Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Aug 1880, p. 3

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After thiagentlemen had somewhat exhausted himself in his efl‘orts to convince the Council that he was right, he sat down to rest, remarking that fit yuapnqugh to mugxg anybggly swear” All 13113 busilieés 9111;; iovfier nbouj‘.‘ six o’clock, the Council adjourned to meet again on the 23rd 90f August, at Mchrlune’s £10m}, corngr Vaug- n...“ nu“... n . A , Has rem'o‘ved his shop to next door south of Dr, Langstafi's, nearly orposite the old stand, where 316 is prepared to do all kinds of work in first- aoluss style. 1J- BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vaughan, tSpecial atthntion given to Stair Building. .Punctual attention Will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. 0. A't the éonclusiorfiAorfitfié $10000 xlxgs. a. certain 'pemon came forward eloquently to plead his -ca.use in connection with a sum of money which 1116 contended should be paid to him for certain veg-k dgne by_him. [[‘he Counéilriéieé'med perfectly willing to do what was just and righpr Arufl_u.:_ ~H.uM,_h 1,,,,,, v . . . fl Mr William Brown, Assessor and Collector, ‘West York. presented it. petition fur nine dollars its pay for the funeral expenses of John Broxup, an old pensioner who was killed by falling off a. chimney. It was remarked by Mr Gibb that echimnefisweeps sometimcsmuko 1L lot (if money; Tbut Mr town said that poor old Broxup was not 'worth a cent when he was cut ofi‘. Mr Broxnp ‘belonged to 30th regiment, and might lnwe been :seen on certain occasions marching with his red coat on. After all his military pomp and glory, film should be buried decent. "Rattle his bones over the stones He's only IL pauper who nobody owns." Mr Brown was told to bring the account M: the maxi; meeting, when it is to be understood the amount petitioned for will be granted by the Council V A by-law was passed to {Lid 1'11 maintaining in- digent persons and grant relief to the resident P09!- N A by-15.W $215 passed appointing Mr Richard McGujre poupdâ€"lgeepqr 9f Brockton. “Ay, “ha-mistake, but it’s not a mistake of ’mine it's a mistake of the Council." Geo. STEPHENS BENEFIT SHEIETY ! AND HORSE SHOER‘ PRESIDENT,â€"-.Hon Alexander Vidal, Senator. TREASUKERâ€"WM. J. Gmd, Sec -Txeas. Lambton P B & I Society. MANAGER" & SECRETARY,â€"WM J Moved by Mr Watson. and seconded by Mr Gibbâ€"Resolved that the Clerk be and he is here- by instructed to prepare 2L by-lmv to allow Henry Adare to erect public weigh-scales in Stanton Vil- lage on the side of Buthurst street, for the bene- fit of the said village, said scales not to interfere with the roadway or road-ditches, so as to do no damage to the said road or private property. Carried. A by-law to allow Henry Adam to erect public ‘weigh scales in Seaton Village us also 11. by-lzm tn grant certain monies for the inspection of Public Highways and for other purposes were passed: mul A "L, Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. It was moved by Mr Hamilton, and seconded it by Mr Gibb, that the tender of John McCartney for cutting Moore’s Hill as also his tender for cutting Parson’s Hill be accepted, and also, that the tender for Robert va be accepted for build- iélg 9'. biidge at lot 3, fourth concession \Vest Yurk nrrxe . Moved by Mr Gibbs and seconded by Mr WM:- sonâ€"Resolved that the Council offer twenty dol~ lara reward for the Imprehcnsiou and conviction of the parties who maliciously ill-treated a cow belonging to 0110 George Kennedy of Weston, by cutjiing pm} of her items ofl’. Curried. Moved by Mr Dollely and seconded by Mr Watson, that the sum of twelve dollars be paid toPutrick Harris for “taking up" a bridge and making an embankment on side line between lots Nos 5 and 6 on the fourth Concession West York. Curried. The Tirensuréi Vfi'hvsmiigtfiféiéi to" Edisuéihe sumpf _ $755.15 Head Ofi‘lce,â€"â€"Sarnia, Ontario Keays, Official Assignee. This Society is organized tor the purpose 01 en iabling persons between 16 and 60 years of age, by becoming members, to make provision for old age, and in case of deathto secure