The pseudologist on the pinnacle of the Hill has taken upon himself to lecture theVillage Council on law and morality, and therein exposes himself - to the charge of ignorance, which is unpardonâ€" .able in one who assumes such lofty tones, and presumes to be the guardian of the .morality of the village: “A man may cry church (morality) at every word, With no more piety than other people; .A daw’s not reckoned a religious bird, Because it keeps aâ€"cawing from a steeple.†During the past quarter of a century or more, and down! to the date of pass- ing the illâ€"fated “Dunkin Act†By- law, there have been three taverns in this village. Last year there were but two, in consequence of the third having: been destroyed by ï¬re, but now that Mr Chamberlin has replaced the old stand by erecting the “ Grand Central,†the public generally are with the Coun- cil in their action in regard to the recent tavern license By-law, and we venture to assert that the ratepayers, tit-appealed to in this matter, would en- dorse the course taken by the Council in continuing the usual number of Tavern Licenses, as far as laid in their power to do so. ’Tis true that the Commissioners are not bound ‘by the number menï¬oned in the Village By- .law, except that they cannot grant ,wwre “licenses than the limit, given by the ‘Council, but they may grant less. We. :however, are doubtful as to the ad- visability of the Commissioners acting in a spirit contrary to the well-under- stood will of the majority of the people most interested, notwithstanding ’the moral organ"s'hrigh-falurin and un- founded assertion- that the number of Licenses has been “ extended.†Luchiun Cmml VF Bruun Notice to cru‘i‘;tnrs~0’sullivan & Perdue Improved Light Reaperâ€"Patterson Bros‘ Goods at cost Priceâ€"J Purkiss. BIBHMDNB HILL POST UPPIBB Going South. West and East, includâ€" ing Maple, Thornhill. Toronto. Markham, &c., *Going Nozth Going So 1th Fast and West (as above) at 7. 20 N. B.â€"R(‘,b 'ih‘tclt‘d Letters must, be handed in . at 19,115in 141w *eu Minutes earlier than the above 1»)( ntinned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce, M. TEEFY Much 9th 1880. Postmaster T-he LIBERAL is also wrong in his law, and his legail adviser ought to blush at his blundering, thereby bringing his client into the absurd position of a public journalist quoting the law erroneously, which has the appearance of wilfully attempting to deceive his readers. We, Lin our charity for both adviser and client, are of opinion that the error is not one of the wilful sort, but arises from another causetâ€"the fault lies with either or both pretending to ex- .pound what they evrdently do not un- derstand, which amounts to ignorance, mingled with conceit. Our coâ€"temâ€" .porary says :â€" It is upon this authority that the Village Council appears to have passed the By-law limiting the' number of .tavern licenses to three; being one for each 2500f population, and 150 over. So much for our co-temporary’s reading ,of' the law. As to the question of “morality,†we leave that to his icon- science; he may rest. assured that: his opinion upon law and morality are of ~very slight value in the public estima- ,_ non, at present“ in this locality. THUR SDAY, APRIL 22, 1880 POST OFFICE NOTICE Mr John Gillis, of' King, an old man, injured his head severely, by accxdental- 1y striking it against a beam in the barn. “The law gives perminsion to grant a tavern license to every 400 inhabitants, and for a fractional part of 400 in inâ€" corporated villages, towns and cities. This village has about 100 inhabitants over the outsule limit of two licenses, and as soon as our Council ï¬nds that they have an opportunity of granting a third they rush right into it †Here we understand our moral and legal luminary to admit that the popu- lation of the Village is about 900, which clearly juetiï¬es the action of the vil- loge Council, under the revised statutes of†Ontario, chapter 181, secticn 15, which reads as follows: â€"â€" “The number of tavern licenses to be granted in the respective municipalities shall not in each year be in excess of the following limitation: in cities, towns and incorporated villages respectively, according to the following scale, that is .to say. One for each full two hundred andï¬fty of theï¬rst one thousand, of the population, and one for each full four hundred ‘over one thousand of population.†V Ayoung man named John Harvey, living in Vaughanmean Laskay, was sent down to the Lunatic Asylum. Case hopeless; caused by inflammation of the brain when young. Com'cspondem of Reformer. B Saigeon, King, sold his farm to Mr J Wells, and is going to Manitoba. The. house ofJ P Wells was en- tered by a burglar the other ui gm Mr Burglar was scared by Miss Wells and retiled without seeming anything THE LIBERAL ON “OUR CITY M r H Ross and J oseuh Wells, sons of Mr J Ross and Gabriel- Wells have gone to Manitoba, to take up land. Until further notice, Mails will be closed at the FATHERS AND HOTEL - LICENSES.