RISHMBNB HILL PEST 'DI‘I'IBE Going Stiuï¬h, West and East, incly‘id- mg Maplq, Thornhill. Toronto. I Mmkhnm; &c., Going Nmth Money t5 Loamâ€"J. J. Cbcgrove‘ ACCO UN T S.â€"-Parties indebted to this aï¬cefpr advertising, job work, and hubscriptions, will confer a favor by Paying the same. 6.91113 South East and West (as above) at, 7:00 N. Bâ€"Reg’l tered Letters must be handedin at length ifteen Minutes earlier th’un the above mentioned hours for closing. Richmond Hill Post Oflice, M. TEEFY POST OFFICE NOTICE THURSDAY. NOV., 4, The opinion seems to be pretty gener. I ally circulated and believed that before long the Ontario Government will ï¬nd it necessary to practice the strictest economy. If there is any reason to sup- pose that such will be the case,and there seems to be, it seems sensible to advo- cate a reduction of expenditure immedi- ately,before the surplus is expended,and direct taxation resorted to. While not“ in' favor of the abolition of the Legisâ€" lature, if direct taxation had to be re- sorted to in order to carry on this branch of Government, we believe there would ‘ undoubtedly arise a strong cry for its: abolition, and its existence might prove? of short duration. Sooner than let 1 matters reach this state, and be compell- ed to ï¬ght for very existence, those who have control of the ï¬nances shouldl retrench immediately in every possible‘ direction. There are many propositions l being made as to how this might be eï¬'ected. The Telegram advocates the abolition ofthe oï¬ice of Lieut-Govemor which costs the country a good many thousands per year. Other journals are in favor of holding sessions every two years, instead of yearly as at present. This could easily be managed, and a handsome saving eï¬'ected. A number of papers strongly censure the Govern- ment for supporting the Upper Canada College. But if we can believe the oï¬i- cials of that College, the Government dbes not support it, The institution has been self-supporting for a good many years. We have not seen any good rea- son advocated yet, why biennial sessions would not answer as well, or better than annual. Without advocating the aboli- tion of the ofï¬ce of Lieut-Governor, we do not think such action. if considered necessary, and carried into efl'ect, would cause a revolution, or seriously interfere with the legislation. If some of the retrenchments referred to were eï¬'ected, there would certainly be less ground for so much talk about too expensive Gov~ érnment, and the abolition of the Legis- lative Assembly. Canadian Governâ€" rnent, Municipal, Provincial and Domin- ion is certainly too-expensive. Until further notice, Mails will be closed at the Many opposition papers kindly underâ€"- take to lecture theConservative journals about their being two enthusiastic over the bargain made regarding the buildâ€" ing of the Canada Paciï¬c Railway, before the details are made known. This is all very well, and no doubt quite : proper. But the papers which tender‘ this advice should be careful not to con- demn the bargain before they know what they are condemning. The leadâ€" ing journals and men of the Opposition have come to the conclusion, that the best way to build this railway IS by a company. If all but the obscure sheets, who have no opinions worth recording, at any rate, are agreed on this point, then they can only ï¬nd- fault with Sir John’s bargain when they become acâ€" quainted with the particulars. We believe there is a general feeling ofsatis- faction at the thought that this load has been lifted of Ontario, for on On_ fario the burden rested.