Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 2 Sep 1880, p. 3

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)‘AGeo. STEPHENS IPLUMS WANTED I 3O Bushels of Wild vl’ucd Plums, and lsbmh- x018 of Pouch Pits, not to he (lrind, want d, for '«Which 50 cents per bu 81101 will be paid, in cash. ’ They can be loffi at Mr John ijmvn’s store. ,fl‘ne COBOCONK EXCURSIONâ€"Beâ€" flween 1200 and I300 persons availed themselves of the opportunity of visit.- iing-Coboeonk on Tuesday. On arriving :at‘ floboconk a grand rush was made for who two hotels for dinner, but as they «could accommodate but a very small :number, the many who were unfortuâ€" inate enough ’to leave home without lbaskets were forced to buy cheap luDGll- «as at the stores. or go it a, la Tanner. ‘The steamer 0060607115 took a number .of excursionists to Luidlaw’s Island, about five miles sail down the lake. ,Aslin nearly all cases where a large -crowd is gathered, a great; deal rowdy- Eism endidrunkenness was to be seen. ”The last scene before leaving Coboeonk was a fight something after the fashion (of thoseeondueted at Donnybrook fair, iin which about twenty were engaged. LNo one was seriously hurt, however. momma) HILL. ET I N S H O P. I! ‘FAST WonK.-â€"~Some fast work was made harvesting at Mr John Pike’s Maple Leaf Faun, 10th Con. Markham, last week. With a reaper, Mr Pike out fifteen acres of” outs in nine hours, :and they were all bound in the same :time by two men and two boys, Thomas lHag-ue, Joseph Daren, Perry Stevens :und A ll. Pike. These outs are a new Variety, peculiarly named Spelled Aruâ€" Hlian. \Mx‘ Pike thinks the yield will lbe at least 70 bushels to the acre. School Books, Cheap, .for sale at the )HEI‘ALD Book Store. IRichmond Hill, August 28rd, £880. LARGE YIELDâ€"James Humphrey. Esq , of Woburn, had sixteen acres of fall Wheat which yielded, it is said, when threahed over thirty bushels per acreâ€"â€" .11. large yield for this season. Afiy parties wishing miy Frruiit Tre‘os, caui leave :the order with Mr. Bul‘uedditt, Richmond Bill, or at Leslie’s Nursery, Toronto. BICHARD BRE-CKON. Stove Pipes, Stove Furniture, etc., etc., on hand‘ Custom Work promptly attended to, Tin and Copper Ware, of tin and galvanized iron u specialty. Call and see his stock. 0. MASON. iBichmoud, Hill August 18th, 1830‘ On Saturday last two horses belong- ing to Mr H Quetton St George, broke loose while tied in Gamble’s woods, at which place Mr St. George was7 with some friends at a pie nic. The team was unhitched from the earrige, but one of them was harnessed, and while run- ning the one that was behind, stepped on a trace which was trailing after the other, and fell. They were captured shortly after by a farmer who lived in the neighbourhood. The horse that fell had its fetlock broken. The horse Was bandaged up and properly attended to, and Doctor Rogers hopes to restore the limb. Mr S George has been very unfortunate lately, as a thorugh-hred bull of his fell into a hole a few days before the above mentioned accident, and broke its leg. The animal had to be shot. To the new Premises, 4 flours north of old stand, opposite Lawrence’s oflico. A largo stock of The Odd Fellows of Ontario have a grand Gala. Day in Toronto on Friday the 17th Sept. next. Special excursion tickets will be issued from all stations on the Northern at greatly reduced rates. The fare from Newmarkot and Aurora is $1.00. It is expected there will be over thirty thousand of the order in procession on that day. also all the