DEAR SUV»- It will be granted that a very large number 01' those who leave the northward, {'01'1110 purpose of betâ€" tering tl1ei1- cm-dition, and ï¬nding homesfor themselves and Families, upon 1M5 Slde 01'tl1e Atlantic, have no fixed and 1111211101 nlb c dcstin :11i0n, but are as they procccd prospecting and anxiously enquiiiuv upon all sides for the land of"‘Gosl1en,†that their steps may be directed thitherwnrds. , . l 'l hat the American Government have been alert to catch the eye, and influence the mind ol’ this class of' emigrants is obvious. 'lhat our Government. have been remiss in this duty, is also clmr. Mind, I do not say that the Canadian , Government have not spent money enough in starting emigrants to this: country, but that when they have ar»; rived here. a sufï¬cient representation and exhibition of the country, are not put prominently before their eyes, so as to induce them to seek out and settle down in a home within the conï¬nes of' this vast Dominion: Let me put this matter clearly ; Induced by one of our agents in England, an old country farmer with £1000 sterling in his pock- et, embarks for lenada. Fair wind and weather soon lands him upon ou.‘ eastern shores, and as he travels west- ward, his eager eye constantly heholds attractive advertisements, descriptive maps, and the most liberal representa- tions of the cheapness, fertility, and wealth promotingr resources of the West- ern States of America. Nor is this all, as thetraveller alights at the Union Station, Toronto, one of the ï¬rst things that attract his attention, is an exhibit of farm productions, tastefully and in- telligently displayed to his view. Wheat, oats, barley, corn, and seeds of every diseription, are shown to the best advantage in a handsome glass case, and aft: 1' closely examining,r the collectâ€" ion, the moneyed emigrant quickly dc- cides to examine the soil, the fertility of nhich is so apparent in its varied pror duetions, and ol which he has already read such famous accounts. Purchas- ing a cheap ticket, the now much in- telested agriculturisc ï¬nds himself en route for the west, and soon lands in Decotah or Kansas, exchanges his Hue;- lish soveriens for the wide prairie ï¬elds, and forthwith rtjoiees in the promise and latitude of’liis American home. T0 the Edilm‘ 0/" the Herald Thus do we loose many a valuable emigrant into whose head our money ï¬rst put the desire and intention of coming to Canada, and now since we too are Opening up a great western world it seems more important than ever that; re should adopt some of the means which our neighbors have found so pro- motive in sellintr their lands. I can scnree. y think that all along the leading lines of Railttay 1n the United States the p1oduet1ons of Canada {113 advet tised similarly to those 01' the states here, and as our people have recently express- ed a desire for protection against- the .enmwv, and enterprise of the American people, it, seems to nxe that the will thus expressed, would justify our present Federal rulers in supersetlinr: the efforts made by out me: Ohbors to sell theil lands by in:1ue'111z1tin;_r a liberal, but Wise system of advertising, thus securing our first. expenditure for emigration pm» poses, by keeping: our own lands upper- most in the mind of the intending sett- ltr. Faith in our own country and its resources, will, I am sure prempt (ur present rulers to provide :1 home for every deserving cn1igrant7 :md to conduct them to it, Where all the privileges and blessings enjoyed unde1 the old flag in the n~1othet land will still continue to be their lot and heritage. Holiday Gnm‘sil Grosbv. Chrisfmns Gum: 1’. G Sm‘nfw. Holiday Goods