Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 Dec 1879, p. 5

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RIEKMDNB HILL POST BPPIEE Guing South, West and East, includ: ing maple, Thomhill, Toronto Markham, &c., Going Nm’th Going South. East and ”West (as above) M; 7:00 N.B.~~'Rogisteyed Lottm‘s must be hundodin at 10am; L‘il‘toon Minutes earlier than the nhm‘o mentioned hours for cloning. Rit'lmmnd Hill Post Office, M. TEEFY May 191111550. Postmaster POST OFFICE NOTICE Full Lines Ready Made Clothingâ€"~Reynold'a & NL‘wtun West York Ag. Societyw Joel Romnnn Vaughan Ag Society Joel Remnmx Pin» and Ointment~Thos Holloway ACCOUNTSâ€"Parties indebted to ihis aficx’for adrertishzgjo?) work, and subscriptions, will wnflr a farm by paying (he same. No exeitnment here on election day. Mr'iVm Trench, being elected bv ac- clnmetilm for Reeve,lessened the interest generally taken in affairs of this kind. The old Council were returned with the exception of Mr I Crosby, who declined running . His place at. the Council Board will be well and ably filled by Mr John Snnderson, tl‘e new member. The following are the names of the candi- dates. and the number of' votes polled by each. William l’ugsley, 97 ; Ben-- jumia lledditt, 84; Christopher Dunâ€" cumb, 72 ; John H Sanderson, G4 ; Ilenrv Hopper, jr. 5‘.) : Alexander Moodte‘ 49 ; Thomas J Dobson, 9. THURSDAY. JAN. 6, 1880. tun] further notice, Mails will be closed at the It, will be seen that the members of the old Council polled the largest number of votes, and still possess the confidenCe of the ratepayers. Both M<ssrs [1 Upper and Moodie polled u very fair vote, but. did not “get there” in time. “’8 are inâ€" formed that Mr Dobson requested his friends not to vote for him, which will account for the small number he polled. l: is pleasing to notice that there were no spoiled or rejected ballots. It is creditable t0 the e'ectors that such is the case. when in nearly every other Municipality. there are dozens of voters Who do not possess enough intelligence 1I.) mark the bullets properly. We feel confidelit llmt the public affairs will be well managed by the new Council. VM‘GIIAN.â€"-I’move. Thompson Pner‘; 1st Dupuly Ieeve, William Cook: 2nd De} - my Reeve, 1mm: antruss: 3rd Deputy Heme. Daniel Rt‘uman. Councillorâ€"A. 1L ifu‘xloy. Yunxvnmr-will be found in another (mlnmn. 'l‘oxuMo.â€"Ald. Close pollml 2.070 votes for Muycr, McMuri'iL-k pulled 4,l25 voles, nml lirinon 589. Giving McMurricli a lnujdl‘lly ol' l,la')5 votes. Youx To“ NEHlPâ€"l‘bl‘ Reeveâ€" Henry Duncan, Bl}! ;A. L. Willson, 399. Council- lor ~Dollery, 743 ; Slicppmd, 374. Al‘noiuâ€" Reeve. Mr. Ashton. Councill- ms~llu1lierfo:d, Pearson, Warren, and Nichols. MARKIIAM 'I‘ovasmr.-â€"The old Council were all returned. STUC1‘1‘V11.1.E.-â€"-Reeve.James Dourvher- 15.0(1u11C6Ho15â€"d. J. 1a10,I{..I.Daley, J. U1quhm1 and \\ illiam Somervilie. V\"'"1111(111ch Tuwxsmv~Reexe J. C. T111113y.]s1 D11u1y Home W.Jm11i(lsnn ; 21.111)<:1\ulyl’ueve L. . Hmlman. Counâ€" c1Hurs -â€"-J I1wi11, C. B10ddy. Nuwmumu'râ€" Mnyor, Wm. Cane; Reeve. .15. Jackson (nod); Deputy Reeve, 'J‘. H Lloyd. Councilloxs~Johnson, (Janton Cane. lives, Gui”, Dr. Rogers. Guscoigne, Hutch croft, Spenser. HOLIA\D lmxnncâ€"Jieeve H. H 'I‘hulzm. Councillmsâ€" E. A Denne. \\ m Lunv, Wm. Mackenzie, and James Hui”). S:1111de1'.s Is! I)C1.);l'ose1~ 21d Dap (301111 (‘illmsI .. Mossnhcoige V 4111- and Allaslings. .. Building prospects for the villnoe for ddsqem 816’ very good. 1’l1e pioperly just nmth of liosednle, buugln by Messus L'Jgai Iiilchie and ull'1grs, is to he laid L111 111 0116‘ two 01‘ Il1r(’e hue lols in gel clear of City gmdvn lot ('Xt-mpllons. 1.;1 lLC-IL’. is no doubt it will be all sold and lwilt up an the expense ,(11' Rosedulo, and \1 re may expect a new \illagc at Deer Park 10 the injmy of'cm‘ traders. Alre’ndy they have-:1 post office. number glmi’cll. and as good a SXOIC as there is in len'ille. CLOILGleâ€"Ilnevo, J. R. Stevenson; Deputy Reeve, IV. Hem-y, Councillors-â€"~ Jas MvClvllun, R. J. liiu‘delll and Thomas A rmsuong. BRUC}; Towns!“râ€"~Rcevo. Cunmghum ; 3 151 Uexuly, Amev; 2nd Deyu 3, 131mm.- ( UlmigiHOIS-Sl John m d Baild. _Sunxnt~lleem Youxl;:.