principal bands in Ontario, which will go to make up a scene of gorgeousness, seldom witnessed in this country. I)RAIN TILE, OF THE BEST nnATJw‘v A'l‘ VAND HORSE SHOER‘ We are glad to hear that Mr Fleury, our Reeve, is improving considerably under his treatment in the States. The Doctor who is attending hind there, says that his Illness is due to chronic dys- pepsia, and not to a canoer, as was fezir- ed. He hopes to cure him. Has removed his shop to next door south of Dr. Langsmff’s, nearly orposite the 01d Stand, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in first- class style. Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. iness 11 trial without: expense. The best opportunity evo1 oflolod for those Will- 1111; to wo1k. You should try nothing also until you 500 £01 yourself what; you 011,11 do at the bus- mess W0 01fe1. No room to eXpllLlll he1e. You can devote 1111 your time or only you1 spare time to the business, and make "rent pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private tonns and 33th 01111113 Which we mail free, $155 outfit f1 e0. Don’t complain of_ hard times. while you hump such 11 AVVEELX 111 your own. town, 111111110 BB capital risked. You can give the bus- éhufice. Address 11. HALLETT'& 00,, Yor’t’ihiii Maine. A smouldering fire has overrun a large space of‘ meadow land in the ridges to the south of us, and which will doubt- less continue to sp1ead unless a heavy rain should set 111. Th5, ‘filanagers of the Methodist Sabbath School at Temperanceville have have decided, to hold a tea party on Thursday Sépt., 9th. ‘ YREMQVED S EVE TROUGH I NG, REMGVEQ. QUALITY AT General Blacksnlith, BLACKSMITH SHOP. Fi'om the Borealis. From the Economist MARKHAM THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, Yorkvilo AURORA ‘Z.* 13’: Prepargd <83 sold. .1337 H .EfiamlcérSQME Sons FL Rememberthe place, £30}? APOTHECARY’S HALL A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. They have also on hand Drugs Toilet Articles, 3 RELIEVE AED CURE. Spmal Complaints, General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism, Gout, Nervouauess Liver, Kidney, Lungs, Tlnoat and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia, Blonchilis. Incipient Paxalysis, Asthma, Sciatica, prmns, Consumption, Sleeplessnosq. Colds, Indigestion Spe1matnr1hooa &c., The proprietor of this ustublislnmmt, having had many years canunce, and studied closely the science in its uppliczttiun to curative purposes, fools confident that in presenting this ACME ELEC'L‘RIC A L’l‘LlANLU‘lS to the public, ho is supplying them with the best instrument of their kindnvw known to the scimxcmwinstrnnmalts: that will do their Work well if used in uccurduuco with printed directions given with ouch appliance, and would warn the public uguinst all chomp imita- tinn 01' ullllis goods, ASK Fun NOLWAN’S ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE AGAINST MIPOSXTION. .. , TESTIMONIALS. SPICES. GENUINE. FTC, ebo'o AND FRESH Mr. Norman, Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 15474, I hzwo fully tried and most carefully tcs’md and seen used your Clu‘ntive 1115010. 1: 11d Bunda, mnlbcliovo this to be 0110 of the host forms of udminis‘mring )‘lloutricity, now known to be of such valuable importuuco for thcrolicf of Jim: mutism xLILlNcumlgiu infections. .1 must chorfully 1'0- commuud their use to all sulfurcrs of these conxpluinlta.’ C 11 HALL, M. D. 20 Giver-Howell Pluco. lNJ U {1 Paints & Oil at Toronto Prices. ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS A Norman, Esq" Ingorsoll, August, 1879. DEAR SULAI Suffered for four years from What Dr Duvios of Chicago, and other eminent )hy- siciuns (tailed rheumatism of the bowels, which they tried in vuin to cure ; but I mu tlmukfu} to Amy your appliances have entirely removed the 1min. I recommend all sufferers to try them. Yours truly, PETER Dowmu. RHEUMATISM AND ”NE URALGIA. 'Mr Norman, T< itn, Oct. 10th, 1879. DEAR Sim-About three years nvgo I fell from IL ladder about twnlm across thu lumister of the stairs, and was taken up for dead, since which tum ]' hxwu suil‘woil severe pain in my back and side, and grout \mnlmess, uufitting an forhusincss, and got very little mm: until 1 used your Elec- tric Belt mu). Insoles, which relieved L10 very much. Ynurs truly, JOHN OVENS. 1'25 Yonge St. The Appliances um mude in all sizes and shapes {in tho dil’furcnt pans of tho bmly, and Tango in price from $51.00 to $3.00 for small Bands, and from $5.00 to $15.00f01' Waist Belts. See Circulars, which is milod free to all applicants. Remember the mli‘lross, A. NORMAN, N0. 4 Queen street East, Toronto, 0111; N. B.â€"E]octric Baths, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Moucuriu] and Hot mid Cold Baths always ready for Ladies and Gentlemen. Feb 18th '80. Richmond Hill, June 3rd, 1880 FIRST PRIZE on the Patterson 1111provcd Light Reaper. 4 FIRST PRIZE on the Ithaca. Self-discharging Horse Rukc‘ First Prize f01 the best selection of Implements at- the Richmond Hill 1111117011110 Street A 1.1 u 411,1.‘V. ’cultgml Societies Spring Fair, Patentees for the Dominion of the World Renowned Spring Tooth Harrow MUST BE SOLD. with the lending munfuetumrs of Canada. FRICES ; -â€"Improvod Reaper, $105. Combination Mower, $70. Ithaca Ho1s 0 Bake, $30. 5pm FOR FIVE CENTS PER ROLL ALSO FRESH ERBGERIES, PRINISIIJNS, HARDWARE & flflflflKERY A? Tamma Prices E of? All kinds of Farmers" Produce (8.115!!! in Exchange. Daytime. -A call requested. Mar El Patterns. Richmond Hill, July 7; 1880 WE LEAD THE TRflDE. ESTABLISHED 1874 NURMAN’S ELEETRU EUBATI‘JE The Largest and Cheapest. ”Stock of Boots and Shoes in Richmond H111. Usual Stock of Groceries and Furni'ouro. HARVEST TOOLS! ,orner Yongc and Centre Street East, Richmond Hill rescriptions carc- Electricity the; Life Fluid. Cheaper than ever. Remember in Flour and‘Fee’d Herbs Fresh, and this Year’s Growth. Cradles, Scythes, Suaiths. Bakes, Forks, Satin Finish at 15 cents, worth 30 cts. Is the piace to find acomplete stock of Another Largo Stock of Room Paper Call and Inspect Stock. 0f the Finest Flavor and Quality. The Patterson Improved Light Reaper THE Our Machinery Occupies EUBATWE APPLIANEES mmveeifibamflfiu JOHN BROWN. Chemicals, Perfumery, AND WAS AWARDED THE a {awe stock of fully compounded Patterson 83 Bro., Patterson. Ont. P Gr SA VAGE ONT HANK! Goocls delivered‘in‘the 4:0 5 per cent off for net cash Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund. $360,000 \Toml Assets 1,000,000 FIRST PRIZE on the New Combination Mower FIRST PRIZE on Wrought Boum Flows, and HON. Gym. W. ALLAN, SenaéorJ’msidont. George Gooderhum ......... y ........ Vice-President DIREC'POllSâ€"SLLIHHOI Flatt, MP2, \le. Goodor 1mm, Geo. W. Lewis, Thus. H. 1769, Hon. D. L Macphorsou, Senator. Richmond Hill, szy. lat, 1880 Transmtion: rtlicflv c<vnfidentiu..l Apply personally, or hV luttcl to tho undo) igned. -U TEES, Attorneys, Solicitom-in-Chnncery 9170.64 Adelaide street East. (oppmaite the Court Hm1ac1,1’l‘omnto. Saving ’b Bank BIKERAIVTO Sr‘e our reduced 101m table. For further information apply at at the Offices the ()(mmmw. Walter S‘ Lee, Manager T0 10nd nu Mortusuo of lauded proporty 0an fit a low rate o‘z' imam-st. No Loam less thin) $400 Will be enter mud. Money recewod on deposi', nn'! mtorea payable hulk yearly or compounded. IN OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, Fmsr 10 DAYS or EACH MONTH, MAPLE, ............... VICTORIA SQUARE m ‘1" ‘ SURGEON DENTXST, has “ removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. (S: C. 131:wllfurd‘s new 31100 Mum Best mineml tooth inserted in a. manner to suit each patient. I’wrticulur attention given to the preservation and regulation of the nut-um} tooth carefully awning all unnecessary pain. A. W' Sl’AULDING, LDSAssismnt. Thankful or the favors of the past the years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill.., . 91211 J: 24th of each month (th Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22ml do Newmm‘ket, ........... 2nd do Stoufiville ............ ..18t11 do Markham ..... . glc Victoria Square ...... do Thoruhill ...... ‘ fin Maple ........... . .. ‘ do Woodbridge ...... ‘do KleinburD ., ...... ‘6!) N ()blétcmD ...... '(10 Ann'sbhetics, as Nitmns Oxide, 91:0,, used when ordelmed and none but. the beat. material useiil Ofiicial Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- anccr, Broker, &c., &c.. OFFICE ,-â€"Victoriu Chambers, 9 Vfcwrio, street Toronto. WESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Money to Land at Low Rates, Barristers, Attorneys-utALaw, Solicitors-inv- Chancery, Conveyancermetc. Officesâ€"Imperial Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAX}. Wm SproN GORDON, GEO. F. Sammy! Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bougm and sold. or rented. Insurance effected, 1&0. 6w. anything else. Capital 11‘ t'i‘ed‘uired; we will stm‘t you. $12 per day at Home made by the indngbrious. Men, mmen, bays and girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfifi and terms free. Address TRUE & Co.‘ Augusta. Maine. “ can muke‘money'méter a. Work for us than at Jae Bethune Q (J. 0 Moss, W C Falconbridge N W Hoyles, W Barwick, A BAyleswm-th Ferguson, Bain, Gordon afihlpley‘ M7 nmnvn 1 . OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS- 'I‘T‘.T{.R Aflnrhnvn Rulinifnm. luJ‘l nhnArv NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, l8 3:. 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Bethune, Mus ms Fulcmnbridge AND .OYLES, BARRIS'I ERS, &0 Amm'mi Bulimmm JAMES GORNILEY, AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Officesâ€"No. 70 Chlu‘ch street, Toronto Mortgages Bought 5513:3{3‘000 MONEY T0 LOAN. Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS P. O. Box 2527. J- K PALSINERIDGE 312mm. @mal. ', May 24th, 1830, in competition Putter son, May 26th, 1880...3m c. ADAMS, L.D.r>‘., WM. Woman DVAT’I‘. We’ve a stock of A 1 biunkets, 0t flmmels too for shirts ; And for your wives and daughters We’ve winceys to m 1'th skirts. W VJ HITTERS, To see is ucuoui; mill, Where the very best of woolen goods, Are made with care and skill. mums, éfififiifii{flflififiufirm&, {tin/m mm mum AT RICHMOND HILL AND WOODBRIDGE. 