Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 21 Oct 1880, p. 2

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The-Globe of"WednEsday announces that Capt, Prince has resigned his posi- tion as Warden of the Central Prison, andhasdoeen appointed to the place 'of Registrar of“ Wellington. Mr Massie, thepresent Registrar, will resign that polsition'land take the place of' Warden. "It-further states “that Mr ‘Massic is peculiarly qualified by temper, tastes, habits, Vand'busi'yne‘ss'r aptitude forj the ' office ot-V-Vil;arden;~ “awhile ‘ Capt Prince,- will fulfil the duties of Registrar with the faithfulness and exactitude which he has brought to the discharge of every i trust which he has undertaken That is h very nice compliment for the “noble capting ”and he may deserve such euâ€" logistlc language, but there seems to be something very :Strangé about the change of base, so to speak. No reason is given for the changes "Has Mr _ Massie proven unfit. _for Registrar ? If I so, we, do not remember of hearing anyâ€" thing about it.“ But we have a clear recollection of hearing a good; deal reâ€"_ gardlng the managei'nei'it of Central - Prison under Gapt Prince, and ._ What was heand'tdiydiffiotfiagtee exactly with *the Globe’s description of his :fcharactor. Therejwere-seme verytugiy stories jrcâ€" ported in tlte-fl‘o'rohto World, which if true, would \prom that the Captain ‘Was , unfit for either ‘Warden or Registrar, and that he‘brought anything but faith- ‘ rfillness and :exactitulie to flie discharge *of the trust held at Central Prison. Whether the stories and reports areé t‘riie or not: his si‘i‘dden reihoval withâ€" get any stated 1‘eas‘0n will give an apâ€" pcai'anee 0f tfii‘th to them. .It they are‘ true, the authorities are to he censured for- seeking to Letain men of his stamp in public positions hich should be fill- ed ‘hy men of uprighvl and worthy char; acters. If the reports are Without founr, dation we cannot understand Qwhy the authorities should act so 'as to give, them the appearance of being the very referse. And what has the Captain to say ? Is he content to remain under the éloud of dishonor and reprOach which. covered him so heavily for a few days Does he notWalue a good reputation and chin acter, or he is he afraid of disturbâ€"‘l ing the water for fear of makmn the‘ ‘cclo‘i‘ darker. ” " ' Thé Who-16 aifiyv‘ariy~ Wound up with a. grand Concert. and dinner in the even~ rT-he W- 11. Y. & Tp.V.Faii has been succéssful ii1 havinw fine weather The show of horses cattle sheep, and swine; was very good about: 150 sheep being 911 exl1ibit,Messrs."l\Iaisi1, Woldrick, and others from our neighborhOéd show- inn‘ to 1110 fore: as usual. ME, French flom Yo1kvill ” did: well in prizes. Patterson 1S: B10 5 in Implements, kind ofswepb the Uiounda’ 111 Lakinu prizes. Vi right; & Son,i11 vehicles as usual, was v_e1_y successful. The attendance was ve1y pood. ,We do not refer to his actions with regard to the flogging of Montgomery but to other charges ofa far more seriâ€" ous natu1.e The prisoner Montgomery, was :1 desperate character, and no doubt the floggimr did him no harm As to whether there was brutal as well as severe punishment inflicted seems to be doubtful. But ‘viT1at;we wish to point out. is that it is not calculated to reflect credit on Mr Langmuir and 1110 author- ities to have eflieials shuffled around in this manner. It seems that sooner than risk an enquiry into tlie charges brought arrainsb ,Caqatain LPiince the authorities tmnsferred him to the posiâ€" tion of Registrar, where he will be more at'liberty to govern his conduct. by his inclinations. 11f his management and actions at the Central Prison cannot stand investiustion he should not have been appointed to the positlon he now holds. Ifthey can stand investigation the charges 111ade-we1e surely grave enough to call for such action. ‘ ACCO UNTS.