(mu1(,i’lOls" v - billesnie ludd, McBeIh, and Culw.eH (:9 Uxm:mul~:â€"â€"Rcevc- J. J. Gould. Cnuncil- lolsâ€"l‘l. D. Campbell, J. Smmnerville, Michael Views, and Wu). Cruwfmd. PARRDALEâ€"Tllu elections xesultcd in llxe Lâ€"aleclion of Major Gruv as Reeve. The folluwing COULCIllUrS zâ€"Messrs. (Tlmrlt-s l'mukisl), J. T. llmmpsnu, U. A, Walker, and llwnms (elm; The ratepayers are satisfied.“ the result ()fthe Vinnicxpml Eit'clions. The Council (0 sisla lhis yvm of Mmsxs Gibson. Reeve; S: undernc; Is! I)_o1.,) 1' 05 e1 2rd Dup. (Jouu The brickmukers have taken out more clayihis war than ever was known, so work will be lively xlwre. ‘ _We hope the Magdalen Asylum Inmates will be’rem‘oved in the Manner lnslllule. the ratépayers on Bewrly‘rslreet complain that their properly Is'jniur'ed and depreciat- fd- Thé building iv'lll‘lixulée it good infants ill 5136‘ ”(Inc 311011: gtmm. NEW ADVERISEMENTS Municipal Elections l‘ Fran ow'fowlg Coz‘z'cépundcn t.) Richmond Hlll. Ont. Yorkville Notes. MORNING RICHMOND HILL EVENING A S FOLLOH‘S lus to walk round and amongr them as if'l Ithey had been a herd of cattle. Several ‘of the best animals were either gray or spotted in face and legs. We had some 'conversation with a ram, by no means a ‘large one, and he allowed us to measure ihim. His head was 16 inches in length ; length of‘nose to insertion of tail, 5 feet {4 inches, and his girth was the same. A score of fine ewe lambs were in another field, and some magnificent tups in the ‘ barnyard ; where Were also a number of‘l very nice shorthorn calves, some of which .it. would require hundreds of' dollars to purchase. The pure Berkshire pigs land fine Dot-king fowls, hardly call for mention in connection with the larger an- ‘imals. It is strange to think, and a wonderful instance of the power of eulâ€" itivation in modifying nature that these great, slow, imposing animals, with their {long and heavy fleeces are deeentled from the same triginal as the active, graceful, high blooded Southdowns, with short, close. and fine woolâ€"Mr. Marsh is ‘somewhat at a disadvantage, having had all his buildings destroyed by fire when ' he was just on the point of erecting a ' house, which has in conscquence been 1 fostponed ; yet he posseses many of the finest and purest Southdown sheep on ‘ this Continent, and so careful and weli "did he lay the foundations of his flock {and so scrupulously has he secured its ' lpurity: that. for some years he has held .the very fi:st rank among sheep breedâ€" '_ers. Any one who wishes to learn ab‘ :‘xolute perfection, could not do better I ‘ than visit Lorridge Farm. and see the " two shearling ewes bred by the Prince of Wales, at Sandringham, the two fine old Stone ewes that cost Mr. Marsh 3150 the 5 head for which he paid $800, and other animals of renown. There are lhomebred ewes here almost or quite as good as the imported ones. One Middle sized 2â€"shear ram is next to impossible to beat for perfection of points and qual» ;ity, and a little ram lamb is nearly as "good. The land in this part of the 3itownship is level and very rich and bet- :ter adapted to long wooled sheep than to ’ l the active Downs. ~....â€".=_.= Mr J. Cuppage says, in the Orillia Packet :â€" Having lately been down Yonge-Strcet, we took the Opportunityofinspecting two of the great sights of Ontario, or we may say Canada. We allude to the stock farms of Messrs. Russell and Marsh of Markham. Mr. Russell has some exâ€" cellent shorthorn cattle, but his fame is chiefly derived from his Cotswold sheep, of which he has one hundred head. We found 73 ewes in one field, and as every individual was firstâ€"rate: it required a considerable time to examine them, How- ever, they gave every facility, permitting: But all has not to go so quietly. Though the vast army has not invaded Iour villaoe, still we hear around us the ‘Isound of the meat White Elephant, mounted and guided by Phipps followâ€" ed by the great local train fully tesoltâ€" led to scatter to atoms the 1’. R. Syndiâ€" ',cate and to makea grand march to- 1 wards openintr up the historical Neebing I Hotel, and all the Foster contracts etc. 1 and ce1tain that the lion 3 share of the cost will fail upon 011ta1io. Would not our M. P. P. be well employed 1n obtain- in;y justice fox 0111 own settleis, who me rohbed of timber that would produce for ‘ tilt: 111 a small amount of ready cash in the day of need ? But as it was in the Ipast, so will it now be, the true Grit, lender the 1nes111e1ic influence of his Imeat leader, will go to slumber, and Ripâ€"vanâ€" Winkle like 1n 1891 