Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 Mar 1880, p. 2

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~41" far better than‘a Commercial Union, and , , .._ Until further notice, Mails will be closed at the TRIGHMIINII HILL POST ,fll‘l‘lllfi AS FOLLOWS MORNING Going South, West and East, includ- ing Maple, Thornhill, Toronto. l Markham, &c., at 7:35 Going North at 7:35 E V E N l N G Going South, East and West (as above) at 7:35 N.B.â€"ltcgistered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post Office, M. TEEFY Jun. 10th 1880. Postmaster .â€" NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Pocket liook Lost.â€"Thos. Devlin. Tenders for Church Buildingâ€"Wm. Harrison. "out 2that ngnaltl. THURSDAY. MARCH 18, 1880. Bringing Them to Time. Although part of the Reform press still insist that the National Policy has proven a failure, the facts do not bear out their assertions. If they cannot realize that this Policy is benefitting, or will ultimately largely benefit this coun. try, then they are greatly behind our friends in the United States, who clear- ily see that such is the case, and that it ‘is being done, at their cost. The imâ€" ‘portatious from that country has fallen off a third or so, since the introduction ofthe National Policy, and there has 3been a corresponding increase in the importations from England, thus plainly showing that the Policy discriminates ’in-favor of British connection. Our 'cousins across the line are not slow to see when their interests are menaced, and now we have Mr Wharton Barker, of Philadelphia, a prominent and in- fluential banker Writing to Hon George Brown, urging that gentleman to exert his influence in favor of a commercial union between Canada and the United States. It would certainly be a very desirable thing to have free trade be tween the American people, but there «are many other matters to be considered in connection therewith. The action of 'the Philadelphian banker shows which ‘way the wind blows,â€"if nothing else. It shows that the Canadian market is considered of great advantage to the United States, and that when the North West is settled, across the lines, would like to have the contract for supplying the inhabitants with the necessary implements, etc. A Reciprocity Treaty would suit Canada the manufacturers there is no saying what our neighbors will! next I propose. Previous to the Iint'roduction of the National Policy the “Canadians were supposed to just calmly submit, and be thankful that it was no worse. But it now appears that Cana- Adians can retaliate with high duties, and the dose proves a very unpleasant one Tor the manufacturers in the States. If ~that Government is desirous of securing better trade relations with Canadians, we have no doubt but that the Canadian Government will do all that is just and right. in order to secure such. The British Parliament. The sudden dissolution of the Imperial Parliament, as announced in our last issue, has proved a complete surprise, not only to the constituents of that body, but apparent- ly to the Whole world. Cahlegrams and telegrams announce that Europe as well as America is anxiously attempting to fore- cast the result of the elections. Even Canada, we have country papers fiercely attacking Beaconsfield’s actions, and calling loudly upon the British people to prove true to their interests by returning Gladstone and his party. Well, if they just keep steadily on, they may eventually upsets old Dizzy's calculations, but our Country editors will have to throw their whole soul into the work. Of course these critics and adVIscrs are quite competent to judge and estimate the utility of Lords Beaconsfield’s Foreign Policy; they are quite conversant with every move on the chessboavd of European politics; they know all about the Afghan and Zulu wars, and Beaconsfield is a stupid, weak, trembl- ing creature, who has just fallen into a mess, because he had not the courage or ability to keep out of it. Our country friends are welcome to abuse the Premier of Great Britain. He will not feel it much, and will care about it less. Probably.too, he has not. held his posiIion for six years, and taken part in political affairs for over fifty years without learning a little about how the Foreign and Domestic Policy of Great Britain should be conducted. Lord Beaconsfield and his able Ministers stand a very good chance of again holding the reigns of power, and there is no reason to fear that they intend boring a hole through England and sinking it for a few years yet. in many BURIED Auraâ€"Last year a married woman, in Barrie, was troubled