†NEW ADVERTISEMENTS mp 31ml: gnaw. MORNING SPRINGHILL. EVENING AS FOLLOWS 56 3.3» -.l. ml. According to the last half-yearly ï¬nancial statement the Great Western Railway has once more become a paying institution. The proï¬t for the last six months exceeds that of the same period last year by £44,000, giving a dividend of ï¬ve per cent. on the pro Terence stock and one and a half per cent on the ordinary shares, for the half year. Shares which a few years ago would hardly bring £2 108 are now sel- ling for £13 or £14. In referring to this the GLOBE says :â€"“This season a general revival of trade will probably take place. The long prevailing feeling of despondency has passed: away in England and the United States, it must shortly disappear from Canada, and we expect to see many enterprises begun under the Influence of the new buoyant spirit of conï¬dence. Once more every- thing will go up, and stay up till again the next crisis occurs. Good times succeed hard times with marvellous rapidity, and the Great Western Rail- way Company’s statement is an earnest that the depression is about to pass away.†Smma Snowâ€"A Spring Show of entine horses and Bulls, is announced to take place at Schomberg. on the 30th inst, when prizes will be awarded in several classea. Mr Trench was born in Berwickshire, Scotland, known as Berwick-on-thev Tweed. He ismigrated to this country about 40 years ago, crossing the Atlan- tic in the “Westmoreland†which was 17 weeks sailing from Leith to Toronto. Mr Trench remained at Thornhill Where his father and two brothers were living, for a few weeks, and then moved up to Elgin Mills, where be commenced bus- iness, and continued to reside unt1l about eight years ago. He then moved into this village, and opened business in the old shop which adjoined the ï¬ne carriage-building establishment of his son, Mr Wm Trench, our ex-Reeve. The deceased gentlemen was in his 72 year. He married some years previous to his arrival in this country, and had nine children three boys and six girls, all of whom are living and married. M r Trench was highly resnected by all who were acquainted with him. GOING Weenâ€"Mr Joe. Fleury. saddler, left Newmarket on Wednesday, 7th inst, for Manitoba; and we understand a couple of youncr men. sons of Messrs John Ross, and G Wells. King. will leave for Winnipeg on Monday next. Those two young men are going out on asort of prospectino trip , if they like the country, they will locate. but it not will piobably return home next 'fall. A few Diaries, for sale at the HERALD Store, ‘cbeap. INTERESTING.â€"Subscribers who re- ceive their papers will be kind enough to look at the whole number of the papers printed, then at the number op- posite their names, By this means they will ascertain their indebtedness, and as‘the next best thing can remit the needful. Fiï¬tv-two papers make the year. and the paper is one dollar ($1.) â€per year in advance. The funeral of the late Mr Wm. Trench, sr., took place on Monday last, and was very largely attended. The deceased was buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery, alongside the grave of his beloved wife, who died a few years ago. The Rev Mr Campbell read the burial service, and the Rev Mr Pickering clos- ed wnh prayer, after which the Rev Mr Campbell delivered a very impress- ive sermon in the Presbytenan Church. French Dictionaries and‘ other school Books just received. Rosannaâ€"On Monday night. 5th inst, some person entered the residence of Robt. Livingston, PeLch‘s Corners, Whitchurch, and entering the :bed»room, took away Mr Livingston’s pants and vest, carried them out into the wood-shed and there rifled the pockets of some $9 00 in money, and a silver watch. A discharged employee is suspected. AnsoonnsD.â€"A young man, J. W. Jones by name. who lately undertook to run a sort of confectionary and picture frame shop here,-â€"after getting into debt. to sever, al indivxdunls and selling off part of his stock, took the train for Toronto last Satur- day evening. and as the Californians say, “vamoosed the ranche,†Enquiry regard- ing his movements since made, has led to the discovery that Jones left Toronto by an early tram on Monday morning for the land of Jonathanâ€"Cincmmnti 'being his deSv tination. According to all accounts he will not prove of much credit to any place, much less to pox’kopolis, the prOposed city of destination. We learn he succeeded in victimizing quite a number of his asso- ciates here to various amounts ranging bet» ween $5 and $65. For: MANITOBA.â€"Jumes Bumbridge, son of Mr George Bumbn’dge, blacksmith, of thIS place, arrived safely at Wlnnipeg, on Saturday. He went-with Priltie’s party, ‘nnd intends pre-empting a homestead for himself. ExoDUs.