There was no necessity to mention anything about “ his little Weakness.†The writer acknowledges that Sir John was not intoxicated, but he only does so in orderthat he may get a chance to stick in one of his poisoned arrows about “his little weakness.†Notice the contemp- tible alluswn to one of the most bril- liant and successful Banquets ever held in Canada, where he mennons the Que- bec“ “pree. This exhibition of the lun- guage and mind ofa mounrebank can be passed over in silence, for what it is worth. Notlce also the malignant insin- uatlon that "Sir John maintained his equilibrium “Hill the chances of ex- posure were past." The_intenlion is plainly "503W? tho understand: “The guest of the evening did not have 'to be carried or helped from the Banquet Hall before the proceedings were half over, as has been the case so often in the past, and therefore, in this respect, it did not terminate in the grand ï¬zzle that the Quebec spree did. (Bir John managed to overcome his little weakness for once, and maintained his equilibrium - until the chances of ex- posure were past." - ‘ The despicable motives which sway this writer are apparent m the following extract from last. week’s editorial. And here we may mention that the ca:- igation he received 1n the HERALD on account of an abusive article on the Quebec Banquet has had some slight ef- fect. for the better. Desperate diseases require desperate remedies, and are desâ€" perate hard to eradicate. Referring to Sir John, hevsuys. [fa man's language or diction can be considered, as affording the slighest in- dication of his peculiar character, then vie should s'ay'the writer of the article on “the OttawaBanquetâ€in the LIBERAL of last week, has certainly‘taken Peck- snift‘ as the highest type of human mor- ality. The nature of the two men heiiig constitutionally similar, to a great degree, :it‘has preien an easy matter for the latterâ€"day saint or disciple to sucâ€" cessful 1y follow in the footsteps of his great master. He has not even the one redeeming feature of that perfect old hypocrite, however, as he seeks to in-4 jureend malign. others, not to beneï¬t himseliflo‘nly, but for the pure love of traducing his fellowâ€"beings. If this is not the case, we are unable to discover what motive could prompt such unjust, unmanly and 1111 charitable accusations and Insiuuations against one who, what- ever his faults may be, occupies such a high positiondn thecountry, and is so prominent in the administration of our aï¬airs that any damaging accusations brought against his character. whether true or untrue, must also reflect veryi unfavorably to the credit of the country. , But, when, as is the case, we have time and time again pointed out the untruth miness. .of their charges, and clearly shown that to no other than a malignant motive could they be ascribed, withoutl eve _1 witnessing a retraction or explanaâ€" tion of the error,we must feel warranted in classing the writer a grade lower than the individual so faithfully portrayed by l the author of Martin Chuzzewit, 2151 combining 1n his character the most selfâ€"righteous, self complacent, malig- nant, hypocritical, mean, sordid, attri- butes that ever mingled together in one specimen of our common humanity-' We do not mean that this disciple of? the supremely virtuous and kind- hearted E architect pessessee a mercenary nature, although some are unkind enough to hint , that it is true, but we do say that in certain peculiar‘ idiosyncrasies the old gentleman would himself, even in his, palmi'cst days, have recognized'a gifted ; fellow- mind and would have almost been willing to for once forget himself, and give this disciple the highest place How much this abdicatiouvwould cost, or how great the sacriï¬ce, only one of simi‘ar tempemment could estimate, and we leave it to the man who 1s so apt; and so reliablein estimating the worth and merit of our public men. mun,“ “Ln/Al _ “r. Auwmark . «g a. m; 12 45 p.m 7 36 p.111 251mm“ ' >7 v 1.05 7 49 ‘ king" N ~13 1 30 8 07 Richmond Hill†H 56 1 45 8 19 Thornhill .. 9 07 8 32 ‘Ncstan... :2 40 A 9‘00 Davenpmt 1* 30 2 32» _ , 8 55 Parkdale... . 9 37 ‘2 42 -" " "9‘02 Toronto . 10 00 3 10 9 20 Proctor’s Bus ireuves (Yosgrove’s Hotel every morning at 7 30 ulock,(0 connect with the trains going; north am» south; at 4.30 pm†for trains lcnviagvviflnronto m; 4.15, and returnng at 6; at ')_.!51.3.fl â€:afor South. Northern Railway Time Table Toronto 7 2c Pnrkdal 1 , 7 4( Davenport" . 