Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 Jun 1880, p. 3

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R & A Wells; G Hesslip, 2126. Can.”- dian Bred Draft, Judrep, an: no as shove. Horses 3 years 0 ld, ’l‘ln s Loyd; John Mc- Kinnon, 2nd; wm Bell, 3rd. HorsesI year old. Alfred Lahmer; w Padget, 2nd. Brood Mare. John Palmer; w Andrews, 2nd; Geo weldrich‘ 3rd. Filly 2 years old w Andrews- Francis Nicholl 3rd. Span Horses in harness, Tllos Palmer; Robt Marsh 21ld.Gonernl Fmpose IICZ'S es, Judges same as above, Horse aged, Jona- than Brillinger. Horses 2 yours old, D. McMillen; Thos Loyd 9 -o'. Home 1 year old. Thos Reid: w Boyn‘. on 2nd: M flu.» chinson 3rd Erood hiring? 5oz: Rz-il 'inxver. Filly 2 years old,’ I hos ‘n Cool: ; J Coouibs, 2nd; G Shell 3m]. Spas 0‘" Horses :n harness, J websler; J0 liar 2nd; J lilson, 3rd. Saddle Horse,o " Prov! o; ;' :05 P0. "1- mer 2nd;R& A wells 3H]. hood and Carriage Horses. Judges, Messrs G Fones- ter, Gormley; D Harman, Concord; M wasley, Newmarliet. Carriage Horse, 3 years old. Chas llai'esmclr. Cargria 0 horse 2 years old, D Campbell. Caniwje horse 1 year old, S Lino; Geo Robinson, 2nd. Roadster horse, aged, w Meek. lioadsur horse 3 years old, J Palmer; Jesse Do? .21, 2nd. luondster horse 2 Jams old. I) Go amp- bell. Filly 2 Vears Old Road <1. 0" D Campbell ; F Nicholl'i 211d ; .1‘ nos Reid, 3rd. Filly 1 year ole. liond 171' Cariiege, J H McGee - 11 r Smllll 1.111}; ‘l7o os ‘law den, 3rd. Span of Carriono here: 11,. Ed Irwin ; Jwright, 2116!; J l.l(l.e1.1:. 31: Single Driving horse, J Palmer 5 J Keller, 211d; McClure Bros, 3rd. lllood 11.11.1173. Judges same as last class. llurse (1:13.: (1, 11 Q 11» George. Imrse‘ ye are ole. C1513 Lawson. Filly 1 year old, h s .‘ ‘111 den. -) 1 m 1 CA ."i‘ld‘? Judges, Messrs ll Jennings, Victoria. Square, wm Millilcer ,rIIwermz‘ 11. D1rham Bullaved, J l:llSSOll,G€0‘1‘£IC 61-01111 217.11. Dulham Bull, 2 yems (1 l1l. P Roynlon : F Boynlon 211d ; w Boynton $111. Durhairlinll 1 year old, Jas 81113.6 ll ; T 80571111211 211d, Geo weldriek 31d.D11rl1:1:11 Cow :7 :ed Jan Russell. 131. 2nd 1°nd .1: 1.. Durham Heller. 2 years old, Jae Russell. lst. 2nd. and 31d. Durham Heifer l year old, Jes ll ssell. 1:31. and 2nd ; Geo woldzielz, 3rd. G.-..dc low, Ed Sanderson ; P Boymmi 27ml ; F Boyh- ton 3rd. Grade Heifer ‘2. yams old, w ~&. A wrinlit lst and 2nd ; 1’ Bo} ' on "‘.rd. Grade Heifer l year old, w 81 11 wnrrlit; l) Boyh- 1011 211d; Geo weldrick 31d l‘u‘ilch Cow, any breed, Ed Sanderson ; Robb Marsh 211d. sneer, Judges, Messrs ll Tyrwhill‘, Bradford. M Robinson, Maple ; 111111 léol-inson. New- market. Colswuld liz-m 3rd las l {tissnll 1st and 211d ; Geo weldrml: 3rd. Coin vrold Ram SllOlll‘llIlfl‘, 311s l’I 1111131)” lst and 2nd ; Geo weld1ielr 3rd. Cotswold E11193 aged, J Russell lat and 21211; ”1‘ Boynlon 3rd. Cotswold Ewes srliezirlings, J Russell [:11 & 2nd ; Geo welrlrici: 33m. Leie: sier Ram aged, wm Boy: “1111. Leicesler H.731!) shear- ling, Geo wel1l1ielz. 11051171516117 Ewes aged, T Boynron ; Geo weld iak 2nd. Leicester Ewus shearling, G woldiick , M Feirlieller 2nd; T Roynmzi 3rd. Suuilxlown Rom aged, R Marsh lst, 2111‘. and 31711. South- down Ram shenrling, 113 Marsh Isl. 2nd 3rd. Souuxdown Ewes age1l,R Marsh 13!, 211d and 31d. Somhde' v11 Ewes she: Irlings, R Marsh 131, 2nd 111111 .