â€"Partries indebted to this ofiiccfor advertisiwg, job work, and subscriptions, will confer a favor by payiwg the same. THURSDAY. I doth, ' 21, "1880'. mumnmn ”HILL £PDST arm}: Going South, West and East, inclm‘l- ing maple, Thornhill. Toronto. Markham, 6:0,, Going North Going South, East and West (as above? at 7:00 N.B.â€"Registe1~ed Letters must be handed in .atjeust Eifteep 1v mates earlier thdn‘; the *1 :xfieffia’m‘entiohe flmu-insr for closing. ich’fndh‘d Hill Fosi‘yOfllce, M. TEEFY May 19th‘ 1880. Postm aster ‘PéfiT-'-I6Fm'éfi NOTICE ZNEfe flbstâ€"LWIIIH Mérfs‘é'ii 3%» - ‘v‘flnflw Sgt-mm Uhtii‘furthernotice, Mangwjn b'e closed at the The Wootibridge Fair. NEW”- ADME. R ISEMENTS Richmond Hill. Ont. MORNING EVENING Central.- AS FOLLOWS Prison, 7:30 7:30 ~_ A‘Lacrosse Match was played at Tor- '01'1t,o,flnst, Saturday, betwcoti the Sham-â€" rocks of Montreal, and the Torontos of T0101] to. ' The latter Club won tlnee hard contested games, and the Shamâ€" rocks two. The Montxeal Club claim that they won the game, but that the refer‘ee decided against them unfairly. Scum WELL. -â€"-We advise intending buyers to scan well our advertising columns before making their Dumhases in cider that they may be tlioroughly posted as to where they can get the best bart‘rains. The agency for the British and Foreign Bible Society is at. the HERALD store. Green window blinds fm sale at the HERALD Store. K111 111). â€"()n the evening of the last day of Mmkhnm fail, (Friday the 81h inst.,) 'Thomus Richardson, about 70 yems of awe formerly a1esidentatU11ionville, hut 111tte1- ly livinr1 w1th 11. Mr Simpson, 111 Yoxk townâ€" shi p, fell from a hugny about half 11 mile soulth of the village. and was instantly kill-- ed. He was conside111bly unde1 the influâ€" ence ofliquor at the lime. Dr Dohertv. Cmner, examined the case. and as there was no indieationol foul play, deemed it unwise to put the county to the expense of an inquest. FIRE. 'â€"â€"â€"On Tuesday morning the 11th inst. the saw mill, flax mill and plaining inill belong ing to Mr W A Milne, Lot 8, Con 4, Scarboro, was toâ€" tally destroyed by fire. There were also at; the same tlme 200 ,000 feet of cedar lumber and pickings. . 1 School Books, Cheap, for sale at the HEI‘ALD Book Store. The Economist offers a reward of $1.00 for information which will convict the parties who broke ‘ into the oflice, “pied” someadvertisementsqand damag- eda press to the extent of $25. If the Economist man had been around the ofiice they would have damaged him too, no doubt. These are the kind of VlSl~ tors newspaper men are liable to get, any time, and yet some folks think edi- tors have a soft time. This sort of thing must be stopped, or a fellow can’t tell when he is safe. ing. 'lhe President, Mr Abel in his address 1n the evening desired to be re- lieved from the ofliceD he now holds. His remarks on this score were not re- ceived with favor. A sad accident to Miss Chafnor, one of the lady riders, happened during the‘ day, by being thrown from her horse. The show of fine work was very good. Our snaee or time will not permit. us to enlarge this week. Next week we WillendeaVOr to give the prize list in full. SAD ACCIDENT â€"A most distressing and sad accident occmed 011 Monday, theD ll th inst at the No1thern Station 111 this town. A inght little boy, aged about font years, the eldest son oer Jos BtECliOD, was 11m ever by the train. and both his legs severed from his body. The little boy attempted to cwwl under one of the cu1s.lle was immediately ca1ried to his home which was close at hand, and Drs Scott and Rogets sent for at once. 011 consultation. it was decided to uniputate both legs at the lt‘nee, which was done, and the sufferer has been mending since then. No blame could be attached to any of the hands on the train, as they did- not know he was under the car. Mr A- Fleury, fractured his shoulder blade