East York'Liberal Conservative Asso- wciation meets at Man’s Hotel, Mar-k- ..ham Village, on \Vcdnesday, the 16th day of‘June, for the election of' oflicers, and other matter of very great import- ance, in the interest of the association. .Alfred Boultbee, Esq, M. 1)., for East York, will be present and address the meeting. Other gentlemen have been limited, and are expected to be present. That this statement is manifestly untrue, is well known to all in the village, but the “few and select†readers *in the country are greatly deceived re- garding the character and actions of tour Councillors,-â€"if they believe what the LIBERAL states. With the excepâ€" tion of one or two persons, who, through personal enemity, Wish to annoy and harass the Council, we can unhesita- tingly state that the ratepayers approve of the actions of our Councillors, and are especially pleased with the good serâ€" vice they rendered the village, in purâ€" chasing such an efï¬cient and inexpensive :ï¬re engine. The LIBERAL censured, abused and almost libelled the Councillors because they dared to even enter into a negotiaw "tion for this engine without its approâ€" bation. But the LIBERAL soon disâ€" covered that the Councillors were not to be led around or turned aside from their purpose at the nod of ignorance, or the bark of malignity. The LIBERAL ï¬nding that it was most eï¬ectually "' sat ~0n "in that matter, and that it was only arousing the laughter cf the ratepayers by the amusing and somewhat amazing ugnorance displizyedJet the matter drop. Now it is willing to admit that the engine is perfectly satisfactory. That :must be quite a relief to the; Councilâ€" lors, they were so very much afraid that 'the engine would not please the 'Li-BERAL But, while admitting this, the LIBERAL does not approve of' the manner in which ithe Council paid for this engine. at some member or members of ~the “Council, and was trying to (ventxit. But for good reasoning there is none. He ~:says the fund should not be touched at all ; let it accumulate. Then imâ€" mediately after he says a new school is «necessary; let it be used for that. Now What sense does he show by such language. First, condemning the pur~ :chase of the engine; then approving of Athe purchase, but condemning the manâ€" ner of payment; next, advismg that the money used to pay for the engine be mot. spent, and then immediately after advocating that it be invested in buildâ€" ing a school. What does the man moan ? 01' does he mean anything? , THURSDAY. JUNE~10, 1880. According to the Financial statement issued by the Treasurer last December, there is a surplus in his hands of over "$3,800. Part of this surplus is called the Municipalities Fund or Clergy Ric-â€" serves, and was invested in' Toronto Debentures, at :six per cent The Councillors, at their last meeting, apâ€" propriated $750 of this surplus to pay for the Fire Engine, and $350 for the “reel, hose, etc.. making a total of-$1100. For this reason they are held up to the ratepayers, by the LIBERAL, as “ lackâ€" ‘ing good sense and sound judgment,†and this act és'censured as “ injudicious and unwise †if the LIBERAL believes such to be the case. why» does it not .give its reasons for such belief. Surely (it does not mean the article- oï¬last week to explain the reason. ‘There is none in it. The article clearly shows that the writer or inspirer was actuated by some every mean motives,~â€"that.he had a spite Going South. West and Enst, includ- ing Maple, Thornhill. Toronto‘ Markham, &c., Going North Going South, E nst and West (as above) at 7:00 N. B.â€"Registered Letters must be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes earlier than the above In - Itioned hours 101' closing. 11 I Richmond Post Ofï¬ce, M. TEEFY May 19m 880. Postmaster RIBHMIIND HILL PEST BI‘I‘IUE If the LIBERAL writer is satisï¬ed that the money would be judiciously .inâ€" vested in building a school, is it not ireasonab'e to assume that it would be as ‘well invested in a ï¬re engine, especially ‘when he believes the engine to be necessary and efï¬cient. This villnge is not going back, property is notrdeereasâ€" ing in value, and the ratepayers will be more able to pay the rate on this $1100. in two or three years time, if it Is reâ€" quired, then they are now. Besides a number of' these- debentures have lapsed, and the money is now banked at a low rate of interest and any business man knows that the rate he pays on the dollar is worth more than that to him. So we fail to see how the Council have shown such terrible depravity; such lack of comâ€" mon sense; such injudicious and un~ wise actions. But we do think the LIBERAL man, well,perhaps every one knows ; but, really,some kind friend ought to advise him not to make such an exhibition of himself. The LIBERAL is determined to ï¬nd fault with the village :Council. Hav- ing this object solely in View, it loses no oppmtunity of abusing the Councillors and of misrepresenting their actions to its few and select readers. We do not rebuke the LIBERAL for ventilating what it imagines to be opinions, but :we do protest against such a public‘ dis- play oi' ignorance, prejudice, and dis- honesty as is presented in the editorial in that sheet last week, under the head- 'ing “another mistake.