Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Apr 1880, p. 2

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BIEHMIIND HILL POST DPFIGE Going South, \Vest and East, includ- ing Muyl‘a, Thornhill. Toronto. Markhum,&c., Going N02 L11. Going South-7‘ ash and West (as above) at '7: 20 N. 1,â€"1. g1 tercd Lettexs must be handed in at I" an fifteen Minutes earlier than the 1mm 0 mentioned homs for closing. 31' hmfind Hill Post Ofiice, M. TEEFY Mun u 9th 1880. Posumnstclj THURSDAY. APRIL 29, 1880. Much attention to the conflict or con- troversy between those who are endeavâ€" rlng to maintain the supremacy and infalllbility of the religion of Christ, and the believers or advocates of the Herbert Spencer schoolyis being at- tracted by the recent action of the authorities of Yale College. Prof Sum- mer,of this college has adopted as a text book, “The study of Sociology.” A work which deals with the Christian religion as if it were merely a doctrine of menâ€"~21 system devised and taught by our ancestors, for the purpose of governing and controlling mankind, or that portion of humanity which must believe in, and be controlled by some- thing supernatural. Mr Spencer, in this work, teaches that “when men have learned to divert their minds of child- like prejudices they will entertain a be- lief in an incomprehensible jand infinite ly remote Cause. The Christian religion is treated of exactly as the Moham- medan or any other religion or docâ€" trine.” The President and the majority of the members of the faculty of Yale College forbade the use of this text book, but Professor Summer threatened to res'gn unless the objection was with- drawn, and he was therefore allowed to use it. No one can object to Prof. Summer believing or reading what he pleases, but he should not be permitted to teach pupils opinions or doctrines antagonistic to the Christian religion. POST OFFICE NOTICE Third CIasiâ€"lsfi prize. R McLean, Torontp Mower; 2nd, W Robinson; 3rd, Fred 7 Kefier; 4th S Shunk. At the close of the plowing match of the Vaughan Plowman’s Association held yesterday, John Lahmer, Esq., President, announced the prizes as fol- lows :â€" . First Class,â€"â€"1st prize, J as McLean, 3 Patterson Reaper; 2nd, John Camp- bell; 3rd, Jphu Smith; 74thL H White Sécoud 91as54,,-1§£Prizefl?hoax 9.9135 ”Mifiéifi'afveeter f2nd,H Keffer ; 3rd, John Webster; 4th, Thos @4ch313. Fourth Classâ€"ht, G K Wilson, "Wilkinson’s Plow ; 2nd, M Gilles ; 3rd. Jas S Wakefield; 4th, John Smith. Fifth Class.â€"Open to boys, lst, J Preston,Peck _& Coleman’s Pump; 2nd, G Wedrick; 3rd, W Mainprice ; 4th, I R Leppington. In the lat Class there were four con- tested, in the 2nd, six‘, in the 3rd, five, in the 4th, four, in the 5th, seven, be- sides, some having withdrawn owing to the bad state of the ground. Prize for Heavy Draft Team.â€"â€"â€" H White. Bear Plow Team.â€"â€"VV Robinson. Best Groomed Team and kept, Har- uess.â€"â€"J S Wakefield. Special Prizes. Best beginningâ€"J McLean. Best Finishâ€"R McLean. Best Boy P]0wer,â€"J Preston. ThePresident at the close, returned thanks for the large attendance, and hoped every one would be Satisfied at the proceedings of' the day: The match took place on the farm occupied by Mr Archlbald McQuarrie, near Maple. Dinner was provided at Mr Rumble’s for the ofiicers, Plowmen, etc. Time and space prevent a more enlarged notice. The following list shows the success- ful and unsuccessful applicants for liquor licenses in the municipalities named. ‘â€" VAUGHAN. Tavern Licenses Granted. â€"J G Cull, R Rumble, ‘Vm Taggelt, Geo Gobeir, Thos O’Neil, E Brother, John Allan, E B Harris, W D Chever, G Gilmour, W Robinson, H Burkholderj Until further notice, Mails will be closed at the I‘hntogmnhyâ€"Robt. Newberry Moneyâ€"H cmld Office ‘ Zl‘cudersfiGeo Lawson Shop Licenses Granted.â€"Mackie & Watt, Wallace Bros. Refusalâ€"A T Collins/Mrs Christian ETOBICOKE. Tavern Licenses Granted.â€"C Nurse, W Bourke. Refused.â€"A McFayden, YORK. Tavern Licenses Granted.â€"â€"D O'Halloran,’1‘hos Beatty, C McBride, A Cherry, H Russell, W Walkingshaw, F McFarlane, Rhodolphus Wilson, F Hayden, J Colley, J Henwick, Mrs Hopcroft. Shop License Granted.~James Pope. Refused.â€"P Duck. M Slattery, J West. Held over for consideration,â€"â€"J Bosback, J McGuire. J Eagle J thtle. RICHMOND HILL. Tavern Licenses Grantedâ€"J Palmer F Cosgrove. PARKDALE. Shop Licenses Granted.â€"Thomas Booth. At a later meeting of the Commission ers the following licenses were granted : Johe Eagle and John Little, Weston ; John Duck,Humber ; WmBrown,l\lono; T McGuire, Brenton; H Lutlicrstllng- ton; C Cliamberlin, Richmond Hill ; R Moore and H Tims, Parkdale. Christianity and Science. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Me 33ml: flaw. Vaughan Plowing Match. County Licenses. MORNING EVENING AS FOLLOWS On Monday afternoon last the lady? members of this Society met at the resi- ‘ dence of Mrs Wm Trench, and per- formed their usual work. The Bazaar on the 24th of May will tell [how these afternoons have been employed. At the present time the socials take the lead in point of interest, and in raising alarge amount of funds. The social on Monday evening was the most suc cessful yet held, both in point of at- tendance, and the amount of money collected. Over 260 persons partook of the refreshments provided, which were served in the cellar. This made a commodious and pleasant dining-room, and proved quite a novelty to the visitors. Patterson and Thornhill were represented, and a load of young folks came down from Aurora. The house was filled with old and young people from the cellar to the roof, and there was hardly standing room to be found. $36.25 was the amount collected, a sum leading all other socials by nearly eight dollars The usual entertalnment was provided. The next social will be held at the residence of Mrs Peach next Monday evening, Go, by all means. You are invited and will be welcomed. MI‘S. Wm. TRENCH TAKES THE LEAD. April 26th, 1880. Pursuant to adjournment, the Counâ€" cil met. Members present,â€"â€"Messrs Crosby, Pugsley, and Redditt. At 8:15 o’clock in pursuance of the statute in such case made and provided, Councillor Crosby moved, seconded by Councillor Pngsley, lhat in the absence of the Reeve Councillor Redditt do preside as Chairman of this meeting of the Council.â€"Carried. The Clerk read the minutes of the 29Eh of March, which were approvpd. 7 The following accounts weréfiread and ordered to be paid, viz.: M H Keefier, for advertising;...$1 00 J A Stewart, for printing .......... 3 65 The Reeve’s order for tramps.... 2 00 On motion of Councillor Crosby, seconded by Councillor Pugsley, it was resolved that the Court of Revision for revismg the Assessment Roll for the year 1880, be held in this Council Chamber on Friday, the 28th May next ensuing. at 8 o’clock p.m., and that the Clerk is hereby authorized to advertise the same in the Liberal and HERALD. On Wednesday, 21st inst, a fire originating from a spark from a burning chimney, destroyed the greater part of the City of Hull,near Ottawa. Build- ings covering 40 acres were in the space of four hours reduced to ashes, and twelve persons are supposed to have perished in the flames. Since the great fire at St John’s, this is the most de- structive that has occurred in glanada. One thouemd'famiiie's and four ‘ thous- and persons have been left houseless, homeless, and destitute by this exten- sive conflagration. The loss is estimat- ed at $700,000 ; the insurance on which amounts to less than one per cent. Hull was a wooden city, and its means for fire protection were very defective ; hence so general a eonflagration. Noble efforts are being made to aid the snfl‘er- ers. The Council adjourned to meet in this Court Room, on Friday, the 28th May next, at 8 pm. Mr R Newberry, Photographer, Aurora, announces that he will be at Mr Gamble’s old stand in this village on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Read his advertisement in another column. Green window blinds for sale at the HERALD Store. CHANGED HANDs.~â€"Mr MacIntosh, of Woodbridge, has purchased Mr Mc- Neely's interest in the Woollen Mills, and intends carrying on the busmess there in future. He has a good reputa- tion for doing his work satisfactorily, and we Wish him every success. We have much pleasure in acknowâ€" iedging receipt of Cuts, from F H Merrick,Esq, Ogdensbulrg. His ‘last letter to us states that he Wrote us, but the letter by some means failed to reach its destination. The Cuts were shipped to us from Ogdensburg before the notice in last weeks paper appeared, we received them the day after publi- cation. The Vigilance Committee at Newton- brook captured several young men in an old unused barn the other night. They had guns and bull-dogs, and the Committee thought that looked sus~ picious On examination it was found that they were on a shooting expedition f1om Toronto, and not bfinding any g,ame and running,r short of money they started for Toronto on foot. They went into the barn for a rest. The Com- mittee set them at liberty. The Markham Economist should not exaggerate, even when censuring the Dominion Governmunt for advertising In the local press. It should stick to the truth when alluding to Mackenzie’s regime. Who does not remember Coal and Steel Rails being advertised all over the country, wherever a Grit paper was to be found, ‘ The race between Mr John Palmer’s trotting mare “Della \Vaite,” and Mr Farr’s mare of Yorkville, on the Wood- bine for $5100 a side, will take place on the 28th of May. As the time ap- proaches there is considerable talk about the match, It is expected that there will be a large number of spectators pre- sent, Considerable betting is going on. Both animals have their friends, Who are confident that their