They are said to have been cast by an Italian for a. convent close by his h0me,in the sunny land of his birth. In the Wars between the Italians and Spaniards, the beLI founder had the misfor- tune to lose his sons, who joined the army of Italy, and, having no other children, enjoyed, as the solace of his woes, the sweet tones of the bells. During a, prolonged absence from his 1m tive village, the convent had been plundered and daspoiled of its bells. This severed the tie which bound the old man to his home beneath the Ap- pennines. He resolved to search the wide world over in hopes of hearing their sound once again. Let the meeful lines of Dennis Florence Mc- Carthy ta 1 what chm-iced: A heifk bound f0}: Erin lay waiting; he enter‘d Soup POWDEB.â€"T\V0 ounces of rarsley, two ounces of summer savory, two ounces of sweet majorum, and two ounces of thyme, one ounce of lemon peel, one ounce of sweet basil, dry, pound and sift. and keep tightly corked in a. can or bottle. Add these flavors to your soup not so as to be strong. butquite delicate. The excellence of French soups is the combi- nation of flavor, all so delicate that no one is allowed to predominate. like one in ajdream, Fair winds in the full purple sails led him soon to the Shannon’s broad stream. THE FANIOUS BELLS 0F LINE- ERICIK. Borne on the current, the vessel glides smoothly but swiftly away, By Carrigaholt, and by many a green sloping headland and bay, ’Twixt Craloe’s blue' hills and green woods, and the soft sunny shores of Tervoo. And now the fair city of Limerick spread out on the broad banks below. Still nearer and nearer approaching, the marinara look o’er the town, The old man sees naught but. St. Mary’s square towers, with the battlements brown ; He listensâ€"as yet [:11 is silent, but now with a. sudden surprise, A rich poet] of melody rings from that tower through the clear, sunny skies. One note is enough; his eyes moisten, his heart long so wither'd, outswells ', He has found themâ€"the sons of his laborwhis . musical, magical hells. At each stroke all the bright ast returneth, around him the sweet Arno s ines ; Hischildren, his darling Francesca, his purple clad trellis of vines. CORN BREADâ€"“78 had a splendid loaf of corn bread for dinner yesterday, and when I asked my hosteSs how it was made she replied: “Easy as possible. I take three cupfuls of sweet milk and one of sour ; three of meal and one of flour. The rule is, one cupful of sour milk, one cupiu’l of molasses, two cupfuls of sweet milk, three cupfula of corn meal, one cupful of flour, one teaspoonful of saleretus, and one tenspoonful of salt. Turn into a buttered basin, steam three hours and bake one hour in a moderate oven.†COFFEE acts upon the brain as a stimulant, inciting it to increased activity and producing sleeplessness ; hence it is of great value as an antidote to narcotic poison. Coffee, unlike tea, does not increase the vaporizing action of the skin, but decreases it, and therefore dries the skin. It increases the action of the heart and the fullness of the pulse, and excites the mucous membranes. It is more ï¬tted than tea for the poor and feeble. It is also more ï¬tted for breakfast, inasmuch as the skin is active and the heart’s action feeble ; whilst in good health and with sufï¬cient food it is not needful after dinner; but if drank should be taken soon after the meal. There is probably not the same degree of reaction after drinking strong coffee as follows strong tee, and none of these effects may be marked if the infusion be very weak. Leaning forward he listens, he gazes, he hours in that wonderful strain The long silent voices that murmur, “ Oh, leave us not, father, again." ’Tis grants 1, he smiles. his eye closes, the breath from his White lips hath fled, The father hath gone to his children, the old campenero is dead. CHICKEN Sultanâ€"The meat of a. cold boiled chicken, threeâ€"fourths of the amount of meat of chopped celery, two hard-boiled eggs. one raw egg well beaten, one teaspoonful of made mustard, one teaspoonful of salt, one of pep. per, one tablespoonful of melted butter or salad oil,- or mixed if you prefer, one table- spoonful of white sugar, and one-half cup of nice vinegar. Shred the meat well, not chop it, cut the celery in small pieces, mix them well, and then prepare the dressing. Rub the yolks smoothly, add the seasoning, then the oil, beating hard and putting in but a little at a time. Then add the raw egg beaten to a froth, and pour in the vinegar slowly, heating well as you do it. Pour this over the meat and celery, tossing lightly so that it will be- come saturated, turn into a salad dish and set in a cool place. When ready to serve gar- nish with hard-boiled eggs cut in rings, and sprays of bleached celery. If you do not have celery, crisp white cabbage is a nice substi- tute, using celery salt or celery vinegar. MARBLE CAKEâ€"Dark kind; yolks of four eggs, one cup of brown sugar, onehalf cup of molasses, one-half cup of butter, two and one- half cups of flour, one-half teaspoon of soda, one-half teaspoon of cream tartar, two tea- spoons of cloves, two teaspoons of cinnamon, two teaspoons of allspice, two teaspoons of nutmeg. Light kind ; whites of four eggs. one cup of white sugar, one-half cuy of butter. one-third cup of sour cream. two cups of flour, one-half teaspoon of soda, one teaspoon of cream tartar, two teaspoons of extract of lemon. TURKISH SOUP.-â€"â€"This soup owes its intro- duction 1nto this country to Miss Dod. In one of her cooking lectures she took a quart of second stock, the broth which comes of the second boiling for about ï¬ve hours, of soup joints, and removed the grease from the sur- face with a piece of paper. She next took half a teacupful of raw rice. and after washing it in cold water placed it in a saucepan, pouring over it the second stock, and allowed this to boil for twenty minutes. At the end of that time the soup is passed through a coarse wire sieve, and then returned to the saucepan, being stirredwell ts prevent lumps. The yolks of two eggs are next placed in a bowl, to which are added two tablespaonfuls of milk or cream, with a little pepper and salt, and this is well mixed togetherâ€"not beaten. To this a spoonful of the stock and rice is added. so as to prevent curdling, and it is then poured into the saucepan. The whole is placed on the ï¬re for a few minutes, but not allowed to boil, after which it is ready for serving. HARD GINGERBREAD.â€"Three fourths of a cup of butter or meat drippings, one cup of molasses, one cup of brown sugar, three- fourth of a. cup of hot water, in which dissolve a piece of alum the size of a hazelnut, one tablespoonful of salt one tablespoonful of ginger, one dessert spoonful of soda mixed in the cup of molasses. Mix the ingredients and add flour sufï¬cient to make asoft dough. Roll out and cut in square cakes or cards and with the hack of a knife mark it in strips across the top of the cat. COLORING BuTrER.