Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 15 Apr 1880, p. 3

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(Thus 'nlmn ‘ Thom}: " '. until“ .Julm lflllston . Benjmniu Rolli 1;" Vi .antm svrinmcr ...... l‘ctt‘r Room-y . \Villium "Fin-qr». Jos FurMyi'n‘th‘.’.. Henry NéWsuum . “'1“ Fisher . A G Brown )rmlel “31:2; , Muer' ‘1 ' Willinn . _\‘ ‘ John .dqfiimf‘ Th" 'unrf'r H 011100,,“1141County ) Toronto, 111111 15:” 1w; 1 J C fitOkns ~ - - Joseph Bogart Joseph shuupurgl , Thomas Atkmsun Thomas Pinwhur W 111 ‘1‘! 1103301 Nelson Smith l’lml chpor Audnpaw Henderson J llH M Patterson N J Armstwlg ‘ JmmsKuvnmufll ' \Vm McMullcn , S M me’vu ' V ‘ Juu Brow urid go ‘ 31 L11 As} 1 81110111 Eu with ‘ W H Mtl’jor V' 7' David Beldzuu l“ W .(Lynfiu: ‘ AUCTLQNEERS AND V'PEDLARS, Boots and Shoes FLwaawsFEED FIHLII fiWB‘ENN‘iSH'EBS flntasiu House; is. Erammedfull OED7’"_“_" THINGS HAVE PASSED , AWAY; 'Ricfiifib‘iid 11111;";sffifin’ 14', 1830 l‘ublishrq byfxll‘lnnofiiy of C‘oufif)’ C(Imncil GROCER‘IES,. ifROVlsIoNS, ,Wilh n:New:Stook of ALL . ”KINDS"; OF. And .gAll ‘ Things Have' Bébome ' ' New; ANI)’. THE JOHN BROW N 17‘0qu TH}; COUNTY *, OF YORK '2". r” ‘. “ckâ€"0.0 \. ) -. 4. »â€" AUCTIONEERE: NA ME NA )1 E LVI'C T 01“ LI CE NSE'I) PE D-L‘A RS : Ymkvillu .' ..... Victoria Square lslingtun : Aurora Unionville Aurora. Highland Creek Toronto . Aurom ' King Nu wmnrke‘t Sutton ' Newmurket ‘ Green River . N\'\\Ullll‘ku‘ . liiugwuud Aumru TU‘nmtn Murklmm x\ul)lvtun Queensyillc . ‘nKettlelpy soutun Village Thnrnhill Imskuy Toronto (10 4. .do ,. sermon village Toronto» 1. l'Ivcrhle'y‘ Muddnun ’l‘m‘untn RESIDF flmn‘horhr York Mills RESIDE ‘I'CE 110 do Foot T'wo H orse‘ One do Twuhorseu ()nu ‘. ,do Two (ll) 5 One do _ do ,, 490 . _. , *OI‘IGFHOI‘SB Description of License (10 L1<b (In K MACDONALD Iwill continue t6 remive Strict httentidn tolbfisiintéss Public Patronage Moderatw IPfl‘tfiS’, g , Kubnmw ._ Treasurer York County f iaUat thuiwi‘m do 5t] do 20H do 2M] Fol vruury 17th March 3rd do 4th do 24th (105 "‘ ,25th' April ; 30th 1880 Muy , , 2mg June 'llm September 22nd , 3 a C10 ,‘ . 2‘“)? w, 10 ‘ 29m Odoh’ér ' A 156' 110 v ' “‘JIGh ' (1171: Clint . do 27th , ' do ’ ‘ZSUI do " {Slat )V ‘Duto when License lԤx-}vims., ' April do Juno (in ' 29th Novem‘r 17th . (10 2151: do , 28th Decem'r 23rd Jun 6th, . “(19 ‘ 14151! do " 15th Mnrclx 3rd Date “‘11th License Expires. xi share of .Ifitll 1’4 (.11 mm 17 ch- Hiflt, 8th ‘ 21m. 27 m 28th fllsi 1315 5th 20th 20th 71880 1881 ‘ do do (10 1551 TO miOOD’A YEAR. or 5“. to $20 a. dial in your own. loculibv.» No risk' \anen (10 us well [L3 men. Mnmy Inuko more than the nmuunt stated "hove. hnono cxm fail to make money fast. Any one mm dughn work. You can muka from .30 cts to 3.2 an hnhr by devoting your evenings :Lnd‘kfifu‘cltimo, to the, business: It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money maxing 0"(‘1‘ offered beforu Business pleasun and Htx'icbly honorable. Render; if -ydu want t know all about the busylmyiug businr-EIB bafor the'publlc , send us your mull-ass and W0 wil send you full )nwtioullu‘s and private harms ‘fréd gunnples “3611 x5 nlm free: you crm then make up V0 1r mind for yourself Address GEORGE :l'lNSUN d: (10.,Augustu Muino. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member (if this. college 01’. I’ll) siciuns nmIISurgeons Assistunt to‘ Dr .’James Lungsmfl. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879. Jus Bethune Q C N W Hoylcs, IA. Lnammlmd (Late of Londdn ‘Erlgt‘aind Surgeon, Etc‘ l3" ()ch Hours. 8 to 10, 1 to 2, and 6 to 8‘ CON VEYA NCIN’G- ETC. ‘ Mortgages bought and "mild. Farms jlmught Mul'snld,‘ur mutual. , Insurance efi'ectMdec. «kc. 1) ’1’11 RS, Attor11u_\s Solicitorsâ€" 111- Changer ry 0tc.. M Adfilt‘tide street East (opposite the 001111 House) ’loronto. . . 1 N EWTQ NBRO 0K; 'P. ‘0. Official lA‘ssig‘xim' chl E‘at'nco Agent, Convey- uncor, limkcr, $20. 650., SK 0 our refluccd 1mm, table; .. For further inlorumtioxi apply at at tho 0mcon the Unnmum. Walter‘s; Lee, Manager Barristers Attornt- u‘t-Luw, Solic'tum- 111- 01111110011 (‘ 011V LYIUJLOL etc. 011101314 1111111311111 1111,1111 Buildings, \\ ullixwton street Toronto. THOMAS qumsox, (4.0., _ 11111:: HARM“ . W x. S)" (5011mm (1111). 1“. 5111111411! ()1°!~‘I(}Id,â€"-V.ictoriu Chambers 9 Victorixi Htreot To1ontu., » Moheywto Land 'at 'L'ow' Rates, I8 .1, 20 King Street, West, Toréntdi Cnpim, $1000 001); Rosérve' F'1‘1ud $359,000 , Tom] Aéséts 33.00691“) ' ' Savmg 5 Bank Ferguson. Baln, Gordon 5:. Shipley, Bethune, Moss.l Falconbridge . AND‘ZV'_ H‘QYLES, BARRIST ERS; &0 R. B. On“, M, By, (1115]; First}, Filvor Medalist; University hf Toronto, M. (7. 1’. S. ()ntnn‘o. L S U . AND SAVINGS 'COMI“ ANY.’ ' Omensâ€"No. 70 phâ€"urch qtre'et, Toronto. 15103.6”) W; ALLAN, â€"Seunt0:r,7Preaident..,‘ George Gmdcrhmn ...... ;. Vieo-I‘tesidcnt D11114(1Tons~‘3axnuél Prat}, M. 1“,, Wm Gooder 1mm, Gwp;W.Lewis,Th'b1i. H. ‘Lee,‘Hon D. L‘ Ma'cphorson, Sennmr. n ‘ - . Money received (In depos‘il, nn'i Intern! payable halt yearly or compounded. Richmond Hill. Juny. lsp, .1880 To lend on Mortgage of landed property only at 1» low run», of interest. N0 Lonu less than 3400 will be entertuined. ' Transactions H strictly confidential. Apyly fiersouully, or by letter to the undersigned. ' (nt‘fl’u‘lmvr Hnusé) Aumrn, 15L 8th,10b1j,nn1122m1 Ncwnugrket, 2nd St'nufl'villc“ . .Iflth Mimi: 1mm, ..... ‘ orin Square. Thomhill Maple ...... W(mdb1‘id"0 leeinlmrg a. Nobleton Muzzle ...... . ...... .2th1 do“ Wundbrid‘h’e ............ ‘28”) L10 ' Kleinlmrg ,. ...... 9th do Nobleton ..... 30th do V Anusthnbicsms Nitrous’blxule, etc., used‘whqn ordered, and none but the best material used Thankful or the favors of the past the years n‘ my still 110 consulted in utuy vhx‘gbhcp of the pro {cssimixpns follows Vltilc _1d Hillx . 9th.d: 24th-hf ouch month \KIESTERN CANADA L O A _N AND SAVINGS "(ONIPUNV' “ .0. ADAMS; L,D.S{, Strum-ION Jhmfrlm‘ has rammed-m 87 Kin‘g‘ktmm hush. Tqrhucm uvor H161. 