Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 Mar 1880, p. 3

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Jan Bethune Q C N W Hoyles, U TEES, Atfiorneys, Solicitors-in-Chnncery «3150.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court 391189), Togputo. Barristers, Attorneys-uthew, Solicituravin- Chancery, Conveyancers,etc. Officesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL. WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Tenders must he ogthe printed form, which, with all other information, may be had at the Pacific Railway Engineer's Office, in Ottawa. and Winnipeg, on and after the lst day of March, next. Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought qnd sold, or rented. Insurance efiected,&c. ézc. ‘ OFFICE,â€"â€"Victoriu Chambers, 9 Victoria sheet worouto. '18 an 20 King Street, West, Toronto‘ .N EWTON BROOK, 'P. O. RICHMOND HILL, 0NT.. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the ‘College of Physicians and Surgeons. Aasistant to Dr. J ames Lungsmfl'. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879. V I SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Tmumnx’over H. 62 G. Blackford's new shoe store IBegt 'mins-rml :teeth inserted in a. manner to suit tench pmfiient. Pwmiculm- attention given to the 'presewmfiiem and mgulutibn of the natural teeth tonrehflly zmvoimg all unnecessary pain. A. W WKUIHDLLN-G. LDsAssistant. DEPT OF RAILWAYs a; CANALS, Ottawa, 7th Februnrv. 1880. Ferguson. Baln, Gordon 19!. Shlplev, CON V EYA,NCING- ‘ETC. Tendérs will be received by the undersigned up to ngon of THURSDAY, the 131' day of JULY nex . Tenflrs fur a second 100 miles section WEST OF RED RIVER wil! be received by the undersigned 111ng noog on Mypday, 1:119 29th 9i March, _ue:_(t. Dept. of Railways & Canals, Ottawa, 11th Feb. 1880. R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, 'University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S A‘ 1a., Englandmate of London England Surgeon, Eta, 123' 013109 Hours. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, and 6 to 8‘ Drawings, specifications and other information may behndlon application at the (3ch of the Engineer-in-Chief. at Ottawa, on and after the 15211 day of MARCH next: _ Beihune, Moss, Falconbridge AND HOYLES, TENDERS are invited for furnishing the Roll- in}; Stock retfilired to be delivered on the Canadian Pacific ailway, within the next four years, comprising the delivery in each year of about the followmg. viz :â€" 20 Locomotive Engines. 16 First-class Care (a proportion being sleepers). 20 Second-class Cars, do 3 Express and Baggage Cars. 3 Postal and Smoking Cars. 240 Box Freight Cars 100 Flat Cars. 2 Wing Ploughs. 2 Snow Ploughs. 2 Flangers. 40 Hand Cars. THE WHOLE TO BE MANUFACTURED IN THE DOMINION or CANADA and delivered on the Can- adiun Pacific Railway, at Fort William, or in the Province of Manitoba. The section will extend from the mm of the 48 Contractâ€"near the western boundary of Munitobnâ€"toupofint on the west side of the vulleypf Bird-tajl Creek. Official Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- ancer, Bro 'er, 850., &c., Money to Lend at Low Rates, 'Thmikffll 401K913 favors of the past the years 'may still‘beaconsul‘hed in any branch of the pro fession, :ws ‘fdllows : .-Riohmond Hill. . 9th a: 24th of each month OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- TENS Atfinrneva Snlinitm'anJ‘lhnnnprv (at Palmer flame) Aurora, lat, ‘Sth, 16th, and 22nd do Newmmket,...... ...... 211d do Stoufiville... ...... .. do Markham ............ dc Victoria Squmre ...... do Thornhill ....... do Maple ........... . do Woodbridge ...... do Kleinburg ...... do Ndblettm do Annsfihétics, as Nitrous Oxide, etc. used when sordered,1md none but the best material used BANADIAN PABII'IE RAILWAY. BARRIS'I ERS, &0 IRON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. 