7 50 Weston. , 7 55 Tlmrnhil] S 15 lllchmoud Hill 8 ".56 111g ...... . Aura or L1. Newnmrket.. 90} 914 No1iceâ€"C Duncumb, $5 Reward. â€"â€"A I’m-h ‘ Blacksmithingâ€"H Glancey Beneï¬t Sucuelyâ€"G Chunller THURSDAY. DEC 11, '1879 “071w ‘e‘flcrk gnaw. mew ADVERTISEMENTS Beho] d the Man. MOVING NORTH ‘J 0-} 1 05 9 14 1 1:. MOVING SOUTH. Exp. Mixed 4511.111 1 41.5pm S’bout' Mail. Exp. ‘Exp. 20, mm 14 45,13,111 4 15 p.m‘ 40 12 05. p.111 4 37 50 12 12 4 45 55 4 50 15 1‘2 30 5 13 ".56 5 ‘25 5-10 012 736p.m_ 7 49 807 819 832 Mail ‘ Runnersâ€"The school still con- ;tinues to improve. It is in a better shape i now than ever before. A very fair 3â€" 3monnt of Upper School work is being ;done, (ï¬ve in Homer, advanced classes 1 Mathematics. etc.) The classes in En- glish, Literature, etc., did very well; those in Mathematics showed the iesulis gofï¬rst rate training; the classics aiso :are well taught. The discipline of the lschool is exceedingly good. I have no ldoubt that the influence of the master is in a high degree beneï¬cial to the pupils. ‘ Mr Carscadden deserves high praise for *the position which the school has at- }tained under his management. Meeting adjourned to meet at call of the chairman. Moved by Mr Teef‘v, seconded by Mr Poyle, that the annual school meeting for the nomination and election of school trustees be held in the Council Chamber, commonly called the Division Court, Room, on \Vednesday, the thirty-ï¬rst December (1879‘) at'noon. and that Mr Joseph A E Switzzr is hereby appointed returning oflicer to preside at the said meeting.-â€"Carried. Moved by Mr Patterson, seconded by Mr Duncan, that the Secretary is here- by instructed to get the notices printed and postedâ€"Carried. The Secretary read {he Law on the annual School meeting. Dec 9,1879. Present ,â€"Rev. Mr Dick, Messrs. Testy, Boyle, Trench Dunoan, Patter- son Lane, Crosby, Rev Mr Dick in the chair. Minutes read and conï¬rmed. The foliowinv communication from Department of Education, enclosing ex tract of Inspector McLellan’s Report on his visit to the High School on November 20th, was then Dread: â€"â€" ACCOMMODATIONS. -â€"Very" .uir. EQUIPMENT. â€"Fair supply of maps apparatus eto. ORGANIZATIONS. â€"The management ofthe classes is judicious. Sir John Macdonald will not be held up by his warmest friends or his most ardent admirers, as a. perfect statesman much less a perfect man, and none know his faults and failings better than he dOes himself, and none are more ready to acknowledge them, but take him all in all the Impartial verdict of history will be that be well deserved the high and honorable position to which, his country raised him, and that he held the high position of' leader ofthe Cana- dian people by virtue of superior worth and ability. The Conservatives 0t Ot- tawa in honoring him have done honor to themselves, and are also deserving of the thanks of the people of Canada. “It might be better if we had polit- cians and statesmen who were immacu- late, but as we have not immaculate material to choose from, we cannot get them, and it is rbetter that instead 30f eudeavoring to destroy‘whatis good in our political life, we should, for the sake of that good, heat with what is blame- able. The Banquet to Sir John partook of a national more than party importance. It was an enthusiastic token that he still possessed the respect and conï¬dence of the leading men of our country, who were assembled there from all sections It showed that theiâ€"policy of his govern- ment was also cordially and heartily en- dorsed, and that through evil and good report, though his enemies might attempt to lightly destroy his reputation, the hearts of the people were still true to him. The following sentiments of an independent and patriotic mind is in striking contrast v with the miserable, scurrilous outpouring of the lirejudiced writer for the LIBERAL:â€" , Such-~ accusations are also cowardly, because the writer must know they are lso much beneath the slandered that he loannot afford to notice them. One of ‘the ï¬rst essentials to the success of a journal is reliability, and it would be a creditto the whole class if the writers of a l'ew unreliablejournals weretreated like that creature. Rosenburgbof London Pdlice Court notoriety. The LIBERAL writer also says “It must