The Reeve in the chair. Members pre- sent: Messrs Card, Nattress, Reamuu and Lahmer. The minutes of last. meeting were read, and on motion adopted. The following petitions were presented. From John Lahmer and 30 otheis, ask- ing a grant in tli e Vaughan Plowing Asso- cialiou. From R B McNuir and 14 others, ask- ing aid for Andrew Bodell and wife in~ digeuts. From Geo. Wallace and 23 others, mg agram of money to repair the leading from Mr Smiths to Duncan Callums, in the village of Woodbridge From J P Rupert and II others, asking aid for Francis Lyons, indigent. From Benjamin Musselman and II others asking ald for Elizabeth Brow]. Indigenl. A élaim for sheep killed by dogs was pre- sented from John Jeffrey, and luid over till next meeting. Also from Blake, Kerr, and Boyd, In re fereuce lo the same. Moved by MI Lahmer, seconded by Ml Numess, 11ml £he Jreusmel be and Is here- by uulhmized to pay lhu following pexsons the sums (mposile their respective names, for charitable purposes: A Communicahu-n was readvfrom W A Wallis, Jl’., in re Woodhouse. .arm, ,3. The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughun met at. the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 9111 day of March, 1880 at. 10 Moved by Mr Reuman, seconded by Mr Card, that the Treasurer he and is hereby authorized to pay to lhe Treasurer of [he Vaughan Plowmans Association a grant of $25.-â€"Curried. Elizabeth Brown, to be paid .to M 1‘ Nut- tress, $5 00 in bulk; Geo. Henderson, {(1 be paid to Mr Panel-son. $5 00, in bulk , Andrew Budeil and wife. In be paid to Mr Luwrence, $5 ()0 in bulk ; Francis Lynn, to be paid to J 1’ Rupert, $5 00 in bulk; 1)1' McConnell, medical attendance on Mm KeH‘er, $10 00; Alex Slvveusnn, hoard and lodging for D McCullum, $6 75.â€" Curried, Moved by Mr liemnun, seconded by Mr. Card, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Wm Consmhle over charge in taxes. $1.09. To A NcMurehy (m dug over charge, $31. Also 10 Fullerton Gibson for dog wrongltu assessed in IS'I‘J. $1.00.â€"Carried Moved by Mr Nnm'vss. seconded by Mr thmur, that Bylaw 390 be amended by striking out the name of John A Hon Mud {likening the nanw of John Wilson, in lieu theroof, and that, the curporulion seal be attached thereto â€"â€"Camed. Moved by Mr Curd, seconded by Mr Nullress, thin! the Treasurer he and is here- by authorized 10 pay 101118 Western Assur- uuce Company Ihe sum of $12 00 for In- burnnce of the Town Hall. slablc and slwd irom the 1011] nt'March, 1880,101110 10111 of March, 1:583 â€"Cmried. Moved by Mr Curd, seconded by Mr Remnun. that the 'J'masurei‘ be 3; is hereby authorized Lt) pay Ilie following mad ac: counts, the same having been certified by the road cnmmissionerc‘. in llieir respective districts : Dist No l.â€"Hem'y Rumble, I7 lands of gravel, $1.70. No 2. â€"Geu E‘- Iiott. railing on bridge. $10.00. No 3.â€" Joseph Rednmn, lumber, $2 II. Henry Petei'iuau repairing culvert, $1. 25â€"Curri- edl Moved by Mr [{euznun, set-nuded hv Mr Lahmer, 11m! the 'J'rensurex- he and is here- by uulhorized to pay John Km‘es for twelve wveks bruud :md lodging for Mrs ()wrxns, at $1 50 per week. up It) lhe 9th of March, 1880, $18.00.