Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 Mar 1880, p. 3

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A child of about three years. belonging to Mr \Vm hoynton, of this villlage. show- ing symptoms of poisoning last 'luesday 211d inst, a doctor was immediately summon - ed,and ce1tainly none too soon,lor upon ex- amination it was discovered that the suffer- er had swallowed a quantity of lnudnnnm. Restoratives we1e “mnedia'tely app icd, but for some hours every symptom of con- vulsion was apparent. ; but by great care, the little one was at length declared con- valesee11t. ILuppmars that the laudnnnm (had been lelt in the side-board. and the Child got possession 01" it when alone in the room for a few minutes, drunk some, and then put it buck,â€"tl1us it was not discovered for some time. Mr Peter Wilmot. jr.. late of Buttonville, has this week moved to Aurora. He has bought out the premisea lately occupied by Mr Alexander McGilvray, on Wellington au'eet. where he intends to open a store for the sale of Groceries, Provisions, and Feed. ’5 place of" business will he Open to the. public next week "e “ish him, in com- mon with all who take up their residence in this village, every piospeiity in his emer- prise. An imeresting Social and Enterlainmem took place in die basement of the ‘0 M Church, on Wednesday evening, 3rd inst. consisting ‘of music, readings. &c., The proceeds amounted to something aver eight dollars. The first concertin air] of the poor in Ireland came otFin Eagle’s Hall on Wedâ€" nesday evening, 3rd 1113!. In spite of the wet. weather the hall was crowded. A short and appropriate opening nddx-ess was delivered 'by Mr E King Doddsl An in- strumental quumette by the W oods Broth- ers and Messrs Gray and Tucker was de‘ servedly oncmed. Members of the ('0» mopolitzm Club. of Toronto, sang: solos and lrim, some ofihem in good voice; fifessrs D F Murphy and J Hill. jr,. of thé village, also were vocal contribuiors, [he lutter’s “Florence Nightingale” being encmed. Mr Mulroney pleased by his recitation of “Shamus O’Brien,” and much amusment was caused by Ihe comic Songs and charac- ter delineations of'J L Woods, Sage Jiich- urdsmi, and J A ’l‘oole, commhans. Be- tween the acts a barrel of flour was re- peatedly sold..' the. buyer in each case re- domuing it lmtil‘over $20 was raised. The intention was,t0 send {he barrel in [reland with the Toronto shipments, accompanied by the names of Ihehuyers. 0n the Followinrr evening. 'lhmsdny. the second concert was held in the snrne place. Again the hull was cronded floor and gallery. Mr Wm Tyrrell Occupied the chair. The first pint. of the prnjrnmtre opened with a pimm ductt hy 501mg ladies ofthe village. 'lhe vocalists “ere Misses Anderson and Kirk, and Messrs Wilson, Douglas, J Hill and Darby. and Mr (J (3 Morris recited the “Parish Bov.” Between the parts Mr N F Davin delivered an ad- dress on the Land Tenure of Ireland,& the poverty and snll'erinur of the Irish tenan‘. Messrs Wood, assisted by Messrs Glen m d were called on and gave a most extravagant. and laughable'negro delineation am. For both concerts the performers gave their services grututwusly. and in both instances the hall was furnished free of charge. The deputation from St. Philiip’s tiwt waited upon the Bishop on Thursduv '3 ve y reiicont regarding Ihe rvvvfnimi given 1y His Lnrdship. The High Church l’uny take heart of grime from this fact, aid consider that they have \vm] anmher triumph. 