Richmond H111, April Ist, 1880 STOCK OF REYNOLDS 86 NEWTON. Will be FOUND at. Reynolds & Newtons. THE WEST ASSUBTMENT UF LADIES AND GENTS THE BEST SPRNG Is HERE ! SPECIAL LINES IN CIITTONS, SHIRTIN‘GS, BENIN, DUCKS, ETC. ETC, A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF New 86 ,Seasonable Goods, SUITS MERE Tl} flflllï¬ï¬‚ PM 551 WAR]! Prints 80 Dress Goods. Groceries, Crockery. Hardware 830. ., in abundance, all of which is iespectfully submitted to the inspection 01 n cuilicui public. ISAAC CROSBY. '13 OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY flniasin House is Brammed Full Richmond Hill, Boots and Shoes FLOUR of? The Best Value in White and Regatta Shirts, Hosiery, (be, at FIELI] '81 BARBER! SEBHS EE E0! EEE ‘ EEEEEE EEEEE [3’ Our Spring Stock of General Dry Goods will be found complete. and Prices Right. A}; Richmond Hill, April 14, 1880 LL Is Prepared with a Large and Splendid Assortment of Richmond Hill, April lst, 18‘0 The Largest and Best Stock of Spring Tweeds to be seen in Richmond Hill GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Scaxfs, Ties, Gloves, Em, can be found at. Reynolds & Newtons. With a New Stock of ALL KINDS OF And All Things Have Become New. AND THE A Splendid Assortment! MOURN ING GOODS ! IN HATS 2S; CAPS, at Reynolds & Newtons. For Books and Fancy Goods, JOHN BROWN. April 14th, 1880 In CQbourgR, 'J‘wxlls, Mcrinos & Cashmeres . “CHEAPEST Ready-Made Clothing Summer is Coming, and the FEED STORE THE ATEST P G 813 VAGE Moderate Prices, Strict auenlion to business Iwill continue to receive Public Patronage I must that with TYLES a share of »AN D- W Assurance Soc’y Of London England. Alderman McArthur, M. 1?, Chair man, W W Baynes,Esq,F I A,Sec1~etary Reserve Fund ....... $5,000,000 Annual Income ...... 1,400.000 Invested in Canada. . . 850,000 Dealh clalms paid. . . . 7,500,000 30 per cent of premiums retmnod in proï¬ts Loans made to Church Trustees at a low late of intelest. Send for plospectus. flEEJEFIT SWEETâ€! F Head Ofï¬ce, â€"â€"â€"-Sarnia, Ontario PRESIDENTpaHon Alexander Vidal, Senator. TREASURERâ€"WM. J Gmd, Sec.-Tleas.. Lamblon P B S; 1 Society. MANAGER & SECRETARY,â€"WM J This Society 15 orgmnzod tor me purpose or en sibling persons between 16 and 60 years of age, by becoming members, to nmke provision for 0141 age, and in case of (lchth,to secure sum of money to their widow and orphan children, or to ether relatives or persons dependent on them; and tu secure to each member of the Beneï¬t Brunch, medical attendance and u weekly allowance, in case of sickness or accident disabling hin frum (10" 1;: his HSIIILI‘ W011}. The grant value of beneï¬t societies to :“11 clas- 505 who depend upon their personal M1} “'q for the support of themselves and their fumiliex, is now universally recognized. This Society presents two distinguishing features :â€"~ lstâ€"Smailness of Cost. ‘ZudvThe satisfactory security afforded to members. Full particulars nbtained from GEO CHANTLER. RICHMOND HILL ONT Agent for the 'Jowuships of Markham, Vnuvhan whitchurch and King, Dr J: lS Lanrrsmff, Medical Referee Dec 9, I879 HE GREATEST WONDER 01‘“ MODERN TIMES. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy for 131111 Legs 01d \\ 01111115, Sores und Ulcers of how ovm 1011a standing F-m Bronchitis Dip: 1191111 Coughs, Colds, Gout Rhouumtism, (1.1111 (1.11 Skin Diseases it has no equal. The Pills: purify the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomuch, Kidneys 11nd Bowels, Imd are invaluable in 11.11 con'lplnilltS incidental to Females. I most respectfully take leave to call the {Lt- caution 0f the Public generally to the fact, that cert-11in Houses in va York are sending to In any pawn; of the globe SPURIOUS 1M I'l‘ YI‘IOK S of my Pills and Ointment. Those fnmds hunt on their labels some. address in New York. I donut allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I huve no agents there. Mynmdicinus m‘uonly made by 1110 uh ' ‘1, Oxford Street. London In the books of directions nflixod to the spurâ€" ious mn‘keis :1. cautimmvurni115; Hm l’nhiic uguins‘o lining deceived by (DOIIHLCI‘fDiLH. Do not be misled by this muhwimls ti'icb, as they are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. Those colmtorfeits me pumlmsed by 111111.111ci~ 111ml Vendms at one hulf the 111160 of 1111' 14113211111 Ointment, and are sold to you us my «'unuim) Medicines “11 honnmblu parsmlsï¬n assist me, and the? Pub 1ic,2\sfnr as may 110 m thmr power, 111 deuoun fng this shmncful Fraud. I most earnestly appeal to ï¬lm sense of justice which 1 fetal sure I may venture upon as!" 1;; from Euch Pot and Box of the Gmm-ne Medicines hears the British (mvmnmout Stumpmdth the wmds “ HOLLOW Y’s ’ILLS AND OIN'I'TJTVT LONDUX †omnwmd thcrenn. On the thol is the udduass, 533,()\b01u> Hrlmrm LONDON, whore alone they are Manufactured. Ointments bearing any other addreés are com) torfoits The Trade Marks of them Medicinps M0 rogfs tor (1 in Ottawa. Hence, any one tln‘oughnut the Brltish I’ossessions, who muy keep the American] Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 553 Oxford Street London, J am 1 187“ THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, This Honscis 0116 of the Beat, Hotels to he found north uf Toronto. )Cvmjvtyhing is 111mm. fl. in First Class Style. Sample Room fur (anmr, ciul Trxwellurs. Good Enabling: nnrl “I 'uutim ‘ or. Terms, $l per day. l’routnr’s Hm 10m this Hotel to connect with all bhu N R H Trains going North mu] South, at 7.35 {L m, 1 p m 4,151) m, and 7.15 D m. J Palmer. Pr013 The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL own. Cosgr‘ove Bros, l’Iop’s Excellent accommodation for the Public. Good stabliug,’ and attentive hustler. iness 1L trial Without expense. The bra t opportunity ever olfercdfm' those will- ing to work. You should trv nothing else until you see for yourself What you can do at the bus- iness we offer. No room to oxylluu here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. \Vomeu mnlm as much as men. Send for special privuta terms and parti- culars which we mail free, $5 outï¬t free. Ltm’t complain ofhm‘d times while you haw) such a. Siloiice. Address H. HALLETT A: CO., Portland mile. . A \VEElx in your own town, mm no capital risked. You can give the bu?