NEW Gnomeâ€"An energetic agent of 1the Ancient Order of United Workmen has beeï¬ in the village for some days past, endeavoring,r to organize a lodge here. The Order confers the beneï¬t. of a two thousand dollar life insurance on all its members. The fees For initiation ‘arertwelve dollars, and the history of the Order shows, for the fourteen years it has been in existence, that the average .yearly assessment amounts to eight dolâ€" lars per member. Each member pays in one dollar on the death of a brother, which is paid to the widow. The initia- ‘tion fees provide for the working exâ€" menses of the Order, which are small. ‘The system appears to be a good one, and the rate is little over one fourth the )usual rates of life Insuranceâ€"Reformer The members of‘ the P. M. Church. will hold their ï¬rst annual excursion for the beneï¬t of the pursolnage fund, on “rednesâ€" dhy, Sept let. A trip will be taken to the beautiful Couchiching Park and Onllia. The Ontario (oflicial) Gazetie of Saturâ€" dny lam, contains the Royal Proclamation raising"'lhe Municipality' of Newmarket from n Viliage lo the dignity of a Town. It‘ig d‘av’edAngnslfllh, and is to take ef. {wirghrl'bï¬ â€˜1.“ ‘91" December next. Hus removed his shop to next door south of Dr. Langsmfl's, nearly Oj‘posite the 01d stand, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in ï¬rst- clnss style. The garden pmty held 01‘ Dr Hillary’s lawn, for the beneï¬t of the York Hangers’ Band. on Monday evemng 16th inst. was one oflhe most. sucr'essful aï¬â€˜airs of the kind that has taken place here for a very lpgg time. Mr Reeves, aged 87. suddenly dropped dead on Wednesday IBIh inst, whiIe feed- ing his canwies. Apoplexy. Geo. STEPHENS :men.Sen21_for special prï¬nfieitiéigs'ï¬hnâ€"(‘lhiwarï¬u- mars which we mail free, $5 outï¬t free. Don’t. eggplpin pf‘l‘mtd times while you huvg sgchq chance. AddreasH. HALLEZI‘IL‘A: 00.. Portland a. x.†AND HORSE SHOER‘ Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. AWEEh in your own town, and no capital risked. You can give the bus- iness a trial Without expense. The best opportunity ever oï¬ered for those willâ€" ing to work. You should try nothing else until on sea for yourself what you can do at. the bus- m'ess we mien. No roomto explain here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time t6 the business, and make great pay for every hour strut you work._ _W01_nen make as much as GARDEN PAM'Y.-â€"0wing to the kindness and liberalily of Mess Clark Playrer, and '1‘ Brown. Pine Orchard. the friends of the Presbyterian Church nnd public generally, ‘were entertained at a Lawn Party on Wed- nesday evening, I’Bth inst. The party was held in the lasIef'ul grounds of Mr Clarke Plnyler. which were beautifully illuminated with Chinese and other lauierns. DRAIN TILEerWTHEWBEST nvnr vmv . rn Miss Clam Foster, ‘01 Toronto. visiting at Mr John Richardsnn’s, DepmyReeve of Scarbm'b, was killvd by the G. '1‘. R. Train on Tueaduy.‘101h n-st', She was about [4 year.“ of ngp, and was s'anding close to the track, waiting to see the cars go past, when her but blew off, and fell on the Hack She stooped forward In pi(k it up, and the engine struck her. and threw her about 50 feet. She was picked up dead. The body wus onlv siiglnly scratched, but the skull Ina cracked. Z FARMERS: CLrnâ€"The Farmers’ Club will meet at the Franklin Ball, Markham. on Tuesday, the 31 st inst, at 2 o’clock p. m. The subject; for discussion, “Preparing the seed, and the best kinds of fall wheat to sow.†Mr A Forster to lead in the dis- cussion. The repnrts of such men as John Gibson, Esq., of Milliken, will do more to convmce the British farmers of the actual wealth and agricultural resources ot'Cunada than anything else. It is to he hoped that the attendance will be large. BARN BURNER! -â€"During the storm of Wednesday morning, Ihe lllh inst-,1he ham belon Iinv 10 Mr John Bennelt Lot 6, Con I) Scmboro, was struck by lirrhtâ€" ning and burned to the gr,ound logelhex wnh the contentsâ€"one wnggon, nearly new. eight acres of full wheat, 12 acres of barley, and 9 [one of hay. Loss, $1,200 5 no insurance. NEWNARKET RACEs.