while moving around a threshingr machine,too familiarly. Thas'e machines al'wéysiséem to get the npper hand, some how» Mr Fleury is progresSing favor-- abiy. Several carrier pigeons, owned by Messrs. James Bugg, and McDonald of Toronto, took part in a flying match at. “Markhain Fair. Mr James' bird won, flying sixteen miles in thirty- two minutes COnSiderable betting took place. York County District Lodge held a half~year1y meeting at iBoxgrove on Thursday, let Oct. The Directors of the Society, kindly presented us with, a. complimentary ticket. Thanks: ' ATTEMPTED Bowman-A daring attempt at highway robbery was committed near Stoutfville, on the evening of the 12th inst. Harper Matterson, living on Lot N012, 3rd Con ofIW‘hitchurch, was in Stouflville withva'load of grain, in company with 'l‘hos Scott,~they parted on the 4th Com, near Scott’s home, Mattel-son going «across to the 3rd 00”., between Lots 10 and II, a newly opened road. Just as he entered the bush he saw two men. One of them struck him With a club across the face: the horses at the same time started off at a good speed, which no doubt prevented the scoundce]s.from,,carrying out their evil in- tentions." ll was quite dark in the bush at the time. so they tio doubt thought they hadjnob done him much harm, and thought, it prudent not to follow him. Some two hours after, Mr Mattel-son found himself lying in the swamp on the stde of the road, the horses havingr upset the Waggon. After some time he managed to get home, one eye swollen shut. hIS face covered with blood and badly bruised. ' A number of visitors from Newmarlmt Oddfellows Lodge to Bradford I O 0 I“, came very near being run over by the N R R train, ontheir way home. The whistle was not blown until several cars had passed the crossing. The ERA thinks, the comâ€" pany is very zealous in warning people to keep off their property, and should be equally zealous in warning people of the approach of their trains, as had an accident happened they would undoubtedly have been responsible for damages ' Newmarket High School Literary Society debated on “Resolved that the pleasures of anticipations exceed those of participa- tions.” The deciswn was given in favor of the affirmative. Why cannot Richmond Hill High School run a Literary Society. Is them not talent enough l Mr P Harding was seriously hurt by a kick in the back from a colt. The Temperance Lodge held a pumpkin- pie social the olhe1 night How are 11 e temperance folks in Richmond Hill on pie 1 Cleaned from 17m Economist. Markham Items. (Gleaming; from the ERA.) From the Reformer NEV’MARKET. Pattefson & Bra 5 Spring Tooth Har- rows wcw highly recommended by the judges Miss Hattie Eyer Richmond Hill, took} st and find for Grecian Oil Paint- ing, ' End for plain Berlin Wool VV;0rk lat. l'o1 Raised B e1lin Wool Work , 211d f01 E n1b10ide1y 1n Silk, 2nd 1’01 Bead Work. A pair of Banneretts and worst- ed work, and a Fancy Jar, shown by Miss Eye1 we1c locomnwnded. Wilkinson of' Aurora, took three 1st prizes for plows. The Masson Manu~ fucturing 00., took lst for horse rake, grain drill and root muffler. The Tor- onto Reaper & Mower 00., took lst for single mower, and 2nd for single reaper. Mr S l’roctor of this village. is agent. for these implements. Covered Buggy, lat A Wright & Son, Richmond Hill ; open (10, A Wright & Son ; democrat Waggon, plat form springs, Est A Wright & Son 1 cutncr, 2nd A Wright & Son. Besides Hie prizevtakers at this fair, noticed in our last. issue, the following were taken on the first day :â€" \Vl;itc Oats, lst J Hollingshcad. Collection of Grapes, R Breckon, Richmond Hill. Simâ€"The “Victoria Square Cricket- ers” visited Aurora. on Saturday, the 9th inst, and were determined by skilâ€" ful play, and impartial decision, to add another match to their score of victories, but owing to the inconsistent actions. insulting and blasphemous