â€"Uu{'lied aned by Mr Find, soconded bv Mr Nutlress. llmtlhe (Hark h“ instructed In nolify the commissioners of District No 2 10 examine and rennir mud leading from Mr Smiling past, Mr Matthews place, HS they muy deem necessaryâ€"Curried. The Treasurer presented Ilua accounts of the Township for the yeur ending ])ec., Eilst ’79. Moved by Card, seconded by Mr lienmnn that the report (It Ihe Auditms of [he Twins- urers uccouMs for '79 he I(‘,(f(‘i¥’(3d and adopt- ed by this Council, and the (herk ls hereby instructed to have 500 (‘npivs printed in Ihv usual manner, to he dividfll among .hv soverul counciHurs for distribmion.â€"Cm~xi- ed. The Council then Adjourned til} 'l‘ueszduy 13th day of April next to meet uL mm a. m. \[1 I): Tmnlinsnn, nf' this village reâ€" ceived twenty- four bushels of pea- nuls, this weak rrmwu on his. Nantulinn down in Virginia. MrCuHingwnnd. Glh con. Whitchurch commenced ploughing on Friday. Mr 1‘} Kelly has been here some days buying: hm'sr's for Nunilolm. 0n Sulunlny lnsL when the ï¬rst (If Illa monthly sulrs was held, he secured several 0:: 'l‘hmsâ€" (lay morning some [on ur Iwelve wele sent from this village: In 'l'nrnntu, to iuin other lnls which he hml bought ILL olhur plum-s The prices paid were good, ranging {tum $60 to $1130 u piece. The Aurora Agricnhuml Soviety 11:19 nppurontb gone nut of existence. This suppusitiun is. 11) a 01:11: 1i11 extwnt wz11121nt1.11 inasmuch as 111) men-1111,11 11:15 buen 11111011 1) the President to 111111111 arr-(11131111191115 1"111~ the coming; Spring and Fall 511111115. \11- am infurmed t1iz1L funds are in thv 111111115 (If Mr Lundy, '1 1911511101, 111111 should he availâ€" ;1b1e; 111111 the 1'eu1111gis prevalent 111211, 111} ficers fur the carrying out ofthis most benev fluial work in the itttewst of 1HePLiGIb’ 21nd .others, should have some attention. Lot us hear what is the programme 111118811 Auuum MONTHLY SALEï¬â€"The ï¬rst was M We Queen’s Hotel, on Saturday, I] e ï¬lh of III-arch. Some two 01' three hun- dred farmers and others, who have hixheno considered that such an establibhcd {am as u n‘mnlhly sale was un impossibihLy, went away sulisï¬cd â€mt it was pl‘acxicahiu The next sale wlll mke plzu-e uL Lemou’u Hotel, on Tuesday, the (Bill of April. The 1:111pluyees of the Ag ic11l11ml‘ Works nssembled 111 the 11111510181101! ll21l , (111 Thursday evening. [he 51h insL , 1111' ll.u‘ purposu of tendering Mr John A Smivh l with an oysier supper. previous to his de-‘ pamure {10111 11113 place. Mr 51111111 lel1ll \hepositinnol'10101112111 for a 1111111l)el' of years. After the removal of llle clmh, thel deluge ()l‘sweches was somelluing toniï¬cï¬ The lollowing gentlemen spoke zâ€"Mwsrs‘ G W Morrison, M B Fuuglmerlleo Russell, Jos Fleury, W111 Welherell. J Andcmuu,‘ W J Graham. M Flemy. J Merrill, J S l’ei-igrine, Mr Mapes. and the guest of the evening, Mr Sini-h. The representativtsl of the village pupeis were culled upon, bull us only the fighting editors were pi'eisent speechil'ying wus out of the question. '1 he happy gathering dispersed “L it late lmur,‘ ;ill well pleased with the evening’s pleasant leâ€"union. Mr Smithcari'ies with him the; good Wishes at all the workmen in this‘ cstuhliahmuut. From the Lib. Conservative. vaugnan“ 'Co'unén. AURORA. askâ€" mud X‘JC‘ Every (kpurtn’im‘nf complete. Groceries, such as Teas, Sdgars and Fmiw, We sell as cheap 01' cheaper than any House in the villnggu, or at hmst we think so, therefore call and see for yourselves. mum" .vn’rwr-Lnnvaum rv mun ,. bud“... \‘vu-o- um ï¬â€™w‘mmmmmmm GRUCE'ZRIES {is PROVISEONS AT COST Waging agg‘aé glassmm at Ms Great Bargams and N0 Humbug. Richmond Hill, 311x111 10, 1879 {i0 hmoud Hlll Doc.1§t111879 a (333 33-, Cast! -3 KEEN? AETK‘SLEE EAR BEWW 695T gymâ€"Kim Rfï¬w W Nu Can and 3’33? IUSENESS. See for Yourseï¬f. ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, influenza, Group, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, A WELL- KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES: “ It does not dry up a. cough, and lccwe the cause bchind, as 1,: the 01155 with most prep!“ atwns, but loosens it, cleanses the lungs and allays 1M1}- miion, thus removing the cause of complaint." bearing a. srimiluxi'rnalrilg. Be sure you get DR. \VISTVAR’S BALSAM OF WILIj CHERRY, with the signature of “I. BUTTS †on the wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a Bottle. Pre- pared by SETH \V. FOW'LE & SONS, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. A Pratected Solution of the Protoziae of Iron, Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. \Vhen the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deï¬ciency can be supplied by the use of the PERU VIAN SYIE UP. '1': cures a. “thousand ills †simply by TONXNG UP, INVIGORATING, and ViTALIzING the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhma, Nervous Affections, Female Complaints, And all diseases originating in a bad state of me blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low state of the system. CAUTION.â€"Be sure you get the “PE- RUVIANSYRU ." Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by SETH W. FOWLE & Sons, Proprietors, 86 Har- rison Avenue, Boston, Mass. DO NOT BE DECEIVED by “$13135 ISAAC CROSBY. CONSUMPTION. including HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES. The Pills purify the Blood, correct (LU disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys; mud Bowols, and are invaluable in {1.11 complaints incidental to Fenmles. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old “’ounds, Sores and Ulcers of howâ€" ever long! standing. For Bronchitis, Diphheriu, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and [L11 Skin Diseases it has no equal. I most respectfully take lcnvo to call the M» mution of the Public goncrully to the fuc', that main Houses in New York um sending to many I donut nllow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I have no agents {hum Nynmdioinr's me only made by 1110 [Lt ' '1, Oxford. Street. London In the hooks uf directions afï¬xed to the spur- ious make is a, clLutimLWHrniug the Publicuguinst being deceived by counterfeiis. 1m nut be 111131941 by ‘his uudncions trick, as they are the counter- fuits they pretend to (10110 mce. my Pills unfl ()iutmvnt. Those fmmls hour on their lxubels some address in New York. 