favorite will win. Farr’s mare has got no time to loose ; it will stand all the practice it can get. Della is keeping cool. tne notice in last weeks paper appeared, we received them the day after publi- cation. The Vigilance Committee at Newton- brook captured several young men in an old unused barn the other night. They had guns and bull-dogs, and the Committee thought that looked sns~ picious. On examination it was found that they were on a shooting expedition from Toronto, and not finding any game, and running,r short of money they started for Toronto on foot. They went into the barn for a rest. The Com- mittee set. them at liberty. The race between Mr John Palmer’s trotting mare “Della \Vaite,” and Mr Farr’s mare of Yorkville, on the Wood- bine for $5100 a side, will take place on the 28th of May. As the time ap- proaches there is considerable talk about the match, It is expected that there will be a large number of spectators pre- sent, Considerable betting is going on. Both animals have their friends, who are confident that their favorite will win. Farr’s mare has got no time to loose ; it will stand all the practice it can get. Della is keeping cool. The Hon George Brown’s life was despaired of last Friday, and on Satur- day he was in a critical condition. On Monday there was a slight improvement l THE BAND.â€"At the last meeting of the village Band the following oflflcers were elected 2â€"Musical Conductor, Mr A Laird ; President, Mr Jas Tully ; Secretary, Mr John Powell; Treasurer, Mr R Phillips; Committee, Messrs A Proctor, J Coulter,jr., and G Savage. The Band are now considering the adâ€" visability of passing a subscription list around the village, in order to raise the necessary funds to secure some new inâ€" struments. The implements cannot be dispensed with, without greatly affecting the eihci‘ency of the Band. Having in- corporated some of the leading playeis in the old Patterson Band, we have the material as far as the men are concerned, to make one of the best amateur Bonds to be found in the country ; bu t, players are of very little use, unless they have the necessary instruments, and we there fore hope the subscription list will be started, and prove successful in its obâ€" ject. The Band is deserving of more encouragement than it has yet received ; we do not seem to take such a deep interest in promoting and establishing, such organizations, as they do in other villages, even where the Bands are of a very inferior order. Our musicians have always acted very generously in supplying a superior article, when reâ€" quested, for different cntertainments,and are surely deserving of some encourage- which has continued during the Week. ment, "“1 assistance from the village. Great Fire at Hull City. Ladtes’ Aid Social. Village Council. The steamer arrived here last night,â€" a steam Thresher. Mr Chas Mason is pushing his new building ahead, on the old 0 M Church site. What has become of our new fire- engine ? $4,000 to lend on Farm Property, at low rate of interest. See advertise- ment. Apply at HERALD Ofiice. Court of Revision will be held on Friday 28th May next, at 8 o’clock p m, at Council Chamber, in this village. Quarterly meeting in connection with the C M Church will be held in the Masonic Hall, on Sunday next. com- mencing at 10 o’clock 3.111., instead of 10 30, as formerly. Work has been commenced on the new 0 M Church, Messrs T Whalen and Garvin have the contract for ex- cavating the ground for the foundation, and Mr Chas Chamber-lit] has the con- tract for the stone and brick work. SOCIALâ€"A Ham and Coffee Social at Victorla Hall, Thornhill on Friday evening, April 30th, by the I. O. G. '1‘. Duetts, Solos, and the dialogue “a little more cider” in character, will form the programme. Tickets, 15 cents. As an indication that the winter is a thing of the past, we notice the Victoria Square Cricket Club is again on the war path. A“ list of officers for this year will be found in another column. Can Richmond Hill take a tumble out of this club, somewhat after the style of last year, or do our young men prefer Lacrosse ? The Missionary Meeting at Patter- son on Thursday evening last was fairly attended. Mr \Vm Patterson occupied the chair. Interesting addresses on Missionary work in Japan and other heathen countries, were given by the Revs. Messrs Sutherland and Coehrane. The collection amounted to over $58. A very severe rain and Wind storm sprang up suddenly on Monday after- noon last, and continued for about fifteen minutes. The lightning was Sharp and frequent. Considerable damage was caused throughout the country. The only se1 1on9 iesulc of the storm in this nei( bmhood is the barn destroyed by li< a”htning, an account of which is given in another column. GOING AHEADâ€"The Grand Central still keeps going ahead. Improvements are being made in 1ts appearance. The balcony, bannisters and window frames, are being painted, and two very neat and attractive fanalights have been placed in position. one Over the hall-door, and the other over the bar-doom, ‘ DESTROYED BY LIGHTNING.