thile we cannot refrain fro m saying that the Reform press show a zeal which is more partizan than public in its char acter, when they almost lose sight of the badness of the system under which pub lic contracts are let. in their desire to attack their political opponents, we must at the same time frankly admit that our Reform friends may have in this in‘ stance fair grounds for complaint). Audifthey could only take Shakes- The Reform press has another scandal. This piece of news is neither new nor startling, but when we say that there are some good grounds for the present one, we venture to think we have said something which puts this scandal out of the ordinary category of opposition scandals. The tender for .he govern- ment printing has been given to Messrs McLean. Rodgers & 00., the old con- tractors, although tbeir tender was con- siderably higher than a number of'others. The ï¬rm mentioned are sound Reform- ers, so that they are not favored on political grounds, but, the gravamen of the charges made is that Mr Macintosh of the Ottawa Citizen, whose tender was lower and who'was entitled to the contract, sold out to Messrs McLean‘ Rodgers & Co, tor consideration. This Mr Macintosh does not deny.but claims that he had a perfect right to do so. He also berates his assailants for what he calls their unjustiï¬able interference with his private business. We are not. dis- posed to especially blame Mr Macintosh, but at the same time we do not hanker after the. contract of defending him. It. may, from his point of view, be private bustness, but as every dollar he gets from the government printers comes dir- ectly out of the pockets of the people, the public will, with some show of reason, insist that they have a fair claim to know something of what becomes of" their money. l We forgive the Reformer rï¬an for his insane and very wicked attempt to de- stroy our unimpeuchable character by coupling the Hawkeye with this paper. He insinuates that we said Newmai'ket was in Gum Swamp. Well, if the Gum Swampixies are such “warm friends†of his, and he cannot get the idea through his head, we will explain that we meant that little part as a JOKE, but we’ll faithfully prougise never ‘to attempt a joke .with that man again unless there isaehisel and mallet lying around at hand to assist us in performing a surgi- cnl operation. But this kind hearted Jeffery seems rather inconsistent when he stronul; ad- vocates that Nouh York cut itself loose from the rest of the County, and have a County town of' its own,i.c., Newmarket. However, inconsistency is ever the true indication of talent and genius. Has not 'the Refonner man any warm friends in East or West York. Fancy how they must feel over the matter. There is no use in us saving †we won’t allow it,†(as the Reformer did) for anything that sheet undertakes to bring about is as sure to ccme,as night succeeds the day ; for instance its attempt to elect our es- teemed friend Mr Dymond, etc. The Aurora Liberal Conservative takes a much more sensible view of the question, and we are inclined to think its hopes are more likely to be realized than those of the eminent’ literary character a. trifle nearer to the north pole. The Lord Jeffrey of the North York Reformer decidely objects to the County being carved by the YORK HERALD for the purpose of making Richmond Hill the County town, as he has "some warm friends in Georginia and North GWilliambui'y.†What a great pity we did not think about those friends. Why bless your heart, old fellow, that changes the whole thing. What is the County town to us, compared to those adorable friends of yours ? Nix ! Give us the “friends†we say. Auwmarket. Neroml Bâ€"‘ï¬ya. m ‘32 4;p.m eugihéAp.m 8 27 1 05 7 49 King. 8 45 1 30 s 07 Richm 8 56 l 45 8 19 Thornhill ‘ 9 07 2 03 S 32 “lemon... 9 40 9 00 Davenport. 9 30 2 32 8 55 I’m‘kdnlo... .. 9 3T 2 42 9 02 Toronto . . 10 ()0 3 10 9 20 Proctor’s Bus leaves Cosgrovc’s Hotel every morning at 7 30 o'clockï¬o connect with the trains going north and south; at 4.30 p'm., for trains leaving Toronto at 4.15, and returnng at 0; at L.15p.m. for South. Toronto ........... Pnrkdale.. Davenport Weston“ T1101 nhill. Rlchmond H111 King ........ Aurora. . Harlem's! Railway Time Table W-ï¬ï¬m‘iflfgï¬m smmrmmmsa‘zï¬xmmm_ Employment~H Bill Publishing Company THURSDAY. “DEC 4, 1879 The Printing Scandal. (The @1011: 33:21:: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Dividing the County. MOVING NORTH 903 1 05 9 l4 1 15 MOVING SOUTH. Exp. Mixed B 14, a. m 12 45 p.111 8 27 1 05 8 45 1 30 8 56 l 45 ‘907 203 Mail 7 36] 7 49 8 07 8 19 l BUFFALO, Dec. 1.â€"rnapt in Andrew; Mc- ‘ Ken-zie. arrested for the murder of Andrew lRussell on the barge IVaZI'Mt lust Frislny ltimrning. has made it full confession ol the crime toâ€"night. As “us supposed :ii the time, Bussvll was in his bunk when the cap- tain returned to the barge, tind commenced to chair the latter about his staying out With prostitutes. ending his remarks with the statement that the captain’s daughter was also one which so incensed the latter that a sculfle ensued, and Rubzell threaten- ed to kill the captain With a linnnspilte, whereupon the lattvr. as he states, at - tempted to reach the rail, but ï¬nding his assailant closing upon him. picked up the tnngs and dealt him a deadly blow on the head, utter which he hid Russell’s money 5» that it wruld not be found on his per:0u it arrest: d. and thiew the lutter’s body over hoard, together with his own bloody shirt and a number of other articles bespattered with blood McKenzie states thnt he only hid Ihf’ money so that it would not. be thought that, it was for robbery that. the deed was done, as he had no intention of robbing the old man. ' l TEE LATTER MAKLS A FULL CONFESSION HOW THE DEED WAS DONE. THEY ALL Do h‘.â€"â€"And now we have an Aglicullurul lmplrnwnl Manuï¬u-lurels’ Assnciminn m ulna Province. The new orgamzaxiou Look shape on Suluxday 231d, 3! Tommo. when the fullmving ofï¬cers were chasm: James Noxon, Inxensoll, l’rrsidem; Peier I’uliersnn. M. P. P.. Pul- lersou. Vicr-l’wsidvnl; FFHHL‘IS '1‘ Frost. Smith's Falls, Seal-many-'J'reawrer. Exe- cutive Cummillve, John llaggart, Examp- tnn; M. Lee. Tummu; Mr C<>b0urne, Humimm; Mr Mahmj,Londm\; John Abeâ€, Wuodhridge, and John Wuxsou, Ayr. With such a cumbinalion of manufacturers, lhe \viu‘d IS all lake“ out of the sails of the Grunge business â€" Era. For some time it has been known that; l there was something wrong in the 210-! counts of the Custom House, and that Mr Johnston and Mr Parmclce, of the} Customs Department, were engaged in examining the books. It is now ascer- tained that a deï¬ciency has been dis-; covered of about twenty thousand dol-l Jars. One half ofthis is said to have‘ been used by Mr Smith, the collector,“ in land speculation, and it is also re-i ported that he paid this sum back when l the deï¬cit was discovered. The other} ten thousand dollais repettcd to have ej been taken by Mr Muckay, the chief" clerk who,l1ewever, denies the alle- l gation 1111080. It 1s not knenn whet} er the Govetmnent has obt: 1ined a security for this amount but it is believed the Collector can be held responsible for any loss through the acts of 1111' Mac kay. In consequence it is hoped that there will be LO pecuniary loss to the public. The money is kttown to have been taken 110111 a suspense account. used for uncomplctcd transactions but. the method of covc1inrr up the 111isappro-l priation has not been revealed 1 Murder of. a Sailor by the Captian. Acting upon the advice of the Pope, the Archbishop of New England has directed all priests of his diocese to establish schools in their respective par- ishes at once, and to threaten with the curse of the Church all Catholic parents who rel'uze to patronize them. In dis- tricts where the influence of the Public Schools is thought to be particularly in- jurious the priests are instructed to with draw the childet'n lortlmith. The steamer Wuubuno, which left Collingwood for Parry Sound on Satur- day morning. 20th inst,, was wrecked near Mnose Point, and it is feared that all her passengers and crew have perish- ed. ’1 h 3re is great. excitement in Co]- lingwood over the probable fate of the vessel as all the ofliceis and crew were residents of that town. BARRIE, Nov 28â€"The body of Dr Muberly, Collingwood, was found this morning about a mile and a half north of Allandale the Northern Railway. 