language of the Auroras. the game was left unfinish- ed, though decidedly in favor of the Vics. The score stood, Aurora 45, Vics 3G, with four: wickets to fall. At this period a dispute took place which ended in one of the most ungentlemanly scenes ever witnessed upon a cricket field, the Auroras using most disgrace-- ful language and making imputations against Mr Brown, the umpire for Vieâ€" toria Square, which were both false and unreasonable, as we are certain he gave his decision honestly, impartially, and in accordance with the rules of cricket. The Aureras have most certainly disâ€"V graced themselves as cricketers, and if' they wish to act as gentlemen, they Will tender an apology to the Vics, for the slanderous insults of Saturday. Till then we bid the “Auroras” farewell, and it'eur princlples will not, permit us to equal them in blasphemv, and falsity, we have proved ourselves able to face them with willow and leather any day. Yours &c., VICTORIA SQUARE CRICKETERS. The above Council met. at the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the 12th of Oct., 1880,3L10 a. m. By- law No 40.”) was 1lien passed, appoint- inrr William W ebsler and J C Steele Com- missioners and L0]! eclors to collect and ex- pend one halfofthe statute labor to he commuted in road beat No I in the Town ship of Vaughan. T he Council then adjourned till Tuesday 9th Nov. Moved by Mr Lahmer, see by Mr Nat-- tress that the Deputarion from King Comp (311 m respect to injunes received by Rev M Dennis will not be entertained by th1sbou11- cil.â€"Carried. FROM THE AURORA CRICKET CLUB. Moved by Mr Reaman, see by Mr Card, that Ihe Reeve be instructed to purchase a Pile Driver, price not to exceed $175.00â€" Carried. The Reeve in the chair. Members present, Messrs Card, Nattress, Reaman and Lahmer. Moved by Mr Reuman, soc hv MI Cotdl that the cletk IS hexehy nuthmi/ed tn notilvll the pathmuste) of mud heat IV) 76 thatl there is an application to this Council tni change the limits ofroztd beat No 73. nn‘ side road between lots 20 and 21 in 1011) COILâ€"Carried. Victoria Square, Oct. 20th, 1880. To the Editor of the Herald. A deputation from King Council, con- sisting of J C Stokes, the Deputy-Reeve and Joseph Wood, Esq., Clerk, waited on the Council in reference to an accident which occurred in the township of King, near the town line, requesting to take into consideration the matter of assisting the township of King in paying damage claim- ed for said accident. A petition was presented from Robert Goxdon and six 0111913, askimf to be r9mov~ ed (10m Union School 8 No 7, Vaughan, and Markham, and attached to School 8 No 5, York. The minutes of the last meeting were read, and on _m0t_ion aiopted: Moved by Mr Reaman, seconded by Mr Nuttress, that the request of the Wood- bridge Mechanics lnstitute cannot be enterâ€" tained by this C(mncil,â€"â€" Carried. Moved by Mr Card, sea by Mr Renman. that the Reeve and Clerk be and are hereby instructed to invest all uninveated funds be longing to the Clergy Reserve and Municiâ€" cipal Loan fundsin Debentures or other satisfactory securities as soon as can conâ€" veniently be (loneâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr Cmd, see by Mi Nuttress. that the '1 1035mm be and IS hereby zimhm- ized to payihe followinw road accounts. To B Rumble for settingo posts and grading in District No 1, lot 21, in the 2nd Com, the sum of $38.00. F Rumble, 564 feet oi‘ plank $564 H Rumble 416 feet plank $4.16, G Cook 680 feet. of plank $6 80. G High, 32[ 1‘99! 01' plank $3.21, the last three to be yuid to John ]) Burdy.