-â€"Dur- i'lg the sudden storm on Monday last the barn of Mr Silas SViver, 4th con Markham, abOuiJ half-a-mile north of' Buttonville, was struck by lightning and totaily consumed, with all the contents, Whichwconsisted ofia large quantity of (seed gram and a few agricultural imple- ments. The buildmg was owned by Mr Calvert, who had an insurance of $500 on it. There was not any insurâ€" ance on the contents. Mr Buchan, Inspector, visited the Richmond Hill High School on Thurs- day last. The scholars answered readily and very correctly, and Mr Buchan expressed himself well pleased with the condition of the school. Only innate stupidity or a determination not to improve their minds, could prevent the pupils attending our High Schoool from being benefitted and greatly ad- vanced by the painstaking and efficient teaohing of' the assistant, Miss Palmer, and the Head Master, Mr Carscadden. Mr Buchan appomted Friday last as a holiday. Mr Palmer’s new buildings are being rapidly pushed towards completion. The shop next to Mr Pugsley’s will be used as an engine room. Mr Thos. chue’s store comes next, and MrS Proctor will oceupv the corner shon as a show room for the different agricul- tural imniements, for which he is agent. Above the store and shops will be a large Hall, and Council Chamber the full size of the building, The corner will be vastly improved. The entrance hall to the Hotel, and two sitting rooms are being pannelled, and folding doors will be substituted for the partitions now between several rooms. Mr Palmer has also moved the frame kltchen at the back of the hotel, to the north-east corner, and is putting up a large two-storey brick building, which will prove much more convenient, and add considerably to the accommodation already to be found at this first-class house. LOCAL , ITEMS. The Municipal Council of the township of Vaughan. met. at the Town Hall on Tuesday, 13th day of April. 1880. The Reeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs Card, Nattress, Reaman and Lah- mer. The minutes of last meeting were rend and on motion approved. The following petitions were received: From Isaac Chapman and 11 others, asking aid for John Greaves, indigent. From A McQuarrie and 13 others, asking additional aid tor Mrs Rasson, indigent. From Ken- neth Beaten and IS othe1s. asking aid for Dug ald McCallum, indigent. F1011] Jacob Smith and 310thers, asking to have their statute labor commuted for the purpose of building sidewalks in the village of Maple. From A Gooderham and 13 others, re- questing the Council to pass a. By-law to enclose the Road allowance on the south and east sides of the Congregational bury- ing ground in the village of Pine From A P Conger and 20 others asking the Council to offer a reward of $50 for the iapp1ehension of the pa1 Ly or parties who committed a misdemeanor in the School House 1n S S. No 19, between the 211d and I 5th inst. The following commumcations were read: From the Treasurer of York in reference to a bridge built on the town line in the 5th concession. From the Clerk of the Township of King in reference 10 repairs done on the Town Line amount- ing to $7.00. Moved by Mr Nattress, seconded by Mr. Card, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorimd to pay the following sheep claims. it being two-thirds then‘ value, to Mr Jeffrey the sum of $3.33, and to Mc- Kenzie nud Rogerson $8 63 Carried. Moved by Mr Reaman, seconded by Mr Lahmer. that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay the following amounts for charitable purposes to the nndermen- lioned‘ persons: to J L Card. for Elizabeth Brown $5 00; to JM Lawrence, for John Greaves per quarter 3358 00; from Jan lst, ’80. J P Rupert, for Mrs Hassen, $6 00; Henry MeElroy, as per bill for bread and other necessaries of life forD McMillan and sister, destitute,$l0 50; Allen Steven- son, for support of D McCallum per week hereafter $I 50; Wm Patterson, for Geo Henderson, $7 00. Carried. Moved by Mr Heaman. seconded by Mr Nanress, that the Treasurer be and is here- by authorized to pay the following road accounts : Dis’t No I: Wm Puilei'son, for J S Irucas: 755 cedar posts at 6 cents each $45 30; Wm C Patterson, for freight on 3 cars, posts. $39 00; J Jones, 1550 finof plank at $7 50 per thousand, SS” 62; Ezra Cluhi'ie $3 50; Dist N03 H Mc- 'J‘aggart $3 50; John Kerr. building 2 culverrs. $73 00; Isaac Murray, 1530 ft plank, $I 50. Carried. Moved by Mr Reaman. seconded by Mr Nattress, that the Commissioners of Dist N03 axe hereby instructed to meet the Commissioners of King on the town line connecting with the 11th con. of Vaughan, with a. view of repaiiing the same; also Commissionefs of Dist. No. Ito meet; the Commissioneis of King with a. view