1: is supposed that “hi 6 walking on the track last niuht he was struck by a pas- sing hain. On examination in was found that both lens were b1oken the head badly fracuned and the body much b1uiscd. Death must have been instantaneous. An inquest and post mortem examination was held. far hack in our history, but it is an evil and, whatever be its origin, it ought to be put an end to. When men put in tenders for public contracts, and if those tenders are accepted, they should bu compelled to forfeit a sum sufliment to nuike Selling out an unpmï¬tuble bubiness and any who ‘hnving be n 3“?“de a connuct refuses lto cmry it out s-luuld be Imever de- iburled from tendering: again. We illope that the gnvumment will see to lit that steps are taken at the earliest ‘possible moment to remedy this evil. | -â€"â€"Nat[0nal. [f The root of the evil is to be sought n Moved by Mr Boyle, seconded by Mr Duncan, that Mr Duhsun is hereby appoint. ed census lakvr, and that he receives ï¬ve dollms For 1119 sunmu-(Tunied. The Boaxd adjourned, Mum] hv Mr Patterson, seconded by Mr Lnflt‘. that Hue “(va Messxs Campbell ‘10.- Lalium and 1h“ Fhaimmn be a committee of exmnind!iun.â€"(anled. Moved by Rev Mr Campbell, seconded by Mr Duncan. Ihal n spvcial examination he held in Ilve Public Schools for the distribu- tion of the l’riy s.â€"Ca'rried. The Chairman reported that all the teachers cor-tinnvd their engagement with exception ot'MrBrncken whose resignation was read by the SPKW'EIHI')’. Movod by Mr Pntlmson, seconded by Mr Testy. that Mr Brackcn’s resignation be accentvd, and that the Chairman and Secretary be instructed to give Mr Bracken a testimunia]. Moved by Tovf'y. secondi-d hy Mr Boyle, that Mr T McMahon's application be ac- cepted a! a salary of $450.â€"-â€"C:urind. Dec. 1st. 1879. Presentâ€"R Marsh. chairman; I Crosby. secretary: Revs. Messrs CMmpbeH and Dick; Messrs Boyle, Duncan, PuttelsUn, Teefy, Tlench. Minutes lead and conï¬xmed of last meet- inL". peurc’s advice and, “condemn the fault. and not the actor of it,†they would do more to rectify the abuse. The Latest News. A Lake Tragedy. School Board. l Next year being leap year, the Ottawa tCI'J‘lztm states that expressinns lnvnring the fair stx making the New York calls have been made by both sexes in that city. and that it does not sum] improbable that the l:,dies “ill exercise their leap year prerogaâ€" tive and do the ('klllltrt‘: on the gentlemen that day, instead of He gentlemen visiting them. We would place this matter before our rendms as one worthy ul consideration, nud as a “lively departure†from the old IllnP state of aflitit's. As far as we are concerned we will be most happy to remain at home an that day, and make it our business to remove raps, bonnets. etc.. and make their owners as comfortable as possible. Ladies. Show that 'ou favor women’s rirrhts. Meetinnrs‘ 3 a o to tulip the subject into coustderation ad- venised free, on condition that it is decidtd that coffee beverage be offered to the fair visitautat, A MODEL ACT,â€" The following, from a Kincaidine cox tempomiy, ttllso its own stnry, and is another proof (1f1he newness of leap sear. "Warned-11 Husband I am 11 11111111,: lady of 20 ; 11‘side 111 the town at Kincmdine . have bright eyes and dmk hair ; my cheeks ale like tuH- blown 1118145. 111m tall, 11f good disposition, and van! fund 11f music J can give my hand heali 011011u11e f1r better 01 {'01 wmse. No young gmitiemen 11ePd apply 10 this who 15 [â€1th 20 (11 over 35 )ems of Hare. He musi 1191.11] of good dispositio11,and must 1101 “0:11 a heaxd on his tuce like 11. 110111 and must h we 11 good busin ess Addzess, 811c10°i111r 1111010., l)l'd.W€l 7 Kin caidine. The grand hop announced to take place on Tuesday evening last, came off all right A large number of persons had received and accepted invitations, but many were prevented from attend- ing by the unpleasant weather. The night was very dark. and a gentle rain poured dowu unremittingly. The roads were also in a very bad state. The Committee determined,hc 'ever to carâ€" ry the dance Lhrough,and they did so. The attendance was good, and a very pleasant. evening was spent. The oyster supper was provided by Mr Frank Cosgrove, in his usual ï¬rst-class style. Ne scarcity ot' oysters either. No IIOUSE.