â€"â€"“even young men from this village have left for Uncle Sam’s domains within u few days. Campbell’s andv: Miller’s ‘ Swinton’s language lessons, 'g’md all iron bound books, for sale at 'the HERALD store. A quantity of Berlin wool in the new- est shades, the latest style of cardboard, Games of Nations, Words Making, Words Taking ,and Logomnchy, or war of‘ words, Noiseless slates, Honiton Braids and Patterns, and books of' all kinds and description for sale at the HERALD store. The Odd-"Fellows are already making preparations to celebrate the Ist of July in Markham. Almanacs for sa‘le. Berlin ““9015 Beads .&c &c in stock. The Late Mr Wm Trench G W R and Good Times, NEWMARKET. (From the ERA MARKHAM. Woodbridge Fair will he held. on Friday’ 23rd inst. Honiton Braid for sale at ' the HERALD store. Quarterly meeting in connection with the C. M. Church, will be held in ' 'the Masonic Hall, on Sunday, May 2nd, at 10 o’clock a. m. Hamblin Smith’s Arithmetic for sale here. F H Merrick, Esq., Ogdensburg, Do you intend to forward the cuts, or shall we consider you a fraud. Vaughan Council and other interest- ihg matter crowded out by a pressure of advertisements. PATTEBsON’s AG. Wormsâ€"Busi- ness is rushing at the works, and keeps continually improvmg. Nearly one hundred hands are new employed in the different branches of the business. The spring tooth harrow is having a. very large sale ; farmers are constantly driv- ing through this village with one or more of these implements. There are over 400 orders now ahead of the articles manufaetured, and still they keep coming. These implements give satisfaction to every one who has trled them. We are informed that the Pat- terson Reaper has been greatly improved, and that there is every indication of an unusually successful season this year. We are pleased to hear that things are humming along at the works and hope the bum will continue. House of Wm. Beanie, 9th 0011., Markham, burned early Sunday morn- ing, 11th inst. The family barely escaped, and lost all their belongings. SETTLED AT Lunaâ€"Mr Law suc- ceeded in getting his shop moved to the desired place on Thursday last. Mr Soules rendered very valuable assistance in moving the building and placing it in position. Goldsmith’s Traveller and Gray’s Elegy with notes by Williams, and Notes tothe Fourth Reyader by Chase, for sale here. GIVING UP BUsINEss.â€"-Mr ~J Purkiss, of Thornhill, has decided to give up business and advertises that the whole of his Dry Goods Stock will be sold for cash at cost prices. This stock is worth $2,000 and part of it has been bought this season' Groceries, Hard- ware, Boots & Shoes, etc.. will be sold at from 10 to 20 per cent. discount. All must be sold by Oct. 1st. This is a good opportunity for our readers living in that neighborhood to secure bargains, as Mr Purkiss says “Now is the time to buy. ‘See Bills and Advertisement. MAY DAY CELEBRATION.â€"â€"Eï¬â€˜orts are being made to hold a May Day Festival in this village, on the Isl: prox. The programme will open with a bun feed in the Masonic Hall, from 5 to 7 o’clock 21.111. The hall will be decorated with evergreens, flowers. house plants, ete.,anda special feature will be a large collection of all kinds of birds, canaries, etc.. whose sweet warblings will add considerably to the interest of the entertainment. A small admission to the breakfast in the Hall. In the evening aeoncert will be held. The proceeds will be divided amongst the Building Fund of the Episcopal, Presbyterian and Methodist Churches. We hope the idea will be carried out, and prove a. decided success. The trotter “Wide Awake†has left this town for the more classical shades of Teston. “Daisy,†a very good driver, has returned, and is now the property of one of our young sporting gents. MISSIONARY MEETING. â€"-A mission- ary meeting will be held at Patterson, this, Thursday, evening. The meeting Wlll be addressed by the Rev Messrs Sutherland and Cochrane, the latter gentlemen is a returned missionary from Japan. TENDERSâ€"We notice that the Build- ing Committe of the Presbyterian Church have advertised 1n the Toronto papers for tenders, addressed to B. Mar'sh, Esq , Richmond Hill, which will be received up to the 29th inst. Plans, etc. can be seen at Mr James McConnell Richmond Hill, 01‘ Langly, Langly&Burke, Toronto. 24TH of MAY,-â€"-WIIAT’S GOING ON. â€"The entertainments announced for the 24th of May this year, are both numerous and varied. The annual exâ€" hibit-ion of the Richmond Hill and Yonge Street Agricultural Society will be held on the fair ground in this village, when a large number of prizes will be competed for. Bills, giving particulars will be issued in a few days. The C M Church will have a dining hall in the Masonic Hall during the day, and a Grand Concert will be given in the evening.