. Several other speeches wme made, but «our limited space p1eve11lspub‘icaliou. A GREAT EXHIBI’t‘LoN.â€"From all accounts it seems certain that the great Exhibition to be held in the city of Montreal during the fortnight from the 14th to the 24th of September, will be one of surpassing magnitude and gran- deur. The Exhibition grounds with their eight new buildings are said to be among the ï¬nest on the continent. Strangers who visit Montreal during Exhibition time will see much to inter- est and amuse. The outside spectacles alone, including illustrations of torpedo warfare in the harbor, balloon ascensions ï¬reworks, lacrosse tournaments. athletic fetes, musical festivals, and electric light exhibitions will, it is said, be worth going a long distance to see. The Globe, Mail, and London Advertiser, speak in the most glowing terms of the coming Montreal Exhibition. Arrange- ments are being made to accommodate an immense influx of visitors at moder- ate rates. From the Economist (Continued from last. week.) Mr Gibson showed a sample of fall wheat 11 new variety that he was experimenting with. There were thirty-one berries in the of a bright plump sample. It was clear straw, and resembles the Amber in appear- ance. He thought it. proliï¬c. He said that although Mr Forster’s system of rotaâ€" tion of crops differed from his, he knew that any system of rotation was better than a Imp-hazard method of farming. ile had given his testimony before the Ontario Agricultural Commission, a report of which had appeared in the papers which was not quite correct, but nearly so. and SOtne had inttmated that the results shown were too great. He was prepared to verify the cot- rected report, in fact others had since tes- tiï¬ed to even greater results. The cultiâ€" vation of the soil was very important, and a wide spread interest was being taken in it at present, so much so that to satisfy a discriminating agricultural public it “as necessary to give results. No member of the Club had yet given the actual proï¬t derived fran a ten acre ï¬eld of roots. He said that by feeding roots with straw it enhanced the value of the straw. 'l‘he sys- tem of draining discussed at. the Club had‘ awakened the farmers of other sections of‘ Ontario. llis soil was better for being} turned up deep. He commenced plowing in the fall for the following year’s summer- fullow. Some of our farmers are consider. ably exercised about the kinds of grains to flow on summer-fallow. He knew of noth- ing to take the place of tall wheat. If the land was well prepared and good seed wheat sown, we might trust to Providence for the rest. He believed that the failure ofthe spring wheat was a good thing for farmers, they were cropping too incessant.â€" ly and wearing out their farms. He beâ€" lieved in thorouah under-draining. 1n pre- pniring the land for seed he believed ridging in ridging into fourteen feet; lands for full wheat. for subsequent. crops have little or no furrows to shake machinery. He should like further information relative to the best kinds of (all wheat to sow. The Queen of'Sp 11in has given binh to a long- expected daughter Both are doing well. The French expedition which started up the Niger 111 April last, was attacked by a. thousand natives and forced to re- tire with fourteen killed eleven wound ed, and all the bangaoc lost. It reâ€" ï¬tted and started 011 another route. The crop prospects In India have i proved. An insurrection has broken out in Herat, and the Governor has been killâ€" ed. General Stewart and Roberts have re ceived the grand cross of the Order of the Bath. The former becomes nxili~ tary member ofthe Supreme Council of' India, in place of Sil E B Johnson, re~ signed, and the latter takes command of the army in Madras Presidency School Books, Cheap, for sale at the HErALD Book Store. TIN SHOP! To the new Premises. 4 doors north of old stand, opposite Luwrence’sofl‘ice. A large stock of Stove Pipes, Stove Furniture, etc.. etc., on hand Custom work promptly attended to, of tin and galvanized iron a. specialty. 01111 and see his stock. 0. MASON. Tin and Copper Ware, Richmond, Hill August 18th.1880. One of the strongest arguments against paper currency is that the al- leged gold hasis enables money to be transferred through the banks from one country to another without the loss _,.wliich wpuld, as our opponents allege, ensue if paper were the standard. Let us see how this works. A lady residing in Toronto, lately drew on England for‘ £300. She received $1,443, and on remonstrating at the smallness of the amount, the only satisfaction she got was that it was owing to the “low rate of discount.