very much with neuralgia in the head and in order to relieve her a medical mun injected morphin into her arm, the effect was that she never spoke after, and It was supposed she was dead, after keeping the body for three days she was buried in the MethodIst burial ground; and now a number of per- sons are employcdtin removing the bodies from the old ground to a new cemetry . lately purchased by the Wesleyan Metho- dists, and Cl] opening the grave of the we- men above alludvd to, the coffin was found , burst open and the body turned on its side, showing clearly that the poor woman was buried alive. and her sufferings in the tomb must have been terrible. We refrain from giving names, as it is considered advisable .LO kcrp the sad affair from her iclalions. osr OFFICE NOTICEl \becn very satisfactory. ' or either at linden or Vl’ivsbndcn. ;..v..‘ ..r.:.>v“ ’ I Bassist FOOD ADULTERATION. otes. The Annual report of the Minister of In- land Revenue, contains a report from Prof. Edwards of Montreal. on “Food and its‘ adulterations.” In 71 samples of Milk he found 47 genuine, 18 adulterated and 6 doubtful. The quality of milk has greatly improved, owing to the publicity given to the ahalysis. In 57 samples of Butler, 59 were genome, 21 adulterated and 7 doubtful. Butter is adulterated by excessive quantities of water and salt. In 36 examples of spices, 9 were genuine, 26 adulterated, and I doubtful. American sugar appears to have deteriorat- ed. Redpalh’s sugar are superior to the average qualities both of the American and Scotch sugars. In 31 samples of sugar 25 were genuine, 3 udulterated and 3 doubtful. The practice of adulterating tea appears to have almost ceased, as in 20 samples 13 were genuine, I adulteratcd and 0 doubtful. Out of 6 samples of Baking Powder 5 were found genuine, and [doubtful -- DEATH OF MR. HOLTON. The Hon. Luther Hamilton Holton, one of the oldest respected mem- bers of the House OfCommOns. died most and most awfully sudden On Sunday night last, He seemed in the best of health during the day and night, and only complained of feeling unwell a few minutes before his death, which was caused by heart disease. He leavesa widow, son and daughter to mourn the loss ofa good husband and kind father. Mr Holton was a warm supporter of the Reform party, and is deeply regrett- ed by his many personal friends on both political sides. M arkham. From the Economist Mr John Boyd, of Whitevale, has bought the Puncher corners, Iielford, and is new advertising for tenders for the painting, plastering. etc., of a new hotel to be elected thereon. A little girl, daughter of the Rev D E F Gee, of Aurora, accidently swallowed two one cent pieces one day last week. The coppers stuck in the Wind pipe and the ef- forts of two doctors failed to dislodge them, and there seemed every likelihood of the childs starving to death if they could not be Iemoved. For over two days little Gertie took no food. On Sunday she asked her ma for a drink and immediately after taking the water, spoke aloudâ€"the first time since the accidentâ€"and said“ ma, they have gone down,” which proved to be the case. The coppers are now lodged n the child's stomach. WANTON CARELESSNESS.â€"-Our young men are sometimes reckless enough to shoot atamarkwithin the limits of the village Corporation, in defiance ofthe law for prohibiting the same. Last week Chester Lehman, a more lad. was indulg- ing in the reprehensible amusement with an old American musket, which carries a hall 15 to the lb. The ball went. through the mark and struck the ground near Mr Mortimer’s residence, and recochitting, passedthrough the walls of the kitchen and bedroom and lodged in the opposite bedroom wall, passing within a. few feet of Edith and Mrs Mortimer, who were In the kitchen. It Is to be hoped that the narrow escape will be the means of in future preventing this reprehensible amusement. NE WMARKET From the Reformer. CAI'NIVAL.â€"A skating carnival was held .in the rink here on Tuesday even- ing last on behalf of the .Newmarkct band The ice was In splendid order, and the rink was beautifully lighted up. The array of masqueraders was not very large, but the rink was thronged with spectators, and the redcipts must have The fun was kept up till a late hour, ere the people returned to their homes. STAr LODGE, U T A.â€"-The attend- ance on the regular meeting nights of the above Temperance organization for the past while back, has been exceeding- ly good. We are glad to be able to re. port that new names are constantly being , added to its membership roll, two initia- ' tions taking place last meeting night,and more are expected to join on Monday evening next. FIrE.