Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Sep 1880, p. 1

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-â€"-The German authorities are purchasing largely in England for cavalry mounts. At the great horse fair of Horncastle over 1,200 were bought. V â€"Japan has trade unions. Owing to the recent rise in the price of rice, all the laborers in Gifu successfully combined to force up wages 25 per cent. â€"Among the successful candidates in 1111s £63111” 3 class of the Cambridge University igher Examinations 1s Miss Helen Gladstone, daughter of the Premier. «San Francisco society is deeply interested in a report that Miss Flood. to whom U. S. Grant, J12, was engaged, has jilted the young Juan. He appeared in public with a girl described as "not over nice." and when Miss Flood heard of it she terminated the engage- ment. The property loss to young Grant is something like $2,500,000. â€"Lyman Abbott tells of Puritans who wouldn’t eat an egg laid on Monday, “for Eresumptivelyyin the order of nature. the en had prepared it on the Sabbath day.” â€"Tha statue of the late President. Thiers, at St. Germain, is to be inaugurated on Sun- day next. Mr. Jules Simon has been dele- gated by the French Academy as its repre- sentative. Jâ€"A servant at Erie, Pm, habxtually drank his employer’s brandy on the sly. A bottle containing poison was unintentionally set where the brandy had been. The servant drunk from it and was killed. â€"â€"A magistrate of Galway, Ireland, has been sent to jail for a month for drunkenness in London. â€"The Vale of Tempe is included in the territory now proposed to be taken from Turkey and given to Greece. 6 â€"The Boston Common Council have refused permission to the Orangemen to display their regalia in a municipal procession. â€"In Naples the bathing and swimming establishments have been deserted because a shark 24 feet long had been seen’ entering the bay. â€"Mi5s Spicer, who lately married Mr. Miles. of her Majesty’s First Life Guards, is clearly not a superstitious young lady. She had thirteen bridesmaids. ‘ â€"-A pretty and unique capote is made of salmon colored silk, entirely covered with black currants. A wide band of salmon sumh is crossed at the back, and tied into stringsin a large bow in front. â€"â€"A recent thunderstorm in the Sheffield district of England :lid great damage at Wont- worth Park. belonging to Earl Fitzwilliam, where six stags and three bufialoes were killed by lightning. rThe French Minister oi Justice reports an ikcrease of thirty-eight per cent. in crimes of violence since 1678. â€"The longest. bridge in the world, on the Orenburg, Russia, Railroad over the Volga, has been completed. The construmion began in 1877. â€"-The expedient of charging ten cents for admission to the Ohio State camp meeting of colored Methodists, at Caldwell, might have served to pay the expenses if the treasurer had not. absconded. â€"A circus was at Lancaster, Ky., and dur- ing an Indian scene, when many pistols were discharged, 3. young man arose in his seat and shot a policeman dead There appears to have been no cause for the deed except excitement. â€"-â€"A correspondent of the London Builder estimates that the number of bricks annually used for building purposes in that part of London comprised within a radius of four or five miles from London Bridge is eight. hun- dred millions. -â€"Another relic of the Spanish Armada has been secured at Slains, in Scotland. It is a large gun raised up out of the place where one of the ships belonging to the Armada was Wrecked. and, though B has been in that place 200 years, it is as good as ever. â€"A woman has been elected Lecturer of Modern Literature in the University of Wooster, Ohio. She is Miss Irish, the trans- lator of several volumes of German Literature. She has had entire charge of the foreign cor- respondence of Secretary Carl Sohm‘z during Hayes’ administration. â€" An unsuccessful attempt by the school directors at Pittsburgh to establish separate schools for colored children causes intense indignation among the negroes of that city and Allegheny. At Quincy.Ill., there is equal commotion because colored children are ex- cluded from the high school. â€"â€"De9.uville, France, has been 5 waiters have underlet their rooms night. â€"â€"Mr. Holyoake, in a recent account of his American experiences, lays stress on the fact that while he could in Chicago get a good cup of cofl'ee. comfortably served, for five cents, he had to pay ten to have his boots brushed. The bootblack charge is almost the last survivor of war prices. â€"-Oid Coke. of Norfolk. would often kill fifty brace of partridge to his own gun on a lst of September, and that gun a. flint-and steel fowling piece ; and the prodigious sum of nearly one thousand grouse fell to Lord Walsingham’s gun in one day, seven or eight years ago. â€"â€"Dr. Tanner’s audiences in New Englm‘ ' are reported “ as thin as he was at the end at the fast." Lâ€"John Sweet, of Buena. Vista, Iowa, grew fired of his old wifa and gave her half of his property for a release from his matrimonial band. Then he eloped with a. younger woman, who speedily stole his remaining money and deserted him. Disheartened and penniless, he returned to his Wife and she took him in. â€"Block Island is remarkable in many ways. Of its 1,147 in population 1,032 were born on the island. The inhabitants use peat for fuel, and sea weed nets them over $20,000 a year. There never was a jail or a lawyer among them, and for 120years no mails came to them. -â€"-The American Manufacturer says that John B. Jarvis, who ordered the first locomo- tive in America to be made, is living, aged over 80, at Rome, N. Y., and Horatio Allen. who saw the first order carried out. and who ran the pioneer locomotive, is living at East Orange, N. J., aged over 70. â€"Counsel for a burglar at Galveston asked for an adjournment pending the ar- rival of material witnesses. “ What do you expect to prove ?” asked the Court. “ That my client is quiet. sober. and hardworking." ” By whom do you expect to prove this 7" “ By the officers of the penitentiary, where he spent five years.” â€"â€"Fermer Stoufler of Chambershurg. Pa.. shot and killed a. neighbor who was stealing his corn and potatoes. Stoufier was indicted for murder. but has been acquitted. Penn- sylvanie. like this State, has