†With gold at 4.86, she should have got $1,458 less a small com- mission to pay for the few minutes work involved. England has a gold basisâ€" 50 has Canadaâ€"a nominal one at least. Yet here is a swindle of nearly ï¬fteen dollars, veiled under the polite form of “discount." What right has there to be any discount on gold ? Or if there is, why in the name ofjustiee and com- mon sense should that effect a transact- ion where gold or its equivalent is reâ€" ceived as well as paid ? If gold is at a discountâ€"though the hard money men always tell us that gold can’t fluctuateâ€" how have the Shylocks the face to deâ€" duct on discount when paying what they profess to be equivalent to gold ? Will some hard money advocate please explain ?â€" Commonwealth. EVE TROUGHING, The Latest News. REMOVED. An Exchange Swindle. RICHMOND HILL. FARMER’S CLUB. The proprietor of this establishment, having had many years experience, and studied closely the science in its application to curative purposes, feels conï¬dent that in presenting this ACME ELECTRIC APPLIANCES to the public, he is supplying them with the best instrument- oi‘ their kind now known to the science,â€"~instruments that will do their work well if used in accordance with printed directions given with each appliance, and would warn the public against all cheap imita» “(111.9841 his £12,045- A u . .4" uu n AA‘U. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. Mr. Norman, Toronto, Nov. 23rd, 1874, I have fully tried and most carefully tested and seen used your Cumtive 11150103 and Bands, and believe this to be one of the host forms of administering Electricity, now known to he of Such valuable importnnce for the relief of Rheumatism and Neurnlgic ufl'ectiuns. 1 most cherfully rc- commend their use to all sufferers of these cougpluints. C B HALL, M. D. ‘10 Cum-Howell Place. it NJ URY Mr Norman, Toronto, Oct. 10th, 1879. 1 “,1: Simâ€"About three years ago I fell from a. ladder about twelve feet across the banistor of the stairs, and was taken up for dead, since which time I have suffered severe pain in my back and Side, and great weakness, unï¬tting mo for business, and got very little case until 1 used your Elecâ€" tric Belt and Insoles, which relieved me very much. Yours truly, JOHN OVENS. 125 Yong!) St. The Appliances Ere nnlde in IL“ sizes and shapes fox the (liifcrent parts of the body, and range in price from $1.00 to $5.00 for small Bands, and from $5.00 to $1500 for Waist Belts. See Circulars, which is mileil free to all applicants. Remember the address, A. NORMAN, No. 4 Queen street East, Toronto, Ont N. B.â€"Elcctric Baths ï¬n] 1hur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Meucuriul unthfit 1 Qold Baths ulwuys run/In Fru- T.or11'nu on]! ['1 ready for Ladies and Gbntlémén I-‘l uv-u-nâ€"v- A Norman, Esq,, Ingersoll. August, 1879. DEAR Sunâ€"I suffered for four yours from Whut Dr Davies of Chicago, and other eminent hyâ€" sicinns culled rheumatism of the bowels, which they tried in vain to cure ; but. I am thanktu to say your appliances have entirely removed the 1min. I recommend all suflcrcrs to try them. Yo x~_s “My". PETER Dowma. ASK FOR NORMAN’S ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE SAFE AGAINST IMPOSI’I‘ION. TESTIMONIALS. 1 \v_.u,._.. #1,- RELIEVE AED ,cvnE. Spinal Complaints, General and Nervous Debility, Rheumatism. Gout. Nervouaneas Liver, Kidney. Lungs, Throut and Chest Complaints, Neuralgia, Broncbilis. Incipient Paralysis, Asthma, Sciatica, Spl‘alns, Consumption, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion, Spermatorrhoea. &c., 5-1‘ . u - _.- VVo'vo :1 stock of A 1 blankets, So come along and do not mu. 0f flannels too for shirts ; To bring with you your wool ; And for your wives and daughters For which we'll pay you well in trade, We've winceys to make skirts. Or else with cash in full. Having leased the Richmond Hill Woolen Mills, formerly leased to Mr T McNally, we are now pro- pured to carry on the business, and guarantee general satisfaction. HARDING, SPINNING, MANUFAETURING, 8; RAE flAHPL'T WEAVING Done to Order. See our stock, AT RICHMOND HILL AND WOODBRIDGE. Como all you jolly farmers, To see us at our mill, Where the very best of woolen goods, Are made with cure and skill. BHBJAP 30le AT THE Emu: STIIRE! W WHITTERS, Manager for Richmond Hill Branch. Richmond Hill, June 16th. 1880. 