-â€"Cnrried. Acommuincntmn was read from C J Agar, Scc' and Treas. of Woodbridge Me- chanics lrstilute, asking Ihe Council to grant suflimem aid 10 enable ‘he Institute to draw Government grant. From the Engineer'dt'the G T. and B Railway, in reference to 1119 Boundaxy line between Vaughan and Albion. Moved by Mr Lalmlner. sec by Mr leaâ€" man, that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay J A Stewart for printing 1800 Collectors Blank Receipts $8.50â€" Carried. Moved by Mr Reuman. see by Mr Card that the 'lreasurei be and is limeby inâ€" structed to pay the following slit (’p claims 10 the nndermentioned persons. Arch, McQuarry for three sheep killed and dumâ€" nged. $2000 : James Oliver for 3 sheep killed and 1 damaged ; $8.34-Cun‘ied. ( [aims for loss of sheep killld lw dogs were plesented hom Messrs A McQuany and James Oliver. An Apology Wanted Newmarket Fair. Vaughan Council. FUNERALâ€"The funeral of Mrs‘ Asa \Vilson, took place on Monday lust, and was larttely attended. The Rev Mr Add1son, pastor of the C M Church, delivered a very impressive dlscourse from the following text :â€"â€"Isiaah 54 Chap, 6 verse, “And we do all fade as a leaf” Deceased was thirty- two years old, and had 0an been ill for some three days, Her sudden death is a great and severe afliction to her husband. Death was caused by a cold which pro- duced inflamation. Mr Wilson and his thwe motherlcss children have the sympathy of their friends in the sad 1085 of a loving wife and mother. The Farmers Advocate and Home Magazine for October. is to hand. It contains accounts ofthe Dominion, Pro- vincial, Industrial, Western and South- ern Exlnbitions, from personal observaâ€" lions ot' the editor. Every farmer, and any person interested in the agricultural prosperity of the count1y, should read it It 15 :1 real, live practical and indepen- dent pe1iodical, and contains a number of o1iginal engravings. The Home Magazine department contains much to instxuet and Amuse the Home Circle. It 18 published by WV Weld, London, Ontario. DANGEROUSrâ€"Last Saturdav night, about 10 o’clock, a number ofboys who are old enough to have better sense, climbed unto the roof of the new 0 M Church, and from there to the towers, amusing themselves by throwing down loosebricks. .They also slid along, the side of the roof, and down the rope in Ille tower. Il'sueh work is not stopped, one of them will full 50 feet, some night, and then we will have an item. PRACTICE WITH THE FIRE ENGINE.â€" The fireman had the engine and hose out on Friday evening last, for practice. It; worked very well. Two streams of water were thrown, one over the Grand Central, and the other over the Robin Hood. Af'ter practice, a meeting was held in the hall, and considerable busin- css transacted. There are now thirty- five good men on the list. PUTTING 0N METAL.â€"~1{oad Boss Michael is on time as usual, putting on a coat of broken stones on Yonge Street. Though somewhat'unpleasnntat first to drive upon; the _heatment has madb Yohgé Street well’known $111 over Cana- da as one of the best roads in the counâ€" try. Lieut- Col. Button, :1 York Pioneer, died recently at, Buttonville, at the awe of 87. He was the son of Mr John Button, who raised the first troop of cavalry that was organized in Canada in 1809. The deacased used to attend the dinners of' the Pioneers. The funeral was held on Wednesday last, and was largely attended EXCITING.-â€"It is said that there was a very exciting time at the lust Cricket. Match between Victoria Square and Aurora. ”piles were loud and freâ€" quent, regarding the decision of‘ the umpires. The game was not finished, A letter from the Victoria Square Club on the matter, will be found in another column. How TO DO BUSINESSâ€"D0 you sell cheaply ? let- the public know it. Have you anything special. to dispose of ‘3-- tell the people about it. Expecting to work up trade without advertising is like trying to run a locomotive without steam. Advertise now. BI-CYCLE RIDING.