ALD Buuk store Notice to Can mo: 1‘ _ . Bruun. Chancery saleâ€"’1‘ W ]or. Among :lm many objecls secured may he menlioned: (‘npies of 1’09 Smiplnres {mm one lolln're bundled ways old. AI:- cient Manusczints and Books. Early Periodicals. Coins, and Foreign monivs, rcpresenting all nations. A (‘mvesl Throne from (‘ontml Africa. A {nevsimile of Cleopuhu’s Nvmllv. A Canoe manufac- mrodby nu lmlimx frvm the lOUIll of a wallus. lnrliml llollcs m‘ml workmanship. Enssils and Pvtref'aminns from Manitnulin Inland. Gold and Silver Quartz from Lake Smwyinr. Silk ol the days of Quevn Elizabeth. l\ llple, l'mm lhe Amplnlwahe (if lllnllusus. (hiua used by lea-drinkers in the Seventrwmh conmlv. llm'n Specmcies 130 ye‘ms nltl. Fuuamvnts from the Tower of Julius ("agar and (,l-lest Church 111 Eng- land, etc. On Thursday, Christmas Day, there will boa gland Concert oi the best Amateur Talent. 0n wednescluy Dmrs open from 1 o’clock until 1') inn: 1( opened in lliO Fvening {Him I 0 c‘itk until 10 pm. On Chi-isl- mns Day, 018†from 10 o’clock a.m . un- IilS u'vlock p mV when the Concert, will (commence. At. llie close oftlie Concert the Ail Exhibition Will be open 101‘ one hour. Admission to the Concert, fifteen penis; to line Exhibition, ten cents. Mem- Lers oi (live institute free to the Exhibition, GUN ACCIDENT-“(HI Wednesday mornâ€" ing nboul ten o’clock a young mar) named Wm ixisli lesiding near Scaibmo’ junction, \VrlS accidentally shot in the thigh by a fellowâ€" .«llJUlel‘. named Richard Palmer, who “'35 CfllPlQSSl‘,‘ handling a gun, The managing committee (if lhe Rich- mond Hill Miclmnivs' Insrimfe. having at considerable labor and painstaking. collect- ed :1 large nnmlwr (ifOil;Paintlngs,Nulural History Objects, lelics and Curiosities, in- tend Opening an Exlnbiliun l'm‘ \he display of Ilm same, in 1118 Masonic Hall, on “ed- nesday, December the 2-1111, to he continued for two days. Toronto Dec. 12th 1879 THURSDAY, DEC 18,1879 «Art Exhibition and Concert. We igj‘iiuri: NEW ADVERTISEMENTS An Inmartant Matter Yours &c. J ARMSTRONG :iï¬cmm. Silver wire can be purchased HERALD Book Store. Oak Ridges School Exam will beheld on Tuesday next. The machcr, Mr MC l‘lnhon, invites parents and frleuds of the Scholars to attend. NEWSV.â€"â€"-We are informed, that among the many items of local news given by our friend on the Hill, he an- nonnccs as something palticularly fresh and intmesting,a ‘boxing in which took piace last winter. NEXT ? Subscriptions taken for the GLOBE a; the HERALD Store. me NCE EXAn.â€"-'l'he Examina- tion for Entrance to the Richmond Iliil High School, tnok place this week. Forty nine pupils were sent up for ex- amluuuon. The S. S. parly on the 11th at Toston was a grand success. The speaking was good. The lolluwing gentlemen and others taking part in the proceedingsof'the evening. Rev. Mr Johnston, Ailzcn, Palterson, and Mr. James Armstrong of Toronto. The chair being: occupied by N. C. \Vallace, Esq, M. 1’, (so much for :1 home can- didate) in an able manner. On Friday of'last week, Mrs Hamil- ton, ofElgm Mllls, lost a ï¬ne little buy mare through influmaï¬on. The animal was sick about a day. SCHOOL TEACHERâ€"Mr Joseph Gam- ble of'thisxillaége, has been appointed ’1 encher for S. “No. 4 of Markham and Vaughan, to ml the vacancy caused by ï¬ne resignation of Mr McMahon, salary $350. Mr Gamble will no doubt; make a go-nd Teacher, and the Trustees are to be congratulated on their selection. REMOVED.â€"â€"The HERALD Printing Oï¬ice has been removed from the 01d stand, o-ppmile Mr P Urosbys residence, to oppositu Mr I Crosby’s Store. The Book Store has also been removed to the same stand, from Mr Dewsbury’s Block. SKATIKG.