will open his eyes to see Sir John travelling over the Rocky Mountains and through the ‘111onnt.ain passes ofB Columbia, at the rate of 50 miles per hour, to addtess ‘and congmtulate his constituents on the gr rand etent of the completion of the great, highway, and all these great ovations of' the Opposition leaders will Ithen be to them as a dose of laughing Christmas has again come and gone, with all its good cheer, but it- has been somewhat quiet without the merry jingle of the sleigh-bells. The lmpU‘y New Yearhas been more fortunate for a jovial sleigh-ride, though there is but little snow, and very little excitement. Even the election of the Deputy Reeves 3 .d Councillms, seems only to cause .a little amusement, surely a happy state for the electors to be in. Our viHnge is very quiet since New Year's, Not much sllr on Monday, elec- tion day. In Ihc evening qnile a crowd of people gathered around the stores, to hear the return of the polls. II proved sulisfuc- lory In snfile,and to others (be OppDSHB. Bu: Efectioxm are like the weather, we have to take them as they come. Our Selim i 'mezing hick place last m 1k “llf‘ll Mr 'l‘hnmis F Wallace “as elected husloe in'place (it, Mr Reunmu, who resign- ed. They had quite a lively discussion on School matters. Mr Card was out canvassing for the reform candidate on Monday, -"quile clu'eliy.” Mrs Snider turned up main. but dissnppmued about as quickly, mud her “lnw'oalmuls is not known at prvseut. Hm! leslnicxi: ms intend having a "r enhccll on the 20Ih inst “ No shighing of any account. Uur M. 1’. went to Ottawa again Monduy. The Wor. D D G. Muster. visns Sheets- ville on'luesday- to Stoufi'vme, on Wedâ€" nesddy; lo Gncminu on 'lbuxsdny, and lo Mink 1mm, on hiduy. Zexinnd 110ng, Toronto, intend holding a. cunversazione :ullonicullurul gardens this month. ‘ Upha Lodge. Pmkdalo, will be (onse- waif-.1 €11 . :u Felnumv. Thoroughbred Stock ’1 om our own correspondent J (Flam our own Correspondent) WOODBRIDGE MILLIKEN. SUL TONIUS Hm m m as every [DWI W V‘ mh-oa u ’butchcrs and 0n Albums for $2118 at the HERALD Storei 1161111 nuuuwuy a new uuvcluaculcuw Culi_and 508' The Teston C M Church, will have a CATTLE FAIR.â€"The monthly fair tea and lecture, 0“ the 18th inst. on Wednesdnv last, brought out, a num- , . . d. » g y 0‘ her of good mllch cows, and some very 4 Reynold s 8‘ New on have sometl n, fine fut cows, for which good prices were lilnfiteresélngtfo My {his week. Sec the” paid. The prices seem to be going up- ; LW ‘1 ver xsemcn ' ward, and Ihe demand {by Stock is good_ 4 Mr James Knox, Lot 21'. 7111 Con Mm];- Nearly everything brought an the nnm. Was shot at while sitting in his house . 1 l:nd.. V1 555. ‘ . P ’ ‘IOVH Mondnx‘. 3rd inst His Brother-in-hzw, SleougzdéomgérgdHfiF €10 L :‘r Igufvilluf ‘1 hos Heath. wilh whom he had quarrelled, b y b " h d '1) pp ’ d ate jyvma arrested, and after examinmuin sent to [He crs, pure use u out a (zen fat lToromo for ”my. animals. MISSIONARY MEETINGSn-Tlie Mm- Hionnry moetings in conneclxon with the Church ofEnglnnd. will be held at 'l‘liornliill, on Monday, the 17th inst, and at. Richmond Hill, on Tuesday the 18th inst. Each meeting to commence at 7 p. m. The following gentlemen have exprrtssed their intention of being present to address the meetings. Revs. J. P Lewis of' Gmce Church Tomnm; Sept Jones, of Yorkville , F T1e111a3 no, of Etobicoke; T Patterson Yo1k and Mr McKenzie, Barrister, of Toronto. A collection in aid ol'1l1e cause will he made at each meeting. All 1110 cordially invited to attend. 'J'm: SYNDICATE,-â€" A Mass meeting of the electors of East and West York, will beheld at the Grand Central Hotel. Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, Jan. 11th, 1881, at 2 p. m., to consider the pro- posed agreement with thq Syndicate For the construction of the Canada Pacific Railway. The question is one ol' the most impmtnnt. e\cr submitted to a Canadian Pmliument, and all classes are cordially invited to attend the meeting. Free discussion under proper restrictions will be allowed. A number of speakers from Toronto will be present, Mbses Oates” Weather Bonitaâ€"«We have received from the Toronto News Co a copy of the first weather Alnmnztc issued by the Ontario weather prophet, whose success during the past two yeuts. in forecasting the weather, has been mar vellous. 