Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Dec 1879, p. 3

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Mr Heesor, seconded by Mr Williamson. move(],~that the following; parties be paid the following sums, being; two-thirds value of sheen killed by a dog or dogs unknown. as testified on oath : Phillip Widmnan, $15.33; S L Hoover, $6.66.; E Hume“, $500; S Wilson, $21.33. Council adjourned. chonomist. Mr James asked leave to introduce a by- law to ptovide for holding: municipal elect- ions far the the yeai 1880, Leave given, and on motion the liy-law was read a first and second time. The contents are as fol- lows : Nomination at CIOSl)y811Uih‘l, Unionville, on Monday 291l1duy of Denom- bet inst. ,polling on Januzuy 6th 'lhe following are the pollinn‘ divisions and deputy returning ofiiceis : Division No 1, Browu s Corners, T T;homson Div No. 1 Victoria Square, John McC2ig Cr;ue Div. No 3. Unionville, John Stephenson; Div. No4. Cashel James Bowman; Div. No. 5. Boxg I’,I‘OVP John McCal’ftey; Div. No. 6, Walter Miller, Mongolia. On motion the bylaw was read a third time and pass- ed. ' Mr James, seconded by Mr Wiilinmson moved, that the Reeve M1 Williamson, and the movci be appointed a Committee to examine culveit and ditching in horn of Lot 14. in the 31d Con. ., at d rte} on at the maxi meeting of this Council. Mr Kester, seconded by Mr.) James. mov- {( when this Council adjourn it stands Mixed nutil Satuxday, December 20th. At a. meetinir of Manchester Itenians a. resolution was r:passed declaring that though a number of the btethteu had sonodod under ecclesiastical ban. them 13 life euuu 1h left in the society to carry out the mdomption of Ireland. The fact that 1111- Knm‘dl) Catholic clergy have .11 all times and every- where cmisistentlv opptismi and dououmed Fenianism, sh: id be a suflicient answer to over Jealous Protestants who never 6 of telling us that ( .uthulics are not ya1.N0 doubt Irish Catholic piiests {eel Keenly the wxo’ngs uudet winch Ireland has sufi'eted they would be less than human -it did not,'but. they have ever stood true to the cause of law and order. Blank notes Payabie to healer, and Blank Receipts j01 sale at the Herald Book Store. Mi‘ James, Seconded by Mr "”illimnson, moved. that. the Treasurer pay M r Gardiner $13960, for culting,glad1ng and fitliug at thefiflman Mills, payable on Older of commisssiouers when the work is complet- dd. Mr Reésor, SFCQrzded by Mr Kester, mov- ed that'the Trénsurer pay to the order of the commissmners $426, being balance for erecting break war and fillilig approaches at Bunpu’s bridge mm Con. M": Reesor, seconded by-Mr Williamson. mo ed that the Treasurer pay the - accounl of K-“Fleury, amounting to $42. being for seven shovels furnished the municirmlity. nu‘ v . "Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr James, moved that the Treasurer pay to the order of the mover $1.60 being for plank fur- nished Road Div. 50, John Vague, over- seer. ‘ Mi‘ Kesler, seconded by Mr Williamson, moved. that. the Treasurer pay N Button $2.50. being one-half cost for cleaning out, dflch along the rear of Lot 35, in the 81h 'Con. ~ . Mr Williamson, secondvd by Mx‘ leesor, moved, that $2 he refunded to N. Button, beirig mnOunL fordng tax, he havmg de- alloy’ed the dug in May last. Mr Reesor. seconded by Mr James, mov- ed thai the ’l‘rcasurer [my 10 the Order of “16411on $31.50. said sum Leing Fer'b‘uild- ing of large culven and filling earth be- tween Lots 5 and 6. in 9111 Con, Mr Will'amson. seconded by Mr R/eesor movél'l thattbe Tmasurer pay the clenk $5 65 being expenses incurred for the re- vision of the voters list. for 1879;21lsn m James Stewart, bailifl’. the sum of $6 50, for same purpose; also to each of the assgssors $1, for aneudancp at stid Cou t. Mr Reesor, seconded h] Mr \Yilliamsm, moved, that {he 'l‘retvsnrer pay to 1119 order of-lhe mover $101M. said amount. being for- tlmlmr and building two cul__verls; Mag 64 yards arav‘el furnished Rom!