no law au- thorizing anybody to shoot a thief ; but in this case the prosecution was purposely weak, and the jury agreed without quitting their seats. -â€"Of the two most eminent dogs of the my, Prince Bismarck’s Tyres and Victor Hugo's Benet, the latter has just died. full of years and honors, and received interment in the grounds of Hauteville House. With him was buried the silver collar presented him by his master, whose faithful companion he had been through long years of exile. â€"Wyoming Territory has been gaining in population at a. great rate since 1870. When the last census was taken it had little more than 9.000 inhabitants. while now it has nearly 22,000. The gain has been at the rate of 138 per cent. How new it was in 1870 is Ihown by the fact that out of the 9,000 in habitants only 300 were natives of the Terri- tor y. ~â€"The most appalling case of deafness that we ever came across outside of an asylum was that of an old lady who lives just across the street from the Navy Yard. The other day they fired a salute of twenty-one guns. The other lady was observed us start and AROUND THE WORLD -â€"In the course of inquiries as to the phos- phoresence of the sea, a German naturalist has discovered that fine phenomenon occurs whenever sen fishes are brought into three per cent. salt solution. The luminous aspect begins in the eyes, spreads over the Whole body, and increases each day. The phos- phorescent substance is a. kind of mucus, which is white by day and shines in the dark. â€"The papyrus manuscript recently dia- covercd in the cave of a. hermit near Jerusa- lem, and said to be the work of St. Peter, has been submitted to 8. committee sent out by the Biblical Society of London. and they have come to the conclusion that the papyrus is in reality the work of the great apostle. They have ofi‘ered $100,000 for the document in win. â€"Andrew Zittel, a St. Loms saloon keeper, announced that he would do his best to bring about a really temperate use of liquor by re- fusing to sell any to intoxicated persons. John MoLoughlin was the first man to whom the new rule was applied, and,when informed that he had drunk as much as was good for him, he resentfuliy shot the reformer through the head. â€"The Prince of Wales insists upon paying the regular prices for boxes at the London theatres. but the managers spend all the monev for bouquets and satin programmes. The presence of royalty is valuable as an ad- vertisement. The Prince lately sent for two boxes at u‘ue 0 mm Oomique. All had been sold. The manager hunted up the buyers ani begged them to give way to Wales’ 5 party, but they all refused. listen as the lust gun was fired, and than ex- ciaim, “Come in.” â€"The Captain and fireman of the steam- boat Jerome, at Grand Hm en, Mich., went to sleep, one in the pilot house and the other in the engine room. After a while the boiler exploded, but. although the vessel was demol- ished. fragments of it being thrown 300 feet, and the Captain dumped out on the pier all in a. heap, neither of the men received serioul injuries. â€"â€"A writer in a magazine calls a laugh ” a side splitting recreational exerciie,” and adds. “ The sudden ingression of a bold ludicrosity upon our ordinary mental rectitude upsets the very foundation of our gravity, and the unrestrained torrent of emotional drollery sweeps us away." â€"â€"â€"A serious interruption of diplomatic re- lations has occurred between France and the Vatican. The estrangement has arisen out of the clerical policy of the French Govern‘ ment. especially towards the Jesuits. Matters are said to have gone so far that the French representative of the Vatican has been pracâ€" tically recalled. while the Nuncio at Paris has demanded his papers. â€"â€"The lame of Mrs. Mix increases through- out. the Connecticut valley. She is a colored Methodist, and, it the belief of those who have been treated by her is well founded, works miracles Won invalids. Alice Ball of Pittsfield was enabled to walk after six- teen years of helplessnesu, and similar cases are numerous. 0n the other hand. some of those who thought they were cured are as bad as ever. â€"-The Paris Figaro tells how when Louie Napoleon, in June, 1848, alightei at a. Peril x'eilroad station, he found himself stopped by a. crowd who, under the surveillance of the Garde Mobile, were demolishing barricades. "Como, citizen.” exclaimed a portly dame, “lend a hand, and put a paving stone back into its place." “ Two rather than one," said she Prince. “13’: just what I came to Perle to do.” â€"Years ago Sir Frederick Grey founded the House of Rest at Sunuinghill, England. a lovely spot near Windsor Castle. He gave the site, sketched the ground plan. and col- lected a large part of the funds. Death put an end to his usefulnesa. but Lady Grey com- pleted the work, and last July the Primate opened the Home. It is for overworked girls and womenâ€"not those actually sick, but those to whom a fortnight’s holiday, under agreeable health-giving circumstances, may prove to be invaluable. â€"-A farm servant ploughing near Rosen- berg, in West Prussia, a few days ago, turned up an earthenware pot containing about six thousand gold coins. They were Isa-called “hollow pennies” of the old Teutonic knights, and belonged to the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. The "hollow penny" is a silver coin with a raised rim around it ; the centre displays the arms of the Grand. Master of the Order for the time being, There were twenty-one different sorts among the coins found. -â€"The greatest novelty of the coming season in this country will be Salvim playing in Italian with a company speaking in Eng. lish. The Courier ces Etatx Um': ofl'srs this .as a sample of what may be expected in Oth- ello Othelloâ€"Ella si desta. Desdemonaâ€" Who’s there Othello? Othello â€"Ilcsdcm0na dzceste in quaesta 54m la vostm prtcc? Des- demoxmâ€"Ay, my lord. Othelloâ€"Se alcun delitto par vi ricordi ch: darl ciel mm ebb: pardono or l’invocatc? Dosdemonaâ€"Alas, my lord, what may you mean by that? A polyglot performance of this same tragedy was attemp- ted. some years ago, with davidson, the ger- man actor, in the titular role. An American actress played Deademona. and the house laughed at. Othello‘s scenes. . u â€"The Philadelphia enterprise of a. thou- sand one-horse coaches, of