'J‘IN'SG cmmterfuits mo purchnsed by unprinci- plod VUJIdDIS m: onehuh’ the price of my J’illsmxd Hintmrnt, nnd um sold to you as my genuine Mcdiv’m xnts bearing any other :dercés um coun- Thu 'j'mde Men-k: of those Medicines are my}; toyed in ()tth Hence, “my one throughout the British Pomp (ms, who nmy keep the Americun Conn “fats for 5:110, will be prosecuted 5J3 Oxford Street. London, Jun 1 187x) Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 Gems {or removes. Mac“ 01' Businessjust north of P Croshy. (1., Yunge street, {ichmoud Hi“ AND HORSE SHOER‘ Geo. STEPHENS GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! TRADE MARK. ThonntEnU-TRADE MARK. _ 11511110111le 15an _ . -. unfuvl 11'11f'cmcf01‘ Seuu‘uul \Veuk- Jxoss,Sporwmto1'r- 11011, 11111101591103}, and all disenses flmt follow us 21. sequence of self Aln1se,us lo q of BBLOIGTalflI‘gVUWOHY 17111vava Taking. Ln s’sitmlv In“:- 1 uin 111 the Buck. Diumesv of Vision, Premature 01d ago, and Jl1:Ln)‘utEm1wl 150$ tl1:1tlL‘n.(l to 1118111111) c1111- sunlp 111 app-11111111110 wave. 159171111 pur- tic" n 111 “1.1' 1 ‘Hmel lebwhich we deshe to send fret: by mail to every one. Thâ€, ‘ 1.001" 1m1’}12\(*]:ug:’0 01 nt b5 mail on lLLBlpb 01 the money, by THE CRAY MEDICINE Co, ’l‘umnto 011t.,(‘.unadn NB ~T11c demands 01’ our business have 110â€" 041. Lnt‘rd our removing to '1'01011t0 to which prune 11101130 gulchuss 11,11 fut me communications 11111111, by the 1111111311'11111s. Capital 11111 11111111011111) will $111111, V011. M1111 1 1111111111,11(1_V1e111111 111118 11111110 money 111511 1 111 1111111111 11: t111111 111, 111116111111; (11311 The 1211111114 11111111 1111111 111011511111, 111111 5111-11 115 11111'0110 (11111 ;;11 1111111 :11, T111150 who 11m 1110 who see 1111111111611: 11111 <11111111n t111'11‘ 1111171 ‘08 111; Once 1.11111 5011111111191111r1111‘es. 1 (1s 11 11111111 111111 1111111121 NHW 111111 11111. T1111431'11?1113'11tw111k111‘e 11'11:11':'1'1-1 ~ 1:111 111 1111C). Addruss TRUE 1i [1?“ f ». AB MONTH qunntm (1 ~912 11. day 1.11, 1' F :“Sn‘ul 111 Niel ummd Hill 1»\ all drungist s and evmvwhme i‘x Gunman. 11nd the United States 11 “1 M ulcmxdrctml druugists Having lately dun‘uhmscd the interns; of Lhu ubox'o lunnmss, 1 can conï¬dently aim ‘amiec Saflssaaciimz 1’ Elg‘ln Mills, Jn 11‘ 7131111480 CANA DA ROY A L EEFQW SEEEETY E “IONS u‘t Immunrndxtoe to sntisfv the most fnstidious 101110,de :g’lvz; us a 111-41. lxo dlsuppointmcnt Nu deception Head Ofï¬ce,â€"Sarnia, Ontario PRES!DI‘INTraHou Scum or. T111,q Sor‘ith 1a (wrgmnzcd for me pm'pnse m on ume N rsuhs )m‘m'ieun M and (EU ym ‘s 01' ago, 113' (humming; 12’191n1wrs, to xtm‘m‘ 171'0' ion for ([111 Age. xwd in came of dexuthï¬n SUI: ‘J'H mun of 1130114"; Lu thoi)‘ widows and orphan ( 1i1<1rc1:.0)' tu) MIN-1‘ l‘UlzliJU s or persuns dupenncnt on them; and to scum'o 10 each 111011.]v1' of 11m Beneï¬t Brunch, mane“) utteln'lunw M Lin: “u y ullux'unce, in mum of Climax; (-1- accident disabling him from doing 111$ Tmuul work. The great \‘n‘mc of bimcï¬t socintios to 1111 Clas- svs; who depend 111m“ (1101' parsonnl efforts for 11w. summrt of thunmelws and their families, is now universally rucugnizud. 'l‘lns Society pl'kfaeltls two distinguishing fumuws :â€"~ lst~3mu11¢wss of Cost. 2ndo'l‘he satisfactory security nffordud to nwxnhers. Full ‘ ticulnrs obtained iron] GEO CHANTLER. NEW “EEK COUNTERFEITS. THE \SUHE ’wâ€"WM. .'l Gmd, Sou-Twas†Lmnhlnn 1’ I} K3 1 Sucicly. In :Lll branchcs of the Lmdo. Having paid ELGIN MELLS ï¬miéaiï¬ï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬ 3%? w ANAG‘ICR K: SI‘ICIHCTAHY,â€"â€"WM SPECIAL ATTENTION Azant for 11w 'l'mvnshins uf Mmkhum wuihan, \H’mchurch :md sz. Ur Jus Lanyxluif, Mudh'ul lici‘owur 3mg flan. {@ES .nrlK,» MODERN TIME S Kenya, Uflh-iwl [\Sa'iLfllt‘C but: 