†The writer endeavors to lead the public to believe that the Whole village is "boiling with indignation†at the manner in which the public ail-airs have been conducted 3by the Councillors. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice, Mails Will be closed at tho @5va $1M: " _ gnaw. MORNING EVENIING AS FOLLOWS 7:80 Makham Township Council. The Markham Township Council met at Hall’s Hall, Unionville,on wednesdny, May 261b, The members all present. The Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. COMMI‘NICATlONS. From A, H Dymond. Agl' Com., with series of agricultural questions for which answers are requested. Mr James, seconded by Mr Forster,moved that the Treasurer be and IS hereby author- ized to pay the sum of $20 to the order of Joseph Comisky and the Reeve for the pur- pose of ï¬lling the washout. between Lots 20 and 2I in the 3rd con. Mr Williamson moved, seconded by Mr James, that the Reeve and mover be com- misdonms to have water removed from roadway in front of Lot 911' m the 6th com; also, to the removing: from in front of Lot 24 m the 5th con- also to the bmlding of a culvelt at Cashe]. COUNCIL RESUMED. Petition presented by Mr James. from John Eckardt and eight others, asking aid to improve the aideroad between Lots '10 and II in {he 71h Con. After correcting and making .some slight changes in the assessment, on moiio'n the rolls, aslamended. were adopted. Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr Forster, moved that-the Court of‘Revision do now adjourn siue die. » Mr Eorester. seconded by \Mr Williamson, moved that. the sum of $15 be granted for grading the side road between Lots 5 and 6 in the h con. , and that John McCafl’ray and H Crosby be appointed commis- sioners for expending the same, also, that the Treasurers pay the same on order of the commisswuers when the wo1k is com: pleted. Mr Reesor, leeconded by Mr Forster, moved that the sum of $60 be granted to build a, culvert and cut down hill on side road between Lots 5 and 6 in the 10th con, and that Peter Lam: and the mover be com- mlssioners to expend the same, and that the Treasurer pay the samelon order of the commissioners when the work IS completed. Mr James, seconded by M1 Williamson, moved that Albert Quantz, James Clalk, Arthul Quantz.nnd1he mover be nutboxized' to build or repair certain bridges In front of Lot 13 in 2nd 0011., if deemed necessary. Mr James, seconded by Mr Reesor, moved lhatHenry Walker, George Vanhom, and the mower be appointed a committee to build aubridge between Lots 10 and II in the 2nd ‘con. Mrwiiliamson. seconded by Mr Reesor, moved that the Reeve and mover be com- missionersto see to the repairing of the bridge on the 8111 con. in front of Lot 30. Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr Forster,moved that the Reeve, Mr J Eckardt, and M1- Allan McKinnon be and are hereby appointed commissmners to Improve the sidelme be tween Lots IO and II in the 7th con. Mr James, seconded by .M1 Forster, moved that the '1‘1'easuxer be and 1s hereby author 1zed to pay Joseph Lundy the sum 01 $9. 60 for 96 ya1ds of gIavel p‘aced upon Road Division No 9 as certiï¬ed to by the road ove1'.seer Mr James, seconded by Mr Forster, mend that By law No. 326 be now read a second and third time. Ml. James: seconded by Ml Forester, movnd 111111133“an No 327 be read a second unp third time this day. Mr James, seconded by Mr Forster, mow“ ed that When this council adjourns it do stand adjourned until Saturday, the 2GLh day of June next‘ensuing. Mr James moved, seconded by Mr William- son, that C. G. Harris be and is hereby From J. w. Collins,Clerk of whitchurcli, in reply to a. letter from Mr Stephenson, of the 15th, relative to health Committee in the matter of small-pox. appointing 8 Com- mittee consisting of T Lloyd, G J Brody, John Marsh, and John Steckley to meet with the Committee from Markham. _ Mr Reeaor, seconded by Mr James,moved that the Council do now resolve itself into a Court of Revision, to' revise the assess- ment rolls for the year 1880. The Council having subscribed to and taken the oath required by law, resolved itselfmto a COURT or REVISION. Only one case of appeal. Mr Thomas Fahey appealed against. his assessment on Lot 51 and 5.2, con. let, it being assessed at $42 per acre. On [motion the appeal was not sustained. Mr Reesor,seconded by Mr Forster,movcd that John Mccaffray, Mr Jones, and the mover-be appointed commissioners to build a. budge on the sideline at Boxgrove. Mr James, seconded by MI‘ Williamson, moved that the treasu.er be and is hexeby authorized to pay the sum of $40 to the order of the Reexe and E Tomlinson for the purpose ofï¬lling the washout between Lots IO and II on the 4th con. From Mr A McFall, asking the Clerk to send declaratioh of Ofï¬ce. Mr James, seconded by Mr Forsier,moved that the TreaSurer pay to J MCDonald the sum of $1.75 for repairing road scrapers. [Mr James, seconded by Mr Forster.moved that the clerk be instructed to notify Mr Beckett, of the German Mills, that if he persists in stopping up a certain culvert near his residence, proceedings will be taken against him. Mr Williamson, seconded by Mr James, moved that the sum of $20 be paidjo James Cosgrove, for building, ï¬ndmg. and haul- mg material for bridge between Lots 30 and 31 in 2nd Cow, and that the Treasurer pay the same 'on order of the ' mover. .Mr Reesor, seconded by Mr Williamson, moved that; B B .Reesor and the mover be a Committee to act .with a committee from Pickering to open a ditch on the Picket-Jug townline. From J w Collins. Clerk of whitchureh". containing check for $125 ior improvement of townline between whitchurch and Mink- ham, in let. 0011., also $50 to be expend on the townline east of the 3rd Concession, Messrs Lloyd and Jamieson,Commissioners, and enclosing $120 as whitchurch’s portion of costs in small-pox cases. From Jacob Eyer, refusing to accept the appointment of road overseer. PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Ml Williamson, fxom Dr E ckardt and 25 others asking a grant to gravel road al- lowance between lots 10 and II GLh Con By Mr James, from John Morgan and ten others asklng for a commutation of staiutanigpr for lguilding sride_v_vralrk_. By Mr Reesor, from T G Kirkham and 17 others asking the Council to improve lhe roads between Lots 5 and 6 in the 8th Concession. Mr Williamson, seconded by Mr Forster. moved that the sum of $10,353 be paid w. Ratcliï¬â€˜e, being half pay for 2300 feet of plank used in uwo bridges between the 6th and 7th Cous'. tozwnline of Markham and whitchurch'. By Mr Reesor, from Geo Mllier and I7 oxhers asking a grant to grade 50 rods of roadway between lots 20 and 21 in the 10th Concession. Mr Reesor.seconded by Mr James, moved that the sum $12 be granted to improve the side line between Lots 20 and 2! on 10th Con., and that Jacob M Miller and James ‘Lawrie, Jr., be Commissioners to ex- pend the same; the Treasurer to pay said amount when the work is done to the satisâ€" faction of the Commissioners. By Mr James, from T J Dobson and eleven others asking the commutation of statute Iaboriu Elgin Mills Beat, being residents on [1015,48 to .52. inclusive to construct a sidewalk. authoï¬zed and allowed to perform his statute labor in underlirushing and clearing the road allowance in from of Lot No. I in the 3rd con. AGREAT Successâ€"The Montreal Star is a wonderful newspaper success. Its circulation has gone on increasing year atter year, until it has hastreached the f10nt rank in Canadian journalism. The circulation of its daily and weekly edition now aggregates ï¬fty- seven thous- and copies, entitling the proprietors to clalm the largest circulation in the Dom- inion, a claim whichlis not disputed by any other publisher. It consumes two tons of paper a day, being one half the product of a largepaper mill. The Star circulates throughout the length and breadth of the Dominion,and is recogniz ed asa great advertising medium. It wellrdeserves its success. MEMORIAL TEsTnnONIAL.-â€"-The Committee appointed at a public meet- ing held in Toronto on the 21st ult., to carry out the expressed desire of that gathering. viz : the erection of a menu- ment to the memory of the late Hon. George Brown, has organized, by ap- pointing John Macdonald, Esq., Chair- man 3 David Blain, Esq., Treasurer, and J 1) Edgar, Esq., Secretary. The proposition is, to place the monument in or about the Queen’s Park, Toronto. In order that all feeling so disposed might have an opportunity of contribu- ting to the proposed memorial, it has been decided to accept all sums, however small, up to any amount which any one may feel disposed to give. Contribu- tions sent direct to the Treasurer, will beacknowledged ; but in order to facili- tate the object contemplated, subscrip- tions handed to the Reeves of King, Whitchurch, East Gwillimbury, Aurora and Newmnrket, will be duly forwarded. Mr Williamson moved, seconded by Mr James. that the Reeve, mover, and seconder be commissioners to see to the repairing of the bridgesin Road Divisions No. 6 and 7. TheBiddulph. prisoners returned to London from Toronto on Friday 28th The application for .change of venue Was unsuccessful, and the prisonexa will be tried. in London. They ,were each handcuï¬ed to a coristable. General Garï¬eld has been nominated for the Presidencyef the United States, by the Republican Convention at Chicago. Grant, Blaine and ‘Sherman delegates fought. hard for their men but could not win, and compromised with Garï¬eld. FARmERS’ CLUB.â€"-The 'Farmers’ Club met at Miliken’s Hotel, Miliken on Tuesday, the 1st inst. After an in- formal discussion, it was decided to hold the next regular meeting on Tues- day, the 29th inst, at 2 o’clock, :it JJictoria Hall, Unionville. Subject "Stock Raising.†Capt. W 1101le to lead in the diecussion. De Ooursier, the man who shot and killed his brother, is to be hung. 