â€"â€"The ice on Wilson’s pond has been in skating order for a week 01' so. “’6 are informed that some man li\i-n_:: in that vicinity, intends to have the pond swept clear of snow for skating on Christmas Day. Those who relish this kind of amusement bear this in mind. There is very little talk this year about Municipal matters. We hear all the old village Council are coming out again, with the exception of one, and some new names are mentioned, but there is nothing reliable about the rum- ours regarding the new names. It is getting close to the time for oflicial utter- ance, and in the meantime, if' any one has any opinions to offer about; the course pursued by the old Council, we will be most happy to accommodate them by publishing the same. Holiday Goods at tie HERALD Store. Chiictmas Books, with large engravings only 20 cents, and a prize picture, given away with each one. w Mr Holland, of Patterson, informs us that a young man aged about 16 or 17 years, called at his house three 01‘ four weeks ago, asked for something to can He was dressed in dalk clokhcs and had a cap with a peak. He said he walked down the track from Newmm‘ket. and he supposew that it “3’"! the young man who was lost. In addition he states that he could not speak plain. “’0 must remind our readers of the Public Examination in Mr 31‘ackin's department of' the Public School to- morrow afternoon, when it is expected the Medals will be awarded by the Com- mittee appointed for that purpose, by the Board of Education for this village, the examination in the other depattnmnt took place to- day, and will be more fully noticed next week. NEW 'l‘EAoHER.â€"-Mr Thomas Ness of Patterson, has been chosen to ï¬ll the vacancy in N0. 7 Markham, caused by the resignation of Mr Gray. who goes to Davisvitle, as a salary of $550 per annum. In choosing Mr Ness, the Tmstees have no doubt got a good man, and one who will in every way discharge faithfully and conscientiously the duties as Teacher. Mr N055 gets a salary of $362 per annum. HERALD Ofï¬ce‘climbing up Vinegar Hill. The Duckitcs are leaving the valley. It isn’t, a bad valley, after all. 10-?Zmonths experience there. Come AHEAD 01“ DIVISION CoURT.â€"â€"Last Saturday night, a rather novel event took place in this Village, on Richmond Street. near Davidson’s barn. It appears two men were walking qu1etly along, when one ï¬xed in his claws on the other and swore he would knock him far away. part the middle of next week. if he didn’t “ante up†that $3 he owed him. The poor debtor pleaded and begged to be let off, and he would faithfully pay every cent next Week, Pete could not see it that way, and announced it to be his determination to ï¬ght it out on that line'if it took all winter. Jack pleaded “Pete, Duâ€"Claw me easier.†But it was no use, Pete replied, “Maâ€" Pes I viil ven you giv me mien mon- ish†After one or two ineifectual eï¬orts to get free, and one or two squeezes on his throat, Jack pulled out the $3 and departed in peace. Pete thinks his style is a great improvement on the Division Court plan, but Jack don't. and see us. Bi†Couxt last Tuesday, Mr Robert- son of “.Ioromo (n Bench. Some visHms to the Hill got too much Court,â€" 01' Port rather. One {allow asserted he was a lineal dccendcut of Romulus. The same genius that: built Rome, and was reared by a wolf. \Vondcrful that “boxed in" affair, isnt it ? S0 strange too. A pexson would haxdly expect 1t \muld move thlngs more comfort» able generally. Dear, dear ! LOCAL ITEMS. at the A ruffle wi‘l be held at the residence of Wm Powell,scnior, on Friday evening. On themird page will be fohnd an interesting account of the wealth of the County