of tin and galvanized iron 1} specialty. Call and see his stock. C. MASON. Richmond. Hill August 18th, 1880. Stove Pipes, Stove Furniture, etc, 6130.. on hand Custom work promptly attended to, mailman) HILL. T IN S H O P. 1 To the new Premises, 4 doors north of old stand, opposite Lawrence's ofï¬ce. A large stock of PLUMS WANTED I jalmond Hill, August 23rd, 1880. Tin and Copper Ware, '30 Bushds of Wild Red Plums, and'iï¬ubush- els of Peach Pit-5,11% Ito ha dried, wanted, for which .50 cents per bushel will be paid, in (cash. '1‘hey can be left: qt Mr 5 01291 Brown’s store. :On Thursday afternoon a melancholy ï¬céihent occurred to Mr John Dixon. who resides on the ;,2nd Con.. of the rtownship 0f,Etobic0ke. It appears that Mr Dixon went- to look after a young .eolt, and having found it on ithe ,3rd ~Con.,vreturned lvomewards, leading the animal. About six o’clock in‘the even- ing he was found-by Mr Paisley, on the s'oarlside,.guite dead. His hat was found some distance from the body. There being nomark :of .vielence, except a slight scratch on his face. it is uncer- tain-whether hemounted the colt and was thrown, or whether the horse be- came restive and kicked him. Mr. Dixonwas aboutr65 years of age. He leaves a large family to mourn his sudâ€"- .den death: in the township his demise .is generallymegrétted, and much sym- pathy is felt :for the family. Mrs Dixon who has been ailing of late, has been so deeply affected by the.occurrence that it is feared shewill die. Aï¬y parties Wishing any F1 L1,“, Trees, cmi leave the order with Mr. B. Redditt, Richmond. Hill, or at Leslie‘s Nursery, Toronto. 3' RICHARD BRECKON. Mr J Robinson still claimed the old :Soules wheat, to be the best, both for yield :and milling purposes : others recommend» ted Arnold’s Victor and Deer Park. He 9putin both Clawson'and Scott last season ; ytbe Clawson was sewn on barley stubl‘t‘ie, :and the Scott on summer follow. The Scott twas'sown in the ï¬rst week of September. (was smothered out and considerably winter- :killed. It had shorter straw, red. smod [well up and stooled and ï¬lled well. Last ~winter was a hard one on wheat‘ The 'Tteadwell was, also, generally a good wheat to yield, and was well liked by the tmillel's. The Amber, :1 new variety, was {highly recommended by seedsmen.‘ The {time for sowing fall wheat depended vety imuch on circumstances ; us a rule, the ï¬rst _and 2nd weeks in Sept. were considered .early and late enouglL He had found that the rotation of crops was the best. system .Qf pr‘epairi-ng the soil for seed. It might thetvaned to suit green crops. He had 8‘ ,rotation of eight years, Hecultivated 90 acres thus: Summer‘ [fallowplowing in June to kill tbistles. :Sometimes put. in rye in fall previous to‘ rsummer fallowing; had it eaten off with .cattle, then ,summer fallowed. [st year ,seeded down‘cloVer'und timothy ; 2nd wheat ;3rd, hay ;.4th. hay and clover seed ; 51h ,hay; 6th, pensgy7th. spring wheat and tbarley ; 8th, barley; ,fllh, oats. Mr Jennings. see. by Mr Lawson, moved .that a vote ofthanks be tendered to Mr gForster for the able .manner in which he shad addressed the Club on the subject. I! '7‘ A V ‘I ‘ Mr Forster, sec.