- BEWAS‘ Mi OF NEW “WK ()5? UWE “Hi? 1‘59. THE STAR Keavs, Uflicial Assignee. CANADA ROYAL MODERN TIMES A W Lauder, Sec. &Tren.s. for Crmndn. Victoria. Chambers, Tm‘onta v. Feb. 12th 1880. (933in @fl‘mfu OF FICERS : LIFE Hollpjvuy's Pills an d Parties tendering are expected to have 21 practi’ cal knowledge of works of this ohms, an (1 are re- quested to bear in mind that tenders will not be oonsiderd unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, andâ€"in the case of 111' except there are attached the actual signatures, 131E nature of the occupation, and residence of each member (,I' the same ; and further an ac- cepted bank cheque for a. sum equul to $2230 for each bridge, fq' which an oi'i'et is made, must Euc- compzmy each Tunder, which sum shall be for- feited if the party tenda g declines entering in- to cgntrttct for the Work at- the rates and 011 the terms stated in tan offer submitted. Notice to Midgeâ€"builders. EALED TENDERS uddressad to the under- signed (Secratury of Railwziyï¬a and Canals) and endorsed "Tender for Bridges, \Velluml Canal,†will be received at this ofï¬ce until the arrival of the Western mails on TUE SDAY THE 15th DAY OF JUNE 11031;, for the cansh‘uction of swln and stationary bridges at various places on thel ' e of the Welland Canal; 31119439 for high- Ways are to be a combination of iron mud wood. and those {or railway pilrposes uré to be of iron. Plans, speciï¬cations mm gtmeml conditions sun be seen at. this olhce on End MterMONDAY,'1‘HE 3151: DAY OF MAY; next, where Forms of Tender can also be obtained. WELLAND CANAL. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the respective parties whose Lenders are not accept- ed. ‘ ’ For the duo fulï¬lment of the contract the party 01' parties whose tender it is uroposcd to accept will be Lotiï¬od thut than tender is {Local-ted subâ€" ject to n. dcpnsit of WV): PM: (E; r". of the bulk sum of the cnnmncfA of \xhir‘ 1 the sum sent in wibh the to]; d: r \\ 111 be com JM 011 (L lllu‘tfto bu deposited to he 0 lit. 01' the Rocoivvr General + 11111 EIOHY 1m! 'ter the unto of the notico. Ninety per conf. only of the progrcï¬s (asiumtes will be puid until the completmn of the Work. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept: the lowusL or any tender. By 0rd ' ‘ Dept. of Railways and (‘z‘ Ottawa, ‘1 1'1 March, 1 Prepared c513 sold by ESSENCES mugs, 'EMEQM m Webs SPICES. GET mummy-«mu, â€1‘2:’Nwmwsm1mawm. The proprietor of this stMishmvnt, having had many years expm‘ivuce, and studied closely this science in iis app cation to curative purposes, fools conï¬dent that in presenting this ACME ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the pumic, he is supplying them with the best i sh‘ument of their kind now known to the scienuorvinstmments Lhut will do their work well if used in necur'dnuee with printed directions given with euch appliance, xmd would wui‘n 1116 public nguinst all cheap imita- tion of all his goods. ASK FUR. ROKMAIVS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE ‘; . AGAINST IMPOSI'I‘ION. ,, " . TESTIMONIALS. A. Normn 11. 1'1qu Ingerï¬nll A11g113+,1879. ])E A]: 5111,71 hllff< 1rd‘ 101‘ fmu \ 0111s f10111 What D1 DHV 193 of Chicago and other eminent phv- sicixms 61131106 1111111.;1111111 of the how 015 11111111 they flied 111vu.111 to c111e;b11t. I sun thankful to Buy your up} haucos 11am on ther unnovcd the 11a111.1 1ecun1men<1 1111 sufferers to try them. You: 5 truly PETER DOWING. RHEUMATISM AND NEUILALGIA. RELIEVE AED CURE. Spmal Complaints, Gwen-a? nnd Nervous Debility, Hhmxmalism. Gout. Nervonsness Liver, Kidney. Lungs. Throat and Chest Cmupluims. Nemalgin. Bronchilis. Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica. Sm'znns, Consumptiun, Sleenlussn934, Colds, lurligestion. Spermamrrhoea &c., Mr. Norman, Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874, I huxve fully fried mud most carefully tested and seenused your Curative Insoles and Bands, and believe this Lu be one of the best farms of administering l<llectriciby, now known to be of such vuluublo importance for the relief of Rheumatism and Nourulgic Infections. 1 most cherlully re- commend their use to all sulferers of these cmnplaillltég.E (J 13 HALL, M. D. 20 Omar-Howell Place. . , IN J U Mr Norman, . Toronto, Oct. 10th, 1879. DEAR SAILâ€"About, tvllV‘BU yczzrq two I fell from (L ladder about ï¬velvo fees across the bunistcr of the staii ~;, uud was taken up fur u 2 since which tim': I lmve Suï¬erod severe pain in my back and sale, uml grout wenkm uuï¬tiiug me for business, and not very little case until 1 used your plea- tric Belt and Insoles, wl cl; relieved lilo vary nuicli. Yours truly, JOHN OVENS‘ 125 Yonga St. 'l‘hn Applirzncos um made in all , :Lml 31m}: 3 fm the (lii‘forunb puns oftlw body, and range in price flou; £41.00 to $5.0lli‘ors1null Lands, and from $5.00 to $1.10“ for Waist Belts. See Circulars, which is milunl from to all applicants. Mezneml‘mr th3 address, A. NunMAX, N 1 Queen street East, Toronto, Ont. N. Brililact'ic Butli Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Horbul, MeLLcui _ l and Hut (Llld Cold Baths always ready for Ladies und in ‘L-leiucii. Feb. 18th ’80. Pros(-v'iptizms mm . tully compounded. APOTHECARY'S HALL. Remember the place, Cam Salicited , Satisfaction Guaranteed. 15533 A 1541x511. ED 1874 NQRMM‘é’S MEWS} BUï¬MlVE APHIANCES T110? have also 30mm“ Yongc and Centre Eleqï¬xficity $313 Lite Fluid. Herbs Fresh, and NUINE, FTC, GOOD AND FRESH 0n hand 01"!110 FiHPSL Flavor and Qualit . Y l“. BEAU)! hecrctmy x . . 1 :13?†A MONTH s111L11teod. $12 a. day at ‘ ' home by the industrious. Capital mates not reqdired; we will stunt you. Mon Fli- - aneu, ha) 8 11nd gills make money bi 11d 1:L: 5401 at wm k fer us than at anything else. The ’ “w 1‘ is light and nlmLSuuh, and such us anyone 0:111 5:01‘1'"ht at. Those who are wise who see this notice \Lill Send. 11.5 than addresses at once 1 and sec for hemsolves. Costly Outï¬t and terms 'ctm-y frms, Now is the tiiuu. Those 1111'01Ldy at work mo _ laying up large sums of muney. Address TRUE 10m 1% L1().,Aug11sta., Maine. l Street East, Richmond Hill TEJDERS are invited for furnishing {he Roll- 111g Stock iequired to be delivexed on the (3111131115111 l’uciï¬c Ruilw.’ Ly wiuhin the ilext four y4- 211%, comprising the delivery 111 each year of about the followmg. viz: â€" 20 Locomotive Engines. 16 1« 1‘1 st-clnss C1115 (:1 111oportlo1i lieing sleepers). :0 Second- class Cars, dd 3 Express and Baggage 0111‘s. 3 Postal and Smoking Cafe. 240 Box Exeight Cars 100 Flat Cars. 2 Wing Ploughs. 2 Snow Ploughs. ‘2 Flzmgors. 40 Hand Cars. ' T111: WHOLE TO BE MANUFACTURED IN THE DOMINION 0F CAN ADA and delivered 011 the 01111- 111112111 Paciï¬c R1111“ 1w, at I‘olt William, or in the vaince of Manitoba. A, ; , 1, EANABEAN PAEIE‘IG RAILWAY Druwinga, s1“, A hm mid bfher information may behad on uygphcnytion at the oflice of the ]<)1x_gixgcor-iy:Ch_i_ ,5th Ottawa; 011 and after the next. H Sanderson 8: Sons 156]; (M) of MARCH next. Tandem will be recéived by the undersigned u to noon of THURSL‘AY, the 191‘ day 01 JUL DEPT OF RAILWAYS (Q