â€"â€"â€"On Tuesday evening, about seven O’clock, the fire alarm was scund- ed for the first time since the Autumn of 1878. All three engines turned out, when it was discovered that a house he- longing to Mr Carycll, on Mill street, was in flames. A steady stream of water soon reduced the fire, and all danger was over in a short time. The building, however, was so much damaged as to be not worth repairing. Large Fire At Barrie. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS Loss. BARRIE. MARCH 15.â€"A fire broke out about four o’clock this morning, de- stroying 11 G Bigelow’s hotel,thc Singer Sewing Machine ofliec, L B W'arnica’s jew’ellery store, \V C Penton’s fruit store, John VVood’s drug store, and C II Clark’s Dominion Telegraph and: express Office, all with the exception of Bigelow‘s being a total loss, estimated at over $20,000. The origin of the fire is not known. The Latest DIDWS. W A rupture has occurred between France and Madagascar. 'l‘he Utes, assisted by the Mormons, are causing trouble in south-eastern Utah. Lord Derby has issued a letter publicly announcing his adhesion to the Liberal cause. Gen. Melikoff is relaxing the severity of the repressive measures adopted at St. Petersburg. " The electoral campaign in England is1 very active. Numerous meetings of both» parties were held Monday night. The Queen will, during her coming visit to the Comment. meet the German Emper ed dangerously S. MEAsLEs.â€"â€"This contagious fever is very preVuleut at York Mills, on Yonge Street, about 10 miles south of this village. The School children in nine- teen families have been attacked, and in consequence the attendance at school is very small. COAL ITEM â€". SELECT PARTv.â€"â€"A Social Assembly will be held at A J Collins, Thornhill, on the evening of Easter Monday. Ad- mittance only by invitation. music will consist of 1st. and 2nd violin, cornct and piano. HORSEs FOR MANITOBAâ€"On Thursday last, Mr E Kelly, of Maui- toba, brought six good looking horses into this village from the north. He 1n- formed as that he had purchased thirty- two animals, most of them heavy, at prices averaging 885. The greater num- ber of the horses were bought up to- wards Orillia, and are Intended for Manitoba. Mr Kelly left Thursday for Toronto, where the ani- mals will be shipped to the North-west. ANOTIIER DEATH FROM SMALLPCX. â€"‘Nc are informed that Miss Catherine Hilts, died on Saturday last, roui the small-pox. She is a daughter of Mr John Hilts, who lives on lot 27, 3rd Con. of Markham, and it will be rtmcm~ bered was mentioned in our last issue, as among those patients who were consider- ill. This makes the fifth death from the virulent disease' PORTRAIT PAINTING.- We were shown on Saturday last, a small oil painting, of the late John Palmer, sr.. father of the proprietor of the Palmer House. The painting is about 8inx12in in oil colors, and although copied from a photograph, presents a very natural and lifelike appearance of the subject. No person, even slightly acquainted with the late Mr Palmer could fail to nope. the natural appearance of the painting. It is a very good effort. and when finish- ed will no doubt evince greater skill on the part of the young artist, Master Ashford Wright, a brother of Mr John Wright, Carriage Builder. .TENI)ERS.â€"-Tendel‘s for the new church are called for by the Building Committee of the C M Church, for the work required in the new building. Plans, etc., can be seen at Mr Harri- son’s Richmond Hill, from March 23rd until March 30th, and at Charles A \Valton’s, architect, 19 Union Block, Toronto, from March 31 to April 7. See advertisement. We believe they in- tend shoving the work ahead as fast as possible. The stone foundation of the old church is to be moved to the new lot and utilized for the church. There is about 115,000 brick on the lot at present, and the intention is to have 150.000 there by the end of this week. It is all purchased from Mr Wm. Powell of this village, and is of a superior qual- Ity. CHANGED IIANDS.-â€"-Mr John Pal- mer has sold his stage line and livery. Mr Wm Proctor purchased the livcrv and two or three stage horses. Mr. Thompson of Thornhill, purchased the stages and one or two horses. Herc- after persons wishing to go to Toronto, will go by the Railway, as the Yonge Street busses will be discontinued on and after Monday 25nd inst. We are informed that Mr T Iompson intends connecting with the I Ill by Yonge St. but do not know if he has definitely do- cided to do so. NEW STREET.