be very latter- ing to the Queen to have as one of her privy Councillors a man who so often descends to the level of the inebriate." It is useless to seek to awaken the con- science 'of that writer, to a sense of the sh’amef‘ul‘ n'a‘ure of his slanders. We give it up. He who is capable of heap- ing such an indignity upon that Gracious Lady, our Beloved Queen, of imputing that common inebriates are ï¬t associates for her, ï¬t membes ol' the Privy Council nâ€"the highest ofï¬ce in her giltâ€"he is, well he is a Pariah, “he is ostracised from civilized and respectable society. Words fail us in endeavoring to depict‘ the “true inwardness’ of such a charao ‘ ter. ' that "he did not maintain his equili- brium after the chances of exposure were past." Such language is the last resort of: bitter, bigoted, petty mind. No’one worthy of the name of man, would or could speak in that way of Sir John Macdonald, who has occu- pied the foremost place zinaxho Domi- nion since its foundation, and in old Canada for ‘ niany years previous. Acct 1ding to the natural ï¬tness of things a being; capable of such contemptiblo utterances woiild only be carrying out the sneaking proclivities of his nature, if he had been down at Ottawa Banquet ing Hall with his miserable body crawl- ing alengthe floor, and his ear applied to the crack under the door, trying to see whether Sir John still maintained his equilibriuui. School Board. the From the extract of the report. of In- spector McLeI‘an, made on his recent visit to our High School, which will be found in the minutes of the lastmeeting of the School Board, in another column. it will be seen that he was highly pleasâ€" ed with the condition of' the School. He says. “The School continues to im- prove, is in a better state now than ever before, and that Mr Cmseadde’ni deserves high praise for the position which the School has , attained under his management." ' ‘ While two men were working ina Shingle Mill, at Elmvale, on Friday 28th ult,, a circular saw bust into pieces. Hutchinson had one arm taken 011' near the elbow, and his side ripped open ; and Dimon a Fellow workmen. was had- ly cut abotit the head. It is expected both men will die. Hutchinson is a son of Mr Hutchinson, who lives ashort dis- tance below this village. Reynolds & Newton announce a la'ge stock of Holiday Goods. Evet'v other line is of course well ï¬lled up. This ï¬rm alubougb being in business but a com- paratively short time, have always en. loved me renniation of keep'ng a good ardele, and already are coos‘dered an ofleling a des‘*enble class C“, goods at very reasonable p1 ices, guran gel to give smisl'actien. In cl~ccs‘“g Bo"d:zy goods, our leaders make u 2" en Iï¬snke if they fail to visit. i'nese prem’ses and examine the magniï¬cent s ock of goods. They can rely upon the best ofal.eetion. ON THE Juanâ€"Mr P. G. Savage has returned tram a weeks attendance on the Grand Jury at. Torontoi The calender was very light, wbtch Judge McKenzie attributed to the fact that the Poiice Magistta'e dealt with a great. many cases which formerly came before the Courts. H Wilson, and R Good year, on the Petty Jury, have not yet. been released from attendance to their duties. LEG BRUIsED.-0n Monday, about noon, whilea young: boy, son of Mr C Chamberlin..was riding on a sick of' timber, which was being dragged flung Yonge Streenï¬ the timber turned and the boy fell underneath. He very for? tuna'tely escaped with a badly bruised leg. This >hould be a warning to boys who indulge in such dangerous amuse- ment. SonooL TRUSTEE ELECTIONS.â€" Trustees of rural school sections should remember that. by the School Act of the present your the electiuns of School Trustees take place now on the host Wednesday of December. The details of the elections remain unchanged. a week or ten dz-ys parties are summon- ed and ï¬ned for neglec mg to register according to law, they wzll have them- selves to blame as they now know their responsibility In Yhe matter. pal Qlerke are requi‘ed to aka 1 an return their lists of births arrmges and deaths almost immed'- ately. So if af er Loox OUT FOR Squigg- Buttonville QM S S, holds its' anni- versary on the ,evening, of. Cnristmas Day, Headfo‘yd is talking about. a Christmas tree.» Victoria Square will no doubt be on’ hand with an appropriate programme. While 'l'homlnll cele- brates on New Year's Day. Public Examinations of the Public Schools in [1115 village will be held as follows ; On Thursday afternoon the 18th, M rs Wiley’s or the Intermediate ; and also Miss Miller’s, or the Primary Department. 