-â€"-OD W'cdncsday evening last, the Woodbridge Dramatic Troupe, hating previously announced their inâ€" tention of giving an cuterlaiument in this village, got their stage, sccnety,etc., iuto operat'on and waited at the Masonic Hall until nine o‘clock. The audience at that time being about a doZvn persons, mostly b033, the Troupe decided not to go on with their Show, and accordingly packed up, and departed. \Ve under stand the scenery was good, and that the entertainment would have proven Interâ€" esting. Want of advertising had conâ€" siderable to do with the failure, no doubt. The weather was also unfavor- able. S S "TEAâ€"PARTIâ€"A teaâ€"party in aid of the Teston Snbbnth School wtll beheld in the MethodistChurch, in that village, on Thursday, 11th inst. Tea served at 1 0clock.Cl1:1ir taken at 3, byN U VVull-ace M P for West York. Addresses will be given by the following: gentlemen: l’ evs Mcssxs Aiken, l’icke1iw Patterson Hamilton and Crow], and Mr Jas Armst'ongn Good music by the Band and the choir. Tickets 25 cents, children under 12, 15 cents. BY TELEPHONEâ€"A checker match by telephone was played between Wood- stock and Brantf'ord on Monday evening oflast week. Mr \Valdroon. of Wood- stock. and Mr Chateroon of the Exposi- tor oï¬ice were the players. The match resulted in Favor of Woodstock. The wires of the Dominion Telegraph Com- pany were used. v ‘ Friday Dec. 12th.â€"â€"Uredit sale of Farm Stock, implements, f'urniture,etc. the property of John J DJWSbury. at Lot 19, lst Con Yorhon Yonge street, Sale at 1 o’clock, without, reserve. J. C Stokes, Auct. STRAY ANIMALS.â€"I"armeis having strny animals in their premises shou’d advertise them at once. The law is very strict on this question, and people who lose animals should have the earliest: opportqoity of knowing where they are. Bultonville Methodist Church intend having a tcavparty, on Christmas day, in the Vestry cf the Church. Tea serv- ed at four o'clock, chair taken at. 7. '1 he children “ill entertain the audience with singing, recitaiions 21nd dialogues Tickets, 25 cents, children under 12, 15 cents. Proceeds to aid the school. Mr McMahon has been appmnted Head Master of‘tlle Public School, wide Mr Bracken, resigned. FAIRâ€"Wednesday lust7 the monthly Cattle Fair was held. Small uhcndance. Bud roads and unpleasant weather. Mr John J Cosgtove. has been ap- pointed Inspector of Weights and Mea- sures for the County of Simcoe. A Pigeon Shooting Match takes place at Long's Hotel, Thornhill, to day. Turkeys, Geese and ducks will also be shot for. The County Council seems in favor of making a reduction in toll on the York Roads to waggons, with tires 3% inches and over, in width. New Lakeside, Seaside, “Tide Awake Library. at the HERALD Store. Inter- esting books at cheap rates. Combs and B rushes all he HERALD store Mugs for sale 3‘ the HERALD store. On the third page will be found the leport of the County Council and an intercstinv account of the boy lost. at Newmmket. Thornhill Methodist Sabbath School will hold their annual concert on Jam. 1st 1580. The children are learning a number hyms to be sung on that. oeeasmn. Several dancing parties, are spoken of as being in the near future. Lots ofjob work being executed just now at the HERALD Ofï¬ce. A number of the latest and most in tersting novels from 15 to 20 cents just. arrived at the HERALD Book Stone. LOCAL ITEMS. Bradford Couï¬cil have passed a By- law enacting that. no elector should be entitled to a vote at any Municipal Election, if his taxes have non been paid befole the 14th of December next. It is causing considerable dissatisfac- 1011. FOXEs.