sum of money to their widows and orphan children, or to other relatives or persons dependent on them; and to secure to each member of the Benefit Branch, medical attendance and n. weekl allowance, in reuse of sickness or accident (lisa ling hin from doing his usual worlf. Mr Oliver after shaking his long, thin, bony fingers, and looking daggers at; the Reeve, gave Way in the reading of the last meeting’s minutes, which were confirmem Various communications were read. A rather difficult question concerning Bathurst street was brought before the Council by three gentlemen from that locality, who complained of the bad character of the road there. It was not known for certain Whether the road in ques- tion belonged to the Council’s jurisdiction or not. It‘waa only a matter of hearsay.” It was a very bad. toad, persons had to pay tell to get into it, then get out °f~ it the best way they could It was moved bV Mr \Vatson, and seconded by Mr Dollery, thud; the Clerk be authorized and in- structed to commumcute with Dr McMichueJ, so- licitor for the York and Vaughan Road Company for information with respect to Buthurst street, us to Whether said company have any claim on anigl strqqt, and if so, what said claim is. Curricd WA, voicé 5513de of thgfiandlenééâ€" It’s a. mis: take." B KEFFER, CONTRACTOR AND 0 BUILDER. Sherwood 4”] non Vnrnrxhnn 6 great value of benefit societies to all 01:15 585 who depend upon their personal efiorts fo the support of themselves and their families, i now universally recognized. M17 DuncanLnBW, if you don’t behave yourself, I yjil’ygve ya}; put down stuirszu Mr OliverLYoi can do as you like. You refuse to db your duty. 1 Want dothing but straight for- 'wggdgealing. The regular meeting of the York Township Council wee held in the Council Chamber, Eg- lington, on Monday, August 2nd. All the members present. The Reeve having taken the chair, the busi- fiess was about to commence by Mr J K Leslie, the Clerk, reading the minutes of the previous meeting. when quite a. little tragedy was enacted. “A MLOliver, a. very ancient gentleman, dressed 1,11 blm‘gk; long end spare invhis person, with a. more had ordinary elongated visage,renmrku.bly pale. wmoe‘t Wonderfully sharp nose, and eyes which; if they had not been dimmed by age, list have committed fearful. slaughter, as they lemued with righteous indignation on the . two, who refused to do exactly what their ostly pos ssor requested. It seems that Mr liver wan s at road made through his property in figlington, that the making of this road would ne‘ceaitatethe construction of a. bridge that would costconsidereble. He had brought a number of were with him which, however, were not his on: papers. - vr- râ€"nv - The Reeve refused to take action on Mr Oliv- er's plan at. a. moment's notice, and before the pvdper documents had been put before the Coun- cil for their due consideration. Mr Oliver could not understand this wav of doing business, and becoming very excited, said hefishought it most disgraceful on the part of the Council to grant. roads to others and not to him. “For shame? for shame ?;’ he cried. “Men swéhl to do justice and yet refusing to do What isgigllt and proper.’j_ " firififiBâ€"éEBLDo you impeach me in this tion‘? You dare not do it. This Society presents two distinguishing features :â€" lstâ€"Smallness of Cost. 2udâ€"The satisfactory security afforded to members. Full particulars obtained from GEO CHANTLER. How To Do BUSINESS.-â€"â€"DO you sell cheaply ? let the public know it. Have you anything special to dispose of ?â€" tell the people about it. Expecting to work up trade without advertising is like trying to run a locomotive without steam. Advertise now. Agent for the’ Townshisz of Markham, Vaughan, whitchurch and mg Dr Jas Langstafl', Medical Refereeq Dec 9,1879 Lawn Ring Toss, for sale at HERALD Store. Railroad Canvass, for Sale at HERALD Store. REMOVED ! York Township Council CANADA ROYAL n.