Mr Card moves "Mr Bealu‘a‘h Rwanda and resolved thac’ 1h ‘ele‘l’k’ibe instructed to communicate w'ith‘ Messrs: Fervuson land Bum in respect t_o 1he claim 01' Hendersoh and Small nqlestlng t em Lto settle the sa111e,tl1ey huvmg received ,paymeut for the same and fowmd the letters of Henderson and Shulll {0 them. -â€"-Carrled. 7 _2. --....â€"._' 'v .0... v- A:'_"' __7‘,, son, 3dollars; Robert Kiniu'e‘e, 27 dol lars and ï¬lly cts , Donald McDonald 2 dollats. â€"Carried. Alexander Campbell,,$2 and 8.0 cts ; John McCague, 3525;; John Elliott, $1 and 25 cts ; SamuekSniderSlO and 32 cts ; David Smith,;§5_.and 10 cts; Wm Smith, 820 and 4S;9ts.. To Wm C Patterson..~fbr, two ‘ shirts fox John Davidson, 32 ; John 'Keys. )4 weeks board and lodgings aLJIrs Owens, 81.50 per week, 331 095.31 M ‘Lawreni ce, for A Bodell and 1wvif'e', $4 00 ; J M Lawrence, for John: Graves“ special grant $4 ,- Mr Abrahams, of Wood. bridge, lump sum 85 ;~ Wm Patteison, for James Hall, 36; Mrs J Lund, fune’r al expenses Thompsous ï¬ie childien $30 00 ,John Langstuï¬iv for Jane Espy $20 00 ,â€"â€"Carried Moved by Mr Lubiï¬el‘w ‘secflndpdby Mr Nattress that We Treasurer be anclia hereby authormed to, pay the following sheep clarmsl' being tn'o- thirds of the amount of Said claim, ’to \Ir. Munshaw the sum Off$ï¬. (SQ TQarried. Mr Card moved, Mr NuttreSs sécOn'd- :ed, and resolved that Stlxis Council re- mmeud to the Council of 1880 to mmute the Statute Labor of Robert MoNair, for one year, provided he opens a ditch of sufliéient capam‘t'y'. ‘ to Carry the water ofsideroad in 1st, Con. bet- ween lots 50 and 51 â€"Carried A Sheep claim, amounting .-tq $1.0 wa_s_pres_ented» _by _§\7mA~DluuԤl1aW._ _ __ Moved by Mr Lahmer,- seconded by Mr Nattress, that Lhefl-‘reasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the follow- ing road accounts usw-tcertiï¬cd, by ,the Road Commissioners in v their respective icts : -. f Patterson 8; 1310.342 and- 64 cts , Robert Benson 34 find 50 cts Henry Rumble, $2 and 50 01’s; Wm Rumble, 88 and 30 cts , Arch d‘Pranice $1nnd IO cts , D S Reaman $30; John Lyons 88. DIs'rmC'T" N0. 3 . J D Elder, $2 :{Ind‘I70 his; \V 'J‘ Eur- gess, $7 and 50 cts ; Benj. Kaiser, 5544; W J Burgess, $1“"f"land' 97 cis ;' John Billijflgnï¬l’} and EQActS; A'Ifch'd Patter- Mr Reaumn moved, Mlz Cn‘rd sc'cond ed, and resolved that the clerk be in- structed to sett‘e the claim of Cameron McMichael and Hoskms as best he can -â€"Carried. ; From Dr McConnell and 17 others asking further aid for John Graves, in- digent. Mbved by Mr Beanmn; .éeconded by Mr Card, that the Treasurer he and is hereby authorized m pay to the follow- ing undermemioned persons the followmu sums for charitable purposes : wFrom James Malloy ar'id 12 others taking the Council to pay th'e funeral expenses of Mauassah‘ Thompsons ï¬ve children. Moved by Mr Lahmer, seconded by Mr Card, that the Treasurer be, and is hereby authorized to pay Duncan Mc- Mullan the sum (#331 75, as an extra grant to Dou gal McAHan, indigent, for making vest and shirt. ~Car1ied.‘ From John Wllliams and 11 others asking aid for Andrew Bodell 'and wife, indigents. From VViIliam Lansdcll and-12 others asking aid for James Hall in- igent. From James Keedwell, andéflo others asking aid for James Abrahami, in'dig- ent. , A communication ’th réa'd from Messrs. Henderson and Snider, to R Harrison, Osler and Moss Moved by Mr Renman, seconded by Mr Card, that. Mr Patterson s time fo_r collecting be extended to the twenty- ninth day of Decembél 1880, and that Charles Nixon s time be extended to the same date. -â€"Carried. ed: The Reeve in 'the chiifF rMembers present Messrs. Card, thtness Rea- m . and Lahmer e minutes of last mmihg were .and on motion adoptéd. The following petitions were present- Moved by Mr Nattrcss. seconded by Mr Lahmer, that, the Trpasurer be _and is hereby authqr-izcd t'o réf'imd ‘ the fol lowing do" tax to the collector: W [1'] vnnï¬mnb and LHWT'â€TT:T >7~ Wm Ash, 1 dog, 1 dollar; Gcmwe Ash, 1 dog, 1 dollar ,3 II D1y, 1 dog, I dollar ; Thomas Henry, 2 dogs, 2 dol- lars ; Richard Lebar, 1 dog, 1 dollar; Wm Leadbeaher, 1 'bitch, .2 dollars ; James Paul: L dogfl rdolla'r ; Joseph Roan, 1 dog, 1 dollar ; Thomas Step:- man, 2 dogs 2 dollars; Donald Mc- Eachern 1 dog, 1 dollar Robert Earls, church property 2 dollars and 15 em; Levi Barton, 1 dog. 1 dollar; 'l‘homas Pearson 1 dog, 1 dollar; Wm Lyons 1 dog 1 dollar; Robt. Door, 1 dog,1 dollar; Thomas Clany, ST 1 dollar and 50 cts Donald McKay,y 1 bitch, 2 dollars ; 'Wm Canal dog, 1 dollar ; Laughlan Cameron, 1 dog; "1 dollar; Thomas Hilliard 1 dog. 1 dollar; Tolm Jeï¬eries, 1 dog 1 dollar; D McDonald 1 dog, Idollar ;Jon‘athan Wilkinson, 1 dog, :11 dollar; Thomas Munsey,1 dog: 1 dollar; Wm. Bissell, return tax, 94 cts.â€" Carried. Moved by ’Mr Reaman; seconded _by Mr Lahmer, that the élefk ls hereby in stmcted to get. 400 copies of the min- utes of this Council for the present year printed for d1stril311tiqn. â€" Carried_. Mbved by Mr 03rd, secbnd‘éd by Mr. Reamnn, that the’ Treasurer be and Is hereby awhonzed to pay J A Stewart. the sum of $2 50 forp printing 70 halt The Municipal Council of the 'Tovyn 3111p of Vaughau.. met. at it’ï¬Ã© .' Town Halpl on Wednesday tLe 121k 1-day of Deg-ember, 187 9, at 10 a. 'm.. , Vaughan Township Council. - Moved by Mr Nattress. seconded by Mr Lahmery, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to purchase a new receipt book for his use.â€"-Carried DISTRIQT No. '2 DISTRICT NO‘ BENEFIT ' SBEEETY ! 3 The courts have decided thut rofusingz to take newspupurs or periodicals from the post ofï¬ce, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is primu szCie evidence of intentional fraud. The great vuluo of beneï¬t societies to n11 clas- sas whodopend upon their personal efforts for the Support-0f thcmsolves and their families, is now universally recognized. '1 his Society presents two distinguishing f a1ures:â€"~ Isl~SmaHnPss of Cost. 2nd The satisfactory secuxity afi‘ulded to mr~mhers.- “Full particuinrs obtained from 2. If u person orders his paper discontinued he must pn‘y n11 nrreuvrs, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, mud than collect the whole amount, Whether the paper is taken from the oflice or not. Head Oï¬ice,â€" Sarnia, Ontario. PREST DENT,ï¬H(m Alexander Vidal, Sena! or. 'IRE\SU1{11R-â€"WM J. Gmd, Sec.- “038. . Lumhtou P B & I Societv. MANxGM. & SIMETAuYgâ€"WM J Kenya, Uflicinl Agsignee. Agent for the 'J'ownéhirs of Mmkhum V uugflnm “hitchnxch and Km}, Dr J lS Lan' zslafl‘, Medical Referee- Dec 9,1879 1. Any person who takes 11.17an) 1cgulmlv f1 0111 11.11051; uflice \xl1nthe1 directed in 111s mune or [mothers ()1 whcthm he has subsuibed or not, is responsible 1'01 1111\11101113. This Soriety is organized Ior the purpose or en abliug persons betwmu 16 mm GU yours of age, by becmninq members, to make provision for old zlgv, und in case of denthï¬o socm‘e sum nfnimiov to their widows and m‘phun childrmL or to other rielutiw-s or persons dependent on the'm; and to secure to each 'member of the Beneï¬t Brunch, medical attendance and a weekly allownnce. in case of sickness or accident. disabling hill from doing his usual wurk. GEO CHANTLER. Bruce Railway Company will apply to the Legiuatnre of the Province of Ontario at the next session thereof, for nn {wt to amend the severalActs reluting to the Hnid Company, for the pnxpose of ennbling the Municipalities on the Mnin Line to ()rangeville and vicinity who may assist the Ruilwuy to elect a. Director, and the same on theflVcstern Division from ()mnwville to Tcoswnter. una to'ennble the loinpuny and any Municipnlity 0r Municipalities, Bnndholders and others to raise money (Llld otherwise to inuhc such urrunfloments us may he nocossury UT m1- visuble for the purpose of reconstructing mnl rcAequixming the Ruilwny on n, guugo of four feet eight and a half inches (4 ft. 8.3 in.) and for all other purposes that nniy be requisite or advis- able in consequence.