'The Govâ€"General has decided that. the law must take its course. Carrier ï¬'ne Indian who murdered his wife, is to be hung at Brantford, ho- morrow. He 13 1ndiflerent. MI‘ Forster moved, seconded by Mr. wil- linmson, that the Reeve, Messrs James Mustard. David Lehman, Peter Pike, Jas. Harrington, and the mover be and are hereby appointeti commissioners for grad- ing and improving the road in from. of Loki I9 and 20 in the 9th con., also to examine and repair if necessary .part of side road between Lots 15 and 16 in said concesi sron. The Concert given in the Grand Cen- tral Hall on Monday evening, by this troupe, was decidely good. Miss Sallie Holman is undoubtedly a singer of great merit, and one who is always assured of a good reception by cultured and criti- cal audiences. The programme was well selected, and equally well rendered, a gentleman present remarking that he never heard better music on the Hill, and he has resided her'e for many years, Mr Redstone, tenor, sang “The Death of Nelson†and showed a voice of great power and excellent trainmg,‘ Mr Marley, Violinist, is a master of his in- strument, and it is doubtful if he has a superior in Canada. Mr Dalton,bari- tone, Miss Christie, contralto, and Mr Pierce, pianist, all displaped unusual ability, and were warmly applauded. El‘he selections from "‘Pinaf‘ore,†were very pleasing, but might be rend ered more so, by a little more animation’ in accordance with the design of this comic opera. The hall was not al well-ï¬lled, .as the programme deserved, and those who were not present missed an excellent musical entertainment. The ladies and gentlemen who were present are indebted to the enterprise of Mr Chas Chamber- 'lin. proprietor of the‘Graud Central, for the pleasure afforded. The followingzevening the troupe gzwe a concert; in Aurora, and the large hall Was well ï¬lled. Aurora people must either have a better appreciation ,of good music, than our villagers, or less reluctance in severing their connection with the indispensable “quarters.†williamson.seconded by Forster, moved tha't the sum of $125 be granted for the- improvement of the townline between whil- church and Markham in the Ist conr, also the Sum of $50 to be expended east of the‘ 3rdâ€"con.. providing that the commissioners deem it necessary to do so ; said commis- sioners to be the Reeve. Mr. James and the mover; whitchurch council having granted a like amount. Mr. Forster, seconded by Mr Williamson, moved that Mr. Reesor and the mover be and are hereby appointed a committee to examine townline opposice the rear of Lot 2I, con. IO, and report at the next meeting. The Holman Operatic Concert Com- pany; James introduced a By-lnw to amend By- law No, 320, and the names of Daniel Steel, Samuel cummer, and Samuel Cum- mer, and Samuel 1} Hoover were substituted for Jacob Eyer, wm Beatly. and um. wil- liamson as puthmasters in Divisions No. 5, 9, and 48 respectively. Anlhony Forster inhoduced a By-law to amendny Jaw No. 3191 and the name of of Mixed Spofl‘o1d be inserted in lieu of ( resigned ] as; pound-keeper in Division No General Items. SOCIALâ€"The C M Church Ladies’ Aid weekly meeting and social, was held at Mrs John ,Elliotts, on Friday evening last. The weather was rather unfavor- able during the day, and many persons from a distance who had announced their intention to be present, were thus pre- vented from attending. The evenlng turned out ï¬ne, and the attendance was very good. A number of visitors were from Aurora, York Township, Thorn- .hill, etc., The members of our silver comet Band,,made themselves agreeable, and discoursed to the satisfaction and pleasure of all ,present. The evening being warm and pleasant, the lawn was beautifully illuminated, and crowded with promenaders. Over $22 was col- lected from those who sat down to tea. The next, social will ‘be held in the ’l‘emperancewHall, on Friday evening next. Refreshments will be provided by Mrs Wm Harrison and Mrs 14‘ Gaby, whose houses are not commodious enough to accommodate the large number of persons who usually attend. All are invited. CATHOLIC PIC-‘NIC.â€"â€"-The grand an- .nual Pic-Nic in connection with the Catholic Church, will be held this .year on the grove of Mr D MeDougall Thom- hill. on Thursday ,July list. 2:This grove is one qï¬themosyt beautiful places to be found north of the Toronto l’nrks. Amusements of various kinds will be provided, such as swings croquet, ete., iGood prizes awarded to the best com- Lpetitors of :Foot Bagging, Jumping, etc. ., Dinner will be served from 11. 30 to 1 .0 ’clock ,yp. m. A grand Social entain- ment will be given in the evening. Jl’rof Lubar of Toronto has been en- gaged. A Brass :Band will be in atten- dance, The Committee are desirous of making this thepchief‘ event. of the season, and willspareno pains or trouble to make it even more successful than on former occasions. Proceeds to be de- voted to the building fund of the new Presbytery. HIGH SCHOOL GRAN,T.-Our tread- ers will observezby the minutes of the School meeting, published in our last issue, that.the:qu.lGrant for the ,half' year endingBIst aDec. last. payable to the {Richmond :Hill High School, was asxfollowstixed allowance, $225100; average attendance (lower school) 360. ..do do (upper school) $18. Total, $30390, which is the largest in the County, for the same period, but not so large as usual, on account of doing away with the usual Intermediate ex- amination at Christmas. For the pre- sent half year, we look for an increase in the appropriation, as we understand a large number of pupils intend writing at the Intermediate examinationiu July next. WoonEN Wmmme.