light and novel construction, to carry eight persons each and run to all parts of the city, is to be speedily put in operation. The fare is to be five cents, or six tickets for a quarter of a dollar. The routes are so arranged that, for ten to fifteen cents. a trip can by transfers be made to al- most any desired point; while a single fare will secure a. ride on any one of the main lines. lengthwise or crosswise of the city. The movements of the vehicles will be arranged to suit the treific. The streetcar companies anâ€" ticipate a serious decrease in their business. â€"The Bradford (Yorkshire) Observer says that Adelaide Neilson. while nursery maid at Mrs. Padgett’s, Hawkhill, Guiseley. in that county, was most attentive to her duties. and very active. never requiring prompting in any- thing. In her spare time she learned accu- rately passages from Shakespeare. So deter mined was she to go on the stageâ€"en inten- tion she often announced to the family she servedâ€"that one evening after leaving her employment at the usual hour she started. for London. She slept the first night under the trees in Hyde Perk, and subsequently got work, in answer to an advertisement, as a. seamstress. - The champion jack-ofâ€"all-tradcs belongs to England, and lives near Chichester. He has served as seaman in the four quarters of the globe. and noted as steward, shipmaker, cook, mate, and navigator. He now hangs out his sign a3 “Prof. l’ullinger, contractor, inventorfisherman, builderI carpenter, joiner, sawyer, undertaker, turner, cooper, painter, glazier, Sign pmnter, wooden pumpmaker. paper hanger, bell hanger, boat builder, clock cleaner, locksmith, umbre 1a repairer. china and glass mender, notknitter, wireworker, grocer, baker, farmer, taxidermist. copying clerk, letter writer. accountant, surveyor. en‘ gineer. land measurer, house agent. vestry clerk, asaistcnt overseer, clerk to the Selsuy Sparrow Club. clerk to tho Selacy police. assessor and collector of land tax and property and income tax, and collector of church ‘and i highway rates.” â€"â€"Cat3 have fared very differently in dif- ferent countries. In Egypt in ancient timer; they were worshipped, and in Turkey the people, mindful of Mohammed’s pronounced partially for the animl, have ever since VOL XXIII. " All right. You must go down to the Home for One~legged, and persuade those cripples to cry for immovable hair pins, and she'll order them by the ton." treated cats with distinguished consideration. On the other hand, they were in the middle ages regarded in France as fiends incarnate, a view of them not seldom taken here ; and in Baris on St. John’s day, there was a feline holocaust, when sacks and baskets full of cats were brought to the centre of the Place de la. Grieve, where the sovereign put a torch to the piles of wood amid which they were burnt alive. The last sovereign who took part in his ceremony was the Grand Monsrque him- self. Cardinal Richelieu was much addicted to cats, and had an Angora. his constant companion, on which he lavished the tender- est caresses. while Colbert had half a dozen around him ; but the affection entertained by these eminent men for cats in particular does not seem to have prompted them to in- terfere to save the Parisian pusses in general from a hideous death. “ I intendéd also to ofier her a new kind of hair-pin, _w_hi013»â€"” “ I line also got a new kind of instrumens thatâ€"" “ Right you are. Te Whiti wants a brass band at Tmanaki." “ Has she any children ?” “ Well, I’m the one that aypenrs to have ’em just now, anyhow." When the peddler rang Mr. C.’s door-bell the o‘her day. Mr. C. himself opened the door. Mr. 0. had the baby under his arm. and there were four other children at his heels. “ Certainly she isn’t l” replied C.â€"â€"she is out; she is perennially and eternally out 1” “ Guess she’ll be in shortly 7” “ No fear, old chap; she’ll do nothing of the sort.” “ Where can 1 see her?" “ Why, go down to the Woman Suffrage Club room; and it she isn’t there, go to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani- mals, or the Anti-Vivieection Association ; and if she isn’t there go to the Society for Alleviating the Miseries of the Senegambiens; and it she has disposed of those interesting creatures. look up the Society for Evangeliz- ing the Maoris, and you’ll probably find her surrounded with tracts, and pictures of Te Kooti and Titokowsn, and if she has finished up there, look for her at the Church Aid Society, or at the Ward Soup-house, or at the American Indian Society. or at the Home of the One-legged, or at the Hospital for the Asthmatic, or at the St. Polycarp Orphan Asylum. or at some of those mission houses. If you get on her track you’lleee more paupers and strong-minded women, and underclothing for the heathen, than you ever saw in the whole course of your life." “ I wanted to sell her a cold~handled flat- iron. just out. Do you think she’ll buy one.” “ She will if you can prove that ‘he naked cannibal: of Senegambin or Fiji are yearning for cold-handled flatirons. She would buy diamond breast-pins for those niggers, if they wanted them, I believe.” TRIE BEGUI. “ ‘Because' I have a gum-top for a feed- ing bottle that is the nicest thing you ever saw.” “ Now,” said Mr, 0., “ I’ll tell you what to do. You get those paupers to swear they can‘t eat the soup they get at the soup house with spoons, they must have it from bottles with a rubber muzzle ; and Mrs. C. will keep you so busy supplying the demand that you won’t have time to sleep. You must try it. Buy up the paupers ! Bribe ’em ! Bribe ’em, I say.” “ How’ll I know her if I see her?" Why, she is a large Woman with a bent nose, and she talks ell thetime. You’ll hear her talking as soon as you get within a mile of her. She’ll ssk you to subscribe to the Senegambian Fund, and to the Asthmatic Asylum, or Fiji Mission, before you can get your breath. Probably she'll read you four or five letters from reformed cannibals. But don't mind ’em. My opinion is she wrote them herself. It don’t make any dif- ference, but you might mention that since she left home the baby has had four fits. Johnny has fallen out of the peer tree and cracked his skull, Mary and Jim both have had something like the Group, and Johnny has been bitten by Jones’ dog. It won‘t ex- cite her. She won’t care a cent ; but I’d like her to have the latest news. Tell her if she can manage to drop in here for a minute between this and New Year’s day, she might Wash the baby, and give the other children a chance to remember how she looks. But she needn’t come if it will interfere with the happiness of the one leggedmendicants ormake her asthmatic patients miserable. Mind you mention it to her,now, will you ‘2” “ I will.” " All right, then. I‘ll go in and put some fresh sticking plaster to Johnny’s skull.” “ Is the lady of the house in ‘2" asked the peddler. > A And with the baby singing a vociferous solo, and other children clinging to his leg, Mr, C. retreated and shut the door. The peddler had determined to propose to a girl that night. He changed his mind and re- solved to remain a. bachelor. , Exchange. Adnpper little man, with a very large noae and 8, Well worn black coat, was ushered into the Yorkville Police Court in a very un- ceremonious manner by Policeman Hartlgan yesterday. The prisoner gave his name as John Doe. and nodded to the clerk with that familiar air assumed only by an old acquaintance. “ John,” saidthe magistrate, “I would hardly believe you capable of getting drunk, but the officer has charged you with it.” “ Oh, you musn’t mind the cop ; he’s off his nut,” said the prisoner, tapping bis fore- head significgnfily. “ Nefir mind i110 officer ; he can take care of himself.” " I don’t know about that. He only came through Castle Garden last winter and he ain’t got the potato bugs out of his hair yetfl’d “ How many times have you been drunk this year, John ?” “ The prisoner scratched his head a mo- ment. “ Give me a piece of paper, Judge," he said ; ” I never did amount to much in mental arithmetic.” “ It must have been a great many times.” “ Well, I should say so. Let me see. Once on election day, twice on Christmas, once on New Year’s Day, once celebrating the birth of the Father of his country and forty other times, without speaking of the Fourth of July. I have also been locked up seven or eight times for being only half drunk. I am always discherged." A “ Yofi are, eh ? You won’t. get off thistime, for you will get a lesson in sobriety that, will curelqu, I hope, forever." _ fied ” What is your occupatien ?” " I’m a. printer.” “ Good gracious 1 Why didn’t you so before and save time. You are discharged. The prisoner shut one eye and opened it again, and, having thus indulged in an un- mistakable wink, left the court room in triumphâ€"N. Y. Herald. â€"Dar:mouth has now 419 studentsâ€"27 more than last year. The members of the faculty are giving a series of monthly lectures Wfo‘r'a the students. “ \VllY DIDN’T YUU SAY 50 ?" Wha'tever- you any, Judge. I’m satis- BAR BL UR STOCKING o RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, SEPT. 30, 1880. “ Lemme see; yes, I owes a. man furs. sad- dle blanket.” “ How long hab you owed him ‘2" “ ’Bout five years.” “ How much wuz hit wutf ‘2” “ ’Bout two dollars." “ Lemme count do intrust. Two is two, added onto do five, duplex fractions comin’ in twixt do two an’ do five; compoun’ cathar- tic fmctions comin’ in twixt do duplex frac- tions. Nine’la nine, wid ten as a podner. Ten goes ’wny ’an ’lebon stuns up. Mr. Carter. yer owes dat man zleben hundred dollars an’ a quarter.” “ How’s dot?” “ Why. cordin’ ter do intrust. De intrust is awful heaby. Hit farly makes a man sweet. Hit breaks up do white men and robs do nig- gnh of his labor. Dat men could come and break up our sto'. He could sell us out. I heard a plantation niggar talkin’ ‘bout us yes- terday. Now of yer wuz do signer partner, which means do olest, do man couldn’t do nothin’. Dis is a fault ob do law. De Luig- eslature is a. awful rascal lot of tellers. Well, now, yer must be my silent partner. Docs ye hesh ‘2” " I’se listenin‘.” “ Den the man can’t tech yer. I‘se got a. head as long as e watermillion. Well, now, lemme read yer dis paper.” Then Dubbs read the following : Dis heoh is to certify dat Dabbs un’ Carter is podners. Dabbs is do action podnor en’ Carter is do silen’ podner. Dis is also to certify (lot so soon ez Dabbs quits bein’ do action podner do whole sto’ ’Iongs ter Carter, an’ when Carter quits bein’ do silon’ podner, widout anuder ’greemen, do sto’ all ’longs ter Dabbs. “ Good morning, Dnbbs,” said Carter. Dabbs didn’t say anything, and Carter con- tinqed: “ Why de deuce doesn’ yer speak ter “ Dis were wrot up by a cullud lawyer,” said Dakbs. “ Sign de paprarQ’ The two men signed the instrument and calledin witnesses. Next morning Dabbs came down to the store early. uni when Carter ar- rived all the witnesses were sitting in the store room. “De sto’s all mine,” said Dabbs, arising and turning to the witnesset; “How’s dat 7” Baked Carter. “ Case yer’s no longerasilent podner. Yex’s talkin'. When a man talks he‘s not silent. Yer’ll please leab my sto’, Quiver, an’ 30 ofi down in de country. Ef yer’d stuck ter (16 ’greement eberyting would been all right. Hi‘t's plain ter be seed dat yer won’t. " Cayterfiwpealed to thg wes but w informed at he had Brae n31 ence, afiao course was no longer a part owner of the store. The disconsolate man left. He 16 now a. can- didate for the Legislature, and swears that if he is elected he will work {or the repeal of the law. The Man who finflered from :1 Legislative Enaflment. From the Little Rock Gazette. 01d Dabbs and Jim Carter, two colored men, having grown tired of farming, came to this city and opened a kind of grocery store. Dabbs was a shrew, bow-legged man, with broad feet, and a nose shaped like the half of a pear. Carter was young and inexperienced. After the stock had been purchased,Dabbs re- marked : “ Garter, 1’89 (19 olest. In dis ease hit’n neiiessury fur yer to be do jungier pod- ner.” “ All right,” said Carter, “I don’t keer what my name is, but I wants half (19 money what comes in ‘ober de counter.” “ Dat’s a fuck, Carter; yer’ll make a sharp business man. Dar’s a lot ob niggers got dar eyes on dis sto’, but we’ll fool ’91:]. Carter, does yer owe any debts 1n dis warl’ 1’” The Genllenlnnly Highwaymen ot Ilse Mammoth Cnveâ€"A l'ltusunl and Geninl lVlclhod ol Robbery. About 6 o’clock Friday evening, while the coach from the cave was coming to Cave City. it reached this wood, and while coming through the narrow road on a walk, two men, one mounted on a. thin black