“ Divxsiqn (i4, Jns Dimma. overseer, said "work having be?!) completed. Messrt.H01]adny& Wheadenhave this week shlpped sumelhimr 0ve1 (me hundxed .ahe'ep and lambs, perN R. R., to a 101- bnlo de'ale1. The Aurora Engine and Hose Cos. held \heic annual Oyster Supper in the Fire Hall,‘ on last F1id.1y evening. About seventy-five sat down to sup, and6 from ihe g'eu'e: al teelingmnnitested, wexe all well pleased with the spxead. Mr'WllllflmSOY]. seconded by Mr James, moved. that the Treasmer refund to J 'l‘ Carr the amount of his dnw tax. he having killed his dog immediately alter being 3.:- ea fox said dog. ”I. Williamson, secondnd by Mr. lieesox, moved, that the Sum (>1 $9.51 bv [mid to David W Eyer , mad ovexsem ol Div. Nu. 19, said amount beingr for one mad planer, $3 ; 639 feet plank f'm' culveit, $5. ll: cedars' rind-€138 40c , hauling plank, $l: and that [he 'lleueuler pm‘ the same. .Mr Williamsnn. seconded by Mr. Kesler, moved, Ihat llze Treasmer pay John 1‘ (fun $8.15, for {Orly-five lands of gravel, ulw for iile‘and labor used on d;ICh in from of Lot 8, m 5111 Con. Mr Kegmr, seconded by Mr Mauser, mov- ed, that the Treasurer [my Jacob S. Grove 3L 04, for thirteen loads gravel (iinmer on Road Divison No. 49, as certified by John Raymer, road (warm or. ’The Markham Township Council met at Hgll’s 110L611, UniouviHe, on Saturday 29th inst. The members mm: :4” present ; the Reeve m the chain ‘1‘)» mmuies of last me‘elihg were mud and confirmed. Markham Township Council. ’ What we. might, term a self-consaiauted committee from NEWIIHIIIiOl, visited the Attorney-General,' on Monday of List week, concerning County sepamiion. What about East Gwillimhury, leh (iwil'imhuxy and Georgina? Their municxlml ulh'cers wound doubtless like a say 1n the maker, leaving King and thlchumh out of" the ({HSSHUKI. Washall relum to this subject agam. "The Annual celebration of St. Andrew’s Day has come and gone. AL one lime a huge and iufluentia] society 81“ down at the festive board in this village on that ocâ€" casion ; but from some cause it has been aH'owed to dwmdle and die away. Surely it was not for lhe want of "canny” Scotchv men in our midst. A coupie of tramps wem fortunate enough td’s’eek shelter in the cells on Friday night, while the Eiremen’s Oyster Supper was in progress.' A good square feed of Oysters wags doubtless a welcome change to the average tramp’s winter rations-snowballs. iSamba and Brushes at he HERALD store Some poor miserable individual lately visited the farm of Mr Oliver Stevens, 2nd Con, King, and made 06‘ with all the chick- ens to be found on the place. From the Liberal Conservative. AURORA. TRADE MARK Tl‘CG‘T‘HtEDR'TRADE MARK. . Jisth‘mvdvisau ,. . ,V 1111f 111111gc111'ef01' 81111111111 \Vuukâ€" uess,$11(11"1111,to1'râ€" hon, Inmatmmy, and 1111 11151111365 that folluw {1R 1L {4111(11011110 of Self Ah. me, as loss of , \ (3 13‘" Before Takmg MW)" UHMI‘Ai‘ter Taking. gan} Inmsibudo 1111111 111 the Back, Diumoss of Vision. Prenmtum old age, 111111 11121113001101 disvusvs that loud to insunih 1:011- 5111111111011 [1111] u 11111111nt1110 grn‘ve Ls” F1111 yar- tmulm' s 111 mu 1’111111vhlotwhichwe (193119 to send free b) 1111111 too may 0110. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Drnqgist at sl per package, or six puckngcs for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, THE GRAY MEDierINE 7 Co, WSOId' m Richmond Hill by all druagists, and every w hero in Canada and the Unitec. States 11 wholesale and retail druggists TnIonto, Ont, Canada. NB.â€"-The demands of our business have ne- cessnntod our removing! to Toronto, to which place please address all future communications Jas Bethune Q (J. (J Moss, \V C Fulconbridge N W Hoyles, \V Burwick, A BAyleswnrth Barristers, Attorneysvat-Law, Solicitors-in- Chnncery, Qonveyzmcers, etc. OffiC(KSâ€"~Illlperilll Bunk Buildmgs, Wellington street, Torm ‘0. THOMAS FF, iGUSON, Q.C. JOHN 1" 45. WM. SETON (3011mm, GEO. 14‘. smPLEy U TJ‘IRS, Attm'uoya. Solicitors-ixl-Chm}cery etc., 64 Adelaide street Lust, (opposite the Court House). 