â€"During the search which took place last Sunday for the misusing.r bov, no less than stx foxes were reported as being started on the line of march North ofthe village; It must be a very unsafe place for hens. In passing though the dense woods between the 2nd of King and Yonge Street, a num- ber ofthe company got lost, and it created considerable amusement to meet them marching towards all points of the compass; each one declaring he was right. ought t6 be encouraged by everyone, as the necessity of a comfortable retreat where young men can spend thelr even~ ings has long been felt in this village‘ (From the Reformer.) READING RonM.-â€" Eï¬nrts are being made to establish a reading room in Newmarket. It. is proposed to rent the rooms over Mr Byrun’s Stove Depot for Ihe purpcï¬e. The movement is one that “ï¬ll'nylucre.†A little fact wlï¬ch is pcrhaps not, generally known: Curtis was one ofthe most. accomplished men in this p‘nce. Who ever heard of a printer falling in for anything of this kind ? It is always, hustlers, or lawyers or doctors. ‘ in this p. ace lor some months past lately received a cheque for $400 mm which to retuIn home to Eug‘IInd, where he has fallen heir to a large amount of the Messrs Irwin, Davis, Burden, Ma- chell, and Dr Rutherfltrd, arrived home from a shooting expedition, up about Washngo, on Saturday last. They brought home eight ï¬ne deer as the re- euit, 0? the exeu'sionâ€"mnost of them being ï¬ne large ones, and in good condi- tion. 'l‘he hunters report game to be more p‘entif’ul than has been known for a number ofyears, but the absence of snow proved a great detriment. to the successful pursuit of the game. ' John Curtis, the civi‘, unobtrusive hostler, conuecled with the Royal Hotel ing them of £le consequences should theypersTsL in their evil course; per- haps, Lowever, we are a week ahead. From the Liberal Conservative. Appears to us i. is ner rly time for the quormer and Banner l0 accuse the Conseivatives of trying to bring pol: 108 to bear m municipal matters ziud wa n- ACCXDENT.â€"Chnries Gregory, garde' nor. of" Boxqrnve, met with an accident Saturday, 21st inst“, which may de- prive him of his life. He was return- ing home from a pedd‘iog trip and fell outof‘the waggon. striking- his head on the hard ground and fracturing his skull, and rendering him insemibie for twelve hours. He was found lying on the‘road apdyvas conveyed home. :‘nd Dr W Robinson wrs sent for. The strangost, thing about the whoie affair is that Mr Gregory does not remember how the accidentoccm'I'ed, and can give no account of it whazever, but his fliends think he eilhcx'feii out in a ï¬t or the seat. slipped and pitched him out. Mr Gregory is a sober, industrious, young man. with agmwmz family to support, and has the svmpathy of all who are acquainted with him in his illness. FIRE. â€"On Tuesday the ]8Il1 inst. ".bout 1 oclock a. m. n‘nouse and wood shed belonging: to Mr L l‘oyles, on Lot, 24, in 9th Cong MW'khann. was dlsâ€" covered {‘0 be ori ï¬re Youn2 Mr Boyle was awakened bv the gl: me of the flames and before any permn reached tlre pl nco the worm] m '1 hey were unoc- cupied and have been used as store- looms since last April. The bl)"(lln‘_’ and contents conststlmz of sletghs furn- iture and lumber, were consumed. It was doubtless the work of an incendiary. The loss 1s est mated at $700 insurance $400, in Waterloo Mutual Co. REFORM MEETING.-â€"A meet? ng of the Markham Township Division 0! the East Riding oi Yoxk Reform A“SO(‘-.P.~ tion WiÂ¥l be held'at Hall’s Hal‘, Unionâ€" ville. on Sunndny. the Glh prox., rt one o‘clock p.m., for the e‘ection of Ml- ï¬cprs, 0rgnniz7ng sub~d7visions in the Townships, and other business. A meeting of the delegates appointed at the variou_s indigation meetings was held at Long 5 limel, 'l hornhill, on Tuesday, to receive the 1ep01t of the delegation appoint- ed, to present their grieveance to the C ounty Council. The action of the County Council not being satisfactory to the dele- gates, it was 1ebolved to keep up the agita- tion and carry it to the polls at the coming Municipal election ’ Friday night three younw ladies were grossly insulted by lwo of our vi .Pge young men, sons of re~pectable pn ents, who have sisters of'-,lheir own, whi. e on their way to the. p.0nd Hie langua; 9 used by these blackgu-nds, as long as the ladies were within heariig, was of the mmt ï¬lthy chameier, and such as to entitle them to a nuinlh’s residence in 2301 without the option of a ï¬ne. \Ve have the names of these fonl» mouthed hrutes, and unto them that if we hear anvthing or the like in Tutuie we shall certainly publish them tlnmwh the ILcono’niht. From the Economist MECHANICS, INSTITUTEâ€"It is to be regretted that [here are quite a number ofmembers in arrears for the present year’s subscription to the Meâ€" chunics‘ Institute, no doubt through forgetfulness. FARM SOLD.