â€"Notwithstnnding all that is said and written against. the practice of coloring butter, there are very few who prefer it White. With the greatest care my winter butter will be light-colored, and 1 use carrots to give it agolden tint, though, of course it will not be gilt-edged. I scrape or grate a. carrot press out; the juice and turn it over the salt before it is worked into the butter. If one wishes to use aunatto I think the easiest way is as follows : Tie the annatto in a. thin cloth and dampen ; have ready a quantity of salt (the quantity must depend on the quality of butter made, but enough must be prepared to last some little time), squeeze the softened annatto over it in drops, dampen and squeeze again. The salt should be mixed and more color added until it is sufï¬cient to make the butter as nearly as possible the de- sired color. OYSTER FBITTERs.â€"Drain the liquor from the oysters. Then take one cup of the liquor, one cup of milk, three eggs, in little salt and flour enough to make a thin butter. Mix all together and stir the oysters in the batter. Have hot in a frying pan lard about. the same quantity as for doughnuts. Drop the oyster better in, a spoonful in a place, and when cooked to a light brown take them from the fat and lay them upon a platter covered with a napkin to absorb the fat from them. Servo while hot. CREAM PiE Gavanâ€"Can pie-crust be made A Batch of Useful Receipes. KITCHEN ECONOMY. without lard “.7 A correspondent says. this is my way : Take thick cream, chop in quickly with a knife, or edge of a spoon, in an earthen bowl, flour till thick enough to roll, without sticking to the board. Do not touch it with the hands any more than you would lard crust- R011 thinâ€"make as any pie. Bake a little more carefully, as it burns easier than lard crust: A teacupful of cream will make crust enough for three small pies. An utterly indefensible printers’ strike oc- curred in St. Paul, Minn., a few days ago. Early in the afternoon an intimation reached the publishers of The Pioneer Press that a pe‘ tition was circulating among the compositors in the news room, asking an increase of pay. An hour later this was followed by the an- nouncement that the men had left their cases and refused to work. An invitation by the foreman to resume work resulted in forty men marching out of the news room, leaving but ï¬ve at the cases. After this peremptory ac. tion, the petition referred to, which in itself was temperate and respectful, found its way to the ofï¬ce of the business manager, who had had no previous ofï¬cial notice of the trouble or its cause. Somewhat later in the afternoon a committee of the strikers conde- scended to seek a conference with the business manager, and requested an answer to the petition pre- sented under such extraordinary circum- stances. In this and subsequent conferences with the strikers the proprietors found them- selves face to face with two difï¬culties. The demand for increase of pay was complicated by tho peremptory action of the compositors in stopping work before their request could be consideredâ€"before it had even reached the proprietors. The main question was disposed of by an agreement to give a ï¬nal answer to the demand for increased pay on the next day but one. The other was met by requiring the men to return to work, and work until the, question of pay was decided, or forfeit their positions. After consultation the men refused to do this, and their positions were temporarily ï¬lled. HULLED ConN.â€"â€"The white, yellow or sweet corn may be used. Soak the corn over night in warm water, and in the morning put it in an iron kettle with water enough to cover it. To each quart of corn put in a generous teaâ€" spoonful of soda or saleratus, and boil until the hulls come off readily; then wash in several clean waters, and after it is thoroughly washed put. it on to boil again in clean water. Boil until tender and then salt it. Turn into ‘a sieve and drain thoroughly. SOFT CAKE.â€"One egg, one cup of sugar, one- half cup of sweet milk, one and one-half cups of flour, one-third cup of butter, one and one- half teaspoons of baking powder. (From the London Times.) To the Editor of the Times- :â€"It would be interesting to know how many of your read- ers have brought fully home to their inner consciousness the real signiï¬cance of that little word “billion†which we have seen of late so gibly used in your columns. There are, doubtless, many thousands who can not appreciate its true worth even when reduced to fragments for more easy assimilation. Its arithmetical symbol is simple and Without much pretension ; there are no large ï¬gures â€"just a modest 1 followed by a dozen ciphers and that is all. Let us briefly take a. glance at it as a meas- ure of time, distance, and weight. As a meas- ure of time I would take one second as the unit, and carry myself in thought through the lapse of ages back to the ï¬rst day of the year 1 of our era, remembering that in all those years, we have 365 days, and in every day just 86,400 seconds of time. Hence, in returning in thought back again to this year of grace 1880, one might have supposed that a billion of seconds had long since elapsed ; but this, is not so. We have not even passed 1.16th of that number in all these long events ful years, for it takes just 31,687 years, 17 days, 22 hours, 45 minutes and 5 seconds to constitute a. billion of seconds of time. Or in lieu of this arrangement'we may place them flat upon the ground, forming one con- tinuous line like a. golden chain, with every link in close contact. But to do this we must pass over land and sea, mountain and valley, desert and plain, crossing the equator, and returning around the southern hemisphere through the trackless ocean, retrace our way again across the equator, then still on and on until we again arrive at our starting point ; and when we have thus passed a golden chain around thehuge bulk of the earth, we shall be but at the beginning of our task. We must drag this imaginary chain no less than 763 times round the globe. If we can further imagine these rows of links laid closely side by side and every one in Contact with its neighbor, we shall have formed a golden band around the globe just 52 feet 6 inches wide, and this will represent our l,000,000,@00,000 of coin. Such a chain, if laid in a straight line, would reach a fraction over 18,328,445 miles, the weight of which, if estimated at :1 oz. each sovereign, would be 6,975,447 tons, and would require for their transport no less than 2.325 ships, each with a full cargo of 3,000 tons. Even then there would be a residue of 447 tons, representing 64,081,920 sovereigns. It is no easy matter to bring under the cognizance of the human eye a billion objects of any kind. Let us try in imagination to arrange this number for inspection, and for this purpose I would select a sovereign as a familiar object. Let us put one on the ground and pile on it as many as will reach 20 feet in height ; then let us place numbers of simllar columns in close contact. forming a