PETITIONS PRESENTED; ‘ By Mr James, from A Heisy. and 37 others, askiw! the Reeve to call a series of meetings to discuss the scheme of establish- ing a barley market as suggested by Mn Bradford. Pursuant to statute the ï¬rst meeting of the Markham Township Council, was held at Hall's motel, Unionville. on Tuesday, Jan. 1911), 1880, The Clerk in the Chair. The following persons made and subscribed to their oaths of qualiï¬cation and of ofï¬ce. viz: Wm Eakin, Reeve ; Benjamin F Reesor, First Deputy- -HEEV8, David James, Second Deputy Reeve ; Thos Williamson, Third Deputy- -Reeve : Anlhony Forster, Councillm. By Mr Williamson from Jonathan Erik linger and 33 others, askmg aid for John Usher and wife who are old and in indigent. circumstances. Mr. James. moved. Seconded bv Mr Reesor, that the Treasurer pay Henry Horn $6.40 for work and malPriul for rail‘ ing on sideroad between lots 35 and 36 in 13!. Con. Markham Township Council Mr Williamson, seconded by Mr Forster. moved that â€'19 sum of $6 per mnnth be granted to John Usher and with. they licing in destitute circumstances, and that the Treasurer puvlhe same to the order of Jonathan Brillinger, said grant to be during the pleasure of this Council. Mr James. spcnmled bv Mr F'mster. moved that the llPCVB and Cleik be and is hereby attnvintvd u committee tn can aolidate and wvise the hy-lnws of lhlS municipality and report to this Council at their convenience Mr Rersorasked leave 10 introdur‘e n hy-law to appoint. an assessor and auditors for this [municipality for 1880 â€"-Lvave given. On motion the by-[aw was read a ï¬rstlime nndthe blanks ï¬lled with the names of the following persons. assessor west. Thos. Thomsnn: assessor, emu. D Strickler; audilors, F K Recsur and John McCague. Mr Reesor. seconded by Mr Williamson. moved thuuhe by-Iaw be read a second and third lime furlhwilh. Mr Forster, 5:0)“de by Mr James, mov- ed that the Treasurer pay James J Hunter. M D. $790 for lumber For railing on em- bankment at the River Roam; between int 10 and 11 in 6111 Con., as certiï¬ed by the Rgizve. Mr Reesor. secondnd by Mr WiHiammn, moved that the 300611!†of James Rc-id, road overseer, division No 3:} be paid by the Treasurer amounting in all to $4.11 for plank at $7 per thousand. Mr Williamson, seconded by Mr Fostur. moved that the resolution granting $|.50 far the maintainance of Wm Whtteouk, pay- able to Mr Cory, be and is hereby rescind- ed, and Ihut the sum of $1.50 be granted for the same purpose payuble on order 01' the Reeve. Hr James, sebnnded by Mr Reesm. mov- ed that when this Council adjourns it stands Idj‘qurpfgrunlil Smut-day: 271?! offebfunry. Alarge number of persons assembled at Benny’s Hotel, Eglington, on Mon- day,as the Township Counml were to meet at 1 o’clock p. In. About 3:30 “the Omancil proceeded to the Council Chamber, and the proceedings commenc- ed by the the Clexk reading the minutes of last meeting- The following: applicatlons for the position of clerk were read :â€"A L \Vilson (the late clerk), W H \lulL liolland W H Fest W l) Fitzpatrick J K Leslie R W Durken, FJ D Smith Mr Gibb, seconded by \11 Juckes mov- ed that. the Council do appoint a clerk Carried ; Mr Hamilton proposed the name of J K Leslie for the pasition, which was also carried. No other names boing put, in ‘nomlnation the salary was ï¬xed at $7?!) pew-“annum. For. Treasurer the following were nominated . A L Willson, Wm Jakts, N'hheppard, F J D Smith. Mr Jakes retired from the Council