CANALS, Ottuwn, 7th February, 18M. 1his Year’s irowth Tenders for Rolling Stock. Chemicals, Perfumery, a large stock of By Order F. BRApN, xun, Secret 6;?) ‘W ‘ V ° SURGEON DENTIST, 11215 ~ I removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & C. Bludhfora’ 5 new shoe store Best mineral teeth '11sorted in a. nmnuer to suit each patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and re lution of the natural teeth carefully nvoing,a,1 unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. LDsAssistant. MAPLE, ................ VICTORIA SQUARE Thankful or the-favors of the past the years may still be consulted in any brunch of the pro fession, as follows : ‘ ‘ ‘ Richmond Hill..,. 9th {a 24th of each month IN OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, FLEET 10 DAYS or EACH MONTH, (at Palmer House) ‘ Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmarket, ............ 2nd do Stouflville.. . . ..... .18th (10 Markham ...... .. dc Victoria. Square . do Thornhill .. do Maple ...... V ...... .. ‘ do Woodbridge ...... do Kleinburg r .. > do Nobleton ...... 30th do .‘ Anubhaï¬Ã©Ã©lï¬s Nitrous Oxide. etc., used when ordered, and none but the best material used W. remove RICHMOND HILL, 0.NT, Graduate of Toronto Univelsitv and Member of the College of Physicinns and Surgeons. Assistant to D1. Jumes Lzmsrstufl Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879. R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Fflvcr Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S A. L.. Englnndmate of London England Surgeon, Eta, L? 011100 Hammett) 10, 11:02., andoto 8‘ N EWTONBROOK, P. O. J as Bethune Q C‘ N \V Hoyles, Barristers, Attorneysâ€"nt-Luw, Solicitum-in- Chancery, Convoymncors,etc. Ofï¬cesâ€"Imperial Bank Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q’C. JOHN BAH. Wu. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SLIII’LBY CON V EYANCING- ETC. Bethune, Moss. Falconhridge AND HOYLES, Ferguson. Baln, Gordon &. Shipley} NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, Is a. 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Ofï¬cial Assignees, Real Estate Agent, Convey- uncor, Broker, &c., &c.. HARRIS]: ERS, &0 Mortgages bought and Sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance eï¬ecte<1,&n. Ike. U TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-m-Chuncery 960.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opynsite the Court House), Togouto. Money to Lend at Low Rates, OFFICE,â€"Victoriu Chambers, 9 Vicmriu. street Toronto. HON. GEO. \V. ALLAN, Senntor,P1-esidenb. George Gooderhum Vice-President, DuncCTOBS~Smnucl Ilntt, M.P., Wm. Gooder hum, Geo.'\V.LewiH, Thus. H. Lee, Hon. 1). L Mucphernon, Senator. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $300,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 Saving’g Bank Tn lend on Mortgage of landed property only at a. low mm of interest. No Loan less than $400 will be eutcrtniuod. Money received on deposit, an"! InteroS payable huh yearly or compounded. Walter S. Lee, Manager Richmond Hill, Juny. 151:, 1860 J. EhLIOT LANCSTAFF, M'b’.‘ W Transactions strictly conï¬dential. Apply personally, or by letter to the undersigned. Having lately purchased the nterea; of the above business. 