â€"-Arrangemenls are being completed f0! 8 meeting 6'01 the New- market, Dnving Purl; Association on 1119 '22nd and 23nd of September next. when prizes to about $400 will be offered. Par- ticulars in regard to names, in a few days. CHURCH OPENING â€"'1 he building former- lyzknoVn as The Congregational DChurch, Uhionville, having been purchased and re- ï¬tted, will be opened as a Presbyterian place of worship, on Sabbath, 291h inst Provincial Exhibition, at Hamilton, frOm the 20th September to October 2nd. p Tofonto Tnd'ustri'al Exhibiï¬yipn, at Toronto, from the 61h to the 13th of September. E.‘ R. York and Markham Fall Fair, at Markham, on Thursday and Friday, 7th and 8th of October. 'The Fall Show of the North York Agricultural Society, will be held in Newmarket, on the 12 and 13th days of October. North Ontario Agricult'ural Society at Port Perry, on the l2th and 13th of October. Pickering Agricultural Society, on Tuesday and Wednesday, 28th and 29th of September. Allistou Fall Show on the 6th and 7th October. South Ontario Agricultural Society, at Whitby, on the 8111, 9th, and 10th of September. West Gwillimbury Fall Fair will be held In Bradford on the 30th Septemb- er and lst of October next. REMOVED E QUALITY AT FALL FA IRS, 1880. General IÂ¥1acksmith, BLACKSMITH SHOP. NEW MARKET. From the Boreah's. From the Economist (From the E RA) AURORA THOS NIGHTINGALE'S, Yorkvile MARKHAM. Paints & 011 at Toronto Prices}. Richmond Hill. June 3rd, 1880 Prepargd 8g sold by $1 ï¬an‘cle'rso‘qpéz Sons The proprietor of this cstublishment,having had many years experience, and studied closel Y the science in its applicution to curative purposes, feels conï¬dent thut in presenting this ACME ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the 1:111)1ic, he is supplying them with the best instrument of their kind 1] ow known to the scicnco,~instruments that will do their work well if used in accordance with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against 1111 cheap imita- tion of all his goods. ASK FOR NORMAIV’S ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE - AGAINST IMI’OSITION. . “ “ TESTIMONIALS. MUST BE SOLD. They have also on hand Drugs, Toilet Articles, tully compounded. Remember the place, APOTHECARY’S HzLL A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prescriptions carp- REIIEVE ARI) CURE. Spma] Complaints, General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout Nervousness Liver, Kidney. Lungs Throat and Chest. Complaints, Nemaigia Bronchitis. Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Spmlns Consumption, SIBâ€"enlessness. Colds, Indigestion. Spennatmwho 850., A Norman, Esq,, Ingei‘soll, August, 1879. DEAR Simâ€"4 suï¬ei‘ed for four years from what Dr Davies of Chicago, and other eminent phy- sicians culled rheumatism of the bowels, which they triedinvmn to cure ; but I mu tlmnkfuf to say your appliances-have entire] y removed the pain. I recommend all sufferers to try them. Yours truly, PETER DOWING. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Mr. Norman, Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874, I have fully tried and most carefully tested and seen used your Cumtive Insoles and Bands, and believe this to he one of the best forms of administering Electricity, now known to be of such valuable importance for the relief of Rheumatism and Neurulgic affections. 1 most cherfully re- commend their use to all sufferers of these comglltlxliillttgi‘f C B HALL, M. D. 20 Otter-Howell Place. L 7, fl , ,7“ 7" v. -4 “â€"7 â€w .1“ v “u. The Appliances are made 1n all sizes-1 and shapes f01 the diï¬eremt ,parts of the body, and range in price hom $1.00 to $5.00 for snmll Bands, and from $5.00 to $15.00 for Waist Belts. See Circulars. which is milod free to all applicants. Remember the address, A. NORMAN, No.1 Queen street East, Toronto. Ont N. B.