0-. Blauhforxifs new shoe More Bo’st mulcrul teeth inserted in (I. )mumotm‘suit elmh p’utiehtu Pmrticulur‘nmmtimx' gh‘cn to the preset‘vutibn and regulation of the natural teeth cureflillv ‘nvomg all unnecessary IpMm A. \V SI’AULDING. LDsAssisttmt. . ,4 - ,_ in the Qbiumy of York, Yomnan, who died on or about, the month of. December 1868,. are an or before the SEVEN ‘EENTH DAY 01“ APRIL 1880 to send by pus prepaid to EDWARD Mme]: Solicitor. Equity Chambers, Toronto, their Christiun nnd Surnm 105. Addresses and descripâ€" Lion, the full pnrtiéufurs of their :luims, a state- ment, of their accumim and the ‘n‘uture 0'! the Securitiemit (my) held by them or in delimit: they will his! pormn‘ptorily excluded from the benefit of the fluid Decree. l‘lvm'yCroditor hold- ing (my Security 15 to fl‘odllco the Hume Before me the umlersxgned 1\. uster in Ordinary (J! the said Court, at my Chmnbers in Osgoode Hall in the (ti-Ly of 'l‘urunto, (m the 26TH DAY OF APRIL ISSQ (Lt twel'Vo O'cloc'k 110011, being the time 111)- painted {or adjudication 0' the claims. Dutud'thik 17th day of March ‘1880. (Sigumifi ' T- W. TAYLOR Jiv‘IELL‘I‘OT LANGSTAFF, M: ‘n. Axum, ‘BdULTmsI: Money toâ€"Jmugi at, Law-Rams. -M0rtgfigds Bought and sold..-' ‘ , ' '. )URSUANT. $0 a: d creo of tlié‘Court Q! Chum: ,ry umde ix} t 0 cause 0! LA\V {ENCE VS, HAM LTON, the ‘i‘bditoi‘s ,01 Chnrles' 1:} Lawrence-lute '0! thé 1 f - ' ' .Tb'bvnship'cflf ‘Vaughafli ‘ " EHANEHH‘Y NflTIL'H J â€"01;~~ ' " Charles “E. Lavtrrenc'e,» NORTH 0F 'SC'UTLASD'VCIIIAMBERS, _ GO’RMLEY, _Mo‘rtgage',s ‘ Bqught F. J D. SMITH, 3550;000 on. . ORR. ,MAPLE RICHMOND HILL, 0 CREDITORS NONE Y T0 ' L 0;! N. DEA nomusou; . SURGEON DENTIS ‘iLctcand to‘ P.’ 0. BOX-‘2527. J - Kl PALEDNBRIDGB Bnmgs'mgi, ETU‘ gfl'uliwl. gfl-nmy. irrgnl. gram. C Mots.“ *WVJC‘Ftficonbridge VV.B1Lr\\'iok, A BAylesworth momsm T0 WM. Wong's I‘lVA'LfT. do (10 Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash and 40 cents for removes. Place of Business Just north of P Crosby, hsq., Yonge street, Richmond Hill Can’ t be leaf. for Dyspepsia: ' Victoria. Harbor. nimcoe CO. Ont The Indian Blood syrup can t be beat it)! Dy 5- pepsiu I could not work for some time beforey I go? thnvt Bottlé of Blood syrup, and I run now Well and heurtx r,” ‘ Thomas Courtney AND HORSE :SHOER‘ Liver Qfimplaint andA Dys- 2.‘ IMPQPSia I V ‘ I 1 Vi(:t6riuzfigrb()r simcqg countyfom II mnk 0nd I‘mttle 0'! {he Indian Blood éytup, zmd I felt like a new man, I recozmnehd it to all for tor.1)vnpe sin um! Liver Cmnpluint r E D, curl V l? V ’ , . A "'I‘ho'ifi'gjian nlond syrxmhxm greatly benefited my wife-and myself. _I recommend _ic co all ifi mistress Geo. STEPHENS ciuegver introduced Victoria Hlirbor Simone (:0 Out My wife had been troubled for years‘ With' ner. vmis tlehilim; three bottles of the mdian' Blood m r11)» cured 110111 thought it WILS den; at 50013 per bottle 110w Ithinlg it. cheap W111 Brother sen Recommends it. to all in Dis- tress . ,.__ smithfleld. Northu’uibei‘lan'd (:0, out I was troubled with derangement of the ner- vbmi in stem was attended by one of the best ,chtms 111 this purt of the coustry. but obtained 110 uglier, Your Indium Blood syrup relieved me at ‘once. I really do not think nnv bne 111 ill- health 11si11g'it,cnn tail to receive great benefit - - ’Mrs Johnson . Victoria Harbor, simcoe Co. Ont I hm] to quit wm k for two Weeks. lowing; :ton, pain iuxuy side; one bottle‘ of thn Bloodsymphus remov’ed, it is wonderful for giving ma appetite Chas Deadman smithfield Northumb, no; out I filifiered‘very much from yyalpimtign loin-.the lllcurtgund the Doctors told me I was likely to drop mm [my moment, I tried your Blood'éyru ) and was cured. I believe it