“ such change Qf gnnge 11nd work connected therewith. And for: power to 6113019 the Company to build 1L branch from a point on their Railway to {L point nt;~in-,-01~ near the Town of \Vinghmn, in the County of Huron. TORONTO GREY & BRUCE RY. NOTICE 1291* W; H Beauty Solicitor for the Company. Toronto, November 1111), 1879. Came into mvmemisea about 3 months ago A R111) HE IF ElK, coming 3 years Old next spling. any person owning same Will take her away and pay expeusqs.‘ ' Wm‘ Partersbn‘, 2 dollars and 50 cts ; Isaac Murrav, 2 dollars and 50 cm ; Mrs Walker 5 dollars ; Mr b‘m’der, bal- ance, 10 dollars.â€"Carried.' I 1- BUILm 11 Slim-,woml 41110011 Vaughan, Special nttlmtion given to :51 nix- liuilldln :2. I’uncbnal attention will be given to 11110111015. Address Maple P. O. lSyLaw No. 387 was then passed, appointing Deputy Returning ofï¬cers for holding: the Municipal Elections for 1880 as follows: Polling Sub Div No. 1 C Hollingshead L A W CONCERNING NE WSI’A PER S iness a trial without expense. The. best opportunity ever offered for those will- ing to work. You should trv nothing else until you see for yourself what you mm do at the l>us~ incss We offer. No room to explain here. You cm) devote all your time or only your Spare time to the business, and make grout pay for every hour that you work. \Vomen make as much as men. Send for special private terms and parti- culars: which we mnil free, $5 outï¬tfree Imn’t complain ofhnrrl times while you have such 0. (illmnce. Address H. HALLETT 6: C0,, Portland tune. I; ' A VICEh in your own town, unanr capital risked. You can give the bus- pain in the, Back, Dimnoss of Vision, Prenmturc 01d ago, and manyother diseases that loud to insanity con- sumption and a premature grave, [5.1" Full pur- ticulurs in our Pamphlet which We desire to send freé by mail to every one. , Moved by Mr Nattress, seconded by Mr Card that the ’lreasurer be and 18 hereby authorized to pay the following named road commissioners the follow- ing sums; STRAY HEIFER TRADE MARK TheGrentRng»TRADE MARK H1511 Remedx 161111 unfailingcurefor 89111111111 “’9qu nessï¬per‘nntorrâ€" hen, 1111potency, and 11111 diseases that follow as {L sequence of self Abuse as loss of Before TakingM'm‘â€? WV“ After Taking snl_ Lnssibhde, The Speciï¬c Medicineis sold by 11,11 Druggist at$l pe’r pnckuge, or six packages f0! 55, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, THE GRAY MEDICINE 7 Co, Moved by Mr Card, seconded by Mr Reaman, that-1' the Reeve is hereby authorized to put up notices on the -nd Con. opposite Lot 27 forbidding all pqrtics removing sand ofl'the road allow- ance. â€"Car1‘ied,D Tomnto, Ont†Canada. NB. â€"The demands of our business have noâ€" cessitated our removing to Toronto, to which place pleaseaddress all future communications 380111 in Richmond Hill by 8.11 druugists, and everywhere in Canada and the United States 11Who!ea&le and retail druggists GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! sheet Nomination and Election posters â€"-â€"Carried. KEFFER, CONTRACTOR A N1 , O BUTTJHRR,glxm'wnml 4th {‘rm Vnnnhnn grew gdmrtismncnfz. )lling Sub Div.No.1 C Hollingshead “ '2 A 1’ Conger “ “ “ 3 E Whitmore “ “ “ 4 J P Rupert. †“ “ 5 Jol.n Watt “ “ . “ 6 Charles Nixon “ †‘ “ 7 John, McCague “ (I (t 8 John McUaHum The Council then adjourned sine die. CANADA ROYAL OF I? ICERVS : BUTTONVILLE, ONT 7 7361111 ’ Johnson. Lot 31, 3 Con Vaughan the Toronto Grey and HEREB Y GIVEN that Every department complete. Groceries, such as Teas, Sugars and 1‘ nuts, we sell as cheap or cheaper than any House in the village, or at, least we think so, therefore call and see for yourselves. 1s prepared for it with a large assortment of Goods suitable for Christmas and New Year’s Presents Fancy ’Dry Goods! PROOF HQUSE PULLINE AND DYEINB IN ALLITZ BRANEHES. 