‘ The corner stones of their new Church will be laid by the Hon Mr Tilley and Mrs Peter Patterson. The Band will discourse in their usual excellent style during the .day,‘ and a social entertainment will take place in Palmer’s new hall in the evening, under their auspices, and in aid of the LBand‘ Fund. ' Since the above was in type. we re- ceived an advertisement from Patterson Bros, which will be found in another column, and which speaks for itself. The Aurora LIBERALâ€"CONSERVA~ tive has ceased to exist. Mr Stephen Fry leaves the ï¬rm, and Mr Stevenson, the remaining partner, will continue the business, and publish the Aurora BOREALIS, an independent paper, “Believing that. the policy of the Ot- tawa Administration is beneï¬cial to Canada it will support that Adminism tration until it is proved unworthy of conï¬dence.†The LIBERAL Commit, VATIVE was not a failure, ï¬nancially or otherwise, but Mr Fry intends en- gaging in other pursuits. We Wish Mr Stevenson success, and hope his journal will be as ably edited, and well printed as the one whose career has just ended. The 15 puzzle for sale here LOCAL ITEMS. Yonge street is in good condition,but the back roads are in a fearful and wonderful state. The road to the station has been so bad this last few days that the bus had to go out to the station‘ by Mill street. Boss ‘Michael is again ï¬lling up the rats on Yonge street. He seems to do his duty faithfully. Blank notes payable to bearer, and Blank Receipts for sale at the Herald Book Store. Sm,-â€"-In looking through the columns of the LIBERAL in a vain search for ne“ 3. my attention was attracted to an article bended “ Our City-Fathers and Hotel Licenses,†and having nothing particular to do at the time I read the article, and Wes struck with the idea that the LIBERAL man had a thorough contempt for the Council. Now. str. believing that the hatred oft). "Chrisâ€" tian†niust. be well founded. I became Ianxious as to the personel of the COUllcil, and tum‘i‘ng lo the “Village Directory†as published Sin the same sheet, Iï¬nd it com- posed as follo a:â€" PLOWINGrMATCH.â€"-The second an- nual Plowing Match will be held on Wednesday, April 28th, on the farm of Mr Archibald McQuarrie, near Maple, when $400 in prizes will be awarded. For particulars see large posters. Mr R Rumble of the Maple Leaf Hotel. Maple, has kindly consented to supply dinner for the Plowmen, Oï¬cers and Judges. FIRE AT BARBIE. -â€"-A large ï¬re took place in Barrie on Sunday morning last. Origin unknown. One of the ï¬nest blocks in the town, in Dunlop street was almost destroyed. Loss estimated at $30,000. Graham 3103., J W Hastings, H Bennett, EB Crompton& Co, W C McLean, J Henderson and ’l‘ Sidsworth are the losers. The puzzle of “15â€is the craze of the dayl' The holder of the patent lucky man that he is, has made $25 000 out of this “spec". It is a thorough “brain crackerâ€. One ï¬rm In Chicago retailed 230 grass of the pnzile in One day,while three large wholesale toy-houses in New York are selling 180 gross per day, and the demand is still increasing. In Toronto they nreliterally selling by the thousand and in our town the public are going daft over it. For sale at. the ~HERALD store. LADIEs’ Ail) Swishâ€"This Societyl met on Monday afternoon last at the residence of Mrs P G Savage. A large number of ladies Were present. and considerable work was done. The social in the evening was a decided success. The attendance was larger than at any previous social. The Grocery and Furniture store, and every room 1n the house was crowded with visitors. Many ladies and gentlemen were present from 'l'hornhill, Patterson and elsewhere. Over 250 persons par- toolc of the spread provided, a special feature of which was an unlimited sup- ply of delicious Maple Syrup. The usual games Were participated in. A number of duetts, were. pleasingly sung by Miss Reid and Miss Purkiss of Thornhill, Miss Ada Reid accompany ing on the organ. Mr Sanderson of Toronto, added considerably to the en tertainment of the evening by singing several songs in excellent style. Mr Wilson, organist of the Spndina Avenue Church was also present. and favored the company with several vocal soios Miss Ada Reid accompanying. The amount of money collected was $28.30, making this social the most successful ï¬nancially as well as in attendance, yet held. The next meeting will be held at the residence of Mrs Wm Trench. All are 1nv1ted, and a pleasant time, and undoubted success may be anticipated. Now. sir, I do not wish to be un- charitable to your friend for I think he has been led astray in this matter by interested parlies,â€"soma people are easily led astrayâ€"83a careful consideration of the latter part of this wonderful production will demonstrate. It appears that the Board of License Commissioners, who are described as men