â€"-â€"The “wooden†or ï¬fth anniversary of the marriage of Mr and Mrs John Sanderson, of this Village. was celebrated on Monday even- ingllast, A large number of friends were present, and many beautiful and elegant gifts were given. Amongst the the presents, were some very serviceable, others hum r 6. many ‘very neat and pretty; NW slerc’Chromos, pic- ture frames, paintings, bread plates, snlid spoons and forks, twall brackets, flower pot cases, clothes pins, bunches of matches, etc, etc., May they have many more pleasant reunionsof a similar ‘ nature, until the Golden Anniversary of wedded life is followed by admission at the “Golden ‘Gatesz†The Revs Messrs McCalIum and Pickering are attending the C M Church Conference at Belleville. STR‘UCK'ï¬Y’LIWNING.â€"Mr John Lumly Markham, writes as follows: “The YORK HERALD of last week, alluded to a thunder-storm, during which the lightning was supposed to have struck something in Markham. Such was the case. It struck my barn, and destroyed the building and all the contents. Loss, about $500 ; insurance just run out. A number of young ladies and gentle- men from this viliag e and vicinity pic- nicked at Bond’s gLake on Thursday last, and enjoyed a very pleasant. after- noon. ‘ PERSONALâ€"We are pleased to learn that Mr Robb Marsh is recovering from a severe attack of rheumatism, and will soon be able to move around amongst us again. There is every prospect that the Presbyterian Church proceedings on Dominion Day will be successful, not- withstanding that picnics and festivities will be held elsewhere. C M Church COnference has station- ed the Revs Wm Burns, and John Pickering at Richmond Hill, and the Rev Mr McCallum at Weston. GARDEN PARTY. â€"The C. M. Church Ladiesi’ Aiflg’Kéiety. will hold a Garden Party 5% the residence of Mrs John Duncan, about. a, mile and a quarter south of this village, on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, 23rd inst. The Band will be in attendance. All who go may be sure ofa very pleasant time, and an invitation is extended to every one. The Fire Engine was out on Thurs- day evening last. The Company did good work with it, throwing consider- ably over Moodie’s flag pole. which is some 60 feet in height, With only eight men on the brakes. There can be no doubt but that the Council made a good investment in the engine, and every per- son seems to be satisï¬ed with it, except one or two who are subject to “chronic biliousness,†and cannot avoid making themselves ridiculous. PERSONALâ€"Mr Frank Cosgrove, of the Robin Hood' Hotel, has been conï¬n- ed to his bed for the last two weeks, by a severe attack of inflamatory rheuma- tism. On Tuesday last, he was able to get around again. His many friends will be pleased to see his genial counten- ance wreathed in smiles once more. LOCAL ITEMS. Moved by Mr Renmun, see by Mr Luhmer, that; ,the Clerk is hereby (LllthOViZGd to get 500 com- mismoners' certiï¬cates, 100 agroemon is and 300 notices, for the use of the several road divisions in the townshipvflanied. Moved by Mr Nattrcss, see by Mr Card, that ,the petitions of Thos White and 21 others, asking to have their statute labor commuted to repa' r- ing sidewalks iu the V â€Inge of Kliuehurg, be Halted to the amount of $20 ; $10 from Michael Lollis, road beat No 67, and 3310 from Geo Cooper, 108114301“? No 58 ; anu also from Mr Muushuw tuldylï¬ others on Yonge Street, one half their statute labor fov the your 1880 to make Sidewalks.â€"Cam_ied Moved by Mr Curd. see by Mr Roamun, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following amounts opposite their respective names for charitable pluposes : J P Ruper t for ,James Fleming, $1.50 rer week : Robert Bonitz foglElingeth Biowg, 335.1301“ month. Moved by Mr Card, see by Mr Reumun, that the Treasurer be instructed to procure from J P Rupert, a pair of pants, and a. pair ,of shoes, for D McCullum, and [my John Turner the sum of $6.00 for one months board for D McCaHum.â€"- Curried. Moved by Mr Lahmor, see by Mr Reuman, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay Blake, Kerr 6; Boyd the billrof $5.00.â€"Curried Moved by Mr Renvntm, see by Mr Card, that the following changes of pat‘hmn‘stem be made in the different road bouts, viz ; beat 29 GMoody instead of H Brown : Beat 4, J Wakeï¬eld instead of C L Hollingsheud ; Beat 53 E B Harris instead of J Hinchy ; Beat 18 Wm Rupert instead of J thmet ; Beat 19 Eli Snider ï¬stoml of H Rvmble bzat 26 H Iitmble in stead of G Olive]‘.~â€"CamLed. Moved by Mr Remnan, see by Mr Lahmer, that the cast hnlf of lot No 7 and 8 be taken from road beat No 16 and added to No 8, and that Cobleworth and Wlight be added. to No 8.â€"Cnr. Movedhngr Card, seconded by Mr Hath-ass, {thatvthe féllowmg names be put on the Assess- (mentRollshandWoters' List, and the fellawmg amendments and changes be made : John Allen’s assessment ‘be reduced from ,4} 1.50 to $400, f0!“ part of Lot’fZO, bathe 10th con. ; that J0_1XII Fan’s assessment be reduced from $1800 ('0 $1300, for part of Lotjlï¬lin tho’Tth con ; that the Damp of G \H Andrewsbe insertedus tenant to G “7111011910 for part of Lot 16,‘in;tho 3111 con ; that Robert and John MpCuï¬â€˜rey :21 1)} ace of David Eukm, for part of lotlzl, 211d con ; thutRichard Agar be 111.9 sebsed as tenant to Richard Agar, for lot 35v 1n the 8th con ; that Huah Simpson’s dog be taken 011", that ChnrlcsKeflcr‘sdogbo taken off; LhEr-t John McCaguo’s bitch be taken otf ; and that Isaac ltomnml’s dog be taken offlâ€"Cun‘ied. By-Law No 400 closing up the road allowance 0}] the south and west sides of the Congregational burying ground,, in the vilmge of Pine Grove, was passed. , ,,, h, “it, H» w. A.