-â€"Thel‘e is some talk about Opening up a new street. in this village, at the cast s do of Yonge street. The intention is to continue Church street, from Skecle’s lot. where it now ends, through to the side road south of Duncumbs properly. This would give a frontage on the east side of Church Street to the lots occupied by Messrs Gamble, Moody, Hopper, Trench, Cos- grove. Chamberlain, Pollock, and Dun- cumb. On the east slde it would give a frontage to Mr John Palmer’s farm. We understand Mr Palmer is willing to give the necessary land for opening the street for $400, or he will give $400 if the parties owning land on the east side Ol'hIs farm will give the land. The suggestion is a good one, and could not of village lots. We hope they will look at the matter reasonably, and let the street be opened . DIED AT THE IlcsFITAL.-â€"-Our readers Will remember that some months ago we published an item about a young man named Jerry Dunham being seri- ously ill Willi congestion of the lungs, and stated that he had gone to the Toronto Hospital, in hopes of being restored to health. The disease was too firmly seated, however, and on Sun‘ day evening last, the 14th inst., death ensued, and Jerry’s sufferings were end- ed. He had no relations in Canada, and although efforts have been made to in the States, they have not been suc- cessful. He was well liked by those who were acquainted with him in this neighborhood, and his friends will be grieved to learn of his decease in the spring time of life. COUNTY LIQUOR LICENSEEâ€"«License District of West Yorkâ€"The dlffel‘elll’. municipalities in the \Vest Riding of the County of York have passed by laws increasing thefcces to be paid for tavern and shop Licenses as follows :â€"Muniei~ pality of Parkdale, $175 for tavern licenses, $100 for shop licenses ; Munici pality of Richmond Hill. tavern licenses $150 ; Municipality of Vaughan, tavern licenses $100 ; Municipality of York, 2580 for tavern licenses ; Municipality of Etobicoke, $00. At a meeting of the License Commissioners for the West Riding of York held at the Court House on Thursday of last week, a resolution was passed closing bar-rooms at eleven o’clock every night except Saturday and Sunday nights. and prohibiting the sale of liquor from that hour until five o’clock the following day. The refusal to grant a license to any house where balls and dances had been hold, was also under consideration. “a... . M...... . --..- ..... .- ‘- ' ' .. :.. The here on . fail to prove remunerativc to the owners . discover the whereabouts of his relatives, ./. LOCAL ITEMS. Good Friday, a week from to marrow. glish Church this Service in the Eu evening. Parties indebted to this office will be kind enough to settle. CORRECTION.-â€"Through an inad-l vertensy, we stated last week, that the; C M Church had 10 toise of stone on l their building lot, itsshould have beenl 30 toise- SOCIAL ENTERTAINMENT.â€"D0n’t forget- the Grand Ball and Supper to be held at the Queens Hotel, Thornhill, on the evening of Easter Monday, March, 29th. First-class‘mmic will be in at- tendance and ever facility afforded for thorough enjoyment, at “tripping the light fantastic.” POCKET BooK Losr.â€"â€"Mr Thos Devlin lost a pocket book in this village on the evening of Friday. Feb 20th, and advertises in another column that any person leaving the same at this Office or' at Maple Post Office will be suitably rewarded. For particulars see adver- tisement. A FINE-LOOKING RIG.-â€"H Sander- son & Sons are having a very attractive looking and commodious wagon built, for the purpose of carrying their In . ,falhble Oils and Balsam of Life around the Q’OUllll'y. The vehicle is got up in ,= good style and is strongly as well as ad-l, Inirably constructed. Mr John “fright, is the builder, and the wagon is estimatfi ed to cost about $900. ‘ i l YOUNG WARMANBIEâ€"Mr John; l Palmer has purchased this celebrated , , entire Coach Horse. He is acknowledg- I to have no superior in his class, in Cana- da. He will travel in his old route this , season, where to appears to be the gen-{ oral favorite. '1 his horse comes of good ' sleek, and has been successful in secur- ing prizes, diplomas and medals, when 1 ever shown. The farmers in this neigh- 1 borl.Ood will be pleased to learn that he l will not leave his old district. The ad-l vantage of raising stock from such horses l cannot be too highly appreciated. ' LADIES AID SOCIETY.