to be the beat until cross HiIlHWaterloo (:0,'Ont ' I Was monhlcd with cramps in my; stmnnch xuldlnss 0f lullpetite' your Indian B11 0d syrup efiectedu speedy qure _ fi‘Nuncy Lbo‘ My wife has been under Doctors vtreafmént for two ycurs, with heart disease; ‘ Lad t9 bu, gur- ricd. she useélv‘the Indiumlntwd ‘ I‘l’ifi‘bilt a short rum», when she began tn,wul ftguixqufl‘hqs not kept lurf'l‘ted n (In y s'l'uc’é. It n 80 cure‘d my‘duugh- tux-ml! chilyls‘glgmLipV‘rer- , - Hu-tusfllcmonflm Jr I 11an born under (10( tors ham to eight year nlcr‘r using: 50m Blood n mm for“ ‘u short. time, I was enabled to do all my work. I‘ truly believe it sm ed my life. v M” my Leonard. Buriorfi Brunt 00., Ont. Iii the spring of 1877, I wiis very 'ill.‘1’md was at- t‘uuded by several] Dnctnrs. some thqught I hud idiulletefl'; others, (“sensed khlney‘s, they all fail- ed to do me any good. I tried your Indian Bloo'd s'yrup, which did me so much good that I was norm: able m do my housework. I would have died but, for your vuluuble medicine. h . > V . ‘ Kelvin Brnxlt‘vc‘o.’ 0'13: 'Dmu' sirâ€"Your Indian Blood syrup i8 till}; best marlicino for Dyspepsia u-ml‘ Liver Complm‘ut I over suw._ . _ Mrs MJ Bridge pjépepsia ‘a’nd‘ leé'i- églfipi'aint sturgeon Bari Sim'c‘oe co. Ont I hm! troubled for } earn with sciatica. and tried everything I could hear 0“! nothmg relieved 1110 except me Blood sv.1'np L run now free 11-0111 1min‘ elm sleep well, and have gained 2 lbs in 2 . Yours truly . '. Admuil, Dundass co Out Your Blood syrup in Impatienm nuy’ medicine I max 1isb‘d._ , ( S Buer.‘ Hockiey; -(‘nrdwtll Out I was nfl‘lictod with Liver milihlnint and Dy 5- pcpsin for runny \onrs doctor; guve me. no le- lief. I tried \our Indinu syi‘up and Wall perfectly cured. . , ‘ . ‘ Wm Walker North Mountain. Dunlda/s Uni ‘ Your Indian Blood Nyrup cured me ml" fiver complaint. llflGT'ILHJNh 2r reme iwmflpd. 1.; re- connmznd it with commence.’ r5 ,J'uo; ipngy. Silp'erior [to v ' Burford', Rhine (30., out. I‘vainh to stato‘tlmt your Indimi Bldod ‘Syruli hns coumletely cured mt; 01Dyslmfpsial-punsnfe- 1y recommend it“ to all. Mrs -Alice smith Pronounced lncurabbmubyl the Physicians, but cured bynthe Blood Syrup, I was afflicted with a severe cough which was pronounced incurable by my physic‘mn‘ I gain- ed in strength us Soon as I commenced to use the Blood syrup My coughis 110w; -entirely gone. :11;ng Homer. J P ”luv-I I. ulna-M me: or man 3mm. (W. W mo mg: 0: mm. m - - I9 “Old “0 VOLUNTARY mall“, '01 Podium who hm Noon on») ”-fl In. dfflu'o ILOOO Minty. Thu Spr‘I’ouus; Va‘Sâ€"dj’w . It wall-Into: “. Pyfillllb I- {to -IA'I, u‘cr po-v'olll Ih:t:n|m’-d~:i‘ '35 ‘ nu loo-o. tick-.1 I v » I. efi-u w an guru; at a. 151:":- st. non-cl. I! [ha ”.h'”Lkn.-_... i...“- l n that cub mam?“- "Pm-‘9'!” It not. Ipo- II. Liver. '4 luau pp“ the RIO-"q. [Rel-Intel a. I.“ L I r-rmo. the III v..» .‘ , ‘ - l Quinn the Nervous firm chm-cu- mun... = ‘ ' t Nnflo‘lu. swig-til! Im "unlo- 0'qu , mu; III mica pow. , c man. Ii. pon- of no, nkI-u'a Ina-o- Boclthy Per-pinupq- , ‘2 ., , , Dyspepsia & LivefiComplaint n new-hm" in. med; "‘ " IIIn'I' " M "h In blood. which annex-nu “'33:, 97mm.