00 Friday aiternoon, Mr Brackin’a or the Senior Department, at. the hour of on-c,'P. M., The public are cordially invited. . The nominations for Reeve and Coun- cillors will take place in lbe Council Chamber. on Dec. 29th, (two weeks from next Monday,) at 12 o'clock, noon. Should more than the required number be nominated, an election will take place on Ihe following Monday. Boss Michael is repairing Yoago Street, ï¬lling up the ruts. Brown has his window'nicely dressed with Holiday Candies, etc. A complimentary dinner will be given to Jolm Abell Esq†.on Friday evening 17th Dec., at Woodbridge. He was d‘scovemd Lere safe, and as goodJook- ing as fonnerly.’ _ Some people are not born to be drowned. Our Chromo should be there '2‘ We see wa our Vinegar Hill friend wants so bad (0 -, now. Subscriptions' taken for the GLOBB‘at the HERALD Stor‘e; Morris‘WaB not on the “Waubnno†when 5116 went down. T'me for Municiya‘. czrf'dnée: m annanuca 'hemielws. There is some talk about A danée, and an oysk-r supper on Christmas night, at Long's, Thomnl'l The LImmAL mam can't get the Chrome. Hiq mply, gently 1155 my. Answers sdl‘. poujvg in. Trustee Eleclion on last Wednesday of Decem- L‘.‘ No ; thanks I Never take anything; never in- dulg’e. â€"â€"Eh? Much obliged. but strictly temperate ? Boys keep 01! the logs being teamed nl'ohg the she at. ‘ bar. Frqe drinks at the Robin Hood last Monday ovenmg. ' - ‘ A barrel of beer ghén away. It gave some of the boys away too Big crowd. ' Pretty quiet for the size of 18. Strange ï¬nd of n Ca‘nndian winter this. Dances as Mrs Christnn's and Bond's Lake last weak. Another um hiked of here. > ‘ ' Invitations, and very select I And mysterious whispers o‘f snother one, yet. Extremely select 1111-] exclusive†toneuy. Them matte m inns: be undo: stood. even it We polish. And hill the Michigan keeps booming ahead. Wiiadows in; hicaly magma, etc. The bail room and open shed now going up. Cha“?e_v is an energebiq fellow, and seems to unuersmnd pushing, tummy things. Art E .:‘Jibiï¬on in Masonic I a'l cn Xmas. Unpleasant occurrences sometimes result, ? LOCAL ITEMS. Dots and Dashes. The young woman Baker. who receiv ed serious injuries on the N. R. R. at Toronto, at short time wince, died on the 8th lust,†hinéelf, ’ But some one seemed every cent of his pelf.†We can easily see this fellow wants that Chroma bad, but we are afraid he cannot get it, Indeed, we rather think it is our boundcn duty to take him into the back yard,and there bastinaae or dis embo‘vvel .him, He says, however, to let him of light, ifhis answer does not suit, and he will consume the midnight oil in hunting up a correct solution or a fuller and less vague explanation for next week. We suppose we will have to be content. NEXT 1’ wrong. We cannot conceise of what in- duced such a â€"- excuse usâ€" hem, well very foolish. and rather inapplicable answer. No old friend the Chronic is not yours. W'e might just mention that one of the answers received was "Is it the man who rode out into Vaughan on business intent, When into his lmtn. bullet was sent. So {Z'ighlened was he, that his pocket- L, l I . ‘1 77777.} 7 "v a token of the great reward which their ancestor’s wit and clemrness merited and achieved. But however unpleasant the task, in is the journalists duty to point. out error, and endeavor to award to each individual who rs-mes to notor- iety, his true meed et‘eb'lny and worth We must therefore pluck aside 'he bright colored tapestry oi" bone, which has fasciua'ed the senses of our friend pos- sessing such ino diurie vanity. and ex- pose to his bewilde'ed gaze the dull, lead colored carpet. of reality. His answer, as we suppose he intended it. for an answer, is not correct. Amongst the many suggestions and answers we have received, his stands pre eminently ‘1' ' Our.ésteeinc§l friend up on the HR] made a nobie effort last. week, to cover himself with fame, and to win a prize which could be handed down from generation to generation of his family, as ART Exmmnowâ€"The Richmnnd Hi1] Mechanics Institute, intend holding an Art Exhibition, in the Masonic Hat! on the 24th Dec. and continuing until the evening of Christmas Day, Com- mittees have been appointed to canvass the village, for paintings, drawings, curiosities, and any specimens of an artistic naturu, We notify our readers of this canvass, in order that they may expect a visit from the Committee, and be prepared to give the enterprise their most. hearty co-operatijn. Gmr's AL-MANAC.