“ V..-“ . “lbw". /M0ved by Mr Luhmer, see by Mr Curd, that the Treasurer is hereby authorized :Lo pay the following road accounts, the same having been certiï¬ed to by the several Bend Commissioners in their respective Districts. District No 2. to Wm Hunter for 4% days work $4 50 ; Mr Peter for repairing washout 5:315 00 ; Wm White repairing bridge 36 7O ; Geo Elliott repairing culvero $2 00 ; A Hilton repairing bridge 33200; S & M Troyor for plank $11 72 ; Jacob McKay for planks $3 50 ; James Conlter building stone culvert $25 00 ; R \Vhite building abutment and repairing bridge over Humbcr $23 96.~â€"Ca;ried. Lawn Ring Toss, for sale at the HERALD Store. .The following appeals were made; From ‘Johu‘Alluu, John Flux, C H Andrewa, AuronBelb, _Robt‘McCa.ffre_v, Joseph Agar, Hugh Simpson ï¬s‘redHewitt, Chas Ketfer, John hiding», a \Isnuckenmun. The following; petitions were presented: From J Watson and 21 others, asking aid for J ames Fleming, indigent ; from J C Karts and 518 others asking aid for G'OO Hill, indigent ; from Adam Rupert and 27 others asking to have their statute Alabor ccmmuted for the purpose of building side- walks in the village of Maple ; from Thos White, mul- 21 others asking to have their statute labor commuted for the purpose of building sidewalks in the Village of Kleinburg ; from Wm Munshaw and 15 others, risking to have one half the statute labor commubod for the purpose of bwlding side- walks on Yonge Street ; from James Keedwell and 23 others asking aid for Mrs Gwyn i‘igligeiit, ‘riï¬h11 V -.. The Council than adjourned till 'I‘aesday June the 8th, to meet at 10.41 m. The Cowt of Revision thqn adjourned until Tuesday, the 8th day of Juncto meet at. 10 u. m. "The Council then met for general. business. Frhe Reeve ip the chm". 5(th members present. The minutes of the lastxcgl‘mr moqting were read, and on motion adopted. The Municipal Council of the Township of VaugLsLn, met at the Town Hanan Tuesday, 25th of May, 1880, at: Court; of Revision. The Reeve in the chair. Members present : Messrs Card,Nat‘-- tress, Reumzm and Luhmer. The 7th of King, known as the town- liue, celebrates Dominion Day as usual. There is always plenty of amusement out there. 0n the third page will be found a full report of the prize list of the Spring Show held on the 24th May. Aurora races on July 1st and 2nd. A grand time anticipated. Green window blinds for sale at the HERALD Store. Homer Pingle,brother of Dr. Pingle, Unionville,has received the appointment of' Deputy-Inspector of the Dominion Telegraph Company, with a salary of $1000 per annum and paid expenses. / An old man, about 75 years of age, passed three counterfeit $1 bills in Unionville, this morning. He was fol- lowed to this village, and arrested by Mr Jas Hall, who procured a. warrant from Mr James Lawrence. The prison- er will be taken to Unionville for trial. CONFIRmATION.-â€"The Bishop of Toronto will hold a Conï¬rmation in Trinity Church. Aurora, on Sunday morning, the 13th instant, and at; St. John’s Church, Oak Ridges, on the afternoon of the same day. His Lord- ship will preach at the evening Service in Trinity Church. By reference to the prize list of the Richmond Hill Spring Show, on the third page page of this paper, it will be seen that our local manufacturers were successful in receiving prizes. Patter- son Bros. are still taking the lead in many agricultural implements. They took six ï¬rst prizes for the following articles : Reaping: Machine, mowing machine, wrought beam plough, horse rake, gang plow, and vanety of ag. im- plements. The also took ï¬ve second prizes, competing: against the leading manufactures of Canada. We are pleas- ed‘to see our home men able to make such a good exhibit, and to show that they need not fear competition, the ex- cellence of their workmanship being undoubted. TORONTO UNIVERSITY.â€"~The recent examination at this University was con- sidered an unusually hard one, and many were “plucked†worse than the average spring chicken, previous to its introduc- tion to the “serving up†process. It is pleasing to see, however, that the stu- dents from this village have been suc- cessful, and that one of them, Mr T H Redditt, a brother of Mr B Redditt, is admitted to the degree “Bachelor of Arts." Mr Redditt took ï¬rst class hon- ors in Modern Languages. We hope this example will be followed by the young men who are attending the uni- versity and also those who are new study- ing for the entrance examination. Among the names of the students successful in passing the examination in Arts, in the second year, we noticed A F Teefy, son of Mr M Teefy ; and in the third year F Lawrence, son of Mr James Lawrence, all of this Village. “More power te yecs byes." LOCAL ITEMS. Vaughan Gouncu. The Stock will be found very complete in all the departments, and e \gsestflsacriï¬ce will be made in order that alL'may be sold out by the [at 00t., afle‘rxwllich tile §£ore & *Premises will be offered for Sale. ‘ ' ‘ ,Produce will be taken as usual in exchange for goods. :Thornhill, April 19m 1880 tug-m Special utthution givento Stair Bui (34.: 1?u_nctuul__ uttpntion will 130 given to {L1 on HEY EfllflS AT HIST ME} WEE! The Grocerles, Hardware. Boots «3: Shoes Wan. Papen am. am Elgin Mills, Jun. 7th1880. Address Maple 1‘. 