Going South, \Ves‘b and East, includ‘ ing Maple, Thornhin. Toronto. Markham, &c., Going North BIGHMBND HILL PUST [IITIEE Going South East and West (as above) at 7:20 N. B.â€"â€"Reg istmed Létters must be handedin at leastg fifteen Minutes earlier lthnn the ubme mentioned hours for closing. .. Richmond Hill Post Oflice, M. TEEFY March 9th 1880. Postmaster POST OFFICE NOTICE THURSDAY. MAY 6, The Annual Spring Exhibition of the Richmond Hill and Yonge Street Agricultural Society will be held as usual in Mr John Palmer’s Grounds, in this village, on the anniversary of the Queen’s Birthday, 24th inst. Judging ‘ from present indications the Exhibition ‘ will prove a very successful one. The receipts last year amounted to $586.63, and the disbursements to $504.83. This was a more favorable statement than that of the previous year, and we see no reason to doubt a proportional increase in attendance and prizes this year. Very few changes have been made in the prize list, but there has been considerableadded to it, and an unusual number of specials are oï¬ered. We are pleased to note the earnestnesg of the oflicers and some members in en- deavoring to aid the Society as much as possible, and hope that many others will follow the commendable example. To the perseverance and untiring energy ‘of the President, Secretary,and severalDirectors the complete success of former years is due. Let every per- son in this neighborhood seek to ad- vance the interests of the Society by every means in their power, for the next few weeks, and they may rest as- sured the labor will not be lost, or with- out remuneration. The society always has a good show of horses, and this year we anticipate a decided increase in the number of heavy and light horses. Very few shows can_crowd us aside in ï¬ne-looking horses, and the same may be truthfully said of cattle and sheep. We have thoroughbred stock in these classes that are well worthy the atten- tion of farmers all over the country, and have never been beaten in any show. In swine and poultry the exhibition is always of a superior order, and our farm implements manufacturers have a world-wide reputation. The Waggons, Carriages, etc,, would add to the, attrac- tions of: any Provincial Exhibition, and our harness and leather workers, secure prizes from all over the country. In dairy produce and other ladies’ work, we hope there will be a great improve- ment on the exhibition made last year. We feel assured that the ladies have only to exert themselves in order to make this part of the Exhibition equally, if not more attractive than any other. We have every conï¬dence in their abil. ity to do so, and hope that our expecta- tions in this particular will be more than realized. A very pleasant and prominent feature in connection with the show in the ball will be the collec- tion of house plants. We have many ï¬ne, rare and choice plants in this vil- lage, and we hope all those in this vil- lage and neighborhood who can bring their plants, will endeavor to do so. There are three prizes offered, but this is not the ‘main reason why the plants should be exhibited. Nothing can add more to the display in the hall, and help to make it a grand suc- cess. it. He they have been the aulhor 'of the ï¬rst half, but the latter part is copied 'word for word from Mr .Blake’s speech, delivered at Teeswater. Our contempor- ary up. on the bill, should not lay himself open to such bare‘faced plaigarism. He is old enough to know better. to know that such attempts to deceive the public, are not honorable. We don’t ï¬nd fault with him for publishing an extract from Mr Blake’s speech a; Teeswater. He may .publish all Mr Blake’s speeches†if he wishes ,to, but he should give .Mr Blake credit for them, and not attempt to make his readers believe llmt he or.his amanu‘ensis, is the author. “Honor, (or credxt.) to whom honor is 29:†The gentlemen who are endeavoring to foster and encourage the increase of house plants are deserving of every praise, and we trust there will be an effort made this year to form our Society into an Agricultural and Horticultural Society, as we would thereby be entitled to and receive the Government Grant. in the meantime it is the duty of every one to lend a helping hand to the com- ing exhibition. Those who believe they could sell a few members tickets can get them on applying to the Secretary- The Bills, containing the prize list and other particulars. will be out in a few days. For list of Judges see report in another column. Our lip-town contemporary had a very spirited article a few weeks or so ago, on “Why are you a Liberal. 1†Half of this article was well enough in its way, if heap- ing all kinds of abuse upon the Conserva- tives, and representing the Refer-mere as saints too good for earth, is supposed to be the correct thing for Liberals. The re- mainder of the article, dealt with politics in a broader sense, and in a more statesman- like manner. The article was signed “A Supporter,†and was calculated to lead readers to believe that some remarkably clover Liberal in this neighborhood had written it. The LIBERAL copied that article from one of our Northern exchanges. It was sent texthis exchange by :1 correspond- em, who passed hirnself off as the author of Until further notiéé, Mails will be closed at the Our Spring Exhlbition. Still Trying to Mislead. We 2mm ï¬nal“. MORNING EVENING AS FOLLOWS 1880. 