'J'he weather book, which con- tains the probabilities (\flltC wotttltcl' of 1881, interestingr records of the past your, a variety ot'almunac mutter, also gives :t weather map of the continent. and articles on the climate of Canada and nictorology generally, besides :1 large number of‘ prognostics for every day use. The look is neatly printed, has a very attractive cover, and is well worthy of perusal. It is for sale at all bookstores Price 15 cents. FoNs or run HEATHERâ€"The Select SGCiill Assemblies, held in the Lorne Hall by this association during,r the winter, have been very largely attended. The lust regular Assembly was held on New Year’s Eve, and was a grand sue-- 0055. It is pronounced the best held in this village or neighborhood since the opening of the Masonic leill. The‘ ut~ i tenduuce was large, about sixty couple fheing present7 many ynung lUlllCS and lgentlcman from Aurora, “ioodbridge, l Thor'nhill and elsewhere in this immedi iate neighborhood. The music was of a superior order. Prof. (Jol‘in’s on the violin, Messrs A. Laird. tenor, and C. lSavnue. cornet. Tha Hall was nicelv t iSavage, cornet. The Hall was nicely ldccnrated with ex eirrreens, and lur'vc mottnrs “Vt elcome, ” “A Happy New Year" etc Supper “as provided -by Mr l’almer, nt'the Palmer House, in l the most rcrlzerche style. The spread was gotten up in John’s best style, and l drew forth many expressions of pleasure land admiration from the guests. The dining hall waq also beautifully decorâ€" ated with evergreens and flowers, and i the words "Happy New Year” were hung on the wall in large letters of lgold. Dancinu was kept up until four and every one seemed hitrhlv pleased and thomuvhly satisfied with the amuse- ment afforded. The managing; com ‘ mittee deserve great credit for the way liu which the assemblies have been conâ€" ‘ducted, and no doubt the' great sucâ€" ieess which attended them is due to their lmanagement. This closes the Sons of l the Heather Fur the prcgent. QUITE A SCARE.â€"~One night lasl wcvk, the can] stove in the house of Mr. H. Hopper Was uccidcmly upset, and Ihe hurtling coals scattered over 1he flnor. For :1 few minutes it was thought (hat the result would be serious. The fire bell was mug and the firemen quickly put in an appearance. In a Very short time the engine would have been pouring tons of Water on the “ fire fiend,” only there was no fiend rmund, a few pulls of water settled lhe business. If the ne- cidt‘nt did nothing else, it gathered a crowd, and showed huw quickly the fire- men can lully. WEDDING PARTY.â€"â€"On New Year’s Day, at 10 a. m , one of those cveu's which almlys possess a peculiar interest for the fair sex, whether mar ‘ed or single, and cause the heart of the aver- age bachelor to bounce around like no well regulated heart should, took place at the residence of Mr Isaa' Crosby, Mr Joseph Devlin being united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Mary Ann Durham, After the interesting ceremony, which bound these young people together for better or for worse, while sojourning on this mundane sphere, had been performed by the Rev. John Pickering, the guests, to the number of about thirty, tendered their congratu- lations to the charming bride, and the stalwartgzroout, and then, like ordinary mortala,all sat down to an elegant spread and partook of'a hearty breakfast, The presents were numer us, beautiful, and many of them costly. Mr and Mrs Devlin left on the noon train for a short vistt to their friends in Western Ontario They were accompanied to the station by a number off'tiends, and the usual symbols of“good luck,,’ in the shape of old shoes, slippers, etc , were profusely scattered around. We wish our young friends a long, usetul and happy life. LOCAL ITEMS. Mr John Palmer sold his mare, “Della Waite," to Mr Bur Tomlinson, of Aurora, for two stallions and some money, valued at $800. The adjiwumed Division Court will be held in this village on Friday, the 7th inst. The regular Court will be held on the 25:1) inst. FOR SALE,â€"â€"-AS will be seen by adâ€" vertisement, in another column. Mr Bobt, Williamson offers a house and lot for sale, being part of lot. 51, at. Elgin Mills. The place is a very desirable one, and will be sold on easy terms. Examsn CHURCH SOCIAL-A Social in connection with ihe English Church of [his village will be held on Thursday, Jan. 13th, at the residence of Mr Thos. Palmer For particulars sec Bills. ~ Baum»: ARMâ€"Mrs Crawford of' Lucas street, bud the mtsf'orlune to full and fracture her left. arm. on Tuesday Inst. Dr Elliott, Langstnfi‘ set the inâ€" jured limb. and the sufferer's recovery is now only a question of time. A Temperance M: 11:5 Mettmg will be held at \ ictmia ”all '1 lmrnhi” on Saturday, Jan. 15th. M1“ Bmis and five other gentlemen from Toronto, win address the mcemw. Music by the T hmnhill G1 cc Club. All are invited1 Admissicn hoe. The U M. Church Ladies, Aid held In in the Masonic Hall, MD New Year’s Evening, was not, vary 1;: 'ger nttcndnd, but a plensnnt mm: was spent by those present EYuurs txuly, 3011:; LAN] ’1' T1115 SKATING CARNIVAI1.~â€"â€" The Richmond Hill Skatingr Rink was openâ€" ed on Xmas night, with a large attend-l ance. On the evening: of New Year’s,‘ Day a Grand Carnival took place, about, ioryt pexsons nppeated in costume, and‘ madea a ve1y pretty scene. After 9‘ o'lcoek some twenty skaters without costume wete allowed on the too, which was in a vety good eonditiob The village Band was on hand, and enlivened the proceedings considerably. The fol lowing: are the names and characters of those who wore the most leautit'ul and attractive costumes :»â€"â€"Miss Tilley Storey, Dolly Vaxtit'n ; Miss Louie 'I‘eefy. E reoing Star ,Miss Alice ieefy, liimninnr Star; Miss Flora Coutter, Little Buttercup; Mi‘s Satah Coulter, Gipsy . Miss I’e cillia Law, Flower Girl ; Miss Aggie Coulter, Winter; Miss Mary Pxottn‘, Red Riding Hood. Messrs Vi Storey, HiUhlander; B ',i‘eet"y Old Militia Man, ' iV Atkin - son, Chinaman; C Rupett:'l‘11rlt ; F Rupert, Negro; W Cook Oddt'ellow; T Nose, Negro ; J New, Old Lady ; L Conger, Young Lady ; H Laird, Ctntral Prison ; Jay Sanderson, Sailor; J Gamble, Russian Student. It is the intention to hold another earnivai before long, and no doubt, it will be even more succes'sful. The ice is kept in good condition, the waiting rooms are conven- ient and commodities, and Mr Gilroy has commenced the trianaeement in the ‘propet'wuy, by prohibiting any rough ,or unseemly conduct. The Rink has started under fair auspices, is attended by nearly every person in the village, and cannot fail to prove remunerative to the proprietor, as “on as affording harm- less and good exercise to the patrons. l liclimond Hill, Jan., 6th, l881. i To the Editor of the Herald. l, Fir â€"â€"-1 MW an article in this “cell's (LIBERAL, headed, “ Mme Toryism.” accus- ling some one of using Dr. McConneI's iname tn :1 poster, calling a public meeting gut the ($111an (Tontml Hall, on 'J‘nesdny Jun. ‘lltli. and as I happen to he the person who :mdm‘ed the bills to be printed, I wish to lreply to the article. \Ve understand tlie election is to be upset upon some lcclmical points. It is n rascally shame the way the clerk and collector have treated the young gentlm man in question. We sincerely trust he will carry out his intentirn. It is time some person had the moral courage to assert their rights.-â€"COM. Richmond Hill Municipal Election. If the LIBERAL man wishes to make any one suffer for using the name in question, he can try his hand on me, The article re- ferred to is untrue in every particular, and shows a glaringt want of principle on the part of the Editor (f xhe LIBERAL, but it is in keeping with lhe generality of articles in that paper. The following is the letter from M r Juhn Lanstafi‘. which clearly shows that 1 had good authority for using the Doctor’s name. Sinâ€"Dr. McCon- nell was so well pleased with the meet- ing :1! Long’s, he would like to have one at. your place at once; you may use his name to the bills. 'Nvow Sir. I have the Doctor’s consent, in a later {mm “1 John Lungstafi', authorizâ€" inv me to use Ihe name. ISuW 'he Doctor rm U ednvsdny Just 111 (he xmsenoe of MI. \Vnr. Pmmel] Sr. and showed him the order, “hm: he said, "11 is 3!] right, go on with the meeting, and 1 will bring up some Speakels in the Reform interest from Toronto. ” Bend Holloway’s new advertisement Interesting Letters Mr Chamberlin, D1“ McConnell’s Name. LOCAL TEMS CHARLES CHAMBERLIN. I’m the HERALD Carrier Boy, I’ve come to Wtsh you peace and joy And ask for a donation ; With energy and will I'll try to serve you still, Thanks, for your presentation. And we thank you all kind patrons Whether men of note or matrons, For your contribution 3 And your aid for years that’s past, We’re assured trill longer