1t is likely nmhing more will be anempred on either side before the Easter Vestry meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the York Township Council was held on Mon- day. the Ist inst, all the members present. The minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed, various communications, petitions tmd accounts were received and accepted. Alter recess the Council met, when M r. Davis, of Davisville, appeared :md ex- nluined the reason why the cost fur put- ting down 9. sidewall: on the avenue up. peured large. He said it had been done thoroughly and would last for over twenty years. Mr Kennedy then addressed the Council in favour of :11“le I]. grant to open a road on Blow-street amt It) the hunting- road. His petition will he considered. Ho tfiso addressed the Council on n pet - hon/hy Mr J B Davis. ct. al. asking the rnpenl of Bylaw No No 523, the (cow By- law) as those nwned by ptmr men we ex~ empt from being impounded, and 01" cnnvse every cow impounded was repiesented :h‘ belunging to a poor man. He also stated that Cows not being: allowed to run at huge in Parltdale, the people of that plme drove them into the towuship hy twenty 1n n drove. A petition was 3150 presented by (1. L, Dennison, et (IL, for commulmion of statute labour, for lhe purpose of laying a sult- ka on Dundas-sneet. The engineer wns instructed to make an examumtion of the [woes ilv of the several desired improvements, and report at the next meeting. ~ A claim of R. Douglas, who was thrown out of a. buggy owing: to the defective stale of the road near Weston, when a man whom he was riding with named Ford, was killed, was settled in full fur $30. MIS Hrfl'et. residinv 011 De (Hassi- Stl‘m Don Mount appemed before the Council applying for did. In examination it ap- pemed that she was the owner of a hon e and lot, and also three dogs, and 111111 two sons grown up. The Council instructed Mr Gibbs to make enquiries into the matter. The Auditm's report was received and adopted for file year, which repm'led that the late Treasurer had in his hands to the credit of the Council, the sum of $1.295. The Council adjourned at 8 p. m. pun; U1 mm uluu RAlI WAY ACCIDENT. . . the'1e.Mymed101 011 Friday night: the wind blew several {[513 ()xforl street ems off the switch mils upon the track of { 1111110 “0““ "f 11111:; 11111ke'1511 01111 the T G. , and B Railway, and a twin com- [hoiug'deceivedby ing alonn about 2 0 clock a111.121n into. 11V thifiuudrwimls them, makma a gene1111 smash. The line fu'ts they 111%11111] Those Cmuitm fc was blocked lm Cseseml hours. 111e<1 Vendors qt 0 I writer in the Phonological Journal admonishes parents to guard their children from the practice ol'snow eating, claiming that it has much 10 do with head colds of many girls and boys, because of the chilling effect of snow upon the palate or thin par- tition'between the mouth and nostrils pro- ducing congestion in the fine membrane which lines its upper surface. As this membrane is almost entirely constituted of delicate nerves and blood vessels, inflema- tion is likely to follow the congestion, and perhaps degenerating into nasnl catarrh. an affection so common with net'sous in northern latitude. York ToWnship Council. F mm the Weston Notes- IRISH RELIEF FUND. AURORA. HIGH AND LO W. CARLTON. Lib. Conservative. Elgin Mills, Jun. 713111880 Iguumntoo to sutisfv the most fastidious Come and give us 12 t1ial.No disappointment N0 deceptidh Having - lately purchasod the internist of the above hum‘noss, I can confidently OEF‘ICEIWES : PRESIDENT,%HOH Alexander Vidal, Senator. Head Ofi'lce,â€"~Sarnia, Ontario 'l‘ILEASUKERâ€"WM. JV Gmd, Secâ€"Twas” Lambton P B S: I Society. MANAGER & SECRE'I‘ARY,-WM J Kuays, Ufiiciul Assignee. This Soviety 1:: organized 1m~ tine