“ d1 magnet of skin dinne- nnd lam-ml lumen", ' mini?» fi'i'hâ€"fiifinâ€"I‘GE-mm‘ ’ ' n, Ind It can be ”Why‘hgwglg (lone-to hpbg, pt by Indltunbohkon him?! dune-“max the nod Ind (093519. on ’ Rig mindi- ‘__1:A‘ 1A 1,-_ India's to dindib-i Bum. m7... “'W TheBesth KNOW-N to In! 9990;900373665'3. 27' wadugumm an: Indianjléfii§yruޣ Cramp in the S-uomaeha logooo 1mm nu soizi bikeâ€"£171; One gFamily’s Experience Sufe'cu‘re for *' Dyspfepsia.‘ Heart Disease Cured. Nex'vgy‘ié‘ 1391531 my. General .Blnckstfi'ith. Sciatic ’Rheumtaatisnl Nervous Diseases Pain. in the =-s1'de A Wonderful cu're Liver ' Complaint." Sa’ved her ' Life, - ii ;, :51“; ghbm'rdnir’,‘ any {2:4 Medicine. Kelvin antr (10,- One {mad .3”!!th 01“ Moses fiéhifiétéh Louis E Mills‘ Deinnu CIOWS‘ flint; shaver I donot allow my medicine to be' sold in any part of the United States. I have no agents haze. My medicines'am only made by me ‘ at ' 33, Oxford Sheet, London _ v ' In‘_the bboks oldirections 11me to the spurâ€" ious makg is a cm1tinn,wm-ning the Public ngninnt being deceived by counterfeitn. Do not be misled bv this audmi‘ona trick, as they are the counter- teits'they pretend to denounce. I most respectfullyytake leave to call the at touflon‘m thgl’ublic generally to the Inc“, thnt centuig ouse'fi in New York are sending: $0 many purl's o the globe SPURIIW‘S IMI’J‘ATIONS of my Pills and ()intnmut. g'l'hcso {rm ‘ _ ‘ [d8 bear, on their labels name address? it] New'York. ‘ I won earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which I feel sure I may venture upon making from all honorable persons, to assist um, and the Pub lic, us in: as may lie in'thcir power, in dunonn tag this shameful qud. . Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stump. with the words “HQLLOWAY'S PxLLs AND OINTMENT ‘LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is' the address, 633, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone thev are Manufactured. ‘ The .de0 Marks of these Medicines are repis taxed in Ottawa. Hence. any one throughout the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 563 Oxiord Street. London, J an 1 1870 Thbse‘counterleits are purchtmed by unprinci- .pled Vendors ut one-hm]! the price of my kills and Ointment, uullAure Sold to you us my genuine Medicines Ointmenta bearing any other address are termite ' The Pills puriiy the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels,,nnd are invaluuhlq in all complaints incidentnl"to Females. ' The Ointment in the only reliable remedytor Bad Legs, ()ldflVoundR, S‘m‘afi und Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis,_Diptherin, Coughs, Colds; Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODFRN 'I‘YLfR fl Jc‘ BUILDER. Sherwood. 4w (101:.Vm1ghnn, Special Mtlmt‘iml given to Stair Iluilding. Punctuul attention will be given to all orders. Address Mrmle P. O. Awent for the 'Jow whim of Markham, VI‘DZYIIHII, whitclmrth and King, ' Dr Jan; lmngstufl', Mediml Referee- Dec 9 1879 , ‘i‘lli’fl‘Socioty' la drgnmzed‘mr m'e purpose of en ‘nbllng, persons between 16 and 60 years of age, by weanling members. m make provision for old a‘ge,’uml in case of deu_th,to secure sum ohnonev tn their-widowdund o’rplmn children. or to other relatives or persons dependent on them; and to secure to each membor of the