possesssing a large amount of judgment and discernment, are determined on granting but two Licenses for Richmond Hill. and this article in the LIBERAL is intended to Let the Commission- ers down easily, even et the cost; of truth and fair play. STRANGER. Richmond Hill, April 20th 1884). V _The thought then 60(‘llrx'ed m me that this respectable body of men had made a great blunder, as even respectable men may do sometimes [then read the article in a spirit of investigation to ï¬nd out where the fault lies. _ In the ï¬rst place, the LIBERAL man de: clnres {hat the Council extended the num- ber of Tavern Licenses m three. Now, sir, if the present Council extended the number to three. ’a former Council by By- -law, must have limited the number to two, or how could there be an extension. 0n inquiring as to the truth of the LIBERAL man’s statement in this respect, I am iiiâ€" formed that he is wrong, as the number of Licenses to be granted on the authority of the By- law passed by the Council, have always been limited to three, but perhaps our “editor†has put the case a little differ.- ent fiom what he intended. possibly he meant to condemn the Council for extend- ing the License fee to one hundred and ï¬fty dollars. In another statement made by our LIBERAL friend, be either shows a great amount of ignorance, or makes a. barefaced attempt to mislead the public, and in order to do him ample justice Iwill quote his lan guage in full. "It is true the law will permit of it usit gives permission to grant a Tavern License to every 400 inhabitants, and for a. fractional part of 400, in incur.- porated villages. towns and Cities.†In contradiction to this, I give the following extract from the Revised Statutes of Out : chap 181, sec I5:-â€"“ln cities. towns and incorporated villages reSpectively, accord- ing to the following scale. that is to say. one for each full two hundred and ï¬fty of the ï¬rst one thousand of the population.†' Reeve, William Trench; Councillors. Messsrs Redditt, Savage, Powell, and Mc-Co‘naghy. J To the Editor of the Herald. And on {making inquiries through the vi]- lage, Iï¬nd that the above gentlemen are considered -hi,c_rhl_v respectable. and not deserving of the odium which [he LIBERAL map wubld like to cast upon them. Interespigg" Letters. LOCAL ITEMS. Yours, etc, SINGULAB ACCIDENT.â€" One day last week Mrs Asa Philips of King. placed her hand on the door post. one of her ï¬ngers lying on the lock. At the same moment a violent gust of wind blew the door shut, cutting the ï¬nger of as clearly as if it had been done with a knife. The operation was so instantaneous. that she hardly knew what had happened until she missed the ï¬ngen The children of Mr John Hutbhison assembled at. his residence, on Tuesday. Gth inst. to celebrate the ï¬ftieth,or golden anniVex-sary of his nuptials. There were nine sons and daughters present ; also a number of grandchildren. The aged couple were the recipients of a number of valuable gold presents. U0 BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, Special ntthntion given to Stair Buildlng. Punctuul attention will be given to 8.11 orders. Address Maple P. 0. anything else. Capital not required; we Will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TRUE & Co..Augustn. Maine. “ can make money mater at work 101‘ us than at From the Minister of Education, respecting certain amendments in the Public School Act reâ€" lative to assessment. Markham Township Council. The Markham Township Council met at Hall’s Hall, Unionville, on Saturday the 10th inst. The members were all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. Mr Williamson asked leave to introduce a. By - law to appoint Fenceâ€"Viewers and Pound Keepâ€" em for 1580. Leave given On motion the By- law was read three several times and passed as follows :â€" Division No. 1, John Law, Wm Hood, jr.. Wm. Cross ; N0 2, John 1&1ch9,110, Christian Hoise, Jas Sioutcnburg ; No 3, Sinclair Hagernmn, Wm McDonald, John Gormley ; No 4, Robt Bruce, John Boyuton, Jacob Grove ; No 5, A B Reesor, Wm Armstrong, Nicholas Reesor; N0 6 Phlllip Widemon, E Hamilton, Leonard Boyles. POUND-KEEPERS. Division No 1, Wm Gohn, Wm. Perry: No 2, Wm White, J Brillinger ; No 3, T Hall, F Hemm: ingwny, John Webber ;No 4, Newberry Button, Henry Hopper, Andrew Widcmun: No 5, Wm Jones,0hua Cook, Wm Boyd;No 9, Jacob M Miller, L Kester. OTICE is hereby given that the creditors of PATRICK MURPHY, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the county of York, Farmer, who died inor about the month of August, 1879, are on or before the 1st day of J une, 1880, to send by post pre-paid to Messrs O‘sullivan & Perdue, 72 Yonge street,Toronto, solicitors for the Estate, their christian and surnames, addresses and des- cription, the full particulars of their claims, a statement of their accounts. and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them; and that after the said date the said Estate shall not be liable to any person of Whose claim notice shall not then have been given. O’SULLI'VAN 85 BERDUE, Solicitors for the Estate Toronto, the 19th day of April, 1880. 