onork, in land, cattle, etc. As will be seen by advt. Teï¬ders will be received up to the 29th inst, for “Timber for Lock Gates," on Lachine and Cornwall Canals. The Holiday Season is at hand, and our merchants are prepared with a large stock nf'goods for the event. Read their advertisements, Crosby and Savage offer great, inducemeu's this week. Our cnllvge boys and medicals are home for their holidays. The Corporaâ€" tion will soon be in a state of security. Chancery Sale at Gobiei’s Hotel, Klineburg, on 30th Dvc.,of a farm of 60 acres. For particulars sec advertiseâ€" ment in another column. Mr Chantler informs us that he does not Intend to put up a building. but pro- poses '0 have an open link, if possihie, ready by Christmas, and tickets issued at :1 lower rate. There is, some four hundred doliars on!- standing in subscriptions for th HERALD; pal! Lus been slandhlg over three yvavs. Puriies will be kind enough to take Khe hint, i( is bu! a small umller to each one. MASONIC FESTIVAL â€"A grand Masonic Festival under the patronage of ‘ne Patterson Lodge, A. F. &A. 31., No. 255, G. R. (L, will be given at the V10- tm'ia Hall, Tltornltill, on the evening of Tlmrsdav,January15th. A varied and interesting programme is being prepared For the occasion, to include singing, reâ€" citations, addresses and social games. The best talent of the brotherhood. and others has been secured, and no pains Will be spared to make an entertainment. oftlre most attractive character. The Thornhill Brass Band will give their valuable assistance. Tea from 6 to 8 o’clock, pm, chair taken at 8 by R, W. Bro. John Lane, Esq. ’l‘iekets, 35 cents. ACCIDENT. â€"A young lad namcd‘ Hei: me while peddling: sausages tlirougfli‘i the village 'Jliursduy, slipped on thel sidewalk, and fell wi\l1 his arm across the edge of the plank walkâ€" dislocaling the elbow. We understand Dr Rogers; set the wounded limb. l THE CASSERLY CASEâ€"At the Quar ter Sessions on Friday, James Casserly was placed on trial, charged with having stolen acout from M 1' Graham of Aurora â€"â€" the particulars of Casserly’s arrest ap- peared in our columns a couple of' weeks ago. Mr N Murphy defended the priâ€" soner. The evidence was not sufficient, and Casserly was acquitted. NEARLY DROWNtD.â€"On Tuesday of' last Week, vshile a number of small boys Were skating on Mr Mnrsden‘s pond. at young lad named William A Keelch, son of Mr William Keetch. Merchant, of this place, got through the ice, and was nearly drowned. The call for help brought a number of people to the qut; but for want of appliances they were unable to help the struggling ,lud, Mr D \Vright, on his way to the place, caught up a f'enccâ€"boaid, and shoved it out to the boy, who crawled on top of it, shortly, alter, further aid was to hand and he was rescued; but. it took two or three medical men some hours to get. the little fellow out of danger. He must have been in the water ten or ï¬fteen minutes. Mugs for sale at the HERALD store. DANTON AssAULT CASEâ€"On Thurs day ot‘lust week, Danton was placed on trial for assaulting one James Kaiser, in Newnmrket, some time ago. Judge Boyd on the bench. The prisoner was ably defended bv Mr N Flood Davin, assisted by Mr E Morgan. Mr Fenton, County Attorney prosecuted, The MAIL rrprrt saysâ€"“John Danton was placed at, the bar Charged .with having t'eloniously wounded James Kaiser of' Newmarket. The prisoner pleaded not guilty. The prosecutor took the stand and testiï¬ed that the prisoner had struck him across the face with a board, woundingr him severely, and knocking out three of his teeth. This evidence being corroborated, the jury found the prisoner guilty, and the jndge sentenced him to three months imprisonment in the common jail. PETTY LACE‘SY.