â€"On Wednesday of last week, Mr David Bamer sold his farm by public auction, ï¬ï¬y acr,es being the nonhhalf of Lot 21 8111 0011. M arkham, to Peter Bu1kl1oldcr for $4, - 000. A very fair pr?ce indeed. NEW MARKET. The York Roads. AURORA. Markham. mommy-At Newmarket, on Nov. 22nd, James D Ironside, aged 5 months and 7 days. EchBDTâ€"At Unionville, On the 17th inst, Mabel Blanche, daughter of Dr and. Mrs E P Eckardt, aged 6 years and}; months. MILLARD KESTERâ€"At Stouï¬ville, on the 28th lust, by the Rev E D Silcox, Mr Jesse Millard, of Alnone, to Miss Emily Kester, of Markham. AnMx’rAGE~VVALTON.â€"On the 5 th inst, at the bride‘s mother S'lns W Armitage, of \Vnitchurch to Miss Emma. G Walton of Schomberg, Town~ ship of King. WHITE~HABTINGsâ€"At the residence of the bride’s brother, Capt R B Hastings, on the 25th inst, by the Rev E Whitworth, Mr J L White, of Lemonville. to Miss Snmh Hastings, daughter of John Hastings, Esq., of Toronto. At the residence of the bride’s fame", on the 27th Nov, by the Rev I Campbell, B F Quantz, of Imnie, to Limit E, eldest daughter of Robert; Mush, Esq., of Richmond Hill. At Richmond Hill, on Thursday, 27th of Nov. the wife of Chm-lie Clmmberlin, of a. daughter. PINNEY~In East Gwillimbury, on Wednesday the 26th inst, the wife of Henry Pinuey of a. son. Portions of the cargo of the wrecked sienmer wuubuno have been discovered along 1he islands ofthe Georgian Bay, and [he Indians, half-breeds, and Others are reaping a rich harvest. in their search for remains. The captain’s trunk has been plundered. IMPORTED C1Y:,msn1\11:s. â€"Mr Wm Bent- tie has buneï¬lted the immeis by import- ing a beautilul Clydesdale Stallion, “Wait on Me,†a. dzuk brown. two years old, got yYoung Plince of Wales (1018). g, a. Prince ol “ales (673), g, g, s. Geneial (322) Wail on Me 3 dame bv Leckfergus Clmmpion (449), &c &c. llna1s one of the best impmted Clydesdale Stallions ever brought to Canada, and proved himself one of the best two year ol<ls1n Scotland He got. thitteen first and three second prizes in Scotland and only had to succumb to the lilst p1ize (olt at the Hinliland Society’s Show, Scotland, the same cult being ï¬lat at Kilbtnn Poyal Show Enrrlnnd Mr. Beanie lost Fauner [288), and Messrs Mc Kay also lost two valuable 1101593, Black P1ince (54), and a two year old hoxse, on the Atlantic. The House was called to order at noon. and me roll called. Two hundred and thirtv-Iwo members answered, and there “Lere ï¬fty-six absemees. WASHINGTON, Dec. L~Tbe Senate was called 10 order by the Vlce-President at noon. After prayer by the chaplain, a Commitlee was appointed to join' a simi‘ar Coï¬zminee 0f the House to wait upon the President and inform him that Congress was ready to receive his communicmion. The Attorneyâ€"General shggested that the pelilion should be sent to him for his con- sideration, and he would let him, Mr Jack- sem, know what, could be done concerning It. The deputation tben withdrew. Mr Jackson. of Newmttrket, then pro- ceeded to outline the scheme proposed for erecting the present North Riding of York into a separate county. He pointed out that at, present there was an indictment. against, the county to compel them to erect new county buildings, anc it' any sepnrutton were to he made now was the most Oppor- tune titne. '] here was also a hesitancy about domg anything in the way of erectâ€" ing new buildings until this matter was set- tled. The amount of assessable property in North York was greater than that in the County of Peel. ’l‘he erection of