purpose of en nivling persons betwccn ll'i 21ml GU yum ‘q (If ”:10, by brcmuingz members, to make provision for old age, and in cuss of Almxihio secure sum of money to their widows lLlld (ii-plum children. or to other rclativts 01‘1)(’1‘SOHS(iiululluollt- on them; {UNI to secure to each mumbcr of 1110 Benefit Brunch, nwdinul attendance and n. weekly allowance, in wise of Si liness or accident disabling 11111 from (10 11;: his usual work. $3M A MONTH sunntoml. #12 a any at 11011101131 11111: industrinus. Capital not quirm‘r we will sturt you. Men \1'01111511,Loy.<1211111;;11‘18 make money juwtm‘ 11lr\\'01‘k 101' 11% than at unylrlnng (‘I‘SLL Tho wm‘kis light 11.11111110115111117, 111111311141 115; anyone 0:111 1:111 "ht 11b. 'J‘lmm who 11m \VISO who see this 1mm fr 1, will 8121111118 thoir‘ ztdflrrssos (Lt 011cc 11nd SH) for thomsvlvo , Costly Outfit 111111 towns '. Now is 1110111110 l‘lmse nircauly at work are . 11:: up large sums of money. Address TRUE 1& C().,.r\ngnsL-a, Maine. r, A - .V r. The grout Vuluo of benefit societies to 1111 clus- sns who dcpmxd upon their personal efforts for the Support of themselvvs Mid their families, is now universully recognized. ’J'his‘ Society presents two distinguishing features 2‘ - Istâ€"Smattimss of Cost. 2ndâ€"The satisfactory security afforded to umberS. Full particulars obtained from GEO CHANTLER. Agent for tho Townships of Markham, V:111_111m1, “hitchmch and R1111. D1 Jas Langstafi Medical Referee- Dec 1), 1879 Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 Gems for removes. Geo. STEPHENS AND HORSE SHOER‘ Place of Business 1ust. north Q! P Crosby. Esq , Yonge street, Richmond Hill TRADE MARK. TheGmntEng-TRADE MARK. ; lish Remedy 1S 1111 - 111111111111gcn1‘ef0r 80111111111 \Veuk- 11ossfipm'fimtorr- 11011, 11111'mte11cy, 111111 1111 (115011503 that follow as a . sequence of self » 11111130413 lungs of wMunory Un vet Before Takingsnl Lassib11de,-After Taking 1111111 in the Back Dimnosn of Vision Premutmc 0111115113 and n1111‘1yot11er diseases that lead to insaniby c1111- 5111111114011 111111 :1 p1011111t111'c g1m‘e. [35’ F1111 11:11â€" ticnlurs 111 (1111- :111111111et-wl1ic11 we desire to send free 11)‘ 1111111 to uvely one. GRAY’S Specific Medicine! The SpecificModicinoic sold by all Drnggist {Lt $1 per package, or Six luxclmgns fox $5, or will be svnt by nmilou rcceiptof the money, by firm“) sing, THE CRAY MEDICINE Co, 'l‘oxmlto, Ontuflunmm NBr’l‘hedcmnnds of our business have 110- cmsitntod our )‘m’nm’iuu to Toronto, tn which place plouse address all future conunumcutions 830161 in Richmond Hill by all drucgis‘rs, and everywhere in (human. nnd the United States 11 “holesaleand retml druggists :éius‘i 'amee Saiistaciiam ? In all branches of the trade. Having paid HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIME S. The Pills purity the Blood, correct 11.11 dimmers of the Liver, Stomach“, Kidneys xmd ancls, and um invaluable in all complaints incidental to chules. The ()intmontistho only reliable remedy for Bad Logs, Old \Vountls, Sores zuirl Ulcers of how- (wm' long: stzimling. For Bronchitis, Diptherin, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rl‘ieunmtism, and all Skin Insouses it has no equal SPECIAL ATTENTION Horse Shoeing I most respectfully take leave to call the atâ€" confirm of the Public guncrully to the fact, that. certuin Houses in New York are sending to mxmy pulls; of the globe SPURIOUS IMl’I‘A'l‘IONS of my l’ills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their lu‘bels some address in New York. I donut allow my medicine to be sold in any putt of the United States. I huve no