thoroughbred horse, and the other on a fine sorrel, rode out of the dense forest and, dashing up to the stage, covered the driver and passengers with their revolvers and called a halt. The stage was pulled up, and the driver was ordered down and to the door of his vehicle. The rider of the black horse, a man about 30 years old, with a. straggling red moustache and beard, was the leader and spokesman. He was rather small, not appearing to be over five feet six inches in height, and would weigh about 140 pounds. He had light-blue eyes, a pleasant smile, and distributed his attentions to the defenseless party of eight passengers with an easy politeness which did much to alleviate their feelings. His accomplice was about the same age, with blackwhiskers and moustache rather ragged in trim, and bade pair of black eyes. He was rather slow in his movements, but the business in hand suffered nothing for that. The spokesman of the marauders explainâ€" ed that they were not highwaymen, but were moonshiners, and were pursued so hotly by the government officers that they were compelled to have money to get out of the country. He asked each passenger his name and place of residence and noted them down saying that some day he would repay them their losses. When he came to Mr. Craig, of Georgia, he remarked that he hated to take his money, because he had fought in a Georgia regiment during the war, but the case was a desperate one, and he was compelled to do it. When Miss Rountree gave her name lI End pinkie of residence at Lebanon, 9. pleased “ Come out of the stage, please,” said the spokesman, in a. light, high-pitched voice. The passengers looked through the open win- dows and saw the muzzles of the impassive revolvers covering the whole length of the vehicle. and, as there was not a weapon in the party as large as a penknife, they could not resist or parley. There were seven gentle- men end one lady in the coach, and the lady naturally was nervous and alarmed. 1n the excitement and bustle attendant upon rising and leaving their seats. Mr. R. S. Rountree, of the Milwaukee Evening Wisconsin, who was making the trip with relatives. slipped his pocketbook and gold watch under the cushion of the seat. Very few words were spoken, though the highwaymen seemed impatient, and ordered them to “hurry up.” As each gentleman step- ped out he was covered with the muzzle of a revolver and told to take his place in the line and hold up his hands. The lady, a daugh- ter of the Hon. R. H. Rountree, of Lebanon, Ky., was permitted to remain in the stage. After the passengers were all out, the leader of the two villians tossed his rein to his ac- complice, who covered the line, while the spokesman proceeded to rifle their pockets, talking pleasantly as he went. J. E. Graig, jr., of Lawrenceville, Gm, lost $670 ; the Hon.R. H. Rountree, of Lebanon,Ky.,hended out a. handsome gold watch, valued at $200, and $555 in cash ; S. W. Shelton, of Calhoun, Tenn., gave up about 350 ; Miss Lizzie Rountree, of Lebanon,Ky., lost gnothing but her rings, one of them a handsome dia- mond ; S. H. Frohlichstein, of Mobile, Ala., lost 323 ; George M. Paisley, of Pittsburgh. gave up 833 ; W. G. Welsh of Pittsburgh, lost 35 and a handsome watch. R. S. Rountree, of the Evening Wis- consin.ofMi1waukee,seved his money and watch as stated. The Hon. H. H. Rountree, feels very sore over the loss of an elegant engraved watch, which was presented by the Hon. J. Proctor Knott, the member of Congress from the Fourth District. r)” CLAUDE D UVAL OD'I‘IISDNE A SILENT PARTNER sta'ices to his physician. '1‘“ say “1“ the‘ a” White‘s" 1m” bx rear .1. ~M1‘Cn. «p.365: D . :mH’l ?m p ’61 ..... 'Ph n Fair ‘2” "Yes, sir.” “ Is there a circus attached ‘2" ‘1 No, sir.” “ Is there a free lunch establishment in blast ‘3” When the gates of the State Fair were thrown open yesterday morning a. man who was built on the plumb-line principle, and whose hat would have attracted the curiosity of a crowd a mile and ahalfaway,wasstopped because he had no ticket. He indulged in some rather loud talk, and was taken in hand by apoliceman and led to one side. ” Le; ué now come to an understanding,” he said as he cooled off. “18 this a State “ No, sir." “ Will the President be here to-day ?” “ Not that I know of.” “ Is the man with the prize packages on hand in there ‘3” “ He is not.” ” Is there any chance for me to secure a. position as special detective ?” “ No, sir.” “ This, then, is an ordinary State Fair, combosed of machinery, live stock, bed quilts roosters, wind-mills, yeast-cakes, new cheese and the man who has had his pocket picked ?” “ Yes, about that.” " Then, sir, I beg your pardon for my rash and ungentlemanly conduct. and I bid you good day. If I had understood matters in the first place I should have spared the public this scene. Ta-ta. sir, and if we should ever meet again you’ll know me by my hat.” Michael Garey, a driver in the employ :: the St. Louis Transfer company, has had an experience which no other man in the city can boast of. He has carried a knife blade two inches in length for twenty-three years, and is to-day well and hearty and as stout a man as ever held the lines over a span of drau- ght horses in the land. The case is a remark- able one,baffling the medical and surgical pro- fession. In the fall of 1857 Carey had a. difficulty with a man who has since died and whose name is suppressed for that reason. During the fight this man plunged the blade of a pocket- knife into the side of Carey' s head, about’ two inches to the right of and on a line with the right eye. The force of the blow was such as to break the blade square at the handle. Carey was stunned and had to be carried to a drug store near by for treatment. The druggist made a hasty examination of his injuries and decided that they were not serious. The particular cut madey by the kni- fe blade was covered with a piece of court plaster, and in due course of time Carey was out attending to his business, much to the surprise of his assailant, who had been boast- ing that he had “fixed him.” Carey noticed no bad effects from the wound, except at rare intervals, when what he took to be neuralgic pains would dart through that side of his face and head. About three weeks ago Carey noticed that when he raised his right arm in putting the harness on