9,167.1} (Sreneral I Hacksxnith, â€:11 11 011‘ F‘lCElirS : BEWARE OF RECHMOND HILL ONT 0 JOHN PLAXTON Hollowaw's Pills and Alexander Vida], Fruits of all kinds at the lowest Cash prices. Fine. young; Hyson Tea for Fifty Cents. A large stock of Furniture on Hand. Pictures and picture frames. A ï¬ne selection of French Chrome Mottos very Cheap. Call and see our cheap Cabinet Photo Frames, all worthy of mspection, and great reduc’uon of prices. Of every description. Call and price the Goods, and see for yourselves. P G SAVAGE Crockery and Glassware RUS’E‘IC MOTTOS VEPY CHEAP Prepared &; sold by H Sanderson & Sons ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS Drugs, Toilet Articles, SPICES. GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH 1ully compounded. Remember the place, ~L-' APOTHECARY’S HALL. A Call Solicited. Seiï¬sfaction Guaranteed. Prescriptions care- RELIEVE AED CURE. Splna] Cmnplaintq. General and Nervous Debilily, Rheumatism. Gout. Nervousness Liver, Kidney. Lungs. Thronl and Chest Cmnplninls. Neumlgin, Brunchilis. lucinient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprmns. Consumption, Sleeplessnesa, Cnlds, Indigestion. Spermatm-rlnwu. &c., Mr Norman, Tornnto, Oct. 10th, 1870. DEAR Sunâ€"About three years ago I fell from a. ladder about twelve feet across the bunistor of the stairs, and was taken up for rlezul, since which timH I have Suffered severe pain in my buck and side, and grout weukuuss, unï¬tting mm for business, and got very llttle unsu until 1 used your Elcc» trio Belt and 11150va which relievwl me very much. Yuurs truly, JOHN OVENS. 125 Yongu St. The Appliances : mmlu in 1111 sizes and shapes £01 the different parts of the body, and rungs in price f. om $1.1m) to 55.0“ 101' small Bands, and from $5.00 to 515.00101‘ “inst Deltst Sec Circulars, which is milod frco tu all applicants. Jtemuumertlm uddrcss, A. NORMAN. No. 4 Queen street East, Tomato. Ont. N. livElcct-‘ic Baths, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Meacuriul and Hut vmd Cold Baths always randy for Ladies and Gentlemen. Feb. 18th ‘80. The propriotnr of this estublishnient,vaing had many years experience, and studied closely this science in its application to curativo purposes, feel): conï¬dent flint in presenting this ACME ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the public, he is supplying: them with the best instrument of their kind now known to the scionco,â€"instrumenbs that will do their work well if used in accordance with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheup imitw tiun of nllhis goods. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ASK FUl’. NUKMAIVS ELECTRIC APPLI ANCRS AND lUU WlLL BE SAFE AGA l NST 1M POSITION. TESTIMON|ALS. A. 111111111111, Esq†Ingorsoll, August 1579. D1: AR. S111, *1 suffered for four ycnrs 110111 what Dr D111 109 01' Chicago, 111111011101 01111110111: 111w» sicinus 01111011 1'1111111111115111 (1111111 1)(1W6114,V\l1icl1 they tried 111111111 to c111'o;1)11t I 11111 1111111111111 10 311) your appliances have eutir 01y 11-11101'edtl1e 1111111. 1 recommend 1111 51111111918 to try them. Yams 11 My 1’11: T1511 Dmuxa. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Mr.1\'m'1111111,T0r011t0 Nov. "‘11'11, 1874, I 111nm 1111117111011 1111111110511 (-1110111115' tested nud F0111 111ml wmr (711111111 1‘ 1118011 s 111111 1111111111, and 111111131111 this to 1115 0110 of the best forms of 11,111n1111sbc1111g J11 1ecL1101tv, now known to be of such v2111111b10 111111111 11111011 for 11w relief of 1:11eu11111tis111 111111\our111"1c affections 1 111051. chorfnlly 10. 0011111101111 their use to 11115111101015 011111050 00131113181111: (1°15 HALL, M. 1). 20 (Jaw-Howell l’luce. N ' 1. ' Excnllent accommodation for the Publiv. Good stuhling and attentive hostlur. Proctor’s Bus lauvus this Hotel to connect with {111 the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.3 u m, 1 p m 4.15 p m, and 7.15 1) m. The Robin Hood. Hotel RICHMOND liILL om; This Honseis one of the Beat Hotels to he found umth of Toronto. Jive) lling is. mmmgexl in Li! St CluF. SL310, Sample Room 101‘ Cummer (uinl 'l‘rm'vllms. Goad Stwbling and uttmltive lmstlma Terms, 51 per any. The Richmond Hill ’Bua 1cm .4 tllisllonso at 7‘3!) ulm" fur ’i'ur- onto,umlroturuing10:1,ch Toronto uh 3,30 p.111. THY-i PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, 5’ Palmer. Prop Grudlmte of Toronto University, and Member of the College 01' Physicians and Surgeons. , Assistnnt to 1)1~.Jumes Lungstafl. Richmond Hill, October 16th. 1879. 1!. B. Orr, M. 1%. 11nd First; f-ilvor Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. 1’. S. ()ntnrin. L S A In Fl wlund Late of London England Sulgeon, Etc. ., [34' 011100 Hours. 8 to 10,1 to ‘1, and 6 Lo 8. iness at trial without expense. The best opportunity ever (71113er for those Will- ing to work. You should trv nothing; elsuunti} you see for yourself what you mm do at the bus- 1:10th We nfl'er. NO mum to (3x17211111 new; You can devote 15.11 yourtimo or only you)" FIHLYU time tothnhuhinc and make grunt puy for every honrtlntt)m1work. Women make as much as vaL Sv-nd for special privut‘n terms and Inn-h" culars which we until free, $53 outfit free Lon’t mnnpmiu nfhurd times while you have suchm ohuuce. Addruss ll. HALLETT (S; 00., Portland A \VElu‘h In your own town, unu no capital risked. You can givu the busâ€" I Maine J. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. Richmond Hill, Dec 18th, 1879 They have also NURMAN’S ELECTED mm 11mm; RICHMOND MILL, ONT Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill Slavitéraï¬. ORR. MAPLE Electricity the Life Fluid. WINTER GOODS 15m 20 Per Cent Discount Reynold’s & Newtonsl Herbs Fresh, and this Year’s Growth. on hand Of the Finest Flavor and Quality. SELLING AT FROM ESTABLISHED 1874 AT 11.] C ADAMQ L.D.S., Smmmox DEN’IIST,11IIS ’ )cmovod to 87 K1111; street; Rust, Toronto, over H. S: C. Bluchfm‘d’s new shoe 51010 Best 111111911111 teeth inserted 111 11 11121111131" to suit 011c111111,t‘1e111t. 1"1rtiu11111r attention given to the 11110 e1- 11161011 and 10;;11111151011 of the 1111t111111 tooth carefully lwoum 11.11 unnecessary 1)1Lin.A. \V Sl’AULDlNG. LbsAssismLut Thankful orthe favors of We post the years 1r :1 'std] be consulted inuny brunch of tho 1:10 fussuon, us follows : Iiicmuond Hill“ 9th «5‘; 240101011011 month (ut Pahnvr Hmlsm Aurora. 1515, 8611, 16th. and N ewm m‘kot Month 1110. Mulkhmn \ 1f tnrin Sq umc. T1101 lexill ............. anflc \Voodhr' ‘_ Klviuluur, Nnbletnn Klviulumg do Nnbletnn do Anusthntms usl‘anous c. 9150., Used when 01 de] ed, and none but the bust material used 1‘ Any person who tulit‘s n. pnperromllurly from u post, oflice, whether directed in his nume 01' unothnr's; or whether he has subscribed or not, is 1'e:;punsib1u for payment. 