â€"â€"A young son of Mr Matheson, of the Davenport Road, near Toronto, left home one day last week at 10 o’clock, on a bicycle, to visxt his relatives in this village, He arrived herout 1 o’clock, making the trio in 3 hours. Read the Notices of Sales to be found In another column. GOOD FARMâ€"If you want to buy a roalgood farm, cheap for cash, 01' on easy terms for credit, read the advertise- ment in another column. Mr Duncumb says the farm must be disposed of. “It is conveniently situated and is a bargain for Home one. FIRE MEETING.â€"â€"Thé Firemen are to meet at. the Hull on Friday evening next. All the members are requested to attend, as business of importance will be brought forward.-â€"-J II Sanderson, Capt. GOOD FOR CANADIAN 13mm SHEEP. â€"â€"â€"At the Scarboro Fair, held on the 13th inst, Mr Wm Bnynton, of Markâ€" ham Township, showed a Canadian- bred cotswold mm, which took lst prize, beating Mr S Eeatty’s imported cots- wolds. Gospel Hymns and sacred songs, by Bliss & Sankey, for sale here. C. M. LADIES AID.â€"â€"A Sepia] will be held at the C M Church Pdrsouage. on Friday evening next. The HERALD and \Veekly GLOBE to- gether for $2.50, or the HERALD and Weekly MAIL for$2, from now until Dec., 3lst 1889. Two months thrown in free. ‘ Palmer’s “Della Waite” took 1S1: prize for roadster at the Schomberg Fair. Halfâ€" fare tickets will be issued to - morrow, Friday, on the N. R. R. for the Aurora Fair. Mr “Tm Proctor took lst priZe for best carriage team at Bolton Fair. He has a handsome turn out. A pigeonâ€"shooting match will shortly take place, between a Mr Douglass of England, and Mr Miller, of Toronto, for $700 a side. Mr Palmer of Rich-- mond Hill, holds the forfeit. THANKSGIVING.â€"The Governor Gen- eral has set apart Wednesday, the third of November, as a day of Thanksgiving for the past blessinfi-s of the year. It is to be hoped that it will be strictly 0b~ served by all loyal citizens. LOCAL ITEMS. Barley, do ...... Outs, (10 Peas (10 . Eye (10 Dressed Honsmer 1001bs.., Hoof, hind qunrtcl‘s, per 100 tbs Mutton, by tho carcase, per 100 lbs... thickens, per pair Ducks, per brace Geese, each ........ Turkeys, each Butter, 1b rolls .. large rolls tub dairy Eggs, fresh, doz Potatoes, per bus . J Ar-ples per barrel , Onions, per bus . , Tomatoes, nor bush ‘Tm‘nips, per bus .. Iurrnts, per bus Beets, per bus ., Pursuips, per bus Hay per,ton..., Straw per, to1 W001 Der ,1b,. Stationery, 6120., etc. for sale at the HERALD store; Wheat mu {OSEâ€" In East GwiHimbury, ' on We 2Glh uh, Nancy the belowd wife of the late Isaac Rose, aged 68 years. Deceased was one of the first settlers in the township, and was highly respected. The funeml took place at Hartman on Tuesday the 281]) uh, and was largely an» [under]. to Miss Mzwgie Brydou all (If Kin". V1\soNâ€"KIIIK OIItlIe14th inst, at the reSIdeIIce of “ms Milller, Esq. , Newcastle, OIII. ., by the Rev J El hams, Jhos. H ViII- -- son, of Omno to Eliza. Leonard, eldest daughter of Wm Kirk, of Thoruhiil. MAI)111.â€"â€"D1:\N1Sâ€"At Newmaxkot 0n the 131111113: by the Ixev \V Fli/zell, M1 Pen- jmmn Mudill 10 hiss thenne Dennis of the township of Scott. MUCALLUMâ€"(‘mnnYâ€"By Rev James Carmichael, on the 5th insL. at, the resh- dence of the bride’s father. Mr Duncan Mc- Callum, to Miss Sarah Cherry, all of King. MCCUTCHmNâ€"Bm‘no\'â€"~()n the 6th ms! by urv 1 eler Nicol Mr Roht McCutcheou, to Miss Maggie Brsdou all of King. JOHNSONâ€"WHEELERâ€"At, fl ofthe bride’s mothnr, near, I the Rev. Waller M Roger, Mr son.- to Miss Barbara Wheeler. JCLUIANâ€"-I‘IAHI\1ANâ€"At Newmmke‘, on 1110121h inst. ,1“ the Rev Wm I‘rizzell. Mr IVm McLiumn to Miss June Hannah all of \\ hitch-nah. BAD(;EROâ€"GnAY.â€"At flue ClmrislianJ’ar- smmge, SlouffviHe. on Sept. 29th, by the Rev W Percy, Mr Ira Badgero. sun of Wm Badge”), 1?,qu to Miss Jane Isabella Grav, Pldest daughter of Edwuxd Gray, all of Whilchmch. MCDOWEI‘Ilâ€"LI'NAUWAI the N‘Sldence of the l)l‘lll€'§ father. on lhe (llll inst. lw llle Rev. W Percy. Mr George Mclhmwell, to Miss Alice Maud Lunau, daughter ofJucob Lunau, all of Markham. LANGSTAFF â€"â€"At‘ Spr-inglvill, on the 9th inst , the wife of'Dr G A Langslaff of 1). daughter. FROM Roomsâ€"I consider it my duty to ofier my best thanks to Mr. Stephens, for his kindness in calling on me twice. and informing me regarding a very handsome, sweet little horse or animal. 