his horses a sharp pain would be felt. This pain increased in violence at every successive raising of the arm, until he was compelled to consult his physi- cian, Dr. Kane, who resides at Nineteenth and Morgan streets. Dr. Kane prescribed the usual remedy, but it failed of its purpose, the patient suffering more and more each day. Day before yesterday the doctor called to see Carey at his residence, No. 1541 N. Second street, and in making a very careful examina- tion in order to ascertain if possible the real cause of the excruciating pain complained of, discovered to his intense surprise a sharp pointed bit of metal protruding through the skin near Carey’s collar bone. Carey was unable to account forthe presence of anything of the kind, the occurrence of 23 years before having passed out of his mindâ€"at least, in connection with any pain he was suffering. On discovering the point, Dr. Kane returned to his office, procured his instruments and again ceded upon Carey. This time he per- formed a. surgical operation which resulted in his taking from the spot indicated the knife blade referred to. On seeing the rusty blade Carey at once recalled the fight of 1857 and then, for the first time, narrated the circus stances to his physician. To say that the ifi'he‘was 'duinbtou'nded? Bé 'wiu ’méke a“ special study of the case with a view of pre- paring a paper for submission to the medical society. smile lighted up the robber’s face, and he asked : “ Do you know the Misses ,of Lebanon?” " Quite well," answered the young lady. “So do I.” he rejoined, “ and they are nice girls. Give them my regards when you see them, and tell themI will make this right; some day." After getting all the valuables in the party the marauders returned the pocket-books,with the railway passes and tickets, and giving the passengers orders to get in, mounted and rode ofi. They told the passengers for con- solation that they had robbed the out stage, getting @700 from Mr. George Cropghau, one of the owners of the cave. â€"-Courier Journal. (From the Galveston, Tex., News.) Young Bummelhsns has just been dis- charged by his employer. old. Twopercent, The facts are as follows 2 Bummelhans has just returned from a trip over the State. His trip has been very satisfactory to himself, perhaps, but not to his employer. He had spent a great deal of money in bug‘yrrides and one thing and another. and had taken very few orders. When Bummelhans called in 10 see the old man the latter was mad as mischief. He said : “ I don’t pelieve you makes any effort to sell goat-s. Ven I you a. drummer I aiwsys sold goods to the mer- chants no matter ven day don’t want any. I made do acquaintance von everypody.” Bum- mulhsns came very near replying that it was the reputation of his principal that prevented him from selling anything, but he restrained himself. “ How did you use to manage to sell goods when you were a. drummer ? ' “ I vill show you all about dat. Schoost you sit down in chairs. You pees a country mer- chsnt. I plays now do drummer.” “ All right,” says Bummelhans, “iI'll be a country merchant, and I’ll show you how they do.” Bummelhans pretended to be writing at his desk. and old Twopercent came up from one side bowing and scraping. “ Goot morning. Can’t I sell you some goofs ‘2" “ Who the hâ€"ll are you ?" says Bummelhans, looking up. “ I travels for de Galveston firm of Two- percent.” “ You do, you ? So you travel for that infernal old thief, do you 7 Take that l” and to impress upon his employer the difficulties of drumming up trade, Bum- melhans kicked the old man four or five times, pushed him up in a corner and choked him for 11 while, and then told the 01d gentle. man. who was speechless with bona fide rage. “ If you ever come in here again I’ll not leave a. whole bone in your carcass." ~It is rather strange that one of the young- est church edifices in America. should have the oldest steeple, but such is the case. An Episcopal church was erected in Tacoma, Washington Territory, recently. The build- ing is of logs, and for a. tower they have util- ized a. tall fir tree which has been cutoff forty feet from the ground. On top has been fixed a. cross and bell. The rings of the tree show that it. is nearly 300 years old. van-led for Twenty-Three Years in a Man’s [lead and Neck' A Blind] WREK’H V I N DHUA'I‘ION NO PLACE E03 Elk“. A BURIED BLADE. -â€"-All this talk about Sam Bernhardt‘s thin- ness is fol‘de-rol. She weighs 110 pounds in her stocking feet, and that’s good ’nufi' for anybody. You can easily figure the strain on a man’s knee. â€"-An Iowa. farmer was so frightened at re- ceiving a telegram that he felldead. Wonder how he‘d have stood it to have a. year‘s coal bill jumped at him just after he had paid his taxes? â€"â€"~The fashlonable hat this winter Willhave six feathers and a bird’s head tor trimming. That takes up all the room, so that cows’ tails, asses’ ears and crows' Wings will have to wait another season. â€"â€"â€"That Spanish baby over which such a great fuss was raised is pug-nosed and a1- mond-eyed, and we can’t help but feel glad on’t. One baby ought to be as good as a‘nother the world over. â€"Whenever you find a house with a motto “Welcome" hung so that; it catches every eye, you needn’t be surprised at a cold dinner and a hint that keeping boarding-house doesn’t payin these txmes. â€"The man who seeks to win a. reputaticn for prodigal generosity by publicly astonish- ing some poor beggar with the presentation 01 h dollar‘t'rmely 'surprises his wksh woman in that way. " â€"â€"Th0 only Turk who is not a hypocrite, a deceiver and a deliberate liar has left Turkey and gone away, way off, where White men can’t find him and ask how he came to be born thm way. â€"â€"It's about an even thing between man and the orange peel. Sometimes the man throws the orange peel into the guttermmd sometimes the orange peel throws the man into the gutter. â€"A man met his friend the other day in charge of a. pollceman on the way to the city calaboose. ”Where are you going ?” asked he. “I am showing this man the way to the City Hall,” said Jones. -â€"The relatives of amissing man at Hyde Park. Mass., credit the statement of a for. tune-teller that his body lies at a certain point in the river, and are building an exten- sive coffer dam in order to reach the spot. *Cuitured Boston