straight line, and making a sort of wall 20 feet high, showing only the thin edges of the coin. Imaglne two such walls running paral- lel to each other, and forming, as it were, a long street. We must then keep on extend- ing these walls for milesâ€"nay, hundreds of miles. and still we will be far short of the re- quired number. And it is not until we have extended our imaginary street to a distance of 2,38% miles that we shall have presented for inspection our one billion of coms. For a measure of height let us take a. much smaller unit as our measuring rod. The thin sheets of paper on which these lines are printed, if laid out flat and ï¬rmly pressed to- gether as in a well bound book, would repre- sent a measure of about 1-333 of an inch in thickness. Let us see how high a dense pile formed by a billion of these thin paper leaves would reach. We must, in imagination plle them vertically upward, by degrees reaching to the height of our tallest spires ; and pass- ing these, the pile must still go higher, top- ping the Alps and the Andes and the highest peaks of the Himalayas, and shooting up from thence through the fleeey clouds, pass beyond the conï¬nes of our attenuated at- mosphere and leap up into the blue ether with which the universe is ï¬lled, standing proudly up far beyond the reach of all terres- trial things ; still pile on your thousands and millions of thin leaves. for we are only begin‘ ning to rear the mighty mass. Add millions on millions of sheets and thousands of miles on these, and still the number will lack its due amount. Let us pause to look at the neat ploughed edges of the book before us. See how closely lie those thin flakes of paper, ‘how many there are in the mere width of a span, and then turn our eyes in imagination upwards to our mighty column of accumu- lated sheets. It now contains its appointed number, and our 1,000,000,000,000 sheets of the Times superimposed upon each other and pressedinto a compact mass has reached an altitude of 47.348 miles. 1 Thing or Two Showing \tht A Bil- lion Is. Those who have taken the trouble to follow me thus far will, I think agree with me that 1,000,000,000,000 is a fearful thing, and that few can appreciate its real value. As for quadrillions and trillions. they are simply words, mere words, wholly incapable af ade- quately impressing themselves on the human intellect. I remain, your obedient servant, HENRY BESSEMER SOME BIG FIGU RES A {ll EAN STKIHCE At 17, then : she thinks often of love ; de- ' lights in love. songs ; ï¬lls Moore’s poems with pencil marks ; thinks Byron’s face beautiful ; eats little in company. At 18 : still thinks a : great deal of love ; would care nothing for poverty provided she had a. sweetheart who ' adored her ; indeed, would ratherbe poor than ' rich, were she united to the ideal whom she ' has not yet met. Still reads a. great deal of ' poetry and novels which deal largely with love and the death of the heroines ; passion- ately fond of children. At 19 : a little more critical ; ï¬nds some of the poetry that pleased her last year a little weak ; looks about her for steadier authors than her old favor- ites : dances every dance in a ball and is not quite so particular as to the men who are introduced to her. At 20 : is not sure whether, after all, it would not be best to be an old man’s darling. Nevertheless she flirts more uniformly ; all the shyness is gone, and she enjoys her food whether people are looking at her or not. At 21 : her belief in old men is strong ; she has lost her preju- dices in favor of poverty and cottages, yet she would not insist upon money were her ideal to present himself. At 22 : thinks her younger sister rather forward in her manners, particu- larly with young men ; sometimes suggests to mamme that the invitations which include the younger sister are merely acts of polite- ness which people don’t want to be literally interpreted. At 23 : is annoyed if anyone says in her presence that the pallor of half the girls one meets comes from tight-lacing. At 24: laces deliberately for a waist, and does not much mind if it is known; ï¬nds the com- pany of old men always more agreeable than that of young men, and is flattered it boys pay her attention. At 25: is found behind bazaar stalls; imitates the style of thefashion- able beauty; frequently alters the charac- ter of her coiï¬ure. and uses a. great many dif- ferent kinds of stuff for her hair. At 26 : declares she hates the idea of marriage ; wonders how girls can voluntarily enter a state of bondage ; marksallpassagcs in novels in which men are called tyrants, and ceases to not-ice other people’s babies. At 27 : falls in love ; about four months of quiet anguish and despair; arts late into the night alone in her bedroom ; is jilted; writes twenty letters in all conceivable styles, from the passionately scornful to the mild, scriï¬cial, forgiving, heart- breaking styleâ€"none of which are posted; , 'EEIE §iVlALL IROY NOT “A BLU‘SH- lVllX ’ It is often charged by writers that the small“ boy isa “slummix.†That is to say, he goes sloshing around with his thoughts at the North Pole and his eye on the south, and that it is all the same to him whether he runs over a street-car or knocks down a lamp-post. Such attacks on the small boy arise from pure jealousy. One of them, and one who may have been attacked by jealous historians and smell-minded poets, was waiting on a Wood- ward avenue corner yesterday, when afar up the street he espicd 9. load of hay. The farmer on the load was smoking. The small boy had been sent on an errand and told to hurry up or he’d get his jacket nicely dusted, but he no sooner saw the hay and the smoke than he jumped over a. fence and lay flat on his stomach. In a few minutes along came the load. The horses were on the walk and the driver on the puff. He had just got down to where the tobacco tasted good, and was making the most of it. As the load was pass- ing the boy drew in his breath and shouted, “Fire 1 ï¬re !" at the top of his voice. The effect on that farmer was wonderful. He threw the pine clear to the curbstone, rolled off his load to the pavement, jumped up, and had begun unharnessing his horses when a pedestrian demanded the cause of his ex- citement. “We‘ll see him blowed ï¬rst V. He has owed us a bill for over two years 1†“ Yum l†muttered the man as he stepped back. If that boy had been a. slummix he wouldn’t have seen the buy. If he had been careless he wouldn’t have put the hay and pipe to- gether. If he had been a. make he wouldn’t have reasoned : “ One load of hay, plus one pipe, equals two yells which lifted thin fellow clear out of his boots.†“ You’ve got a telephone here. haven’t you ‘2†asked a citizen. as he yesterday entered an ofï¬ce on Griswold street in a. seeming great hurry. “ Yea,†was the reply " VVell,»I never believed in ’em to any great extent, but I want to order some coal from a yard up the river." ton " Did they say they’d send it ‘2†asked the other. “ N-â€"o, not exactly.