agents there. My medicinys :Lyo only made by me at 5 '3, Oxford Street. Lundun In the banks of dim :tiuns {Lfllxod to the spur- ious; make is ab cuutimLWerning the Publicnguinst being deceivml by counterfeits. Do not be misled In; this uuduuious trick, as they are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. Those countm‘feits {we purchased by qn rinci» pled Vendors at one-half the price of my l'i lszmr‘l Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines I most earnestly nvppenl to that sense of justice which 1 feel sure I may venture upon asking from an hmmrnhln uersnns. to ussxst mo, and the P111) 1111 honorable personfltn assist me, 111111 the P111. 110, us far ILS may 110 111 thelr power, in (191101111 fng this shmneful Fraud. Each Pot and Box (If the Genuine Medicinea bears the British Government Stumpnvith the words “ HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND ()INTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone they an; Manufactured. Ointmcnts bearing [my other uddreés terfeits muuuuu The dee Marks of these Medicines are regis tered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the British Possessinns, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 5&3 Oxford Street, London. Jun 1 1879 BEWARE OF NEW YORK COUNTERFEITS. CANADA ROY A L MODERN TIME S General 131a0k5111i111, ELGIN MILLS L‘_U_ if. RICHMOND HILL ONT JOHN PLAXTON Holloway/'5 Pills and are coun- EOGTS 8: SEWES AT COST GROOERIES & PROVISIONS AT COST Grockery and Glassware at East mm MANY ARTIGLES PAR 33an um Great Bargains and N0 Humbug. Fruits of all kinds at the lowest Cash prices. Fine young Hyson Tea for Fifty Cents. A large stock of Furniture on Hand. Pictures and picture frames. A fine selection of French Chmmo Mottos very cheap. Call and see our cheap Cabinet Photo Frames, all worthy of inspection. and great reduction of prlces. Of every description. Call and price the Goods, and see for yourselves. P G SAVAGE RUSTIC MOTTOS VERY CHEAP Prepared. 82: sold by Crockery and; Glassware ESSENCES" AND EXTRAC'I‘S SPICES. GENUlNE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH Drugs, ’l‘uiieé Articles, Richmond Hill,M:1rh 10, 1879 can make money msbm’ at work 101' us than at anything else. Czwitul not required; we will start you. $12 per (my [Lt home mmlu by the industrious Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere towork for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfit and torms free. Address TRUE & 00.. Augusta. Maine. u WW1: l. Any person who takes :1 puverregulm‘lg' from a. post office, whether directed in his muuc 01‘ mmthor's, or “Mothvr he has subscribed 01‘ not, is responsible fur lmyluunt, 2. If a person orders his paper discontinued he must; pay all arrears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, and then collect the whole amount, Whether the paper 15 taken from the oflice or not. 3 The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post ofiico, or runyving and leaving them uncalled for, is grima mcie evidence of'intuucionul‘fmud: LA W CONCERNING NEWSPAPERS Richmond Hill, Dec 18th, 1879 Prescriptions carv. Remember the place, Call Solicited. They have also on hand BREEDING, SPENNINE}, EUSTIWE WEAVINE, W001 Batting, Yams, £13., Em, Always On Hand ROLL CARDIN G Selling Off At Cost! Richmond Hill, Sept lllh, 1879 Comer Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill PULLINE AND BYBING IN ALL 1T2 BRANBHES. JOHN BROWN. Call and See for Yourself. WINTER GOODS 15 to 20 Per Cent Biscmmt UP BUSINESS. Reynoldas &Newtons Herbs Fresh, and this Year’s Growth. RUNNING ORDER THGS H MCNELLY Of the FinesL Flavor and Quality. A SPECIALTY. SELLING AT FROM A T /y APQTHECARY s HALL. Satisfaction Guaranteed. ) ' BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Special :Ltthntinn given to Stair IBuilding. l’unctlml attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. O. YORK HERALD B KEFFER, CONT. {ACTOR ANl I BITILDER. Sherwood. 