'l‘oronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. \VORTS DVATT. Official Assignve, Real Estate Am ut, Conn} uncer, Blokur, &c. &c. Money to Lend at Low Rates, Mortgugus bought, and sold. Farms bought and 5016, or 3 entcd. Insurance eflected,&c. A's. GRAY’S Specific Medicine! Licensed Auct'ionevr for erk Cdunty, solicits patronage and 11-ipmllyinfluenca Rates reason- able. Address “at ‘ia.SL111um x ()FL‘I(:E,â€"«Victoriu Chambers, 9 Victéria. street 11101110. Ferguson, Bain, Gordon 6!. Shipley, Licensed Auctioneer‘for York Patronage soli- cited. liwtes moderate Address Cushel, Licensed Aut‘timzeer furihe Counties of York Ontario 11ml Pea]. Sales prnmptly amended Gouda sold on consignment. Unionville, P 0 Bethune, Muss, Fauconbridge AND HOYLES, Licensed Anctianor fur York Countv. Ordes 1m 1111)th nttvuded f0. Rates rensmmble. l’nt- 1011mm solu itcd. Addmss, King, P O Licensed Auctioneer in) the County of York, Sales uttvmh (1 on the sluntost notice and {Lt musmmble rvtcs Addrcs Nobletnn,1’ 0 l8 & 20 King Street, West, Toronto Licensed Am-tionem‘ for the )mmty of York solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Addrc ’1‘eston,1’ 0 BARRES’E ERS, &c AX‘L'EEK 1n youruwn Lawn, and no capital risked. You cxm give U :2 busâ€" inoss :1 tr .1] without expense. The best opportunity ewxlvnfl‘m‘ml for those “UL 1'ng m um"; I011 should try 110111114; 9,159 until you see rm 'om'sul!’ “hut you can du 111, the bus» iuvss we of T. No room to oxplann hww}. You can devote 2L1] yourtime or only your spare time tothu business, 11ml nmkc grdut pay for every hour that ynu wary. \Vommy make us much as moi]. Suud fur sqmvml 1wivututm'1ils and pur‘i culurs which we muivl free <3 outfit free. Imn’t cmnplm’nufhm‘ll times wh‘le you have such 21‘ chance. Adams” H. HALLJJTT & 00., Portland Maine. 3-}. BUILDER, Shorwund, 4111(301LV'1mghun, Special uttlmiimz given to Stair 13‘1i1ding. Puncttxul attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. O. swung 9 {2' pcrsun uww’ng away hJQ pay eupcns ' Solicitor for the Company. Toronto, November 11th, lbw. .‘ , , _ WW, m. mm sumo on the Western l)1\ 51011 from ()l'uugeville Lo ’I‘ccmuutor, mud to enable the (.‘mnpunynnd any Municipality or Municipu‘litios, Bondholders mu! others to misc money mul‘uthenvise to make such uymngemcuts us may he noccssm-y or ad» \"snMe for the purpuso ()1 recuusm'nutmg and m-oquinping the, lx'uihmy an n gnu“ of fuur tout umhn and u hulf inchws (4 ft. 8:; in.) and 1m all other purposcs‘thut may be requisite or advis- able in coanumme of such qhunge of guuge um! work connected thcrcxx‘ith. And fur power ML (1112x310 the Company to build 1L bljnuch fzom 1L 1min; on their 1.:1il\m,_\' to IL point at, in, or 110er the Town of Winglmm, iu the County of Huron. REL? EEEEEFER T gm KEFFE I», OONTLAO I OR AN1 0 “I ITJII‘ R Kvamvw “,1. HI I Came omypremisus about 3 months A RED HEIFER, meng 3 yours 01:1 , , Jumwv “My? uuu Bruce Railway Company will apply to the Legislatureuffihe l‘rmwncc of Ontario 111: the next somiuntlwluof, fur un zuzt tn mucnd the suvcru] Acts relating to the said Company, for h u plumme 01' (naming: the Minicipulitios on the Mam: Linc LO ()mnguville and vicinity who nuly l‘ mu Railway to 810.0th llh'mtnr, uml the NOTICE ii? TORONTO GREY & BRUCE RY. How TO DO BUSINESSâ€"DO you sell cheaply? let ‘the public. know it. Have you anything special to dispose of?â€" 311 the people about. it. Expecting to work up trade without advertising is like trylng to run. a locomotive without steam. Advertise now.‘ QOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRISâ€" Lending Library' alfv‘the HERALD Book Store. ' Call and see. Cheap reading of all the standard works n a The courts hzwo decided that refusing to take no“ synpers or )erimliculs from the post office, or removing 11,1131 leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of intentional fraud. 