†“ \Vhat did they say ‘2†“ Iâ€" I didn’t catch it very well. Let me re- peat.†Picking up the trumpet again he stood with it to his ear and asked : “ Did you say you’d send it .7" “Not by a. blamed sight I†came the re- “ But I shan’t bother any one else,†growled the man. "As I said before, 1 never did be- lieve in ’em to any great extent. and now I’ve lost What little faith I had. Much obligedâ€"- good day.†“ Some one hollered ï¬re and I thought it was the hay!†he explaineid. _ He waiked all around the load, sniffed atit, and when certain that there was no ï¬re, he shook his ï¬st at every house in the neighbor- hood and climbed back to his seat and drove “ Well,†replied the operator, “this line isn’t working very well this morning, and you‘d better go to the ofï¬ce four doors below. The dealers seem to hear me well enough, but 1 don’t get hold of their answer plainly. The other instrument is probably Working all right.†The Cycle ofn Woman's Idle From Seven- teen Io Hilly. [From London MayfairJ A spinster’s life begins at the age of seven- teen and ends at the age of ï¬fty. When she reaches the age of ï¬fty she either becomes an old woman or begins life afresh, starting this time at about ï¬vo~and-twenty. There are, of course, exceptions. Some girls begin life very much earlier than seventeen. I knew a young lady of six who killed hergrandma by her pre- cocity. Her grandma had asked her to come and see her, and for 1161 reception had pre pared a feast of seed- cake and mild negus and also purchased a book of fairy stories. Tile child ate the cake, but objected to the wine, and after glancing with great contempt at the book of fairy stories. threw it on the floor, say- ing that she preferred real talesâ€"things she could improve her mind on. “ What will this world some to ;" shrieked the old lady ; " im- prove her mind at six 1 Why, at sixteen I did not know whether I had a mind or not i" The shock was too much ; the old lady took to her bed and never recovered. sponge. “ Well?" asked the man as a painful pause ensued. N If his ear had been at the trumpet his faith would have been as big as a mountainâ€"Dc- trait Free Press. But most girls begin to live at 17; and from 17 to 50 every year is like a ï¬gure in an auc- tioneer’s catalogue which is meant. to indicate a fresh “ lot.†Of course. there are depths of thought, melancholy idealisms, delicious hopes, yearning aspirationsprofound accesses of pietism, dm‘k emotions of envy, sickening spasms of jealousy~ all making ems for them» selves, and sometimes contriving wild deport- ures, which cannot be sounded, nor, indeed, even adverted to, in a comprehensive sumâ€" mary of thirty-three years of existence. Yet the spinstcr‘s life may be gathered from hints, which may be shrewd enough to go deep with- out being voluminous. Yesâ€"5070 tons,†was the answer. Well, he wants you to send him up a [AIDENS AND SPINS l‘ER-‘E. DIDN’T BELIEVE IN ’E'Jl. (Detroit Free Press.) destroys the ball room plogramme on which he has written his name. At 28211080 red even in spring; shoulders a. shade thin ; reâ€" solves to dress her hair lower, as the hair pins are making her bald ; also parts her hair on one side. At 29: declines to take part in a. tableau vivant, and thinks that sort of en- tertainment rather immodest ; begins to write proseâ€"short tales. essays and skycches on characterâ€"and believes that if i ‘ sould only ‘ï¬nd patience she could \'u“"“' ave]. The idea of making a train lay down and take up its own rails as it moves along is not a new one, but an interesting realization of it is now to be witnessed (as we learn from La Nature) in the Jardin des Tuileries, Paris. The system is that of Clement Ader. The rails on either side of the carriages consist of a series of jointed pieces of mil with flat sup» porting pieces ; they enclose the system of wheels, passing down over the front and up over the end wheels, and all the wheels have two flanges to prevent any derailment. In front the chains of rail are guided by two dis- tributing wheels, which are governed by the traction, so that, on pulling obliquely, right or left, the endless way automatically follows the same direction. At the end of the train, again, are two taking-up wheels, provided with a differential motion to meet the difï¬culty of going in curves, which involves an extending of the rail on one side and contraction of that on the other, so that, whenever the curve (to six or seven metres’ radius) the way is regularly put down, and lifted. From the mechanical point of View, one is struck With the smallness of the force required to move a train thus arranged ‘In the Jardin des Tnileries the train consist g of three carriages, capable of containing in1 all 30 children, and often full. These are drawn by two goats, which work thus for seven hours. The total load is about 1.000 kilogrammes. To draw a like weight in three carriages on ordinary roads would require a dozen goats, four for each vehicle (this is the number harnessed to the small carriages for children in the Champs Elysees). The econ-i ï¬nd patience she could \'u“"“' ._,vel. At 30 : writes a novel, :ii .w'lllcll she intro- duces the one love of her life ; ï¬nds a pub- lisher who will publish it at her own risk ; accepts his offer ; she is sure he will read it ; does not stop the footman at table from ï¬ll- ing her wine glass. At 31 : increasing size of waist ; is mistaken for mamma‘s youngest sister; reads the Quarterly Rermr, and can converse on woman suffrage. At 32 : is wearing three false teeth. At 33 : ï¬nds girls much more forward than they used to be ; also that the style of dancing grows objec- tionable ; is usually taken down to supper by married men. At 34 z is told that her sister’s music-master has called her Bella. In con- ; sequence, retraces two years of herlife,stutlies 1the corsetmakers’ advertisements,and chooses bright colors. At 35 : powders boldly ; parts her hair down the middle, gives up earrings and keeps the window blinds down to save the furniture. At 36: can converse on the educational question and Waltzes whenever she can set a chance. At 37 : is grave when the subject of age is discussed, and asks if she does not 1 wk quite 30? At 38 : hears of the elopemei- of a. friend’s husband with an act- ress, and is more than ever thankful that she is unmarried; takes an interest in church matters, and learning that the curate is laid up calls and sends repeatedly. At 39 : regu- larly drinks a glass of hot Scotch whiskey and water before going to bed; admits that she likes her comforts, and playfully owns that she is quite an old woman. At 40 : likes scandal»; reads the reports of the law courts ; subscribes again to alending library, and ï¬nds that she grows drowsy after a late dinner. At 41 : keeps a lapdog, two eats, a parrot and three canaries; takes much interest in her health, tries a great many advertised medicines, and “ indulges in con- stitutionals.