Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Aug 1880, p. 3

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1. Any person who takes a paper rogulwrly from in post office, Whether directed in his numo or uother'a,or Whether he has subscribed or not, is waponsible for payment. 2. If a. person orders his paper discontinued he must pay all unenrs, or the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made, and. then contact the whole amount, Whether the paper is taken from the office or not. 3 The courts have dbcidcd that refusing to take newspapers or )eriodiculs from the post office, Var removing an leaving them uncalled for, is prima facie evidence of into-nfionul fraud. . L There were three successful candidates from Markham High School at 1he examin- n'tion for third-class certificates zâ€"Miss “mi-e Doherty, James Harrison and U. N. Pickering. Finnâ€"The barns on Lot 3. 3rd Com, Pickering, the properly of David Annis, of Scarboro, and occupied by Peter Johnston, were burned to the ground on Thursday, 'the 5th inst... together with all the con tents including, bpsidcs his full wheat and barley which he had just threshed, and his hay, waggons, horse, plows. &c.. and has left him without the great necessaries to carry on his farming. There was no insurance on the barn, and Mr Annis estimates his loss at nearly $1000. Mr Johnston has an insurance policy on his grain, 850., but, has not yet paid for it, and does not yet know whetheryhe will get anything on it. or not. He thinks the fire the work of an incendi- hry. , ' FOR SALE, CHEAP ! ‘The‘rei Acre And A fluaAer of [and LA W CONCERNING N E WSPAI’ERSI ‘OU‘I‘BUILDIN'GB. No i‘eusonu‘b'lvéfiofier rwiil ~refmaed, as the pm’p‘o‘rty, 'lyust be disposed of. JLo'ng’fli'me for payment. '1‘1tle Indisputuble. JFu'llvpa‘rticulnlrsoh applying toJo’hn coulter Esq" Richmond [ml], ‘or to the bwner. How TO DO BUSINEss.â€"â€"Dp you sell cheaply ? let the public know it. Have youwgnything special to dispose of ?â€"- tell the people about it. Expecting to work up trade without advertising is like trying to run a locomotive without steam. Advertise now. CAMP MEETING.-â€"Pr0vidence permitting the Free Methodist. will hold a camp mew- ing in the (ownship of Markham. on 1he tuwnline betwet-n b'carlmru and Markham, two and a half miles ens! of Markham vil- lace. The moptin‘r will commence On Wednesday. Aug, 251b, and continue one Week. All are kindly invilnd, especially all lovers of Bible holiness. Come and bring your Renting essentials and food will] you, unidinpendr'h week for God and the salvation vf-jfiuln. ‘No admittance fee, nor meals Iold on the ground. HOUSE ’8. WT 3N LUGAZ STREET, JRICHMOND HILL. WITH (1001) ’Hc ‘OU‘I‘B‘UILDIN’ Gh‘ U- BUILDER, Sherwood 4th Con. Vaughan, Special ntthntion given to Stair Buildlng. I’unctuul attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple P. 0. '2091) .HO'UfiE, 131mm AND OTHER _ ¥“./~ AND HORSE SHOERx Hm; removed his shop to next door south of Dr. Lungstufi’s, nearly orposite the 01d stand, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in first- glass style. {aid aflei-tifijng Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. MO 402 was passed, appointing Clms Nixon and Wm I’ulterson collectors. By-law No. 403, assessing (he several School Sections in the Township was read a first and second time, and laid over until next meeting. Geo. STEPHENS From the Economist BURGLARY.