1880, oodbridgo and Richmond Ilill Woolen Mills. ESTABLISHED 1874 NDBMAN’S ELECTED EUHATIVE C%c§&°oc%00(%c%o°% WOOL! 1880, UNION FOREVER. 1 Electricity the Life Fluid this establishment Imvinn had run 1v w m nvrnn Sweepmg Reductions. REYNOLDS & NEVVTONS. Crosby is selling all his Summer Goods at». great reduction. There is DON’T YOU Forget It! B EFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. Doubt about this. Call and S00, and SUMMER GOODS. ._.IN_~ So come along and do not full. To bring with you your wool ; For which we'll pay you well in trade, 01' else with cash in full. We’ve t-weods for suits for men and boys, We've yum to use for hose ; We’ve twins and fancy coverlids, In fact; what o'er you cfluose. 52w EUBATIVE APHIANCES J F. McINTOSH & SON ..Yf.- Feb 18th ’50‘ Prop . The Speciï¬c Medicincis sold by all Drnggist at 5| per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by addressing, I most respectfully take leave to call the at- rentiou of the Public generally to the fact, that certain Houses' 111 New York are sending :0 many parfs of the globe SI‘ULIOUS INITATIONS of my Pills and ()iut111ont.’1‘l1esc 112111115 bear 011 their labels some address in N ew Y01k. I donot allow my medicine to be sold in any part of the United States I lmve no agents there. Mymedicinos mummy made by me at 533, Oxford Street, London Each Pot. and Box of tho Genuine Medicines bears the British Government Stump, with the words â€HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND 01NTZ‘.l]'INT LONDON," engraved thereon. On the label is the address, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, where alone they are Manufactured. The Thule Marks of these Medicines are regis term] in Ottawa. Hence, {my one throughout the British Possessions, who may keep 131m Amcricun Counterfuits for sale, will be prosecuted 5.53 Oxford Street. London, Jun 1 1871) lish Remedy 13:111 1111f111111u'curef0r 5011111111,] \‘v'ex' messamwrnnwol 111111, 11111101201103; 111111 all diseases that follmv us a. sequence of self Abuse us loss 1' M11111lon [111v 1 Befoxe Takings S111 Lassiturle, After kTa‘kmrr, pain in the 1311.011, Dimnesa 0f Visin11,1’renmtu11\ China}, and 1111111y0t11or diseases that loud to insanity con- sumptlou 111111 11 111011111tme g1 NYC. [.5 F 1111 11111â€" ticulurs in our Pmnphlctw 1011 we (10. Jim to send free by 111111110 0v " 0110. TRADE MARK. TlmGle'LtEIIQ-TRADE MARK The Pills purity the Blood, c011'oct 1111 disorders 01 the Liver Stomach, Kidnuys 11nd Bowele, and are invuluuble in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only relinlvle remedy for Bad Legs, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers of how- ever long standing. For Bronchitis, Diptheria, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism, and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. BEWARE OF NEW mm WMTERFEITS. In the books of directions afï¬xed to the spur- ious make is IL cmltinnsmrning the Pnhlicnguinst being deceived by countarfoits. Do not be misled bv this audacious m isâ€, us they are the counterâ€" feits thcv prev end to denounce. These countarfcits are purchased by unprinci- pled Vendors at, one~lm1f the mice of myrillsund Ointment, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines I most earnestly appeal to that sense of justice which I feel sure I may venture 1111011 asking from {L11 honorable persons, to us ist mo, and the Pub “0,115 fur us may lie in their power, in donoun fng this shameful Fraud. Ointments bearing (my other addroés um coun- turfcits THE GRAY MEDECINE Co, Tomuto, 0m, Canada NB.