-by Mr McDonald moved !bat Dx-F‘ A Armstrong‘be llH’HPd toldeliver ‘an essay on Agricultural Chemistry at the ‘next meeting to be held ‘1†lhe Franklin Hall, Markham, on Tuesday, Oct. 19th, at _2 olclqck, p. m. . Pies, H Jennings. J Gibson, w Lawson, w Rolpli, A Forster. J Reesor. James~ Tran. w McDonald. R J Armstrong, 11 Tune, M Galloway and others. The President called upon Mr Forster 10 open the discussion said that his time had Sheen very much occupied, and he was not mrepnretl to acquaint himself with the opin- éion others and would only give his own n pinion as to tho relative qualities of mod {glll .Wlient. His gradnalion of seed was as ffollows,:â€"-Best. Clawson ; 2nd best‘ Scott: 53rd best. Silver chaff; 4th best, Treadwell {bald or hem-fled. \David Boyle owns lot 13. let Con., of the township of York, but does not live in the township. One Goddard resides the lot as tenant. In assessing the property, thelassessor placed only the‘ name of the tenant on the rollâ€"which" practice is said to be very common‘ among assessorsâ€"especialhr in York‘ township. The tenant failed to pay‘ his taxes ; removed all chattels from the†premises ; and left the country. The _municipality of York brings an action against the owner of the land to recover the amount of taxes. The claim was res sisted on the ground that the owner of the land had not been assessed for it, and further, that the collectorghad notI secured the taxes,while he had an oppor- tunity of doing so, out on" the goods of the tenant. The Farmer’s Club met at the Franklin Hall on Tuesday, 3Ist‘ ult. The atléndance Has fuirï¬; .among whom we noticed J Slater School Books,-Cheap, :for sale ,at (the EMLD Book Store. It was subsequently argued before him by Mr Bull for plaintiff. and W B Canavan for defence. Held,â€"That the defendant had not been properly assess- ed for the land. under section 16 of the Assessment Act, which provides that in cases of' this kind the land shall be as- sessed in the name of the occupant and the owner. The action was therefore not maintainable, and a non-suit was en; tered. The case was tried before Mr Bige- low on the 6th of August. Judgment reserved. - EVE TROUGHING, The following father important test ease concerning assessment. of. property. was decided by Mr N. G. Bligelow, act- ing as deputy for County Judge Boyd, .on Friday. REMOVED. An Important Décision». FARMER’S CLUB. York Coumy V.~ Boyd: FA TAL ACCIDENT . ,Weston. . _.__...._ a- v.“ u-xur . U u 7 "w v“ J trrc belt, and insoles, which relieved me very much. Yours truly, J OHN OVENS. 125 Yonge St. The Appliances are made in all sizes and shapes for the difl‘erenc parts of the body, and range in price 110111 $1.00 to $5.0010r 51mm Bands, and from $5.00 to $15.00 for Waist Belts. See circulate, which is miled free to all alapliealnts. Remember the address, A. NORMAN, No. 4 Queen street Ewb, Toronto, Ont N. B.â€"Electric Baths, Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Meacumail and Hot and Cold Baths always ready for Ladies and Gentlemen. Feb 18th '80 EHHflP flflflKS AT THE HEM]! STIRE! Lugmauu, A ugusD, 1019. ago, and other eminent pliyr cm‘e; but I am thankfo to all sufferers to try themp PETER DUWING. DEAR Sxm‘l suffered for fourvyears from what Dr Davies of Chic sidiuns called rheumatism of the bowels, which they tried in vain to ~say~yo~ur applianceshnve entirely removed the pain. I recommend ' Yours truly, , ‘RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Mr. Norman ‘ , Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 187.4, I have fully tried 11ml most carefully tested and seen used your Gumtive Insoles and Bands, and believe this to be one of the best mrms of administer; 11g Electricity, now known to be of such valuable importance for the relief of Rheumatism and Neurulgic affections. 1 most Cher-fully reâ€" commend theiaï¬usegto all suï¬erers of these complaints. 0 B 1151414. M. D. 20 Other-Howell Place. JNJURY Mr Norman, DEAR Smâ€"A‘ba‘u‘t three years ago I'fell f ‘ thn stairs: mm? mm: tnlznn “n em. 3...