â€"The last meeting of this Society was held at the I rcsidenceof Mrs. Parker Crosby, on Monday evening last. The attendance greatly exceeded that of any former meeting, there being about 230 persons present. Over $26.00 was collectcdj from those who sat down to tea. The, usual pleasant time was enjoyed in various ways. many of the young people playing “forfeits," “pussyâ€"wants acor- ner,” etc, while others devoted them- selves to a pleasant chat, checkers, the 15 puzzle, parlor quoits, carpet balls, etc. The whole of this large and com- modious house was thrown open to the visitors, and nothing was neglected that. could possible assist in making the people enjoy themselves. It was even a source of pleasure to sit. down and quietly watch the many happy-looking, faces in the crowd. The Ladies on the Committee, did a good afternoon’s work in the sewing rooth,‘and seemed really anxious in the evening that every one should spend a pleasant time. As a, matter of course, such being their object every one naturally did have a pleasant time. and when the hour arrived to do- I part for home. we only regretted that‘, the time flew so quickly. The next: Social will be held at the residence of Mrs Wm Storey, on Monday evening when we hope to see a large attendance I l l l l | I l l l _â€"4°o-» “7m Bolton, arrested for passing, counterfeit money, escaped from Orillia L lockup on Monday night, March 1.. Hcis described as follows 'â€"Ilcight, about. 5 feet 7in. Complexion fair ; side i whiskers, rather dark-brown and short. ‘ ’l‘wu upper teeth filled with gold. 'Wcightl about 120 pounds, white shirt and black l necktie. Small hard felt hat, black; “’as In his stOcking feet when he left. i Age about 22 years. 0â€"4 Auction Sale. THURSDAY, lllARf‘H Sale of lien] Estate, Farm Implements, Household Furniture. etc.. at Mr C Dun-l cumb’s residence. ltichmoud Hill. NO l'l' serve. $10 and under cash, balance (3 Imoulhs credit. Ileal Estate one-lenthl cash, one-third in one month. balance in 3, or 5 years. Sale at 1 o’clock. S Eckardt, ' Auct. TUESDAY. MARCH 23n1).â€"Credit Sulel of me Stock. Implements, etc., at Lotl No 24. con 3, West York. the property ofl hll‘21'Vlll Wiles. Sale without. reserve. $10 ‘ and under cash. balance 8 months credit. l 7 per cent discount for cash. Sale at 12: o’clock. lunch provided. S Eckardt, Auct. ; TUESDAY, MARCH 30TII.~â€"Crcdit, Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements, etc.,l at Pomona Mills, Thornhill, the pro-1 perty of Mrs E Harris. Sale withoutl reserve, at 1 o’clock. Auct. Terms, $10 and under cash,‘ over that 7 months credit. FRIDAY, MARCH 26TII‘.â€"â€"Credit Sale of Farm Stock, ‘Implenients, etc., ‘ at lot 33, 5th con of'Vaughan, the pro- perty of Mr Colin McEachran. $10 and i under cash, 7 months credit on all over , that amount. Sale at 1 O’clock without ‘ reserve. N J Armstrong, Auct. TUESDAY, MARCH 30TII.â€"Auc- tion Sale of Horses, Buggies, Harness,l etc., the property of Mr John Brown,» Richmond Hill. â€"_ab.< MARRIED At the residence of the bride's mother Unionville; by the Rev D M Mackin-l tosh. on the 2nd of March, Reuben ‘ Stiver to Eleanor, third daughter of, the late James Mustard, all of Markham 3 I At Mr Wm Anthony’s, Pickeringfl on March 4th, by the Rev Anthonyl Hart, Mr Albert Bays Jarvis to AgneSI Caldwell, all of Markham. At the residence of the bride’s father, on March 9th, by the Rev W Percy, Mr Tillman Reesor. Son of Simeon Reesor, of Scarboro. to Miss Maryl Barkey, daughter of Joseph Barkey, of, the towaship of Markham. 25'I'n.â€"-Crcdit l on “The :and prejudice, omitted the name of the ,is it that they are a headless body, ‘stand- to his colors, s Eckardt.,l ‘ Richmond Hill, Mar, 13th, 1880. To the Editor of the Herald. SIR,â€"â€"I notice in the GLOBE of yesterday the minutes of the Etobicoke Council, but neither the names of the Reeve or Clerk are attached to them This must be a terrible oversight. Surely, it. cannot be, that the name of the clerk is Omitted through political spite and prejudice. If it is. it only shows “ how mean and dis- honest a principle that journal is conducted The clerk should certainly write to the. press and complain upon the matter or does It only Iest for the clerk of Vaughan to make such complaints.” Yours, etc., X. X., , >u< and Trickery. To the Editor of the Herald. DEAR SIR,â€"-Will you‘ltindly permit me to refer you to a piece of meaness which I 3have seldom seen equalled, which is prac- ltised by that journal that claims to be all mum and holy.- Ou looking over the lLlBERAl. of last week. I notice the York ,i'l‘ownship Council minutes, but Mr Editor, Iwould you believe it in these plugiarised minutes whence thes’. minutes are copied is not given; neilher are the signatures of the Reeve and Clerk attached to the minutes. LIBERAL through political spite. Plagiarism latter entirely, as though it would be a takedown.” Such a trick of petty spite is but. true to themselves. Now, sir. it seems to me that these things along wilh others show at once the menu and dishonest prin- ciple upon which that journal is conducted. I am, yours ver truly. HUNESTY. York, March IGIh, >04 School Teachers’ Convention. To the Editor of the Herald .