â€"0n Sunday mbrning‘, 81h inst, the farm house of Mr Nelson Harring- Qon, Lot 26,'8th Con. Markham, was enter- ed and all the drawers and trunks in the house broken into and ransacked. For- tunately only $4.50 were found and ab- ‘arractod. The burglary was cummilted in broad dnvlrghl. the thieves gaining entrance by breaking.r a pane of glass in (me of the mndows and withdrawing the nail which fnatened it. The Connéil then adjourned until Tues< day, 14th Sept to meet. at In a m. Moved by Mr Lahmer, sea by Mr Rea- ‘man, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay J A Stewart for printinor an b_ind 0V ters’ List for 880W $9 8 Mr Reaman moved, sec by Mr Nattress, that the Clerk is hereby Instructed to notify lho Northern Railway Company to open but the culvert belonging to the Railway on the siderond between lots 6 and 6 in the 3rd Co .v-Canied. r Reaman moved, sec by Mr Lehm- fir. that the Treasure be and is hereby Bnlhorized to pay the following road no- haunts on their furnishing the cornmissxon~ eré order.‘ Mr Renman, moved, see by Mr Lahmer, "ml. the Trensurer be and is hereby author- ized 10 pay John Burr the sum of $9.33 fer ‘two sheep killed by dog pr dogs, being two- thirds their Minaâ€"Curried Lawn Ring Toss, for sale at HERALD Store. Moved by Mr Nattress, see by Mr Lah- er, that the Clerk be instructed in advertise by handhills for tenders for building stone foundation under Town Hall, plastering. building chimneys, shingling roof, and building platformâ€"Carried. District No. Lâ€"To II Rumble, for 3! loads of gravel for rond beat. No.16, $3.10 District. No. 2.â€"Noah Slong. $25. Dis- trict, No. 3.â€"J0hn Hilliard, $2.â€"Carried. Moved by Mr Lahmer, see by Mr Nutâ€" ‘lress, that the Council will not in future 'enteltnin any dog claims after the final re- vision of the Assessment Rolls. and will not refund the tax on any dog or dogs that may be entered U!) the Collector’s Rolls.â€" Carried. Railroad Canvass, for Sale at HERALD Store. », 'J L Gard, Is: Deputy Reeve in the chair. Members present. Messrs Nattress. Reaman nhd Lahmer. The minutes of last meeting Feed and adopted. , Mr John Burrrpresemed a claim for $14, foriwofiewes killed by dog pr dogs. The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met at the Town Hall on Tues- day: §u_g.1_0t_h l_880, at_10 a m. 'The under’mgnea isvrepared to receive o‘flers fur the purchase of his REMOVED ! KEFFER, CONTRACTOR AND BLACKSMIT’H snot}. General Blacksmith, Vaughan Council. MARKHAM. glejk's T. J . Cranortl, 2â€"11]: Collingfiwood. iotice the the To see is nt’our 111111. Where the Very best of woolen goods. Are made with care and skill. \Vo'vo n stock of A 1 blankem, So come along and do not fail, or flmmuls too for shirts ; To hring with you your W001 ; And for your wives and daughters For which we’ll pay you well in trade, We’ve winceys to make skirts. Or else with cash in full. Having leased the Richmond Hill Woolen Mills, formerly leased to Mr T McNelly, we are now pre‘ pared to curry on the business. and guarantee general satisfaction. Cg'I‘no all you‘jolly Ingmar-B, UARDINE, SPINNING, MANUPABTURINE, & RAE flAIlPET WEAVINE Done to Order. See our stock, AT'RICHMOND HILL AND WOODBRIDGE. W WHITTERS, . RELIEVE AED CURE. Sgfinal Complaints, General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism. Gout. Nervousness *Liver, Kidney. Lungs, Throat and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. Bronchitis. Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprams, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion. Spermatorrhoea. &c., The profitiotbr'of this estuhlishment,‘l’1aving had many years experience, and studied closely th a science in its application «to curative purposes, feels confident that in presenting this ACME ELECTRIC APPLIANCES'to the public, he is supplying them with the best instrument of their kind now known to thetaiehce,_~,instruments that will do their work well if used in accordance with printed directions given‘with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheep imita- tion of all his goods. ASK FUR NORMA-N’s ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE A‘GAINST IMPOSITION. . “M” m , TESTIMONIALS. 