091110 all you jnlly faggncrs, 1880, W O O L! 1880, UNION FOREVER! Wootlbridgo and Richmond llill Woolen Mills. le’ve a stock of A 1 blankets, So come along and do not fail, 0t flmmels too for shirts ; To bring with you your wool ; ml {or your wives and daughters For which We’ll pay you well in trade. We’ve winceys to In like skirts. Or else with cash in full. Having leased the Richmond Hill W_oolgn Mills, formerly'leased b9 Mr ’1‘ yclfpn‘y, W3 are now pre- Manager for Richmond Hill Branch. Richmond Hill, June 10th. 1880. c%<%623&>00<§88%>c§88%>c§88%> l the R chmond Hill Woolen Mills, (annex-1y leased to Mr '1‘ McNelly pared $0 curry on the business, and guarantee general summation. Sweepmg Reductions. REYNOLDS & NEWTON S- Crosby ia’soning all his Summer Goods at If grout reduction. There is v. DON’T YOU Forget It ! BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. Done to " Oraéii Doubt about this. Call and See. and ._m_. SUMMER GOODS. â€"â€"A'Tâ€"â€" ONE OF THE OLDEST AND MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR THE CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,Soro Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Group, Whooping Cough, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs, and Chest. including A WELL-KNOWN PHYSICIAN WRITESW _“ It does not dry up a cough, andrleam the cam behind, as is the can with 'most preparations, ‘but loosens it, cleanses the iun'gs and allay: irri- iation, thus femom'ng the cause of complaint" D0 N OT BE DECEIVED by articles bearing a similar name. Be sure you get; DR. WIS'I‘AR’S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY, with the signature of “I. BUTTS " on the wrapper. ‘50 Cents and 31.001; Bottle. -Pre'~ pared by SETH W. Foww & Sons, Boston, Mass. Sold by druggists and dealers generally. We‘ve tweeds for suits for men and boys, We’ve yum to use for hose ; We’ve twills and fancy coverlids, In fact what. e’er you choose. 52w CONSUMPTION. J. F McINTOSH & SON vh- Prop . ; ' rt“! . ..IC)I“T[‘II mum, l-muo by 11-. ’i ”5%.; not required; ’\\'< Wu} 1011, boys :nfl mi ' ' ut wmki m 11% than M “um 15 light and “101$:an H mm go right Ht. 1 1108b X) 'm this noticewvill . 31d us Mm uutl‘eec-fm' th‘ems‘w Ivu' Um: flea Now is‘thc‘ mm: hm layin" up hum: 6mm: nl' mun: «S: (10.;Augustu. mum. lish Runway 15 LL11 unfnihngcuxefor 80111111111 \Vcnk- ness,Spor'mLtorrâ€" 110111, Impotency, and all diseases that follow as a sequence of self Abuse as loss of BeforeTakmgm'nmfizmgfg'xirmer Taking pain in “the Back Dimnoss of Vision Premature old age, and manynther (1190mm; thut load tn insanity c011- Humption and u ptemutuw g1'1u' 0. 1:15 1< 1111 par- ticulars in our Pamphletwhich we desire to send frog by mail to ever Y 0119. TRADE MARK. T110Gren‘t]<.n“-TRADE MARK. The Latest. news Excellent ncconmmdutimx faiths,- Public. Goo abubling mul mwntivo hostlcr. in‘ each week. I tun prepared to enlarge old of any kind, to any size up to 8x10 (or life size if required) and furnish them in Having nearly 10 years experience in the art of Photogmnhy, I can safely guarantee satisfaction. to my Patrons. Call uyd see samples of my work Aurora. April 29th 1880. THE GREATEST WONDER 0F MODERN TIMES. The Ointmentis the only relinhle remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores mu] Ulcers of ho‘w ever long standing. Foi- Bronchitis, Diptheriu, Coughs, Colds. Gout; Rheumatism. and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW YORK C(DUN'I‘ERFEH‘S. lay Pills mil Ointment. Those frauds bear on their labels some address in New York. Idonot allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States. I lmve no agents there. My medicines uroonly mudo by me at b33, Oxford Street. London I moshbmmesflylappeal to that, sense of justice whlqlfl feelsure I may venture upon making from nil! hduorable persons, to nsaist me, and the Pub-v he, as lm‘ as may lie in their p0wer, in 0.9110111) tug this shameful Ffautl. ,4 ' The Trade Marks of these Mndioinos are repis tored in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the British Possessions, who may keep thn American Counterfeit!) for 83.10, will be prosecuted 563 Oxford Street, London, Jun 1 1879 TOIoubo, Ont” Canada, NB.