3% ROLL CARDIN G a†Reynolds 39 Newton. Richmond Hill, Oct 22nd, 1879 Richmond Hill, Dec.18th 1879 Eflï¬ï¬ll‘fl}, SPENWINE, L'IlSTllM WHAVIWE, Wunl Batting, Yarns, £10., Etc" Always [In Hand. THOS H McNELLY Richmdhd Hill, Sept 11â€). 1879. IN RUNNING ORDER ALI. FARM PRUBUEE TAKEN AT MARKET PRIBES. LARGE THE CHEAPEST BOOTS AND'SHOES While Returning Thanks for past favors, I would Respecpeet- fully Solicit a Call. THE LEADING Grocery Store If you want to SAVE MONEY buy where you can buy Noted for Cheap Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed. Is now here, and the IN STAPLE AND A SPECIALTY. RECEIVED AT In Richmond Hill or any other Hill. the Cheapest for Cash. ISAAC CROSBY. JOHN BROWN FIRE RICHMOND LODGE, A. F & A M, No 23 G R Câ€" Meets 1n the Lodge Boom, Masonic Hall on the Monday on or be are full moon at 8 oclock, pm Isaac Crosby, W M MECHANICS INSTITUTEâ€"Library of over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. R E Law Librarian. Lectures and discussions periodical“ RICHMOND Ham Comm'r BANDâ€"Meets for pm tice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7.30 o'clock JOHN Powell, Leader RIOHMONDLOL, N07 78_Meets in the Tom- perance Hall on. he Friday on or before full moon, ats p In J H Sanderson, W M. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No 465, I O G Tâ€" Meets in the Temperance H2111 ,every ’Wednesduy evening, at 8 o clock. Wm Hunison, T D The Methodist: Sabbath School Temperance Association issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired, \Vm Harrison, Supt VILLAGE 'CoUXCILâ€"Reeve, Wm Trench ; Conn cillors, Muconaghy Ben Reddict, 1’ G Savage, W Powell Clerk, M Teefy ST MARY’S‘(EPIscorAL.)~Scrvices at 3 p m, ex- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 n m Sunday School at 11.30 p 111 Rev B Shunklin, Rector HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhum .................. Vice-President DancTons~Sumuel Plate, M.P., Wm. Gooder ham, Geo. W. Lewis, T1105. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mecpherson, Senator. J. K. Falconb‘Idge Richmond Hill. 12th December, 1878. DUNKIN ACTâ€"Central Committee meets at the call at the'President in the Temperance Hall. Dr J N Reid, ThornhilLI’resident ; John Sunder son,1lichmond Hill, Sec METHODISTâ€"Services at 10.30 a m, and 6.30 p m Sunday School at 2 30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday evening, and Sunday School Teachers meeting and Bible Class on F1 iduv evening, led by the pastor, Rev Mr McCullum. Assxstant, Rev Mr Pickering p m Prayer meeting on Thursday" Evening? 53. 730 Rev I Campbell, pastor Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 Saving’; Bank Money received on deposit, and interes payable half yearly or compounded. tinte of the Royal College of Physicians London, England. Consultation (luvsâ€"Monday and Thursday, forenoona. Residenceâ€"Weston. . ROMAN CATHOLICâ€"Serviceï¬ : Thornhill am a m and Richmond Hill at 10 30 am ; the following guuday at Richmond Hill at 9 am, and Thornln'u at 10 30 a m, alternating with Markham every 3rd Sunday Sre our reduced loan table. For flu ther information apply at at the omces the Commmv. Walter S. Lee. Manager $20,000, to loan on Mortgage or renlostate at low rate of interest. Transactions strictly private and conï¬dential, apply personally or by letter to the undersigned. RICHMOND HILL, 0NT., Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Laugstaï¬. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879. Thankful or the favors of the pnst the years rr ay still be consulted in any branch of the pro fessiou, as follows : Richmond Hill... . 