to repaiving the town line between 2nd and 4th concessions of Vaughan and King. Carried. Moved by Mr Card, seconded by M} Nat- tress, that the Trustees of School Section No. 9 be allowed the use of ground in connection with Townshlp Hall for a play ground for the children for the present year. by payment. of the sum of $5 00. Carried. Moved by M1 Card, seconded b7 M1 Peaman, ti'atthe T1easu1er be and is here- by authorized to pay toJ A Stewm'. the sum 0f$5010r punting 500 Township ac- counts. CM Moved by Mr Card, seconded by Mr L111mer,l.hat the commissione.s of yDist N0 2 be inshucted to allow Mr Lian]: n t! 6 sum of $12 00, for making ditch acvoss north half oflot 10 in con. 5, of sufficient capacity to carry off all water from side- rond between lot IO and II. Carried. Moved by Mr Reaman, seconded bv Mr Nauress, that the Treasurer be and is hens- bv aultl1orfzedto pay to the Treasurer of York Township the sum of $40 as Val)"llflllSp0Ptll)l’l of brldge building on 1119 town line between the 5th and 61h c011, built 111 fall of 1875, Dist. N0. 2. Carried. Moved by Mr Reaman, seconded by Mr Ca d that. lh1s Council offer a 1ewa1d of $20 i'ui Ibo app1ehension and conviction of the pany 01' parties who broke into the School House in section No.19 and con- ducied themselves in n. veiy imiuoper man- ner.Ca11ied. Moved by Card.seconded by Mr Renmnn, that the Clerk is hereby inst1ucted to have piinted notices put up of an intended B)- law to be passed by this Council at its next mee1‘1ng,to be held at the Town Hall, on Tuebd11y,th625th day of May next, for the purpose of closing up and disposing of the old load allowance, now not used 011 the east and south sides of the Cona1ega- lionnl burying gxound in the village I=of Pix-e G111ve, on the east to Levi Snider, andcn the south to the Trustees of the Conmeflational Church and that he also have the same advenised accmding to law Canied. Mowd by Mr Lahmer, seconded by Mr Nattress, that. the pathmaster of Road Beat No 26 be instructed to collect from said Beat, the sum of $20, and pay the same over to Mr Rumble and Mr Smith, the commissioners of the Village of Maple, for the purpose of meeting the expenses of making sidewalks in the village of Maple, and paying the debt thereon. Carried. Moved by Mr Card, seconded by Mr Nat- iress, that the Clerk is hereby instructed to notify Mr Thomas Jackson to have his fence on the south side of {he road allow- ance on the Town Line between York and Vaughan Townships, in the 2nd concession, removed from ofl'said road allowance on or before the 15th day of May next, and if ea’d fence be not removed by that date, the co itmittee appointed by this Council to look after the same are hereby instructed to take legal proceedings to have the same removed. Carried. Moved by Mr Reaman, seconded by Mr Card. thaL the xesolution passed at. the February meeting granling the Clerk and Treasurer an additional fifty dollars to his salary be amended by stw‘ikivg out. the fol- lowing we (13 “for the year 1880.” Car- rim}. The Comcil then adjourned until Tues- day, the 251hday of May next, to meet at 10 am. as Court of Revisicn. R0 bt De Coursier, the young man who shot his brother at Lambton Mills, last fall, an account of which was pub- lished in the HERALD, was tried in Toronto on Tuesday last before Justice Galt and a jury. He was found guilty of murder and sentenced to be hung on the 10th June next. The plea of in- sanity was made, but did non have any weight. The jury recommended him to mercy, on account of former good character, but. thejudge could hold out no hopes of commutation. removed. Carried. Moved by Mr Card, seconded by Mr Nattress, that the comm'ssioners for Dist. No. 1 be instructed to notify John McBride to fill that portion of ditch on Town Line on 20d com, opposite lot No I, into which he has run his underdrain for an outlet. Carried. Vaughan Council. VICTORIA SQUARE CLUB.â€"At the annual organization meeting of the Vicâ€" toria Square Cricket Club, held in the Temperance Hall, on Wednesday even- ing, April 21st,, the following ofiicers‘ were elected :â€"â€"President,VV Robinson ; Vice-President, G Querry; Captain, J Forester; SecretaryJPerkinB; Treasurer. S M Brown ; Managing Committee, W Lewis, J Hall, T Reid, 0 McKenzie, 0 Reid, and T Frisby, jr. The club have engaged the same grounds, that were used last season and intend placing a strong team in the field. They would be glad to hear from any club desirous of playing the aboveâ€" mentioned. The Secretary’s address is J Perkins, Victoria Square, Box 55. The lmpmted Draught Stallion “Le Bon,". the property of Mr Chas. Harrison, will travel Lhis season as follows : Monday April 26th will leave his own stable, P W Il30ynton‘ 3. Lot No 10, con 3, Markham, anl ploceed lo Henry Johnston’s Lot No 22. con 3rd East York, for noon; llxence to Wm Bell’s, Lot No 9, con 2nd, East York for night. Tuesday, by