inst To our institution. All our future aim shnll be To maintain imegiity, Winning npprubnliun ; Striving never L0 be rash, Excluding 1mm our cnlnnins trash By wise discrimination. And our town deserves our comment I‘m unparalleled improvement, Vmions in piemnlinns. ClHII‘GlIPS grand. sublime, stupendous, Needing piles of buck tremendous For their vast duneesio'ns. Some have met with serious losses, ()tliers had too many crosses For their constitution ; Let us over l'nitlil'ul be To our Christianity Dem-ying persecution. The Ladies too have bsen like bees Doing their work devoid of fees, Avoiding ontemntlon; Inventing things to draw the (limvs, Suiting the people's taste and times, Useful (Io-operation. We wait to view with eager sight The promised lumps fur better light, What wreckless rlesvitution; Ont: lnnoly l--mp, one beacon my Stands :1! ll]? South. to Show the way 'l‘ln-(augl) all the Corporation. EXcvpl the ln'illlntlt Gnsnline 'l‘lmt glittoxs on the darkened scent’. Fur husinvss prosecution ; I'Iul tltr‘nglt “a gt-nt-e through streets 80 (lurk \\’u how to see the electric spark Illumine om condition. Our sc'houls. ”If: pride of every homt, With sme of lent-hers to impart A thorough educmion. May mnml beuuty and good taste, With Iveryxhing lhul's lxuc and clmbie Imhue Ibis :vnerulion. May “isdnm, sense, and judgement sound XIII H ()Ul‘ (‘nnncillors be found \\ ho “in III this (‘leclinll ; A! hunt our (Hm) interest fool And wmking for Ike IfeIIOI'IIl wen} b‘m County SeszIniion. And may succms their tifurts. crown. That we Ime grow II prosperous town Wi hout IIIe Ienst oppression ; And Ihough home war may IIIrve nbrond Lev. peace in nll OHI bmdms lie: Id, 0m I:I\\S 0le ht st ploteuion. JANUARY, Isl. 1881 Gospel Hymns and sacred songs, by Bliss & Suukoy, for sale here. NEARLV FROZEN --A few nights ago, a man under the influence of “Forty Bod,” was faund hing 0n the street 1n an almost stnseloss stvute. The unfor- tunate indwhlual got quarters in the Lockâ€"up. When persons are addicted to drink, it is a great shame for dealers to sell to them; and we lmpe future cause for complaint on this score will not again arise. fluaum, Coughs, 11nd Cnl<ls1~1n disease of the 1111mm 11nd chest, so prevalent in our changeable (li11111te11utl1ing so speedily Inlicves, or aoct-rtuin- lv cums as those incstimuhle remedies. Those disoxdms me too often neglected at their com- 111e11oemm1t, or 1110 injudiciously (rented, result- ing in either one in (léaastmns corlacqac-nms. Whatever the condiiion of the patient, Hollowuy's reinvdhs will resloro, if recovery be pomible: they will retard the alarming symptoms till the blood is purified and nature consummatea the cure, graduully restoring strength and find 11er- Vous power. By perseven'ng in the use Of Hollo- “'ny'b preparatiors, tone is conferred on the slum- ach and frame generally. Thousands of persons have testified that by the use of these remedies leoue they have been restored to health after every other 111011118 hml fuiEed. (‘nAxumnD- Ac Calling“ ood on the 4111 inst, the vsife of M1 T. J. C wwfori of .1. duught Yeas .‘ do H 63 Rye do 80 Dressed Hummer 100 tbs. . 6 00 Beef, hind quarters, per 100 ms 4 50 Mutton, by the carcass, per 100 tbs... 5 50 Chickens, per pair .. 30 Ducks, per brace 55 Grease, each ......... 50 Turkeys, each 0 50 Butter, lb rolls 20 large to] .. 00 tub dairy... 20 Eggs, fresh, doz 20 Potatoes, per bag . 40 maples per barrel 1 00 Omons, per bag .. 1 25 onnqtoes, peg- bush. 00 Turnips, per bag Carrots, per bug Beets,pet bug Pursuipa, per bag Hay wanton ........ Straw per. (5011., Wool 1er lb IJEVLINâ€"DURIIAEI-On New Year‘s Day, bv rho Rev John Pickering, at the residence of Mr I Crosby. Riclmmnd Hill, Mr J Devlin of Unionâ€" ville, to Miss Mary A Durham, of Richmond Hill MABLYâ€" BMIRADKLLE~Onthe 29th inst, at the Manse, Newmzlrkot, by the Rev. John Brown, M): VVilh‘mu I. Mubly, tn Miss Ida R. Burmdelle, both of the township of King. BACONâ€"~Athis residence, Holland Landing, on the 22nd inst” Henry Bacon, Equâ€"nged 63 years and 7 months. DAVIX»WAGNEIL~M R. C. Church, Thornhfll‘, on the lat inst, at 21). 