‘ r0 Vafltag‘ ay bu enzie «an his "m In live stock the ï¬gures of’ the asses?- sors show an apparent falling off in the number ot'sheep and hogs, but an inâ€" crease in the number of horses and cat- tle. The falling otfin sheep‘and hogs is attnhutable to the large demand for sheep and hogs for the English markets and the consequent exportation-s. 0f cattle, York has sent so many to Eng:â€" land that the wonder is the ï¬gures show an increase. The increase in the Cattle is about eight hundred. and in horses about the same. The following are the ï¬gures for the past three years: Animals. 1877 1378 1WD. Horses 2mm 21.798 Cattle 30 £27 Sheep 3: ,0354 Hogs 18 ,4 t2 The assessors. as directed by luwlmve taken the census ot'the dogs. nod it is interesting to know that 5102 canines make night, in the County of York, hid- eous. Horses Cattle Sheep Hogs Etnbicnke E Gwillimbm‘y N Gwillimbury gggygiua, The returns just handed in by the assessors in the various municipalties in ‘the County of York show a very satisâ€" factory increase in the value of property in the wealth of the people, and in the number of the population during the past year. Of course it is not to be effâ€" pected that in a county such as York, where the wild lands have been reclaim- ed. and the farming lands nearly all placed under cultivation, that the popu- lation will increase to such an extent or that the value of property will show such a marked difference in one year over another, as is the case in counties which are being rapidly settled, and are just emerging from their backwoods state. Still the metropolitan county shows a gradual improvement in its condition which cannot fail to be paras.â€" ing to those who are interested in it. The total value of assessible property in the county in this year is $28.455,8‘l6 asagainst$28,12Â¥.461, showing: an inâ€" crease Of' 327,435. The population this year is estimated at 56,993, while last year it was 56,633, 362 less. The increase in the population in former years has been larger, but this year the difference between the former assessment and that of 1879, is somewhat smaller than usual. because during the past year so many young people yielded to the charms of the Province of Manitoba, and have {zone there to how out homes for themselves. At the last assessment the number of acres in the various townships were 367394- During the year following the taking of that assessment, our furâ€" mers cleared a thousand more news. The followiuq letter gives the number of acres acsessed, the number cleared, and the value: kham urban) 1m 5511 :1 u \Vhitchurch York Nothing could be more supremely and utterly absurd than the criticisms ofthc Reform press on Sir Charles Tupper’s recent purchase of steel rails. Because they argue,tl)e Conservative party enn- demned Mr. Mackenzie for purchasing steel rails when they were not needed, therefore, the present government is cen- surable for purchasing rails now. To be sure they try to strengthen this position by declaring that the Conser- Vatives charged Mr. Mackenzie with buy'ng all the rails which would be needed for ï¬fty years. It may be that some Conservative speakers or SOIilC of dhe Conservative press did say some Ething of this kind, though we must say :we never saw it so charged, certainly no one with any claim to speak on behalf‘ of the Conservative party ever said any- Ething of the kind. The charge against MrMaci<enzie,and the charge wz‘s proved, was that in a falling market he purchased rails which he did not then need‘ and which there was no prospect of being needed, and that’he so manipulated the contracts as to give the ï¬rm, of which Aurora Holland Landing Mzuklmm Newnmrket qu'kd n.1n Bi ch mond Hili Stonï¬viila Yorkville Etobicoke E Gwillimbury N Gwillimbury Georgina, Kin p, Markham Scarboro Vaugh an York This table shows that omâ€"ï¬ith of the land assessed is will unc’iound. and that no less that 167,345 acres have yet to be ch0pped.