‘nk Road at 2 p. In â€"PABKDALE GAZETTE General Blackmith, BLACKSMITH SHOP. OFFICERS : RICHMOND HILL ONT posi- the the . .9 . "nun-nun. A “Norman, Esq,,’ Ingersoll, August, 1879. DEAR Sm,â€"I suffered for four years from what Dr Dnvies of Chicago, and other eminent hy- sicians called rheumatism of the bowels, wt ich they tried invuin to cure ; but I am thankfu to say your appliances have entirely removed the 3min. I recompiend all sufferers to try them. Yours truly, PETER DOWING. BHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Mr. Norman, Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 187-4, I have fully tried and most carefully tested and seen used your Gumtive Insoles and Bands, and believe this to be one of the best forms of administering Electricity, now known to be of such valuable importance for the relief of Rheumatism and Neurulgic affections. 1 most cherfully re- commend their use to all sufferers of these conligliigfisi C B HALL, M. D. 20 Cater-Howell Place. Mr Norman, Toronto, Oct. 10th, 1879. DEAR Sm.â€"â€"â€"Abeu’t three years ago I fell from aiadder about twelve feet across the bunister of the stairs, and was taken up for (lead, since Which time I have suffered severe pain in my back and side, and greet weakness, unhtting me for business, and got very little case until 1 used your Elec- trit Belt and Insoles, which relieved me very much. Yours truly, J 0315‘ ‘Ovims. 125 Yonge St. mun A.,‘.n1.'..vm,m A-" “Huh. :_. ,.n Nun“. ..._ :1 W14___.. 1». u. A Jug, The proprietor of this estublishment,‘l’1aving had many years experience. ' and studied closely th 0 science in its application to curative purposes, feels confident that in presenting this ACME ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the'public, he is an oplying them with the best instrument of their kind now known to the scienceâ€"instruments that; will do their work well if used in accordance with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheap imita- tion of all his goods. ASK FOR NORMAN’S ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE‘SAFE AGAINST IMPOSVl‘ION. f“ ,, “A , TESTIMONIALS. “7' APOTHECARY’S HALL. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Remember the place, ready for Ladies and G'entlémen Prepargd 8;; sold by H gangerso‘qhéz Sons n RELIEVE AED CURE. Spinal Complaints, General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout. Nervousness Liver, Kidney. Lungs, Throat and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia, Bronchitis. Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Spralns, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion, Spermatorrlioea, &c.., , . . . . . H.“ ivm. -WW “w-“ ”w. mu”. m, nub“ w. The Appliances are mer‘e in all siZes and shapes fax the different parts of the body, and range in price from $1.00 to $5.00 for small Bands, mail from $5.00 to $15.00 for Waist Belts. See Circulars, which is miled free to all applicants. Remember the address, A. NORMAN, No. 4 Queen street East, Toronto, Ont N. B.â€"Eloctric Baths, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Mencurial andfiHpt and Cold Baths always "nun-n an.“ T.l\l‘1'nn mm: (innnnw...“ . , , .nn, "m Paint & Oil at Toronto Prices Usual Stock of Groceries and Furniture. Richmond Hill, June 3rd, 1880 P G SAVAGE HARDING, SPINNING, MANUPAUTURINE, 8. RAE HARPET WEAVINE Done to Older. See our stock, AT RICHMOND HILL AND WOODBRIDGE. ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS .. Corner Yonge and Cefi'tre Street East, Richmond Hill 7.\ ' ,3); They have also on hand Mugs, Toilet Articles, a large stock of Shemicals, ['01 SPICESa GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH We've a stock of A I blankets, So come along and do not; fail, or flannels too for shirts ; To bring with you your Wool ; _ And for your wives and daughters Foxy/hick We'll pay you Well in trade, VVe’ve Winceys to make skirts. Or else with cash in full. Having leased the Richmond Hill Woolen Mills, formerly leased to Mr T McNelly, we are now'pre- pared to carry on the business, and guarantee general satisfaction. W WHITTERS, Manager for Richmond Hill Branch. FOR FIVE CENTS PER ROLL, MUST BE SOLD. To see is dt‘éfif fiifiljva . Where the very best of woolen goods; Are made with care and skill. ~ BOOM PAPER, OVBI‘ Cgfime all youljolly faggners, 1880, W O O L! 1880, UNION FOREVER! Woodbridige and Richmond Hill Woole11._Mill's.