â€"On Saturday even ing Elias Bowslcypf' East. Gwillimbury walked into the Royal Hotel, shortly after darkâ€"and observing a comforâ€" table overcoathanging across the back of a chair, where the owner had placed it. a few minutes before to dry, the‘ said Elias Bowsley appropriated it to his own use and started off for home. The own- er, Joseph Galloway, was soon making erquiry about his missing; coat, and suspicion having centered upon Bowsley, arrangements were forthwith made to follow him. He was overtaken on the Town Line near Queen Street, with the overcoat in his possvssion. Galloway at once laid information before the Reeve of Newmarket, and the prisoner was ar» rested by Constable Bogart. Bowsley spent Sunday in the Lockâ€"Up, and early on Monday morning: he was brought before the Reeve and fully com mitted. OnllMednesday last Bowsley was placed on trial in the County Court. The prisoner admitted taking the coat; but wanted to make the Court. and Jury believe he did in a “lark.†The Jury Concluded to make him pay for “lurks†on strangers. and found Bowsley guilty. He will be sentenced on Saturday. The situation in Afghanistan is regard- ed as critical. and though for the present the British troops are able to drive back the enemy.1t is feared that they may not be able to hold out for an indeï¬nite time against the superior numbers pressing forâ€" ward to the attack. It' is reported that the Indian Government has made a request on the name Government for a reinforcement of 5,060 men forthwith, LOCAL ITEMS. NEW MARKET. (From the E’HA To the Editor of the Herald. A meeting of farmers and citizens was held at the American Hotel, Toronto, on Saturday lust, to take into consideratlo‘ri the establishment of a Bank ofissiie on a jmnt basis of gold and real estate. His Worship the Mayor uFToi'onlo. occupied the chair, and was afterwards elected Provisional Chaiiman ofthe Board. J A Livingsto'm. Secretary ; J P Bull. Treasurer; and Messrs W J Massey. Thus lloltby, John Waters, M P P. D Kennedy, Wm Clarke, and John Ramsay, warden of Hulton. P10: visional Directofs. Notice of application ‘for charter to be given immediately." has su'd his farm of 100 acres. being the west. 11qu of Lot 10, in the 9th Con. (the 01d homestead of the late John Reeser, stir) to Samuel Reesor, Esq , Cedar Grove. and purchased 150 acres, Lot 8, in the 8th Gen , (the old home- ‘stead of the late Abraham Reesor) from John Recsnr, Esq [t is pleasing 3 to the friends of both old families to re- talize that the homesteads still remain in i the Reesor families, the Captain being :1 son-in law of John Beesor. The smging class at Malvern, cnn~ ducted by D Stoufl'cr, intend giving a grand concert. in tl‘e hall. on Tuesday evening, the 30th inst. CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENT AT GRF‘EN HlVER.â€"â€"An entertainment by the pupils of Green River Public School will be given on Monday evening, Dec. 22nd, to consist of singing, recitations, and speeches by the children and others. CHRISTMAS TREE AT BROUGHAM.â€" The Brougham Union Sabbath School will give their annual entertainment on Xmas eve, in lhe Town Hall, I rough- am. In connection with the exercises there will be a Xmas tree. CHANGED , HAnDsrâ€"Capt Rolph SKATING Rumâ€"Mr Hall, the geni- al host of the It1nnklin House, is build ing a larf: re skatino' and curlinrr (150 by 50 feet), in the hollow west of the Franklin Operations have already commenced. and he expects to have everythlng complete by Christmas. We are Hire the ynung people of M arkhnm and vicinity will appreciate Mr Hall’s eï¬orls to provide for their amusement. A meeting If the ‘creditors of Benj. Fenwick, merchant of Unionville, lare'y declared insolvent,ls caned fbr the 23rd of December. for considering and ratify- inga deed of discharge. Mr Fenwick- agrees to pay a con)poshion of ten cenis on the donar on his Habiï¬tiem on; the dueéxecudon and conqfleï¬ou of such deed. STILL MORE ORDER. .