9th & 24th of each month (M Palmer House) Aurora, Est, 8th, 16th, and ï¬nd do Newmurket, ...... , do Smuffville.. . r10 Markham ...... dc Victoria Square do Thornhill ...... do Maple ...... do Woodbridge ...... do Kleinburg. do Nobleton do Axmsbhemcs, ne Nm out: Oxule. etc., used when ordered, and none but the bush material used Lefroy Holland Landing Bond Head... All the rest of the time any one who may require his servicas will ba sure of ï¬nding him at his oflice MONEY; The Doctor respectfully solicits attention to the new process of Filling Teeth “ith Hard Burnish- ed Gold, By this beautiful operation, cases otherwise hopeless, can be effectually trentah, and the diseased tooth, however much decayed may be completely built up with Solid Gold, and restored to its original size, shape and usefulnessd ‘ ESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. [mm ‘ ‘ - SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & C. Blachford's new shoe store Best minernl teeth inserted in :1. manner to suit each patient. I‘mrticulm‘ attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth carefully twoiug 3.11 unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. LDsAssismnt. V V ' and Pharmaceutical Chemist, 35 Yonge Yonge street. Ym‘kvillo. Ontario. Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs and Chemicals, French and Vingliezh Perfmnery,Englishand American Patent Medicines, Horse and Cnvttle Medicine, and Drug- gist sundries of cvcrv description. Geo. STEPHENS AND H ORSE SHOER‘ Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. . we ram nvad W. S; Place of Business just north of P Crosby, Esq., Yonge street, Richmond Hill PRE SBYTERIM: 'Sorviceqflt 1139 [L m, upds 30 March 21, hi†J. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. glé‘il‘lage éflia‘mmg The HERALD will be furnished:â€" 4 copies for 3 3 00 in advance 8 do do 5 50 do 12 do do 8 00 do R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST, VISITS Opposite Algeo’s Hotel, HOLLAND STREET. BRADFORD Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, ’i‘oridnto. General Blacksmith. R. S. 'I‘YRRELL, LICEN BRANCH Mortgages Bought '5. ROBINSON. DISPENSING MONEY T0 LOAN. Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS , CHURCIâ€"IES MONEY SOCIETIES gflcdiml. $101123. 37.3mm. ADAMS, L.D.S., 9th 01 ennh month 26th do 28th do HA! HA HA! Has not yet visited the Hill, but knowing that his patrons were anxiously expecting him, he sent his grandson; a regular chip 6fthe old block, out to the TO «GOOOAYEAR, or 35' to $20 a any in your own localitv. No risk Women do as well :18 men Minx make more than the amount stated abuvo. no one can fail to I11 uke money fast. Any one c1111 do the Work. You can make from 50 cts to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money maxing ever offered before. Business pleasant and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want to know all about the best paying business before the uhlic , send us your address and We will sen you full particulars and private terms free; ssmpl with $5 aim f1 ’9 y ou can then make u? """"" V1 0... .9. A.ll_....- “LNDIX Per Palmer’s Flying Express, and Proctor’s Lightning? Catcher. and authorized us to announce the man up on the‘ Hill, who claims to be Sole Agent, as a Prevaricator. Says Old Santa “Revare of such fellars. mien frens, and patronize those who advertise mit the Herald. l’m booked for your’ town soon. Expect me (3hristmas Eve. Go und see niie‘na leetle Grandson at the Herald Store.†Holiday Goods to suit every one, and don’t you forget if. Every .nortal thing that the eye can desire, or the heart wislf for. Come in and sp :nd a few moments looking at the stock; regardless of time or money. Remember the only and 'ori'g.’ inal Grrndson of Santa Claus now on Exhibition. Lending Library at the HERALD Book Store. Call and see. Cheap reading of all the standard works out“ mind for yourself†Address GEORGE TINSON & CO.,Angustn. Maine. SANTA HERALD OPPOSITE CROSBY’S STORE HE GREATEST WONDER O MODERN TIMES. The Pills purity the Blood, corrects all disorders of the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment {a the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how~ ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Dipcbeï¬n, Coughs, Colds, Gout. Rheumatism. and