. RosiLlcncoâ€"XVeston. iness in trial without expo! so. The best opportunity ever ofl'ei‘ed for those will- ing to work. You should try nothing else until you see for yourself What you can do at the bus- iness we omit. No room to explain here. You can devote [Lil your time or only your spare time to the business, and make grout pay for every hourthub you work. Women lllfl‘kGILS much us men. Solid for special private terns and pnrti culzirs which we nmil free, $5 outï¬t free, lmn't complain ofhurd times while you huvn 51110110. I A\\'EEK in yourown town, and no capital risked. You can givo the busâ€" chnhce. Address 11. HALLETT’dx (10., Portland Maine DR; HON. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Goodcrhmn .................. Vice-President DIRECTORSASmnuDl Plath, M.P., Wm. Gdoder ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, H011. D. L Mucpherson, Senator. Money recewed on deposit, an'] interes payable half yearly or compoungled. SN) 0111 reduced 101m table. For fur‘thex information apply at at. the Ofï¬ces the Counmln. Walter S Lee, Manager Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Totm Assets, $3,000,000 Saving; Bank $20,000, to 10m! on Mortgage or realestate at low rate 01' interest. Tl'zmsuctiuns strictly private and conï¬dentiul, upply personally or by letter tc the undersigned. Richmond Hill. 12th December, 1878‘ \VESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. ). BUH DEB Shelwood, 4th Con Vaughan, S1. ecialutthntinn giygen to 51,211 !- Iiufldin". Punctnul attention will be' givo‘n to [L11 ogdels. Address Maple 1’. 0'. ' , BRANCH can make monev mscer at work for us than at; mwthmg else.CImifu1not 1equired;\Ve VV111 stint Vou. 312 pm day at home made by the industxious MN), women boys and gills Wanted everthere to Work for us. Now is the time. (105le outï¬t zmd terms free. Address TILL & CouAu‘msm Maine. tmun Geo. STEPHENS Horse shoeing done at $1 a. set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. ‘ P‘ace of BusixleESJust north of P Crosby, Esq., Yonge street, Richmond Hill AND HORSE SHOER‘ KEFFER, CONTRACTOR A N1 - - BUILDER. Sherwondx 4th Con. Vaughan GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! TRADE MARK. _7‘th1‘cnt]§111g-TRADE M _ ; 11511 henmdy 1mm unfuilingcurefor > Sominul \Vcalb- ' . ncssï¬pcvna‘torr- hen, lmpotency, and all diseases . that follow as 11. Q soqtmllce of self ‘5 \ Abusems loss of . ' Memory, Univer - Before Takmgsal Lussitude,Aï¬er Takmg' pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature 01d ago, and 1mmy0thcr diseases that lead to insanity con- sumption and lb premature grave. 1:3" Full para ticulm‘s in our Pmnphlutwhichwe desire to send free by muil to every one. March 21, 1878â€"6m The Speciï¬c Modicincis sold by all Druggist at$| per package, or Six packages for $5, or will he sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, THE CRAY MEDICINE Co, Tomnto, 0116., Canada. NIXâ€"The demands of our business have ne- ccssituted our removing to Tofon’co, t9 which place please address all future commumwmons I3‘Sold in Richmond Hill by all druegists, thd everywhere in Canada. and the United States 11 wholesale and retail druggists MIME]; “ gummy \Vmuen do as well 113 men. Many, make more than the amount stated abovei he one can fail to make money fast». Any one can do the W01‘k. You can make from 50 cts to $2 an hour by deVoting your evenings {ind spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money maxing ever oï¬ered before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Render, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the public , send us your address and we will send you full particulars and private. terms free; samples with 855 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE STlNSON 55 CO.,Augusm, Maine. TO $6000AYEABJ, 01‘ $5 to 820 a. 5“ day in your owu localitv. No risk' AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Oflices~Na. 70 Church street, Toronto RAIN TILE; OF THE BEST General Blacksnlith, 1‘». S. TYRRELL, L'ICEN QUALITY 5:: Mortgages Bought J. K. Falconb'idge MONEY .TO LOAN. CHURCHES MONEY Medical. Eiï¬mwg. N077 8â€" Meets in the Tom- 0 Flidfly on or before full ‘r‘r‘Hos, NIGETFNGALE’S.