â€"â€"MAIL. ‘ ‘ rother was a member, an undue ud- Vahtage. It. is true that all these rails : not been used on the Paciï¬c Rail ï¬but it is also true that Mr. Muc- enzie in order to get the evi lcuce of his “mistake†out of sight, caused them to be used on parts of the other govern- ment roads. 811‘ C Tapper has acted quite differently, he has purchiised only as he needed rails, and at a time when prices could not fall, he has given ample opporcunity .to prospective contractors fl) put. in their tenders, not taking pains to keep the matter as quiet as pos>ible like his predecessor and he has given the contracts to the lowest. tenders. The following table gives the assessâ€" ment and‘ population in $110 various municipalities for 1879: INCREASE IN PROPETY AND POPULATION â€"THE NUMBER OF CATTLEâ€"SA- ‘ TISTI-CS AS TO THE ACREAGE OF CLEARED AND UNâ€" CLEARED LAND; 'hitchurch Township. No of Acres A ores: Asso C d. (chnred ‘nbicnko '4 rm: Gwillimbm‘y "1 Gwillimbuty 31 1:4 17 ggrgina 30 394 11 173 85.047 56924 khan: 69,919 56,221 arboro - ‘ " ‘3‘703 ,ughnn 30,061 hitchurch 40.3% )z‘k 54ml Total anue. of Land. 2 217 8'10 2 55% Q13: linings} 5,5?{4'200 T 0 m1 Townships Townships‘ Villages. York’s Wealth. Steel Rails 535,7 ;5 a , Total $111110 of Raul nnxl Por- soxml Property. $51,609 [:0 1,487,145 ï¬BRJSri’) 720.540 3,638,411 3.463.141 2,351,876 2,002,670 30,405 263,425 97,580 warm 41 2.312 503K708 143,7110 14173 569% 56, ‘ 3‘70 "’{DAYO 9,1815 ing pains ’I‘oxonto, Ont, Canada. OS‘ible NB.â€"Tho demands of our business have ue. 5p cessitated our 1emoxing to Toronto, to which 1215 given place please address all future communications iers i 331-301(11); Richmond Hill by an dngists, and‘ ' everywhere in Canada and the United Stun National ' I: wholesale and totafl Ml“ I‘mm- 1m inn £283,115 45,700 21m a! ,m 215%" 15,022 »: 1:73 Aâ€"u 1 1'18 2.115 5,601 (Fm 7C0 A, \VMEJx 111 your own town, mm no 0 piml risked. Ym) czmg 'u tho bu?» inc ‘ ntriulwithï¬mt exlu-n , 'J‘ImImsxt npyurtnnity over Miami 1" those will- ing LU work. You should try no ‘ 11g vise until you see for ynursolf what you (“.111 do at the bus- invr-H we offer. No room to (*xplxun here. You can devote u‘ll yom‘time or only yuur spare time to the businoas, nnd make grout [my for every hmu‘thutyou work. \Vomen nmkeus much as 111011. Send for special privuto terms and parti- culurs which we muil free, "’5 outï¬tfree Don‘t cmn’plnin ofhxu-d times while you have sucha chmx‘co. Addrcss H. HALLE‘I‘T 6; 00., Portland Maine. Licensed Auc tionem for the County of York solmit“ )‘(ln' patumuge and flionily influcnco. Add (ass Tcston P 0 Licensed Anctionor for York Count“. Ordes pronzptlv attended to Rntm reasonable. Put- rouur'o solicited. Ader '5, king, P () Jun Bethune Q C. 0 Moss, W C Fuiconbridge N W Hoyles, \V Bnrwick, A BAylcswnrth 11‘ BUILDII 1i, Sherwoml 4th Con Vaughan, S1 ecinl utthmion given to St .1 ip 1 £111] di 11 51 Punch] 11 untrmio 1 Will be giv an to all 01(1913. Address anlo P 0 Licensed Auctioneer for York Patronage 3011‘ cited. Rates made‘ute Address Cushel, Liv nsvd Auctioneer for me Counties of Ymk Onnm‘ir) unzl Perl. Sales )zrmrmtly attended Em (1:; sold on coneigumznt. Unignville, 1’ O Licensed Auctizmorr 1’01 Ymk County, solicits p: 1t1011ugc mm ilk-lullviuï¬umu e lmtés reason- able. Address Vicbmin, S‘qmue Licensed Auctioneer fr») the bounty of York, $8.1m mm dod on tho shmtest notice and at wusonublc mics Addtess, 3011101011, P () Cumninto mymemian about 3 months ago ARE D HEIL‘FR, coxx1_ing3 years old next spring, {my person owning same will take lICI‘ away and pay expcns > Bethune, Muss, Falcenhriflge 5-} TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery atom/54 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. WV _ _ vâ€, “m. Bruce 1mm“ my Company will apply to the Legislature of the Province (If Ontario «it the next 505310!1U10n20f, for im not to umeml the several Acts relating to the snid Company, for the pluposo of (naming the Municipalities on the Main Line to Ormigcvillc and \irininy who may :1 st the Imilwny to enact, u Director, and the same on the Western Division from ()rmmcville to 'i'ucswutl-r, mid to cimmn the Company and 2111)‘ Mlmicipuliw m' Municipalitiux itunm‘iuidurs mm othm‘s ‘m m 0 money niul uthurwisc to nmke such ni‘i‘nngmnwts us may bu necwmu‘y or ad- Visuble for the purpose of I‘CCODSLI‘HCLing and wuoquilmiug the R211?