- Richmond Hill, June 16th. 1880. ESTABLISHED 1874 NURMAN’S ELEETHD CUHATIVE c§8883¢%€3(%2300<§88%>c§%<% CW3%C%OOC%C%§% Prescriptions care- ‘Elelqigxficity fiche Life Fluid. Sweeplng Reductions. REYNOLDS & NEVVTONS- Crosby is selling all his Summer Gouda at a. great reduction. There is -NOY- DON"; YOU Forget It i Herbs Fresh. and this Year’s Growth. BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE Satin Finish at 15 cents, worth 30 cts. Another Largo Stock of Room Paper Call and Inspect Stock. Doubt about this. Call and See, and. Of'the Finest Flavor and Quality. SUMMER GOODS. â€"INâ€"- fully compounded. So come along and do not fail, To bring with you your Wool ; _ qu_whi0h We'll pay you Well in trade, 01' also with cash in full. We’ve (Needs for s‘uits'for men and boys, We‘ve yarn to use for hose ; We've twills and fancy coverlids‘; In fact What e'er you choose. 52W CUBATIVE APPLIANCES J. F. McINTOSH & SON Shemicals, Perfumery, .YI‘.- Feb. 18th '80. Prop . tThe Snecific Medicine is sold by all Druggist t$| pe1 package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, Tomnto, Ont” Can udu NB.~Thc demands of our business have no- cessitated our removing to Toronto, tq which place please address {L11 future communlcutions TheGrentEngâ€"TRADE MARK. TRADE VMARK'lishfiox/nedy' 15 an (£30 unfailing cm a for , » Seminal VVenk- ness ,Spermnmorr- hen, lmpotcncy, and all diseases that follow as n, V \ sequence of self . .. ‘ Abuse as 1895 of ’ fl Memory mvel Before Taking“ Lassim(lé,After Takm’g. pulin in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature 01d ago, and munyotber diseases that lead to insanity con- sumption and a prmnutur e grave. L3” Full pur- ticulurs in 0'0" I’mnphletwhich we desire to send free bmeml to every one. First Prize for the best selection of Implements at the Richmond 11' â€".1LL LL- 1, d Yonge Street Agricultgmi Societies Spring Fair, May 24th, 1880, in competition ___-,,pi AL,,,,,,,, .5 A , , Patenfiees for the Dominion of the World Renowned Spring Tooth Harrow iness & tlizbl without expense. The best opportunity ever ofl'ered for those 1'. 1 1- ing to W01k. You should t1 Y nothing (he 1111 u11 you see for yom self what you can do at the bus- mess We offer No room to explain how. You can devote all 30111~ time or only your spare time to the business, and make great \ pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private tenus and parti- culars which we mail free, $55 outfit free, Don’t complain ofhurd times While you have sueha (filapce. Address H. HALLETT 86 00., Portland 11.1116. A \\ L‘Eh 111 yom own nmv11, mm no capital 1iskcd. You ClLll give the bus- 680111 in Richmond Hill by [111 druggists, and everywhere in Canada and the United States Wholesznlennd retail druggists FIRST PRIZE on the Patterson Improved Light Reaper. ‘ FIRST PRIZ' ‘ on the Ithaca Self-discharging Horse Rake _ ,~.V..,~___ N-~._v._« ~‘.___° _ . with the leading maniacfifiréi'é ofOCanada. PR|CES : â€"Improved Reaper, $105. Combination Mower, $70. Ithaca. Horse Rake, $30. 5 per cent off for net cash. GRAY'S Specific Medicine! THE FRONT RANK! The Patterson Improved Light Reaper Our Machinery Occupies : -: TO $6000AYEAIt, or $5 to $20 a. ' } day in your own locality. No risk ' Womendo as well 83 men. Many , nmke more than the amount stated flbOAe. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work You can make from :10 ots to $2 rm hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money muKing everotfered before. Business pleasen and strictly honorable. Reader, if you wentt know all about the best paying business befor the public , send us your address and We wil send you full particulars and private terms free Samples with :35 also free; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address GEORGE STINSON & 00.,Augusta, Maine. Igummntee to sntisfv the most fastidious Come and give us a. trial. No disappointment No deception JOHN PLAXTON Elgin Mills, Jun. 7th18804 Having lately purchased the nteres: of the above business, I can confidently In all branches of the trade. Having paid ELGIN MILLS BEERKSMH‘H SHIP. SPECIAL ATTENTION Efierse Shoeing fiuarantee Satislaciion? AND WAS AWARDED THE Patterson 85 Bro., Patterson. Ont. FIRST PR! 23 on the New Combination Mower. PIBS'I‘ PRIZE on Wrought Beam Flows, and See our reduced loan table. For further information apply at at me Ofiices the Comvanv. Walter S. Lee. Manager HON. GEO. w. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhnm ........ ......... Vice-Preéidelié DIRECTonaâ€"Sumuel Flatt, M.P., Wm. Godder ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. 1). L Mmpherson, Senator. Money recewed on deposit, and interes payable half yearly or compounded. Total Assets, $3,000,000 Richmond Hill, J any. 1st,~ 1880 To lend on Mortgage of landed property only at a. low rate of interest. No Loan less than $400 will be entertained. Transactions strictly confidential. Appiy’ personally, or by letter tohthe undersigned. Saving’s ‘ ’ Bank can make money mater at work for us than M anything else. Capital not required; we will start you. $512 per day at home made by the industrious. Me 11, women, boys and girls Wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfit and terms free. Address TRUE & 00.. Augusta. Maine. (W ‘ V v SURGEON DENTIST, has removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & CA Bluchfmd’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. P'u‘ticulur attention given to the preservation and regulation of the natural teeth Ely 'oingvglt unnecessary pain. A. W (at Palmer House) ' ' ’ ' ' , i Aurora, 15:, 8th,16th,und 22nd do Newm m ket. ............ 211d do Stoufi‘villeu ...... .18th do Mmkhmn ...... O ..1 Victoria Square ..11.. .20th dc .llth do Thoxnhill . . Bid do Map 16 ...... ...... ...... 26th (10 Woodbridge ...... ...28611 do Kleinburg" . ...29th do Nobleton ............ 30th do Anasthetics, as Nitrous Oxide, etc., used when ordered. and none but the best muterial used Thankful or the favors of the past the years 1r ay still be cnnsulted in any brunch of the pro fession, {LS follows : Richmond Hill.. 9th & 24th of each month MAPLE, ................ VICTORIA SQUARE SPAULDING. J‘JD Assistant. \ ESTE RN CANADA 1. 0 A. N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Jas Bethune Q C N W Hoyles, N OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, FIRST 10 DAYS OF EACH MONTH, U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chzmcery etc.. 84 Adelaide street; East, (opposite the Court. House), Toronto. , ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Won'rs EVA'L‘T. Barristers, Atbomoys-nt-Law, Solicitors-in- Ch‘ancery, Conveyancers, otc. Oflicesâ€"Imperiul Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Torofito. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL. WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPI/EY ‘ Mortgages bought and. soldt Farms bought and sold, or rented, Insurance dfiepted,&c. &c. OULTBEE & EVAT'I‘. HARRIS- U‘ERS. Attornevs. Solicitors-in-Ch nncerv Bethune, Moss. Falconbridge AND HOYLES, NORTH OF sCoTITAND CHAMBERS, l8 &. 20 King Stfeet, West, TOrdflth Ferguson. Baln, Gordon 3:. Shiplev, Ofliciul Assignce, RemI Estate Agent, Convoy ancer, Broker; &c., 650.. OFFICE, â€"Victoriu. Chambers; 9 Victoria street. To1onto. Money to Lend at Low Rates, BARRISfIERs, 6w Capital, $1,000,000; Resafve Fund, $360,000 JAMES GORMLEY, Oflicéa‘â€"â€"1\"o. 70 Church étreet, Tofo'nw. Mortgages Bought $30300 BIiAN'OIâ€"I MONEY T0 LOAN. Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS P. Oi Box 2527. J1 K- PALunNniunsn “fiat-1m. 53mm. giegui. Patterson, May 2613151880. C Moss, W C Falconb‘rldge‘ WBarwick, A BAylas‘Wm-th C. ADAMS, L.D.S., 18Ti1 20TH- 761'- FRO3‘$ NOW, UNTEL 3:1: January let" 1881‘ I most earnestly appeal to that 301190 of justice which 1 feel sure I may venture upon asking f‘mm all honomblo persons, to assist me, and the Pub- lic, as far as may lie in their power, in denouu fng this shmneful Fraud. Vi'i‘her'rl‘mde Marks of these Medicines are reef a terea 111 Ottawa Hence, any one throughout the British Possessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be p1 usecuted 55.3 Oxforgl Streak:L London, Richmond Hill, June 17th 