2, If a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay [1.)] arrears or the publishers nmv con- tinue to send it until payment is mmie, and then colluct the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the 011109 or not. " 1. Any person who takes n. pupe‘r regularly from a. post oflice, whether directed in his name or nnothur's, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for lmymont. gmimmm’ @mflfi. LA W CONCERNING NEWSPAPERS NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, JAMES. GORMLEY, 33w ‘gdvcrtis‘gmumtz. Salem Eckardt, P. O. Box 2527. Samuzl Brown N J Armsfrong, Daniel Kinnee, Jas O Stokes F Button John Juhnsnn. Lens], 3 Con Vaughan W'_ H Beatty IS HEREBY GIVEN that the TUI‘QUtU .Gmy nud Hut :5 months ago 3 yr'eus 011 next smnu “ilLtLLke her will apply to the of Ontario 111: the act tn mucnd the kid Company, for WORSTEDS, ma FIRE P32” N Haugfiv :3 Wool Baiting. Yams, ROLL CARDING 3% FRESH ARMVALS? Crockery of every description. T H E PEQPLE‘SSTURE Furniture at Reynofids 36 Newton? A LARGE ST DRESS GOODS C‘OMPA’RTMENT CCMPLET'E; Richmbnd Hill, Oct 1st, 1879 Richmond Hill, Nov. 27th 1879 l’AlNTS AND OILS AT LOWEST BATES FULL CLOTHS. ETC. ETC. GROCERIES, CROCKERY, HARDWARE, ETC, A Choico Line of Costume Cloths. The Nicest Thing Ofit, For «Ladies Dress. WHERE, SPEFJEIFJE, WSW fififimfi, Large and Magnificent Assortment of Which will be sold as Cheap as any house noth of Toronto, 'fdr cash IN RUNNING ORDER Richmond Hill, Sept 11th, 1879. KILLING AND BYEINE’: IN ALL ITZ BRANBHES. RECEE’VED ' DAIEY.’ Room Paper sold below Toronto prices; for Cafih PRICES, FOR CASH" 1g. Yams, £18., £10., Always on Hand. cums H McNELLY A SPECIALTY. RECEIVED AT Also alven1 for Gurney am? Han & McKiHop Stoves. Micas for sale ’ P 1G SAVAGE nr-n 15‘ well stocked with ISAAC CROSBY. TWEEB, See our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Ofl'icca the Comvanv. Walter S. Lee, Manager $20,000, to loan on Mortgage or realestnte at low rate of interest. Transactions strictly private and confidential, apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. Richmond Hi11.1‘2th December, 1878. Place of Business just north of P Crosby, Esq., Yonge street, Richmond Hill ' and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Yonge street. Yorkviile. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English PcrfumeryJCnglish and American Pémmt Medicines, Horse mid Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of everv description. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. HON. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhum ................. Vice-President DIRECTORsvSumueI l’lutt. M.P., Wm. Gooder ham, Geo. “7. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Macpherson, Senator. ' Money recewed on deposit, ani- interes payable halt yearly Lor compounded. AND HORSE SH ()ER‘ ‘lv VI 4Lu41l'lk’, u.u.U., W t SURGEON DENTIST, has â€" ‘I removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & (l. Bluchfm'd’s new shoe store Best mineml teeth inserted in a manner to suit each patient. P-Lrticulur attention given to the preservation and regulntion 0f the natural teeth carefully avoing all unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. LDsAssiamut. Saving’s Bank BRANCH Geo; STEPHENS Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD. The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to the new process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burnish- ed Gold. By this beautiful operation, cases otherwise hopeless, can be effectually trentoli, and the diseased booth, however much decayed, may he completely built up with Solid Gold, and restored to its original size, shapoand usefulnesad \ll Lefroy ............... I 9th of end: month Holland Landing. 26th do Bond Hend.,........ ...... 