â€"Judging from the sample leaf, this almanac will be a humorous and interesting one, far ahead ‘43-} :be Fumflrharlicle, now worn thread- bare, in every particular. The price is only 15 cents. LIL will be along slwnly, you cannot afford to miss it, Tau CoNuNDRUM AND CHROMO By advertisement In another column it will be seen that $5 reward will be paid for information as to the where- abouts of Mrs Adolph Valentine and two cl. ildreny a boy and gi1l awed about 5 and 7years. Mr Valentine was in this villatre last Week trying to ï¬nd his interesting family. He does not want to get his: wife, only the children. Mr Qea'rer 13a son of Mr E Seag er who lives a little south of this village. The Collingwood MESSENGER says. Those .requuging the services of a dentist will do well to bear in mind that Mr. Seager’s reputation as an excellent dentist is ï¬rst class. Bead lhe advertisement of the Canada Royal Beneï¬t Society. The Agent, Mr Chanthr, will explain the whole business and you will ï¬nd it. a very advantageous and proï¬tablg‘, investment to take a policy in this company. BAND CONCERT. â€"The Teston Brass Band will gm 8 concert in that village on Monday eveninfn the 15’}; inst. Tickets 15 cenis. The programme an nounced IS a good one, and those who attend will spend an evening oflborough enjoyment. Oflices already taken at the Michigan Central. A skillful saw sharpenera un- nouuces that he will transact business there for the future Give him a call. No book lartre Immediately beoan its contents As will be seen In our report of the School Board. meeting, the annual meet- ing for tho nomination and elecuon of Trustees,,mill be held In the Court. Room on Wednesday Dec. 3133. 1879. Mr» Swilzer is: apnoimed Returning Ofï¬cer. The telling Tms.ees are Messrs Duncan and Boyle. Parties indebtediofl Duncumb, are requested to settle, those to whom he is indebted are requested to send' m their accounts. See Advt. It is said thatlhere is still a slight balance of money left. over in the hands ofthe Fire Brigade, and that the old members intend Baving an Oyster Sup- per. Silver wire can be purchased at the HERALD Book Store. Turkeys, Pigeons, Etc, will be shot for with Rifle and Shot. Gun, at. Harry HOPW'S. 99..Xmas.,D@1-_ 4 ‘ The examination for entrance to the Richmond Iii“, High School, will be held in the High School building on Oysters taste pretiy good just about thistime. The Firemen net up very good suppers. 'licket ? well yes thanks Division Court will be held on the 16th inst. Tliesday and Wedn{isday, Dec.16' and 17. commencing 3;? o’clock each day. 'GlanCy Kas pï¬réhased the Black- smithing bubiness formerly belonging to Burke at. Oak Ridges. ' lee hid: a call See adv'. Mugs for salédttho nERALp store. charge. [I iury w LOCAL _ ITEMS.‘ was done to this sharp man It. Will be remembered by many t'mt the horse above referred to was at one t'me owned in An ~oxa, and was subsequently solrl to M-.- Marian, of Tluro. We inczhe Io the bel'ef‘ â€Hit the horse widï¬'uuknowx pedigree but excellent qualiv ties.†ref'e red to m the above exigact: is that handsome Evin Ch‘ef c079 ‘Fe‘QI-less,†raised by [he lnie Dr Languafl',‘ ofl’Spl-lng- bill. This specimen of equine beauty was also disposed of to Mr Mahon, and we doubt not will yet create a name for him- salf on the turf. “Frank Allison trotted in a 3’5 m‘le :rce. in Paris. against some renowced F eJch horse. and won ï¬at money. At. a subse. quent trial ofspeed for a mile heat. 01 a. tuifas level as a floor, and posseaa’ig the best facilities for success. it must be con.- fessed. he made the exi.n0"d‘na -y fine of 2.25. the best trotting; sime on :eeo d. i: is said, on the other side of the A. 9. 13¢. The horse was immediately 80"d 10 he. agent of the French Govemment, and M.. Mnhon was commissioned to purc:abe a’x trotting mares fox the same Gove'nmenz. The other horses were also disposed of for good prices.†The HALIFAX CAROMCLZ says :â€"M.