0‘ Begs to return thanks to the Public for the Patronage) he has received from them for he Thirty Years he has been in business, and hereby announces that he has decided, Iguumntoa to sutisfv the .most'. fastidious ‘Come and give us a trial. ;N‘o.{1§,guppointmont No deception JOHN 'PLAXTON Having lately purchased the n-ï¬exem 91’. the above business, I can conï¬dent} ~y KEFFER, CONTRACTOR 1 AN1 0 BUILDER. Sherwood. 4th (Wm. Vm ghnn. 10 To 20 PER CEN’T. DIQCQKJ’NT Department of Rairwa'ys & (Thumb, Othnwa, 13th May, 1880'. Messrs. Palmer and Wells, of this village, have entered their trotting mare “Lucy†for two races at the Adrian (Michigan) June meeting. We have generally observed that if a. man does some mighty mean thing when he has been drinking, the liquor had a mighty mean man to work on in the ï¬rst place. Don’t lay it all to drinkâ€"Ex. The great Forepaugh circus exhibits in Toronto on Monday and Tuesday the 14th and 15th of June. This likely means an excursion to the city. A few diaries of superior quality, f0 1880, for sale at the HERALD Store. RAYMER.â€"CoNN0r.â€"â€"At Toronto, at the resi- dence of the Rev Mr Briggs, on the 24th of May Mr J ease H Imymer, to Miss Mahala. Connor, all of Mmkham. At St John’s Church, Oakridges, on Thursday the 3rd inst, by the C W PattersonJiobt Edward Cultis, eldest son of Mr Asa. Curtis, Oakridges, to Rosina Louisa, only daughter of J {1.11108 Hiscoto, both of Aurora. Wheat full, new, per bush .. 351 Spring do .. 1 Barley, do .. Outs, do .. Pens do Rye do†Dressed Hogs per 100 lbs 6 25 7 Beef, hind quar'tm 3, per 100 1135 5 00 6 Mutton, by the CELTCLLSO per 100 lbs... 9 00 10 Chickens, per pair 45 Ducks, per bmce 00 Geese,ea.ch ......... ou Turkeys, each 99 1 Butter, 1b rolls 13 large rolls 00 tub dairy 13 Eggs, fresh, doz lo Potatoeayer 1mg. 45 Apples per barrel . 4 50 5 Onions, per bur .. oo o Tomatoes, per bush. 00 Turnips, per bag . 0 60 Canons, per bag . 90 1 Beets, per bag ..... 70 Pursnips, per bag 90 I Hay per, ton... . 8 00 13 Straw per, 17011.. 6 00 7 W001 per 1b.. 28 HE construction of Lock Gates advertised to be let on the 3RD OF JUNE normia unavoidâ€" ably postponed. to the following dates ;â€"â€" Tenders will be received until. HDUSE 8; LIBT EN LUGAE STREET, There is an OUTBUILDINGS. No 'rcasoaub’lo ’oircr’wiu 139 refused, as the propelty must be disposed of. Long time for payment. Title Indisputuble. Full particulars on applying to John cougter Esq" Richmond Hill. or to the owner. HE construction of Lock Gates advertised to be let on the 3rd of JUNE next, is unavoidr ably postponed to the following dates :â€" Tenders will he received until Plum, speciï¬cations, &c.,w};u be ready for ex- um'matian 0n and (bite! TORONTO.- THURSDAY, June 10th 1880 PRICES AT FARMERS’ WAGGONS Wheat fall, nempor bush .. .es 1 12 Spring do 1 14 Barley, do .. 58 VVITIâ€"I GOOD HOUSE, BARN AND OTHER Tuesday, the 8th day of June. Tuesday 22nd day of June next Tuesday, the 8th flay of June. Plans, speciï¬cations, &c., will be ready for ex- uminutlon on and after Dept. of Railway: & 0111115,) Ottn wa,13'th May, 1880. I FOR SALE, CHEAP ! NOTICE TO CONTRASTLRS Tuesday, 22nd day of June next. Notice to Contractors. Acre and Afluarter fdlan ’In all branches of the trade, Having. paid ELGIN‘ MILLS MHEKSR’EITE - SEW; SPECIAL ATTENTION The undersigned is prepzzred to receive offers for the purchase of his Ema ‘fï¬haeing :LACI-IINE CQANAL. Guarantee Satisfaciion ? mew Mmmmumw. WELLAND CANAL. BU‘ILPER,_Shor§vqoï¬_, 4ph (1931' XL THE MARKETS. RICHMOND BILL. '1‘. J . Crawford, 3â€"1111 Uollingwood. And will therefore offer FOR. CASH his large stock of MARRIED TO GIVE UP IUSENESS. J. PURKISS By order, By ordex. 5‘. BRAUDI, Will be sold 217. a. reduction of from F. BRAUNN, 13 15 00 00 13 14 10 1‘2 45 60 4 50 5 00 00 o ()0 00 00 0 60 70 90 1 00 70 80 90 I oo 8 00 13 00 6 00 7 00 28 3O Shoretul‘y. Sebromry. 6 00 10 00 55 00 00 15 00 14 60 5 00 0 00 00 70 25 70 l 2. If a person orders his paper discontinued he must pay 11.11 arrears, or the yublishers may 00114 1 tinuc to send it until payment; is made, and than )collect the Whole amount, whether the paper is ( taken from the ofï¬ce or not. 1. Any person who takes n paper regularly from a post ofï¬ce, Whether directed in 1115 name or smothers, or Whether he has subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. Tho Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by 3.11 Druggisï¬â€˜ at 5% per package, or six packages for $5, of will be sent. by‘mail on receipt of the money, by-‘ aï¬dressing, THEGRAY MEQHCINE’ 00,. Tozonto, 01113., Canada. NLâ€"«The demands 9: our business have 129‘» cosm’outcd ourï¬xemovmg to r1.072011%, ’59 which: place plea." ’ address an frétm‘e communications: LA W CONCERNING NE WSPA PERS pull] in the Back, Dimncss of 'Viaion Premature old- age, anéi munyother