“ (by (in 21 gauge of four feet (‘igzhc uml 1L half inches (l fbi Sï¬ in.) um] for all oLhur purposes that may be requisite or advis- able in con sequence 01' such change of guuge and work connected thcrmvith. And for power to cmmle L110 Cmnpuuy to build in branch from a. point on their Railway ’50 u point um 'n, or near the Town of \Viughum, in the Count-y of Huron. Soiicitor fcrthe Company. Tomnfo, V Nmemhcl Md), JSTtt B.b11istcrs,AtLo11103 s- m- Law, Solicitors-in- C111111m21v,‘/0m ey: 1m crs etc. Ofï¬ces~lmperia1 Bunk Buildings, \\ ellington stze et, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, QC. JOHN BALM WM. SETON GORDON, G150. F. SHIPLEY The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all Druggist at $1 per package, or six packages fox $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, THE cRAY MEDVIVCINE 7 Co, STRAY KEEPER l8 & 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Ferguson, Bain, Cordon & Shipley, .Mortgngos bought and sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance effected1 &c. &c. OF FICE â€"~Victon‘u Chamber; 9 Victoxiu. street Tor onto. pain in the Back. Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and munyotherdiscases that loud to insanity con- sumption and a, premature grave. lis!’ Full parâ€" ticulzms 1n our Pamphlet which we desire to send free by mail to ovely one. How TO DO BUSINESS. â€"Do you sell cheaply? let. the public know it)? Have you anything special to dispose of'?â€"â€"- tell the people about it. Expectinor to work up trade without adveitmnn 1e like trying to run a locomotive without steam. Advertise now NOTICE iii KEFFER CONTRACT ()I1AN1 ‘ 15177111)]P,31qht'r\vhr\1 AH (Mm v Ofï¬cial Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey unccr, Broker, &c., &c., 1. Any person who takes apaper regularly from a post ofï¬ce, whether direct-ed in his name 01' (mother’s, or Whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. 3 The 00111 ts have decider] that refusing to take no“ 5111111013 or peliodiculs £10111 the post otï¬cp, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prinm facie evidence of 111te11t1'onul fwud. BARRISTERï¬, &c Money to Lend at Low Rates, TRADE MARK. Th6G1‘6u» Eng-TRADE MARK. ». iishRemed) isau .: ’ unfuilingcmefor Seminal \\ nak- nessï¬por’nntorr- hezL, Impotency, and all diseases that follow as a. sequence of self \xx‘w ‘\ ,~ ‘ Abuseï¬s 1335 of ~ v' M‘morv, niver ‘ . Befme Takmgsul Lnssitude,Aftel Taking- Lending Library at the HERALD Book Store. ' Call and see. Cheap reading of'all the smndard works TORONTO GREY 86 BRUCE RY. GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! 2. If a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, and than collectflw whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the oflice 01' not. LA W CONCERNING IVE WSPAPERS AL "it D BOULTBEE QOULTBEE 8; EVATT. BARRISâ€" fluttimmï¬â€™ mm. gm: grflrvsririmtmflz. NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS .TIXDIES , GORDILEY, AND HOYLES, Saiem Eckardt, Samuel Brown Daniel Kinnee, N J Armstrong, P. O. Box 2527. Jas C Stokes F Button ‘ rgaL A?! C’ John Johnson. Lot 31, 3 Gun Vaughan W, H Beatly IS HEREBY GIVEN that the '1'<)2‘le}ï¬0 grey upd ‘VM‘ Won'rs Dv‘rrr‘ will npply to the (If Ontario at the not no umeml the Snill ()mnlrnny, for Per Palmer’s Flying Express, and Proctor’s Lightning Catcher. :nd authorized us to announce the man up on the Hill, who claims to be Sole Agent, as a Prevuricator. Says Old Santa “Revare of such fellars. mien frens, and patronize those who advertise mit the Herald. l’m booked for your town soon. Expect me Christmas live. G0 und see mien leetle Grandson at the Herald Store.