111., by 1110 Rev Father Mc(iin1ey,Jmnes J Davin, of Pm‘kers Landing, 1’, A., to Nellie Mugnex’, of Thornhill. Afler the interesting ceremony. the happy couple and friends took dinner at the Collin's House, and left for their future home in Paxkcrs Landing, LLOYDâ€"‘PEFEGRINEâ€""On the 29th., at the taxi. deuce of the bride's father, by Rev. Geo. Miller, Mr. Joseph Llo '(1, of Newark, New Jersey, to Miss Minerva. I eregl‘ine, youngest daughter of Mr. D. Peregrine, of Queeusville. I‘AVIS~*DI(APERâ€"OK the 22nd inst, at the resiâ€" dence of thb bride, by Elder Presser, Richard Davis. Esq, to Miss Cindrilln. daughter of Luther Draper, Eh}, all of the township of North Gwil~ limbury. DAWSON.â€" On the 29th., at his residence, Yongu Street, after u shu‘t but painful illness, \Vil’limn Dawson, Esq, aged 61 years, 7 months and 17 days. THURSDAY, Jun 6,185}. mucus AT lumuuks' wuumxs Wheat full, new,per bush Spring Bm‘ley, Outs, Yeas .‘ HOLLAW’AY‘R PILLS AND OINTMENT.â€"Ir ADDRESS. THE MARKETS. (Glennings from the ERA.) NEVVMA RKET. ‘ TOR ON’I‘O: DEA’I‘H. IZIR‘TIJ . MARRIED 800 050 00 20 20 40 1 00 0 25 40 50 1.3 50 p.154 50 08 15 36 67 83 25 WEDNESDAY, Jan. 96th. â€"Auctionl Sale of farm stock implements, etc. ,l, the property of Mr Robt \lonkman at, Lot 16 2nd Con. Markham. Terms,, Fowls, Grain, Ilay aud sums of 8 0 and under, cash ;0ver that, nine months credit. S M Brown, Auct. Sale a! l o’clocli. See bills. TUESDAY, Jan. 1]!h.â€"â€"'Credit Sale of Furm Stock. Implements, etc., the property of Mr Joseph Harrison, at. Lot. N010. 0n the rear end of the 5th Con of Township of Vaughan. Terms, for fat cattle, sheep, and all sums of $10 and under, Cash ; over that 11 month’s credit. Sale at 12 o’clock. N J. Armstrong, Auct. Parties getting their Sale Bills print ed at this office, will receive a notice free of charge, from the time the bills are printed until the dav of sale. dime West York Agricultural Society, w‘ll be held at Woodbridge, W EST YORK AB R! CULTURAL SUEIETY, The Annual Meeting WEDNESDAY, JAN. IQTH, I88l, AT 21". M. “'oodbridge, Jun. 4th, 1851 URUEHMJ RE" SHEIETY The Anmml Meeting of the Vaughan Agricull (um! society, will be held Thursday Jan, 13th, 1881 W’oodbridge, Jun. 4th, 1&91 HOUSE (1! LOT FOR SALE ! 3 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, Richmond Hill, Dec. 30th, 1H0. Kitchen, Stable and \Voodshed. Hard and Soft Water. Also an Orchardéof about 50 chm’cs Fruit Trees. Terms Easy. For further particulars apply on the premises, or 1): letter to l Mlle North of Richmond Hill. 'ronling on Yonge syrovt‘ MISS NICHOLLS, Wishes to inform the public, that she is prepared to give LESS()NS 1N I‘L‘lUSIC‘m Richmond Hill. Dev. 30H). 1880. lm4w U - BUILDER, Sherwond, 4th Con. Vaughan. Syecinl ntthution given to Stair l3ui1diug, I’unctxml attention will be given to all orders. Address an10 I‘. O. John McDonald, Esq. _ Hon. SeuatorMcMaster James Metculfa, Esq. KEFFE R, CONTRACTOR A ND ' BUILDER Shel-wand. 4th Con. Vaughan. Assurance Soc’y Of London Eugmnd. Alderman McArxhur, M. P, Chair man, W W Baynes,Esq‘F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund ...... $5.000,00€ Annual Income ...... 1.400.000 Invested in Canada... 850.000 Demh clmms paid. . . . 7,500,000 TonoxTo hrmzxcus. Markham. Dec. 13021;. 1850 30 per cent of premiums returned in profits Loans mnde to Church Trustees, at a low rate of interest . Send for prospectus. A VV Lauder, Parties are hereby cautioned against negotiating ' a notq dmyyn‘by me, 1n fayor of for the sum of $80, payable in October next, Value not being received. w. MONKMM, CHEAP BOOI‘S & SHOES The undersigned wishes to intimate to the public that she has received of Ladies and Gents {eh goods. Ovorshoes. Rubbers, etc., and has also on hand all kinds of Hand- made work and repaixing executed at shortest notice. Fannmg Mill FOR SALE. MRS. S. GAMBLE. Richmond Hill, Dec. 2nd, 1880. m3. A. Fresh Stock! which she 15 prepared to dispose of at. a MR GEORGE STEPHENS, DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST nvurvmv Am Being part of Lot No 51. on the “'eat side of Yonge Street, Diaries and Almanacs for sale here Film: fidvrrtimxmts. MACHINE AND HAND-MADE WORK NOTICE! AT WOODBIDGE, Auctlon Sales. THE ZTAR LIFE Reasonable Profit. QUALITY AT GOOD FRAME HOUSE. ANNUAL MEETING. R0 BERT WILL] A MSUN Sec. &Trens. for Canada. Victoria Chambers, Toronto Fob. 12th 1880. The Lot cantninn THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, ' ‘ Yorkvile Joe! Rea man. Sec JOEL REAMAN. Sec C. J. Campbell, Esq, A. M. Smith, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. D Richmond Hill, P. 0. 