â€"Mr G Digby, Harnees Maker of this place. has received an additional order fur eight sets of harness from a ï¬rm in \Vinnipvg, Manitoba, to be delivered immediately, and one hundred sets of harness to be delivered in the spring, 10 be shipped on the opening of navigation. Interesting Letters. WEST YORKâ€"The annual meeting of the Reform Assuciution of Vaughan and Richmond Hill was held on Tues- day evening, 2nd inst, Mr P Put». terson, M. P R, and Dr McConnell were re elected President and Vice President rcspectxvely, and Mr C L llollingshcad, Swretary and Treasure. The members of the Council who serv ed last year were also appointed to serve another term. Excellent speeches were delivered by the President, Vice-Presi- dent, and others upon the present situ- ation in political affairs. The utmost, harmony and enthusiasm marked the proceedings, and the meeting closed with hearty cheers for Hon. Messrs. Mackenzie and Blake, Hon. Attorney- General Mowat. From the Liberal Conservative. It is contemplated to have Ice Races this winter, on Bond’s or Wilcock's Lake. As we write, the prospects are bad for ice; but Mr Veunor, by his prognoslies, holds out the hope that plenty of thermometers will register be- low zero before next March, If that should be the case, the owners of trott- ers may feel sure of two, perhaps three, days ofgood sport~â€" to be tollowed up at Bradford, and other places. when a good ice track can be secured. It'other places can furnish as many contestants :18 Aurora, the winter amusements will be well patronized. Anmher’ fatal skatin‘v anident 13 reported Tuesday. [he victims beinrr a young man and a girl of Penetanguishene Courtney now says that he will be ready to row Hanlan next June. Mrs Brown of West Winchester, w: s examined before 3 Bench of Magistrates Tueaday morning charged as an accomplice in the murder of her husband and daughter. Your: Towxsmr ELECTIONSâ€"Mr Tom Humberstone is likely to be a candidate for Depmy Reeve of York Township, running against Mr Dollery. . Wheat fall. hamper bush Spring Barley, ‘ Outs, Peas Barley, ‘ do 55 Outs, do u 38 Peas do 65 Rye do 7:: Drésscd 1101411191- 100 1115.6 00 Beef hind quagters, per 100 lbs .. . 4.00 Mutton, by the carcass, per 100 lbsâ€. 5 50 Chickens per pair. Ducks, per bmce 45 Geese,eac11 ......... 45 Turkeys, each 60 Butter, 1‘1) rolls 22 large 1111‘ 159 t‘ ‘11 (1351}; g] 1719,11th (oz 20 20' Moes bea 31311161 60 11mm per mneel 1 50 01.110: .13, per bar .. 1 00 Tomatoes, per hush. 00 Turnipa, per bag .. 0 30 Carrots, per bag 45 Beets, per bag ; 45 Pa1snips,, 80 Hay pe1, ton... 8 00 S‘émw per 12011.6 00 Wool per 1b.. 2.") Dec 15111, [879 The Latest News. THE MARKETS. PRICES AT FARMERS' WAGGONS From the Economist WEDNESDAY, Dec 18th, 1879 AURORA. Markham. TORON'FO; $1 28 $41 . 