Board, when Mr Gibb proposed him for Treasurer, which was immediately carried, Mr Waitson being the only one that objected on the score of putting the Township to the expense of another election, "Wt Willson Said he would make ap- plication is the Queen’s Bunch to set aside the Bylaw. He‘ claimed his salary for the whole of the present year, as he had entered an the duties of Clerk and Treasurr‘r. How-ever this matter will be fully argued before the Courts. The salary of the Treashrcr was ï¬xed at $300 per annum. A fresh election willmost about; that sum. The enquiry into the ï¬ttstness of certain charges made by Mr Willson. Clerk of York Township, was resumed in the ofï¬ce of the Clerk ot'the County on Friday It has been previously mentioned that the. Council for 1879 hud refused to pay certain charges made by Mr Wilson in his account. for work done in l878. The case was sub- mitted to arbitration. Mr James Spe‘iul‘lt, Reeve of Marlthnm Village. being named by the Township of York ; Mr W D Norris of 'loronto, for Mr Wilson ; MrGeo. Eakiu County Clerk, being named as umpire by the other two. Mr T H Bull, with Dr Mc- Michael. Q. 0., appeared for the township which was also represented by Mr henry Duncan. Reeve. Mr J 11 Kerr, Q 0., ap- peared for Mr Wilson, who was also pre- sent himself. The arbitrators heard the evidence of Mr Tyrrell, ex~lieeve for the townsnip of York. Mr Tyrrell was in the Council up to the close of [878, when he Was defeated in his candidature for the Municipal Council. but he was Well now quainted with all the business of the Coun- cil up to that time. The account. presentâ€" ed by Mr Wilson to the Council of 1879 reached the amount of $3, 107 09 for salary and extra services, including;' conveyancing, dashing bylaws, and other clerical work. The Council cut down this amount, by $1. 593 19. allowing the sum 3“, 514 90. The complaint made by the arbitrators yester- day was that. the information before them was not suï¬iciently explicit, with regard to dates and the nature 0! the work. Mr Tyrrell was quest-toned as to his idea of the value of the work for which the extra charges were made. but declined to give an opinion. The difï¬culty is to distingushed what work should properly be done by the Clerk, and afterwards to ï¬x the remuner- l The York-Wilson A rlbitration On motion the Council adjourned. York Township Council. mica . There was very little progress made R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S' ‘A- L, England (Late of London England) \ Surgeon, Em, RICHMOND HILL, 0NT., Graduate of Toronto University, and Member‘ of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Lungstmf. Richmond Hill, October 10th. 1879. :3" Ofï¬ce Hours.sto 10, 1w 2, and 6' to 8‘ HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Goudor’hnm .. Vicgâ€"I’resident DIRECToRsASmnuel Plan, M.P., Wm. Gooder 1mm, Geo. W. Latvia, Thos. H. Lee, Hon, D. L Macphernon, Senator. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3.000,000 Saving; Bank Money recewed on deposit, uni interPS payable halt yearly or cumpomxded. SN) our reduced 1mm table. For further iniormution alï¬wly at at the Ofï¬ces the Uommuv. Walter S, Lee, Manager \VESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. To loud m1 Mortmqo of landed property only at :L lnw rute of intvr ‘t. No Loan less than .5400 will be ontcrtuinud. Transactions strictly conï¬dential. Apply personally, Ul' bv letter to the undersigned. Richmond Hill, Im1y.lst, 1880 NEWTONBROOK, P. O. CON V EYANCING- ETC. Bethune, Rims. Falconbridge AND HOYLES, Jn‘s Bethune Q C. C Moss, W C Falconbridge N W Hoyles, W Bmwick, A BAyl 'wm-th I8 & 20 King Street, West, Toronto. TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chuncery etc..