7:35 Hand or Steam Fire Engine. The meeting called by the Reeve in the 001111: Room,ï¬n Wednesday evening last. to consider the advismbility of purchasing the Fire Engine now on Exhibition_here,_was largely atteqdefld. .. In the absence of the Reeve, Dr Langstaï¬, it' was moved by MrM Tecfy, seconded by Mr C Chumberlin, That Mr Parker Crosby act as Ohuirmun. The -meeting was then called to order, and on motion Mr D T Fairbminl was ap- pointed Secretary. The Secretary read the cir- cular issued by the Reeve, calling the meeting. MR LAWRENCE said ' the Morn‘son engine tried last Friday. was 25 years old, and neml every rutepm‘er he spoke to was dissatisï¬ed with the melllt of the trial. It was for the lutepuyere tosmy whether the Council should pay for the engine, or the mtepnyers.‘ He asked the Clerk whether a By-lmv had been passed authorizing the purchase of the engine. The Clerk replied that he was not aware of â€MY- Mn LAWRENCE contented that according to the Statutes it is illegal for the Council to pur- chase real or personal property Without passing aBy-laW. As a ratepayer he protested against the Council buying the engine, and forbid the Tregsuger to pa): fqr int. The Clerk read the Statutes on the matter, and was of opinion that While it was clear property must be purchased by By-law,it was not clear that such By-law must be submitted. to the ‘. “““V‘Ymm,, ., ~,«nd.ndn_“_ :11._:| MR CHAR CHAMBERLIN moved, seconded by MR S. PROCTOR, That the Council be instructed to purchase a Steyam Fire Engine. A.-- -,“““rvn 1 ~ ,, .,-. rwy-v- MR REDDITT contended that the Council had acted 1egn.11y,und were Willing to stand by all their actions. It; should be understood that the enginoflwus not purchased yet. ~ MB- REDDITT contended that the steamer al- luded to could not be purchased, and that the hand engine would prove more beneï¬cial to the village. He only wished to do What was right and just. In spending rntepevers’ money, he also spent his own, and he thought it unjust that the Council should be so strongly censured before the engine had been given a. fair trial. In a. speech of considerable length, he upheld the action of the Council, reviewed the Fire Engine question for some few years, explained wherein. he considered a. steamer unsuitable for the vi1~ lage. He wished to buy the cheapest and best engine, and to act according to the wishes of the ratepayers. If a majority ‘of the ratepayers in the village signed their names in favor of a. steamer, he would get them one. He was elected to do his duty, and he intended to do it, notwith- standing the opposition of grumblers who com plained that the head engine was useless because it required forty men to Work it ; and who never helped to work the engine yet. He could throw water in three minutes, and work the engine with eight men. He thought the engine should have a. frgr tram before it was condemned, or the Council a use . , Mn CHAMBERLYN then strongly advocated the purchase of a. steamer, which could be got for $1300.11; would save $30 a year on his property in insmance mtes, and if the town was insured for l50_,_ 000, they could 593:8. $7530 yearly. The discussion was long, and personalities were frequently touched upon by speakers After considerable cross- ï¬reing, abuse, explorin- tions, etc†the meeting adjourned until Monday Evetning next. In the meantime the Engine will 9 me Great dissnpointment was expressed regarding the abuse nee of the Reeve. " Miï¬huncumb and Mr W Pugsley (Councillors) agreed with Redditb and made lenthy speeches in _s_up1)ort of what they had done. MerrElliott was in fzivor of giving the engine a. fair trial before it was condemned. If it proved a. gopjl engine th_e Council ahou1_d buy if“. Mr W Trench, exâ€"Reeve, thought the engine was a good one,and if it came up to the guarantee and could be worked with 12 or 15 men, it was one the village should be proud of.He thought‘the en- gine should be fairly tested, before it was con- damned. Now that spring time has come around again in earnest, and the warm weather is testing the enduring capacity of humanity, it is time for those who have not already-done so to clean up their yards, and remove V, everything in the shape of impurities which ' may have accumulated during the winter. This should be done, for their own sake, as well as that of their neighbors, as disease can hardly ever be produced or propagated to such an alarming ex- tent by any other means, as by allowing rubbish and putrifying matter to remain in close vicinity to dwelling houses dur- ing hot weather. Of‘ course those who do not attend to this timely advice and warning must be made to do so, and we have no doubt our eï¬icient Inspector; Mr Brieknel], will look sharply after all who neglect to do their duty in this matter: BOGUS AND COUNTeRFeIT.