1880, W O O L! 1880, UNION FOREVER : Woodbridgo and Richmond Hill Woolen Mills. A Norman, Esq,,' , ,, . . , . Ingersoll, August, 1879. DEAR SIR,â€"I sufi‘ered for four years‘from what Dr Davies of Chicago, and other eminent phy- siciuns celled rheumatism‘of the bowels, which they tried invsln to cure ; but I am thenkfuf to say your appliances have entirely removed the pain. I recommend all sufierers to try them. , , Yours truly, PETER DOWING. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. - Mr. Norman, Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874, I have fully tried. and most carefully-tested and seen used your Cumtivo Insoles and Bands, and believe this to be one of the best forms of administering Electricity, now known to be of such valuable importance for the relief of Rheumatism and Neurulgio affections. 1 most cherfully reâ€" commend their use to all sufferers eithese cOlnpllLinlgsy. G B HALL, M. D. 20 Omar-Howell Place. 1INJ U Mr Norman, ’_ , , Toronto, Oct. 10th, l879. DEAR Sumâ€"About three years'iigo I fell from a. ladder about twelve feet across the benister of the stairs, and was taken up for dead, since wnich time I have suffered severe pain in my back and side, and grant weakness, unfitting me for business, and got very little ease until 1 used your Elec- tric Belt and Insoles, which relieved me very‘miich; .yoursmtruly, J only pvgms. 125 _Yonge St. mt." sunnnhhn. h.“ _._h;, :,, ,n A._ , , .V-,V_ v .._. ”V v vuuu u... vuu ”4:... Ann ..vue,u uu. , W ~ ,, â€"~â€" ~ V‘J ------ ~ J 1 V v The Appliances are made 111 9.11 sizes and ahhpea fox the different parts of the body, and range in price from $1.00 to $5.00 for small Bands, and‘h'om $5.00 to $15.00 for Waist Belts. Sea Circulars, which is miled free to all applicants. Remember the address, A. NORMAN, No. 4 Queen street East, Toronto. Ont N. B.â€"â€"-Elect.:ric Baths, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal. Moucurial and Hot and Cold Baths always ready for Ludws and Gentlemen. Feb. 18th '80. V I; iully compounded. / APOTHECARYSHALL. A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prescriptions care- Remember the place, Prepargd 339 sold Joy H §angre§réqnmézs Sons n , Drugs, Toilet Articles, Paints & Oil at Toronto Prices. Usual Stock of Groceries and Furniture. Richmond Hill. June 3rd, 1880 P G SAVAGE ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS SPICES; GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH MUST FOR FIVE CENTS PER ROLL, ROOM PAPER, Over 150 Patterns. Richmond Hill, June [6111. 1880. Manager for Richmond Hill Branch. ESTABLISHED 1874 NUNMNN’S [NEETHN BUNNTINE - v-fiâ€" â€"_v v__ Corner Yonge and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill They have also on hand a large stock of c%c388%c%00c388%<§8823c% Electricity the Life Fluid. this establishment, having: had many years experience. Sweepmg Reductions. REYNOLDS & NEVVTONS. Crosby is selling an his Summer Goods at a great reduction. There is DON’T YOU Forget it 2 YES? -NOYâ€" Herbs Fresh, and this Year’s Growth. BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. Satin Finish at I5 cents, worth 30 cts. Doubt about this. Call and Sea, and Call and Inspect Stock. Another Largo Stock 01 Room Paper Qt' the Finest Flavor and Quality. SUMMER GOODS. â€"INâ€"- We’ve h'weeds for suits for men and boys, We'vo yarn to use for hose ; We’ve twills and fancy coverlide, In fact what a'er you choose. 52w BUBATIVE APPLIANBES J. F. McINTOSH & SON ..Vl‘.