†At 42 : is nervous at night, particularly when the wind is high ; keeps a man-servant,who must be middle-aged.highly respectable, and one who is used to attending on single ladies preferred ; loses a favorite cat, and has it carefully buried in the garden. At 43 : attends early celebrations, and helps to decorate the church at Easter and Christ- mas and the harvest festival. At 44 : grows a little frivolous ; chooses gay caps ; reads ex- citing novels. At 45 : feels the cold. also feels lonely ; advertises for a lady to share her home ; quarrels with lady over the ser- vants, and vows she will never live again with a companion; her parrot dies; her doctor proposes to her ; she declines him in a mild letter. and says they will always be dear friends. At 47 : takes two glasses of hot whiskey before retiring at night ; writes poetry and sends it to the local press. At 48 : is robbed by her man-servant; ï¬nds a cap that becomes her, and makes up her mind to wear nothing else. ; notices her hair has grown gray over the ears. At 49 : grows bad-tern- pered, and is greatly troubled with servants ; another animal dies and is carefully buried. At 50 : makes her will, and leaves all her pro- perty to her doctor. “ Gov. Leteher the other day gave an anec- dote on the convention of 1860 that must go into print. When Mr. Janney, the president of the convention. was absent, Mr. Valentine Sonthall, of Albemarle, was always put in the chair. He was indigestively thin and irri- table. Janney had been indisposed for a week and the Ohei'lottesville dyspeptic presided. During this time there was an ‘opening the session with prayer.’ Several delegates com- plained of the omission. South-all said sharp- ly thatit was not his duty to hunt up preach- ers ; that was the business of the sergeant-at- arms. This oiï¬cer was Nat. Thomson, of Hanover, a character. Nat. defended himself by alleging that Mr. Janney always attended to getting the persons, but it Mr. Southall thought that the sergeant always ought to have a preacher on hand, he would to get one. That evening Nat. strolled down Main street in search of a certain ‘parsing,’an old acquain- tance of Nat. The preacher was off duty and was ‘serving tables’ by some seculiar pursuit in Richmond. He was of the hard shell persuasion. Nat. found him and told him of the need of “a man like him’ to lead in prayer at the convention next day. The minister was tickled at the request but hinted that his Sunday suit was rather rusty. Nat, consented to loan him the proper garments. The hard shell was at Nat‘s room the next morning, and was duly arrayed in clerical cloths. The two started for the capitol. Nat, remarked, on the route, that the convention had been without any worship for a week, and it was expected that the lost devotions should be made up that morning. The hard shell brother, even in his shortest invocations, never could reach amen under a half hounand this suggestion of the sergeant fell in with the inclination of of the windy and, as he loved to call himself ‘wrestling Jacob.’ Mr. Southall’s gravel tapped to order exactly at 11. As soon as the person had struck the regular note, and was beginning to wed his senses with ‘eer,’ Nat, quietly slipped from the hall, locked the door, and went down to the Zetelle’s for a lunch. he spent an hour at the restaurant, and slowly returning to the capitol. and ï¬nding the hardâ€"shell in full swing, he went down to Rockett’s and dined with Dick Hnskins, sauntered back about 2 o'clock, and still had a quarter of an hour to sun himself on the capitol steps before the swelling tones of the parson began to taper to the lower key of the conclusion. Nat, unbolted the doors as the prayer ended. It had lasted three hours and a quarter. The convention was far from a devotional frame of mind when the regular business began. Mr. Southall never insisted upon that sergeant-at-arms furnishing minis- ters any more.†(From the Charlottesville (Va) Chronicle. We ï¬nd the following in a Kentucky paper Without credit and do not know where it orig- inated. As Gov. Letcher is given as author- ity for the facts stated, we presume there is foundation for the anecdote, which will be read with interest by everybody who remem- bers Mr. Southall : [low a Session 0! the Virginia Convention 011860 \Vas Opened. A LONG PRAYER. ENDLESS RAILS. only of carriage, then, is incontestable. The normal speed is four to six kilometres per hour. The system is, of course, not designed for passenger trafï¬c but for goods, and in mnny places with bad roads or none might be very serviceable. â€"â€"An incident‘ which would be absolutely incredible were not its truth amply vouched for, recently occurred in Marseilles. A man hanged himself at the door of his house with a girdle of wool. A neighbor having given the alarm. 11 number of persons rushed up, but they never thought. of cutting the man down, and calmly watched him as he writhed in the death agony, which was very long. Ar. ofï¬cer of customs. who reached the spots. quarter of an hour after the crowd had begun to collect, ‘ released the victim, but he had ceased to‘ breathe. A report from Lucan on Saturday says]: â€" In an interview with Bill Donnelly to-day our reporter ascertained his views on the inter- view. The sick man was found in bed at Mr. W. H. Pratt‘s house, but he was able to sit up and talk, which he did very freely. “In the ï¬rst place,†he said, “ I wish to deny thv statement that I got up a petition to tln Bishop for the removal of Father Connolly. l have hitherto refrained from dragging th: name of the bishop or the priest into thi: affair, but in justice to myself and to them 1 must do so. After the vigilance committee had searched on my father’s premises for Thompson’s cow, I wrote a letter to Bishop Walsh, acquainting him with the state of things in the township. I told him of the formation of the Committee, that I understood Father Connolly was at the head of it, and that I was satisï¬ed there were some men on the Committee who wished to end our family; also that I was not aware that the Catholic Church allowed a sworn party to exist in its midst, and that if he wished to enquire about our character, he could refer to Patrick Nangle, Stephen McCormick, Dennis D‘Arcy, Michael Crunnican, J.P., James Keefe and Robert Keefe, men of undoubted respectabil~ ity, and who declined to become members of the Committee. I also told the Bishop that Father Connolly was present at two or three law-suits against our family, and that I didn’t think it a ï¬t place for a clergyman to be. I went so far as to ask him, in the name of God, to do something towards breaking up the organization, or it would end in murder. I never got up a petition for the removal of Father Con- nelly, and defy anyone to say anything to the contrary. I have no hard feelings against the priest, although at one time I hada misunderstanding with him, which I offered to carry before the Bishop for settle- ment, saying that if I found I was in the wrong I would lower myself lower than the worm that crawled. The Bishop never answered my letter. He handed it over to Father Connolly, and that was the last I heard of it. It just took ï¬ve lives to convince them that my prophecy would prove true. There is another fact that the papers do not seem to have got hold of yet, and that is that nine years ago my father’s barn and contents were entirely destrayed by ï¬re. Also in Febâ€" ruary, 1878, my house in Osborne was broken into by masked men, who, having tied me to the bed, stole $132 from a trunk. So you will see that the Donnellys did not commit all the depredations in the country. It is told by a man who was a member of the Committee that he had to use physical force at one of their meetings to de- feat a motion to lynch my brother Tom. The meeting was very stormv and almost came to a ï¬ght, but by taking off his coat and holding back two or three of the more violent ones the man managed to restore order and get a ma- jority against the motion. Ho afterwards left the Committee.