2. If In person orders his puper discnntin‘uod he must pay all urrcnrs, ofthe publishers may can» tin'm to send it until payment is numb, and tlum colluct the whole mn‘ount, whether tho puper 1S taken fronl tha ofï¬ce or nut. 3% The courts 113w», (lucidcd tlmf mfnm'ng to mm mm 1:1;1e1's “1‘ puiodh 11].» from the host ofï¬ce, or Irkuiug and leaving them uni-ullw‘ for, is imu. Ancie 0v idence of inteizhonul f1 and. M. H KEEFLER YORK HERALD RICHMOND HILL ONT Every Thursday Macrmmn I“! W CONCERNING NEWSPAPERS CUHATIVE APPLIANCES Opposite C’rusby’s Store Only $4 Chemicals, Perfumery, a. large stock of Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS gamut. H. 1'. 22ml Published 18th :10th d 0 1 11??» DR. CLARK’4I?13>?% J’OHNSON S 1411 111111 1111111111: LABOR ATORY, 77 w. 3d St., NewYork City AW n'ul u-nnov mw Tha Best REMEDY KNOWN to Man I algae, Rheuma- tism, Drapery. Heart Disease, Biliausness, JV‘crvous Debilï¬ty, etc, Tins Syrup Possesses Varied Properties. It ntimulnms [he Pytyallno in [lu- Hullvn, which converts the starch and nugru- uftha [nod Into glucose. A doâ€"ï¬clencv in Pytyullne muses W ml and Sonrlng of Ibn food in tho stomach. If the medicine is tnknn lmmedln‘ mely nï¬el’ eating the fermentation «from! in prevented. ]! nun upon the Liver. ltnczs upon Illa Kidneys. It Regulates the Boweln 4 It Purmcs the Blood . I: Qulels lhe Nervous System. It Promotes Dlgcslinn. _ 7 It Nourishen, fltrenglhonu and Iuvlgornn‘n; It carries off the Old Blood nnd mnln-n new It opens the pores of the skin and induces Healthy Porsplmtlou. Pronounced lncurabk) by th Physicians, but cured by theBIoo Syrup, It neutralizes the hereditary taint, or poison in tho blood, which generates Scrotula, Erysipelas, and all manner of aldn diseases and ingemayhumors: smmmm Bottlem. â€"'i‘_h:ar_e 5413â€";5 5758576711616â€de its manufactum, and it can be taken by the most delicate babe, or by the aged and feeble, care 0110 being rewind in ata‘ (infirm ta dz'rcclz‘onx. mom or LARGE Bowmsf“ - é“ $1.00 was on SMALL BOTTLES, s s so Ré'ad the VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who have been CURED by the? use of the BLOOD PURIFIER‘ I was afflicted with :1. severe c'nu'gh, which “'(L: pronounced incurable by my physician I gain- ml in strength as soon as 1 conunenced to use 1112’ Blood syrup My cough is now (mtirnly gone. Horuor J .73 I was amictod with Liver Complaint- 2111(1‘ 1)}; pepsm for muny years, doctors gave me no 1 lief. I tried your Indian syrup and was perfectl‘f cured. Wm W ulkv; Nmth Mountain, Dundns, On Your Indian Blood sylup cured me or Lin-1 complaint after all other 1911191105 failed. I 16- commcnd it, with conï¬dence Mrs Juo Kinney. Dyspepsia & Liver COmplain'L Superior to any Medicine Admué‘,‘ Duh dues Go Out You? Blood syrup is superior to any medi- me I ever used. S Buer‘ sturgeon Buy Simcoe Cb. Out I 111111 t1o11bIed for yams with scinti‘cs and tnet. mouthing I could boar of;11r1‘nhmg relieved 1110 except the Flood sylnp. I am now free from pain, c1111 5 eep wel, and have gained 2 lbs 111 "1 W oaks. Yours m 111y My wife has been under Docbors treatment f: two yams, with heart disc: 0, she Lad to be c, rind. 