~. J C Mahon, of '1‘.u u. look w'n 11.111 to Europe that fine s_'e(-Imen o‘eqahe beruly and speed, "Frank 15' 53.0.1" a bone 0 which any comm-y m2_..n we't feel prom} ; Mso “Farmer Boy,†oi'Ketlici"e, an" an other of unkxywn pedigree. but posseszed nt‘excellent qualities. Mr MP. Ion rewsued from his trip afew days 920. ad is well satisï¬ed with his experime .L. 5' re 1.3 see were all wellsoid. and he i228 1'8, we are informed, to repeat the ore a; an. "anJk Allison†was more than a success At Wolverhampton, Englandt £1 a race 933' wt, keen compelitors, he won ï¬ 3., moue'. t oitv ing a two mile heat in the ewe 39.". the of 5m. Is. The splendid aoï¬on of the 'un'so having attracted the attentio | of in agent} of the French Government. M ' Mano.) was induced to take the horse :0 Pa ’3. i Aurora Trotters in France. A LAST EFFORT â€"As announced in our last, a general search was made on Friday for the missing John Swa’n, but without ï¬nding him. La'ge nuqnbes turned out, ball) to the north and SUUIh of Inis p‘ace. but no trace of li'm conld be found. It is requeswd, as a last effort, than a‘l farmers will make a search on the: - own farms. and also that they will p5 alcula-‘lv notice all tracks of foxes, or dogs. seem‘ng to lead to any central point. By inking these pre- cautions they will couf'er a great favor on .i , m- . - n ‘- the afflicted 'famt'y. NevrMAnm'r man SCH(;0L.-â€" We are p'eased 10 lewn that the Board of Trustees of the Newn). ket High School has en- gaged the serv‘ces of Mr John E Dttkson, B A, as Head Master for the ensuing year. The selection is in every way a good one. Mr chwson whs born and brought up in our midst; he is a graduate in Arts (with First Class Hmors) of the Un‘ve‘aTIy of Toronto. and as testis-ant leacaer in me Coilegiate Insl'mte at Woodstock, he was a marked success. We conï¬dently pred'ct for the Newnmrkei Eli-1h School a prosper- ous future under his able management. FL‘nNACa‘s.â€"The healmq nppn‘ntus of the new 0 M Church on MnLn Sweet has beentested,and has proved to be a sucâ€" cess. The building can be heated in a remarkably short lune, and with a very seasonable quantity 0! wood. A SAD BEIEHMEST.â€"We regret to ob- serve among the list of persons on the ill-{ated Wabmw, which was wrecked in the Georgian Bay two weeks ago, the name Rom Cook, son of Mr J-Isenh Cook, ()fAImh‘n, Township of Markham. We had a personal acquaimance wi.h the young man Pom his boyhood, and deeply sympa. Ihize wiuh Mr Cook in the loss which, it, is 100 probable, he has sustained. LEAVING.â€"- We are extreme'y sorry to learn limt Dr Min-risen hm decided on leaving the ngh School here. as his e7â€" ï¬cieucy has been the means of beneï¬u'J-z xhe scuool 10 n great deg'ee. 'J‘E'e Dr 2385 lo Walkenon. We wish him prospe .y, and trust xhe bomd Will be successful in obtaining an able man in [173 place. Damontoxâ€"Tne friends of" the Chrisâ€" tian Church. Keswick, propose dedicating their new House of Worship on Thursday, IneISIh inst. The services will ~l)e con- ducted by Eldet-D W Moore, of New Yot-k Stale, and other ministers; setvices to be continued over the following Sabbath. On the same daya teaâ€"party will be held at Rhich a large array of talent.. musical and otherwise, Will be p eseut to make the ocâ€" casion an interesting one. ANNIVERSARY.â€"â€"1he fliends in connecâ€" iion Will] Ihe ‘Provideuce Baptist Church,’ Lot 35. 6th Conceasinn of Markham intend hofding agrand feslivnl in the church on (.hrislmas Day. A sumptuous banquet will be provxded consisting of roasts &c., with good spwa'iï¬ng, mueicmud oliiec alnz'aclions. (From the Reformer.) Baumâ€"The Newmarket P 'esbyterinn Bazaar will be openeu 0n Sa.urda_v,xhe 20nh insl., and will remain open on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of the following week. The Bazaar will be held in the new Court House. a good Grit. and one holding another posi- tion under Government. '.l his 1 presume is all right in the eyes of “Vaughan." As to the sneer, ’that Mr Johnson was sent up all the way from Ottawa that I might pass an examination hefore him, and that I was selecred loroflice before my ï¬tness could be knowu.†It. is Wollby ofthe stupidity of “Vaughanâ€, and my anewer is this. every appoxntment had to undergo an examination hetore being conï¬rmed, and Mr Johnson went to every district in the Dominion for the purpose of undertaking these examina- tions. I was examined with seven others in Toronto. I do not consider it worth while to further trouble your readers in answering one who is evidently ai'mid to give his 19“] name, but like the assassin would stab in the dark. Go on Mr HERALD, and prosper. An anonvmous scribblerover the aigm‘ The annual meeting of the WOSl?