- SIR.â€"-â€"There is scarcely a County lll the Province ofOuturio in which there does not exist one Or more Public School Teachers’ Convention. In the northern section of this County a very successful one has been in existcute for above five or six years, and under the able management of its Officers, has done. and is doing a. good work. the average attendance being about forty teachers. Now, why is it. that if any benefit Is derivable from such meetings, none exists in South York. Are we to con- clude that our teachers are already so well educated that they are in need of no more information; that they are averse to "let their light sliiue,” so that their ideas may be diffused throughout the Riding; or a ship without rudder. lleing a youngr teacher,and hearing of the advantages to be derived from Conventions. it will give me much pleasure to hear of one being shortly in operation, or why not. Will some Of our experienced men give us their views. Yours, etc. Sorrn Your. H4 13â€"55100. CHALLEN To the Editor of the Herald. DEAR SIRâ€" The Liberal man says he publishes a paper; agood, moral, upright sheet, and he accuses the Aurora Liberal Con- servative of falsifying because that journal said there were two papers in Richmond Hill. All this is very child- Ish. bombastic, etc., I know, but the Liberal man likes it. and in order to 'show what a live, fresh, enterprising paper the Liberal is, I might mention that in the list of the village Council published every week, it announces Mr Wm Trench, as Reeve ; and Messrs F McConaghy, 1’ G Savage and Wm Powell as Councillors for this year. If this neighbourhood was dependent on such a sheet for news, it would undoubtedly be in a bad fix. In order to find out whether the Liberal man dare I hereby agree to forfeitthc sum of $100, which can be devoted to some charitable work, if the Liberal man will answer the follow- ing questions in the affirmative, and take an affidavit that the answers which he will give are true, and that he will answer the questions to the satisfaction Iof three gentlemen, one chosen by the party of the first, part, one by the party of the second part, and those two to choose a third. 1st,â€"â€"â€"Tl1at he runs a news paper. 2nd,â€"â€"â€"That he thinks the HERALD the best paper in the County. 3rd,â€"â€"That he knows he is a disgrace to his party. 4th,â€"â€"â€"That he hates the HERALD as strongly as his Satanic Majesty is credit- with hating holy water. 5th,â€"That he Would like to eat. the whole staff, and would relish the banquet without pepper and salt, as keenly as the giant. in “Jack the famous Killer,” is supposed to relish Englishmen. Fe, foe fum. 6th,â€"â€"That his heart is deceitful above abova all things, and desperately wicked. 7tlI,â€"That he isn’t ashamed of the disgrace he brought on honest and re- speetable people. 81h.â€"That it were better for him that at Mill Stone had been brought in- to utility in connection with g1ving him a good sea bath, than that he should act as he has done. 9th,â€"That the Liberal Conservative . man knows a paper when he sees it, and thinks the IIERALD the best in this village. 10th,â€"That his, (the Liberal man's) teeth don’t chatter, nor his knees knock together, when he looks at the HERALD. 11lh,â€"That he should clothe him- selfin sackcloth and ashes. 12th,-â€"That he wouldn’t be a Minis ter, even if he could. paper 'lhere are any amount of questions, which might be asked, but they will keep, until he solicits them. If he answers these truthfully and conscien- tiously, he may rake in the stakes. “Vaughan” is so remarkably clever at propounding questions and answer- ing them, that I will also extend an invitation to him, to assist the LIBERAL man. ' Yours, etc. MARKIIAM. Ill ark‘ham, March 12th,, 1880. the name of the journal from. THE FALL WHEATâ€"Considerable anxiety prevails as to the prospect of the fall wheat in this section, owing to the most unfavorable winter. The area. sown was exceedingly large. Much of it was put open fields unfit for it, and even with the most favorable season, could not have been a good crop. New with the open winter alternated with severe frosts and heavy thaws and in the almost constant absence of snow, the result, in many cases we fear, must be very discouragingâ€"ADVANCE. IIoRrIBLE MUrDEr.