122 1 55 38 65 0 30 45 45 80 COM. 10 50 V 50 1 30 1‘28 39 ()6 00 6 50 4 50 6 00 30 60 l 25 24 21 21 22 125 On Wednesday, the 3rd inst.. at the hristian Church, Keswick, by Elder D rosser, Mr Charles Patterson Morton, to Miss Annie Maria, daughter of Samuel Winch, Esq., all of north Gwillimbury. Chancery Sale PROPERTY! URSUANT to the order made in P the matter of RE McKinnon, Mc- Kinnon, Vs Currie, there WI†be sold wiih ‘he approbation of' THOMAS WARDLAW TAYLOR, ESQ, Mas- er in Ordinary of this Court. at GOBEIL'S HOTEL, IN THE Village of Klien‘burg, In the County of Yonk,on Tuesday, the Thirtieih Day of December, A. 1)., 1879. At the hour of twelve o’clock, noon by Thomas J Woodcock, Auctioneer. The following lands and premises, in one parcel : being composed of part of the West huifof Lot Number twenty- two, in the eighlh Concessiwn of the Townsh'p of Vaughan, in the said County of York, containing by ad- measuremcnt, SIXTY ACRES, be the same more or less, and is buttcd and bounded as follows. commencing at the distance of ï¬fty chains from a poet plant- ed in front of'the said concession at. the South-East‘angle of said 10%; then North nine degrees “70st, twenty chains ; theu South seventyâ€"four degrees ~\FVeslz, twen- ty ï¬ve chains : then South nine degrees West, twenty one chains and ï¬fty ï¬nks, more or less, to where a post. has been planted ï¬fteen chains from the South- ‘Vest angle of' the said lot ' then North seventy four degrees East, thirty-ï¬ve chains to the place of beginn'mg. There is erected on the said premises a good comfortable frame dwelling home and good barn. There is also a splendid orchard, in good thriving condition. A xreverâ€"ï¬dling stream of water croses the said farm. The soil is clay loam.. This property is situated within two miles of the village of Klienburg, and within a short distance of' Schools and Churches, The above property will be sold sub- ject to a mserve bid. ï¬xed by the Mast- er. The purchaser is to pay down a deposit often per cent. of his purchase money to the Vendor, or his Solicitor, at the time of sale, and the balance thereA of'into Court, to the credit of this cause within one month after, without. interest, In other respects the conditions of sale are the standing CODdlliOUS‘ of the Court of'Chzmcery. For turther particulars and conditir-ns of sale apply at the law ofï¬ces of Ed- ward Morgan. Esq, Newmurket; Messrs Ewart & Davidson, Church Street, and to Messrs. McCarthy, Hoskin & Creel- man, Toronto Street, Toronto. Dated the 6th day of December,1879 EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed, and endorsed “Tender for Timber (or Luck Gates.†will be received at this Ofï¬ce until the anivul of the Eastern and Western Mails on MONDAY THE 29Tn DAY OF Dac- EMBEB inst, for the furnishing and delivering, on or before the in DAY OF JUNE, 1880, of Pine Tim~ ber, suwn to the dimensions required. for the cons ruction of Gates for the Upper New Looks on the Co1nwull Canal. TLe timber must be of the quality described, and of the dimensions stated on a. printed bill, which will be supplied on application, personally or by letter, at this ofï¬ce, where Forms of Ten- der can also be obtained. No payment will be made on the timber until it has been delivered at the place required on the respeczivc (,‘unuls, nor until in has been examined and_z=pproved of by an otflcer detailed for that Bervlcev To each Tender must be attached the names of two responsible and solvent persons, residents of the Dominion, willing to become sureties for the carrying out of the conditions stated on the Contract. _ This (‘M‘partment (1096 not, however, bind Itself Lo awe-pt the lowest 0; any Tender. By Order, DEPT. or BAILWAYS & CANALS Ottawa, 13th Dec'r 1879 Bï¬NEFlT SHGIETY I lachine and Eurnwall Canals. PRESIDENT ,â€".Hon Alexander Vidal, Senator. TREASURERâ€"WM. J. Gmd, Sec.~TxeaB.. Laminon P B k I Society. MANAGER & SECRETARY,â€"â€"WM J Kcays, Uï¬icial Assignee. Tb‘s Societv 1s 0' an zed for me humme or en ab“ 1r, ue sons ehmeaâ€˜ï¬ .1115 60 van so] P: e, [y becou ', 1131 'be. 5. i0 Jake 111010 0 (1 01,111". ' 1 cue 0f ( 61113.10 secrn 8‘ .11 cimo 1.0V ' '1‘ vsidcms 1'1 " 01 111"»10111'11'1 n.1, orio o 191‘ . es 01‘11015011519 Kent c Glen; 83.13 to secl \e {0 we .1 membéu of the 1 e-leï¬bllrpuc'u, men 1031 attendance 1 ad 9, weeklv 9‘ 0w men, in. cmechickness 01' 110011911; G’saul- 1:: 11h: tom (10' -g his usv 211 work. Head Ofï¬ce,â€"-â€"-Sarnia, Ontario. 