†ture of “Vauglmn.â€attacks me in las’c: Brunch B'ble'SOmety Wlll be held In week’s LIBERAL. He is evidently afraid“ the M. E. Church on Tuesday evening ï¬fcomingloutin lliis true colzrs.I AS til next I“) inst. is not be ievmg t mi 1 wrote L e etter have to say. 1 am father of the ch’ild.l Jr Alexander. 0f Norm], premiu- Vaughan says, lam a polilical turn-coat; I ed in the Pres'oylet‘ian Church on Sun in FPP'Y-I have ‘0 say. "I" ï¬rst vote was ‘day, morning and evening, and assisted given for Gamble in â€5230, and I haven“ the communion service. stuck true to my colors since. As to the‘ contract for owning the mails which seems to trouble "Vaughan†a0 much, your read- ers will be astonished to learn, [hat after ‘ Tyrrell, J. P‘ gave him a complimentary January next. I have nothing to do With . .. su er at Enule’s Hotel. He , was at Cill'l‘VllH' the mans, but on the contrary un PP - h d - h . a" A oiliciul under Government, in the shape of l the iiamc “me P3569: . “wild? “9‘" the Postmaster _uL Maple. has the contract. tbyggy, ECCEHDPanle Wlt .111 Va (@851, in Last F-iday night, I number of friends, principally from the county, of Mer To the Editor of the Herald. Teslon, 5th Dec., 1879. Interesting Letters. Where “Vaughiih†is Astray. Youls, etc., NORTH YORK. Libs. Conservative D KXNNEE. SCHOOL BOOKS! In use in the High and Public School All other kinds of Books kept constantly on hand. Belts 5 Baskets ;Braids ; Brushes ; Cards; Chromos {Concertinas ; Croquet Setts ; Collars; Dolls}; Drums; Engravings Book, .Stationerv and Fancy ‘ Goods Store, ; Rye do .. 1 Dressed Hammer 100 m3. . Beef, him! quarters, per 1 lb. .. Mutton, by the carcase’, per 100 lbs Chickens, per pair .. . Ducks, per brace Geese, each ........ Turkeys, each nutter, lb rolls .. lm‘ge rolls.. tub duh-y" Eggs, fresh, doz .. Po:atoes,ber barrel Anplas per barrel Onions, Qex’bar .. . Tomatoes, per bush" Turnips, per bag .. Carrots, per bag Beets, per bag .. Pursnips, per bag Hay pe atomâ€. Straw per, ton. Wool per lb. TORONTO -‘ WEDNESDAY, Dec 11th, 1879 muons AT mmmns’ WAGGONS Wheat fall, Hamper bush Spring do Barley, do . Outs, do gens do . Fiourâ€"fall,per barrel spring, per do Barley, per bushel Outs, per bushel Pause, per bushe .. Rye, per bushel. Hay, per ton .. Suruw, per ton .. Potatoes, per bag, . Apples, per bushel ...... Butter-in) rolls, net 11) ‘ large ro'lis; ipieï¬r ' lb Eggs per (107.... .. Cur name ACCEPTED,â€"-It wit‘ be seen below that our ptoughmen have accepted ttve gauntlet drown down by the p'owmen of the County of Huron and are ready and anions to meet themzâ€"‘To the p‘oughmen ofthe County of Huron: Gentleman,â€"-Tbe plou-zhmen of the County of York accent the challenge published in the Huron Sig- mzl, to plough a match to consht of twelve men a side, for a purse of $2 500â€"each county to subscribe one-ha'f the amount- and will 3 he or' take reasonable amounts for expenses. AH communications to be addressed to Wilï¬am Rennie, Toronto†DISFPANCH-‘SED.â€" We beg to remind the ratepayers ol' the Township of Markham that uniesa their taxes are paid on or before the l4lhdny of December next they will not be allowed to vnte at the next munici- pal etecï¬ons. such be'ngr une ofl‘ne clauses in the mun'cipat by-tt‘w. We undewiand that the collector on the east s‘de of the Township had not. called on some of" the ratepayers on Moudav lust, He wil‘: be censumble if he neglects his duty in th's matter. The trafï¬c of the Toronto and Nipzssing road from me 30:!) of June to 14m Novem ber thls vear amounted to $71,485 com- pared with $72 343 for the like period last year, the increase being $5 142' At the annual kneelilg oflbe L. O L, No 548 Markham. the fo'1ownz; ofï¬ces were elec. eu‘ for lhe ensuln'g vet :â€"Br0 Geo N1C1IO1SOD W M: BIO D thun. D M; BroEJ Conpin4. Chal- 1210 W 'I'Iaue Sec; “.0 '1 A-mr-den, '1.cas-1‘ro V Wood ruff. Dir. Cer. Commiuee. J Fousler A Ma.l1)ews R Nichoison, 1’. Wi'soâ€. C Blar'r. Audilors. Geo Nicholson, JForale:. Jr Alexander, of'Norva], preach- ed in the Presbylet‘inn Church on Sui: day, morning and evening, and assisted at the communion service. Last F-iday night, n number of friends, principally from the county, of Mer Tyrrell, J. P. gave him a complimentary supper at Eagle’s Hotel. He , was at the >ame time presented with a new buggy, accompanied with an adde'ess, in which particular note was taken of his long career asa municipal rcnresentaâ€" tive. It is asserted that the afl'a’r had no political significance, though it. was conï¬ned to a certain cless of M r Tvne‘l’s old supporters as a township councillor. Mrs William Wadsworth, one of the nldest residents, was buried on Sunday. She had been ailing for years. The annual meeting of the Weston Model Farm, Scax-bo '0, Nov 29, 1878.