-.1“srd. smxn. Judges same as the above (class Boar,LergeBieedAned,1‘ Boynton; W Boynlon 211d. boar, Large Breed, under 1 year old, Gen Weldriek 211d '1‘ Boynton, 3111 Bow 1 51131113 Breed aged, Geo Weldiiclcl st and 31d ; W lfioynlon 2nd; Sow, Large ['3 1701 d, under 1 year old, Geo Weldrick ; T lloynmn 2111 and. 3rd. Boar small breed aged, P Heynlon. Boar smell breed, under I year old, W Pmlget; Ed. Sanderson 211d 5 McClure Bros 3rd. Sow small breed aged. W P et ; McClure Bros 211:]; E thwderson 3 Sow. small breed, under 1 year old7 W r...1,~- 151111111 211d ; T Boynzon 317d. llerl Hoar, aged, J Ho gain ; T Boysiton iln ; lloht Marsh 31d. Berlrshi 1e M1117 111mm I year Old,}_‘1&n(3lS Nichols; P Boymon 211d. Berkshire Sow 2115ed,lfoht M11155“. 1st and 3rd- , P Boynton 211d. Bele’shile Sow under 1-year old. J Hogan ; 'i‘ Boynlun 2nd ; F Nicholle 3rd. momma. Imported Draft Horses.â€"Judgcs, W Innis. Esq, Bradford; John Little, seq. Woburn ; and Joseph Ccmcsky, Esq, Head- ford. POULTRY. Judges, Messrs J D Sr Thos iiHiott. Lmnbmn Ludf‘md, RichmordniH. Richmond Efli- EiSmifla :2: Shaw. £53 Brahma Cfick I‘shd hen, W & A Wxigh! , lst and 2nd. S‘JWH' Spang‘md [lumbm‘ys G If Hall 13!, and 2nd. Black Hambu- (55, VI & A Wright 1131 and 2 " Icwdon [“0va W (1': A Wright; 0 H 117:2“, 2M. Damm- ique, C H Hall. Dorkings. T H Lnyd; W Bell 2nd. Whiie Leg'imi‘ns, T H Loyd ; A L Skeeie 2nd. Plymouth Rock, 0 H Hall; W & A Wright 2111. COL-bins, W ("9 A Wright lst and 2nd. Pomnds, W 85 A Wright; T H Loyd 2nd. Game, George Stevens, T II Loyd 2nd. Asi.uicr;, W (3.7 A Wright. Light Bm‘ 112%,, W 3:, A Vb’x’ighl. Black and other H» shuns. special, w and A wright. Duel-:3, w and A wright ; wn} Bell 2nd. Spanish Fowls, w .3ch wright ; T1108 Lyod, 2nd. Judges on Implements. M s D Smellio. Concord, A Duncan, Downs ew and D Boyle, Richmond Hi”, On waggons and Carrian‘es, dessrs D Gre'V, Cm‘ville, Ja c .P Leigh. Ellesmere, G00 Morrison, Aurora. wrought Beam Pioughs. Patterson Bros, s.n . a} ".r-mv: L H“)- Iba d2ud P"‘1‘(;f ‘11 on, J 9h: , Patterson Bros 2nd. flaming Mill. A and w Wilson. Reaping Kachilm, szerbon Bros ; Toromo Mowcr Co 2nd. Mowing Machine, Panel-son Bros ; Toronto Mowur C0. 2nd. Straw Cutter, A and w Wilson , Patterson Bros, 2nd. Home Hake, Pane:- ~son Bros 3 Mason’s Manufacturing (‘0, 2nd. Gang Plow. Paliurson mos nurse 1100, J Fleur-y Isl and 2nd. Root Seuffler, Mason Manufac’g (JO. ; Patterson Bi‘OS 2nd. Cum- bined Drill and Seeder, mson Manufact’g co : Patterson BI‘CS 2nd. Broad cast Seed- er, Musson Manufact’g c. , ’ Open Buggy, J wright Ist and 2nd. Top Buggy, J wright ; Wm Trench 2nd, Demo- crat wagon, wm Street. Farm wagon on Springs, .1 McDonald. Open )haeton, wm Trench. Two Horse Carnage, w 'iTrench. Brewster waggon, w Trench. Portable Steam Emrme waterous En'fin'e