â€"There is no genuine Hop Bitters made or sold in Cana- da, except by Hop Bitters M’f’g Co., of Toronto, Ont, nor can there be, for the sole and exclusive right to use the name Hop Bitters is secured to said Company by the laws of Canada, by two registered trade marks, and it is a heavy penalty for any one to use the name Hop Bitters or make or sell anything pretendi 2 to be like it. Druggists and consumer Should remember this. and shun all spurious, injurious stuff made by others or elsewhere. Hop Bitters is the purest and best medicxne made. A meeting of the Directors of the Rich- mond Hill and Yonge Street Ag. Society, was held in thé Court Room, on Tuesday evening last, the Presidens, Mr Wm Patter- son in lhe chair. The following Judges were appointed for the Exhibition to be held in this village on the 24th inst. Judges for Richmond H111 Spring Fair. HEAVY DRAFT'HORSES. â€"â€"Messra W Innis Bradford, ; Joseph Cummisky, Headford ; auQ'Craward, Scarbpiro. . LIGHT HokSEs.â€"Messrs Hensley, New- market ; Geo Forester, Gormley; and D Reaman, Concord. DAIRY PRODUCEâ€"Mrs-Tï¬os' Page. Mrs D Smiley, Vaughan; Mr: Thos Palmer, Richmond Hill. It was decided to erect a temporary frame building on the rear end of Mr Pal- mer’s 1m, and adjoining the faxr grounds. to show the Ladies Work, Flowers, Dairy, etc. The meeting then adjourned. SHEEP'AND SWINE. â€"â€"â€"Mess1s Wm Jackson, Lans‘ng; H Jennings, Victoria. Squa1‘,e - and_ Wm Robins_,o11 Newmarket Foamyâ€"Messrs W D Stotts, Mark- ham ; Thos Ludford. Richmond Hill ; and Tligs Elliott, Lambton ll'lills. FARM IMPLEnmNTs.â€"Messrs Wm Hood, Buttonville ; Arihur Duncan, Downsview ; and D Smiley, Vaughan. Heavy Horses, Mr J Duncan ; Light Horses, Mr N Playter; Caitle, Mr Wm Lawson; Sheep and Swine, M. E Sander- son ; Poultry, Mr H Hopper, Implements, Mr D Boyle; Carriages, etc, Mr D Gray j Dairy, Mr P Crosby ; Harness, Mr G" New- berry;Ladies Work and Flowers, Mr C Duncumb. Messrs J Palmer, 0 Duncumb. and N Playter were appomted a committee to let the booths. at $5 a piece. A motion to pay Mr Palmer $20 for use of ground was carried. CATl‘lvE. -â€"Messrs John Collard, Totting- ham; Wm Milliken, Millikan; and Thos. Webster, Colerain. WAGGONS AND CARRlAGEs.â€"Messrs Jus. Leigh, Scarboro ; Wm Russell, sen., Rich- mond Hill, and James Speight, Markham. DAIRY PRODUCEâ€"Mrs Thos Page. Mrs HARNGSS AND Lumen. Wormâ€"W. H. Myers, Barrie; D. T. Fairbaim, Richmond Ell], and Bisterd, Lagging. FLoweRs.â€"-Miss Sarah Elliott, Rich- mond Hill; Miss Eva. Duncan. DoWnsview ; mss Maggie Lawson, V1cLox_~ia “Square. Messm John Elliott, Thus Johnston, and'Jacob Bennett, were appointed gate- kefzpers. LADIes WORKEâ€"Miss Rose Fielder, But- tonville ; Mrs W. H. Myers, Barrie; Mrs Jacob Bennett. Richmond Hill. The foTlowing weée appointefl ‘ to ass‘st the_ Judges : TO Buy or Not to Buy ? Clean "Your' Yards. A LIVELY DISCUSSION. A Shooting Gallery has been opened in the Court Room. The ï¬rst number of the Aurora Bore- alis, arrived last week. It is in the eight page form, and presents a neat and attractive appearance, and is a very readable sheet. The Congregational meeting of the C M Church, was held at the parsonage on Monday last. We are pleased to {announce that the condition of the Church is very satisfactory to the ofï¬- cers and members. ' Mr Harrison has cut down the two large shade trees in front of his shot), and greatly improved the appearance of the place. Mr Peter Savage is putting the ï¬n- ishing touches to his residence, by hav- ing a neat and attractive looking iron railing erected around his balcony. The funeral of Mrs M Steve nsou, took place on Wednesday last, and was largely attended. Deceased was buried in the Presbyterian Cemetery. The monthly cattle fair was held in this village on Wednesday last. The attendance was fair. Some ï¬ne cattle was noticed, and prices were good. PAINFUL ACCIDENT. -â€"On Thurs afternoon, 29th ult., Miss McLellan (daughter of Dr McLellan, Toronto ,) who Is visiting her friends at Patterson, met with a very painful accldent The young lady was opening,r a bottle of Ammonia, when it exploded and the liquid flew into her eyes, and all over her face. She sufl'ered the most intense agony all afternoon and night, although every thing possible was done to relieve the pain. It was feared that her sight would be entirely destroyed, as she was unable to see on the following morning, but under Dr. Jas. Langstafl’s care, she has partially recovered the use of her eyes, and the Doctor feels assured that her sight will be completely restored in a short time. Miss McLellan has the sincere sympathy of' every one in her great affliction, and her many friends will be pleased to hear that she 1s rapid- ly recovering from the effects of the accident. MECHANICS’ INSTITUTEâ€"The Anâ€" nual meeting of the members of the In- stitute was called on Tuesday evening;r last. The attendance was small, and no business was transacted. The meet- ing adjourned until Tuesday 11th inst, at 7.30 o’clock. The meeting is for the election of ofï¬cers and other important business, and We hope the members will endeavor to attend. MEDICALâ€"Dr. B. E. McKenzie informs us that he has decided to lo- cate and practice his profession at Rich- mond Hill. He is a graduate in Arts 'of Victoria University, and a Graduate in Medicine and Surgery of McGill University at Montreal. His oï¬ice and resuience is at. Mrs Walker’s Youge street. NOT TO BE FOUND.-The party or parties who broke into the Patterson School House recently, after school hours, and conducted themselves in the most disgraceful manner have not yet been discovered, notwithstanding that the Trustees have offered a Reward of $50, for their apprehension, and the Vaughan Council offered a reward of $20 for the same purpose. Certain par~ ties are strongly suspected, but there is no positive proof, and in the meantime, the suspectedpersons are being watched. SOME PEOPLEâ€"The ultimatum of meanness is exempliï¬ed in the man who takes his local paper for several years Without paying for it, and when he re- ceives a bill for back dues, sneaks up to the post oflice and tells the Postmaster to send word to the publisher to stop sending the paper 10 his-address. A SEVERE FALLâ€"On Mouday' last Miss Wright, (the daughter of Mr Wm \Vright, who lives on Yonge street. near the Oak Ridges toll gate,) was thrown from her horse, while riding through this village. The horse became fright- ened when passing Trench’s shop, and jumping suddenly to one side of the road, threw the young lady very violent- ly. No serious injury was inflicted, although Miss Wright was severely bruised and shaken. LADIES AIDâ€"The weekly meeting ofthis Society was held on Monday evening, at the residence of Mrs Peach. The social was fairly attended, Tea was served in the basement, and over $16 _Was collected. The sewing committee were unusually busy during the after- noon and evening. The next meeting willbe held at the residence of Mrs George Soules, on Monday next, 10th inst. All are requested to attend. HAM AND COFFEEâ€"The Social of this nature, which was held at Victoria Hall, Thornhill, on Friday evening last, under the auspices of the I 0 G T, was well attended. A number of persons were present from this village. The refreshments were good, and were well appreciated. After tea Mr John San- derson, of Richmond Hill,was appointed chairman. The programme consisted of solos, and a dialogue. Amongst the songs worthy particular mention was one excellently rendered by Miss Purkiss, who was accompanied on the piano, by Miss Ada Reid. Johnny Grice also sang a comic song in good style, which proved highly amusing. The Dialogue “A Little More Cider,“ was rendered in character, and caused heaps of fun. The parts were all well taken, but those which created the most laughter, and wh1ch were acted to pe1fection. were taken by Miss Reid and Mr Johnny Grice. In another column will be found an able speech by Mr Boultbee, M P for East York, which was recently delivered in the House of Commons, on the National Currency. Read it. It will repay perusal. LOCAL ITEMS. ‘Boultbee “(m the National w w â€" i-“J‘t WHKVV ._.cau.-1D This subject is one of such importance“ that [think I am warranted in giving exs pi-ession to my very crude ideas for a few moments. It seems to me, sir, that this subject is well worth discussing, and by[ men much more capable than I am, and moreover, the question is of such growmg interest in the country that Ido not care‘to be silent on the subject. It is useless to deny or seek to conceal the unpleasant truth that we have had much trouble in conducting our aï¬'airs for the last few years, we have suffered and are suffering serious embarrassment, in fact, have been. rather going from one stage to another of evil, the last worse than the ï¬rst, and very naturally have to cast about for some means whereby we mayhope to extricate ourselves from the trouble into which we have fallen. in inaugurating the National Policy we had in view the purpose of doing our own husniess. manufacturing o‘ur owu commodi- ties and thus creating our own wealth, but in doing this, and so doing it as to give that Policy a’ fair trial, we require larger| means, more capital on which to conduct our business. But, 1 agree fully with the member for South Norfolk, that it is not advisable to seek to increase our present means by borrowing more money in Eng- land, The great evil we have to struggle under now, is our enormous foreign iii- debtedness, overtaxiug the resources of our country and the energies of the people in paying the interest, and causing each year increased difï¬culty in carrying on the affairs of the country. Iam aware thata certain measure of ridicule attaches to any man who questions for a moment the in- fallibility of a gold basis for all currency or says anything in its disparagement. The reason for this is to be found in two causes, , ï¬rst those who discuss this question with authority are for the most part men con- nected with the large ï¬nancial institutions, the wealthy rulers of the world, and as a necessary result when there is any sugges- tion of interference with established cur- rency. these men come at once to the front and strenuously oppose any such disturbing interference. The hard part is, that a small ring of these ï¬nancial men stand with their hands on the throat of the world, they tax every enterprise and impose a heavy discount on geiiiusmothing can be projected, no scheme can be set afloat without their tithing it heavily. A man of great intellec- tual power may spend the best years of his life in devising something for the beneï¬t of mankind,but before he can reap any reward for the efforts of his genius, for his years of toil, the capitalist must be invoked who sweeps away nine-tenths of she proï¬t in assisting to float the adventure. These men control the ï¬nancial interests of the world, and make money out of money. It is, therefore, only natural that they should dislike and oppose any change of the estab- lished system, and unfortunately they have 'UHO 'rD-‘IDz-r rvuq I @9301 Err/:1? mmwnanuvâ€"IHH bâ€"‘mmw‘ w (vi-03w: enormous power. But the second reason is of n more solid and reasonable character, and it is this, as stated by the member for North Norfolk, viz. : that gold and silver have been established for centuries as the basis or medium, or measure of value in international exchange. Now, it does seem to me, and it is aquestion so important. that it demands the gravest treatment, that it is quite practicable for the affairs of nations to be based and conducted internal- ly and among their own people upon and with a national currency based on the national resources, and yet leave gold as the basis of value in International Exchange For example, as we are now openingr up our North-West by means of the Paciï¬c Railway, we might it seems t me try the experinient ofa currency 0 our own in connection With this work. Supposing for instance, that the ï¬rst one hundred miles west of Winnipeg costsa million of dol- lars, Why should not the Government issue a Dominion currency in payment for this work, bearing no interest but re- deemable if its redemption is ever desired, in say ten or ï¬fteen years in ordinary Dominion Stock. the currency meanwhile secured not only by the general credit of the country, but especially by the work constructed and by the. land set apart to assist in building the road, so that the price received therefor should be hypothe- cated to redeem this currency. In my opinion aDominion currency issued thus and secured thus would not depreciate while it would give us an additional mil- lion of circulation, thus largely increasing our general business capacity, while as against borrowing the money in England, it would save us ï¬fty thousand dollars a year in interest going out of‘ the country. thus great advantages would be conferred and no evil if the/currency did not de- preciate, and I hesitate not to nï¬irm that subject to these conditions it would not,and in such case the same reasoning would ap- ply to any reasonable amount issued in the way on a like basis, and With similar safe- guards, so that we might in fact within the next few years builda thousand miles of Railway through our fertile lands, and in- crease our available business capital by ten millions. saving ourselves ï¬ve hundred‘ thousand dollars a year which would other- wise be drained out of the country for in- terest. This currency would thus be based, on our general and also on certain special resources, and I should like to know if instead of doing this, we borrow the money in England, on What credit we shall hor- row it. It will not be on the Credit of ouri gold, because as other nations we have it not. No, the money, ifborrowed, will be loaned to us on the credit of the national resources of, Canada, our lands. timber, public works‘aud the like. And, air, when we come to thbseu'esolutions, what policy do they really initiate. Nothing less than‘that what statesmen have been all along attempting to do, attempting iny deed to preserve the theory of a gold‘ .«w vâ€"V‘V‘. ‘1\vlâ€"-\y- wwwpwï¬wvâ€"qt... basis of value while disregarding it practi-t cally. They desire, not to disturb theI currency, but they want more money, and they know that the country requires a larger medium of exchange for business. So they dou’tdisturb existing arrangements, but simply issue a larger proportion of currency and a. smaller proportion of gold. . Andl maintain that this is nothing less, than a practical recognition of the truth that the gold measure of value is only at theoretical measure of value after all, and that the real basesof credit are the national resources of the country. The arguments used by the member for North Norfolk, are the old stock arguments which have been used for centuries,they enunciate noth- ing new, and for the purposes of argument in this debateimight as well have been left unsaid as they were all pointed at large illegitimate issues of irredeemable currency with no source for redemption provided, not at such a scheme as I suggest, which is widely different, indeed, being- merely the issue of a small and reasonable amount in payment for a' public work, that work being its security as well as the lands set apart for its construction, and the general credit of the country. Altho’ able to agree with the mover of thevresolutionâ€"Mr Wal- laceâ€"there were certainly very novel ideas put forward by him, and very well worthy of a careful consideratiou. Green window blinds for sale at the HERALD Store. Currency. Wnoss FUNERAL was IT,-â€"THE STORY or A DEAD Branâ€"One day last week, a young man, about twenty-ï¬ve years of age, 6 feet in height, with sandy-Whiskers,brown hair and grey suit. drove over from Wood- bridge, so he said, to this village. He was accompanied by a black-haired, ï¬ve foot eight, dark suited friend. The six-footer wore a very sad look, and seemed “allee snmee brokee up,†as the heathens say.‘ He put up atone of our hotels, and told ‘ the landlord a very pitiful tale. His mother was dead, and the funeral was now on the road from Stouï¬'ville,to this village. He not only looked sad but he felt sad, and in order to keep his spirits up. he toek an extraordinarily large amount of " spirits†down, at intervals of half-an-hour or so. He waited long and patiently for that funeral, but it came not. Acting on the landlord’s suggesâ€" tion, he telegraphed to ï¬nd out what was the matter, and received an answer, so he said, that ‘ the funeral would be along in the morning. Diu- ‘ ner , tea, bed and breakfast was received, and and the spirits still kept going down, but the funeral didn’tconnect. The young man looked unutterable woe, and the sympathiz‘mg landlord was so affected by his grief, that he kept comfort- ing him by remarking “Brace up, old fellow, don’t give way like that.†“The funeral will be along pretty sol'in." “Yes, yes it is sad, but you shouldn’t take it so hard. Just have a. little something, it will do you good." The sad lookâ€" ing young man had “a little something,†and after moving around for a few hours, told the landlord he would “hitch up, and meet the funer- al." The landlord thought it a good idea and as our sad-looking friend was going away, he order- ed the landlord to have a good dinner for about fifteen or twenty persons. who would be sure to accompany the funeral, and would want dinner. Then he left us, and the landlord looks sad yet,-- whenever he ponders over the fact that that young man forgot to pay for his meals. bed, or for his spirits being kept in . It is supposed that he did not meet the funoruf, at least the funeral never got here, and the landlord can’t sleep at night for fancying he sees that sadâ€"looking young man driving all 8.1‘ (flind the country, looking, limiting and telegraphing for that funeral. If he should ever strike the same hotel, in this town, he'll never be troubled about funerals any more. ’l‘hero’ll be a. funeral, but he won’t feel much in- terest in it, and yet the landlord says “he’ll be there, all solid." To $6000 A YEAR, or $5 to $20 a day in your own localitv. No risk' Women do as well a3 men. Many make more than the amount stated ab eve. No one can fail to make money fast, Any one can do the work. You can make from 50 01:5 to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money maxing ever offered before. Business pleasan and strictly honorable. Reader, if you want t know all about the best paying business betor the public , send us your address and we wil send you full particu ars and private terms free samples with $5 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE :TINSON & 00.,Augusta Maine“; 30 per cent of premiums returned in proï¬ts Loans made to Church Trustees, at a. low rate of interest. Send for prospectus. Barley, †do ,. Oats, do .. Peas do Bye do ..... Dressed 11095.net 100 Tbs. Beef, hind quarters per 100 tbs Mutton, by the cm case per 100 ms‘ Chickens per pair. ‘ Ducks, per brace Gaese,ench ......... Turkeys, each Butter, 1b rolls large r0113 tub dairy.“ Eggs, fresh, doz Pototoesmcr bag, ‘ Amples per barrel . Onions, per bar . Tomatoes, per bush“ Turnips, per bag Culrots, per bag Beets per bag Pursnips, per bag Hay per, ton. Straw per, 13011.: Wool per 1b.. Of London England. Alderman McArthur, M. P, Chair man, W W Baynes,Esq,F I Aï¬ecretary Reserve Fund ........ $8,000,000 Annual Income ...... 1,400,000 Invested in Canada. .. 850,000 Death clalms paid. . . . 7,500,000 THE WHEAT CROP.-â€"â€"-The Farmer’s ADVOCATE says: “The winter wheat west of Toronto, has a very promising appearance; the plant is in a ï¬ne healthy con'lition, and should no misâ€" fortune in the way of insects, frosts or rust overtake it, we shall have one of the largest crops ever harvested in VVesâ€" tern Ontario. The reports east of Toronto are not quite as favorable. From the Western States the accounts are most encouraging from appearances. Owing to the prices that apples have ,sold at in England a stimulus must. be given to their cultivation. Assurance ' Soc’y At the recent session of the County Court. Judge McKenzie sitting, judgement was de- livered in the cause of Brock vs. Markham. This was an action for negligence. While driving along a road in the Township of Markham, plaintiï¬â€˜s horse got into a hole and he was thrown out, and his buggy was considerable damaged. The jury gave n verdict for 890, which was suslained by His Honour, who accordingly discharged the rule for a new trial. HURON AND YORK PLowMEx.â€"-The Huron SIGNAL says; It will be remembered that last. fall. the plowmen of Huron challenged those of York to a friendly contest of Skl“. Our York friends tried what. was here look- ed upon as a game of “blufl’.†The Huron plowmen are still open to compete with their York friends ; the match to take place in the County of Huron. The con- testants to be12 men, and 6 youths under 20 years ofage on each side. The object of the contest is not a money making oneI but simply for a. test of skill. Arrange- ments as to expenses, date of contest and other preliminaries as may be agreed upon. Ad_dress Signal Ofï¬ce: Godericli; Total deposits up to 30m Ap1il,1880. $159,850.00 Deposit in month of " ..... . 2,022.00 Withdrawals in “ “ “. 1,124.43 THURSDAY, may 6th 1880 PRICES AT FARMERS' wmaons Wheat full, new,per bush .m. ....$ 1 20 Spring 64119 1 20 o , Barley, . 0,0 Oats, do . 4D Peas do A 68 RAIN TILE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT From wHat we can learn the Huron men are not very anxious to meet the York plowman. If they mean business, they can be accommodated. SAVINGS BANK.â€"â€"The following is the statement of the Richmond Hill, Post Ofï¬ce Savings Bank, for the mouth ending 30th April, 1880. “ Sold †THE STAR LIFE QUALITY THE MARKETS. A W Lauder, Sec. &Treus. for Canada. Victoria. Chambers, Toronto, 7. Feb. 12th 1880. TORON'EO: THOS. NIGHTINGALE'S, M. TEEFY, Postmaster. Funeral. Yorkvile $120 1 20 6,0 40 68 80 $1 1 6 00 ’7 50 32 00 6 00 8 00 55 (50 '70 20 18 11 2 50 1 75 00 030 ('15 65 o. NOTICE is hereby given that the creditors of PATRICK MURPHY, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the county of York, Farther, who died inor about the month of August, 1879, are on or before the 1st day of June, 18%, to send by post pre-paid to Messrs O’sulliven ‘& Perdue, 72 Yonge street, Toronto, solicitors for the Estate, their Christian and surnames, addresses and des- cription. the full‘purticulars of their claims, a. statement of their accounts. and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them ; and that after the said date the said Estate shall not be liable to any person of Whose claim notice shall not then have been given. O’SULLIVA N 85 PERDUE , In the Goods of PATRICK MURPHY, Solicitors for the Estate Toronto, the 19th day of April, 1880. 4* EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed (Seeretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed “Tenders for Lock Gates, Lachine Canal," will be received at this ofl‘ice until the arrival of the Eastern and Western Mails, on THURSDAY THE 3RD DAY OF JUNE, next, for the cdnstru-ction of gates, and the necessary machinery connected with them, for the new locks on the Lachine Canal. NOTICE TO Machinist- Contractors, Plans, Spec iï¬cnbions and General Conditions can be seen at this oflice on and after THURS- DAY the 20th day of MAY, next, where forms of tender can also be obtained. Parties tendexing are expected to provide the special tools necessarv for, and to have a przwti- cal knowledge of, works of this class, and are re- quested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, andâ€"in case at ï¬rmsâ€"ex. cept there are attached the actual si natures, the nature of the occupation and yesi ence of each member of the same :and further, an ac» cepted bank cheque for a sum equal to #6250, for the gates of each lock, must accom any each tender, Which sum shall be forfeited i the party tendering declines entering, into contract for the work at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. For the due fulï¬lment: of the contract the party or parties whose tender it is proposed to accept will be notiï¬ed that their tender is accepted sub- ject to a. deposit of FIVE PER CENT. of the bulk sum of the contract~of which the sum sent in with the tender will be considered a 1mrt»to be deposiï¬ed to the credit. of {‘he Receiver General within EEGHT DAYS after the date of the notice. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to thetrcifpective parties Whme tenders are not no» cep e . not required; we will start you. Men Women, boys tmd girls make money luster um work fer us than at anything else. The work is light and nloasmit, and such as anyone can go right at. Those Who are wise who see this notice will send us their mltiresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outï¬t and terms free. NOW is the time. Those already at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE & 00.,Augusta, Maine. AMONTH suanteed‘ $12 a. day at 3 home by the industrious. Capital iness & trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those Will- ing to work, You Should tirv nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the busâ€" iness We after. No room to explmn here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the bu sipess, and make great may for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and parti- culars which we mail free, $55 outï¬t free. Don't complain of hard times While you have sucha. chance. Address H. HALLETT dc (30., Portland Maine. AWEEK in your own jnown, and no capital risked. You can give the bus- Grocerien, Croakery. ardware, 8m. ., in abundance, all of which is respectfully Iiibmitted to the inspection 0 a. critical public. ISAAC CROSBY. Ninety per cent. only of the )‘rogress estimates will be paid until she completion of the Work. Dept of Railways and Cm’mls, Ottawa, 29611 March, 1580. AND HORSE SHOER; Horse shoeing done at $1 9. set for Cash, 3136140 cents for removes. Drawings can be seen and speciï¬cations and other particulars obtained at the ofï¬ce of the Jingjlneer in Chief, Ottawa, on and after the 15th pn . De t. Railways and Canola) ttawa, 13!: April, 1880. I Place of Business Just north of P Crosby, Esq., Yonge streem, Richmond Hill .L up to noon on SATURDAY/clue 15th MAY next,, for furnishing and erecting in place at the sever» al watering stations along the line of the Cunaâ€" ditm Paciï¬c Railway under construction, Frost- Proof Tanks with Pumps and Pumping Power of either wind or steam, as may be found. most sult- able to the locality. SPECIAL LINES IN COTTONS, smmms, BEMINS, DUCKS, 1m. m, A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF Geo. STEPHENS ‘flANAIIIAN PAGII'Il} RAILWAY Tenders for Tanks and Pumping Machmery. ENDEBS will be received bvtho undersigned up to noon on SATURDAY the 1: 3th MAS: next, SPRENG i3 HERE! New 86 Seasonable Goods, This Department does not however. bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. By order, Prints 86 ‘ Dress ' Groods SUITS MM] Tl] flflllflll FlillM 53 “Mill! 33312111 @t’tmtmmmtz. NOTICE T0 ORE DITORS. LACHINE CANAL Richmond Hm, April lst, 1880 Is Prepared with a Large and Splendid Assortment of General Blacksmith, The Largest and Best Stock of Spring 'I'weeds to be seen in Richmond Hill Deceased. A Splendid Assortment! MOURNING GOODS ! By Order, In Cobourgs, Twills, Merinos & Cashmeres Summer is Coming, and the F. BRAUN. F. BRAAUN, Seéretary. Secfetmry. MONEY T0 LOAN, About $4,000 On Farm Property Secured by Mortgage Terms Easy. or to the HERALD Oflice, Richmond Hill The Latest news: R Newbsrry of the ‘fAurom Gallery of Art†begs to intorm the Residents of Richmond Hill, and Vicinity, that he has rented the Photograph Gallery, lately occupied by where he will be in attendance every Tuesday and Friday, commencing on Parties desiring anything in the Picture line will please remember that. the Gallery will be open MB. GAMBLE , in each Week. ~ I am prepared to enlarge 01d ONLY 2 DAYS of any kind, to any size up to 8X10 (or life size if required) and furnish them in Q TUESDAY MAY 4th 1880. Having nearly 10 years experience in the art of Photogrunhy, I can safely guurzmtee satisfaction to my Patrons. Call and see smnplos of my work Aurom, April 29th 1880. PHA'EEJ ERAPHA The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by an Dmggist. at $l per package, or six packages for $5, or" will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by; addressing, THE: GRAY Ménlcmlâ€"z -00,“ Ref ' Memory, U’niver. ““‘N" '.' 01'6 Takmgsa} IJMBitude,.A-ftez akmg" pain in the Buck, Dimnessof Vision, Premature old age, uni“ munyother diseases that lead to insunit con» sumption and a premature grave. :2? Fu 1 parv‘ ticulurs in our Pamphletwhiehwe desire to gem}. free by mail to every one. Parties tendering are expected to provide the special tools necessary for and to have a. practiâ€" cal knowledge of, works of this class, and are re- quested to bear' 1n mind t‘hut tandem will not be considered unless made stmctly in accordance with the printed forms, Midâ€"in the case of ï¬rm& ~except there are attached the actual signatures the nature of the occupation and residence of each member of the same; and, further, an ac- cepted bank cheque for a. sum equal to $250 for the gates of each lock must cccomigany each tender, which sum 3111111 be forfeited the party tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the retesrend 011‘ the terms stated in the offer submitted, Notice To Machinist-Contracâ€" tors. EALED TENDERS addressed to the underâ€" ‘ signcd (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed “Tender for Lock. Grates, Welland Canal,†will be received at this oflice until the arrival of the Eastern and \Vestorn Mails on THURSDAY the 3rd day of JUNE, next, for the construction of gates. and the necessary machinr ery connected with them, for the new locks on the Welland Canal. The cheque thus gelatin win boreturned to the rï¬spective parties Whose tenders are not accept; e . , . Tolonto, Ont“, Canada; NB.~T1101lemnnds of our business have neâ€" cessitated our removing to Toronto, to which place please address all future communications Plums, Speciï¬cations and General Conditions can be seen at this oflice on and after THURSâ€"I DAY the 20m any of MAY. next, Where forms of tender can also be obtained. For the due fulï¬lment of the contract the party, or artiea Whose tender it 1'5 proposeci to accept be notiï¬ed that their tender in†uceep ted subâ€" jwect to a. deposit of FIVE PER CENT. of the bluk sum. of the contractâ€"of whwï¬ the sum sent in with She tender Wfli be considered a pert-to be deposited to the credit of the Receiver General; within EIGHT DAYS after the (18.178 of the neï¬'ce. Ninety per cent. only of tflnepfogress e'sï¬matem will be pail until the compl’etxon of'the work. ‘ This Department deem not, however,bind itself to accept. the lowest or'uny tandem. Dept of Rnflwnys and Canals, Ottawa, 29th March, 1850. TRADE MARK. r IESold in Richmond Hill by all druagists, amt everywhere in Canada. and the United States 11 wholesalennd rotuil drgggists GRAY’S Spe ciï¬ 0' Med 1 cine! 34’}va ï¬dwtimxmm. INDIA INK OR COLORS. WELLAND CANAL. PHUTDERAPH GALLERY The GrezxtEng-TRADE M ‘ RK. ‘HBh Remedy m an , unfailing eurerfor Seminal- \Vaak- mess Spematorv hen, Impot’ency, am} all. disemsea that follow as a. sequence of self Abu‘sems Ihss of ROBT, NEWBERRY, RE-OPENED. Apply to Box 165, Thornhill I’. 0., By‘ Order; F. BBAEN, ARTIST, Secfetary-