4* From J W Collins, Clerk of Whitchurch, BE toWnline statute labor. Mr J emes, seconded by Mr Forster, moved that the Reeve: and mover be and are hereby appoint- ed a. committee to examine the road allowance in 'front of Lots 1 and 2 in the 3rd 0011., and re- port to the Council at its next meeting the ad- visability of having said road allowance opened. Mr J ames asked leave to introduca a. Byalaw to appoint Puthmusters for 1880. Leave given. On motion the Bylaw was read three several times and passed. The following is the list : PATHMASTERS. Mr Forster, seconded 103 Mr Reaganmoved that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to have due notice posted in regard to having Lots 32 and 33 in 9th and 10th Cons, annexed. to school sec- tion No 22 of Markham. Reports presented by Committee appointed re- lative to consolidating by-lnws in blanks, viz : to divide Township into road divisions, to proâ€" vide for restraining and running at large certain animals, to tax and restrain dogs from running at large, consolidate drainage act, to provide for the remuneration of township oflicers, the rcgistm tion of births, deaths and marriages, and deï¬n- ing more clearly how ï¬nes may be levied and coflected. On motian repay: yaa received._ Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr James, moved that the sum of $40 be and is granted to improve the Scarboro townlipe west of the Wilcot Creek, Sam-born having granted a like amount and that J G Freeman and Wm Robb be appointed oom- missioners on behalf of this municipality, said sum payable on order of pommissionpr when the wogkls completed. _ Mr Reeanr, secondad by Mr Forster, moved thut the Treusurer be und is hereby authorized to pay the following accounts on order of the mover, viz. : Wm Canning. R O, for plank for reâ€" wiring in Division No :34, $4 ; Wm Jones, R 0, iv ()1, for repairing culvert, mt Boxgrove, 533. Mr James, seconded by Mr Forster, moved that when the Councfl udjourns it stands adjouned until Wednesday, the 26th of May next. Mr ReeaorIéecmided by Mr Forster,movad thats the resolution passed by the Council grunting aid to Wm Whiteouk uhd Mary Doheny be and the same is hereby rescinded 011 and after May Ist, 1880. ‘ ' On motion the Coumii adjourned, 1 J as Reith. - 2 Andrew McFaIl, S, '1 John Bedgefow, N. 3 Wm Munshuw 4 Alex Marsh .5 J ncob Eyer 6 Wm Monkmen ’1 Jns Cosgrova 8 J Brumwell 9 Wm Beutty 10 Edward Baker 11 Wm Pmlget 12 Francis Boynflon 13 J oomisky 14 Henry Heise 15 Joseph Sherrick 16 Robt Cunningham 17 J 05 Wilmot 18 Joe Walker 19 Henry Jennings 20 Henry Hopper 21 Geo Forster 22 John Gibson 23 Silas Luntm 24 John smith. sr 25 Wm Padget, 1: 26 Geo stiver 27 Aron P Tool 28 Chris Here 29 Alex McPherson 80 Thus Carr 3] Dr Eckm'dt 32 John Lownbrough 33 Alex Pingle 34 Henry Hopper Mr James, seconded by 3:3 Arthur spoflord 36 1’ H McLean 37 Thos Graham 38 John Eckurdt 39 Michael Fretz 40 Henry Patterson 41 Henry Jennings 42 Thos Hastings 43 Wm Robb 44 Hiram crosby 45 John D Mcouul lï¬gAnthony Forster 46 Andrew Wideman 47 Wm Williamson 48 Philip Wideman 49 Jonas Miller .‘10 J G Freeman 51 Wm J ones 52 Peter Pike 53 J leeS Reid 54 John R Button 55 J acob Williams 56 Joseph Lupp 57 Peter Lapp ‘ 58 John G neesor 59 Roger Hawkins 60 Jacob M Miller 61 Ludwig Venzant olgsamnel Burkey 62Jonus Ayer Gilchris Widemnn 63 B F lweaor 64 J as Dimma. 65 F Munroe 66 Jonathan Turner Mr Reesor, moved that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby appoint. ed 0. Uommitteo to investigate and pay if deemed advisable the various small-pox accounts. Mr Williamson, seconded by Mr Reesor, moved mm; the sum of $10.33 be paid by the Treasurer to Geo Teasdale, being two-thirds value of his sheep kinea by a dog or dogs unknown, an testiï¬â€" ed on oath. BIRTH. At Thistletown on the 18th inst,, the wife of Dr Savage, of a sun. MARRIED WINN- Rosaâ€"In Newmnrket, on the 6th inst, by Rev Mr Frizzell, Mr Gustavus A Winn, of Wellesley Township, County Waterloo. to Miss Eliza Ann Rose, of East Gwillimbury. Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr Forster, moved that a. committee comprising the Whole Council be appointed in connection with a committee to be apnointed. by Scarboro to examina the hill and road on the Scarboro townl'me at the foot of the 9th Con, Markham, and that the Glen: be in- structed to notify the Clerk of Scarboro to meet said committee on the ground on Wednesday the 21 st at one c’clock, p m At Homewood Hall, Thornhill, on the morning of the 21315 inan, Eva. Alice, youngest and beloved daughter of Dr and Mrs McConnell. In the Goods of PATRICK MURPHY, Mr Williamson, seconded bv Mr James, moved that the sum of $1 75 be paid to Samuel Miller, bemg half-pay for 43 loads of gravel put upon townline between Markham u‘ndWhitcliurchmhe township of Whitchurch having paid a. simflim amount. Mr Forster, seconded by Mr Reesor, moved that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the account of Comm: 65 Son 101' Printing and doing up 200 Auditors’ Reports for 1819, amounting to $44. NOTICE T0 CREDI’NRS- KEFFER,QONTRACf1‘0R Am NEW MARKET . From the Reformer. FENCE VIEWEns: COMMUNICATIONS. Deceased. DEATHS THURSDAY, April 22nd 1880 muons AT FARMEBS' WAGGONS Wheat fall, new,per bush .. ..$ 1 18 Spring 1 L0 Barley, 58 Oats, 40 Pens 68 Barley, do 58 Oats, do 40 Pens do . 68 By a do" 80 Dressed Hogs. per 100 1133.. 6 50 Beef, hind quarters, per 100 Tbs 5 50 Mutton, by the cmcsss, per 100 tbs... 8 00 Chickens, per pair. ... Ducks, per brace 65 Geese, 60 Turkeys, esc . '70 Butter, lb rolls . 23 large to 19 tub dairy. 20 Eggs, fresh, doz . 11 Potatoesper bag. 5n Anples per barrel .. 2 60 Onions, per bar . 1 75 Tomatoes, per bush 00 Turnips, per bag . 0 30 Carrots, per bag 50 Beets, per bag .. 4b Parsnips, per bag. 60 Hay per, ton ..... 8 00 Straw per, tan 6 00 Wool per lb... 82 10' To 20 PER (JEN-1‘. DISCOUNT- The Stock will be found very complete 1n all the de partmems. and a great â€oriï¬ce will be made" 1n order that all maybe sold out by the [at Oct", after whiph the More 55 Premises will be offered for Saley. Produce will be taken as usual 1n exchange for goods. Thornhill, April 19th 1880 ‘ 1-2-13; NOTICE To Machinist- Contractors, EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed (Secretury of Railways and Canals) and endorsed “Tenders for Lock Gums, Luchine Canal,†will be received at this 011100 until the arrival of the Eastern and Western Mails, on THURSDAY THE 3RD DAY OF JUNE, next, for the construction of gates, and the necessary machinery connected with them, for the new looks on the Luchine Canal. Plans, Speciï¬cations and General Conditions can be seen at this cities on and after ’1‘HUR25~ DAY the 20th day of MAY, next, where forms of tender can also be obtained. Parties tendering are expected to provide the special tools necessary for, and to have a. practi- cal knowledge of, works of this class, and are re- quested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, andâ€"in case of firmsâ€"ex. cept there are attached the actual signaturel, the nature of the occupation and residence of each member of the same ; and further, an acâ€" cepted bank cheque for a sum equal to $259, for the gates of each lock, must uccompuny each tenucr, which sum shall be forfeited if the petty tendering declines entering; into contract for the Work at the rates and on the terms stated in the oï¬er sub mitted. For the due fulï¬lment of the contract the party or parties whose tender it is proposed to accept will be notiï¬ed that their tender is accepted sub- ject to a deposit of FIVE. PER 012:}!wa the bulk sum of the contractâ€"of which the sum sent in with the tender will be considered a panâ€"to be deposited to the credit of the Receiver Genera} within EIGHT DAYS after the date of the notice. 'The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all: Druggist at 5| per package, or six packages fox $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt or the money, by addressing, THE GRAY ME-DiCINE Co, The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose tenders are not nc~ cepted. Ninety per cent. only of the rrogress estimates will be paid until the completion of the work. Dept of. Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 29th March, 1880. TRADE MARK. . TheGreutEng-TRADE MARK. . hsh Remedy is an †' unfailing cure for ' Seminal Weak- ‘ nesa,Spormatorr« hen, Impotency, and all diseases that follow as a. sequence of self Abuse,†loss of†. {\X r ‘ Memory Univer . - snl Igétssibude,m Takmg' pain in the Back, Dimneas of Vision, Premature} old age, and munyother diseases that land tu Insanity cou- smnptism and a; Irremntuxa grave. :3†Full pm- tieulnrsv in am Pmnphletwhich we;- desire to send free by mail to every one. Tolonto, Ont†Canada NBâ€"The demands of our business have nee cessituted our removing to Toronto; to which place please address all future communications @EWMG? UP BUJKHESS: I J. PURKISS. h Begs to return thanks to the Public for the Patronatre he has received from them fay the Thirty Years he has been 1n business, and he1eby announces that. be has decided BEIGE, $30.00 AND $25.00 RESPECTIVELY.4 GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! GSold in Richmond Hill by alrll dmmgiats, and everywhere in Canada and the United 5mm 11 wholesaleand retail druggisfls' THE COMINATION MOWER Hag never been Beaten at a TriaI. Is the Lightest Draft, Moat Durable and Cheapeu Mower'ofl‘ered to the Public. , PRICE, $70. llllY lillflllï¬ AT BUST AN]! UNDER! THE, PATTERSON Improved Light Reaper! The Spring Torqtl} Harrow ’2‘ THE ITHAGA AND DNTABIU SBLP-DISEHAREINE HURSE‘RAIE 8,000 BEING MANUFACTURED FOR THIS The Grooenes, J ardware. Boots 8: Shoes, ‘ Wall apex. &c_., &c.. This Department does not however. bind itsel-f to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, ï¬lm @dvcrtiscmwtz. Putterspn, Aprji 21, 1880, Is the implement of the age LACHINE CANAL THE MARKETS. TORONTO.