diseassys that Acam to insanity c‘Ollâ€"r' sumption and aprcmuymrc gm 0. la? Full parr ticulars in our I‘mnphlotwhich we desire to send; ï¬res by mail to every one. lï¬â€™SoId in Richmcmd‘ Hm by all druagista, anti everywhere in Canada xmd the United. States 11 wholesale and retail druggists 3, The courts have decided that refusing to take nowapapors or periodicals from the post ofï¬ce, or removing and lczwing them uncalled. for, in nrinm facie evidence of in boutionul fraud. WELLAND CANAL. Befoi'érTï¬l-iing Notice to Bridge-builders. EALED TENDERS addressed to the undere signed (Secretary of Railways and Canals) and endorsed “Tender for Bridges, Welland Canal,†will be received at this oflice until the arrival of the Western mails on TUESDAY THE 15th DAY OF JUNE next, for the construction of swing and stationary bridges at various places on (3118 line of the Welland Canal. Those for high- ways are to be a combination of iron and wood, and those for railway purposes are to be 01‘ irom mm go right at Those who are wise who sea this notice will 3911:1179 their addr ages m3 (mow am} 500 for thmmml (lastly Outï¬t. and tax-mfg free. Now is the time. Thom ulroady at work met laying up large suma of molmy. Addwss TRUE 6; 00.,Augue'rta, Mame» GRAY’S Speciï¬c» Medicine E “FRADE MARK. a . " AMONTH su‘unï¬ced‘ r as any m 1 ' home by the industraurz. Capital» not required; we will start you; Men “ ‘ - Women, boys and girls make money†justor at work fer us than n: anything else. The' work is ï¬ght {11:11 kmsunt, and fluent 2L3 anyone) Plans, speciï¬cations and general conditions can be seen at this ofï¬ce on and uftorMONDAY,THE 3151: DAY OF MAY, next, where Forms of Tender can also be obtained. Parties tendering are expected to have n, practi- cal knowledge of Works of this class, and are re- quested to bem- in mind that tenders will not be considerd unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, andAin the case of ï¬rms-â€" except there are attached the actual signatures, the nature of the occupation, and residence of each member (if the sumo ; and further an uc~ cepted bank cheque for a sum equal to $2350 for each bridge, fcr which an ofler is made, must no- company each Tender, which sum shall be for- feited if the party tendering declines entering in- to contract for the work at the rates and on the terms stated in the offer submitted. DEM! OF RAILWAYS & CANALS, Ottawa, 7th Fobrum‘v, 1880. The cheque thus sent in Win be returned to the respective parties WhOSO tenders are not accept" 0d. For the due fulï¬lment of the contract the party or parties whose tender it is Droposed to accept will be notiï¬ed that their tender is accepted sub ject to {L depoait of FIVE mm CENT. of the bulk sum of the contractâ€"of which the sum sent in; with the tender will he considered a partâ€"t0 be deposited to the credit of the Receiver Grcnorul within EIGHT DAYS after the data of the notice. The Latest news of any kind,to {my size up to 8150 (or 516 size M required) and furnish them in Ninety per cent. only of the progress estimates will be paid until the completion of the work. This Department does not, however, Dim} itself to accept the loWest or any tender. By OrdgrL ENDERS are invited for furnishing tho Roll- ing Stock required to be delivered on the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, within the next four years, comprising the delivery in each year of about the following, viz :â€" 20 Locomotive Engines. 16 First-class Cars (1L m‘oporiion being: sleepers} 20 Second-class (furs, do 3 Express mm Baggage Cars. 3 Postal and Smoking Cal's. 240 Box Freight Cam 100 Flat Cars. 2 Wing Ploughs. 2 Snow Ploughs. 2 angers. 40 Hand Cars. THE V‘VHOLE TO BE MANUFACTURED IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA and delivered on the Cthâ€"v {Ldiun Paciï¬c Railway7 at Fort ‘Villium, or in the Province of Manitoba. Drawings, speciï¬cations and other information may behud on application at the omen of tho Engineer-iu-Chicf, 11.13 Ottawa, on [and after the 15m day of MARCH next. Tenders will be leccivcd by the undermgnvd up to ngon of THURS}? AY, the 181‘ day uf JULY nex Having nearly 10 years experience in the art of Photography, I can safely guarantee satisfaction: :0 my Patrons. Call and 800 samples of my work; Aurora, April 29th 1880. R Newban'y of the “Aurora Granary of Art" begs to intern) the limidc‘ ha of Richnmnfl Hill, and Vicinity, that he 12st muted the Photograph Gallery, lately occuyiod by when) he will‘be in attendance every Tuesday and Friday, commencing on Parties desiring anything in the Picture lino will: please remember that the Gallery will 110 open in each Week. Dept. of Railways and Canals Ottawa, 29th March, 1880. MR G's-ATMEB LE, UANABIAN PAGEFIE' RAELWAY TUESDAY MAY 4th. 1880. @NLV fl {WAYS I am prepared to enlarge 0M INDIA INK OR COLORS. Tenders for Rolling Stock. PHUTIERAPH GALLERY BE-OPE NED. '128h Remedy is an un F1 'h'algcure for 'Semix‘iul V/OUJL' 1mm; twsrmntorr- hon, Immoboncy, and a}! disaasm' that :EOHOW as a. sequence 01†' :11 A? Gas 1U of " Ju'cn .ry, 1..ver an] Lnsuituda, Aft _»‘ :, °\ "Vi ’ Taking; 61' ROBT, NEWBERRY,» rprgparegs-Enm‘rmoz MARK.- By Order, F. BRAIIN, F. 'BRAUN, Secret my Seer etury 1111mm, 10in