†Going back to the in- terview, Bill Donnelly said: †He says our family would not join the Committee. Why, father told me one day he was going to be- come a member. I advised him to the con- trary, as there were three or four men in the Committee who would not scruple at doinfl anything to injure him. How easy would it have been for them to steal something and hide it on my father’s place, where the whole Committee could ï¬nd it and then send the old man to the penitentiary for robbery. Those are the words that kept him from join- ing.†â€"-â€"The pronunciation of Oabul is Cawbyl. The ï¬rst syllable accentedâ€"Ex. For nine long dreary months, in perfect good faith and with a trust and conï¬dence that has never ‘for a moment flagged or wavered, we have in season and out of seasqn been pronouncing that word Cabal with the accent on the last syllable. If every Afghan should come into our ofï¬ce and should Cawbyl in our ears, and every killed Afghan were to come in with his head under his arm and the lips of that head were to gasp Cawbyl, we would stick to Oa-bul to the bitter end. All Aryan words in Asia. with signiï¬cant sufï¬xes, of which Cabul is one and bul the sufï¬x, are accented on the last syllable. Go to l Ca-bul lâ€"Waco (Teen) Examiner. A Man Forces llis Mistress Io Drink Her- selt Io Deathâ€"A Woman Charged as an Accessory to the Crime. A cable dispatch from London says : The trial of Lewis Payne for the murder of Miss McLean, by administering large quantities of spirits, which took place to-day at the Gen. tral criminal Court, concluded with a verdict of guilty of manslaughter. Payne had se- duced Miss McLean, and for some time had lived with her as her parumour, but either becoming infatuated witha woman named Fannie Matthews, who is under indictment as accessory to the crime. or wishing to pos- sess himself of some property belonging to his mistress. he concocted a plan with the Women Matthews to murder Miss McLean by inducing her to begin a dehauch, which they kept up without intermission, continually forcing the unfortunate women to swallow large quantities of brandy until she died of “alcoholization.†The case for the Crown was conducted by the AttorneyGenerel, and Payne was defended by Mr. Edward Clarke. Owing to certain mitigating circumstances. Payne was saved from hanging, but sen- tenced to penal servitude for life. Before the sentence he made a long and rambling statement protesting his innocence. The trial of Miss Matthews will immediately fol- low. The smallest book ever printed since type was ï¬rst invented is a microscopic edition of Dante’s "Divina Commedia†which was on View last year at the Paris Exhibition. The whole volume of 500 pages is only 5 centi- metres long by 37} centimetres Wide. Two sheets of paper sufï¬ced to contain all the 14,- 323 verses of the poem, 30 verses occupying a space of somewhat less than 8 square centi- metres. The type with which this curiosity was printed was cast as long ago as 1834, but no complete book had hitherto been turned out in it, the difï¬culties for compositor and reviser being so enormous that the attempts were given up time after time. no one being able to continue on the work. In 1873 afresh at- tempt was made to“set up"the “Commedia,†and some notion of the difï¬culty experienced may be gathered from the fact that the work occupied no less than ï¬ve years in its con- pletion. The text is that of Fraticelli. the reader was a certain Signor Luigi Busato, and the compositor Guiseppe Geche. The eye. sight of the latter is irretrievably ruined. The writer in the Allgemeine Zeitung, from whose article this notice is extracted, states that he is unable to form judgment as to how the corrections were carried out, for even with the best magnifying glass he was unable to fol- low the text continuously.1‘lie edition has been christened “Lo Dantino,†the “Little Dante." A thousand copies of it are to be struck off, and shortly be put upon the market, after Another intervlcw with Bill Donnell)". THE S.YIALLE§'[‘ “00K IN THE ‘VIDHIJD. TIIE BIDDUI. I’ll TB AGE HQRIKIBLE CR] VIE. Mr. Brassey quotes from thelate Earl Bus- sell and from Lord Beaconsï¬eld to prove that under the present management the colonies would be helpless in time of war, and that the relations are the reverse of satisfactory. What he wishes to see established, and what evidently the wisest and most far-seeing of the colonial statesmen wish to see, is a grand maritime confederacy, in which the colonies as well as the mother country will be fairly represented. The colonies, at present, are liberal in the provision they have made for localâ€"self-defence. Not to speak of the militia, which in all the colonies is strong and well organized, care has been taken in many places to provide local Davies. Sydney owns a tur» ret ship, Melbourne has a small navy, Adel- aide is maklng arrangements to build an ironâ€"clad, and it has lately been proposed by each of the governments of Victoria and New South \Vales to expend £300,000, besides an additional annual outlay of £73,000 for ships, guns and torpedoes. The ï¬sheries of the Dominion give, it is estimated, employment to 1,000 ships and 17,000 smacks, which are manned by 7,000 sailors and 26,000 ï¬sherâ€" menâ€"the nucleus of a great navy. It is desired that all their sources of strength be utilized, that the colonies be not left to iso- lated action, and, therefore, to the distracting influences of divided counsels of rivalry and jealousy, but that the formidable combina- tion should be organized and controlled un- der the supremacy of the mother country. Difference of opinion prevails as to the quotes to be furnished by the different members of the proposed maritime confederation and as to the relative expenses. These are ques- tions, however, which, it is felt, would not be difï¬cult of solution if the project were fairly under way. Mr. Brassey lays‘ great stress upon the value of coaling stations, ‘ in this age of steam, and shows that their coaling stations are absolutely unprotected; dwells with equal emphasis on this