county b iildittgs for the new county would not he a serious matter, as the county of Dufl‘eriu had received a tender for the erection of theirs for $261000. and there was already as registry ofï¬ce in North York. The cost. of the preposed new county buildings In the present county of York Would be about hult‘a million dollars. end the prospect of such an expenditure had really frightened the people of the North Riding. In the county there were th ee Assizes in the year, so that jur-ymen were in Toronto all the year round. He alluded to the size of the present Council and the length of its ses- sions, and said that owing to the peculiar relations between the city and county there was as much busrness to be done as in the Local Legislnture. (A laugh.) Mr Jackson represented that in the case of North York the plan proposed could not possibly interfere with any other, and he asked it'n private bill might not be inâ€" lroduced supposing that largely and respec- tably signed tetitions were sent into the Government ll) favor of u. Redistribution of Counties. THE CASE OF NORTH YORK ONLY TO BE CONSIDERED AT THE COMING SESSION 01“ OF THE LEGISLATURE. Delegation from North-Western Counties to the Attorney-General. Euphrnsin and Collingwood did not. bom- municme by rail will: the counly town. and it was, lhurefore, most incom‘eniw! for Ihem in sending their councillors and jurors to Ihat point. A deputation made up of representatives from the countios of York, Simcm. Huron, Emma, and Perth waited upon the Attorâ€" ney-General at his ofï¬ce yesterday to call his attention to their claims of the neces- sity of ell'octing a redistribution of counties, so as to right some abuses which are claim- ed to exist under the present arrangement. The names ofthe delegates were as follows: â€"Messrs John H032, '1 U Earl and W J Frame, Follinmvood; A Meiklejohn, and Snmnel Robertson, llamston; D D Hay, M P P DD (auipbell, and J W Scott, Listowel; George Kerr and M Campbell, Lucknow; David Yeomans. Thomas Swan, and James McMullen, Mount Forest: W Parsons, Orangeville; F W Stevenson. Egremonl; Geo Fletcher, Allistrm; John Dickson, Nounnnhy; Sidney Smnh, town- ship Arthur; R Myles, township. Euphrasia; E Jackson, F J Roberson, D Suthetland, D Roach, and H J Davisun, Newmurket. M r Hogg. of Collingwood, spoke for the no them townships of Grey and Simcoe. near Collingwood. These townshms, he said, had almost as large a population as the whole county of Simone twenty years ago. The present tnunly Council of Simcne wat composed 0t thy-ï¬ve members, and the \\ hole county “as nnwierdly on ac- count ofits size. If a question of only $5 came up in the Counctl each member must needs have his own say about it. and iv was almost impossrhie to get through the business to be dane. The townships of The deputation was introduced to the All()l'llf’)-Getl(!l'fll by Mr Jackson, who also explained tltttt their mlSsiOll was to ï¬nd Ont whether tlte Government would be prepared to introduce a general scheme by whtch districts, when they became sufï¬ciently wealthy and populous. could separate from the counties in which they were, and form themselves into separate coun ies much the same us was allowed to the jttntor counties. 'lhey sought some legislutton that would lend to loteuï¬t the tnltnitipalities and cause them work more llillanlIlUllbly together, '-:l(l also induce mute economy and sim- y in municipal gmetttmettt. PI: OPENING OF THE SESSION. , 8. CONGRESS, MARRIED DEATHS BIRTH In: use in the High and Eublic; School; All other kinds of Books kept- constantly on hand. Beï¬ts ; Baskets ;Braid's ; Brushes ;. Cards; Chromps ; Concertinas ; Croquet Setts ; Collars; Doll‘s ; Drums ; Engravings‘ Book, Stationerv and Fancy Goods, Store, ‘ 80 H O O L BOOKS 2; END 0? 3880?; Dept. Railwma and cnwnals ()‘ntuwu. 