“: , , 7 7 w www 945v A wu uvm ruiumuucx quuuu uwmvu mm, across 'me hamster on the stairs, and was «taken up for dead, since wnich ï¬me I have suffered severe pain in my back and side, and great. Weakness, ualfltting-me for business, and got very little ease until 1 used your E-leu tric Belt and Insoles, which relieved me very much. Yours truly, J OHN OVENS. 125 Yongn St, mL, ., ..v.-wv (I having had many years experience, and studied closely 411a science in its application to curative purposes, feels conï¬dent that in presenting this ACME ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the public, be is supplying them with the best instrument of their kind now known to the gammaâ€"instruments that will do their work well if used in accordance with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheap imita- "on ofiillhisgoods, » , ' ,Tho proprietor of this establishment, A Alï¬'grmwg “Esql, RELIEVE Mm CURE. Spinal Compiaintq, General and Nervous'Debility, Rheumatism. 'Gour. Nervousnees ,Liver, Kidney. Lungs, Throat and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia. Rrunchilis. Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Sprmns, Consumpiinn, Sleeplessnem, Colds, Indigestion. Spermatnrrhoea. ($50., ‘I-I‘ . - . ASK .3011 NURMANZS ELECTRIC APPLXANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE AGAINST IMPOSITION. :rEsa-IMONIALS. A Nnrmn-n "Elan Paints 85 Oil at Toronto Prices. Wsual :Stock of Groceries and Furniuuro. Richmond Hill, June 3rd. 1880 P G S; VAGE MUST BE SOLD. FOR .TIVE CENTS PER ROLL, ROOM PAPER, Over l Patterns. 9:? All :kinds of Farmers' Produce taken in Exchange. Daytime. A call requested. ALSfl FRESH ERUEERIES, PRWISIBNS, HARDWARE & ERUEKBRY W At «Tommo Prices ~! @M‘EA m HM} Richmond Hill, July 7, 1880 WE LEAD THE TRflQE. ESTABLISHED 1874 iNURMAN’S HENRI] vEUHAWE The Largest and Cheapest. Stock of Bows and Shoes in HARVEST TOOLS! Elgqiglficity _t‘hé"'IJi£émFliï¬&: Cheaper than ever. Remember in Flour and Feed REYNOLDS & NEVVTONS. Sweeplng Reductions. DON’T YOU Forget It ! -NO!- Grosbyis selling all his Summer Goods {its great reduction. There is Satin Finish at15 cents, worth 30 cts. Cradles, Scythes, Snaiths. Rakes, Forks, YES! Is the piace to ï¬nd a complete stock of Another Large Stock of Room Paper Call and - Inspect Stock- Doubt about this. Call and See, ma SUMMER GOODS. THE _IN_ EUHAWE APPLIANEES JOHNV BROWN. Feb 18d; ‘56. Goods delivered in the ‘Ingevrgollll August! 1879. Richmond H111. iness H. trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those will- ing no work. You should try nothing else until you see for yourself Whlbt you can do at the busâ€" moss we oï¬er. No room to explmn here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time to the business, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special rivate terms and part?- culurs which we mail'f 36, $5 ou-tï¬tfree‘ Inn's complain of hard times While you have snoum cullnapce. Addxogss H. HALLE TT .& 00., Ponllmd mm), AWEEh 1n your own town, mm no , EB capital risked. You can give the bus- The Farm is 11. (1001 one in every particxflm‘,‘ everything being very complete. Eerms Euw. Apply to MR JAMES GOBMLE Y. Toronto. at to {Richmond Hill. August 6th, 1880. 1: f There is ï¬rstrcluss Bums, Stables and other outâ€" buildings, with CON- 2 OF VAUGHAN. Fï¬'m for Sale ! Igzmmntet} to sntisfv the most: fastidious Come and glvc us u. trlul. No disappoint/711mm No deception JOHN PLAXTON Elgin Mills, Jn n. 7th 188 MENAIR FARM; BIGHl‘v’Kï¬ND HILL- U TERS, Attorneys, Solicitors-in-Ohancefy etc.. 64 Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House), Toronto. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. WORTS Rwyâ€. Having lately purchaéed the nteres} of the above business. I can conï¬dently Money to Lend at Low Rates, Mortgages bought and sold. Farms ngught andsold, or rented. Insumuce effected, &c. d: . OFFICEâ€"Victoria. Chambers, 9 Victdriu. stile“ Toronto. Ofï¬cial Assignee, Real Estate Agent, Convey- ancer, Broke), 860.. ,&c, Barristers, Attorneys-at-Law, Soliciturs-in- Chancery, Conveyancers,etc. Omcesâ€"Jmporml Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Torqutqv THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN 'BAIB. WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SHXPLEY Jas Bethune Q C N W Hoyles, Ferguson. Bain, Gordon 54 Shiplev, OULTBEE & EVATT. BARRTVS- ’I‘Nn R A Hnrnmm gn'li'tn'fnch'r‘ J“. .. “AMI" I8 & 20 King‘Street, West, Toronto. She mu reduced 1mm table. For further information apply at at the Ofl'i'ce-s the Comnunv. Walters. Lee. Manager This Farm is on the east/half of Lot Bethune, Moss} Falcmibridge AND ‘ HOYLES, BARRIS'I ERS, &0 Mon‘ey fecewed on deposit, and mtéres payable ha“ yearly or compounded. Capital, $1,000,000; Resox‘v’e Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 ‘ Saving; Bank HON. GEO. W. ALLAN. Senator, President. ‘ George Goodcrham .................. Vice- President DIRECTORSâ€"Samuel Plntt MP.y Wm Gooder ham, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mmphomon Senator. A ‘EINE NEW RESIDENCE. Richmond HillrJanyâ€"flst, 1â€"836 Guarantee Satislaczion? In all branches of the tmde. Having paid Transactions: strictly conï¬dential. Apply personally, or by letter tQ the undersigned. To lend on Mortgage of lauded property only at a low rate of interest. N0 Loan less than $400 will be entertnined. can make money mater at Work for us than at nnythizig élse. Cnvitml not required; we will start you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys and girls Want/ed everywhere to work for us. Now is the time; Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TRU'FI 65 00.. Augusta. Maine. ELGIN MILLS BLIEKSMI‘I‘H' SHIP. ‘VESTERN CANADA Log; ANh RAVTNr‘vg n‘n‘vn) AM’V Thankful or the favors of the past the years ixzuy still be consulted in any branch of the pro ession, as follows : Richmond Hill .......... 9th 65 24th of each month (at Palmer House) . urom, lat 8th, 16th, and 22nd do ewmnrket do Stouftville ...... d0 Markham ...... . dc Victoria Square ...... ‘10 Thornhill ...... do Maple ...... .... ‘10 Woodbridge ...... do Kleinburg ...... . . do , Nobleton . . ...... 30th do ' éxlleihfl'tlcï¬h; as N_itrou_s Qxic’le, etc..rus‘ed when _ _ Aw, .w “mums umuu, â€bu†uueu w: ordered. and none but the best material used (m ' V 0 SU'RGEON DENTIST, has â€" removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. 65 C. Blackford‘a new shoe stow Best mineral teeth inserted 1'11 a. manner to suit each patient. Particular mttentibn given to the preservation and regulation of the‘ natural teé‘th Carefully uvoin r all unnecessary pain. A; W SPAULDING. DgAssistuut. SPECIAL ATTENTION Ema gheeing MAPLE, Vm'mmA SQUARE IN OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, Fmsm 10 EACH MONTH, W31; remnvnd NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, JAMES GORMLEY, Mil. JAM ES MBNMR, Goderich, Ont. Ofllbesâ€"\o. 70 Church street, Toronto Mortgages Bought BRANCH $50000 T’ .0 .Box'.No AGA- MONEY T0 LOAN Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS P. 0. Box 2527. J- K- rALunNnhmsn gingal. gammy. C Moss, W’ C Falconbridge W Btu-Wick, A BAyleswm-th £21m}. ~. ADAMS, L.D,AS., D‘A'Ys or" 25TH Remember the place, APOTHEOARY’S HALL A. Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prepargdnég sold by H ,Séhï¬'éfé'on_& Sons Drugs; Toilet Articles, ESSENCES .w. v. ...... ‘- SPIOES. GENUINE. FTC, GOOD AND FRESH W WHITTER S9 Mananer for Richmond Hill Branch. Richmond Hill. June Hill). 1880. GAMING, SHNNINï¬, MANHE‘AETURING, 84. RAG UARPBT WEAVING Done to Olden. See our stock, AT RICHMGNé‘J HILL AND WOODIBRIDCE. We‘ ve- a stock of A 1 blankets, ()f flmmels too for shuts; And fm yoglr W ivm‘ ) and an 115019 We' v0 winceys to make Shuts. Having leased the Richmond Hill \Voolen Mills ‘ pared to cmry on the business, in gvr-u -â€".z - To see us 0.1; our 11111], Where the very best; of woclon goods Are made with care and skill. Come 1111 you. jnlly farmers, Also Staiiemery, Fancy Goods, etc 1880, W O O L! 1880, UNION FOREVER 2 Woodbriqlgo aml Richmond Hill Woolen Mills. Prescriptions care- Remember the place, .0. Corner, Yonée' SIRâ€"l Cgï¬â€™tro Sgeet “East, Richmond Hill They have also on hand (EMFâ€"m a. large atbck of SCHOOL BOOKS I Herbs Fresh, and this Year’s- Gromh. BEFORE PURCHASING ELQEWHERE. ()f the Finest Flavor and Quality. CAUTION.â€"Be sure RUVIAN S YRU ." Sold by druggists genera ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by SETH W. Fowu: & Sons, Proprietors, 86 Ear x'ison Avenue, Boston, Man. you get the “PE- So Come along and do not fail, To bring with you your wool ; For which We’ll pay you well in trade, Or else with cash in full. ills, formerly leased to Mr T McNel'ly, we are now pro- ‘, and guarantee general satisfaction. 52w We’ve tw’eeds for suits for men and boys. Wo’ve yum to use for hose ; We’ve twins and fancy coverlids. In fact What e’er you choose. THE J. F. MCINTOSH & SON Chemicals. Perfumery. ..V|‘.- a. large flock of fully compounded. Prop . T0 $GOMAYEAR, nrva' "' day in 3 our ow u loculiw. l‘JL r “omen do as well 11,3 ‘mcn. make n. me than the amour» uber. knone can fail to make 11.0 Any one (:1- n do the' work. You can in: . 50 ct: W412 an hour by devoting your can and spurs time to the business. It casts, m z; to try the businem Nothing like it fur z»: muuing cur oï¬ered before‘ Business Mm mall 4bricfly honorable. launder, if you kruw 111 about the best paying hllSili- ~H the )ublic , send us your uddruw and w v. Scuff you full particulars mu] m‘ivubc tr: .1 . ‘¢ samples with .455 ulrn free; you cun then nwicn :1 your mind for yourself Address (‘ri‘lUi'L’u‘n STINSOK d: CO.,Augustu Maine. Harm: shoeing done at $1 a set fur Cam? and 40 cents tor removes. Has remhved his shop to next door south n!‘ Dr. Luugsmfl’s, nearly unwosite the 01d stunt, w 'n he is prepared to do all kinds of Work in h, class style. Geo. STEPHENS AMONTH guunteed. $412 11. (1m home by the 11111113111‘10118. 111 ‘ not required; we will start you. 3111‘ Won‘1011,boys 111111111115 make mu faster at work fer 115 than ut anything 111510. ’ Work is light and “1011.81th, 1111111111011 115 11.113‘1111c 01111 go rivht at. Those who 11.111 W130 who 13"0 this notice will send 11‘; their “Adm ,s at '1": 111111 see for themselves. (Easily (1111,1112 111111 t: r1 1; free. Now hi the time Those 11.1“011'1‘1'111 W‘m luying 1111 large sums of money. Addmsa '11 CO..A11g11sm. Maine. Excellent accommodation for the Public. Go') utmhliug and Lttentive hontler. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stabling and attentive hostler. Terms, $1 per day. P1 motor 3 Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South, at 7 35 a, 1n, 1 p :11 4.16pm, andT. 1511111. The Robin Hood Hotel? [)RAIN TILE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT TBOS NIGHTINGALE‘R, RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer. Prop RICHMOND HILL ON'I‘.. Frank (Josgr'ove Prop Tomnto, Ont“, Canada, NB.