question of deck accommodation and points out that, l with the exception of Malta, Hong Kong and some points in Australia, there is no accom- modation for large iron-elude away from Eng- ‘ land. Mr. Brassey also argues that the com- merce of the country should be made as far as possible self-defending, meaning that the large ships of the great commercial lines should be so constructed that they could be made available for purposes both offensive and defensive. In View of the fact that the annual value of the commerce of the country exceeds £600,000.000 sterling, which, with the value of the shipping added, would make a total of £650,000,000 at stake, Mr. Brassey makes a vigorous concluding appeal for the immediate initiation of this maritime confed- eracy, by making adequate provision for the Mr. Brnssey’n Bonk on England‘s Coloni- al Empireâ€"the Ne-ccnuity of n, Muriâ€" ume Confederation to Secure British Prefnlinuucm Some few weeks ago there were presented in these columns, in condensed form, the out- line of a plan which had for some time been engaging the attention and occupying the thoughts of some of those advanced thinkers who were concerned not only for the wellfare, out for the preservation intact of the Widely‘ Axtended Empire of Great Britian. The} piestion it will now be seen, is commanding . videspread and serious attention. It has long i l ieen apparent that certain rapid changes vere necessary in the relations which bind he colonies to the mother country, if these colonies were to be of any permanent advan- tage to the mother country, or rather it they were not, one after the other, when the age of mature and lusty manhood was reached, to claim independence and follow the example ofthe United States of America. From the circumstances in which the people of the ‘British Isles ï¬nd themselves there is always what may be regarded as a surplus popula- tion. Connected with this is the constant twofold necessity of ï¬nding markets in which to dispose of the home manufactured goods and in which also to purchase food for the home population. The British Islands contain more people than they can feed without importation, and they manufac- ture more goods than they can ï¬nd a market for without exportation. In such circum. stances emigration is a constant and abiding necessity. In sixtytwo years, from 1815 to 1877, the total number of emigrants who left the United Kingdom was 8,424,942. Of these over ï¬ve millions have settled in the United States. Only a little over two millions have permanently settled in the British possessions. In 1877 the total value of imported food, such as foreign stock (live and dead), corn, flour and grain of all kinds, butter, cheese and eggs amounted to £96,879,737, or $484,398,485. FEEDING POWER OF THE COLONIES. It is also calculated that in the Colonial Emplre alone, not to speak of India, there is rich food producing territory of over seven million of square miles, with a population of about one inhabitant to the mile. From these and other ï¬gures equally suggestive and in- structive, together With certain revealed ten- dencies of the times, the question has been put :â€"“ How can Great Britain best conserve her own interests and at the same time ad- vance the welfare of her colonies?†Or, to put the matter otherwise and perhaps more concisely :â€"In Great Britain there is a large surplus population, with an immense demand for foreign grown; in the colonies there is a large undeveloped, food producing area, with an immense demand for foreign labor. How can these conditions be so combined as to be naturally satisfying? In the article above referred to, it was stated that of all the views advanced, that which implied a feder- ation of the whole Empire, home and colo- nial,was the most sensible and the most likely ultimately to prevail. Since the question was discussed in the Herald it has attained a wider public1ty and has been commanding more serious attention. Toward the close of Januaryâ€"the 20thâ€"- Mr. T. Brassey, M. P., delivered a lecture be- fore the Chamber of Commerce of Bradford on the “Colonial Empire†of Great Britain, a lecture in which. dealing with some fresh facts, he reiterates the sentiments and con- clusions formerly expressed in the Herald. Mr. Brassey’s ï¬rst object is to bring out the portance of the colonial trade. The ï¬gures are 'signiï¬cant and instructive. While Bri- tish exports to foreign countries had risen from £141,900,000 in 1869 to £195,700,000 in 1872 and had fallen again in 1878 to 218126311000, the colonial trade had steadily grown in the same interval from $248,000,000 to £66,237,000, or from 25.3 per cent. to 34.4 per cent. of the total commerce of the coun- try. It further appears that the Australian colonies proportion to their popu- lation, a. larger quantity of British manufac- tures than the British people themselves. The British people are never indifferent when their pockets are concerned. It is wonderful, therefore. that Mr. Brassey. who is an Englishman of the English. and one of the best informed men in Parliament, by actual experience, regard- ing the condition and prospects of the various British colonies, should be proud of those various children of the mother country, and should at the some time reveal some anxiety as to the continued friendly and intimate re. lotions of both. Mr. Brassoy sees the danger which threatens the more distant colonies in the event of the mother country becoming in- volved in a great war. Quoting from an ad- dress whioh he heard delivered by Mr. Strung- way, late Premier of South Australia, he said: “ If called upon by England to join her in a. general advance of the Whole Empire, the question which the colonies wished ï¬rst to have answered was whether England was pre- pared to give‘those colonies a voice in the question of peace or war. The answer of the question was this. If England became in- volved in a great war it would have one of two effectsâ€"4t would bind England and her colo- nies into one vast Empire such as the World had never seen, or it would entirely separate her from those colonies.†BRITISH FEDERATION. BnAssm's â€COLONIAL EMPIRE†A MARITIME CONFEDERACY‘ (New York Herald.) The following instruction have been issued in circular form by a. leading butter ï¬rm in Montreal. We venture to say that if strictly followed they will be found to he of very great service to the butter makers of Canada, and are well worthy of their attention :â€""The poor tubs that have been used in some parts of the townships the past few years have hurt the sale of the butter. A sawnvstave tub is not ï¬t to keep butter in ; it is too heavy, gets dirty quickly, and cannot possibly be kept clean in shipping. Poor ï¬tting lids, with small sawn rims, are almost worthless. and break up like pipe stems. All tubs should be made from the best wood, split stavcs (never sewn on any account), and have tightï¬tting covers with a broad rim. The proper °ight of a tub holding ï¬fty (50) pounds of butter, i measured on the outside, with the lid on, is ‘flfteen (15) inches. Farmers that will insist on putting their butter into cheap tubs must expect to sell their butter at a. cheap price. as the English market is getting very particular about the kind of tubs used. A cool dry room to keep your milk in, a cool place to churn in, and a. cool place to keep your butter in, are all indispensable for good butter-making. Remember, the bottom principle of good butter-making is even temperature all through. New plans and new systems work poorly without the above requisites, whilst most any system works well with them. Better cows, better feed and greater care would add much to the proï¬ts with little cost.