'George Gooderham .................. Vice-President DmECTonsvSamuel letb, M.P.. Wm. Gooder mam, Geo. W. Lewis, T1105. H. Lee, Hon. D. L :Macpherson, Senator. GANABIAN PAGIPIG RAILWAY. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 'Total Assets, $3,000,000 Saving; Bank W. TGII’IOVF Money received on deposit, and mteres ‘payable halt yearly or compounded. ESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. See our reduced loam table. For further information apply at at the 013106! the Comvunv. Walter S. Lee, Manager To lend on Mortgage of landed property only at a low rate of interest. No Loan less than $400 will be entertained. Am‘iiED Boma‘nmm. WM. WonTs Dvm‘m Money to Lend at Low Rates. Mortgages Bought and sold. Transactions strictly confidential Apply personally, or by letter 00â€" the undersigned. Richmond Hill, Jany. 1st, 1880 J. EL‘LIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. as? NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, JAMES GORMLEY, Tenders for Rolling Stock. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Oflicesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto Mortgages Bought F, J. D. SMITH, $50‘000 BRANCH 0r A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS DR: ORR, MAPLE MONEY T0 LOAN. Promptly attended tol P. O. Box 2527. BARRISTER, ETC., antiviral. J- K PALUUNBRIIIEE gtmwg. g’rmal. flrum. C Moss, W C Falconbridge \V Barwick, A BAyloswnrth o. ADAMS, L.D.S., By Order. F. BRAU_N, By Order, F. BRAUN, Sécrotm‘y. Secretary Call and see our cheap Cabinet Photo Frames, all worthy of inspection, and great reduction of prices. Fruits of all kinds at the lowest Cash prices. Fine young Hyson Tea for Fifty Cents. A large stock of Furniture on Hand. Pictures and picture frames. A fine selection of French Chrome Mottos very cheap. RUSTIC MOTTOS VERY CHEAP Every department complete. Groceries, such as Teas, Slwars and Fruits, we sell as cheap or cheaper than any HouseD in the Village, or at least we think so, therefore call and see for yourselves. Of every description. Call and price the Goods, and see for yourselves. ' P G SAVAGE ~\. . . v1." “ ‘1‘ . ‘A-A Crockery and Glassware Wâ€" GIVING -- BOOTS& SHOES AT 003T ”GROCERIES & PROVISIONS AT COST crockery and Glassware at East AND MANY ARTIELES PAR BELOW cusw Great Bargains and No Humbug. Call and See for Yourself. YORK HERALD Every Thursday Afternoon RICHMOND HILL ONT Richmond Hill, Dec 18th, 1879 Richmond Hill, Mth 10, 1879 Richmond Hill, Dec.13th 1879 Opposite Crosby's Store . H. KEEFLER Only $1 a Year. Published Selling Off At Cost! TX E‘dflfif smmm JOHN BRO‘W N. WINTER GOODS 15 to 20 Per Cent Discount Reynold’s &Newtons UP BUSINESS. SELLING AT FROM A'l‘ not required; we will start you. Men women, boys and girls make money jester at work fer us than at anything else. The work is light emd Dleusant, and such as anyone can go right at. Those who are Wise who see this notice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free. Now is the time. Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. AddressTRUE A; CO.,August&, Maine. AMONTH suunteed. $12 a day at 3““ home by the industrious. Capital DRAIN TlLE, OF THE BEST QUALITY A'I‘ ISAAC CROSBY. UALITY AT THOS. NIGHTINGALE'S, Yorkvila Indian.31§id Syrup} LABORATORY, 77 w. 3d SL, NewYork City LAT Tnnzmn Ivan-v gg‘ DR. CLARK/450% gr» JOHNSON’& V VI IE Vina}: was: Blliousnm, Wervous chilily.etc. The Best REMEDY KNOWN to Man ! Pronounced 1ncurab!e by the Physicians, but cured by the Blood Syrup. V Hockley can (1“ 011 Out -I \\ 1L9 afflicted with Live) (omnluint and By? pepsin for manv \eurs, doctms game me no le- lief. I tried your Indian syrup and was perfectly cured. Wm Walker sturgeon Bay Simcoe Go. 0111‘, I had troubled for years with sciatica, and tried m enthiug I could hem 01511111111111: mliaved me except the Blood sv1'.11p 1 P. 111 now from f1 0111 pain 01111 sleep well,11nd have gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks. Yours t1"111 Delmm clews. Sure cure for "Dyspepsia.