28th do All the rest of the time any one who may require his services will be sure of finding him at his office (rut I’Mmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 10th, and 22nd Newmm‘ket, ...... Stonfivilie ........... . Markham ...... . Victoria Squats .. Thornhill ...... Maple ...... VVOodbridge Kleinburg .. . Nobletou ...... Anusthetxcs. as Nitrous Oxide, 6170., used when ordered, and none but. the best material used \NZESTERN CANADA L 0 A N AND SAVTNGS COWIPANY, Thankful or the favors of the past the you: may still be consulted in any branch at the pro fession,. as follows : Richmond Hill. 9th 5: 24th of each month W. ".4 rnm nvnfl 1 U tiate of the Royal Cunege 0'! Physicians London, England. Consultation (luvsâ€"Monday and Thursday, forenoons. Residenceâ€"Weston. IUCHMOND HILL, 0NT., . Graduate ‘of Tororyo University, and Member of the College of Physiéians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Langstafl. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879. PRESBYTERIANâ€"Services at 1130 a: m, and-6 80 pm Pmyermeegmgnn Thursday evening at 7 30 Rev 1 Campbell. pastor ' ‘ ROMAN CA3:HpLIc-â€"Ser_viees : Thornhill at!) a m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 um ; the following Sunday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and ’l‘hornhill at 10 30.8. m, ulte‘l‘nzmng with Markham every 3rd Sunday , _ METHOstTâ€"Services at 10.30 a 1n, and 6.30 p in Sunday School at 2 {30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening, and Sunday School Teachers meeting and Bible Class on induv evening, led by the putter, Rev Mr McCallum. Assistant, Rev Mr Pickering .- I R. R. S. TYRRELL, LICEN tints nf Hm ann] (1r.)!mm n' thm'm'nm: S'r MARY’S (EPIBCOPAL.)â€"Services at 3 p m, ex- cept. the third Sunday of every month; when the service and sacrament are held at 11 a. In Sunday Schml at 11.30 p 111 Rev R-Shunklin, Rector RICHMOND HALL CORXET'BANDLâ€"Meetfl for prac tice every Tuesduy and Saturday evening at 7.30 u’clock JOHN Powell, Leader _VI-LLA~GE Covxchâ€"Reeve, Wm Trench ; Coun 011101-13, Maconaghy Ben Redditt, P GSsNage, W l’oWell Clerk, M Teefy "Mnciuréms ”INSTITUTEâ€"Library of ovét 1090 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Museum Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock: R E Law, Librarian. Lectures and. discussions periodical“ The Methodist Sabbath School Temperance Association issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm Harrison, Supt DUNKIN ACTâ€"Central Committee meets at the call of the President in tho Temperance Hall. Dr J N Reid, Thomhfll,President ; John Sunder son, Richmond Hill, Sec RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23, G R Câ€" iMee'ts'in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall. on the Monday on or before full moon, at 8 o'clock, pm Isaac Crosby, W M- ~ - ’ » RICHMOND L 0 L, No-778â€"~Méets in the Temâ€" perance Hall, on the Friday on, .c-r before full moon, rate 9111‘ J H Sanderson, W M..- » RICHMoxD HILL Tampmt, ‘ No 483, I 0 G ‘Tâ€"‘ Meet? in the Temperance Hull,every \Vadngsdny Weuxng, at 8 o’clock, Wm Hanison, T D , The HERALD will be furnished:â€" 4 copies for s 3 00 in advance 8 do do 5 50 do 12 do do 8 09 Q9 Mm ch 21, r87 8-6111. . "ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street,_’1‘oronto. ggfiflmge. @me General Blacksmith, .PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, fitsu'm '5. ROBINSON, DISPENSING Mortgages Bought J. K. Falconb'ldge I . SOCIETIES MONEY T0 LOAN. Dr it. ROBINSON. _ SUBBEO‘N DENTIS , MONEY CHURCHES “£10m. ifledfiwl. gram. 9th 6: 24th of each month . ADAMS, L.D.S 9th of em): month 26th an 28th do I most respectfully take leave to call the a. tention of the Public generally to Lhe fact tha certain Houses 111 New Ymk are sending vo many paths of the globe SPURIOUS IMI’J‘ATIONS of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their‘ labels some address in New York. Idonot allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I have :10 agents there. My medicines are only made by me at 5.53, Oxford Street. London In the books of directions affixed to the spur- ious makeis 1L cautiouwnrning the Public against being deceived by cnunterfaits. Do not be misled by this audacious tric", as they are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. These