- Chemicals, Perfumery, Prop. First Prize fo1 the best, selection of Implements 11.1: the Richmond Hill and Yonge Sti‘éofi Aggmilbyml Societies Spring Fair, May 24th, 1880, in competition .1.:.1| n : FIRST PRIZE on tho Patterson Improved Light Romper. ‘ FIRST PRIZE on the Ithaca Self-discharging Horse Ruko. Patentees for the Dominion of H.113 World Renownegi Spring Tootrh Harrow . with the lending nimnficturers ofaCunada: PRICES : â€"Improved Reaper, $105. Combination Mower, $70. Ithaca. Home Rake, 530. 5 per cent Off for net cash. o The Specific Medicinois sold by all Drnggist [Lt 5‘ per puckugv, or Sixpuckugos for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by «drumming, THE CRAY MEDICINE Co, - Tomnto, 01112., Canada. NILâ€"The demundsof our business have ne- cessitated our removing to Toronto, to which place please uddr’css all future communicatlons L?”Sold in Richmond Hill by all druagists, and everywhere in Canada. and the United States Wholesaleand retail druggists lish Remedy is an unfailing cure for ' Seminal Weak- neHs,Spormatorr- hen, Impoteucy, and all diseases that follow as n, \ ., sequence of golf ,- ’ L‘ N “‘3 Almse,us loss of “ Bef re Takinngnox‘y, Univcr sul Lnssitnfle, pain in the Buck, Dimnosa of Vision, Pronmturc o‘id ago, and munyother diseases that lead to insanity eon- Bumption and a premature grave. (517“ Full pur- ticulurs in our Pmm’vhlctwhich we desire to send free by mail to eve TRADE MARK. ThoGreatEngâ€"TRADE MARK. A WEEK 11) your own town, mm no cupitul ushed. You can give the bus;- iness a trial Without expense. The best opportunity ever olfered for those Will- 1115 to work. You should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the bus- iness we offer. No room to explain here. You cxm devote all yourtime or only your spare time to'tho business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women nmlse us much as men. Sand for special private terms lLIld putti- cnhrs which we until free, >55 outfitfree. Don't complain of hard times while you huve such a (fimpce. Address H. HALLETT & 00., I’ottlnnd ume. GRAY’S Specific Medicine! The Patterson 1mproVed Light Reaper Our Machinery Occupies TO $6000A YEAR, 01‘ $5 to $20 a any in your own locality. No risk' Women do us well :13 men. Many , make more than the amount stated uber. ho one cun mil to make money fast. Any one mm (10 the work. You can make from 60 cts to .152 mi hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money maxing over offered before. Business pleasun and strictly honorable. Render, if you Want t know all whout the best paying business befor the public , sond us vour address and we wil send you full particulars and private terms {tee Bumples with $5 ulm free; you can then make u your mind for ‘Self ”Address GEORG nquvnr\\v oi l‘1\ fr, STINSON & (10.,A‘ugusm Main’e’ Igum‘antoe to sutisfv the most métidious Come and give us a trial. No disappointment No deception JOHN PLAXTON Elgin Milky Jn‘n. 7th1880. Having lately purchased the atoms: of the above business, I can confidently In all branches 01' the trade. Having paid BLEEKSMITH SHUP. SPECIAL ATTENTION Horse. Shoeing Guarantee Satisfaciion? AND WAS AWARDED THE ELGIN MILLS Patterson & Br0.~, Patterson. Ont. 'I‘IRST PRIZE on the Now Combinatibfi £1ch)“. 'I-‘IRST PRIZE on Wrought. Beam Flows. and Sre bur reduced 101m table‘ , , V For further information apply at at the Oflicefi the Comnunv. Walter S. Lee. Manager Money received on deposit, and interns payable half yearly or compounded. HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, saunter, President. George Gooderhnm .. Vice-President DmEc‘ronsâ€"Sumuel Plait, M.P., Wm. Gooder ham, Geo. W. Lewis. fl‘hos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucpheraon, Senator.“ Capital. $1 000,;000 Reserve Fund, ”60,000 Total Assets, :33. 