1880‘ Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Govemment Stamp with the words “ HOLLOWAY s PILLS AND OINTMEN'L‘ LONDON, " engraved thereon. On the label 1S the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. The premises recently \occupiod by the HERALD Ofiice. For further information, apply to EEE “EE‘EEE’ These counterfeits are purchased by unprinciâ€" pled Véndors at one-half the p’ribe of my 111115 and Ointment. and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines ' Holloway's Pills and Ointments bearing [my other address are coun- terfeits Having nearly }0 years experience in the art 0.1" Photogranhy, 1 can safely guarantee satisfaction to my Patrons. Call and see smnples of my work Aurora, April 29th 1880. The Ointment' 15: the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds Sores 1 11d Ulcms of how‘ ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptherin, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin’ Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK CfiUNTERFEKTS. I most respectfully take leave to call the M14 fiention of the Public generally to the fact, that éermin Houses in New York are Sending to many purl‘s‘ of the globe ‘ SPURIOUS IMITATION'S of my Pills and Ointment. These frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. I [101101; allow my medicine to be sold in {my part of the United‘ States. I have no agents there. My medicines are only made by me at 533, Oxford Streefi London us affix‘ed tn the spur- ious mukoi§ a cmi‘tionwurniug the Puinc against being (leceived by (counterfeits. Do not be misled bv this audacious trick. as thSy are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. of any kind, to any size up to 8x10 (or life size if required) and furnish them in The Pills purity the Binod, correct all diam-deft! of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowsls, and are invaluable in 11.11 comphufits incidental td Females. The Latest MW Parties desiring anything in the Picfiurc line will please remember that the Gallery will be open in each wsek‘ R Newberry of the “Aurora. Gallery of Art" begs to intorm the Residents of Richmond H111, and Vicinity, that he has rented 6119 Photograph Gallery, lately occupied by Where he willbe§11 attendance every Tuesday and. Fuduy, commencing on not req‘uired; we will start ynu. Men women, boys and girls, make money inster at wo‘rk far 115 than at anything 0159. The work is 11 ht, and nleusmxt, and such as anyone '0th go rig It at. Those who are Wise who see this not-ice will send us their mldro K:os at once. and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms! free. Now is the time. Those already "A; work are Igying up 11mm sums of money. Address TRUE & CO.,Augusta. Maine: .L ‘ AMONTH guantoed. , 2 n. any at 1391101116 by tho indust .ous. Capital THE GREATEST WONDER 01‘? MODERN TIMES. MR (Pi-AME LE, @NLY Q Wflfifi Th‘is House is one of the Best Hotels to ha found north of Toronto. Evoxything ts managed- in First Class Sty19.Smnple Room for Common cinl Travellois. Good Strblinsz and :Ltteuth é hostler. Terms, 551 per duv. Pr'octor 3 Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N l» R, Trains going N01 th and South, M7 .35 u m, 1 p m 4 15 1311),an(1415 v m. Excefient accommodation for the Public. Goo stubliug and attentive hostlcr. RICHMOND HILL, mun, Graduaflse of T‘m‘ro‘nto University, and Member‘ of the College of Physiciz'msjaml Surgeons. Aasistnnt’ R) Dr. 39.11199 Langgtafl”; ’ Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879. The Robin Hood Botei, RICHMOND HILL ON’R. Cosg rove B fog, P‘x (Yp’s TUESDAY MAY 4th 1880. 13" Ofl‘. ce Ham-.3 8 to 10 1 to H, 11110.6 to 8‘ THE: PALMER HOUE'E, RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer. Prdfi' It- By 0111-1”. D.- and mm Silver Madam), University of Toronto M. 0.1’. S. Ontmin. L S A. L EnglltnrltLate of London England Surgeon, E W I am prepared to enlarge 01d J. ELLIOT LANG'S'I'A-F?,N' ..n.- INDIA INK PHOTBEEAPH EALLERY aaa (Ea ram DR. ORR, MAPLE. Jan 118'79 FOE. ROBT, NEWBERRY, "gfirfiiwi. RE-OI’ENED. 011 00} CBS. MR. A. LAW. .7 EV: ARTIST,

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