is going about with a veil over its face because one of its morning papers has used the expression “he would of had” in an editorial. The press of the coun- try will approve of the shamefacedness. â€"-1‘he author of the song : “ The Skids are Out To-duy,” made $2,000 in six weeks from the sale of copies. And the skids weren’t out on that day at all, nor even the day after. â€"Thc husbands of deaf mutes have one advantage over other husbands; the wives of the former have to get out of bed at night and strike a light before they can curtain lecture. â€"There is a law in New Jersey under which the man who says “ by gum!” can be fined justas much as the fellow who uses forty exclamation points. â€"“ Do you love this girl better than you do her sister ?” was what a Kansas clergyman asked the young man who stood before him to be made a husband. â€"A girl who is a mind to set herself about it can learn the handkerchief flirtation in six weeks. and be able to understand signals from a loafer in a second-story window. â€"â€"Did you ever stop on the dusty highway of life to remember that there are 7,000 varieties of apples in this country, say-1.1g nothing of those found in the boys’pocketa ‘2 â€"Fred. Grant is not such a snubber as some folks try to make him out. That is, he never yet tried to snub a. healthy man. It is easy enough for one to cuff v. consumptive. -â€"- The son of Chief Joseph allows himself to be blindfolded, walks of? twenty-five feet, whirls around seven or eight times, and then picks up a rifle and shoots a nickel 011 the target. White men, beat that if you can. â€"Those careful, honest, slow-going English people kill off four coal miners to our one right along, and investigation shows such carelessness and avarice as no American mine owners are ever guilty of. â€"Carter (in answer to a challenge from demonstrative son of Mars) ; " Fecht ye! Na, na, fechtin’ is yer tmde. But I’ll drive a cart wi’ ye if you like.” â€"-An exchange prints a. lengthy article on “ Science at Breakfast.” Valuable space wasted. Science at breakfast is getting away with four slices of ham and a. half dozen eggs while your vis-n-vis is unfolding his napkin. ~Dodg9r has been asked “ Why an ele- phant is llke a. piano ?” and he says, “ That unless that it be that they can‘t climb up a tree, he cannot see any resemblance." â€"“ Take the elevator.” is inscribed on the fence of an Iowa meadow. A curious traveller who climbed the fence discovered in about ten seconds that the elevator is of a dark brindle color, with a curl in the middle of his forehead. â€"One good turnâ€"is as much as you can expect from a. cheap silk. â€"â€"An Iowa man who got hurt by a. fall re- fused to take brandy to stimulate him, and the doctor sat down on abundle of wheat and saw him die. â€"It often happens that preachers in the East pray for rain on the same day that thnse in the West pray for dry weather, and then Michigan has to take it..â€"Frae Press. â€"Parent. to dissolute son who has been making calls : “ It’s a shame you should go on so. Be a man, and keep sober, and you will make your mark.” Dissolute son : “Can (hie) do mor'n that now ; can write my name.” â€"Pmirie chickens are game to the last. â€"â€"Cleopatra.’s needle is not good for a. dam. «The first flush times begun with Evens first blush. â€"Disputes over St J alleu and Maud .S‘ may bring on a. war of races. ~Spring poetry : The metrical advertise- ment of a patent mattress. â€"The Sultan seems to be obstinate. Who has been fortifying that “ Porte?” â€"The circus athlete who could not die in Iprmigjizpe was killed in the fall.“ - â€"-flife-boats are now made so that they cannot sink, but the next thing will be to get them launched in time of danger. â€"No youth can own know what real heart- string music means unt11 he sees the miss of his choice kiss another boy 1n exchange {01 a pint of peanuts. -The census shows that the wealth of Ohio has increased Wonderfully during the past ten years. Several Eastern passengers have dropped three-cent pieces out of the car win~ dows while crossing the State.â€"â€"Philadclphia Chronicle. â€"-A man was once informed that a. lady had called to see him in his absence. “ A lady,” he mused aloud, “ a. lady.” Upon accurate description he suddenly brightened up, and added, " 0h, dot ms no lady ; dot vas my wife.” -â€"â€"A portion of the clergy of Britain op- posed the bill to legalize marriage with a deâ€" ceased wife’s sister. These disciplinurians are possibly of opinion that the man who marries twice and is afflicted with but one mother-imlaw has more happiness here be- low than is good for one man. â€"An Irish printer was boasting the other day of the success of his countrymen at WHOLE N0. 1,161.â€"â€"N0, 18. COMIC BUDGET. Gefi â€"A Scotch doctor left a will. of which the following is a. copy : “ To my eldest sister. my five-acre field, to console her for being married to a man she is obliged to henpeck. To my sister Sally, the cottage behind the said field, with its garden, because. as no one is likely to marry her, it will be large enough to lodge her. To my third sister, the Family Bible. recommending her to learn as much of its spirit as she already knows of its letter, that she may become a better Christian. To my fourth sister, Mary, my grandmother’s silver snuff box, that she may not be ashamed to snuff before company. To my fifth sister, Lydia, my best silver drinking cup, for reasons best known to herself. â€"â€"While the Galveston Grand Jury was in session a kind-hearted citizen took the fore- man aside and told him that the Grand Jury ought to inspect the Galveston City Jail and report unfavorably on it. as it was not a fit place for a prisoner to stay. Said the fore- man: “That’s all nonsense. Two or three of the jurymen went inside just to find out 11.3w a. felon feels] kin them, and they: said it ‘was Just the thing. It felt like home to them." -â€"The average European newspaper editor, when writing on American topics. is prover- bially inaccurate. This fact can alone excuse the author of the following paragraph, pub- lished in a recent number of 3. Berlin paper called the Burger Zeitung : “It is to be hoped now that instead of meddling so much with foreign affairs, the Government of Washing- ton will direct its attention to internal mat- ters, as late dispatches assert that dissensions are being fermented in the Episcopal Church in New York.” â€"-Not long since a very nervous lady took passage at the TipTop House, White Moun- tains, to descend by the almost perpendicu- lar railroad. Her fears were apparent to every one, and the following unique dialogue took place between her and the conductor : Lady :-â€"Mr. Conductor, how do you hold these care when you want to maken stop? Conductor.