4th Con. Vaughan M. H. KEEFLER RICHMOND HILL-7 ONT very Thursday Afternoon Sanderson (EL Sons Opposite Crosby’s Store Only $1 aYear. Published Chemicals, Perfumery, a large 8 fully compounded 9-21.:m4mmm “WC! €‘2‘T‘F'f/"F‘L‘C. 993?: ,QTJKH‘J‘N‘A‘. fin“ .\!'e“...' m 1.".IVE‘TC'E’," ¢ HON. GEO. W. ALLAH, Senator, President. George Goodcrhnm .......... Viceâ€"President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plum, M.P.. Wm. Goodor 1mm, Geo. \V. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Macpherson, Senator. Capital, $51,000,000; Reserve Fund, $300,000 Total Assets, 5333000000 Savingâ€"é“ Bank X mus”- Li I Money recelved on deposit, ani interes payable hull yearly or compounded. Walter S. Lee, Manager To lend on 1\'[ortgn,gc of landed property only at {L low rate of iutprust. No 110th less than $400 will be entertained. . Richmond Hill, Juuy. lst, 1880 Transactions strictly confidential. Apply personally, or by letter to the undersigned. $50,000$ Bethune, Moss. Falconbridgc AND HOYLES, {Ins Bethune Q C. C Moss, VI 0 Fulcoubridge N W Hoylcs, W Bm‘wick, A BAylesworth l8 & 20 King Street; West, Toronto. BARRISI'ERS, &0 N EWTONBBOOK, P. O. Official Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey‘ ancer, Broker, 660., 820., Moxtgagea bought and 501(1.Fatms bought and sold, or muted Insulzmce effected, &c. (to. 1â€") TEES, Attorneys, Solicitorsâ€"ifi-Chnncery etc., 64 Adelaide street East, (oppqsite the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Won'rs DVATT. CON V EYANOING- ETC. Barristers, Attorgeys-nt-Law, Solicitors-in» Chancery, Conveyancersmtc. Officesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAH. V\ M. SETUN GORDON, G190. 14‘. SHIPLEY Money to Lend at Low Rates, ( OFFICEâ€"Victoria. Chambers, 0 Victoria. street Toronto. Ferguson, Bain, Gordon 8:, Shipley, BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRISâ€" TE RS. Attornevs. Solicitorsâ€"ifi-Chnncery 11.15. 011331. B. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S A. 11., Elighmd (Late of London England Surgeon, Eta, “ Oflice Hours, 81:0 10, 1 to 2, and 6 to 8. RICHMOND HILL, ONT., Graduato of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to D1‘.Jnmcs Lungstufl'. Richmond Hill, October 10th, 187%. Soc our reduced 1mm table. For further information apply at at; the Oflices the Commmv. ‘â€" ‘ , W ‘ ‘ I SURGEON DHN'J'IM', hm removed to 57 Kulg street limb, Toro’ntn, over 11. A': C. Bluehfm‘d’s new shop, store Best 111i1u‘1‘:L1 moth insurtwl in u. manner to . " each patient. IWridcner attention given to flu) proscrvntiou and regulation of the natural teeth carefully m‘hing :Lll \mnucnssm‘y 1min. A. \V SPAULDING, LDS \ssisbunt Thu: "1" 1 (w the Favor: of the past the yours n‘m’. 1 ho. cnnsulted iuuny brunch 0f the pro fession, n‘s fullows : Ricimmml Hill. 9th & 2-Lch of each month (at Pulmzv Honsm M11019v lst, 8t11,16th,m1d:l‘2n<1 do Newuxmkct .. ’11d ' do Stoujfvill ...... do Mn 1411121111.. . (1c Victoria. S(11mt0..<lz1 Thmnhill ............ do Maple 1 ...... do ‘Vnudhr 1,570 (10 I(191’11I1111:;.dn1 Noblotnn do AllZLRU1I‘t-ICS,HS N1t1'011s 0. do etc.11:1(1 1111011 ordc1'ed,m1d 110110 1.1111; the best 11111te1'111111scd w W- ' ram (we The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL own. Money to Lend at Low Rates. Mortgages Bought and sold. Excellent accmmnodutiou for the Public. Good stubhng and attentive hustler. I’l'ocbor's 151w loaves this: Hotel to connect with 11.11 the N R ii Trains: going North mul South, at 1.. u m, 1 1) m 5 pm, and 7,16 1) 1n. THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer-g“ Prop This House is one of the Boss Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Cluss Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Grand Summing and attentive 1\: 1H» ._1 Cosgt‘ove Bros, Plop’s mm .Luuuumuv. u hustler. Terms, . . per cm . The 7 Richmond Hill 'lSus loaves this House at 7.30 mm” for Tar» onto, and returning leaves Toronto as $.30 p.111. A Wldh‘h m yourown town, 111mm) i capital riskéd. You can give the 1m>,- ‘ incss II. trial without expense. The In at opportunity evertfi‘emd for those “‘14)" ‘ mg no work. You should ,trv nothing else until ‘1 you see for yourself wlmt‘you can do ut the lm. 11165:; We OITCY. No room to explmn horc‘ You can devote all yourtiule or only your Sp: '0 time ‘ to the business, and make rem; pay for every hour that you work: Wow u makest much {LS men. Send for special private terms and parti- culars which we mail free, $95 outfit fmc Lon’t compmhi oflmrd tixu'es while you have such»; $184100. Address H. HALLETT 6: 00., li'm'tluud‘ ume NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, VLJULAAAU V--A.Y....-_ v AND S XVIN (1S CO‘IPANY. Oflicesâ€"No. 01 Ohm ch shoot, T01 onto‘ . ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M.‘D. JAMES GORBILEY, Mortgages Bought $506000 BRANCH 3mm @3111? 9'9 F. J. B; SMITH, MONEY T0 LOAN. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS Promptly attended to‘ P. O. Box 2527. J- K- FALUBNBRIDfiE BARBIS'I ,Il, ETC gum. @Isfl'iwi. Egisgnil. flaunt}. ORR, MAPLE 0. ADAMR, L.D.S., xncxrmucv‘xm'm RELIEVE AED CURE. SpmaI Con1p1111'11t-1, Genera] 1111111 101110113 DebiIi 1y, Rheumatism, G011! Ne1vousnesé Liver, Kidney 1111111151 '11'110111111111 Chest Cmannims Neuralgia. B1m1chilis. 111011110111 P11111I 51%, A5111”; 111 Sc11111c1, 3111111118 Consumption, SIeopIessnew, (311111;; 1111111restion.1\p1,1 mamrrhoew. 1110., ‘ The proprietor of this establishment, having liud many years experience, and studied closelx this science in its upplimition to curative purposes, feels confident that. in presenting ,this ACMA'J” ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to $110 public, he is supplying them with the best instrument of their kind now known to the sciencc,â€"»inr-'trinnents that will do their Work well if used in accordance with printed directions given with each appliance, and would Warn the public against all cheap imitaâ€" tion of all his gouds. _ . ‘ , i ASK FUR. NUliMAN’S ELECTRIC APPLlANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE AGAINST , 7 IMPOSI'l‘i‘om‘. TESTIMONIALS; , ; .A nnâ€"u. nv-..r-_‘. A. Norman, Fm" : « > < - Ingersoll, August, 1879. ‘ DEAR Sn 1 suffered for four years from What Dr Davies of Chicago, and other eminent p)1v-, siciuns culled lllennxmisn) of the bowels, which they tried invuin to cure ; but I am thankful to say your appliances have entirely removed the pain. I recommend all sufl'erorn tu try them. , Yours truly, , ‘ PETER Dome. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. _ . 1 M r. VNorm urn: nu. in.“ “AW“ » . . . , . , I have fully tried and most carefully tested and seen used your Cnmtive Insoles and Bands, and believe this to be one of the best forms of n’lininistoi‘iug Electricity, now .kuown lobe of such valuable importance for the. relief 01‘ ,lilieunmtisni imd Neurnylgic affections. 