â€"The demands of our business luwo ne» ccssitntod our removing to Toronto, to which place please address all future communications 11111110 111010 than the amount stated u.ber. NO one can fail to make money fast. Anyone can do the work. You 0.111 make from 60 class to +2 an hour by devoting ymu evenings and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money thKillg over offered before. Business pleusun 11nd strictly honorable. Render, if you want t know 1111 about the best 111131111. business befor the pubhc, send us yam 1111111055 and we wil send you full 11m biculms 111111 111ivnte terms free samples with S5 1111‘!) f1ec;you can then make 11 1 your mind for yoursel.f Address GEORG‘ STINSON & CO. ,Augusta. Maine. TO @6000 A SEE/111,01 woe to $20 11. day in )0111‘ own locality No risk' VV omen do us well 113 men. Many [S‘Sold in Richmond Hill by all drucgists, and everywhere in Canada and the, United States Wholcsalnund retail druggists GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! HE GREATEST WONDER OF LIODRRW 'I‘TNTW. R Iglmmnheg to sutist‘v the mpst fastidious Come and nge us I]. trnzl. No alsuppoiutment No deception- JOHN PLAXTON Elgin Mills, Jim. 7th 1880‘ not required; we will start you. Men Women, boys and girls make money luster at; work fer us thxm at anything else. The work is light and uleusunt, and such as anyone can go right at. Those who are wise who soc this notice will send us their addresses at once and see for themselves, Costly Outï¬t mu] terms free. Now is the time. Those ulrozuly at work are laying up large sums of money. Address TRUE & CO.,Augustu, Maine. AMONTH gunnteed. $12 a. day at 30“ home by the industrious. Capital Horse shoeing done at $1 a. set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. Having lately purchased the ntcres; of the above business. I can conï¬dently Has removed his shop to next door south ‘of Dr‘ Lnngstuff's, nearly 01‘pnsit0 the 01d stand, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work in ï¬rst;- class style. AND HORSE SHOER‘ Goderich, Ont. Richmond Hill. August 6th, 1880. t t The Farm is a. stood one in every particular, everything being very complete. Eerms Easy. Auply to MR. JAMESGORMLEY, Toronto. or to Geo. STEPHENS CON . 2 OF VAUGHAN. There is ï¬st-class Barns, Stables and other out- buildings, with MUNAIR FARM. RIUHMUND HILL- Farm for Sale ! Guarantee Satismciisn? In all branches of the trade. Having paid ELGIN MILLS - BLEEKSMHTH 3%â€. This Farm is on the east-half of Lot No. 25, SPECIAL ‘ATTENTION Home» ghaeing A EINE NEW ' RESIDENCE. REMGVEI E MODERN TIME S General Knacksnlith, BLACKSMITH SHOP. MR. JAMES MCN AIR, Hohpymy’s Pills and Prescriptions care- fully compounded. ‘7 APOTHECARY'8 HALL A Call Solicited. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Remember the place, Prepargd zap, sold. Joy H _§ansler80.u..§n Sons n . MW giaï¬anery, Fancy Goods, etc a I )orner Youge and Céï¬â€™tre SGeetVExiétr,ï¬lr’_~iiéh;nonvd7Hilvl They have also on hand I Drugs, Toilet Articles, 3 large stock of Chemicals, PB] SPICES. GENUINE. FTC. GOOD AND FRESH ESSENCES AND EXTRACTS Paints 82; Oil at Toronto Prices. Usual Stock of Groceries and Furniture. Richmond 11111, June 3rd. 1880 P G SAVAGE MUST BE SOLD. FOR FIVE CENTS PER ROLL. EEHAAPP ROOM PAPER, Ovel E50 Patterns. SQHOQL BOOKS 2 Herbs Fresh, and this Year's Growth. Satin Finish at 15 cents, worth 30 cts. Another Large Stock of Room Paper Call and Inspect Stock. 0f the Finest Flavor and Quality. AT THE A Protected Solution of the Protoxldo of Iron. Is as easily digested and assimilated with the blood as the simplest food. When the blood does not contain the usual quantity of Iron, the deï¬ciency can be supplied by the use of the PERU VIAN SYRUP. It cures a " thousand ills " simply by Tomxo Ur, vamonuxxo, and quuzme the system. The enriched and vitalized blood permeates every part of the body. repairing damages and waste, searching out morbid secretions, and leaving nothing for disease to feed upon. This is the secret of the wonderful success of this remedy in curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Boils, Dropsy,‘ Chronic Diarrhma, Nervous Afl’ections, Female Complaints, And all diseases originnting in a bad Itate of the blood, or accompanied by debimy, or a low state of the system. CAUTION.â€"-Be sure you get the “PE- RUVIAN S YRU ." Sold by druggiats gener.~ ally. Pamphlets sent free to any address by Sam W. Fownn & Soxs, Proprietors, 86 Ha:- rison Avenue, Boston, Mass. GE Chemicals, Perfumery, iness a. trial Without expense. The best; opportunity ever offered for those will- ing to work. You should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the bus- mess we oï¬er. No room to explum here. You can devote all your time or only your spore time to the business, and make grout pay for every hour that you work. Women make 119 much as men. Send for special private terms and mrti- cuhu‘s which we mail free. $5 outï¬t free mu‘fl complain ofhurd times while you have suchn. chance. Address )1. EALLETT & 00., Portland A \VEEh m your own town, mm no capital risked. You cxm give the bus- Thankful or the favors of the past tho yours n‘ my still be musultud in {my branch of tho pro fession, as follows : Richmond Hill . 