- Are too well known to requxre any recommendation from us. And will therefore offer FOR CASH his large stock of TO GIVE. UP BUSINESS. Will be sold a? a :eduction of from F. BRApN, $118 $1 68 80 6 50 5 50 8 00 50 65 60 '70 19 20 11 50 2 60 1 75 00 0 30 50 4b 60 8 00 6 00 044 o G 16 00 19' 20 11 260 175 Secr'etnxy. Spring Sales. 123m Patterson & Bro. Patentees for the Dominion. iGANADIAN PACIFIC RAIL-â€" WAY. Notice To Machinist-Contrac- tors. Parties tendering are expected to provide the special tools necessary ior, and to have a practi- cal knowledge of, works of this class, and are re- quested to beer in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, andâ€"in the case of ï¬rms wexcept there are attached the actual signatures the nature of the occupation and residence of each member of the same ; and, further, an ac- cepted bank cheque for a. sum equal to $250. for_ the gates of each lock, must accompany each ‘ tender, which sum shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. For the due fulï¬lment of the contract the party, or parties whose tender it is proposed to accept win be notiï¬ed that their tender is accepted sub- ject to u. deposit or FIVE PER CENT. of the bluk sum of the contractâ€"of which the sum sent in with the tender will be considered a partâ€"to be deposited to the credit of the Receiver General within EIGHT DAYS after the date of the notice. SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undï¬i" signed (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed “Tender for Lock Gates, Welland Canal," will he received at this ofï¬ce until the arrival of the Eastern and Western Mails on THURSDAY the 3rd day of JUNE, next, for the construction of gates. and the necessary machina ery connected with them, for the new locks on the Welland Canal. Plans, Speciï¬cations and General Conditions can be seen at this oï¬ice on and after THURS- DAY the 20th day of MAY. next, where forms of tender can also be obtained. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respectiva parties Whose tenders are not acceptn ed. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Dept of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 29th March, 1880. Tenders for Tanks and Pumping Mauhlnery. Ninety per cent. only of the progress estimates will be paid until the completion of the work. .L up to noon: on SA'l‘URDAY,15he 1581] Mint next, for furnishing and erecting in place at the severâ€" al Wateringstnvtions along the line of the Guns: diam Paciï¬c Railway under construction, Frost- Proof Tanks with Pumps :anl Pumping Power of either Wind or steam, as may be found most suit- able to the locality. Dept. Railways and Cmmls,} Ottawa, lat April, 1880. Drawings can be seen. and speciï¬cations and other particulars obtained at the oflice of tb Engliiwer in Chiefhotmwa, on and after the lbt , Apr' . ENDERS will be received bv the undersigned up to noon: on SA'J‘URDAY.the 1581] Mint next. Tenders for Iron Bridge Superâ€" structure. ‘ TENDERS ad‘ulrassed to the undersigned will be receiveï¬mu to noon of SATURDAY. the Womendo as well :13 men. Many make more than the amount stated. above. 1V0 one can fail to make money fast, Any one can do the Work. You can make from 50 cts to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing! tetry the business. Nothing like it for money making ever offered before, Business pleassn and strictly heuomble. Reader,“ you want t know all about the best paying business befor the public , send us your uddxess and we wil send you full particulars and private terms has samples with $5 also free; yomcaln then make up your mind for: yourself Address GEORGE iTlNSON 65‘ COLAugusts. Maine. TO $6000 A YEAR, or $5 to $20 (9 515“" day in year own loculitv. No risk’ EANAIIIAN PABII'IB RAILWAY 1 be receiveaup to noon m SATURDAY, the 15th MAY next, for furnishing and erecting Iron Superstructures over the Eastern and Western outleSS of the Lake of the Wood‘s. Speciï¬cations and other particulars will be furnished on application at the ofï¬ce of the Engï¬xeer m Chief; Cutaway on and after the 15th Apr Dam of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, lat Ayrfl' 1880. 5am ï¬dvvvtimxmm. WELLAND CANAL. PATTERSON BROS. By Order, By Order, By Order, F. WQN, F. BRAUN. F. BRAUN, Secretary. Seéretary.. Secretary in