co. Var- ” , iety of Farm Implements, Puttersmn Bros. DAIRY PRODUCE. Judges. Mrs D Smellie, Concord. Mrs Thomas Page, Concord, Mrs Thus Palmer, Richmond H1”. Six Pounds of Rutter, Mrs T Boynton; E Sanderson 2nd ; Mm Nicholls 3rd. Home Made Bread, Mrs R Marsh; Mrs Brculu 2nd; Mrs Beil 3rd. Judges, Messrs Robb nestmd Lansing. RLymburner. Richmond 11ill,and DT Fairbaim, Richmond 1131?». Double (nu-â€" riage Harness, Mccluxo Bros. Single cm- riage Harness, C u Ilal‘ Mcclure Brosflnd Scotch collars, Mcolure Bros. Open 001- lars, MCClu.e Isms Is: and 2nd. Llamas worm. Judges, Mrs w n Myers, Barrie, Mrs Jacob Bennett, Richmond Hi”. Kuitied Wcoi Socks, 12nd. W001 Sm " ‘ 4S} IMPLEL S AI'ID CA. (IMAGES. HARNESS AND LEATHER. WORK. PRIZE LIST. Markham ; Is and Thoe W Bell Ist and W Bell lst and 2nd. Fancy Knit Quilt. Mrs W Lund Ist and 2nd. Patch Work Quilt. Mrs GNichols lst; Miss Hamilton 2111!. Hearth Rug, Mrs W Wallace; Miss M Glass. Berlin ‘1"001 W01k, Miss M Glass , MN W Wallace 211d. Be1lin Wool Work laised, Mrs W McClure. Braid Work, Miss M S Gibson ; Miss L Law 2nd. Taming, Miss 11 Law; Miss Gibson 211d. Crochet in Cotton, Mrs Psdret:}1’iss Hamilton 211d. Crochet in llmlin Wool \irs Padgett; Miss H Marsh 911d. Si‘l: Emb10ide1y, Miss H Ey er Ist nn11211d. Bead Work, Miss E) er Is: and 1nd. Netting, Miss Bernard; Miss Ey er 221d. Hair Flowers Miss Gibson 9 Miss A Glass 2nd Home Made Cotton Shirt, Mrs w Harrison; Mrs Brcauls 2nd. SofaPillow. Missliamilton; MissLawan. TuftingWork, Mrs McClure: Mis Breuls 2nd. Fancy Watt}: 1 ocltet, Miss Law Ist and 2nd. Set of Underclothing, Miss Ever. 'loilet Set, Miss llnmilton; Miss M Glass 2nd. Pencil Drawing, Miss Law ; Miss Elliott 2nd. Cut Flowers. Miss Munshaw. Zepberork, Miss Gibson .7 miss in Glass 211d. Combined Reaper and Mower, J Fleurya Mrs w Wallace. Braidwork and Embroidery in Cotton. Miss KWaHace b'ancyBrackets. John Wright, Medicine wagon. Miss Gibson Knitting in Cotton, Home Made Yarn. Embroidery in Linen, wool Tidy, Lamp Eat, Fanny Bracket, Antimacassor in Co!- ton,Needle work. Honiton Lace, Point Lace, Motto in Wool, Pair of Cotton Stochinge. A St w Wilson, Horse Power. Miss Welman, Rustic work. w Smith, Yoke of 021011. Mrs w wallaee, Putty work. Miss Elliott. Point Luce. Mr Kemp, Manure Spreader. J flJelntosh & Son, Blankets white and C rey, Tweeds, Flannels, Serge, Stocking Yam. Coverlet. These goods were highly recommended, and had lst Prize atraehed to each. Best. ShodHuxse, W Trench. EXTRAS. Mir-.13 1‘1} Gibson received no less than 14 extra first prizes for ladies work, and Miss Hattie Eyer received 7 extra lst 1113mm in ilTG“ ‘11110 class. A to W" 1.5011 Xhibited a splendid p0 .1.7e1‘ i‘rr enhcr one or two horses. Mr K em?) showed :1 manure spreader, that cw eoneidemble attention. Mr W Smith showed 11 first-class Yoke of Oxen and J Mclntesh CL Son, of Woodbiidge made a splendid exhibit of no less then 28 samples of theii own manufacture, consi “m: 01 L 01, Blanl ets. Red Blank 9:121ch- .13, Flunnels, Sexges, corsets, union clot h, stocking yarns, 850., &c., for all of which be received red cards, the judges considering them very worthy. RICHMOND HILL, 0NT., Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Lungstuff. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 187‘). E- E- MflKEHEIE, B- An M- 11-: B. M» Jar; Bethune Q C N 'W Hoyles, 6 â€"â€" 8 p. m., Richmond Hill, May 13th. 1880. :n‘rxisto“ Attarncysâ€"utLu-w, Solicitorsâ€"5n» Chm; , Convcymmors, etc. Ofiincsâ€"dnmerml 3mm; Lu. dings, Wcliington street, Toronto. THOMAS 14391th A UN, (2.0. JOHN BAIL. WE. Sn'mm Gannon, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Mur‘uqngos bought (ma sold. Flll'DIB bought :1 ’, o): runtud. Insurance 01fu(,é'w. (Kc. RICHMOND HILL. Physician, Sturgeon, Accouchour, Residence at M waiker’s, two doors sbuth of Wright‘s CL mgu Works, Yongo St. "ultimate of London England O; Tmiul A5313: >0 110st Estate Agent, Convey- uucs , L‘rokor, (69., &c., " 11¢ 31 :3 1311111313 1mm, R‘ims. Micmmridge Am HOYLES, (,7J Fevguson, Rain, Gordon & Shiplev, Attorneys, Solicitor 'n-Chxmcery 'dc street East, (opposlte the Court ‘l‘Qrmvto. WM. Worms DVATT. NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, SE: &. 20 King Street, West, Toronto. to Lend at Low Rates, NE‘NTQNBBODK, P. O. Office Hours, 8-â€"10, a.m., To [GRâ€"Victoria Chuwbcrs, 9 Victoria street 011m. igflUL’.‘BME & EVATT. BARRIS- ‘Atturncygl Solicit01‘a~in-Chuncery 12.13.0113M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. S EQI’ERES'E ERS9 £50 CONVEYANCING- ETC. IN 02'me ’nICHMOND HILL, Ems-'1‘ 10 DAYS OF EACH MONTH, MArLE, ......... . ..... VICTORIA SQUARE if" “- ‘ V I SURGEON DENTL‘T, has - ~ removed try 87 King street Bust, L'orontn, OX 1' H. & (L Bluuhford's new shoe store 1508!: mi 1 heath i sorted in a manner to suit ouch patient. l’m‘blculur uttuution given to the preservation n (l ruuulution of the natural teeth cmm‘xflly 223.7 all unuccussury pain. A. W fil’AULDh‘IG. UsAssistuut, do .. do V Lorin, Square do Tlmmhifl . . .do MupJo .. . ..... . , do VVoodbri gs ...... (10 109$sz wg do Not/1m do Anagnhetwsfis Nitrous Oxide, otc.,_used when ordered, and none but the best matexml used hmond Hi1],1\'2& ' 13th. 1880. vi. m,- pd, - J. EL“ MDT LAHCSTAFF, M. D. Mon-3y to Lona nt Low Rates. Mortgages bought mid sold. n 0}'01119,8t0 10,1 t02, and G to 8 JABECFJS GORMLEX’, V .0 .3303; ”“0 ABA F. J. D. SMITH, DR. ORR, MAPLE Dr A ROIBNSON. SURGEON DENTIS Prompfly attended. to‘ P. Q. Box 252?. EWMM' DAB ' ‘ mini. ‘RRISTER , ETC., mum. 0 Moss, W C Fulconbridgo W Barwick, A BAylesworth EXTRAS 0. ADAMS, L.D.S., 18TH 25TH First Prize for the PRICES :â€"Im * of 11:11 laments at tho Ric 1111101111 Hill and Ynnge Stmat Agricultural Societies Spring Fair, May 24bh,1880, in competition with the landing nmufucturers of Canada. Combination Mower, :57 0. Ithaca Horse Rake, 5930, 5 per cent off for net cash. ‘ 1.: arm, ‘11 ,. 1k Patontcns for 1'“ A Dmfinion 0f the World Renowned Spring Tooth Harrow Prepargd 8» sold joy H fiangqrson‘ 8; Sons "-1“! rt- 11 Eifl fl 0 Mi GEE SPECES. GENuma. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH They have also on hand Wags, THE cafiyéficics, fully compounded. Rememher the mace, APOTHEOARY’S HALL. A. Can Salicited. ‘ Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prescriptions caro- 7 mic ‘.' c. Any one 50 015 to and spar») bin to try the b1: maxim" vc‘: (,1 and striofly hunm‘sullh. know (111 ubouttha 1th p9, the public , send us , send you full umticu] 2.15 “ Mnmmxm- WWM mayhfiflw , ma; in“ . ii first [)RAIN TUJE, OF THE BEST - QUALITY AT THOS. NIGETLNGALE’S, Yorkvilu WEfiflfi? EWHQNT RANK! GOOOAYQEAB‘, or $5 to $20 a. in 3012,1‘ owu locality. No risk‘ \‘y‘nmcm‘w as: well (:3 men. Many make 1; 01": than U u amount stated ‘ " " Hugh.) gummy inst. (11111 2” ’w: from Earner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill \mm nun Mxmnn % ,, a luv-nun “MI.- n: A'ubusm Mame Her-ha Fresh, and this Year’s Growth. Ut't‘he Finest Flavor and Quality. lE‘he Patterson Improved Light'Reaper with the signature of “I. BUTTS ” on the wrapper. 50 Cents and $1.00 a. Bottle. Pre- pared by SETH W. Fowm & SONS, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. Our Machinery Occupies 61m :zmkc money ruster at work torus than at zulyt‘mlxgelse. Capital not‘requirad; we will start yun. :51? per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the tinm. Costlv outfit and terms free. Address TRUE & Co..Au;;usm. Maine. Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. AND HORSE SHOER‘ Place of Businessylst north of P GrOShy, Esq, Yonge street, Richmond Hill Geo. STEPHENS General Inaczksmith, AND WAS AWARDED THE Patterson & Bro., Patterson. Ont. Chemicals, Perfumery, a large stock of FIRST PRIZE on the New Combinatmn fifow'er. FIRST PRIZE on Wrought Beam Flows, and See our reduced 101m table.“ For further information uppIy at at the Omcas ’ the Companv. Walter S. Lee, Manager 'I‘o land on Mortgage of landed property only at a. low rate of interest. No 1103111035 than $400 will be entertained. The Ointment is the only relinyblé remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers othow- over 10an standing. For Bronchitis, Diptherin, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and 1111 Skin Diseases it hm no equal. BEWARE OF NEW “Hm SHUNTERFEITS. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stump, with the words “ HOLLOWAY’S PILLB AND OIN’I‘MENT LONDDN, " engl :Lved the1oou.0u the label 1s who adflress, 5‘33, 011110111) Smym'r, LONDON, when) alone they are Manufactured. HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN 'I‘TMER. The Pine; purity the B1 00m correcb Ml (11501 r]! II of tho Livcl, Stomach Kidnyeys and Bowels,m1u are invaluable in all complfxints incidental to Females. I mostrcspoctfully take leave to call the at- mntiou of t} 1 Public generally to the fact, that certnln Houses in Nuw York are sending to many purfs of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONS of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. I most earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which I feel sure I may venture upon making from all houomble persons, to assist; me, and the Pub lie, as