~â€"Electric Baths, Sulphur Baths. Vapour, Herbal. Mancunian and Hot and Cold Baths always ready for Ladies and «Gentlemen. Feb 18th “841 SPICES. GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH Mr Norman, Toronto, Oct. 10th, 1879. DEAR SIRâ€"About three yea-rs a, o I fell from IL ladder about twelve feet across the bimister of the stairs, and was taken up for dang, since which time I have suffered severe pain in my back and side, and great weakness, unï¬tting me’ior business, and got very little ease until 1 used your Elec- tric Belt 1L (1 Insoles, Whic ieved me very much. Yoursmtruiyl J OHEII‘OVJJJNS: 1'25 Yonge St. mLA A.“ ,u,,~-,, ,.,,n,, ,1. (If? All kinds of Farmers’ Produce taken in Exchange. Goods delivered in the {3] Daytime. A call requested. ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS First Prize for the best selection of Implements at the Richmond Hill nd Yonge S ‘ ,Muy 24th,1sso, ROOM PAPER’ FOR FIVE CENTS PER ROLL, FIRST PRIZE on the Patterson Improved Light Reaper. ‘ FIRST PRIZE on the Ithaca. Self-discharging Horse Baku Patentees for the Dominion of the World Renowned Spring Tooth Harrow , VHHï¬wv ~A,_..‘ with the lending nmn'facturers ofwmmndn.’ , PRICES : â€"Impr0ved Reaper, $105. Combination Mower, 5.470. Ithaca. Horse Rake, $30. 5 per cent off for net cash. ALSEI FRESH EBHBERIES, PRWISIUNS, HARDWARE 8; BHUGKBRY m ï¬t Vomnto Prices ! Richmond Hill, July 7, 1880 WE LEAD THE TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1874 NURMAN’S ELEETHU EURMIVE The Largest and Cheapest Stock of Boots and Shoes in Richmond Bl“. THE FRONT RANK! Usual Stock of Groceries and Furniture. HARVEST TOOLS! Iorncr Yonge and Cer‘ftre Street East, Richmond Hill Electricity .the Life Fluid. Cheaper than ever. Remember in Flour and Feed Herbs Frpsh, and this Year’s Growth. Cradles, Scythes, Snaiths. Rakes, Forks, Satin Finish at 15 cents, worth 30 018. dimmwoam Is the place to ï¬nd a complete stock of Another Large Stock of Room Paper Call and Inspect Stock. 0f the Finest Flavor and Quality. The Patterson Improved Light Reaper THE EURMIVE flPFlIANCES Our Machinery Occupies ££~®$§®®$®®$ï¬ JOHN BROWN. Chemicals, Perfumery, AND WAS AWARDED THE a large stock of Patterson & Bro., Patterson. Ont. P G SA VAGE Thankful or the favors of the past the years 11‘ 11y still be consulted 111 any b1 11.11011 of the pro fession,nsf0110ws: Richmond H111 9th & 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, 151;, 8th, 16th, and 22nd d0 Newmurket, ............ 2116. do Stonifville.. . (lo M m‘khrnn ...... .. dc Victoria Square do Thornhill ...... 410 Maple ...... (10 Woodbridge do Kleinburg, V . ‘. do Nobleton ............ 30th do Anusthet-x’cs, as Nitlon‘s Oxide. 9150., used when ordered, and none but the best muteflul used m;§l - SURGEQN DENTIST, has - â€"' removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over 11. & C. Bluchl'u "s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted i mmmnr to suit each patient. I‘wrticulur mm: m given to the preservation and regulation of tlm ummml math carefully m’oing nll unnecessary pain. A. W SPAULDING. LDgAssistuut. FIRST PRIZE on the Now Combination Mower‘ FIRST PRIZE on Wrought Beam Flows, and IN OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, FIRST 10 DAYS 011 Emu MONTH, MAPLE, .............. VICTOR IA SQUAm- can make money mater at work lot us than at anything else. Capital not required; We will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to Work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TnUE & 00.. Augusta. Maine. U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Clmnccry etc..64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. Bm- sters, Attorneys»ut~La.W, Solicitum-in- Chancery, Convuyuncors,etc. ()flicosâ€"Imperiul BJllk Buildinrvs, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL. WM. SETUN Gannon, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Oflicial Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convoy. ancor, Broker, &c., &c., Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance eï¬ectedï¬zc. &c. Jus Bethune Q C‘ N \V Hoyles, ' OFFICEâ€"Victoria Chambers, 9 Victoria. street Toronto. Ferguson, Bain, Gordon do Shipley, BOULTBEE & EVA’I‘T. BARRIS- TEES. Attnrn nvs. Sn] initorH-in-Ch rm nnrv Sc‘e our reduced 10ml table. For further information apply at at the Ofï¬ces tho Cummmv. Walter S; Lee. Manager Money to Lend at Low Rates, NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, I8 as 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Money received on deposit, and Interos payable hull yearly or cumpunndcd. Beflnmc, Muss. Faï¬cambridge AND HOYLES, HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Gooderhmn .................. Vice-President DIBICCTOBS'SMDHeI Flatt, M.P,, Wm. Gooder ham, Geo. \V. Lewis, Thus. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Macpherson, Senator. Capital, 31,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 HARRIS]: ERS, ($50 Saving’s Bank Richmond Hill, Juny. lst, 1880 Transactions: strictly conï¬dential. Apply personally, or bv letter to thcllndorsignod. To land on Mortgage of landed property only M. n low mm of interest. N0 Loan less than 3-100 Will be entcrtuiued. ' - \KZESTERN CANADA L O A N ANT) SAVINGS COMI‘ANV‘ ALFIEED BoULTmm .IARI'ES GORMLEY, AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"Nu. 70 Church street, Toronto l‘rIortgages Bought $506000 BRANCH Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS MONEY 7'0 LOAN. J ‘ K- 'FALGGNB MEG}: gnaw. iï¬-nncy. iflcgal. . [Box 2527. C M0553, W C Fulconblidgo W Burwickf' A BAyleswm‘th Putter sqn, May 26th, 1880..,3m C. ADAMS, L.D.s., WM. WORTH EVAI‘T‘ t, in competition 18TH We’ve a stock of A l blankets, So come along and do not fail, Of flhnncls too for shirts ; To bring with you your W001 _: And for your wives and daughters For which we'll pay you well in trade, We‘ve winceys to make skirts, Or else with cash in full. Having leased the Richmond Hill Woolen Mills, formerly leased to Mr T McNglly, we are now pre- paretl to curry on the business, and guarantee general satisfaction. To see is utuour 111311, Where the very best of woolen goods, Are made with care and skill. GAMING, Sl-INNING, MANUPAETURING, 35 RAE BABPBT WEAVINE Done to Order. See our stock, AT RICHMOND HILL AND WOODBRlDGE. 1880, Come all you'jolly fuggners, UNION FOREVER z Woodhridge and Richmond Hill Woolen Mills. 6&><§88°o<%%>00c%%c§&23 <%%c%006%c§88236%&3 Sweepmg Reductions. REYNOLDS & NEWTONS. DON’T YOU Forget It ! Crosby is selling alT his Summer Goods ate great reduction. There in -NO! BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. Doubt. about this. Call and See, and ._.IN._. SUMMER GOODS. ~A'1‘-- WOOL! 1880, .R U WAN S YRU ." Sold by druggistl genen ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address lry SETH W. Fowm &. Sou, Proprietors, 86 Lin:- Bison Avenue, Rouon, Mass. So come along and do not fail, To bring with you your wool ' For which we'll pay you well 1n trade, 01' else with cash in full. We've tweeds for suits for men and boys. We've yam to use for hose ; We've twills and fancy coverlida. In fact what a’er you choose. 52w J F. McINTOSH 8!. SON ..vr. Prop . [3'80111 in Rich“; mzl Hill by all druggists, my; everywhere in 011,an and the United States \vholewluwd retail druggiats Tomnm. Ontu Canada NB.-â€"The'd«enmndsof our business have urn cessitated our removing to Toronto, to Whil'k plus-e plcuso address “.11 future communications .mmilin‘gcurefor 1 Seminal Weak- m ness,Spermutorr- a ' hen, hupntency, and all diseases that follow as n. ‘ ..\ ‘ sequence of self 7- - \‘\ ..' Abuse.“ loss of V . r 'l ' Memory, Univer ' ' Before ngsnl Istssitmlle,After Takmig‘ {min in the Back Dimmsn'of Vision, Premature old age, mu :' munyotlmrdisonses that loud to insanity co :- sumption and a premature grave. [3? Full 1 ticulurs in mu- I‘amphlnt which We desire to mm“ free by m 1i] to m I} THE GRAY MEDICINE 700, The 1 ,. c \mdmme 1:: sold by all Dru; . 1:» 111m pm pun-lungs or six packages for $5. ( will he sent by muil on receipt of the money, ‘ " "Ildressinrz, I mos t -eu.1~11va.1\ lumen] m that sense of juafix <: which I feel sun: I 1 1. :y v suture upon asking f1- all honorable persona. tn assist me, and the l" 1 he, as fru- ns may iiv Eu their power, in deuuuu 111;: this shameful .