‘64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. J.‘ ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. BARRIMERs, m Ferguson, Baln, Gordon Jo Shiplev, Burristem, Attmneys- [Lt- Luw, Solic' tux-1- i11- Chancew )011vu hunters etc ()1licns#1111pe11111 B11111: Buildings \\ 01111114011 sueet, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAm. W111. SETUN GORDON, G110. F. 51111111111! Ofï¬cial Assignoe, Real Estate Agent, Convey uncer, Brukcr, &c., chm, Mortgages bought, and sold. Farms bought and $0111, or rented. Insurance effected, (3:0. (Sm. Money to Lend at Low Rates, OFFICE ,â€"Vict0riu Chambers, 9 Victoriustreet Toronto. OULTBEE & EVA'I‘T‘ BARRIS- TEES. Attornevs. Solicitors-in-Chemcery TH: PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, J Pallner. Prop This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is mmmged in FirstClusa Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hostler. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill '13:»: leaves this House nt- 7.30 5.111.. for Tor- onto, and returning leaves Toronto at 8.30 p.111. The Robin Hood Hotel, )0 BUILDER. Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Special {Ltthntion given 120 Blair Buildi 11,95. Puncmabl Intention will be given to all orders. Address Mzurle P. 0. Money to Lend at Low Rates. Mortgages Bought and sold. Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good embling (and attentive hustler. l’roctor's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.3 u m, 1 p 111 4.1.5 p m, and 7316 I! In iness a trial without expenstx The best opportunity ever offered for those willâ€" ing no work. You should trv nothing else until you see for yourself what, you can do at the hus~ | iness we offer. No room to explain here. You ‘ can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make grout pay for every hour that you work. VVomeu make as much as ‘ men. Send for special private terms and parti- culars which we mail free, $5 outfit free, Don‘t complain ofhard times while you have sucha. ‘ chance. Address H. HALLETT 6; 00., Portland AW’EEh in your own town, and 1110 B capital risked. You can give the bus~ AMONTH sutmteed. Sl‘l a. day at ' home by the industrious. Capital ‘ not required; we will start you. Men women, boys and girls make mouuy luster at work for us than at an ything else. The work is light and nlcusunt, and such us ymyono can go right 1: ti. ‘Tlmse who are wise who see this notice will send us their llddl‘OGSOS at. once mud see for themsnlvcs. Costly Outï¬t and terms free. NOW is the tinne. Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE $5 00,,Augusm, Maine. Gosgrove B ros, PI op’s I Maine â€-V ALF nun BOULTBEE WM. \VOBTS Ilvm‘m EMPLOYMENT FOR hard. Address" New System of Canvassing KRFFER, CONTRACTOR A N1 0 BUILDER. Sherwood. 4th Con. Vaughan Ag enbs have \vmxderiui success. 1 0 subscribers mg 1000 inhabits/mes. Our publications are stan- NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"JV). 