-The delmtndsof our business ham: no cessimted our removing t-o ’l‘ornnu), to_ which place please address all future cwnnuumcatmns This ’Ho'usn is one 01‘ ’thc Best Hotels tn be found north of Toronto. }1‘.v0rybhing is lurmugud in First Oluss'fltyle. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Shhliun mul attentive hostler. Terms, $1 per day. I’mctm-‘s Bus lemma this Hotel to connect with all the N I; R Trains going )1er and South, at; 7.35 a Lu,‘1 p m 415 pm, and 7.15 D m. R Newmtry of _th.e "Aurora Gallery of Art” begs to intorm the Residents of Richmond Hill, and Vicinity, that he has rented fihe Photograph Gallery, lately occupied by where he will be in attendance every Tuesday and Friday. commencing on Parties desiring anything in the Picture line wi} please remember that the Gallery will be open The Pills puriiy the Blood, correct all disorders of the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowols, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. I most i'espécbfuliy take leave to call the at: mention of the Public generally to the facf, that certain Houses in New York are sending to many park's of the 319198. SPUBIQ‘QS INITA‘TIONS of 111 the books of chrccmbns amwr! to the spur ious makeis a caution, wu‘ 1:1ng Mu 11111111: .ugu1'11~:t. being deceived by couuterl‘eifs. 1);» much” 131i. M bv this audacious trick, ma they are the counter- feits they pretend to denounce. These counterfeits are purchased by unprinci- pled Vendors {It 011041qu the price of my kills and Ointment, and are sold to you (LB my genuine Medicines wordy “HOLLOW‘A'I'B PILLS AND LONDON;" engravedthm’eon. On the In, uddresa. 688, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, “more alone they are Manufactured‘ , _ Holloway‘a Pills and Ointmo'nts bearing any'other address are coun- terfeits t’l‘ho Specific \Iedmme 1s 30111 by all D111qgist SI per facing/n 01 six 111101111 '1; 8 f0) 55, or 11111 be Sun by 1113111011 receipt of the 11.10qu ,by Mdreséing, THE CRAY 'MEDICINE Co, K€‘8()ld in Richmond Hill by all rh'uxg ‘ 1‘s, nud everywhere in (lambda and the United Status wholesaleu‘nd retuil 1171212; 'sts mammaxmg MR GAMBLE, ONLY‘2 DAYS RH'HMOND HILL, ONL. Graduate of Toronto University, and Member d! the College of P11)“‘cium Nut] Surgeons. AssiStn‘lit to Dr ,nws Lungstmfl'. Richmond Hill, October lath, 1379. 11.13. OnyM‘ 1's. and mm t-Zilvm‘ .Modnnst, University of 'l‘rmmtn.».?‘.'I, C. ". E, ‘Onmrio. L S A. 11., Enelwudmaize of London Engiand Surgeon, Etna, . La? Office Hours,8 to ‘10. 1 to‘z. und'G-tus.” 191 imlm TH OPALME‘R SHEOUSE, RICHMOND i:1'll.,i,, J Palmer. Prop (WW The Robin Hood BQ‘tel, mcumoxu HILL new. Frank 005;; I'O'V‘TG 1’1” op Specific Medicine! TUESDAY MAY 4th 1880. U. ELLIOT LANCSTAFF‘, M. D. Each Put almiVBorx of the Gquiue INDIA INK OR COLORS. PHDTUER‘APH GALLERY DR. ‘URR, W2 A P LE NJ 1‘ T1! .‘Efirflim Calla Boga see samples of my Work T, NEWBERRY, RE‘OPENED. Inmnd‘ $112 a day [it “industrious, Cumiml (a will start ‘mu. Men M :{uls‘ marks mommy xl' unyihiugzalse The Lljv 0th and 11.3mm -, already at work an; A ddmss HRH U11!) (else 21.8 I}, my ARTIST,

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