4W 111M {50.000 Wheat 81: Oats 20,000 Bushels of Oahu. For which the highest cash prlce will be paid. at the “Pomona Mills"‘ThornhilL Thoruhill. Nov. 16(1), 1880. This Houseis one of the Best Homla to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in I-‘iratChss Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hostlcr. ’l‘erms, $1 per day. Proctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.35 a. m, 1 p m 4.15 11m, and 7.1.5 v m. E xcollent accommodation for the Public. Goo stabling and attentive hosbler. THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer. Prop The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL ON'I‘.. Frank Cosgr‘ove, Prop. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Y0) solicits your patronage and friendly influenc Address, Teaton, P O Licensed Auctioneer for York County. Orde promptlv attended to. limos reasonable. Pa: ronuge solicited. Address. King. P O Licensed Auctioneer for York Patronage 501i cited. Rates moderate Address Aurora. Licvnscd Auctioneer fox-(he Counties of York Ontario and Paul. Sales promptly attended. Goods sold on consignmcnt. Unionville. P 0 Licensed Auctioneer for York County, solicit: patronage und h'iondlyinflucnc& Rates reason: able. Address Victoria 3<1Imre Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Ym Sales attended on the shortest notice_ and 1 reusoxmhle rates Addrcsa, N0b1eton. 1’ O MGNAIR FARM. RIGHMOND HIL] Farm for Sale CON- 20F VAUGHAN There is first-clues Burns, Stables 11ml othef' out buildings, with The Farm is 11 good one in every particular everything being very cam date. Ecrms Easy Apply to MR. JAMESGORM EY. Toronto. or tn Goderich, Onl Richmond Hill. Angustfith. 1880.t, f 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly 11-01 a. post oflice, whether directed in his name ( unother’s. or whether he has subscribed or not, responsible for payment. 2. If a person orders his paper discontinued h must pay all nrrems, or the publishers mt» 001$ tinue to send it until puymcnt' )5 made, an the; collect the whole amount, whether the paperf taken from the oflice or not. 3, The courts have decided that refusing to tuk nmxspnpers or periodicals from the cat ofl‘m or removing and leaving them uncu led for, * oi‘imn [acio erideuce of intentional fraud, Yourselves by makir money when a. golde chance is ofiercd, thcret always keeping povefl from your door. Those who always take mlvm cage of the good chances for making money tlu are offered, generally become wealthy, whi‘ those who do not improve such chances rexnm‘ in poverty. “'9 want zmmy men, women, b0} and girls to work for us right in their own local ties. The business will pay more than ten time ordinary Wages. We furnish an expensive outfi and all that you need, tree. No one who engage hill; to make monev very rapidly. You can d( vote your whole time to the work, or only you spare moments. Full information and all film is needed, sont free. Address STINEON At Co Portland. Maine Farm for Salt About 75 Bush . LA W CONCERNING NEWSPAPER For further particulars apply to Outfit sent he. to the who wish engage in the most pleasant m pmfitablo busmess known. Ever thing new. Capital not require We will furnish you everything $10 11. day an upwmds is easily made without staying away, f1om home over night. No risk whatever Mm: new workers wanted at once Many are makin fortunes at the business. Ladies make us muc as 111911 and young boys and girls make gre pay No one who is w111iug to work fails to mm more money everyday than can be made in week at any ordinary employment. Those W engage at once will find a short road to fortun Address H HALLETT 6: 00., Portland, Maine. Otto NELSON PLAYTER, Lot No. 55,001! I GREY HORSE, AGED Into the premises of the undersign Lot N0. 12, 4th Con. Vaughan, S T RAYED ‘ gammwm’ @mflfi. Thin Fun): is on the east-half of Lot No‘ Being \Vost Half of Lot 56, in the first C( Vaughan. containing BRISTINE AND UHflPPINB AEINE NEW RESIDENCE. McFall 86 Whitehead. The owner is requested to prove proper , pay expenses,und lake the animal awayt WANTED ! mm 100 ACRES MR. JAMES McNAIR, GOOD SOIL. acres cleared Salem Eckardt, J. G. BERNARD, Parkda‘ Daniel Kinnee, Samuel Brown N J Armstrong, Jas c Stokes A SPECIALTY. F Button Vnughan, Richmond Hill. 1’. m3* â€"or1 mm Bushels of Fall 81 Spring Wheat. Balance Hurdwo: i2â€"ws W. SHUN

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