‘r mud. Each Pot and Bet m†the Genuine Mediciuu' bears the British (Jruvm‘nmem Stump,with ‘. worms “ HOLUHVAY'b 711.4148 2ND OIN’I‘MEN ' LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is tw address, 5‘58, ()xanh STREET, LONDON, when alone thev are Mnnufuctured. Ointments Dew-ring any other uddreés are con. turfcits Thu. Trade Marks of these Medicines are reg. : a bored in ()tmwn. Hence, any one throu hout mm British I’ossessions, who may keep thu maxim»: Counterfeits for 51110, will be prosecuted 563 Oxford Street. London, J m) 1 1870 In the books 0f dirr'ctions afï¬xed to the spun ions m mke is u cmxtimxwuming tho Pub‘icngnius'! being deceived by countarfoits. Do not be mi :3" u bY this audacious trick, us they are the count». feits they pretend to denounce. These counterfeils are purchased by unprinc‘ led Vendors at: u: ~1mlf the price of my Pills n "d ‘in'mrueut, and are mid to you as my genuine Medi ines GRAY'S Speciï¬c Medicine V TRADE MARK L I most. respectfully take leave to call the n- nention at the Public generally to the fac'. th "- certain Houses' m New York are sending to 1mm purls of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIOl‘iS .u my Pills and Ointment. These frauds beur m: their labels somv address in New York. I donot allow my medicine to be sold in "'H' pm‘t of the United States. I have no agnnm there, My medicines are only made by me :I'i 533, Oxford Streekt. London The Pills purity the Blood. con-ace all disorders of the Liver. Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, v- v1 F are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only reliable remedy int Bud "Legs Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of ho“- over long standing. For Bronchitis Diptheri. Coughs Colds, Gout, Rheumatism. aynd all Skir Diseases it has no nqunl. BEWARE OF NEW YORK CflUNTERFEITs. THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN 'I‘TM’RQ Having nearly 10 years experience in the art of Photography, I can safely guarantee sntisfuctin.- to my Patrons. Call and see samples of my an‘: Aurora. April 29th 1880. of any kind, to any size up to 8x10 (01' life size .1 required) and furnish them in not required; we Will start you. Mm: Women, boys and girls make menu? mater um work fer us than at anything else. Th4, work is light and nlmsunt, and such as anyr: can go right at. Those who are wise who V-v ' this notice will send us their addresses at Cm u and see for themselves. Costly Outï¬t and ten. free. NOW is the time. Those already at work - laying _up large sqms of money. Address TRL’ “3 AMONTH gunnteed. $12 a, day at 3““ home by the industrious. Capicfl This House is one of the Best Hotels to Em found north of Toronto. Everything is manned in Firstlass Style. Sample Room for Comnwr- ciul Travellers. Good Stebling and attentix-o hostler. Terms, $1 per day. Proctor's 15m. leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N B 1‘. Trains going North and South, at 7.35 n m. l p m 415 pm, and 7.15 v m. in each week. I am prepared to enlarge 01d Excellent ucconimodation' for the Public. Gm stabling and attentive hustler. Parties desiring, anything in the Picture line wiJ please remember that the Galiery will be opu‘ innmpm & '06.,Aï¬gus't'a. Maine R Newbon’y of the “Aurora Gallery of AV't" begs to inborm the Residents of Richmond IV". and Vicinity, that he has rented the Photogm- h Gallery, lately occupied by Where he will be in attendance every Tuesduy and Friday, commencing on ONLY 2 DAYS J Palmer. Prop The Robin Hood Hotel, The Latest new R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist. University of Toronto, M. C. P. 8. Ontario. L H A. L.. EnglanMLate of London England. Surgeon. Em. 33’ Mice Hours. 8 to 10, 1 to 2,7 and 6 to 8. MR GAME L15} , RICHMOND KILL, our... Graduate of Toronto University, and Memibnr of the College of Physician and Surgemm Assistant to Dr. J tunes Langnflafl. Richmond Hill, October 16th, 1879. RICHMOND HILL ONT.. Frank Cosgrove Prop- TUESDAY MAY 4th 1880 J. ELLIOT > LANGSTLFF, M. BL. INDIA INK 0R COLORS. MODERN TIMES. PHflTflï¬RAPH GALLERY '-: PALMER House, RICHMOND HILL, ‘g‘g‘kinï¬efli @Mfllï¬. DR- ORR. MAPLE , TheGrontEng-TRADE MAEV 113 1 Remedy 13 (111 My ROBT, NEWBERBY “guvxlital. RBI-OPENED. Hollpymy's Pills mm ARTIST.