counterfeits are purchased by unprinci- pied Vendors at one-half the price of my Pillsand Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines Holloway’ s Pills and Ointments bearing any other address are coun- terfcita The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Logs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- m’er long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and 8.11 Skin Diseases it has no equal. I most earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which I feel sure I may venture upon asking from 1111 honorable persons, to assist me, and ‘uhn Pub )ic, as m!- us may lioin their power, in deuoun fng this shameful Fraud. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp,with the words “ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533. OXFORD STREET, LoMJON, Where alone they are Manufactured. The Trade Marks of these Medicines are regia tered in Ottawa. .Hence, any one throughout the British Possessions. who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 5.53 Oxford Street. London, ‘ Jan 1 1870 The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. HE GREATEST WONDER O MODERN 'I‘HJES. Prescriptions care- fully compounded. V APOTHECARY'S HALL. A Call Solicited. ’ Satisfaction Guaranteed Remember the place, Drugs, Toilet Articles, Prepared 8: sold by' H Sanderson & Sons ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS SPICES. GENUINE.I.FTC. GOOD AND FRESH EHDOE DECEMBER, 1880 NEW YORK CflUN‘TERFEITS. WEEKLY Richmond Hill, Oct 22nd, 1879 Richmond Hill Nov 27 1879 MODE RN TIME S They have also on hand BEWARE OF Corner Youg'e and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill While Returning Thanks for past favors, I. would Respecpect‘ fully Solicit a Call. ALI. FARM PRIME}: TAKEN AT MARKET PRIGES. THE CHEAPEST BOOTS AND SHOES THE, LEADING rocery Store rflflflmfifig 8%M If you want to SAVE MONEY buy where you Herbs Fresh, [and this Year’s ‘Growth. HERE . HERA]; FOR. 82, CASH ONLY Noted for Cheap Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed. Ot'the Finest Flavor and Quality. AND THE In Richmond Hill ‘01- any other Hill. ,T 0 THE THE the Cheapest for Cash. I‘L)RA[N TlLifl, OF THE IEEgT QUALITY AT Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stnbling and tttentive hustler. Prucbor‘s Bus lelves this Hotel to connect with all the N li- R Trains guing North and South, at 7.30a In, 1 p m 4‘15 pm, and 7.15 n m. can make mnncy [water at work tar us than! at anything else. Capital not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the: industriuus‘ Men, women, boys and girls Wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Contlv outfit and terms free. Address TRUE dz Co" Augusta. Maine. .w l.uu wan" uu AK onto, and refining leaves Toronto at 3.30 pm Every Thursday Aftm'mmn M. H. KEEFLER RICHMOND HILL ONT This House is one of the f0u_n_d nqrth of Toronto. 16x The Robin Hood Hotel, Cosgrove Bros, Pxop’g RICHMOND HILL, .7: Palmer, Prc YORK . HERALD TU $6000A YEAR, or $5 to $20 a .‘ day in your owu locality. No risk' \‘Vomeudo as well 113 men. Many make more than the amount stated above. be one can fail to make money flLSt. Any one can do the work. You can make from 50 eta to $2 an hour by devotim; your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the busine‘ss. Nothing like it for money maxing ever offered before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Remler,jf you want; tn knownll about the best paying business before the public , send us your address and we will send you full particulars and private terms free: samples with $5 ulm free; you cm: then make up your mind for yourself Address GEORGE STlNSON 6: CO.,Augusta. Muiue. THE PALMER HOUSE, Opposite P. Crosby’s Rcszdcncc RICHMOND HILL 0NT.. QUALITY A}: Only $1 8. Year. Published Egmm @mfifi. JOHN BROWN Chemicals, Perfumery, a large stock of THOS. NIGHTINGALE'S 6 Best Hotels to be Lverything is managed 1A 1) , York vile can buy

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