†defence of their cooling stations, which would cost not more than one million sterling. A PRESSING QUESTION. Mr. Brassey, it will he observed. looks at the question of the interrelation of this colony with the mother country from a purely commercial standpoint. His thoughts are less directly occupied with the welfare of the peoples as such, or with the preservation of the colonial empire intact, than with the commercial interests of» the empire at large. It is a business view of the question. It is just because business men , are feeling themselves driven by the stern; ‘ logic of facts to look this question in the face’ that we are no longer permitted to regard the federation of the British Empire as a mere whim or fancy of the theretic mind. It is a. something which is in the air, in the atmos- phere in which British men at home and abroad live and move and have their being, and sooner or later it will be the opportunity of the statesman of the hour to take hold of what is now an idea and give it practical shape. No such arrangement as that which Mr. Brassey desires is practicable until the colonies and the mother country begin to live together on equal terms, and that cannot be until local and imperial interests are judi- ciously separated, and until local interest-s shall be intrusted to local parliaments, while the imperial interests of this federated empire shall he intrusted to the Imperial Parliament. Clearly this question of confederation, as for as Great Britain is concerned, is one of the greatest questions of the hour. The proposition met the approval of Justice Davis, and Firm, the companion of Kessler, was given the beneï¬t of the good turn in his fellow prisoner’s fortunes. Both men were allowed to withdraw their pleas of not guilty to the charge of sneak thieving, and to plead guilty to a charge of being dis- orderly persons. Mise Vascoe paid the ï¬nes, and then she and Kessler were married by the Justice. Court Ofï¬cer Quinlan acted as best man, and the bride was given away by 0011- stable O’Neill. The party quitted the court room in a happy mood. Going lino Court to be Tried and Re mainina to be “untried. Arthur Kessler and Charles Finn of 91 Carmine street, New York. who were ar- rested in Jersey City several days ago‘bn sus. picion of being,r sneak thieves, were arrkigned before Justice Davis. in Jersey City. Miss Teresa Vascoe, of 191 Mulberry street, this city, was in the court room, and when their cases were called told Justice Davis that she would like to speak to him. A whispered conversation between the girl and the Justice followed, at the end of which Justice Davis said to the prisoners that Miss Vascoe had informed him that she was engaged to be married to Kessler, and that he (Kessler) de- sired to have the ceremony performed in court, promising reformation 1f the Judge would be lenient. Immediately the throng in the court room became greatly interested in the case, and every eye was ï¬xed upon Kessler, who, with some appearance of bash. fulness, stepped up beside the girl who had pleaded for him so well, and said that it was true that he wished to marry her, amd to re- form. Now, observe attentively. We must have no shadow of debt. Square up everything whatsoever that it has been necessary to buy. Let nota farming be outstanding on any account when we begin together with your allowance. Be particular in the minutest detail. I wish to have no secret from you in the relations we are about to establish together. and I therefore send you Joe Chitty’s letter bodily. Bending it you will know exactly what I know, and. will understand that I treat you With perfect conï¬dence. It appears to me that an allowance of £250 a. year will be handsome for all your wants, if I send you your wines. I mean this to include your tnilor’s bills as well as every other expense, and I strongly recommend you to buy. th- ing in Cambridge, and to take credit {math- ing but the clothes with which your tailor provides you. As soon as you have got your furniture accounts in, let us wipe all those preliminary expenses clean out, and I will then send you your ï¬rst quarter. We will count in it October, November and Decem‘ bet. and your second quarter will begin with the new year. If you dislike at ï¬rst taking charge of so large a sum as £62 103., you can have your money from me hall-quar- terly. You know how hard I work for what I get, and I think you know that I never had money help from any human creature after I was a. child. You know that you are one 01 many heavy charges on me, and that I trust to your so exercising your abilities and improving the advantages of your past expensive education as soon to diminish this charge. I say no more on that head. Whatever you do, above all other things keep out of debt and conï¬de in me. If you ever ï¬nd yourself on the verge of any perplex- ity or difï¬culty come to me. You will nevep ï¬nd me hard with you while you are manly and truthful. As your brothers have gone away one by one, I have written to each one of them what I am now going to write to you. You know that you have never been hampered with re- ligious forms of restraint, and that with mere unmeaning forms I have no sympathy. But I most strongly and aï¬ectionstely impress upon you the priceless vulueoi the new Testa- ment and the study of that book as the one unfailing guide in life. Deeply respecting it and bowing down before the character of our Saviour as separated from the vain construc- tions and inventions of men, you cannot go very wrong. and will always preserve at heart a true spirit of veneration and humility. Sim- ilarly I impress upon you the habit of saying a Christian prayer every night and morning. These things have stood by me all through my life, and remember that I tried to render the New Testament intelligible to you and lovable by you when you were a. mere baby. And so God bless you. Ever your affectionate FATHER. A Good “’ord for Economy and (In: New 'l‘eoulmenl. (From Dickens’s Letters.) ADELPHI HOTEL, Liverpool. Oct. 15, 1868. 1’ MY DEAR Humanâ€"I have your letter here this morning. I inclose you another check for £25, and I write to London by this post ordering three dozen sherry, two dozen port, and three dozen light claret, to be sent down to you. WEDDED AT ’l'llE BAR DICKEN8 ’1ԠIII! 150N. BUTTER IVIAKING.