Benefit Brunch, medicnyl attendance and a weekly allowance, in case at sickness mt accident disabling hiu tram dq‘ g his usuuljwm-k. ' This Society presgnts two distinguishing features 2-â€" lstâ€"Sumllnpss of Cost. ‘ 2ud~The satisfactory security afforded to members. - Full particulars obtained from GEO CHANTLER. v, The great vulua of benefit societies to a]! clan- sns who depend 1111011 their personal efforts for the support, of thmnsclves and their f1m1ilies,ia nqw unwm‘sully recogni/cd. '1‘REASURERâ€"â€"Wu.J Gmd, Sec. -Treaa.. Lamb'ml'n P B' &‘I Society. ‘ - MANAGER {it MW‘RF‘I‘ARY Wu J CANA DA ROY A L BENEFIT * SHEIBTY I PRESIDE N13580:; Alexander Vidnl‘ Senalor. I ‘KEFFE Ii. CONT‘R AC'I‘OR A’N‘l - i 1"”LT)RR Shnrwnnfl 44.)] "on Van-1h.“ iness :1. trial without expense. The best Opportunity ever offered for those will- ing to work. You should try nothing else umil you see for yourself what you can do at the bus- iness we efler. No room to explmn here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for ovary .hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special privuto terms and mrti- culurs which we nmil tree, $5 outfit free ou't complain of hard times . while you have such a chance. Address H. HALLETT & 00., Portland Maine. A Wldlu‘h in your own town, am: no capital risked. You can give the bus- Head Ofllco,â€"-+Sarnla, Ontario . BEWARE OF NEW YIDRK 'CflUNTE‘RFElTs. Tenders 1111st be on the printed form which with all other Iinfmmatinn, mnw be had at the Pacific Rm'lwuv Engim 01' 3 Office, in Ottawa and \V' Innipeg on and utter the 13! day of Murch next. ‘Tendern fur in second 100 miles section WEST 01" RED RIVER will be received hy the undersigned until noon. qn Mondxyy, tpq 29th Qt March, Vnext; The section Wm e, . of t 0 48 Contmcbanonr the western‘ boundary of Mnnitolm‘to u point on the west side of the valley of Bird~mjl Creek. DEPT. OF anvns & (tAxALs, t, 0ttuwn.22ud March, 2880. J DEPT OF lumwn's & (hm/n.3, Ottawa. 7th Fehrum‘v, 1880. to noun or THURSDAY, itho 151‘ day next. Dept. rt Railways Sr Cn‘nnls, l_ Ottawa, 11th Feb. 18H). 1 The rcccptiim of the above Téndern is postpon- ed until noon on FRIDAY, 9th Ala-11, next. ‘ ‘ By 01'd¢r_,_ meingfi, specifications and other information may bohnd on application at the oifice of the Engineerin-Chief, at, Ottawa, 011 and after the 15th day (if M ARCH next. T ‘DERS ni‘n invited to? furnishing film Roll- ing Stock required to he delivem'rl rm the Canadian Pacific; Railway, within the next four yuurs, oomprisiug'thedelivery in each year of about the followmg, viz :« . 20 Locomotive Engines. 16 First-clzLHaCurs (n. propprtion‘ being sleepers). '10 Second-class Ours; do 3 Express and Baggage Cars.- 3 Postal and Smoking Cars. 210 Box Freight Cars 100 Flat Cars. ‘2. Wing Ploughs. 2 Snow I‘loughfl. 2 Flaugers. 40 Hand Cars. THE WHOLE TO 111*. MANUFACTURED IN THE DOMINION 0)“ )ANMM and delivered on the Cun- ndiun Pacific Railway, at Fort. VVilliuul, or in the Province of Manitoba. H H oilo WAY ’s H ‘ PILLS‘.