‘ - Yorkvi‘lér TIE LK’ A M Bu A. on 8 o‘clock. the p m II" YflU WANT EBBSERIES AND PREVISIENS, TEAL}. AT J. BRUWH’ FA Rh ERE‘ a: FARMERS ! LRRMAL'EN. HAM. MM 81 PERI] A SPECIALTY. Everything you want cheap for cash, at J. Brown’s EARIO W IN RUNNING ORDER Try Sanderson’s Cholera Speciï¬c Prepared & sold by H Sanderson &; Sons Drugs, Tailet Articles, T H E PEOPLE‘S STORE ï¬ï¬gï¬ @lWE ‘2 7 32%“ A Lot of No. 1 Shingles on hand, ‘6! Richmond Hill, July 16th, 1879 A sum and effectual remedy for the cure of Dysentry, Diahoerru, Cholera Morbus, Summer Com. plaint, Pains in the Stomach and Bowels, &c. Crockery of every description. Furniture at Toronto Goods Delivered in the Day Time, The highest market price paid for Bufter, Eggs, mid all kidds of produce. Cash for Oats Richmond Hill, Oct Tat; 1879: Prescriptions care- Remember the place, Richmond Hill August 5th 1879. PAlNTS AND OILS AT LOWEST RATES EARNING, SPINNING, ENSTHM WNNNINN, They have also on hand Wnnl Batting, Yarns, Elc, Etc, Always [In Hand. Richmond Hill, Sept Inh. 1879. Which will he sold as 011er as any house north of Toronto, for cash J Brown’s; The la‘rgebt and cheapest stock in TOWn. If you want Cheap Boots 3" Shoes,‘cull at J Brown's Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill 1 uu‘lmgnugut; W W“ â€a Room Paper 3016 below Toronto‘ pri‘Ces, for Cash PRICES; THOS H MONELLY In use. kept constantly on hand: ON'EARIO A SPECIALTY. Is Also agent for Gurney and Hart & McKillop Stoves. Micas for sale 0 P G SAVAGE well stocked with Ifyou want HARVEST TOOLS, call at FOR CASH JOHN BROWN APOTHECARY’S HALL; Chemicals, Perfumery, a large stock of fully compounded. Tï¬E , GREATEST WONDER 0* MODERN TIMES. The Ointment is the' only reliable remedy: for'_ Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores gnd Ulcers of howâ€" ever longsbnnding. Fm Bronchitis, Djpthoria, Coughs, Golds, “Gout, Rheumatism, an'd' all Skin' Diseases it has no equal. EE’WAR‘E' on" NEW You coammms: Tho Pills purity the B10611, correct all dism‘der'n‘6 of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and, are invaluable in all complaints inéidontal to" Females. I most respectfully take leave to call the 3‘ temion of the Public generally to the fact, tha . certain Housgs in New York are sending to man y pm‘ 1‘3 of the globe SP’UlZHm‘S TMIYI‘ATIONS of my Pills mm ()int’men‘t‘. Thesie frumls hear on their labels some uddrc in New Yurk. I most; earnestly appeal m that Horn? of justice" Which 1 feel surcl nuLy venture upon asking from‘ all honorable perséns, to assist me, and the Pub- lie, as far as may lie in their poiver,‘ ‘m denouu' fng this shmnehd Fraud. 1 (101101: allow my medicine to be $010. in any 131th of the United States. I have no agents them. Mymedicines are only made by me at 5&3 Oxford Street London In the books of directions afï¬xed to the spur; ions make is {L c.1.utimn,wm‘uing the Public against} being (lccvivenl by connterfcits. D0 nut be misl'e'd bv this audacious trick, as they are the counteh' feits they pretend to (10110 unce. These counterfeits are purchased by unnrinci-l pled Vendors M. onevlmlf the prit‘o of my rillsmxtt Ointment, and are sold to yUu‘ us‘ my genuiue’ Medicines Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Mediciuéa bems the Bxitish Government S amp, with the wmds “ HOLLOWAY s PILLS AND OIN’I‘MENT LONDON " vngl: wed thereon. 