†The loads we in a f‘rivht!‘ ulstate. MONTE-KEY $1.50 PGKï¬NNum ->{<-- 15c -P6F\ numBeR FDR + SALE 4. BY >I<IALLW+ BGUKSELLERS Next door to Dewsberry’s Harness shop. RICHMOND HILL MA RK ETS THE MARKETS. Weston Notes. From the Economist Markham. Thursday, Dec 4th 1579 01 ,... $5 75 to 6 25 o 5 '25 Lo 5 75 0 50 to (if) 0 30 to 35 0 55 to 65 0 60 to 70 8 00 to 10 00 00 00 to 00 O 45 In 0 55 O 30 to 40 For Sale at a small advance on Cost TORONTO . ONT. Gs 030 40 45 50 45 70 60 7) 8 00 )0 5D 5 00 7 50 '25 27 150 160 55 65 70 5 25 65 2 50 10 39 .00 5 5O 4 50 6 00 (‘0 AMONTH axmï¬mf â€#112 a (1'59 nit home by the ine'u ‘ ‘ C? u not requ'u'c we W "’1. s. , "G-ycm. 15$ 1 women, how; um; girls IDI‘IES III-f faster an work fer us tazm at anyt‘n' . work is linht and “191L533: and: as: nnyot‘o- can go right at. Those who we w '56 who see‘ this notice win send my their 663 " es n17“ orce and see for themselves; qufiv 0v it w'd feud: free. NOW is the Li :ne. 'l‘lroce .0- ee-f‘r 1- ; Wr' -< a :o laying up large so as 0: money. 5w... as ERU' & 00.,Augusfa M- 119. '51:: We make «preï¬x wk. 4 Cash paid for {rm.__€0}3m‘, Kym: M. F r 3m 3 ESE}; yum!“ unngsfls. Wachinery reCefmï¬l "=3 mm‘mr' no charge for atmage m Adm: Agents have wouderfiwiisumem W snï¬scrilim to 1000 inhabitants." 0111‘:ijicxz‘tinnsam: sham-.- durd. Address, B UTTO â€VI LLE. 0N1? Agent for the Townshins of Markham Vauvhan, whitchurch and King, Dr .hs Lanrrslaff, Medical Referee- Dec 9, I879 42 FRONT 31:; 131W; (:2 371‘swxmnmam at. Instr TGROEI‘ICE GEO CHANTLER. New System; «I: Emmssfng Thé great value of boneï¬t societies titr- nl'i‘ cï¬la'L- ans who depend upon their personal afï¬rm fbr.’ tin support of themselves and their fluniï¬esrï¬gi mow universally recognizml.. . This Society is organized for me purpose or 911' abling persons between 16 (and 60 yam nf 11120,, by humming members, tn make provisinn for nldl age, and in case of deatli,to secure sum of manner to their widows and orphan children. or to other relatives or persons dupendeut on them: aml’ thv secure to ench member of €110, Benoï¬ï¬BMDCmT medical attendance nnd a weekly nllmmuen. in case of sickness or accident disabling: mm than}! (1 ing his usual work. This Society pre'sentsstwo dihtingufshin ' féamres :- a lst-Smannpss- 0552):???†2‘nd‘vâ€"The‘aatisfimï¬vsrf security nfl'brdéd! to members. Ful‘l pstlic'aflm's nBtal'ned from EMPLOYMENT EUR: CANADA ROYA L WIT such' I PRESIDENT,â€".Hon Alexanden' Vidfl, Senator. ' i‘ TREASURERâ€"WM. J. Gund,Sec.-T1ea§f.‘ Lambwnz P B & I Society. > MANAGER & SECRETARY,â€"Wn J1. Keays, Uflicial Assignee. Head omce,â€"â€"Samia, Ontarldi $5 reward will be given for infornmtion as tOv the whereabouts of my Wife and two cbafl'ren. n.’ boy and girl, aged from 5 to 7 years. I 3150 give notice that I will not be tesponsible for any debts contracted by my wife, she having with- out cause left my bed and board. - _ ,, "Nu“ .. u uuuuunuu,u1 J mond Hill, are equested to settle forthwith all personshuving claims against the nfon CDuncumb are requested to send them in medmtely for settlement. v ' . v | 1" ’ 7.‘ Henry M Glancey has purchased the . Blï¬ckn shop and business belonging to Mr‘ Joseph Burk“: of Oak Ridges, and is prepared to do an kind 01:; blucksxnitning in a business like umnuer, Pa;â€" ticulur attention given to horse shoeing.- $5 Reward All nnrhi ,. Momma +n (‘1 “mum“: Dec 11th, 1879‘ All paybie‘ deLted to. C Dgncpmh oi Rich- Second-ham th-hinery. Steam Engfms and! Ramâ€. INFORMATIOn WANTED Blacksmith Shop; f‘ WM. DIRGHAEMI {a 3.1211: ï¬dmrtia‘wwnm. T1113. Bamzuflizru? anLmHNG; (101,, 4!, 41‘», and 4ï¬ssï¬bvï¬ndjat °t.,.N0r-wmh,,Con:m. Semi for circular! exyfuining: amt And Demas‘ in: 91:21 ii: ADOLPH VALENTINE ESCH.~ Rrodha-gen P. o, OFFICERS : other Mdiffl. C DUNCUMB. ' Bichmohd Hi1; H M GLANCEY; mm'm n; a; orthwith, and the aforesaid