far as may lie in their power, in denoun tag this shameful Fraud. The Trade Mulks of those Meuicines are reg. 3 tel-ed 111 Ottawa. Hence any one tln oughout the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 563 Oxford Street, London, J 1m 1 1870 HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhum .................. Vice-President DIRECTORSâ€"Sunluel Plath, MIC, Wm. Gooder 1mm, Geo. W. Lewis, Thoa. H. Lee; Ron. D. L Mncpherson, Senator. Capital, $1, 000 000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $1,:000, 000 Saving’ s Bank Mortgages Bought. Transactions strictly confidential. Apply persfiuully, or by letter tq the undersigned. Richmond Hill, Juny. lsb, 1880 I donot a ‘low my medicine to be sold' In any part of the United States. I have no agents thorn. My medicines are only made by me at .33, Oxford Street. London In the books of directions affixed to the spur- ious make is u. mmtionwurniug the Public against being deceived by counterfeit-s. Do not be misled by this audacious trick, as they are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. These counterfeits are purchased by unprinci- plea Vendom at one-half the price of my fills and 01ntmeuh and are sold to you as my genuine Medmines Money received on deposit, and interes payable halt yearly or compounded. Ointments bearing {my other uddmés are coun- terfcits iness :1. trial without exyense. The best opportunity ever offered for those Will- ing to work. You should trv nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the bus- mess we offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Sand for special private terms and arti- culnrs which we mail free, $55 outfitfree. on't complain of hard times while you have suchn chance. Address H. HALLETT & 00., Portland AWEEL 1n your-own town, and no capital risked. You can give the bus- Mama Berlin Wonls Beads 82c d’bc in stock. Almanacs for sale. French Dictionaries and other schoo Books just received. A few Diaries, for sale at the HERALD Store, cheap. ESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Oflicesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto. MODERN TIMES $506000 BRANCH MONEY T0 LOAN. .31 K- PALHHNBRIBEE granny.- Patterson; May 26th,1880'.,.3m Hol‘lowny‘s Pills and uuu uUAu uuu “mun/u, "um“ .vuv . m. . “"4“... The Appliances are made in 11.11 sizeévunaghapes fox 151â€"15 Vdiflgrefit' raft: of the bndy, mad rdfig‘e i price hon) $1.00 to $5.00 for small Bands, and from $5.00 to $15.00 for \Vnish Belts. See Circuim which is miled free to all applicants. _ Remember the address, A. NORMAN, No. 4 Queen shout East. ’I‘m‘oubn, Dir” 'N. B.