1 can conï¬dently Gina 'amtee Stat-ismmion ? In all branches of the trade. Having paid Iguurnqxteo to satisfv the most fnmidimm 1011101md give Us a. trial. N0 uiswppoiutment N0 deception JOHN PLAX'I'ON Money to Land at Low Bat-es. Mortgages Bought. and sold. Elgin Mills, Jun. 7th 1830. Horse shoeing done at. $1 a set for Cash and 40 cents for removes. P‘uce of l‘ usiness 1ust nmth of P Crosby, Esq“ Ynnge sireei. Richmond Hilml Geo. STEPHENS AND HORSE SHOER‘ ALFRED BOULTB!‘ E WM. Wom‘s Ith'rT [)11AIN TlLIC, OF THE BEST SPB our reduced 10ml table. For further information apply at at the Ofï¬ces the Coumunv. EOULTBEI‘} & EVATT‘ BARRISâ€" ELGIN MILLS EMERSWW SEW. SPECIAL ATTENTION JAMES GORMLEY, Ema Sheemg ZESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto QUALITY AT Mortgages Bought F, J‘ D. SMITH, General IÂ¥1acksmith. ROGERS. DENTIST. Dr A'. ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS $50¢000 BRANCH DR. ORR. MAPLE Promptly attended to‘ MONEY TU LOAN. P. O. Box 2527. â€gmdiwt. BARRISTEB, ETC., J - K- PALEENBRIBGE gram. THOS; NIGHTINGALE’S, â€gifflunry. “3mm. 0 Moss, W C Falconbridga W Barwick, A BAyleswnrth 0:. ADAMS, L.DIVS.,. York vile 18TH 25TH iindiagï¬lpqqflSyrup; Wax» DR. CLARK «@Jonmsom’ LABORATORY, 77 w. 3d St NqWYork city “Dyspepsia. Liven Diseases, Fever :2 ï¬g ue, Rheuma- tism, Dropsy. Heart Manage. Biliausness, Werv‘ous nobility, etc., The Best REMEDY KNOWN, to Man I' I t stimulates um .Pytynllno In tho Fallvn, which converts the sun-ch and luflfll’ of the food Into lucose. A doflcloney In Pyty-llno mules W nd and Fouflnu of the food In the Mountain. If [ha medicine ls “ken Imam-a ately after eating the fer-nonunion offood lo prevented. I! not: upon tho. leer. , It acts upon the Rldneyl. It Regulute- tho Bowel. ’ It Pnrlfles the Blood. - i. 1: Quiet: lhc Nervous Sydm tPromnteu big eslion. t Nourish es, tin-en n‘fthens and Inflgmm It enn‘ieb ofl' the 0| Blood and mnkon new It opens the pores of the skin and induces ï¬enlthy Persplmflon. ,3 It neutralizes the hereditary tune, or poison in the blood, which generates Scrofuln, Erylipelas, and. n11 manner of skin diseases aqd install-mlhumors: F-‘Thare are-:0 spirits euiï¬léi'rédrm its manufacture, and it can be taken by the moat deucste babe. or by me aged and feeble, can only being required in at- India): to directions. PRICE OF LARGE BOTTLES, - , 81.00 PRICE OF SMALL BOTTLES. - - 50 Pronounced Incurabm by the‘ Physicians, but owed by" th-e'B‘Icod Syrup. 9.000.000anottle‘sw I was afflicted with 0. severe cough. which was pronounced incurable by my physicinn I gain- ed in strength as soon us I cmnmenced to lise the Blood syrup My cough is now entirely gnno. 1mm: Homer J P PRICE OF LARGE BOTTLES, - , 81.00. PRICE OF SMALL BOTTLES, - - 50' Road the VOLUNTARY TESTIMONIALS: ofPersons who have been CURED by the' use of the BLOOD PURIFIER. Hockley, ('mdwell, Out. I was afflicted with Liver complaint nnd Dysâ€" pepsin for mury yum-s, doctors. gave me no 11-- lief. I tried vour Indiun syrup and was perfectly cured. Wm “’ulker North Mountain, Dunflns, Out Your Indian Blond syrup cured mo of Liver Complaint miter 1111 other remedies failed. I re- commend it with conï¬dence. Mrs Juo Kinney. Superior to aï¬y Medicine. Admus, Dunduss (:0 Out Your Blood syrup is superior to any mcdi inc I ever used. S Buur. sturg'eï¬n Buy, Qimcoe co. Ont I hind troubled for years With sciubics, and tried everything I could hear of, nothing relieved me except the Blood svrup. I am now fred‘frmn‘ pain, can sleep well, and have gained 2 lbs in 2 weeks. Yours tgfly Dyspepsia & Liver Complaint Sure cure for Dyspepsia. Eut‘foxil, Brm1tCo. out I “i511 tn Qtnte 11111? 50111 Indian Blood 93111}. has connwlnfoh cuwd me 0fD§Spv17nmI can Suï¬ 1y locummend It to 1L11.1\115'AHOO smith A Wonderful cui'e Burfcrd ant 00., On’. In tho sp1‘ingof1877,1 was very ill and was at tended by sex eml Doctors. somo thought 1 1.] diabetes ; others, diseased kidneys,thcy all f ed to do me :my good. I tried your Indian Blue syrup, which did me so much good (73121.1: 1 whs‘ amm- ublc to do my housework. I would ban C died but for your valuable medicine. U . One Family’s Experience My wife has been under Doctors trimtment 1"“ two yours, with heurt disease, she Lad to he (‘L ried. she 11"“ :1 the Indian Blond Syrup but :1 sin. tim’u, when she began tn walk again and 11m» 'Int, kept 11x~fhtid u day shzce. It also cured my a: 1‘4 3" tor of chills and fcvera Rufus McCumlm -! v Kelvin Brant (‘0, I had been under doctors hands fmjoighr, yr after using your Blood syrup for IL short tin was enublcd to do all my work. I truly bah it saved my life. Mrs Mary Leon DySpepsia and L1verf complain: Dear sirâ€"Your Indian Blonf .éyrup is [he 1 medicine for Dyépepsiu and Liver ,uom‘yh'. ever saw. Mrs MJ B1 cross Hill, Wutofsloo c0, I was troubled with cramps in my. atom m‘l‘dluss 0f twp tu- your Indian 131mm sy cflectud :1 speed) cure Nancy s1111il11l'mld.Nor‘rhm21lu-1‘ln11d CC I was bronhlud \11‘511 «lcrxmgom out of the vouss stem was attended lw 0119 of the Doc-mu, 111 11115 111mb of the mummy but 01 tv 110 11-116,me 111 lizul Blood sVrup Ti‘liOVC 21f. once. I wally do 1101; $111111: zmv one 11 health usin" it, can fail to receive gr 115 b \11 Jul Victoria. Harbor, Simeon ('0 I had to quit v ml: for two Weeks nwin. 1min iumy side; one buttba of the Blonds. m rumoved, it is wonderful fur giving m1 am)»: chu‘s Deu am ithflcld Northumb. (“r I suffered Verv much from pzdpiuwiou ‘u thrt, and the Doctors told me I was me drop off (LL any moment, I tried your Bland and was cmw . I believe it to bu, thu bust. cine ever immduced. Moses Herr: Vittmiu. Hnrbor, gimme k My “ife 11ndbcn1: t) onhlhd for y 91an Wif vm ‘ debilit}; three bottles of the Indian 5\ yup cm ed hot I thought in W 19 tlzmr .L per bottle now Ithiuk it cheap Wm Brwl. Recommends it. to all in tress. The Indian Blood syruphrm m‘oatlyhem my wife uud 1n; elf. Ireuummend 16 no Victoria Harbor, simcnet The Indian Blood syrup can’t be beat for pensia. I could not work for some time be goc flmbButtIe of Blood sy',1up and 1 mn no and hearty Thomas (0 Every Thursday Aï¬crnm M. H. KEEFLPXEI: dlsiross Liver Complaint and I pepsia Victoria Huber {imcne count: I took one battle of the Indian B10011 h)!‘ u I felt like a, he“ mum I 10c. «mnnend it, 13/ for Dvspepsiu 1m (1 Liver Conwluint E] ORK HER Al RICHMOND HILL 0 5 Can’t. Le feat for Dyspc‘] Tins Syrup Possesée} Varied Properties. 70,000 AGENTS HAVE 80E!) SINCE 1870 Cramp in the Svomach Heart Disease Cured. Sciatic Rheumatism Nervous: Debility. Only SI :1 Year. Published Opposite Crosby’s Sim-a Nervous; Fine/as: s Liver Complaint. Pain in the Side‘ um 01? 3338!? m. SaVed her Ljfé, [TRADE mm! Eur-ford Bram. co. Ont Kelvin Brunt; (‘0 (I Deianu. claws culistn. sbzw Louis E '1: / (A ‘3‘?!