â€"Madume, we apply the brake. which you see there. Lady.â€"â€"-Suppose, Mr. Conductor, that brake should give way, what would you do then? Conductor. â€"Madame, we then apply the double-acting brake, which you see at the other end of the cars. Lady. â€"But, Mr. Conductor, suppose that brake. should not be suflicient to check the care, when will we go then 7 Conductor.â€"â€" Mad- ame, I can't decide. That depends entirely upon how you have lived in this world I Printing ink which has become hard may be removed by usmg a brush dipped in creo- sote. â€"“ Which is the more delicate sense. feel~ ing 01' sight ?" askedu professor in Columbia College. “ Feeling.” responded the student. “ Give a proof of it, with an example," said the professor. “ Well, my chum can feel his mustache, but nobody can see it," responded the student.â€" Extract from a new novel. pro- bably “ Hunted Down."â€"-Phi1adclphia Bul- letin. More likely from an old novel, ” The Missing Heir.” An improved method of stopping engines. says the Elrctrician, has been devised by Mr. James Tate. The main object of the de. vice is to enable any child or unskilled person -â€"“ Array, Pat. and why did I marry ye ? Jist tell me that; for it’s meself that’s had to maintain ye iver since Father O’Flannegan sent me home to your house.” “ Swate jewel,” replied Pat, not lelishing the charge, “ and it’s meself that hopes to live to see the day when ye’x-e a widow, weeping over the cold sod that covers me; then, by St. Patrick, I‘ll see how ye get along without me, honey dear.” â€"A young lady who is studying French, lately wrote to her parents that she was in- vited. to dwjeuncr the day before, and was going to afete champctre the next day. The professor of the college was surprised to re- ceive a dispatch from the “ old man” a. day or two after saying, ”If you don’t keep my daughter away from those menageries and side shows, I will come down and see what ails her.” â€"â€"A baker, whose loaves had been growing “ small by degrees and beautifully less." when going his round to serve his customers, stopped at the door of one and knocked, when the lady within exclaimed, “Who’s there 7" and was answered. “The baker.” “Well, you needn’t make such a. {use about itâ€"put it through the keyhole,” was her reply. Oil of turpentine is said to be deprived oi im penetrating odour by rectifying it over five per cent. of its weight of unslacked limo added to in the shape of milk of lime. Good waterproof varnish may be made by dissolving one ounce of indiarubber to a jelly in one pint of hot linseed oil and mix overa slow fire. in any part of a. mill to stop the engine in case of an accident. The action is exceedingly simple. By touching a spring; similar to the spring of an electric bell, an electric ball is set in motion, and the ball drops and shuts one of the valves, which prevents the steam from escaping, and the engine is brought to 9. standstill, â€"-Alexnndre Dumas used to tell the fol- lowing anecdote: Being at the San Carlos. Naples, he entered into conversation with a, stranger sitting in the stall next to him. " I hope,” said the latter, at the close of the performance, ” that we may have the pleasure of meeting againâ€"I am Alexandre Dumas.” “ Oh, indeed ! ” replied the celebrated nove- list, with his gay laugh, “ so am I. ” The stranger collapsed. A new process has been patented for the manufacture of aluminum, sodium, and similar metals. The inventor uses molten iron asareducing agent, and performs the operation in Bessemer converters. The importance of a. cheap method of producing aluminum can scarcely be overestimatecl. As a metal it is probably the most abundant; in the crust of the earth; and if it could be: produced at alow price would largely super-~ cede iron, over which it possesses greet ad- vantages for many purposes. â€"-Sa.ys the master of the house to his scr- vant as he prepares to lock himself up in his study and work: “I am not in if any one callsâ€"mind ‘3” A quarter of an hour laterhe rings the bell. No answer. He rings again. Still no answer. He opens the door furiously and cries to the servant in the antichember: “ Didn’t you hear 1TB ring. you idiot?” ”Yes, sir ; but you had told me you weren’t in, and I couldn’t think of taking a hell’s word before yours, sir.” -â€"The imaginative advertiser is a Souther man who gets up as follows 2 What is Women ?-A gentleman once asked What is woman?” when a. married man replied. “ She is an essay on goodness and grace in one volume, elegantly bound. Although it may be dear, every man should have a. copy of it." We will only add that when a man takes a. wife he should buy her the “ Monu- mental” or ”All Right” cooking-stove and give her a fair start. â€"â€"A freshman class of seventy-five has just entered Williams College. The whole num- ber of new men admitted is nearly ninety. The new gymnasium will be ready for use in a. few weeks ; the old one is to be usedlas a. hall for Commencement. dinners, prizes peak- ing, etc. ‘ “ Any letter for me 1” asked a. young lady of the female postmaster, in a country town. “ No,” was the reply. “ Strange," said the young lady aloud to herself, as she turned away. “ Nothing strange about it,” cried the f. p., through the delivery'window. “ you ain’t ans’ered the lastletter he writ ye I” â€"Peru went to war with feathers flying andbands playing. and her money is now worth two cents on the dollar. Wimbledon shooting. A Scotchman listened qqietlyjill he had_finished, and in_replyAsz}i_d. ‘A‘ It’s . little wonder they. won the ' shield ; look at the practlce they’ve had at the land- lords.” SCIENTIFIC AND NIECHANICAL. I’ll bet a shilling I see through it ; The damsel, fairly understood, Feels jugs as any Christian shouldâ€"â€" She'd rather sufler wrong than do it. When Sarah Jane the momlmiss, Declqres ’tis very wrong to kiss,

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