†Holiday Goods to suit every one, and don’t you forget it. Every .nortal thingr that the eye can desire, or the heart wish for (‘ome in and sp ~nd a few moments looking at the stock, regardless of time or money. Rernember the only and orig. inal Grrndson of Santa Claus now on Exhibition. Has not yet visited the Hill, but knowing that his patrons were anxiously expecting him, he sent. his grandson, a regular chip ofthe old block, out to the OPPOSITE CROSBY’S STORE. Prpscripfions cm-e- tuIIy com pounded. , ' APOTHECARY’S HALL. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Remember the place, Prepared & sold by They have also on hand Mugs, Toilci Articles, SPICES. GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND» FRESH SANTA- ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS @NLY $2 END or Dncmnnn, 1880 WEEKLY MAIL Richmond Hill Nov 2! 1879 Corner Yonge and Centre TIME ELBAL H erhs Fresh, and FOR $2, {CASH ’ONLY With a large consignment of 0f the Finest Flavor and Quality. AND THE T 0 THE Street East, Richmond Hill :bis Year’s G rowth. H Sanderson 8: Sons Chemicals, Perfumery, a large stock of WW“ ' V - SURGEON DENszT, has » ~ removed to 87 King street East. Toronto. over H. J: (I. Blnchford‘s new shoe store Best. mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully rwoing all unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. LDsAssistant V V ' and Pharmaceutical Chemist. 35 Yonge Ynnge street Yorkvx'lle. Ontario, Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and English Pcrfnmery,English and Am arican Patent Medicines. Horse 11nd Cattle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of cverv description. ' Thankful or the favors of the pnst the years rr ay still be consulted in any hruuch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond I-Iill.... 9th dz 24th of each month (at Palmnr House) Aurom, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmm‘ket, ...... do Stmxï¬ville.. . ...... . . do Markham ............ . dc Victoria Square ...... do Thornhill ...... do Muplo ............ do \Vondbridge . do Kleinhmg ., do Nobleton do Anasbhntics as Nmous 0x1de, etc. ., used when ordered, and none but the best, material used Lefroy ................. Holland Landing Bond Hendw Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET, BRADFORD. The Doctor respc‘ctfully solicits attention to the new process of Filling Teeth with Hard Burnish- ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cas‘ns otherwise hopeless, can be effectually tmv‘ ~x, and the diseased tooth, however much decayed, may be completely built up with Solid Gnld, ind restored to its original size, shape and usefulnessd mcmrorm HILL, own, Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Lnngamï¬. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1579. 11 time of the Royal College of Physicians London, England. Consultation daysâ€"Monday and Thursday, forenoons. Residenceâ€"Weston. All the rest of the time any one who may require. his services will be sure of ï¬nding him at his oflice Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 ROMAN CATHOLIC»â€"Se1~vicee: Thomhill 11129 a m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 11,111; the following sundny at Richmond Hill at 9 11111 and Thornhill at; 10 30 a. 111, alternating w1th Mmkhum every 3rd Sunday HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhum .................. Vice-President DIRECT0Rs~Smnuel Plntt, M.P., Wm. Gooder ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucpherson, Senator. Walter S. Lee, Manager METHODISTâ€"Services at 10.30 a. m, and 6.801) m Sunday School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening, and Sunday School Teachers meeting and Bible Class on Fliduv evening, led by the pastor, Rev Mr McCallum. Asslstaut, Rev Mr Pickering $20,000, to loan on Mortgage or renlestmte at low race of interest. Transactions strictly private and conï¬dential, apply personally or-byllutter to the undersigned. J. K- Falconb-idge Richmond Hill. 12th Debeinber, 1878. Money recpwed on deposit. nn‘i .inleres payable bull yearly or compounded. ST MARY’S (EPIscopAL.)