70 Church Street, Toronto. JJABI‘ES GORDIIAEY, Mortgages Bought RICHMOND HILL ON'l‘.. THE Emmy BILL PUBLISHING 00., 4‘1, 43, and 45 Shetucket St, Norwich, Conn. Céï¬utel @mlï¬ $50000 BRANCH F, J D. SMITH, DR- ORR, MAPLE Send forcirculm-s explaining our MONEY T0 LOAN Promptly attended to. @Imliml. P. O. Box 2527. J- K- FALEGNBRIBGB B ARRISTER, gm: ALL. Every department complete. Groceries, such as Teas, Sugars and Fruits, We sell as cheap or cheaper than any House in the village, or at least We think so, therefore call and see for yourselves. ‘I’fNA A/‘I n11r\c‘<1)\7 ls prepared for it with a large assortment of Goods suitable for Christmas and New Year’s Presents Fancy Dry Goods ! PROOF HOUSE © ROLL CARDING % Wnu! Batting, Yams, Richmond Hill, Oct 22nd, 1879 Richmond Hill, DeclSth 1879 ‘fl, WERE?! WWW 361% EHHEEEE WW Richmond Hill. Sepl Inh, 1879. PULLINE AND BYEINE IN ALL ITB BBANEHES. IN RUNNING- ORDER "' {EAR E J '_J M x (Cu: f ‘ A/( 8‘ .l j _ l 1/†i: A EGH A f l I \ ‘JI Grocery THE CHEAPEST BOOTS AND SHOES ALI. FARM PBHBUGL‘ TAKEN AT MARKET PBIBES. fully Solicit a Call. 15 to 20 Per Cent liiscmmt aWINTER GOODS If you want to SAVE MONEY buy where you can buy Reyne‘ld’s &Newt0ns \Vhile Returning Thanks for past favors, I would Respecpect- Noted for Cheap Groceries, Provisions, Flour and Feed. THGE‘S H MONELLY Is now here, and the IN STAPLE AND SELLING AT FROM In Richmond Hill or any other Hi1]. QWSE THE LEABENG SPECIALTY. AT the Cheapest for Cash. ISAAC CROSBY. JOHN BROWN Always Dn Handx FIRE HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES. The Pills purity the Blood, correct nil disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels. and nre invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment isthe onlv reliable lemcdy for Bad Legs Old \V minds Sores and Clams of how- ever 1011p stm1di11g.1<‘o1 Bronchitis Dipï¬mxin, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism and 1111 Skin Dis eases it has no equal. I most respectfully take leave to call the IL nention of the Public generally to the MC", 1211:). cermin Houses in New York m‘e sending to In {my path; of the globe SI‘URIOL‘S IMITA NONE of my Pills and Ointment. Those frauds bear on their labels somv address in New York. Idoroc nllmvmy medicine to he sold in rmy p'ult of the I, 'tcrl S ates. 1 huve no unents 01016.1 V mvxlu 111I‘S meanly made by me at 5’} (Khml Sweet Lnndun In thn books of diroctinns afï¬xed to the Spurâ€" ious 111th Dis 21 caution.V'urniug the Publicaguinst being deceived by (-mlnturfuits. Do not be misled hv this mulxuï¬mrs trick, m; {hey are the counter- feitn the: pretend to denounce. These courvterfhits are purchased 11V 1m rind“ 111ml Vendors at one-hmf the price of my 1'1 1s and Ointment. uli'l {1m mid to you as my genuina Modicinns I most (furuvstly’ appeal to thaf :(‘nso of jun+ ice which 1 incl Silh‘, I may v0 tme upon usï¬ng I1 mu all 110110) ubh pl 1m , to L 1: me, and the Pub lie us far as may lit 11 than power, in denoun fng this stuuxcful r mud. Each Poi and Box Of the Genuine Medicines; hearts the British Government Stamp: with the words “ HOLLO\VAY'S 1’ LLS AND ()INTNENT LONDON," (mgr qu thereon. 011 the label is: the address, 533, ( you!) S'm Losu’oN, Where alone thev are Mmmmctun Ulntmenï¬s bearing any other mldrcéa are 00111» tex‘feits The Trade Marks of them Medicines nro rep?) temfl in 015th 1.. Hence, any one throughout the British 1’ ' 'ions‘, who may keep the Americuu Counterf '; for sulv, will be prmec‘uted 563 Oxford Street. London, J 1m 1 187s! Thankful or the fiwors of the pnst the 30mg nr ay still be mnsultcd in any hlanch of the pro fession, [LS follows: Richmond Hill... ‘ 9th 8; 24th of each month (at Pulme1 House) A111Ho1u, lst 8th 16th, and 22nd do Newnuwkot, .. 