'J Lle ' teat value of beyeï¬t societ '05 to all clas- ses who ‘ eueq u'- >6 y 1 mi? versourl 96m s for t m m wo u of inemselves I m {46' r ;.m?‘?os, is now 11.1 .vs st,â€y xecogynzed This Society presents two distinguishing featuies :â€" ISKâ€"Smailness of Cost. 2ndâ€"The satisfactory security afforded to mpmbers. Full pattieu‘ws obtained from GEO CHANTLER. BUTTONVILLE. ONT Agent fm the Townships of Maxkhum, VBuUhan, whit church and sz, Dr Jas Langslbï¬â€™, Medical Referee- Dec 9, 1879 Blank notes payable to bearer, and Blank Rewipts for sale at the Herald Book Store, 911m ï¬dmtimumm‘ Combs and Brushes an be anuLn atom VALUABLE FARM NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. CANADA ROYAL OF F ICERS I MARRIEI‘) T W TAYLOR F. BRAUNL Secretary All parties indebted to C Duncumb, oi Rich mond Hill, are requested to settle forthwith, and aileersons‘._.n.yih‘g claims_ against _tl1_e afqresgxifi Henry M Glancey has purchased the Black- shop and business belong‘ng to Mr Joseph Burk, of Oak Ridges. and is prepared to do all Lind of blacksmituing in a business like manner, Par- ticular attention given to horse shoeing. not required; We Will start you. Men women,boys and girls make money juster at, work fer us than at anything else, The work is light and Dleasant, and such as anyone can go right at. Those who are Wise who see this notice wili send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outï¬t and terms free. Now is the time. Those ulrendy at Work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE dc CO.,Augusta, Maine. r AMONTH suanteed. $12 a. day at 3 n home by the industrious. Capital NOTICE. Christmas Christm’s Holiday 86380751. Fruits of a“ kinds at the lowest Cash prices. Fine young:j Hyson Tea for Fifty Cents. A large StOck of. Furniture on Hand. Pictures and picture frames. A ï¬ne selection oï¬ French Chmmo Mottos Very cheap. Call and see our cheap Cabinet‘Photo Frames, all worthy oï¬ inspection, and great reduction oï¬ prices. Crockervg Glassware RUS’i‘IC MOTTOS V‘EFY CHEAP Of every description. Call for yourselves. ï¬ec 11th,187§)‘ Crockery 1s prepared for it with a large assortmentof Goods suitable for Christmas and New Year’s Presents A LARGE STOCK Fancy Dry Goods ! PROOF HOUSE Every department complete. Groceries, such as Teas, Sugars and Fruits, we sell as cheap or cheaper than any House in the village, or at least we think so, therefore call and see for yourselves. -~. . N flnAnhvv Reynolds :39 ’NeWton.‘ Blacksmith Shop. Richmond Hill, Dec 18th, 1879‘ Richmond Hill, Dec.18Lh 1879 PEEPEE’S EEEEE Iï¬ C DUNCUMB H M GLANCEY Is now here, and the IN STAPLE AND Bichmond Hil‘ Is well stocked with RECEIVED AT FOR THE and price the Goods, and see Agents have wonderfui success. 1% subscribers to 1000 inhabitants. Our publications are stan- dard. Address, EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL: New System of Canvassing 42 FRONT 51‘; EAST, & 83 WELLINGTON yr. ms“! MAEHINHHY flï¬ï¬‚KflflS From 3 Hél‘se-power upwards. Machinery received an consignment and no charge for siorage er Advertising. W We make Quick sales. Cash paid for {rm._.Cpppcr, Brass and THE Second-hand Machinery. Steam Engines and Boilers. WM. DINGHLM 8 CO, THE Hmmr BILL Pvnmannm 00., 41, 43, and 46 Shetuoket St., Norwich, Conn; ISAAC CROSBY. Send for circular“ explaining our And Dealers in all kinds of P G SA VAGE other Metï¬l‘s TORCH T0 FIRE