â€"â€"Nelson Johnson formerly of Bloomington, township of Whitchurch, was brutally murdered by a negro in Castle Rock, Colorado, a few days ago. His threat was cut with a razor: he lived but a short. a time after The negro was lynched in ten minutes after the horrible crime was committed, by Johnson’s friends. Young Johnson was the eldest son of Ezra Johnson, who left Bloomington about two years ago. for Marshaltown, Iowa, his family ac- companying him. Nelson stopped with the family a.few months. when he went to the Western States and settled in Colorado where he remained until he met his untimely fate. THE ’ MARKETS. TORBNEO: THURSDAY, Mar. 18th,1880 mucus A'l‘ FARMIms' wxacons Wheat full, new,per bush ...... ...$ 1 28 $1 29 Spring do .. l 26 1 '20 Barley, do 58 (i8 , Oats, do 38 40 Pens do (SS 70 Rye do 79 80 Dressed Hons m 1' 10011) . 00 6 30 Beef, hind quarters, per 1 00 0 :70 Mutton, by the carcasc, )or 10011) ‘ 00 7 (l0 Chickens, per pair . 50 00 Ducks, per brace 00 ’75 Geese, each 00 70 Turkeys, ea- 70 1 50 Butter, 1b rolls 25 28 lame r 20 21 tui. dairy. ‘11 23 Eggs, fresh, doz 13 14 Pototoesmcr bug. .. 55 60 AI-ples per barrel .. 3 00 3 25 Onions, per bar 1 75 2 00 Tomatoes, per bush. . 00 00 Turnips, per hug 0 20 25 Carrots, per bag 40 50 Beets, per bag 45 60 Pnrsnips, per bag. . 60 75 Hay pcr,ton.... . 'I' 00 ‘ll ()0 Straw per, 13011.. 5 00 o" 00 Wool per lb ....... 25 40 A_ film flaunt-isotonic. TO CONTRACTORS. Kim. TENDERS 1N LUMP on SEPARATE, WILL BE to April 7th noon, for the various works required for the erection of the Methodist Church Richmond Hill. Plans &c., for Inspection at the residence of the undersigned, from March 23rd until March 30th Inclusive. And Chas. A Walton, Architect's Office, 10 Union Block, Toronto. from March 3fst to April 7th lncluslve. The lowest or'any Tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders marked as such addressed Wm. Harrison. See. Board of Trustees, Received up Richmond Hill, March 17th, 1880. 2 POCKET BOOK LOST- REWARD OFFERED Lost in the village of Richmond Hill, on Friday evening, Feb 20th, 1880, a. large pocket book be- longing to the undersigned, and containing It number of private letters, recommendations, etc., which are of no value except to the owner ; it nlso contained a note of hand drawn at 'l‘eston, on the 2nd day of Feb. by Mr W Procter, Richmond Hill, in favor of Thos. Devlin (or bearer) payable 40 days after (late. Payment of this note has been stopped. Any person return- I ing the above to the HERALD Office. or to 'l‘hos. Devlin, Maple 1’. 0.. will be suitably rewarded. THOS. DEVLIN. Sti Maple, March 16th 1880. IN THE GOODS CF Mrs. Frances Palmer. Late of the Township of Markham, \Vidow Deceased. ' The Creditors of MRS, FRANCES PAL. MER, late of the Township of Markham, in the County of York, widow. who died on 01' about the nineteenth day of January, 1880, are on or before the First Day of April, I880 to send by post, prepaid, to M- Teefy, agent of the Administrator of the deceased, their christian and surnames, addresses and descrip- tion, the full particulars of their claims, a state- ment of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them ; or in default thereof the said Administrator shall proceed to distribute the assets of the intestate and every part thereof amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard to the claims of which the said Administrator has this notice. This notice is givl n pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 107, Section 34, Dated at Richmond Hill, the ninth (lay of March. 1880. M. TEEFY, Agent for Thomas E Palmer the Administrator of the estate of the late Mrs Frances Palmer. 3 in To LET-l THE ll'l'llllllll Illlllllllllli Illllli. Patterson, For particulars inquire at the Office, or from 1). Eakin on the promises. March 8th, 1880. 3 in. IIANAIIIAII PAflIl‘lll RAILWAY. Tenders for a second 100 miles section W'las'l‘ 0F RED RIVER will be received by the undersigned until noon on Monday, the 120th of March, next. The section will extend from the end of the 48 Contractâ€"near the Western boundary of. Manitobaitn a point on the west side of the valley of Bird-tail Creek. Tenders must be on the printed form, which, , with all other information, In my be had at the Pacific Railway Engineer’s Office, in Ottawa and Winnipeg, on and after the 1st day of March, next. By Order. F. BRAUN. Secretary. TO $600011 YEAR, or $5 to $20 a. (lay in your own locality. NO risk' . Women do as well a3 men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can fail to make money “fast. Any one can do, the work. You can make from 50 cts to $2 an hour- by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like ijfor money making ever offered before. Bu' s pleasun and strictly honorable. Reader . I wantt know all about the best paying :ss befor the public , send us your address 301 we wil send you full particulars and private terms free samples with $5 also free; you can then make up ’ your mind for yourself Address GEORGE =T1NSON ck CO.,Angusta. Maine. ' Dept. of Railways & Canals, Ottawa. 