1 also thank Mr Stephens for certain advice, it being the same advice that Mr Robt. Wilson, the mason, had just glven me.â€"â€"ADVT Lunch at noon. I’olmoes and sums MEMO and under cash; over that 11 moulhs’ credit. W H Major, AucL. See bills- I’arties gating their Sale Hills printâ€" ed at this office, will ' receive a notice free of charge, from the timéz the -;bills are printed until the day of sale: NOTE L0s’1‘.â€"- See advertisement in anothei' column. We have some very fair step dancers around here, each of whom have backers There has been a good deal of talk about who is the champion. To end the talk H Brown is willing to match Riley, who danced at King town-line pic-Die on let July, to dance a straight jig, for $5 or $25 a side. Each side to choose two judges, and the judges to select a referee Now let us hear from the next man.â€" ADVT. Wright took three lst prizes and one second on buggies, waggons, and cutters. at. the Woodbridge Fair. Thursday, Oct, flakâ€"Auction sale nf Farm Stuck. Implements, etc., at but ‘28. rem 2nd Con 01' Markham. Sale at 11, Lunch at noon. Polmoes and sums 0f$10 and under cash; over that. 11 moulhs’ Mr C Butcher IS feeding the Borealis man on Diamond Brand Oysters, and he waxes eloeuent over them. Mrs Cull, 0f Thornhill, arrived home from a trip to Ireland a short time ago, where she had been visiting friendsfihe thmks there is more smoke than fire, figuratively speaking, in regard to the destitution of the inhabitants; of that country. She speaks in high terms 01 pleasures ofthe nip. ~80 says the Berâ€"â€" calls man. “'0 feel satisfied that the visit to the “ould sod” must have been :2 very pleasant one as the f:'2i1 visito2 l'as ieturned as Charmin” lookinrr and as amiable :18 (2202'. \\ 0 had a hian new Irish dhudeen, bmught l'20ni the Emerâ€" uld Isle, by Mrs U, kindly presentell to us. Filled with the Gold Flake Out Plug it is the pure McKey. Wednesdxy. 3nd I (W. ~Aucnou sale of Dly ( on] Wood. on Hdl of Lot 15‘, 2nd (Jan. MmMmm, the prnpexly of Mr 1’ RH- ter. Half of purchase money cush, balance when world is x'vnmved. Sale at I o’clock sharp. S M Brown, Auct. The sidewalks are bad, and the ladies are complaining to the Borealis mnn On Thursday, 12111 inst, Mrs Walker Ly,0d 4111 con Wl1itcl1urcl1,scalded one of' her legs so severely with hot cider, as to cause the skin to peel off from the knee down. Gleam'ngs me the Borealis. THE MARKETS. TOR()N'1‘().- WEDNESDAY, Oct ‘20, 1880. PRICES AT I‘Alcm Ims’ WAGUUNS mu, 110w,1)cr bush .. $3» 1 0 Spring do . 1 ( do .. 5 do . : 1 (10.. LOCAL ITEMS, Auction Sales. ie’s mothnr, near Ashburn. by Waller M Roger, Mr John John- AURORA DEATH, BIRTH . MARRlED the residence 0 35 30 35 40 0 40 40 0 [M 12 (m 9 50 00 00 00 Richmond Hill, Oct. 14th,, 1880-; Since introducing the Cash System and Reducing Prices, our sales . . . . / have largely Increased, and will doubtless contmue to do so, as we are determlned'x IcEs to-keep our stock well assorted, and sell at the E. ii. fig? CASH UNTIL January 1813... 1882. FROM NOW, The premises recently occupied by the HERALD Ofl'xco. For furbhex information, apply to Bxchmond Hill, June 17th 1880. THE A 3 The comts have decided that refusing to take newspapers 01 periodicals 110111 the post oflice, 01 removing and leaving them uncalled fo1, is grima. facie evidence of intentional fmud. 1L). BUILDER, Sherwood, 4th Con. Vnughmr. Srmiul ntthntion given to Stair I3ui1ding, Punchuall attention will be given to all orders. Address Maple I’. O. . MISS CAMPBELL, 1. Any person who takes a pnpex regularly from 11 post; office, whether d1rectcd in his name or nether’ s or Whether he has subscribed 01 11015,»; esponsibka for payment. 