9th :1: 24th of each month (:Lt thlmer House) Aurora, 19t,8th,16th,and 2‘ (:ml do Newnmrket, ...... do Shoutiville.. do Murkh tun ., (1C Victoria Square do Thornhill ...... do Muvple ...... do \Vondbridge ..... . do Kleiuburg.. do Nobletrma do Ammtlmtlx'ca, as Nxtrous Oxide, etc. ., used when ordered. and none but the best, material used 800 out reduced loan table. For further information apply at M the Ofï¬ces the Comnnnv. Walter S. Lee. Manager can make money meter at work tor us than at: anything 0189. Capital not required; we will start; you. $12 per day at home made by the industrious. Men, women, boys lmd girls wanted everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TRUE & 00.. Augua’m. Mnine. W \‘V - SURGEON DENTIST, 11th ' removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. & U. lewhford’s new shoe store Best mineral teeth inserted in u mmmcr to suit; :Lch patient. Particular attention given to the preservation and regulation of the nucui‘ml teeth ogrofnlly xwoin_g_nll_ unnecessary pain. A. W Emrefully xwm‘ng n11 unneces SPAULDING. LDgAssistuut. MAPLE. Vu-TomA SQUARE U TERS, Attorneys. Solicitors~in-Chancery etc.. 64 Adultï¬de street East, (opposite the Court House}, Toronto. ALFRED BOUM'BEE. WM. WORTH EVA-m. Richmond Hill. J any. lat, 1880 George Gooderhnm .................. Vice-President DInEoTonaâ€"Sumuel Plath, M.P., Wm. Gooder 1mm, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. D. L Mucpherson, Senator. Money recelved on deposit, and knows payable hall yearly or compounded. LN OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, Finer 10 BAN 01? EACH Momma, Maine. Barristers. Attorneys-at-Law, Solicitors-in- Chuncery, Conveyancera, etc. Oflicesâ€"Imperiul Bank Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL. WM. SETON Gannon. (5190‘ F. SHIPLEY Transactions strictly conï¬dential. Apply personally. or by letter to the undersigned. Capital, $1,000,000; Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets, $3,000,000 Ofï¬cial Assignee. Real Estate Agent, Convey- ancer. Broker, &c.‘ &c.. Mortgages bought and sold. Farms bought; and sold, or rented. Insurance eï¬ected,&c. d'w. OFFICEâ€"Victoria Chambers, 9 Victoria street Toronto. 'l‘o lend on Mortgage 01 landed property only M. a low rate of interest. ‘No Loan less $ 3409 will be entertained. Saving’s Bank BRANCH Jas Bethune Q C. 0 Moss. W C Falconbridge N W Hoyles. W Burwick, A BAyloswm‘th BOULTBEE & EVATT. BARRIS‘ TERRA Atfnrnnvn. Rnlicitnrs-inJihmmm-v Ferguson, Baln, Gordan a. Shlplev, Money to Land at Low Rates, Exceflenc accommodation for the Public. Goo stubling and Ittentive hostler. I)RAIN TlLE, OF THE EES'l‘ DUAI I’l‘Y AT NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, Is a 20 Klng Street, West. Toronto. This House is one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stabliug and attentive hostler. Terms, 3} per day. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 7.35 a. m, 1 p m 4.15 pm, and 7.15 v m. Bethune, Moss. Falconbritlge AND HOYLES, RICHMOND HILL ONT.. Frank Cosgrove Prop BARRIS’I ERS, &0 \NfESTERN CANADA L O A N AND SAVINGS COMPANY. W. remove The Robin Hood Hotel, R. B. On. M. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. 8. Ontario. L. 8 A. L.. England (Late of London England Surgeon, Etc" 33' Otflce noun-5.89.0 10. ltofl, andï¬toB. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. , Graduate of Toronto University. and Member of the College of Physicin‘ns and Surggons. Assistant to Dr. J nmes Lungataï¬. Richmond Hill. October 16th 1879. .‘l' Palmer, Prop THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, HON. GEO. W. ALLAN, Senator,President‘ J. ELLIOT LANG-STAFF, M. D. JAMES GORDILEY, AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Oflioesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto‘ QUALITY AT Mortgages Bought. Y .0530); "So ABA. @5le mm. $506000 Or A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS MONEY T0 LOAN. DR. ORR. MAPLE. P. O. Box 2527. J - I- PALUUNBRIDEB THOS NIGHTINGALE’S, Quaiml. gummy. gental. o. ADAMS, L.D.S., Yorkvile 18'le 25’1‘H