&,0‘INTM ENTa EANAIIIAN PAEH'IE RAILWAY. BANAMAN PAUII'IE RAILWAY Tundérs will bcirnce' itby 3,110 u‘ndersigng; - MODERN TIMES KcMs, Official Assignec. Tenders for Rolling Stocx. OFB‘ICERS I RICHMOND HILL ONT Hollpjvay‘s Pills and By Order. By. Order. F. BRAUN F. BRAUN. F. BBAUN, Secretary. Seéretary Secretary or" JULi’ COIUI‘ Thin Hmnwin one of the Best Hotels to be frmud north of Toronto. Everything in managed in First Class Style. Sample: Room for Commer- cinl Travellers: Ghod Shlfling and attentive hustler. 'l‘Hrms, $1 per ‘rlny. Proctor’s Bun leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 7.35 n. m, 1 p m 4.15 p m, and 7.15 D m. ' The Robin Hood_ Hotel, Excellent accommodation for tha Public. Good ptabling and nttentive hoatley. Cosgr‘ove Bros, Prop’s TH J Palmer. Prop The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggist at 3| pm package, or six packages for .5, or will began! by mail on receipt of» the money, by whitening, THE can! .Mzogcm: , co, Tomuto, Ont... Canada. NRW'l‘hodenmndsof our business have ne- cussitutcd our removing to Toronto, to' which place please address all future communication! Li'smd in Richmond Hill by all druagista. and everywhere in Canada and the United States ll wholesale and retail mugging Memory, , ' I" :i | . BBfOl‘O Takingsu Lunaitude, t8! TnkmS' paliu in the Buck Dimnoss of Vision,Prenmtu‘1-o 01d age, and umuy other diseases mitt lend tu insanity con- munption 11nd u premature grzwe. 8' Full par- ticulars in 0111‘ Pamphlet which we desire to send free by mail to every one. _ , WW“ _,__,.. ~ _.~ ~ ~-, »»»»» Avulr’ "my. uvun uvnNH. ’l'he Appliances are mude in all sizes and shapes fox the (liflerent putts of the body price hum $1.00 to $5.00 for small Bands, and from $5.00 to $15.00 for Waist Belts. which is milcd-free $0 all applicants. Remember the address, A. NORMAN, No. 4 Queen street Emu N. B.~Electric Baths, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Moucurinl and Hot and Cold ready for Ladies and Gentlemen. FnlL 18th '80 GRAY'S‘ Specific Medicine! "no: M5“. _._.-. v --.. - -v... any .. .4 v uuuum. Mr. Norman. ‘ ; ‘ Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874, I have fully (tied and most carefully tested and seonused your Curntlve Insoles and Bundl, and believe this to be bna of the beast forms of administering Electricity, now known to be of such valuable importance for the relief of Rheumatism and Neurnlgic nflectious. 1 most chm-fully re- commeiid‘meir ude to all sufferers of these 0011; 1.11.312? C 8 BALL, M. D. 20 Cher-Howell Place. AI N'gmmxl; Eng _ ____v â€" ---v-I v , The proprietor of this establishment, having had many years experience, and this science in itfi application (0 curative punmses, feel» confident that in ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the public, he in nupplying them with the be kind now known to the sciencer instruments that w printed directions given with ouch appliance, and w timi (if all his floods: _ studied clonal presenting this ACM st lnutrument of their ill do their work well if used in accordance with mild warn the public against all chcup liuituâ€" Ash FUR NURMAN’S ELE C'HUC APP] lANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE AGAINST IMPOSITION. TESTIMONIALS A‘nnnnnn. w... ,4 ‘ -. - _, . .H . fpsulauu, Allgusl. 