2. If [1 person o1'de1e his paper discontinued he must pay all :11"'1ea1$ 01' the publishers may con- tinue to send it until payment is made and then collect the whole amount, whether the paper is taken from the office or not. TO LET E LA W CONCERNING NE WSPAPERg Mouthâ€"organs for sale at the HERALD store. . AIS 0 Station-.5 Antique parchment note paper with envelopes to match For sale here. NOTE LOST! Goods, etc,etc. A note of hand, signed by Harper Matheson in favor of Wm. Mortson, for $65, and dated Oct, 30, 1878, endorsed by the late Dr Rupert, of LIlele. All puyrties are cuuLioned against nego- tiating for this note. WM. MORTSON. AIbu’ms for sale at the IIERALD store Cali and see. APPLES! Herald Store. B KEFFER, CONTRAC'I‘OR A ND I THYTTITHCR thrwnnd 4th (Tnn Vnanhynv. Good prices will be paid for IOO barrels ofGnod Winter Apples, of the Nm-Iherh Spy, Hussetls, Gremlins and Baldwin var- ier. The apples will be picked ofi‘ the trees, or selected if already picked. 100 Barrels ! For Sale, Gheapi at t Victoria square,0ct. 20th, 1880‘ School Books Richmond Hill, Oct 11th, 1880. Large Assortmert of First Class Groceries ‘atExti-‘ao'rv dinary Low Prices. * An inspection of Goods and Prices is earnestly solicited am: flzlmtifimumm Piano, Organ, etc, Sept l6th, 1880 ery, Fancy Every Department full of new and seasonable Fall and Winter Goods DEDIDED SUEDE 8. mfig 6}?“ Lessons on the C. DUN CUMB: WANTED MB. A. LA W ISAAC CROSBY. A '1' THE the ‘ Cheap Stoves 111 -w, can make money raster at, WQI‘K 301' 1151‘:me at anything else. Capital not required; we-will start you. :512 per day at home made by the industrious. Mon, women, boys and girls wantefl everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outfit and terms free. Address John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Em)” Hon. SelmforMcMnster A. M. Smith, E'Hq. James Metculfn, Esq. Rev. Enoch.\Voud, D. D TRUE 8; C(),.Aug1;sta.1\lnine Alderman McArthur, M 1’, Chair man_ W W Baynes. Esq F I A Secretary 30 per cent of premiums returned if) pffifits Loans made to Church Trustees, at a. 10W rate of interest, . Send for prospectus. Richmond, Hill August 18th, 1880‘ THE STAR K LIFE Assurance Sony Wm- I rencn, [ J. H, Sanderson, ) Executors Richmond Hill, August; 24th, 1880. Stove Pipes, Stove Furniture, etc“, etc.. on hand. Custum wnrk promptly attended to, of tin and galvanized iron 0. mecialty. Call and see his. stock. 0. MASON. Milst be, Sold 1 Containing 100 Acms, more or less; Good Brick. House; 14 mme Burns; well wutoxed; near School Home and Church, and 011941an mile from tho Viilage of Hcmdfmd. For particulars apply to C. Duncumb, Richmonfi Hill. or to M Shanks, KottLeby,P Wm Tr ench, 1 J. H 83 ndersom) Tin and Copper ‘ Ware, Do You ~ Know Richmond Hill.Sept. 29th,, 1880. N OTICE is hereby given, that all parties in- dobmd to the Estate of Geo. Soules. and n‘lsopm‘tieshuving claims on said Estate, will send particulars of claim at 0:300, to ’tho ubovo lllUlltiUIlOd Dcrson. Charlotte Soules, Executrix; And Stoves Pipes for Sale. S'NWE I’H’ES PUT UP Lot No 18, 31110011. Markham, Cheap for Cash and easy’terms on credit. lute of the Village of Richmond Hill, deceased, are required to make payment 01 their‘i‘udebtodv 11055 to WM. TRENCH, Vaiuable Farm 1 TIN SHOP! on or before the Ist BAY OF NUVEMHEB, IBBU. iyiAIN TlLE, ()1? THEVBEST QUALITY AT NOTICE. L EVE TROUGHING, lieserve Fund ...... $fi,000,006 Annual Income. . . . Lit-00.001} Invemrdin Canada... ‘n850;000 Death claims ‘puid; . . 7,500,000 TORONTO, isrnnnmons.» A \V Lauder, RICHMEBM)‘ HILL. momma mu; IS FOR SALE, AND ‘Sec. (Who-as. for Cnnflda. - _ a Y Victoria Chambers. 'I‘ofonto. ' . Feb. 12th 1880. Of London England ESTATE THAT THIS THOS zNIGHTXEGALE’) ; 'ro 01mm va‘kyile' 1m

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