“ D s {a Liver Dimpem, fever ‘9 dgue, Rheuma- tism, Dram. "our! [Huang Tins Syrup Possesses Varied Properties. It stimulntei the Pytynlino in tho Sallvn, whlch converts the starch and sugar of the food Into glucose. A doflclencv in Pytynllne causes W nd and Sourlng of the food In the stomach. If [he medlclne is tnkcn immedi- ately after eating the fermenmlon of food II prevented. 1: nuts upon the Liver. Itncts upon the Kidneys. It Regulates the Bowels A It Pun-mes the Blood. -. 1: Quiet: the Nervous System. It Promotes Digestion. I [ Nonrishei, Strengthens and Invigomtes. It curries ofi'lhe Old Blood nnd makes new. It opens the pores of the skln and Ind-oe- Henlthy Perspirntlon. I was afflicted with a, severe cough. which was pronounced incurable by my physician I guin- ad in strength {LS soon as I commenced to use the Blood syrup My cough is now entirely gone. Isaac Homer J P North Mountain, Dundas, Ont Your Indian Blood syrup cured me of Liver complaint after all other remedies failed. I reâ€" commend il: with confidence. Mrs Juo Kinney, Superior to any Medicine. Admus, Dundnss co Ont Your Blood syrup is superior to any mediuino I ever used. S Buer Burford, Brunt Co., one I wish to state that your Indian Blood Syrup has completely cured me of Dyspepsial cansufe- ly recommend it to all. Mrs Alice smith. Burfonl Brant 00., Out. In the spring of 1877, I was very ill. and Was [Lt- tmuled by several Doctors. some thought; I had diabetes ; ulhers, diseased kidneys, may all failâ€" ed to do me any good. I tried your Indian Blood syrup, which did me so much good that I was anon able Lo do my housework. I would have died but for your valuable medicine. .. My wife has. been 11116101 Doctors treatment for Lwn yours, with 1101111, disease, she Lud L1) be can 1'1011. 51111:, used the Indium B10011 syrup but 11 short 111119 wlmn she began to \\ all: 1113:1111 and 11115 not kept 1101 bed 11 (11W since.1t also Glued m v duugh» m1 of (111113 and fov er- lwufus McComba J1 It neutralizes the hereditary taint, or poison in the blood, which generates Scroiuln, Erysipelas, and en manner of skin diseases and lmemn‘l‘humors, There are no â€"spirits emr ployed in its mnnufacmre. and it can be taken by the most delicate babe, or by the aged and feeble, can only Mn: figured in a:- tmtz'an ta dx'rectzbm. - ?RIGE OP LABEI BOTTLES ‘ . r3193 03 SMALL BOTTLES, n. - - R3“ the VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS of Persons who have been CURED by tho use of the BLOOD PURIFlER. Dyspepsia & Liver ‘COmplaint 4 Kelvin Brunt; (to 0111; Dmu‘ sirâ€"Your Indian Blood syrup is the best medicine fur Dyspepsia, and Liver Complaintl ever saw. Mrs M .1 Bridge I 11nd been under doctors lumds for eight years, after using your Blood syrup for it short time. I was enabled to (10 11.11 my work. I truly believe it saved my life. Mrs Mary Leonard. 9.000.000 Bottles. Dyspepsia and leer complaint Iwns troubled with cramps in my stomach and loss 01' :Lppmim' your Indian Blood syrup efiected a speedy cure Nancy Leo sm ithfield. Northumberlnnd 00, out I was troubled with domngenmnt of the 1191'- vous systemlwns attended byonc of the best Doctors in this part of the coustry, but obtained no relief Your Indian 1310011 syrup lolieved 1110 at once. I really 110 not think 11.1w one in 111â€" health using it, can fail to receive great benefit Mls Johnson Victoria. Harbor, simcoe co. Out I had to quit woxk for two weeks owing to a pain inmy side; one bottle of tho Bloodsyrup has removed, it is wonderful for giving an appetite Chas Deudmmx smithfield‘ Northumb. Go, out I suffered very much from palpitation of the heart, and the Doctors told me I was likely tn drop otf (Lt any moment. I tried your Blood syrup and was cured. I believe it to be the best medi- cine ever introduced. Moses Herrington Nervous I)ebilit§ 7. Victo1iu Harbor, simcoe co Out My wife had been troubled for years with 1161. vous <10bih'ty;th1ee bottles of the Indian Blood syrup cmed her. I thought if, was dear at sncts per bottle, now Ithink it cheap W111 Bmther son my wi Recommends it to all in Dis- tress. Liver Complaint and Dys- pepsia Victoria. Harbor simcoe county, Out I took one bottle of the Indian Blood syrup, and I felt like a new mun, I recommend it to all for for Dvspepsiu. and Liver Complaint. E D curl Can’t be Peat for Dyspepsia: Victoria. Harbor, simcoe C0. Ont The Indian Blood syrup can’t be beat for Dys- pepsia I could not workfor some time before I got that Bottle of Blood syrup, and I am now well and hearty Thomas courtney Horse shoeing done at $1 a. set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. AND HORSE SHOER‘ Place of Businessjust north of P Crosby, Esq., Yon‘ge street, Richmond 'Hill ‘ Geo. STEPHENS 70,000 AGENTS HAVE SOLD SINCE 1870 Cramp in the Shomach. One Family’s Experien oe Heart, Ilsease Cured. Sciatic Rheumatism General Blacksmith, Nervous I‘iseascs Pain in the Side, A Wonderful cure Liver Complaint urn oi- nun m. Saved her Life, [mum mnfil cross Hill, Waterloo (‘0, Out Burford Brant C0. 0116 Kelvin Brunt (:0, Out (:ulist n shaver Prepared 8: sold by H Sandersbfiéz SOns Remember the place, ”fl APOTHECARY'S HALL. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed, ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS Drugs, Toilei Articles, The proprietor of this establishment,having11nd many years experience, and studird closely this science in its application to (curative purposes, fuels confident thnt in prosenting this ACNE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the public, he is supplying them with the hem: instrument of their kind now known to the sciviwe,iinstrun101m; that will dothoir work “'1‘“ if used in accordance with printed directions given with ouch appliance, and would warn the public uguinat all cheap imitu- timl ofrull his gomls. . ‘ ‘h ‘ , ASK FOL: bULiMANS hthClniC APPLIANCES AINI) IUU WILL BE SAFE AGAINST IM POSITION. .V _ TESTIMONIALS. SHOES. GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH RELIEVE AED CURE. Spinal Cnmphiintg General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism. Gout, Nervouaness Liver, Kidwy. Lungs. Throat and Chest Complaints. Neurulgia. Bronchitis. lncinient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Syn-mus, Consumption, Sle-enlessnesa. Colds, indigestion, Spermmwhmm. &c., A. Norman, Em” Ingcrsoll, August. 1879. DEAR Linc,â€" 1 anfforcd for four yours from What Dr Davies 0! Chicago, and other eminent phv- sicinus culled rhuunnnism of the bowels, which they tried in vain to cure ; but I um thankful to say your applimlcus huvu entirely rvmm’od the pain. I recommend all suflm'm's to try them. Yours truly, ‘ PETER Dowma. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. M12No11111u1, Tomnto, Nov. 23rd 1874, I have 11111) t1i0d find most carefully tested and seen used )0111‘ Cu1ative1usolcs and Bands, and believe tlus to be 0110 of the best fauna of ud111111ist01‘111g Elect1icity,110\v known to be of such valuable 11npo1t1111co f<>1 Lhe 1oliof uf Rheumumsm and Neu1111gic affections. I most cherfullv re- commend then 11:8 to 1111 51111111155 of chess 00111 C B HALL, M. 1). 20 Cuer- Howell Place. Mr Nornmn, Toronto, Oct. 10th, 1879‘ DEAR SILLâ€"About; three years ago I full from a. ladder about twelve feet, across the bunister of the stairs, and was taken up fur (101m, since which time I have suffered severe 1min in my back and side. and great wonkuests, u‘mtting me for business, and got very little ease until 1 used your Elec- tric Belt and Insoles, whicp xjelquot} me vqry‘much; ”You! ”truly, Joxâ€"Irf QVE ' ' 125 Yonge St. The Applmnucs 1m- mmle in all sizes and shapes fox the Lliffm'em; parts of the body, xmd rtfixge in price {£01.11 $1.00 to $0.00 for small lfiunds, and 1mm $5.00 to $15.00 for \Vuist Belts. See Circulars, which is miled {we Lu 11.11 applicants. Hemenlbcrthu address, A. NORMAN, No. 4 Queen street East, Toronto, Ont. N. I}.