way of Yonge Street to Steele’s Hotel, Green Bush. for noon : thence by way of Cherry’s Hotel, to Edgley Hotel. Vaughan, fir the night. Wednesday, 30. Dun thafor’s Hotel, Woodhridge, for noon : thence to Amos Shunk’s, Lot No 11, Con 5, Vaughan, for night. Thuxsday, to 'l‘eslon for noon , thence to Chfis creesor’s, Temperanceville for night. Friday, to Wm Béynton’s, Lot No 730 con 4. Markham, for noon ; lhence to John Boyutonr’s, Lot N9 2'1: con 7th,_{'0runigl1£.. Saturday. to John Eckart s. Lot No 11. Con 7. for noon, thence to his own stable until Monday morning. Royal George Trotting Stallion, “Whirl- wind,” the property of Mr Wm Meek. Langslafi' P. 0., will travel this season, as follows: Monday May 3rd. will leave his own Stable, Langsmfi', and proceed to Palmer‘s Hmel, Richmond Hill. for noon ; thence to Whfle’s Hotel, Victoria Square, for night. The Imported Pure-Bred Clydesdale Stallion “Scotland’s Glory,” will travel this :eason as follows : Tuesday, to Cashel for noon - thence to Buttoq’ s uptel ’ingwoqd, for night. Wednesday'to Brown’s‘Hotel. Altona. for noon ; thence to Henderson’s Hotel, Clair- mont for night. Thursday, to Chinn’s Hotel, Brougham. for noon ; thence to cooper’s Hotel, White- vale for night. Friday. to Wellington xxoiel, Markham Village for noon; thence to Hagerman’s Corner’s for night. Saturday. to“ Perry’s Hotel. Brown’s COruex-‘s for noon; thence to his own stable until Monday mornilw. Monday April 26(h, will leave his own stable. Map l8 and proceedtonogan’s Hotel Springhil|,pfornigl_1t. lfl‘uéédztj, to Kilifihorn for noon ; thence to Kettleby for ni-ght. Thursday, to Bell’s Ho‘t’el. Lthemn, for nonn ; Ilience to Mrs Stazxags Hotel, Noble- tonfmf- night.» . Saturday. to Taggerl’s Hotel, Teston, for noon ; thence to his own stable until Mon» day at noon. Fridayfto Bolton Viilage, for noon; thence to Gobiel’s Hotel, Kliueburg for night. For Desmiption, Pedigree and Terms, of Ihe above horses, sererbnlls. Sever-{11 homes are amwded out this week ;.Wi11 appear 1n next issue. A similar notice will be given to all par- ties vetting their Bills p1i-11ed at this Office The first spring fair at Claremont was held on Tuesday last, and was large» ly attended: There was a remarkably fine show of Stallions, amongst them the two recently imported Clydes brought out by Mr Beattie. Of' thoroughbred Shorthorns and fat cattle there wasâ€" as might be expected in this section of the county ol'Ontario, where the Millers, Davidsons, Johnstons, Waddells, Greggs and Russels were the exhibitorsâ€" an excellent exhibition. 1n the agricultur- al class there were eight teams, eight mares in foal, and eight stallions shown, all good. The roadster class was also well represented, seven stallions, five mares in foal, end as many as eighteen driving horses being,r exhibited. Prizes to the amount of $224 were paid, and general satisfaction was expressed with the conduct of the fair. Wednesaay, by -way of PotLageville m Isaac’s Hotel. Schomberg for night. Dazley '7‘ 7 0313‘, ’ Dzessed Hogs he- 1001M Beef, him!(,1m,r.e>q, we 100 Tn . Mutkowu '-)y uhe ca ‘cwse, 119: 100 1*», Chickegs p s; . " Ducks, ye Geese,eachu Turkey» eacn Butteerx'ofis . )wge 1011s. t1") (‘3in Eggs,fre3h, (“oz Poi.atoes.1)er bag. Angle's perb ‘ el Onions, per bar: . Tomatoes, per 77mm Turnips, per bag . Cmrots, pe bag Beets, per bag Pars“. 133, per ban. Hay pe:y ton. Straw per, ton W001 per 11) THURSDAY, April 29th 1880 I‘RICES AT FARMERS’ WAGGONS Wheat full new,per bush ....$ 1 18 d .. .. Sp‘ 1 20 Bailey, 58 0313‘, 40 Pam 68 Adr‘ 'essed to the undelsfigned, V: "1 be received Victoria, Square and at 11:18 Ofiice of A MOWAT, Architect, 46 BOND STREET, TORONTO. Plans and Spec‘ficutions 03.1 be seen at the residence of JAMES STOUTENBURG. ESQ., The lowest 01' any Tender not; necesmrily urn Cepth. 1â€". GEORGE LAWSON, Smrotary of Build‘ng Committea, Box 61 Vi term Square, P. 0., TUESDAY MAY 4th 1880, BBIEK METHODIST BHUBEH gm gamtimwutz. Claremont Spring Fair. TO BUILDERS. Vlotoria Square, Horse Routes. THE MA RKETS. SEALED TENDERS, CRICKET. TORON’EO: F01: the erection of a. MA mm.» M. 3: 1 18 $1 .. 1 '20 1 . 58 .. 40 68 80 6 5O 5 50 8 CO 50 65 60 70 1 22 19 18 11 50 2 50 3 1 75 3 coax: 80 6 5O 5 50 8 CO 50 65 60 70 22 19 18 11 50 00 65 65 75 8 GO 6 00 32 coax: 16 '7 S2 75 50 00 60 80 70 50 23 17 19 12 60 00 00 00 40 80 80 95 50 50 00 The Latest news R Newberry of the “Aurora. Gallery of Art” begs to intorm the Residents of Richmond Hill, and Vicinity, that he has rented the Photograph Gallery, lately occupied by where he will be in attendance every Tuesday and Fnday, commencing on Parties desiring anything in the Picture line will please remember that the Gallery will be open MB. GAME LE , TUESDAY MAY 4th 1880. ONLY 2 DAYS of any kind, to any size up to BXXO (or life size if required) and furnish them in in each week. I am prepared to enlarge old Having