15w. Dru“ EULA] filllflel’cd for four yenrn from what Dr Dawes of Chicago, and other eminent hv- flicinns culled rheumatism of the bowclp, which they tried in vain; to cure ; but 1 tun thunkfu to any your appliances havu entirely removed the puiu. I recommend all Iuflerern to try them. Yours truly, PETER Downta. BHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. ‘-_, u , W RKIJBVI A!" UL‘RI. Spinal Complninh, General and Nervous Dehility, thnmntiam. Gom. Nervoulnou Liver, Kidney. Lungs, Thrpm and Chen Complaints. Neurnigin. Bronchitis. Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprains. Consumption, Sleaplessnesi, Colds, Indigestion. Spermamrrhoea. &c., REYNOLDS 8c NEWTON 33' on: Spring stock of General Dry Goods will be round completemnd Prices Richmond, Hill, A pril Int, 1880. THE [ARREST 'ASSUBTMENT 0F [AUIES AND BENTS STOCK 0F Groceriel, Crockery. Hardware, &c., in abundance, all of which is submitted to the inspection of :1 Critical public. Will be FOUND at Reynolds & Neurons. THE BEST SPECIAL LINES IN C(DT'NNS, SIIRTIN‘GS, DEMINS, BUCKS. ETC. ETC, A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF Prints 80 Dress New & Fm: Pam": House SUITS MADE Tl] [HIDE]! FBIIM $9 IIPWAIIII SPRING IS HERE! 03-, The Best Value in While and ngmm Shirk, Hosiery, (ftc. M RICHMOND HILL ONT.. 2‘ PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, mm mm. Richmond Hill, April lat. 1890 Is'Prepared with a Large and Splendid Assortment of ESTABLISHED 1874 NORMAN'S HENRI] EURATIVE The I. Scalfa, Ties, Glovel, Elm, can he found at Reynolds &, Newton; ThoGrsatEng-TIADI MARK. 'lish Remedy is an unfailing cure for Seminal Weuk- n'ess,Spermut0rr- hea,‘ 'lmpotency, and all diseases that follow as A _ sequence of self Abuse,ns loss of Surges: nnd Beat Slack of Spring Tweeds to be seen in Richmond Hi” MOURN ING GOODS ! Eleqt‘picity .the LitrémF‘l'ii‘ik-Ii: IN HATS a; CAPS, at Reynolds & Newtons. In Cobourgs, Twnlls, Merinos & Cashmeres \‘lv CHEAPEST Ready-Made. Clothing Summer is Coming, and the Splendid Assortment ! ATEST RICHMOND HILL ONT 3 The courts have decided that refusing to take newspapers or periodicals from the ' at, umco, or removing and loaving them uncn led for, in primu‘facie evidence of intentional fraud. YORK HERALD Every Thursday Afternmm 2. If 11 person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all arrears, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made. and than collect tha whole amount, whether the paper il taken from the office or not. 1. Any person who tnked a paper regularly {mm a post nflico, whether directed in his muno 0r nnother‘fl, or whether he has subscribed or not. in responsible for payment. Ignaz-antes to satinfv the most fastidious Come and give us A trial. No disappointment No deception JOHN PLAXTON LA W CONCERNING NEWSI’A PSRS Elgiu Mills, Jun. ”111380. ~DRAIN TILE. OF THE BEST (\I'YA' vmv u- Having lately purchased the ' Menu. of the above business, I can confidently EURATIVE APPLIANCES In all branches of the trade: Having paid ELGl-N MILLS BMEKSMI‘I‘H SHflP. SPECIAL ATTENTION Horse Shoeing mluralntee Satislgciibn? Opposite Crosby’s Store '. H. KEEFLER ISAAC CROSBY. QUALITY AT Only $1 'I Year. Published THOB. NIGHTINGALE'B, Yorkvilo 0b. lstii ‘86. rigor-3.01%.. Aummtl 1879‘ TYLES Right. 5 respectfully

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