all sun Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST nn AI’J'Y‘V A m I most reapect-fully mko leave to call the a. mention of the Public generally to the fact, tbs. certain Houses in New York are sending to many parts of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds born: on their labels some address in New York. I donot allow my medicine to be sold. in [my part of the United States. I have no agents there. My medicines are only made by me at 533, Oxford Street. London In the books of directions afï¬xed to the spur- ious mmkeis IL cuution,wnrning the Public against being deceived by conuterfeits. Do not be misled bv this audacious tricb, as they are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. These counterfeita are purchased by unprinci- pled Vendors at one-half the price of myl’illn and Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines I most earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which I feel sure I mu y venture upon asking from all honorable persons, to assist me, and the Pub- 1ic,nsmr as may lie in their power, in dnnoun ing this shameful Fraud. Each Pot and Box of tho Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp, with the words “ HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. 0n the label is the address, 533. Oxvom) STREET, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. Holloway‘s Pills and Olntments baurlng any other address are coun- terteitsr The Trade Marks of those Medicines are rats tered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throu hout the Brisish Poasessions, whq may keep the madam Counterfeits for sale,‘wul) be 11th 563 Oxford Street. London,» Jan 1 1M0 QUALITY A}: MODERN TIMES WWS’E} SEE £9333! THOS. NIGHTINGALEH , With a large consignment of Yorkvilo Jas Bethune Q C‘ N \V deIes. U TEES. Attorneys. Solicitofs-inbï¬Ã©ibéljy. etc†64 Adelaide street East; (opposite the Court} Houseb, Toronto. Amrmcn Bow/rmm. WM; Won‘ï¬s “VAT'X‘; Barristers, Attorneys-ubLmï¬, [Solicitorsâ€"ma Chancery, Conveyancersmtc.’ Oflicesâ€"Impoï¬al' Bank Buildings, Wellington str'eét, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BARN. ‘ V WM. SETON Gonnou, ‘ (hm-F. Saunas? l8 4;. 20 King Street,’ wast, fo‘i’vonto‘: FergUson, Bairi, CordrÃ©ï¬ I: Sh’l’plow BARRIS'I £123,526 Bethune, Moss. Falconbridge‘ AND HOYLES; Mortgages bought and séld‘. ‘Far'mx-i bought‘ and sold, or rented. Insurance eï¬ected,&c. 6w; Ofï¬cial Aasiguoeknenl Estate Agént, Convey; nnce’r,‘ Bro’kez‘,‘ &c.,‘ &c.,’ Toronto: This Houseis one of the Best Hotels to ‘ found north of Toronto. Ever thing is mans. in FiraLCIass Style. Sample com for Comma! cial Travellers. Good Stabling and attentlvd hostIer. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmomi Hill ’lea leaves this Housenat 7.80 a..m., Int 'l‘ovrJ onto, and retu‘r‘ning leaves Toronto at 8.30 pm. Moï¬Ã©y t6 Lend if new ï¬st‘éé‘; OULTBEI‘ &EVATT.~ BARRTSv '1‘ F. HR QHnrn mv: Q, .:1 "How" 4.. raw..-“ The Robin Hood E‘Ofiéi, RICHMOND HILL, .1 Palmer; Proï¬ Excellent accommodation {of 11116 Public. Good stabling and attentive hustler. Ptocmt'l Bud le’mves this Hotel to connect with all the N B B Tmins going North and South, at 7.3 a. m, l p m' 415 pm; and 735 D In; TH : PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HI'L-L 0mm Cosgrove' Bt‘os‘, Piépgd anything else. Cavital not required; we wil start you. $12 per day at home made by flu‘ industriguï¬. Men, women, bbya .and girl‘ wanted cvetywhe e to_work for us.. Now in ,tho‘ time. CostIv ou ï¬t and terms fl'eo'. Addroli TRUE & 00.. Augusta.Maine. “ can make mo'ney taster at .wo‘rk for us than: a. YORK " HERALD M. HKEEFLER Every Thursday Afternoon RICHMOND mm 01?! QEF‘ICE,â€"~Victoriu Chambers, 9 Victoria: straw NORTH op SCOTLAND CHAMBERS,- JAMES GORM'LEY'; Oppbsilé I". Ufbsbfi égï¬mt'ei @Wï¬ï¬; Only $1 5 Yeah ï¬ubiished P. a. Box 2627'; 21V dwgul. C Mosï¬â€˜, W C‘Fal‘conliri'd‘go' WBzu'wick, A BAyl‘éswnrth'