311:: used Hm Indum ]>luodsyru1) but u sh ‘ time, when she begun to \A. ulk again and hELS kept her bed n (luv since. It ulHo cured my (1m tor of chills and 1' ur~ Rufus MoGumb» Kelvin Brunt (:0, I had been undnr doctors. hands for eight _\'< after usim: your 151m>d Syrup for a 8110)": 1:5. wxm (-nubled tn do {L11 my work. I truly bu] it sxvud my life. Mrs Mary Leon ' c'm ll‘lfLKe montav t- Lster ntwmk Im‘ us tY am thing else. , miml not rcquimd;v1 shirt you. M" .A pC r dny at home made indnï¬tï¬ofls. 1\ n, \vo‘n'én boys rmr‘ir Wanted everywhere to work for us. Now i time. Cnstlv outï¬t mvi terms free. AC TRUE 5:†Co. ALI-Iiillï¬tvlL-lllbino. Burford, Brunt 00., out I Wish to state that†ybm' Indian Blood Syrup has (-mnpletely cured me at Dyspepï¬n‘l can Bufo- Iy recommend it to 11-11. Mrs Alice smith .A Wonderful cure‘ Burford Brunt 00., Out In the sjui‘iiigof #77, I Was very ill mu] was at tended by several Doctors. some thought 1 1111 (linbetes ; others, discussed kidneys, they all fnj ed to do me any good. I tried your lmliun Bloo syrup, which did me so much good that I w: soon ublo to do my housework. I would huv ' died but. foi' your valuable medicine. 0 . Dom- si #Ymu‘ Indian Blnod syrup is the medicine for Dyspepsia and Liver 00mph: Vcr aw. Mrs MJ 151' Dyspepsia and Liver compla Kelvin Brunt (:0 Cross Hill, W'LLterloo Co. I was troubled with rtrmnps in my stun mulloss 01' umwtl‘re' your Indian Blood 7-} affected at speedy euro Nancy smithï¬old. Nm-thumimrlzmd CO I was: h‘oublud with derangement of th“ \‘unss atomjvns unendud by one of tho Dnuw . in thin; part, of the conï¬try, but_ oh 110 relief, lunrlndmu Blood rnp relic m; unce. Irmlly do not think an? (mo 1' health using it, mm fail to receive gc‘rv- 6 l» Jo“ Viotmin Hn1",b(11 111111000 4 My \1 110 111111 been troubled for _\ ear: Witl YOUS debililV' J1me bottles of the Indian Syrup clued 41‘. I thought it wu< (19111 11L 1101 bottle, 110w Ithiuk ir cheap W111 Bro'L Vicforin Harbor, Simco'n Cr I had to quit walk for two woulxs owi 1min iumy sido; one bottle ofthn Blondsyrm removed, in is wonderful for giving} 2111 am"): thus Den-1 The Indian Blomi 811111111215 greatly ban my wife and 111351-111.- Iwcommend it to 1css Louis E Victoria. ' Harbor Sim cpé Count I took one bottle of the Indian Blood syrm I felt like a; new mun. I recomn‘nend it to ‘ for stspepsiu. and Liver Complaint E I, Victoria. Harbor, simcoe CI, The Indim‘l Mood syrup can‘t he hem: f4 pepsin I could not work for some time bv (10+ thscbnottle of Blood syrup, and I mm m and hearty Thom {LS cor. smithï¬eld Northumb. r» I suffered very much from palpitatiun n hum-t 1111111110 Ductms told me I \\ 1-: 1 drop 0 {mt 1111}! 1110111011’0 I tried ymu 1310061“ 11nd was (1111911.:[110110Ve it‘ “0 119 th( best 01110 ever introduced. Means Hen†thir Liver Complaint and I ï¬epsia Recommends it to all in l tress. Can’t Le I‘e‘at for Dygpep DRAIN TILE, OF THE B an .n .r'rv AT 70,000 AGENTS HAVE 8013 SI Cramp in the Suomach. One Family’s Experience Siire care for Dyspepsia. QUALITY AT Heart Disease Cured. Nervous“ 179bi1 inn. Sciatic Rheumatism Nervous TH'seasx s Pain in the Side Liver Complaint um 01;? JEBEBT c117. Saved her Life. [n32 mun! TEOS. NIGHTINGALE'S; Dy spep‘nia Lt‘vcw’ Diseases, ï¬wrr (£3 'anldey, pu_ Burford Brunt CO. 0111. YGL‘LVM Danna. clews Culista shzw