11th Feb. 1880., Richmond Hill. , . B. . ..--9.~”.M_ u-.- gtlrtttiatmmts. FOR SALE â€"__.__-»-<â€"â€"â€"-_ That Valuable Property, situated on the Corner of Yonge & Centre Streets, RICHMOND HILL. On which is erected a. [illllll Fliljllll STllllll Rough Cast Dwelling House Hard and Soft Water, with large Store House for Storing Grain, Flour, and Feed, LARGE DRIVING HflUSL‘ & STABLE attached, with good Brick Cellar, Double Wall. Suitable for Pork Packing. The Buildings are in Good Repair Some of them being nearly new. For any one wishing to go into the Business. this is one of the best chances ever offered in this village, as: there is a. well established GR 0 CERY l BOUT & SHOE, Flour & Feed Business \Vhich has been carried on for the last eight years. Title Indisputable. Terms Easy. Possession April lst. For Particulars apply to the Proprietor on the Premises. JOHN ' BROWN- Richmond Hill, March 10th, 1880. 2 I KICFFER, CONTRACTOR A N]. BUILDER, Sh erwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Special ntthntion given to Stair Building- Punctu a1 attention will be given to all orders- Address Maple P. 0. GANADIAN PAflII‘IE RAILWAY Tenders for Rolling Stock. ENDERS are invited for furnishing the B011» ing Stock required to be delivered on the Canadian Pacific Railway, within the next four yours. cmnprising the delivery in each year of about the following, viz :« ‘20 Locomotive Engines. 18 Fit-soc] ass Cars (n. proportion being sleepers) .. :0 Second-class Cars, (10 3 Express and Baggage Cars. 8 Postal and Smoking Cars. 240 Box Freight Cars 100 Flat Cars. 2 Wing Ploughs. 2 Snow Ploughs. ( '2. Flangers. 40 Hand Cars. THE WHOLE To BE MANUFACTURED IN Tmr DOMINION OF CANADA and delivered on the Can-A 5‘ dian Pacific Railway, at Fort William, or in tho Province of Manitoba. ' Drawings, specifications and other information may be had on application at the office of the Engineer-in-Chief, at Ottawa, on and alter tha‘ 15th day of MARCH next. Tenders will be received by the undersigned 1 IE. to noon ol’ THURSDAY, the 131‘ day 01 JUL next. By Order, 15‘. BRAUN. . Secretory” DEPT OF RAILWAYR dz CANAL8,} Ottawa, 7th February, 1880. ailing. ESTERN CANADA LOAN: AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Goodcrhnm .................. Vice-Presidents. Dmncwonsâ€"Samuel Flatt, M.P., Wm. Goodor' ham, Geo. W. Lewis. T1103. H. Lee, Hon. D. L. Macpherson, Senator. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000. Total Assets, $3,000,000 Saving’s Bank BRANCH Money received on deposit, and inurom payable hall yearly or compounded. MONEY I'owLOAN. See our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at the Offices the Comnunv. Walter S. Lee, Manager $56300 To lend on Mortgage of landed property only at}; a. low rate of interest. No Loan less than $400) Will be entertained. Mortgages Bought. Transactions strictly confidential. Apply.- personally, or by letter to the undersigned. J ~ K- PALflleBRIIlfiH} Richmond Hill, Janyllst, 1880 Bethune, Moss. Falconbri’dgc AND 'Hoqus. BARRIS'IERS, 85o NORTIII OF SCOTLAND CREAMBEBS, I8 & 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Jas Bethune Q C. C Moss, N' W Hoyles, W C Falconbridgo W'Barwick, A BAylasworth F. .13. 1).. SMITH, BARRISTER, ETC., N EWTON BROOK, P. O. aâ€"â€"â€"â€" Money to Lend at Low Rates. Bought and sold. CON V EYANCING- ETC. Promptly attended to. Mortgages JAMES GORMLEY, Official Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- anccr, Broker, &c., &c., Money to Lend at Low Rates. Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance eflected,&c. 6w. OFFICEâ€"Victoria Chambers, 9 Victoria street Toronto. ‘ _, OU'iZTEEE a EVATT, BARRIEâ€" TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chancery etc., 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Won'rs Evan. Ferguson. Baln, Gordon J. Shlplox. Barristers, Attorneys-atâ€"Law, Solicitors-In- Chancery, Conveyancers, etc. Officesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOIIAs FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL. WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. 81131.3}? P. O. Box 25,275 a

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