â€"Services at 3 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sucmmentm‘e held at 11 a. m Sunday School at 11.30 p 111 Rev B Shunklin, Rector Saving’s Bank BRANCH Hor-se shoeing done at $1 a. set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. VILLAGE Commmâ€" Reeve, Wm Trench ; Coun cillors, Maconaghy Ben Redditt, P G Savage, W Powell Clem, M Teefy Place of Business Just north of P Crosby, iEsq.. Yonge street, Richmond Hill MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o’clock. R E Law, Librarian. Lectures and discussions periodicnlm Rlcmuoxn HALL Comm'r BAND‘MBGtB for pmc A tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock JonN Powell, Leader Geo. STEPHENS AND H ORSE SHOER‘ RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23. G R C-« Meets in the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at. 8 o'clock, pm Isaac Crosby, W M DUNKX‘N ACTâ€"Central Committee meets at the call of the President in the Temperance Hall. Dr J N Reid. Thornhil],President ; John Sander aou,Richmond Hi1], Sec The Methodist Sabbath School Temperance Association issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm Harrison, Supt I)R. S. ’l‘YRRELL, LIOEN tints of the Rmml Cnllpgn of thm‘ninns \NZESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. RICHMOND L O L. N0 778â€"Meets in thev Tem~ pemnce Hall, on: be Friday on or before full moon, atS p m J H Sanderson, W M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No 465, I O G Ta Meets in the Temperanca Ha11,every Wednesday evening, at 8 o‘clock. Wm Harrison, '1‘ D PRESEYTERIANâ€"Muel’viceï¬ at 1130 n. m, ands 30 ’p m Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 730 Rev I Campbell. pastor W. ‘1 ram nvnfl J. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. March 21, )6 Sce our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Omceu the Comnnnv. The HERALD will ;,be furnished:â€" .4 copies for 6 3' 00 in advhu'cc 8 do ‘do ,5 50 '-do 12 do do ‘5 00 .do R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS mm iï¬imiw AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto General Blacksmith. Mortgages Bought Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS , MONEY T0 LOAN. ROBINSON, DISPENSING MONEY CHURCHES SOCIETIES ’g’ilcdiral. ï¬lmy. initial. 77. ADAMR, L.D.S., 9th of evil month 26th do 28th do Book, Stationerv and Fancy Goods Store, The Ointment' is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds Sores 11nd Ulcers of how- ever long standing For Bronchitis, Diptheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout. Rheumatism, and 1111 Skin Diseases it has no equal. I most respectfully take leave to call the a caution of the Public generally to the feet, the certain Houses 111 New York are sendmg 00 many pm Is of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of my â€Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. [In the books of directions Mixed to the spur- ious makeis n cmxtinnwaming the Publicagainsb being deceived by conuterfeitm Do not be misled bv this audacious trioâ€, as they are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. The Pills purity the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys und Bowels, and are invaluabla in all complaints incidental to Fam (Lies. I donot allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I have no ugauts there. My medicines are nnly made by me at 5-13. Oxford Street. London HE GREATEST WONDER O MODERN TIMES. These counterfeits nre urchnsed by unprinci- plcd Vendors m; one-half t e price of my Pills and Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines I most. earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which 1 fan] sure I may venture upon asking from all honorable persons, to assist me ,and the Pub 110,113 far as may lie in their power, in denoun tug this shameful Fraud. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Huioinan bears the British Government Stampwith tit words “ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMEN’I‘ LONDON," engraved thereon. 0n Ma‘label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, Lornox, when alone thev axe Manufactured. In use in the High and Public School All other kinds of Books kept constantly ‘on hand. Belts ; Baskets ;Bra1ds ; Brushes; Cards; Chromos ; Concertinas ; Croquet Sells :; Collars ; Dolls ;' Drums; Engravlngs ’rl‘he Tn‘do 'Mmks of these Mediaines are reg-113 tered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throu hout the British Posmions, who may keep the mericm Countedeï¬ï¬ for sale. will be prosecuted All Odd-d Street. London. :1... 1 ma SOHOOL ‘Hollovmy’s Pills and Ointment»; bearing any other address are coun- terfeits MILLING AN]! BYEINE IN ALI-1T2 BRANGHES. Q a , Q ROLL CARDING 83% IN RUNNING ORDER NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. Richmond Hill, Oct 22nd, 1879 Next door to pewsberry’s Harness shop. ENNNINN, SPINNING, ENSTNN} NNNNI Ginâ€"1 $3? .â€" 39 Wunl Batting, Yams, Ha, Ha, Always On Hand THOS H McNELLY Richmond Hill, Sept 11th 1879 BEWARE OF THE CHEAPEST BOOTS AND SHOES ALI. FARM PRUBUEE TAKEN AT MARKET PBIflES. \Vhile Returning Thanks for past favors, 1 would Respecpectv fully Solicit a Call. weary @We MEMEES & Mï¬cumm If you want to SAVE MONEY buy where you Noted for Cheap Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed For Sale at a small advance on Cost, A SPECIALTY. In Richmond Hill or any other Hi1}. the Cheapest for Cash. l[)RA[N TILE, OF mugging; QUALITY AT MIâ€"I KEEP-LEE Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good 8153131ng and 'thentive hostlor‘ Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Tmins going North and South, at 7.3 a. m, l p m 415 pm, and 7J5 D m. This Home is one of the Best Hotels to ‘bn found north of Toronto. Everything is mmmged in FirstCJuss Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Smbh’ng and attentive hostler. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill 'Bus leaves this House at 7.80 mm, for Tur- onto, and returning leaves Toronto at 3.30 p.211. The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL ONl‘.. can make money raster (Lt work tor us than at: anything else. Capital not mquimd: we will start you. $12 per day at homa made by tha industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TRUE dz Co..Anszusm.Maine. TD $6000 A YEAR, at $6 to $20 a. (my in your own locality, No risk‘ Women do as wall 1L3 men. Many _ make mom than the amount stated ulmve. Rn one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the Work. You can make from an cts to $2 an hour by devoting your awnings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing w try the business. Nothing like it. for money maxim: evcr offered before. Biminess pienswnt and strictly honorable. Rendvr, if you want to knowuil about tho best paying businms before the public , send us your address and We will send you full mirtieuim's and private terms free; samples with 555 Mm free; you can then make up your mind for yourself Address GEORGE STINSON dz 00.,A11gustu Maine. Cosgt'ove Bros, Prop‘s J‘ Palmer. Pr Avery Thursday Aftermma RICHMOND HILL «'08? TH: PALMER House, RICHMOND HILL, YORK HERALD Opposite ‘P. CVoaby-‘c Rm QUALITY A}: $331131 @mflv Only $1 a Year., Published BQOKS I JOHN BROWN THOS. NIGHTINGALE'S. ’Yorkvile can buy