000 ,-000 . Saving’ 3 Bank To lend on Mortgage of landed property only M a low rate of interest. No Loan less than $400 will be entertnimd. Transactions strictly confidential. Apply personally. or by letter to the undersigned. Richmond Hill, J any. let, 1880 U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Chuucery etc.. 64 Adoluide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Won'rs nvu'r. Jae Bethune Q C. 0 Moss. W C Falconbridge N W Hoyles, W Bat-wick. A BAyleswonh Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance eflected,&c. 6w. ‘VESTE RN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS (EOM‘PANV, Barristers. Attorneys-nt-Luw, Soliclturudn- Chancery Conveyancers,etc. Ofliceaâ€"Imperiul Bank Bui dings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAH. WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Official Assignee. Real Estate Agent, Convey- uncer, Broker, &c.. &c., OFFICEâ€"Victoria. Chambers, 9 Victoria street Toronto. Money to Land at Low Rates, BOULTBEE & EVA'I‘T BARRISâ€" ’IERN Atfnrnnvn Rn‘l' m‘fnrn. u'n I“ .m Ferguson. Baln, Gordon .9. Shlpley, (at Paluie;Houae) Aurora, 15c, 8th, 16th, and 22nd Newmm'ket, ........... 2nd Stoufiville ........... . ....18th Markham ...... ...... 20th Victoria Square ............ 11th Thornhill ...... ...23rd Maple ...... ...... . ..... 26th Wnodbridge ...... .... ...28th Kleinburg . ..... ...29th Nobleton ...... ...... 30th Anusthecigdms fin-due Oxide. etc... otde’l‘bd. mi 30 91%] none but the beat mnterld Heed anyt ing else. Cavital not required} we will start you. 5512 per day at homemade by the . industrious. Men, Womerflk boys and girls Wanted everywhere to work for fié‘ Now in the time. Comm outfit and terms free. Address TRUE & Co..Au¢zusm.Maine. " can uke money mater at. war? fai- u‘a than at NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, IS a; 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Bethune, Moss. Falconbridge AND HOYLES, w removed to 87 King street East, Toronto,~over H; & C. Blacnlord'u new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in a manner to suit each patient. Pzrticulur nttenfion given to the preservation and re lation of the natural teeth carefully uvoing a. unnecessary pain. A. W SI’AULDIN G. LDfiAssisttmt. V“, v- u. ...u vl-lu may still be crrinvsiulwd 111 any branch of the pro fessiou, as follows: Richzyond Hill.. 0th (1; 24th 01'th month BARRIS’I ERS, &c MAPLE, .. ‘ on'ronu 80mm!) IN Opmcn RICHMOND HlLL, FIRST 10 DAY"! 0V EACH MONTH, Thankful or the favors of the pqst tflhg‘ years 1“, nun 1‘” --._-._u, 1 a, . JAMES GORMLEY, emceeâ€"No. 70 Church étieet 'Mortgages Bought ?\0.Box\\101Â¥61Â¥ ’\/J/\,/\’\./ $50000 BRANCH MONEY T0 LOAN. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS P. O. Box 2527. J - K- PALUUNBRIDGE gfiuncy. gram. Patterson. May 26misso...’sm J anuarv 9th & 24th of each month SURGEON DE'N'ns'r, ha; to 87 King atrget East. u,,‘,.,,u :VADAMfi, L.D.§z., xggwhen Mahmud Hill, June Inn 1880. of any kind, to any size up to 8x10 (01' life size if required) and furnish them in Having nearly" '10 years échri'onco in the art of Phbtotzirmm'y, 1 01m safely gmmmtcc satisfaction to my Patrons. Call and see samples of my Work The premises recently occupied by the HERALD Office. For further information, apply to Pad-ties desiring anything in the Picture line will please remember that the Gallery will be open 9H0}? RAEHS Btu} not required; we will start you. Men Women, boys 11nd girls maku money mat/01' M work fer us than at anything else. Tho work is light and pleasant. and such as rmyono can go right (Lt. Those who am Wise Who BOO this notice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves. Costly Outfit and terms free; Now is the time. Those already at work rm) Infill?! 