-Electric Baths, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Meamuriall and Hot and (lnld Baths am” toudy fox Ladies and (n‘remflemnewn1 Feb. 18511’80 SUITS MADE Tfl llBIIER FMM $9 1 “WEE? SPECIAL LINES IN COTTONS, SHIRTINGS, DEMINS, DUCKS ETC. EM A MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY OF Mr Norman, Toronto, Oct. 10th, 1979. DEAR Simâ€"About three years ago I fell from a ladder about twelve fees across the hamster r the stairs, and was taken up for dead, since Which time I have suffered severe pain in my buck um side, and great weakness, unfitting me for business, and gob very litt1~ case until 1 used your Elm- tric Belt and Insoles, which reliqyed me v'e_r):much2 .you‘lqsmtrulx, MN 0 ' ‘vs. 1-3.5 ‘Yougo S‘ Groceries, Crockery. Eardynre, &c, m ab‘unda‘nce’, 8110f which is respectfully submitted to the i‘nSpeclion of a' (Srit'icnl publrc. ISAAC CROSBY. 1 4;, -E v . i The proprietor of this establishment, lixwing had many years experience, Mid studied clceely‘ this science in its application to curative purposes, feels confident that in presenting this ACME ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the public, he is supplying them with the best instrument of their kind now known to the scienceâ€"instruments tlmt will do their work well if used in mccm'duuce with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheap imita- tion of all his goods. ' ASK FUR. NORMANS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE ‘ AGAINST IMPOSITION. TESTIMONlALS. A kanv-nnn Dan Tn gm‘soll. A 11mm b. 1879. STOCK 0F Wifi be FOUND at Reynolds & Newtons. THE [ARGEST ASSUBTMENT {1F LADIES AND GENTS“ REYNOLDS 86 NEWTONd Prints &‘ Dress Gocdsa REIIEVE AED CURB. . Spumi Compiuinh, Genera I and Nelvous Debiiity, Rheumatism, Gout Nervousnesa' Liver, Kidney. Lunus. Thwat and Chest C-mnplaims, Neuralgia. Bronchitis. Incipient Pmulysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Snmms, Consumption, Sleeplessnesa, Colds, Indigestion. Spenhumrrhosza. liac , ' New 86 Seasonable“ Goods,- . [3’ Our Snring Stqck of General Dry Goods will be found eompietem‘nd Prices Right Richmond H)”, Apnl Is}, 1880. OLD THINGS HAVE PASSED ‘ AWAY Paint 85 Oil at Toronto Prices. Richmond Hill', June 3rd, 1880 MUST BE SOLD. SPRING l$ ROOM PAPER, Over 150 Patterns FOR FIVE CENTS. PER Rffifll Boots and Shoes FIELD 81. WHEN $38113 FLOUR FEED Unlariu House is Er‘ammed Full _ Scarf; TieS, Gloves, Etc., can he found at, Reynolds & Newtons. 0:}:- The Best. Valhe in White and Regatta Shins, Ho'siery, (‘30, at Richmond am, April 1‘4, 1880 Richmond Hill, April lst, 1390 Is Prepared with a Large and: SpIe'n'd'id Assortment of LL ESTABLISHED 18747 NURMAN’S ELEETHU EUHATIVE The Ldfg'eai and Best Stock 0’f'Sp'ring' Twéed‘s to‘ Be seen in Rfch‘mmd Hill miocnmss kkovrsroxs, Usual Stock of Groceries and Furniture. Wiih a New Stock of And All' Things Have Become New. A LL KINDS OF AND THE MOURNING GOODS 2 JOHN BRO W N. HU’H UBEIIL‘B , uu nun, Luux; on u Electricity the Life" Fluld 1N HATS es; CAPS, at Reynolds & Newton's. In Co'b‘ourgs, wans, Merinos SS Cashmeres . _. CH EAFEST Ready'uMade Clothing Summer is Coming, and the’ Satin Finish at 15 cents,’ Worth 30 cm. Splendid AsSortment I Call and Inspect; Stock. Another Large Stock of Room Paper ATEST EUHATIVE APPLIANEES P G SA VAGE IwiH c’o‘nt‘mué to receive Strict attention to business! Moderate Public Patmnagc' T4 I trust that: with a shine of TYRE-12%?) AND- Prices;

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