~Eluct*ic Baths, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Meucux‘ial and Hot, and (told Baths always ready for Ladies und Gentlemen. Feb. 18th ’80. Excellent tLCConnnodntion for the Public. Good stzx‘bling and attentive hustler. Proctor’s Bus loaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7.3 [L m, l p m 4.15 pm, and 7.15 x) m. The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL 0mm This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Cles-s Qtyle. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stamina and attentive hustler. Terms, $1 per day. TH i PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, J‘ Palmer. Prop 1. Any person who takes :1. paper regularly from a post office, whether directed in his name or tmother’s, or whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. 2. If a person on] err-1 his paper discontinued he must. pay all arrears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it, until payment is made, and then collect. the whole amount, whether the limper is taken from the office or not. Cosgx-ove Bros, PIop’s LA W CONCERNING NEWSPAPERS 3 The mmrts h nvo decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the post office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, is prim‘a‘facie evidence of int‘en'tiohuI fm‘ud, " Prescriptions care- Remember the place, They have also on hand NURMAN’S ELEETBU imam may. Corner Youge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill Cnnllcan. u ua Luuz :uouuu, upcuuaunllluwa. 0M; Electrlclty the Life Fluid Herbs Fresh, and Ihis Year’s Growth 0f the Finest, Flavor and Quality. ESTABLISHED 1874 INJURY TRADE MARK. _TlxeGreiLtEng-TRADE MARK. , lxshRemedyisun ’ : unfailingcurefor ' Seminal \Veak- stsflpernmtorr- hm, Impotency, and all diseases that follow as a. sequence of self .-\\ :‘ , A1>Ilse,usloss of . s . ,- Memory, Univer . Befme Tamgsnl Lnssibude,After Takmg' pain in the f i i 1 Buck. Dimnoss of Vision, Premature old age, and munyotherdiseases that loud to insunity con- sumption and {L premuture grave. LES" Full pur- hicnlm‘s in our Pamphlet Which We desire to sand I free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by [L11 Druggist at $| per package, or six packages fox $5, or will he sent by mailon receipt of the money, by addressing, THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, Tolonto, 01112.. Canada. NB.â€"T1mdenmnds of mir business have neâ€" cessitated our removing to Toronto, tq which place please uddress all future commumcutions l.3"Sold in Richmond Hill by 8.11 druzgists, and everywhere in Canada. and the United Emma 11 “holemlemud retail druggists can make money msner at work tor us than at. anything else. Capital not required; we will start; you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfit and terms free. Address TRUE & 00.. Augusta. Maine. GRAY'S Specific Medicine! ‘A few diaries of superior quality, for 1-880, for sale'afi'th‘e‘ ‘HERAL‘D " St01"e. ,, WHMIVE APPHANEES fully cornpoundqd Chemicals,» Perfumery; a. large stock of iness {1. trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those will» ing to work. You should trY nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the bus- iness we offer. No room to explum here. You can devote ull your-time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay “for every hourthat you work. Women make as nwunh as men. Send for special private terms and partiâ€" culars which we mail free, $5 outfit free Don't complain of hard times while you have snchn. I 0115,1199“ Address H. HALLETT & 00., Portland. AWEElx 111 your own town, mm no BB cnq'uml risked. You can give the bus- The Ointment is the- only reliable remedy for 13an Legs, Old WoundsflSows and Uléers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis Diptherin, Coughs Colds Gout, Rheumatism, and (111811111 Diseases it has no equal. {5 The Pills purity the Blood, correct 11,11 disorder.a of thaLivel', Stomach Kidneys 11nd Bo“ els, and mre‘invamublo in all complaints incidental to Fefimles’.