511:) large sums of money. Address TRUE AMONTH g'iianteed. $12 a. day at home by the industrious. Cupitui R Newbéi’ry of the ‘V‘Aurom Gallery of Art” begs‘to iutorm the Residents of Richmond Hill. and Vicinity, that he has rented the Photograph Gallery, lately occupied by where he willhagn attendance every Tuesday and Frxauy, commencing on in each week. I um prepared to enlarge old Am'uug “1: “up; auum u dz C0..Augustn. Mnine A urom, Mam 29th 1880‘ RICHMOND HILL ONT.. Cosgrove Erna, Prop’s MR GAIMIBLE. ONLY 2 This Housois one of the Best Hotel?! to be found north of ’l‘orontm Everything is nmnnged in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Gnod St‘xbllug and attentive hostler. Terms, $1 per duy. Proctur’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and Sbuth, M 735 u m, 1 p m 4.15 pm, and 7.15 u m. The Robin. Haod Hotel, The Latest news TUESDAY MAY 4th 1880. J Palmer. Prdp THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, RICHMOND HILL. (JN’l‘., Graduate of Toronto Univetaity, and Member.” of the College of Physicians and Rurgeons. Assistant to Dr. J amen Lungs’tam Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879. 33’ Office Hours. 8 to 10, i to 2. and 6 to 8‘ R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Meduiisfi, University of Toronto, M. C. 1’, S. Ontario. L S A. L.. EnglnnMLate of London England Surgeon. Em, These countetfeits are purchmer‘i hv uhm‘incij‘ pled Vendors at one-half the price of my Pilisz’indâ€" Ointment, and are so‘ld 60' you {is my genuind Medicines I most eminently upp’c‘z’fl to that s'edse bf justice which 1 fee! sure I may Venture upm‘i uéking from all honorable persons, to assist me, :md the Pub lie, us mi‘ as may lie in their pirwer, in denoun fhg this’ Shamefu! Fi‘aud. Hollowny's Pills and Ointments bearing any other address are coun- termite The Trade Marks of these Medicines are rogls tered in Ottawa. Hence, {my (me throughout the British Ppssessions, who may keep the Americwn Counterfeit»; for sale, will be prosecuted 5.53 Oxford Street, London, J an 1 1870 Endh Pot and Box or the Geimin‘e Medicines" benra the Bfitlsfl Gmfer‘nt‘nent Stamp,with the words “ HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON," engraved thereon. On the M1101 is the address, 533. oxrom) STREET, LONDON, whore alone they are Manufactured. ooks of direc us affixed to the spurâ€"' lbus make is n. caution',wurning the Public dgninst' b'eing deceived by’ do‘nnterfeits. Do not be misled bv this audacious tric", as they are the common feits they pro and to denounce. 4 I most respectfully take leave to call the at; toution of the Public generally to the. fact, that; certain Houses in New York are sending to m any pnrfs of the globe SPURIOUS IMI’l‘A’l‘lOIfiS of my Pills and Ointment. These fmuds bear on their labels some address in New York. Idonot allow my medicine to be sold in any art of the United States. I have no ngents‘ here. My medicines! are nnly made by me at M}, Oxford StreetJmndon The Pills purity the Blood, Contact all disorders? of the Liver, Stomach. Kidneys and Bowels and are invaluable in 11.11 complmuta incidental to Females. 'l‘he Ointment la the only reliable remedy for Bad Legs Old Wounds. Sores and Ulcms of how; ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Dipthnriu,‘ Coughs Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW “DIRK CGUN'I‘ERFEWS. Exbéfient accommodation fpr the Public. Goo THE GREAT’ES'TMONDER of? mobfiim rt-‘mm-A J. ELLIOT LANCSTAFF, M. I5: INDIA INK OR COLORS. PHDTBuRAPH EAL LEBY monflafiirff’mfiii hail; Viiieniivé Vfiostler. DR. mm. MAPLE 131121 @mfifi FOR ROBT, NEWBERRY, git/saint}. IRE-OPENED. 1'Stoi 18810 M R. A. LAW. ARTIST,

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