211d (10 Stanffville. ...... do Mm‘k’umu . 1. . ' dc Victoria Square ...... do ’1‘11011111111 ...... do Maple ...... do \Vnodln‘idge do Klomhmg do . N obletou do Ann§tl1otics 11s: N11310:â€: 0111119,, o‘m. ., 11 qed “hen orde1011,111£11 none but the best 111:1te11111 used Lefmv... . ..1. Hullxmd meinr' Bond Head. Opposite Alma-0’ s Emfotel HOLLAND STREET, 11111111111117 The Debtor 111191 11111)‘ 3011': 1111.011t10n to the new procbsfl (if 1,<‘1.<r " 1111111 1.11 11 '1 1111111111811- m‘. (10111, By “01119 11111111111111 111111111 1111. 11151115; otherwisn 11o1>01c<s, (111111119 afiucmnlly t1‘1311t1111 111111 the discuxod t1111t11, 11<1v.‘(1 01' 11111111 (1111:: nod 111.1y L111. (1111111101013‘ 111111t 11111‘1 118111111 (111111 11.11 restored toits 111 111111191z0,8111111cu11111.119911111115511 ‘111 the lost of , he time [my (me who 111:1n‘]'e(j1ï¬)"e his Sol V1008 will be smeof ’111di11gl11'111 atliis 0 fï¬ce Toronto, ‘WGI‘ H. ‘K' (I. J}! hfm'd‘s new Hm: mum Best mineral math insured in a m: mm- to suit each pntivnt. 1“\n‘ii<z:11‘.n' m‘,tnnti<;:1 given to the preservutiou mm regulation of ’L‘Ju natural I'cn‘uh f 11 V0311: nu ummm'ssm‘y 1min. A. \V SPAULDI) ‘ V ' and PM‘nmucutical (lhmnist, :35 Yonge Yongc street. Y()l’j\'\fl]0. ()nmrim Importer and dealer in Pure Drugs “Jul Chemicals, h'onuh and English Pvrl‘umcr; Jinglish mu] American )ELLL'DC Meal i11<a::.Hursozmd Cumin Medicine, und Drug- gist sundries 01' even description CAIN A DA hOY A L 33333333“ 3’ _" NEW YORK CBUNTERFEITS. w. PIKI‘-VDICN1‘Y‘ï¬iillll Alexander Sewn or. Head Ofï¬ce,â€"uamia, Ontario. This Society 13 m‘sznmzod 1m m0 purpose (I on 111)]ngy pcrsmls hotworn Ni and 6113mm of (we, Ivy becoming members, to mukc pm . inn fur old age, and in case 01' death“) 5m: 1m mm ()fmunvy to their widows {11:1 m‘plmu rfl'xildrrm, 01' tr) nilmr relatives urpm‘sons dalmnuent on menu; and to secure to (and! DEOUJIM 1' 01' 1110 BuvmltJlrmxr‘h, medical nttonduncu [11:11 a W" kly “Elmmnoo, in case of sicknvm or accident (I Ming: 11in fruu doing his usual work. THEASUKERâ€"WM. J Gund, Sec.-'|‘Ieus Lamlmm l’ B & I Society. w Ah . r. The gr 1t \‘Mue of beneï¬t snciDtirzs to :111 clas- sns wlm depend 111mm Hui)- 1m1sn1ml efforts fur thn support hf fhrez'mle‘t S and their fumilics, is now universally rccoguim d. MANAGER & Ku'ays, Uï¬i‘ This Society presenla two disxinguishing features :- latâ€"Smallness u!‘ (it v-t. 2nd-â€"The satisfucmry security afforded to members. Full particulars obminod from GEO CHANTLER. can make money mster at ,work 101' us than at anything else. Capital not required; we v. ill smrt ynn. $12 per day {1.15 home made by 1ho industrious. Me n, women, boys and g r15 wanted everywhere to Work for us. Nuw is 1km time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Add: 658 TR & COHAumStQNMuine. MODERN TIMES R. PORTER, SURGEON DENTIST vxsrrs RICHMOND HiLL ONT Agent for the 'lownshins of Mmklmm, :u vhnn “hitchmch and K1111, Dr Jas Lnngslufl Medical Referees Dec 9,1879 NG. thA' ' mm; Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS ,‘ .ROIMNSON, DISPENSING BEW OF‘ F ICERS : fluvial. A RE OF in} Assngnee SW‘RETAHY,â€"-â€"WM J 0. AM MR, LI) Q , L Ix ‘ 1.4) m: Inmrts King she: Hollowuy‘s Pills um 2nd ,18th 17.0511 .llm 0111 of cuhh‘ month d u do V idu], SPIC'ES: GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH ESSENCES AND lilX’J‘RA‘w Mugs, Toilet Articles, Remember the place; ,/<y APOTRECART'S HALL. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Gflaranteede Prepared 8; sold. by 01111811111 91111111111 1 @Qfl «A: (ii/AA‘ § \ w w r .A 6;; Q Fruits of all kinds at the lowest Cash prices. 1‘11: 2 young: Hyson Tea for Fifty Cents. A large stock 01' hwmm (m “and. Pictures and picture frm’nvx. A ï¬ne selection (sf French Chroma Mottos vary «heap. Ca†and see our cheap Cabinet Photo Frames, all worthy of mSpEC‘u'on, and greal reductlon ot'prices. Cmakmwé @Emgmw RUS'MC MOT'm H1 Of everv deseliption. Call and prim: the Goods, and for yourselves. . , P G 81’ VAGE Cmakmay 1. AnV person who takes inpuper 1019111111 fmm u post qfl'n (2 v.’ Imthm' (H) (\r tod ‘ u‘mthel , or Whether he has subscnbed or not, 13 responsible for payment. 2. If iL person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all mrenrs, 01‘ the publishers may con- tinue to Bond it until payment is made, rind then collect the Whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the ofï¬ce (11‘ not. Richmondl‘lill Nov ‘27 1879 3 The courts have decided that refusing to trim newspapers or periodicals from the oat ofï¬ce, or removing and leaving them unca. led fur, is prima facia evidence of intentional fraud. LA W COAOJLJZ \ 1N0 A EWSI’AI’E'IL’S Richmond Hill, Dec 18th, 1879 Prescriptions care~ Remember the place; They have 23150 on hand Corner Yonge and Centre FEMLE’S if H'erlis' Fresh, and 01‘ die Finest Flavor and Quality. Is well stocked with FOR T? ONE OF THE OLDEST AND Mï¬S T RELIRBLE REMEDIES IN T ‘E WGRLD FOR THE CURE G? Coughs, Coids, Hoarseness, $0M Throat, Bronchiï¬a, influenza, Group, Whooping (rough, As‘ihma, and every affection of the Threat, Lungs, am} ï¬veâ€, including A WELL- KNO WN IY SICIAN YVRTTES “ It does not 0373/ up a cough a'nd lea/m9 the muse behind, as is the case 'wzih 61/951} ,nrpumiwns, but loosens q',2! claanses the lungs and all 1/317 9'1- tazfion, thus frmnozring 2‘72»: f cmnplaim’. " DO NOT BE DEC? 'VYAD by artinles hearing a sinyil :u‘ 11: me. $9 :1 you t. “t DR. WISTAI "‘ BALSAM 0‘.‘ WI] 1) (‘11? )RRY with {he signatuxe of “ 1. BU ’ ",‘b‘ " on tha wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Hattie. Proâ€" parcd by SEMI XV. anna & Smxs. anton, Mass. {3010. by dlzlggistsund kale“ UCnPruny A Protectefl. Is as easily digested and assimilated with the, blood as the simplest food. \Vlzen the 11100†does not. contain the usual quantity oflron, the: deï¬ciency can be supplied by One use of the I’JJIBUVIAN SYR UP. It cures a “thou"sand ills †simply by TUNING Ur, INVIGORATING, and VITALIZING the system. The enriched and vitalized blond permeates every part of‘tlm body, repairing damages and waste, searching out. morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the sucrpï¬ of the wonderful success of this remedy in caring Dyspepsia, Liver Compmm’t, Bows, ‘ Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhea, Nervous Aï¬â€˜s-ci‘iong, mek Compéaénts, And all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low state of the system. CAUTION.â€"â€"Be sure you get the “PE-- RUVIANS YR UP.†Sold bydruggists gener‘ ally. Pamph‘mts sent free to any addross by SETH W. FOWLE Sr. SONS, Proprietors, 85 Hau- rison Avenue, Boston, Mass. Street East, Richmond Hill this Year’s Growth; H Sanderson 8;: Sons: TIIE' a Mary Tifll'ï¬'ï¬i' ME RE ‘H M“ Yé )HK i ‘11“? 1% an; 0mm CONSUMPTIGN. Chemicals, i‘erfumerm 011in :L chr A 13‘ fully compounded olution of the Protoxiia t" lemishml .3} rinks-w 15ml kl f 4 rd. 1.: SE? C