1 most cherfully rc- commend their use to 1111 sullei‘erS of those mumbling??? (l B HALL, M. D. 20 Crierâ€"Howen Place. 1N t ‘ _ . . Mr Norman, \ , Toronto, Oct, 10th, 1879. , ‘ DEAR SIR.â€"Al)ou‘.;t1u'eo yours: {L510 1 fall from IL ladder about; twelve {cob across the bzlnister 0 the stairs, and was token up [or dmnl, since which time I have suffered seveve pain in niylmck {bud side, and grout weakness, unlittzing ivo fol-business, and got very little onso until 1 used your Elecâ€" tric Bell: and Insoles, which relieved me very much. Yours truly, JOHN OVENS. 125 Yonge St The Amwlizuicos 2 ‘ inwln in all sizes and shapes for tho diilereut parts of the body, and .range in price f10111$ 00 to 5.1.001‘01‘snuillllunds,undfrom $5.00 to $15.00f0r Waist Belts. See Circulars, which is milml frat) to {L11 applicants. Remember the mldress, A. NORMAN, No. 4 Queen street East, Toronto, Ont, N. B.â€"Eloct'*ic Butlis, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Meucurlal and Hot and Cold Baths always ready for Ladies and Gentlemen. Feb. 18th ’80. EVery depmlment complete. Groceries, such as Tze 1s, Sum} ' and Fruits, We sell as cheap or cheaper than any House in_ the village, ()1 at least we think so, therefore call and Seé Iur’ yourselves. vm {Ln/n nm‘innvs'cr 111:;er Tuna, OF THE‘ BEST } (QUALXTY A'L‘ Tabs, NIGHTIKGA'ILE'S, vol-limo ISMAP‘J SE; Ff.) T8 74: TUBMAN) TTETTTTTT EUTTTTTTTE TTPTTTTTB ES Richmond Hm, Dec.13th 1‘8’79 E19 ctrimty the Lite Fluid ONE OF THE OLDEIS‘Ii AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD F0" V THE CURE OF Cdu ghs, Colds, HOarseness,Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Group, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the 'fl'hroat,‘ Lungs, and Chest," A WELL KNOWN PHYSICIAN warms. “ It does not dry up a cough, and leave the cause behind, as ’53 the case with most preparations, but loo'sms ii, olewhses the lungs and allays Wt". tation, thus remom'ng the cause of complaint. ’ DO NOT ,BE ,DECEIVEDrhy ‘al‘fifl‘iCS bearing a similar nai’ne.’ (Be sure ‘you get DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM OE WILDCHERR‘I, with the signature of “ 1‘; BUTTS " on the wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. ‘l/‘rm pared by SETH W. FOWLE &‘ Soxs, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggistis and dealers genemHy. A Protecteci éoifiiid’fi di the? #:5652165 6? Imm Is as easily di estedend (assimilated with the blood as the elmples§>food.‘,,{When‘the blood does not containtthe usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency- .can be,;supplied b the use of the PERUVIAN SYRUP, , It cu és‘an‘f thousand ills ’_’ simply by TQNING' UP, INVIG'OR‘KTING, om! VXTALIZING the ,system."m The .enriéhed and vitalized blood: fiermeates every,,part of the body, repairing damages and wastehsearching out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed uponv This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepi‘sia, Liver Complaint; Bailey Dropsy, ‘ Chronic Diarrhma, . Nervous Afi‘ections, F emaie , , . .. Complaints; n And all diseasesfirig'iliéfinglin a bad state ox“ the blood, or acgompanied by debility, or a. low state of, the sys}e‘m., V CAUTION. «Be sure you get the “ P :â€" RU VIAN 5' YR U " Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by Sun W. Fowm: & Sons, Proprieto'rs‘. 86 Ha?“ Yiaon Avenue, Bos’t‘o'n, Ma‘ss. A few dialies nf \uperior quality, 1‘0: 1880, fo'x‘ sale an the HERAI D Sm. Subccripiioné taken for‘ the GLQ BE 12' the HERALD Store , ISA-AC CROSBY. Ku' ' ".7 Hm‘,‘§‘.’~:vd$mmr CONSUMPTION. including ‘0rqnto,_N.év. 255m}, 1874}

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