011 the lube! is the; addloss, 533,()x1"0m) S'vml ET, LONDON, Whale alone thev are Munufuctured. a Ointments bearing [my other uddreés are coun- terfeits '1110 Trade \Imkq of these Modii-inefl are reg a tored 111 ()ubznuLH<>11cc,nnv one H11 0115110111; the British Possessions who may keep the Americanl Counterfeits for Salts, will be prosecuted 563 Oxford Skeet, London; Jan 1 1879 This Hous‘e is one of me Best Hotels to be; found north of Toronto. Everything; is 1mmuged in First, Class Style. Sample Room for ()mnmer-' cinl Travellers. Good Strabling and attentive‘ hostlcr. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond‘ Hill 'Bus loaves this House at 7.30 mm†for Toy:-~ onto,’ End’returnjng leaves Toronto at“ 3.30 pm. J Palmer; Prop“ The’Robiï¬- Hood E 01191, THE PALMER HOUSE,- RICHMOND HILL; Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stub‘ling and attentive hustler. Procbor's Busi loaves, this Rhï¬el" to connect with all the N R R: Twina going North and South, at 7.30 arm, 1 p m‘ 4.15 p‘ n1,'und 7:15 p m.‘ The Pine Grove Hotel 1'? E E Harris, Er‘op‘ Cosg'r'OVe Bros, Pfop’s Ali exdeliciit Hotel in every respect Good stub: ing and attentive hustlers: Thankful 01 the favors of the past the venrti" xr a) still be consulted in any branch of the pro' fession as follows: Richmond Hill . 9th- & 24th of each month1 (at Palmer House) Aurora, 15st, 8th,16th,nud 22nd Aiiééfa, 13%, ’ mi; 16th; and 22nd do Newmm‘kct, ............ 2ndj do Stan flville.. . ...... . do Markham ............ . do Victoria Square ...... ‘ do Thom nhill ...... ’ ' ' do Mn p10 ............ .. i . do Woodbridge. . ' ' do Klieinbmg. do Nobleton do Annsthebics, [LS Nitrous Oxide etc., used when‘ ordered, and none but the best material used .. 91h of eavh mdntb’ Holland Landing. .. 26th do Bond Head ......... . 28th (10‘ All the last of the time any one who‘ may require his services Will be sure of ï¬nding him'athis oflica' Lefroy The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to th'o' new process of Filling Tooth with Hind Burnish- ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cases otherwise hopeless, can ho effectually treat-eh, and the diseased tooth, however much decayed, in ny be completely built; up with Solid Gold, and restored toits original size, shape and usefulnassd (rm ' ‘ - SURGEON DENTIST, has . rmnoved to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H'. 85 C. PMChford’s now‘ shoe store Best mineral teeth inser'ï¬mt 111 gm manner to suit each patient. 1"Lrticiflurgtttantion given to the‘ premrvution and rugulntinn of the natural teeth carefully mi ‘11:; {L11 unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING, Assistant. V V ‘ and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge' Yonge street. Yorkville. Ontario; Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English Perfmuery,English and American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Medicine, and Drug; gist sundries of everv description. YORK. HERALD W. S ï¬ery Thursday Afternoon? M. H. KEEFLER RICHMOND HILL? 0153'â€?v R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST; VISITS Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORI') RICHMOND HILL ONT.. Emma @milna Opposite P. Crosby's Residence Only $1 a Year. Phblish‘edf s. ROBINSON, DISPENSING Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS _, PINE GROVE,‘ONT initial.- '. ADAMS, L.D‘.S.-,- Hollpjvzmy's fills and}: