Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 May 1880, p. 3

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Devt of Railways and 6311515,) Ottawa, 29th March, 1880. I in each week Aurora, April 29th 1880‘ where he Will be in attendance every Tuesday and Friday, commencing on Notice To Machinist-Contrac- Ems. Plans, Specifications and Genemi Conditions Can be seen wt this office on and after THURS- DAY tho 20th dmy 01‘ MAY. next, where forms of tender cumulso be obtained Parties tendering are expected to provide the special tools necessary for, and to have u practi- cal knowledge of, works of this class, and are reâ€" quested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, findâ€"vim the case of firms â€"except there are attached the actual signatures the nature (if the occupation and residence of each member of the mum: ; Mid, fm thur ‘ n acâ€" cepted bunk cheque for a. Hum («111le to s )0, for the gates of ouch 100k, must accompany ouch tender, which sum shall be forfeited if the putty tendering declines entering into contract for the work at the mtes and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. The cheque Ums sent in will be returned to the respective pm Lies whose tenders are not accept,- ed Ninety per cent. only of the progress estimates will be paid until the (:0111plutiun of the work. This Department does not, hmvevenbind itself to accept the lowest or anywndcr. R Newberry of the “Aurora Gallery of Art” begs to intorm the Residents of Richmond Hill, and Vicinity, that he has rented the l‘hotogmph Gallery, lately occupied by Parties desiring anything in the Picture line will please remember that; the Gallery will be open of any kind, to any size up to 8X10 (or life size if required) and furnish them in Having nearly 10 years experience in the art of Photogmnhy, I can safely gunruntee satisfaction to my Patrons. Cull and sue samples of my work EALED '1‘]1 NDER S addressed to the Imam» signed“ St-crcbmv of lewuys 11nd Canals) [111d e11d<11sed“To11derfo1 Lock Gntcs, Welland 01111111, ” will be received at this other! until the {Lrlivul of the Eustmn and 11 estm‘u Mails (111 THUR SDAY the 31d duv of JUNE, next, for the constrm tion of gates and the nocessxu) machin- ery connected with them, for the new looks on the \Vellund 02111111. For the ducfulfilment of the contract the unity, or parties whose tender it is proposed. to uccevh will be notified that their tender is accepted mil)- joct to a degmsit nf FIVE mm (SENT. of the lwlnk sum of the contract->01” which the sum 50m; in with tlw tender will be considered a purt~t0 be depos‘ted to the credit of the Receiver Genera-1 within EiGH'I‘ Inn's after the date of the notice. Pllms,‘Spec ificntions nnd General Conditions can be seen at this (mice (:11 mm] after TH URU- DAY the 20th day of MAY, next, Where forms of tender can also be obtained. EALED TENDV‘RS mkhossed to .hc 11111161- sig11nd(becret1uy of Rnilwms 11nd 011111115) 31.1911 endm sed “'J. endels for Loo k (1 mm, La-chinc bunul”w1]lbe)u,1wduttnis-oflue 1111111 the arrival nf the “Jastnu and Wcswm Nails, on THURSDAY THE 316]) DAY 0" JUN E, next, 101‘ the consul :tion 01 gates, and the necessary machinery 01111111211111] with them, for the new looks on the Lac-111110 0:111:11. TUESDAY MAY 4th 1880 MR GAME LE , Parties tendering, um expected to provide the special tnols uccussm‘x’ for, and 10 have a guinea cal knowledge of, works of this class, mud are re- qfiested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless u] nde strictly in uccnrdzmce with the printed forms, andâ€"in case of firm s~ex- copt {hero mm: ”mm «ed 17126 zwtuul signatures, the nature of the 0 tupmyion auzd residence of each member of Ihe same ; and further, an no- ceptcd. bunk chequv; for In sum (:41qu to b250, for the gates of each lock, must accompany each tender, which sum $112111 be forfeitefl. if tho party tendering deolhms enterink ilvto contract for the Work at L110 rates and on the terms stutcd in the ofier submitted. Dept of Railways and Canals Ot‘tszm 29611 March 1880. For the A1110 fulfilment of the (-(mtmct the party or parties whose tender it is proposed tn accept will be notified that thm‘r Lender is uccxepfied sub- ject ton «loposibuf FIVE mm CENT. of the bulk sum of the coutrmtfiof which the mun sent, in with the tender will be considered a part ,‘0 be deposited to the credit of the Receiver General within EIGHT DAYS after the dam- of the notice. Ninety per cent. only of the frogress astinmtes will be paid until the completion of the work. The Cheque thus sent in will be a‘eturneél to tho rosyectivc pmtics whose tenders are not {LC- cepted. NOTICE To Machinist- Contractors, The Latest news ONLY 2 I Tenders for Tanks and Pumping Macehlnery. .L up to noon on SATURDAYMle 15th MAY next, for furnishing and exacting in phme (Lt the sever- al watering stations along the line of the (1mm- ditm Pacific Railway under construction, Frostâ€" Pmof Tanks with Pumps and Pumping Power of either wind or steam, us muy be found most suitâ€" able to the locality. Drawings can be seen and specifications and other particulars obtained at the oflice of the Engiiwor in Chief, Ottawa, on and after the 15th Apri . This Department does not however. bind itself to accept the lowest or {my mnder. By order, TENDERS Will be received bv the uufi‘lersigned up to noon on SATU RDAY,tl1e 15111 My next, D91 11:. Railways and Canals Ottawa, 151: Amil,1880. M RAIN TILE, OF THE EEST ~ 01:7 AI TTY AT EANABIAFE PQBIPIE RMLWAY ' ' T0 :fi‘s'GOOOAYEAB, or $5 to $20 a. day in your own Jocwh'tv. No risk' \Voumn do as wen m3 men. Many make more than the amount stated above. No one can mil to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You Gain nmke from 50 ets to $32 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing totry the business. Nothing like it for money making ever ofi'ered before‘ Business pleasun and strictly honorable. Reader, if you Want t know all about the best paying business bei‘or the )ublic , send us your address and we Wil son you full 17m1‘cicu1urs and private terms free samples with $5 also ime; you 0an then make up 'our mind for yourself. Address GEORGE -TlNSON 6; CO.,August2L Maine. I am prepared to enlarge 01d Geo. STEPHENS XND HORSE SHOER‘ Place of Business just north of P Crosby, isq., Yonge street, Richmond Hill Horse shoeing done at $1 a. set for Cash, nd 40 cents for removes. INDIA INK OR COLORS. WELLAND CANAL. ’LACHINE CANAL PHBTUERAPH GALLERY QUALITY AT General Blacksnxith, ROBT, NEVVBERRY, THOS. NIGHTINGALE’S, REE-OPENED. By Order, B y Order, F. BRAUN, F'. BRAUN F. BRAUN‘ Yorkvi] e Societn‘ry‘ ARTIST, Secr'etury. Sec'rctnry in REYNOLDS 85 NEWTON. Richmond H111, April Ist, 188D Will be FOUND at Reynolds 8; Newtons. STOCK OF THE ITEEAEA AND RENEE}.SEEP-BISEERRGINE HEIRS]?! RAKE THE REMATEQN MQWER THE [ARREST ASSUBTMENT 8F [AUIES AND GENTS mm FATTERSGN Impmved Light Reaper? [1213 never been Beaten m a Trial. 13 the Lightest Draft, M031 Durable and Cheapest Mower offered to the Public. pmxwmy wvfl. The, @9133?ng Tooth Harrow! Richmond Hill, PRHCE, $30.00 AND 825 .00 RESPECTIVELY. Prepared <3; sold by E fianderson <32: Sons ESSENCES 8,000 BEING- MANUFACTURED FOR THIS SPICES. GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH They have also on hand EPrugs, Teim Al'iicles, Remember the place, APOTHEGARY'S HALL. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. RELIEVE AED CURE. Spmal Complaints, General and Ne1vous Dehilitv, Rheumatism, Gout. Nervonsness Livei, Kidney, Lungs, Throat and Chest Cmilplnims, Neulalwim B1011chi1is. cipient Pmulysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sp1a1ns. Consumption, Si plessnesA, Colds, 111(iigestinn. Spermmorrhoea, &c., The proprietor of this establishment,having 11ml many years experience, and studied ciosolv this scich-o, 111 its application to curative purposes, fools confident that in presenting this ACME ELECTRIC A Pl’LIAN (IRS to the public, ho. is supplying them with the best instrument of their kind now known to the mience,â€"instr1m’;ents that will do their work well if used in accordance 'wlth printed directions given with ouch appliance, and would Wum tho public against all cheap imim. tion of v.11 his goods, ‘ ‘ - “ . ‘ ASK F0 H. NORMAN ’S hLInC'I h {C API’LI A NCILS AND X 0U WILL BE SAFE AGAI NS'I‘ 1M POSITION. _ TESTIMONIALS. A. Nor-nun, Esq" Ingersoll, August, 1879. DEAR Sm,â€"I suffered for four years from what Dr Davies of Chicago, 11nd other eminent 1714â€" siciuns culled rheumatism of Lhe bowels, which they tried invain to cure ; but I (4.111 thankful to say your appliances have entirely removed the pain. I recommend all suflerers to try them. Yours truly, PETER DOWING. RHEU MATISM AND NEURALGIA. Mr. Nornmn, _ , Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874, I hxwe fully tried and most careiully tested and seen used you? Cumtwe Insoles and Bands, and believe this to be one of the best forms of m'hninistering; Elect) 'ciCy, now known to be of Such vnlunble importance for the relief 01' liheulmnbism and Neumlglc affections. 1 most cherfully reâ€" commend their use to all sull‘orers of these (sonlmwluinlti.E C B HALL, M. D. 20 Gazer-HOWGH Place. I\J U i > Mr Norman, Toronto, Oct. 10th, 1879. DEAR Sm;â€"About three years ago I fell from a, ladder about twelve feet across the hamster of the stairs, nnd was taken up for (lead, since wnich time 1 have suffered severe pain in my back and side, and great weakness. unfitting me 101' businvsg und got very little ease until 1 used your Elec- tric Belt and Insoles, which yelicxcq me very Yours 6 1y, qomzx OVENS. 125 Yonge St. _»_.1_ _u__1:. L, eVXpiiliances aré made in all sizes and éhupes fol the differefit parts of the bioay Tat-ud- - 8ij price fxom $1.00 to $5.00 for smn‘d Bands, and from $5.00t0 camoo for \Va'st B 1 . ’ -‘ ' 3 which is miled free to all applicants. k 1 3 ts See Cn'culars, Remember the address, ‘ A. NORMAN, N0. 4 Queen street East Toron N. B.â€"Eloct_rlc Buthij. Sulphur Batns. Vapour, Herbal, Meucuriul and Hot and. Cold Baths $116323. ready for Ludlos and (gentlemen. Feb. 18th ‘80. (If? The Best Vahle'in White and Regatta Shirts, Hosiery, cfic L3.” Our Spring Stock of General Dry Goods will be found complete. and Prices Right. 51 Pu: 123*50'1, April 21, 1580‘ Is the implement, of the age ESTABLISHED 1.874 NURMEN’S METRO EURMWE Scarfa, Ties, Gloves, Em, can be found at Reynolds & Newtons. Comer Youge andb 0011th Street East Richmond Hill Are too well known to mqune any rccnmmendation from us Prescriptions care IN HATS & CAPS, at Reynolds & Newtons. April 14th, 1880 Electricifiy the Life Fluid. “ CH EAPEST Ready-Made Clothing Herbs ‘Fresh, and this Year’s Growth. 0f the Finest Flavor and Quality. Spring Sales 12" all} STORE Pauerson & Bro. Patentees for the Dominion. THE AND EXTRACTS ATEST EUBMNE APPHANBES PfiT'E'E-LRSQN BROS. Chemicals, Perfumery, a large stock of itu compounded P G S11. VAGE TYLES t4 ‘ George Gooderham .................. Vice-President. DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plath, M.P., Wm. Gooder hum, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Macpherson, Senator. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 Saving’s Bank Walter S. Lee. Manager To 10nd on Mortgage of landed property only at IL low rate of interest. No Loan less than $400 will be entertained. Money recelved on deposit, and interes payable half yearly or compounded. Richmond Hill, Juny. let, 1880 Transactions strictly . confidential. Apply personally, or by letter to the undersigned. This Honseis one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything: is managed in Fh'stcmss Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciu] Travellers. Good Sbnbgil'g and attentive hustler. Terms, :31 per dtLy. ’ Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with {1.11 the N R R Trains going North and South, at; 7.35 u. m, 1 1) Lu 411) p m, and 7.15 D m. {HEW ‘ V ' SURGEON DENTIST, h as » removed to 87 King sheet East, Toronto, over H. 61: (I. Blnuhfurd’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth insortod in 1), 11'1anle to suit each patient P'ermflnr attention given to the pxeszeruwiou mm regulation of the nntm' 1L1 teem] 1 ‘ ll ' ' Wing 0.11 m}! “eswry 1min. A. W IN OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, Fms'r 10 DAYS EACH BKON'EH,‘ MAPLE, ............... VICTORIA SQUARE ‘ Thankful or the favors of Hm pmt’. the ysnrs xr aysmh be consulted in any branch 01 we pro fessmn, as follows : Richmond Hill.. 9th & 24th of ouchmonth THE PALMER HOUSE, (at Palmer Hausa) Aurora, 191:, 8th, 16311, and 221211 ‘9WHnn‘1mt, ........... 211d Smut'fvill M m‘khum . . Victurm Square ...... Thornhill ...... Maple . “'nodbr Kluinlm Nobletnn . RICHMOND HILL, ONCE, Graduate 0! Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr.Jumes Lnngsta‘ff. Richmond 11111, October mth, 1879. RICHMOND ' HILL, 3‘ Palmer, Prop The Robin Hand Hotel, RICHMOND HILL 0mm Cosgr'ove Bros, PI Qp’s Excellent accommodation*"01' the Public. Good stubhng uud a». emivu hostleh huLbAu'J unuxu‘b uu u SPAULIHNG LDsAs A11nsthvfir’s,:m Nitrous Oxide. etc _ 0rdc1‘ed,und none but the bust mutt: Weed ‘W', 1 used 1?. B. 0113M. B. and 1511M; Silver Medalist. University of Toronto, M. (1. P. S. Ontario. L S A- In, Englnna (Late of London England Surgeon, Eta, 53'“ (Mice Hours, 8 to 10, 1 to 2, and 6 to “TESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Jns Bethune Q C. 0 Moss, W C'Faluonbridgc N W Hoyles, \V Burwick, A BA)’105V\'()1th Beélmaaea, R3655. Faflcemiwiflgc AND HOYLES, Barristers, Attarneya-utâ€"Law, Soliciturs-i11~ Clmncery, Conveyuucers, etc. 0111005 Imperial Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, (2.0. JOHN BAIA. WM. SETUN GORDON, GEO. F. Sm NORTH OF SCOTLAND GUAM}; ms, I851. 20 King Street, West, Tor-unto. Official Assignee, Raul Estate Agenb, Convey- uncer, Broker, &c., ck W. rm , nnv r' BAR, RES? 3313““ mm {34:0 Ferguson, Bain, Cordon 6‘s Shipiey, Mortgugos bought and sold. Farms bmwht and sold, or rented. Insurance effoutml,&\z. ctc. TEES, Attorneys, Solicitorsâ€"i1»Chancery etc. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), ’l‘orunbo. Money to Lend at Low Rates}; 01‘ FREE â€"Vlct0riu. Chambers, 9 Victoria. street T01011t0. ABOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRISâ€" 'I‘ERSL Atmrnevs Solicitors-imp“?!mmnrv NEWTONBROOK, P. O. CON V EYANOING- ETC. can make money msmr at work for us than at anything else. Capital not required; Ave will start you. $12 per day at. home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfit and terms free. Address TRUE 6: Co.. Augusta, Maine. See our reduced 108.11 table. For further information apply at at the Offices the Commmv. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. J. ELLIOT LANG-STAFF, M. D. ALFRED BOULTBEE Money to Lend at Low Rates. Mortgages Bought; and sold. .IADIES G ORMLE Y", AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"N0. 70 Church street, Toronto n.» A ,gcgmson: SURGEON DENTIS Mortgages Bought 91mm @mfifi. 3? .0 .330)!» \‘10 new, $506000 BRANCH F, J. D. SMITH; MONEY ’1’0 L OAN. DR ORR, MAPLE Promptly uttenu‘ed to P. O. Box 2527. J - K- PALWNBRIBE-E 1;}? .flsfiim ' Bmmsmn, ETC‘ flak-mg. 532mm. £233.31}. ADAMS, L.D.S., WM. Worms EVATT‘ 2%}: do 30th (10 10. etc., 11° 1‘when Mum, d o 18TH 072‘ 10 TO’ 20 PER CENT. DIE‘BCOUNT The Stock will be found ve1y complete 111 all the departments, and :1 {416111 sacrifice will be made 111 ordei that all may be sold out by the 151; Oct, aflei which the Slure ii: I’rennses will be offeved for Sale. Produce will be taken as usual 1n exchange for goods. Boots and Shoes Untariu House. is Crammed Full m9 B E A .1 mmwg v 1U â€" 1111111111111 Sherwood 4th Con. Vaunlmn, . 11.00111ntthmiquiven to Stair Building. i]:1 11101111111 1111301111011 will be given to 1111 orders. I -c‘1dr0ss M01110 1‘. O OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED AWAY FLOUR Begs to return thanks to the Public for the Patronage he has received from them for he Thirty Years he has been in business, and hereby announces that. he has decided, The Grocerles, Hardware, Boots & Shoes, Wall Paper. 830., ($50., Tenders for has Budge Super- struelure. CANADIAN): ’ACIFIC RAILâ€"- WAY. Dept of Railways and Crmmlg1 mum-L1,, lst April, 1880. 3pm KEF'FER, CONTRACTOR A N1 â€" I BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th 0011.Vuughun Thornhil], April 13th 1880 Rh MAY L1] verstrm meta or Spgcifiqz ‘iichmond Hill, April 14, 1830 tun}; over Hm 5‘ t’Jl'll and Western ts or the Laku of the W0 ‘1 mcificutions and other pau' ulurs will be )inednu application 21; the ofllce of the 1001' in Chief, Ottawa, 011 and utter the 15th NDERS war he recei‘xml 11 GROCERIES PROVISIONS, With a New Stock of o) D“ ID} i 1 AL!) And All Things Have Become New. AND TH E And will therefore offer FOR CASH his large stock of fimfifim BHQWN. TO CWE UP BUSINESS. '3 to t' e3. PURKISSQ By 013161;, Will be sold aft 21 reduction of from F. BRAUN r and (:1'u<:1i‘z,,11‘0u 111-11 and W ‘SLCI‘n ‘rsignod will IRMA‘], the Gin Secretary A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITES! “ fl does not dry up a cough, and leawe the cause behind, as is the case with most preparations, but loosens it, cleanse: the lungs and allay: irri- tation, thus removing the cause of complaint." ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURI 0F Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, bearing a similar_ name. Be sure yoli get DR. with the signature of “I. BUTTS " on thé wrapper. 50 Cents and $1. 00 a Bottlé. Pre- pared by SETH W. Fowm: & Sons, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. A Protected Solution of the Protoxlde of Iran. WIST‘AR’S BALSAM 0}? WILD' CHERRY, Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deficiency can be supplied b the use of the PERUVIAN SYRUP. It cu es 5!. “thousand ills ” simply by TONING UP, INVIGOBATING, and VITALIZXNG the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body, repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspe'psia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy, Chronic Diarrhma, Nervous Afi'ections, Female Complaints, And all diseases originating in a bad state of the blood, or accompanied by debility, or a low state of the system. CAUTION.â€"-Be sure you get the "PE- RUVJAN SYRU. ” Sold by druggists gener- ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by Sun W. Fowua & Sons, Proprietors, 86 Har- rison Avenue, Boston, Mass. DO NOTWBE DECEIVED by artiflga‘ Asthma, find â€"every ’ affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest, including Having lately V purchased , tho nteres; of the above busfimss, I cum confidently 'Igum-anteo to sutisfv the most fastidious C 130 and. give us a trial. No disappointment No deceptioh Elgiu Mills, Jan, 7th 1880‘ Mm “mam? Szmsiacsion 1’ in all bunches of the trade. Having paid SPECIAL ATTEN TION mag Aw,” mg; Wu, CONSUMPTION. 33 Strict utiention to business Iwill continue to receive Moderate Prices, Pubfiic Patmmge JOHN PLAXTON I trust that with a share of AN D4 next. DEPT OF RAILWAYS & CANALS, Ottawa, 7th February, 1880. Dr wings, specifications and other information may be had on application at the office of the Engineerâ€"in~0hief, at Ottawa, on and after the 15th dzLy of MARCH ne '1; ‘ V’l‘enders will be ruceived by the undersigned up to noon of THURSDAY the 1ST day of JULY BANAEIAN PAEII'IG RAILWAY ENDE RS are invited for furnishing the Roll- ing Stockmquimd to be delivered on the 01111111111111 Pacific Railway, within the next few yeurs,coi11prisiugthe delivery in each year of about the followi11g.viz:-â€" 20 Locomotive Engines. ‘ 16 Fi1st- class Cars (a proportion being sleépers)“ 20 Second- class Cars, do .3 Express and Baggage Cars.‘ 3 P0812111 11nd Smokmg Cars. 240 Box Freight Cars 100 Flat Cars. 2 \Ving Ploughs. 2 Snow Ploughs. 2 Flungers. 40 Hand 0111‘s., T1111 WHOLE TO BE MANUFACTURED IN THE DOMI\I()N OF CANADA 11.1111 deliveiod on the Canâ€" udiuu Pacific Ruilwuy at F 0112 William, or in the Province of Manitoba \VELL‘iAND C‘Al‘h‘fli;o SEALED TENDERS tiddresSOd to the under- signed (Secretary of 1’. uilways and Calmlr and endorsed ”l‘emlcr for Bridges, \VelldJJn Cmml," will be received (Lt: this oflice until 17hr arrival of the VJostei’n mails on TUESDAY THE 15th DAY 01“ JUNE next, for the construction 8‘ swing and stationary bridges at various places 0‘, the line of the VVcllimd Cumml. Those for h1g1: ways are to be (L combination of iron and wood and those for railway purposes are to be of firm Parties tendering are expected to have'u‘pmcfi cal knowledge of works of this class, and are 1‘ quested to beer in mind that. tenders will not i cousiderd unless mxule strictly in accel‘dunce wi", the printed ferms,‘:uxr1â€"in the case of firms except there are attached'the actual signatun the nature of the occupation, and residence each member of the same ; and further an r cepted brink cheque for a sum equal to $250 1‘ each bridge, icr which an offer is made, must- it company each Tender, which sum shall be fLr‘ feited if the pnrty tendering declines entering ii to contract for the work at the ra Les and on LL terms stated in the offer submitted. Notice to Bridge-buildersa Plans, specifications and general conditiuns on be seen at this office on and after MONDAYfll‘H 3151; DAY OF MAY, next, where Forms of Tend: can also be obtained. ' The cheque thus gout in will he re'turned'td Ll respective parties Whose tenders are not new}; od‘ For the dup fulfilment of the; contract the pm‘ 01' parties whose tender it is WM'Oposed to new Will be notified that their tender IS accepted ject to a. deposit of FIVE PER CENT. of the L ‘ sum of the conm'uctâ€"« of which the sum SOUL with the tender will be considered 13. puttâ€"~10 ’ deposited to the credit of the Receiver Gene; within EIGHT DAYS after the date of the notice 11 Ninety per cent. only of the progress. estima Will be paid until the completion of the work. This Department does not, howeiier, bl itself to accept the lowest or any tender. Dept. of Railways and Canals Otmwm, 19th March, 1880. The Pills purify the Blood, correct; all disord 0f the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, a are invaluable in all complaints incidental Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy Imd Legs Old Wounds Sores and Ulcm‘s of In ever long Rf: Lnding I'or Bronchitis, Dipt‘hm ('onc; hs Colds, Gout Rheumatism, and 11.111; ‘ Diseases it has no equal. Agent fQI‘ the Townships of M' Vnnqhan. whitchurch and King. ‘Dr .1718 Langstafl‘, Medical Kef'ere Dec 9, 1879 I most respectfully take leave to call the acutinn of the Public generally to tha fuc‘ . 1V cermin Houses in Now York are sending- to A pm‘ls (if the globe SPURIOUS IMI’J’OATY my Pills u‘nd Ointment. Those fhmds bear their labels some address in New York. In the books of directions affixed to the 5% ions mnkeis a, czmtionwurning thePuM ic. n 17~ beng deceived by counterfeits, Do not be 1m bv this audacious trick, as they are the cou‘ feits they pretend to denounce. I 111/)? teurnnstly appeal to that Renae m” which 1 fuel 5111. 1 may vunture upon askix 1111 110110111th pnmnns to m ' t 1119 (11111 (5'1 11:; us fur us 1111)’ 110 '111 than power, 111 m tug this shameful } rau‘rl. This Society presents two distill; features 2“ _ lFl-SlrlfllllH‘SS of (That. 2nd ~- The satisfactory security to members. Full particulars obtained from HE GREATEST WONDER C11 MODERN TIMES. I donot allow my medicine to be sold in pmi‘ of the United Stump}. I have no uv TIM/‘19. Mynmxlicines mo only made by nu ' ’3' Oxford St! och. London Those counterfeits are p111 chased by un pled V (andoxs at 0110- half the juice uf m} J): niutumnt, and are sold to you as my g¢ Medicines Ench Pot and Box of the Gpnuine MC beam the British Governmmlt Stump,“ words “ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND 01" LONDON " engravud gunman. On the la) Illldl‘l $23, Oxfiwum STREET, LONDON, alone the y are Manufactured. The Trade Marks. of these Medic'noé L term! in Ottawa. Hence, (my one t Irong: British PH. '10113, whb, may keep thc A Conuturfeits to): sale, will be prosecuted TREASURERâ€"WM. J Gmd, S'ec Lam‘bton P B (‘6 1 Society. Ointmonts hearing any other uddreés u torfoi‘ s This Society 13 orgamzud for me purp (1,1)} imp, personsflwtwee‘u 16 and 60 young 0 becoming members, to make pruvisio ago, and in case of death/m secure sum (20 their widows and orphan children. or rclutivus or persons dopenuunt on th )m secure to each member of the Belmfl’u medical attendance and a. weekly 11.11:”: case of sickness or accidont disabling 1* doing 1115 usual work. , b uuu unuu/l nxun. The gxeut Vth of benefit societies to 395 who depend upon their persinml e.‘ the suppmt of themselves 21in their fm now universally wooguized. Head omce,â€"Sarnia, O PRESIDENT,â€"xflou Alexander Senator. MANAGER & S]C(?RE'I‘ARY>.~ Kuays, Ufl'iuiul Assignee. EEO CEANTLEI BEWARE OF NEW “PRES QflUNTEMEIW 5.53 Oxford Street. London, Jun 1 1879‘ Tenders for Rolling Stock. CANA DA. ROYAF OFFIGIEI%€5 : RICHMOND HILIr By Or‘flgr,‘ By Order Hollpym'y’s T F. BR’AUN, FIBRAUN Sucr'ot my Schrctu

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