261.11 Nnv~ 1879 The time for receiving tenders for aura, snow Ploughs, &c.. has been extended until the 9th of December next. GNLV $2 fl WE EKLY' MAIL INTEREULBNIAL RAILWAY BHIERE BU “TU? BMWH Flourâ€"fall,per barrel . spring, per do Barley, per bushel .. Outs, per bushel .. Pause, per busheL Rye, per bushel. Hay, per ton .. Straw, per ton . Potatoes, per bag, Apples, per bushel Butterâ€"in) rollsnyer 1b . Second-hand Machinery. Steam Engine: and Boilers. Fran) 3 Horsepower upwards. Machinery received on consignment and no charge for storage or Advertising. large rolls per Tb Eggs per (102.. ,D, 7 We make amok sales. Cash paid for {romnc'oppen Brass and TORONTO: WEDNESDAY. Dec 4th, 1879 rmcm AT mmwns' WAGGDNS Wheat fall, uew,por bush Spring do Barley, do . Outs, do l’cus do Pens do Rye do Dressed Hoflamer 100 lbs .. 5 Beef, hind quarters, per 1 4 Mutton, by the carcase, per 100 lbs... 5 Chickens, per pair .. Ducks, per brace Geese. euch ....... Turkeys, each Butter, lb rolls . large rolls. tub dairy. Eggs, fresh, doz . I’otutoesber barrel Ar-ples per barrel .. 1 Onions, per ber . 1 Tomatoes, per bush ’l‘urnips, per bag . 0 Carrots, per bag Boets,per bug Parsnips, per bag. Hay pentonm . 8 C Straw per, ton 5 0 W001 per 1b.. 42 FRONT s'r; EAST, & 33 WELLINGTON ST. EAST MREHWBRY BBUKEHS uV‘v-‘ ‘â€" â€".. $1.50 Paaï¬wnum ->1<- 15c viPaFk numseR Next door to Dewsberry’s, Harness shop. WM. DINGHAM 85 C0. RICHMOND BILL MARK ETS THE MA RKETS. Postponement of Time And Dealers in all kinds of 6mm mum FDR >:< SALE 4- BY >I<ALL + BUUKSELLERS other M eh‘zl‘s TORONTO By ordeï¬ Thursday, Dec 4th 1878 FOR $2, CASH ONLY For Saleat- :1 51113115 adyance on. Cost, MONTEâ€"KEY“ F. BRAUN_, AND THE TORONTO , ONT. '1‘ 0 THE $5 75 to 6 25 5 25 to 5 75 0 50 to 6.5 0 30 to 35 0 55 to 65 . 0 60 to 70 8 00 to 10 00 00 00 to ()0 0 45 to 0 55 Q 30 to 40 0 20 to 29 0 1.5 to 21 00 20 0 30 45 45 60 8 00 10 150 55 70 5 25 Secret ary. .50 20 4 5 45 60 22 19 1 7 39 (£6 00 5 50 4 50 6 ()0 30 60 1 25 24 21 21 22 40 w 50 70 ‘ 70 J 50 50 £7 1 EMPLOYMEN '1' FOR ALL New Sj'Stem of Canvassing Agents have Wonderfui success. 100 subscribers to 1u00 inhabitants. Our publications are 5mm dud. Address, [FF All subxcriptmns sent 111 between this data and (he 1storJamla11/ 12-80 will mtitle the sub- scriber ta receirr 'IHE WEEKLY GLOBE from data of subscripnon (u 31.x: Decembcr. 1880. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS IN 7830. THE BEST! THE LARGEST! THE CHEAPEST IN NORTH AMERICA. NEW PRESSES~~NEW TYPEâ€"INCREASED SPEED 1N PUBLICATION. OF BRITISH AMERICA. The increasing necessity for great variety of reading matter in each week's issue, so as to in: clude the news from all sections of the Dominion and meet the varied tastes of its numerous readers. has rendered expedient the enlargement. of THE WEEKLY Gums}; much beyond even its present large dimensions. Commencing with the ï¬rst week 0! the New Year, therefore, the form of the paper will he changed from ï¬lm. of an 80»column paper- to that of a 961'0llllllil paper; and the length of each page will also be so extended as to give, in all, an increase of reading matter in eachweck’s sheet of nearly 32 columns beyond its present This vast addition to the capacityflf the paper will enable a bill of fare to be presented weekly probably more varied and interesting,r than was ever before accomplished in any weekly journal. The literary matter will be much increased ; more. space will be devoted to Household and social affairs ; and the Agricultural Department will be rendered more efï¬cient than ever before. Not,“ thstanding the great, enlargements and improvements to he made. the annual subscrip- tion to T1115 \VEEKLY GLOBE will remain as here- tofore, only Remitzanécs may 170 sent by P.0. money order, bank draft, registered lettel, ur by express at our risk. WEEKLY GLOBE i'n tï¬Ã© lained “on as THE sent pushy/'6 frm: to all parts of Canada. and the United States, payablciuvariably in advance. The 0n the 2nd of January, 1880, THE WEEKLY CLUB: will take another of those upward stridefl in the march of improvement that have main- tained it for nearly forty years in its high p051. TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM-.. CLUB RATES FOR 1880 Any one is at liberty to get up a. club on his own responsibilit) . Each club paper may be addressed separately, and be for any Past (um-,0. 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