‘ - These cmmterfeita are purchtméed by unprincia plea Vendms at (me- -hulf the price uf my rillsmnd Ointment, and mo sold to you as my genuine Medicines I most, reépectfully take leave to‘ call the at- rentinn of the Public generally t9 the fact; that cm min Huusés in NOW York are sending to many pmls of the glrjhc SPURIOUS IMIT TIONS of my Pills zmd Ointment. Th‘esc fmur rs bear on their labels some address in New York. I donot allow my medicine m be; sold in {my part of the Unified States. I hzwe no agent»! there. My mmhcmcé me nnlv made by me_ at; 5A3,0xf01d Strevfi _L0nd_on I must earnestly appeal to that sense of justice Which I feel sure I may venture upon asking from {1.11 honorable persons, tn assist me, and the Pub- lic, us far as may lie in their power, in denoun tug this shameful Fraud. In the books of directions affixed to the spur- ious make is [L mmfinnqvurniug the Public against being deceived by cnnntcrfeits. D0 1101: be misled. by this audacious trio", as they are the counter- teits they pretend to denoun‘be. ' ‘ Each Put and Box 111' the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Smmpnvith the words “ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. 011 the 1n1)elis the address, 53:}, OXFORD S'vmm'r, LONDON, where alone thev m‘e Manufactured. HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES. Holloway’s Pills and Ointments bearing {my other address are comm. terfeits The Trade Mums of these Mvdicinus are len' J tered in Ohm“ 1L Hence,1my one tlnoughout the British Pomessions, who may keep tha- Amaricnu Uounterfeits for 311.10, will be pruswuted 563 Oxford Street. London, J m1 1 1879 BENEFIT Sflfll‘fiTY ! Iguamntee to satisfv the most fastidious Come and give us a trial. N0 disuppnintmaut No deception JOHN PLAXTON Elgin Mills, Jun. 7th 1880. This Society 13 orgumzed tor tne purpose 01 en abling persons between 16 and 60 years of age, by bacoming‘r members, to make provision for Old age, and in case of deuthmo secure sum of money to their widows ILnd orphan childrcn. or to other rnlntivos 01' pvrsons dapenuient on them; mu] to secure to ouch member of the Benefit Brunch, nmdicnl attendance and a. weekly allowance. in case of sickness or accident disabling hin from (10' 1g his usual work. ‘ Tlfe great value of benefit societies to all (:1st- Sna who depend upon their personal cfl'ort! for the support of themselves and their families, is now universally recognized. GEO CHANTLER. '1'Rlfl:\SUt{l£R.â€"â€"\N\I. J Gmd, Sec.-Tleas.. Lumbmu 1’ B & 1 Society. This Sociely presents two distinguishing featuues :â€" Agent for the 'I'mvtlshirm, (If Maxkham V: ughzm. whilchm'ch and King. Dr Jus Lanyslafi', Medical Referee- Assurance Soc’y‘ Of London England, Alderman Mc .arthy, M. P, Chair- man. W W Baynes. F I lg Secretary Requve Fund ........ $F.()00.00(, Annual Income ...... 14.000 00 Invested in Canada... 75000.00 30 per cent of premiums returned in profits Loans made to Church Trustees, at [L low rate of interest. Send for prospectus. Head Offloe,â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"Sarnia, Ontario Having lately purchased the interns} of the above business, I can confidently (s'ua 'zmtce Satismcsion ? In 3.11 branches of the tmde. Having puid OF‘FICERS : ' PI’d‘ISTDEN'lflâ€"dlou Alexander Vidal, MANAGER 8; SI‘If‘RE'I‘AK-Y,â€"WM J Kenya, Ufliuinl Assimnee. Islâ€"Snmnupss of" Cost. 2nd -- The salisfuclory security afforded to nwmhers. Full particulars Obtained h'mu , BEWARE OF ..,. NEW VORK COUNTI» RFHTS ELGIN MILLS BLAEKSMITH SW. SPECIAL . ATTENTION Horse Shoeing‘: MODERN TIME S berm! or. Dec 9. 1879 THE STAR LIFE CANA DA ROYAL A W Lauder, Sec. &Tren.s. for Canada. Victoria Chambers. Toronto. 7. Feb. 12th 1880. RICHMOND HILL ONT

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