nearly 10 years exprrience in the art of Photogrcmhy, I can safely guarantee satisfaction to my Patrons. Call and see samples of my work Aurora, April 29th 1880‘ BBBBBBBB‘BBES uuyihnwelse. Capital not requirod; we W111 start you. $12 per day at home made by the indus1 .Eous. Men, women, boys and girls wanted evcn'yuhm‘e to work for us Now is the time. Costlv outflb am! terms free. Address TRUE 6: 00.. Augusta. Maine. In the Goods of PATRICK MURPHY, OTICE is hereby given that the creditors of PATRICK MURPHY,1ute of the Township of Vaughan, in the county of York, Farmer, who died in or about the month of August, 1879, are on or before the let day of June, 1850, to send by post pre-puid to Messrs O’sulliven & Perdue, 72 Yonge street, Toronto, solicitors for the Estate, their christian and surnames, addresses and des- cciption, the full pa‘tieulurs of their claims, a. Statehient of their accounts. and the nutrre of the securities (if any) held by them; and that after the said data the said Estate shall not be liable to any person of whose claim notice shall not then have been given. SolicitO! s for the Estate Toronto; the 19th day of April; 1880. 4* NOTICE TO Machinist-Contractors, EALED TENDERS addressed to the underâ€" signemSecrsmr; of Ru‘1ways and Canals) and endorsed "Tenders for Lock Grates, Luchine Canal," wil‘ be received at this office until the urrivn‘ o: the Eastern and W’ostern Mails, on THURSDAY THE 31:1) DAY OF JUNE, next, for the construction of gates, and the necessm y machinery connected with than], for the new locks on the Luchine Canal. Plans, Specifications and General Couditions can be seen ut this ntfice on and utter THURS< DAY the 20th day of MAY, uexb, where fauna of tender can also be obtained. Parties tende) 2111:, me expected to pro special tools necessm‘v f01, and to have u ymcti- cull knowledge of. works of this class, and are re- r-uesicd. to beam in mind that tenders will not be consiael ed unless m ade strictly in accordnnce with the printed. formsmndâ€"iu case of firmsâ€"ex. cepb i-uexe are attached the actual signatures, the nabm'e of the occupum'on and residerce of each member of the same ; and fu‘ than an [LC- cepbed bunk cheque for a sum equal m #5250, for the gates of each lock, must vcconr-muy each tendez, Which sum shall be fn‘ifci’re 1 if the pm by tendering decli .195 enieuug into contact for the work at Lhe rates uud 0:1 the 1‘s 1 we stated in the offer submitted. rl‘he cheque thus sént in \1 ,1 , be i‘euumcii to the respeciive 1m! iies whoss 10 raters I =3 not ac- cepted. For the due fulfi‘ nent of "the 00:1"?‘9cbihe paiby 01' pm uies whose Lender in is p'017048d to accept will be notified that their tardc.‘ is accepted sub- ject ton deposit of FJVF‘. mm CENT. of the bulk sum of the contractâ€" of which the sum sent in with the tender will be considered a partâ€"to be deposited to the credit of the Receiver General within EIGHT DAYS {Liter the date of the notice" Ninety per cent. only of the yxogress estimates “I‘ll be paid until the conviction of the work, Dept of Railways and Canals, OLLJWIL, 29011 Ms \JPh, 1880. This Department does not however. bind itself to accept, the lowest or n 1y tendelg. By order, STOCK OF TH E Will be FOUND at Reynolds 85 Newtons. THE [AHGEST ASSURTMENT 0F [ADIES AND. BEN’IS: REYNOLDS 8c NEWTON; RELIEVE AED CURE. Spinal Complaints, General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout. Nervousness Liver, Kidnev. Lungs, Throat and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia, Bronchitis. Incipient. Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprains. Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion, Spermntorrhoea. &c., The Appliances are made 111 all sizes and shapes fox the (1 frowns parts of the body, «and range in price from $1.00 to $5.00 for small Bands, and from $55.00 to $15.00 for Waist Belts. See Gilâ€"Jars, which is miled free to all applicants. Remember the address, ’ A. NORMAN, No. 4 Queen street East, Toronto, Ont. N. B.â€"Elact:ic Baths, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Moacuriul and Hot and Cold Baths always ready for Ladies and Gentlemen. Feb. 18th '80. The proprietor of this establishment-having had many years experience, and studied clonal this science in its application to curative purposes, feels confident that in presenting this ACM ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the public, he is supplying them With the best instrument of their kind now known to the science,â€"instruments that will do their work well if used in accordance with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheap imita- tion of all his goods. ASK FOR NORMAN’S ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU W1LL BE SAFE AGAINST IMPOSITION. TESTIMONIALS. _ .. _ , Mr Norman, Toronto, Oct. 10th, 1879. DEAR Gutâ€"About three years ago I fell from a. ladder about tWelve feet across the bunister of the stairs, and. was taken up for dead, since which time I have suffered severe pain in my back and side, and great weakness, unfitting me for business, and got very little ease until 1 used your Elec- trichelt and Insoles, which rjelieyegi ma ve_ry_ much; _Â¥ours truly, JoningnNQ. 