â€"'I‘he demands of our business have no- cessimted our removing to Toronto, to which place please address all future communications IEPSold in Richmond Hill by all druagists, and everywhere in Canada. and the United States wholesaleand retail druggists B. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L S A. In. England (Late of London England Surgeon, Etc" 3' Oï¬ï¬‚ce Hours. 8 to 10. 1 to 2. and 6 to 8. THE PALMER HOUSE, pain in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature old age, and munyother diseases that lead to insanity con- sumption mild a. remnture grave. 13“ Full par- ticulars in our umphletwhich We desire to send free byLmaij to every one. at‘ T fyéé 'ï¬EéiEééfé'i‘s'ik ï¬dékiéesflfoz"§57,°3£ wil be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, ' ' THE GRAY MEDICINE Co, RICHMOND HILL, 0NT., Graduate of Toronto Uï¬iversity, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. Assistant to Dr. James Lnngstaï¬. Richmond Hill, October 16th 1879. BefoiévTaki’hg The Trade Marks of these Medicines are repia tered in Ottawa. Hence, any one throughout the British Poaaessions, who may keep the American Counterfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 6:53 Oxford Street, London, Jan 1 1870 GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! TRADE MARK‘ Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stamp,with the words “ HOLLOWAY’S PILLS AND OINTMENT LONDON,†engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON. where alone they are Manufactured. Ointmenta bearing any otheYVderéés' arm coun- terfeits These counterfeits are purchased by an rinci- pied Vendors at one-half the price of my 1’1 15 and ointment“ and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines I most earnesfly appeal to that sense of justice which 1 feel sure I may venture upon asking from. all honorable persons, to assist me, and the Pub lic, as far as may lie 11: their power, in denoun fng this shameful Fraud. In the books of directions afï¬xed to the sp ur- ioua makeis a. caution warning the Publicmg ainst being deceived by counterfeits. Do not be misled by this audacious trie", as they are the counter teits they pretend to denounce. I donut allow my medicine to be sold in any part a the United States. I have no agents there. My medicines are only made by me at 533, ngogd stree‘ttlrlondton The PHI: purity mm Blood, correct all disorders of “3° Liver Stomach, Kidneys and BOWels, and are mvaJua 16 In all complaints incidental to Females. I most respectfully take leave to call the Ma tention of the Public generally to the fact, that: certnin Houses in New York are sending to many parfe of the globe SPURIOUS IMITATIONB of my Pills and Ointment. These trends bear on their labels some address in New York. The Ointmenus the only reliable remedg1 for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of ow- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheria, Coughs, Golda, Gout, Rhéumatism‘, and all Skin 1313682663 it has no equal. THE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN mmmï¬ J. ELLIOT LANGSTAFF, M. D. ‘T‘hae‘Speciflqutiiéirieis sold‘ by 31} ngggist REMGVEEE BEWARE OF NEW YORK CflUN'l‘ERFEI'I‘S. General Blacksmith. BLACKSMITH SHOP. MODERN TIMES. Qï¬mfwl mm. DR. ORRY MAPLE. HORSE SHOE 1 ’1 , The Great Eng- '1iah Remedy is an unfailing cure for Seminal Week- I nefls,Spermaton‘- hen, Impoteucy, and all diseases that follow as a. sequence of self Abusems loss of .Memory. Univer ’ sul_ Lessitugie, TRADE MARK‘.. After Takmg. “@2111an Hollpymy’s Pills and YI rk‘lilu 11