125 ‘Yonge St. Richmond H11], April Ist, 1880. ' 0 money 18.8th at work 101‘ us than at INDIA INK OR COLORS. NOTICE TO CREIFITORS. of? The Best. Value in White and Regatta Shirts, Hosiery, (£0, at PHOTOGRAPH EALLERY l3 Our Spring Stock of General Dry Goods will be found complete, and Prices Right. 51 LACHINE CANAL ESTABLISHED 1874 NURMAN’S ELEETBU EUHATIVE O’SULLIVAN 81. PERDUE, Scarfs, Ties, Gloves, Etc., can be found at Reynolds & Newtona. ROBT, NEWBERRY, IRE-OPENED. Deceased. IN HATS 56 CAPS, at Reynolds & Newtons. Eleqtgxficity the; Life Fluid. CH EAPEST‘ Ready-Made Clothing F. BRAAUN" ARTIST, Sécr'etn‘ry‘ MONEY TO LOAN, About $4,000 On Farm Property secured by Mortgage. 'I'enns Easy. Apply to Box 165, Thornhl'll I’. 0., or to the HERALD Oflice, Richmond 11"]. 2. -, ATEST l up to noon on SATURDAY,the 15th MAY next, for furnishing and erecting in place at the severâ€" , a1 watering stations along the line of the Cana- | ditm Pacific Railway under construction, Frost- Proof Tanks with Pumps and Pumping Power 01‘ either wind or stemn, as may be found most suit- able to the locality. Notice To Machinist-Contrac- tors. EALED TENDERS addressed to the undera signed (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed “Tender for Lock Gates, Welland Canal," will be received at this ofiiee until the arrival of the Eastern and Western Mails on THURSDAY the 3rd day of JUNE, next, for the construction of gates. and the necessary machin- ery connected with them, for the new locks on the VVellnnd Canal. Plums, Specifications and General Conditions can be Seen m; this office on and after THURS- DAY the 20th day of MAY. next’ where forms of tender can also be obtained. Parties tendering are expected to provide the special tools necessary for, and to have a practiâ€" cal knowledge of, works of this class, and are reâ€" quested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made stmctly in accordance with the printed forms, andâ€"in the case of firms ~except there are attached the actual signature: the nature of the occupation and residence of each member of the same ;and, further, an acâ€" cepted bank Cheque for a sum equal to $250, for the gates of each lock, must accompany each tender, which sum shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for they work at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the raspective parties whose tenders are not. accept» B . For the due fulfilment oi the contract the party, or p11,) ties whose tender it is proposed to accept will be notified that their tender 15 accepted sub- ject to 11. deposit of FIVE P11 11 CENT. of the bluk sum of the contractâ€"of which the sum sent in with the tender \\ 111 be cons1dered a partâ€"to be deposited to the credit of the Receiver General- within EIGHT DAYS after the (late of the notice. Ninety per cent. only of the progress estimatesa will be paid until the completion of the work. This Department does not, however, bind itself to accept the luwcst or any tender. Dept of Railways and Cmmls, Ottawa, 20th March, 1850. BANAEIAN PABII'IIE RAILWAY Tenders for Tanks and Pumping. Mauhmery. ENDEBS will be received bv the undersignefl, up to noon on SATURDAY,the 15th MAY next, Drawings can be seen and apeciflcntions and? other particulars obtained at the office of ther- Engjpeer in Chief, Ottawa, on and after the 15th Dept. Railways and Canals, Ottawa, lat April, 1880. TRADE MARK. TheGreutEDg-TRADE M RK. lish Remedy is an- f‘” . unfailing cure for Seminal VVeuk- ness,Spermn.torr- hen, Inmatency, and all diseases that, follow as a. x“ “xx . sequence of self . . f N . 5- Abuse,st loss 01" (a - ' ' Memory Univcr ' . 6 ore Takmgsal Limssibude,After Takmg‘ pain in the Buck, Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, amt nmnyother diseases that lead to insanity. con-â€" sumption and uprema‘tnre grave. [3" Full purw ticulurs in our Pamphlet which we desire to send; free by mail to every one. ApFil‘ GRAVE Specific Medicine ‘3 The Specific Medicine is sold by ed! Druggish‘ at 5‘; per package, or six packages for $5, on} will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by.’ addressing, THE'GRAY MEDICINE Go, NBâ€"The demands of our business have neâ€". cessitated our removing to Toronto to which plume please address [LIL future communications SSold in Richmond Hill by ull.dnuggists, and: everywhere in Canada and the United States; 11 wholesale and xetail druggists EUHATIVE APPLIANCES 3.2m $flmtmmww. WELLAND CANAL. By Order, By Order, ToIonto, 01112., Canada F. BRAQN, TYLES F. BRApN, Societmry_, Seéretary.-

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