- We only hope the details will prove as eminently satis- factory us the news of the bargain. It is announced that in all probability Par- liament will meet before Christmas for the consideration and discussion of the Railway business. If the terms meet with the approval of Parliament, the bargain Will be satisï¬ed, and the work begun immediately. In the meantime the Opposition sheets should possess their souls in patience . " Now is the time to trim your trees, sod your lawns, manure your gardens, and buy your overcoats. School Books, Cheap, II'EI'ALD Book Store. @119 331% germs May 19th 1880. Necess1ty for Economy. NEW ADVERISEMEN‘TS The C. P. R. Details. Richmond Hill. Ont. MORNING EVENING AS FOLLOVVB for sale at the M. TEEFY Postmaster “a? 7:30 188.0 Héifér, 1 year, Robb Summerville, Elder’s Mills ; John Lawrence. Bull, 1 year, J Lawrence ;7VVm Poltgr. Herd of cattle, 1 male and 4 females (Diploma) J Lawrence. FAT CATTLE. Fat 01: or Cow (Special by Hugh Miller, King-street. Toronto, 5 boxes Cattle Feeder, value 35), Wm Shunk, Maple ; J Lawrence. GRADE CATTLE. Cow, any age, in milk, with evidence of having had a calfin 1880. R Sum- merville, $4 ; Wm Porter, 33. (1st prize $3 ; 2nd 2 ; 3rd 1.) Heifer, 2 years, lst and 2nd James Summerville, Elder's Mills ; Wm Port- er. Woodbridge Fall Fair Prize List- Cow; ahy age. in uï¬lk, John Lawren- ceLHiunbcr ; Wm Portertdo. IHeifer, 2 icars, A T Orth, Woodâ€" bridge ; John Lawrence. Spring bu“ calf; Peter Franks, Vell- ore; R Summervirlle. Heifer, 1 year, Geo WeIdrick, Thorn- hill_; ‘VmEl-l-erby .33] _Lawrenqe. DURIIAMSâ€"NOT IMPORTED. (Ist Diploma and $3 :‘an $3 ; 3rd $2.) Bul],2 years and over, James Dalziel, Edgeley ; Wm El-Ierbyngn-Iber; Spring heifer calf, 1st; and 20d Wm Porter. Spring heifer Ealf, James Summer- viIIe ; Robt Summerville; J Torrance. SHEEP. LEICESTERS. (lat prize $3 ; 2nd 2.) Ram, two shears or over, John Sun- derson, Elmbank; Wm Capener, Kline- burg. Two-brood ewes (Special by John Mc- Intosh, Woodbridge Woollen Mills, a lplendid Blanket, value $5) Thos Boynv ton, Victoria Square; (2nd by society) Geo Weldrick. Shearling ram, J Sanderson: Geo Weldrick, , Ram lamb Geo Weldrick; P W Boynton. Two ahearling ewes, Geo Weldrick ; Jno Sanderson. Shearliug ram, John Moore ; Geo Weldrick. Ram lamb, Thos Teasdale, Concord ; J Sanderson. Two breeding ewes, two shears and over, Thos Teasdale ; John Moore. Pen ofI male and 3 females, Geo. Weldrick, a Diploma. COTSWOLDS. Ram, 2 shears and over, Geo Weldâ€" rick ; John Moore, Malton. Two ewe lambs, lst and 2nd, J Sanâ€"- derson. Sheurling ewes, John Moore ; Tllos Teasdale, Ewe lambs, Thos Teasdale ; J Moore Pen 0? 1 male and females, George Weldrick, a Diploma. SOUTIIDOWNS. (lst prize $3 ; 2nd 1.) Ram, two shears and over, J W Rus- sell Hornby; Robt Marsh, Richmond Hlll. Shcarling ram, lst & 20d Robt Marsh Ram lamb, R Marsh ; J W Russell. Two brood ewes (Special by John F McIntosh, of the Woodbridge Woollen Mills, blanket, Value $5), J W Russell ; 2nd (by society) Robt Marsh. Sow, over 1 year, (lst prize by M Deady, of Queen’s,Hotel, Brampton, $4)t Jos French ; 2nd (by society), 1’ W Boynton. Boar, under 1 year, Jos French. Sow,under1 year, Jos French; P W Boynton: YORKSHIRE OR OTHER. LARGE BREEDS. Boar, over 1 year, Thomas Boynton. Sow, over I year, having had pigs in 1880, G \Veldrick; Thos Boynton. T‘Qo'shedrlihg ewes, 151: and 2nd R Marsh. Two (we lambs, R Marsh; J Russell. Pen of} male and 3 females, J W Russpll, a Diploma. BERKSHIRES. (lat prize $3 ; 2nd 2.) Berkshire boar, over 1 year, Thomas Boynton ; P W Boynton. 1’: oar under 1 Year, 1st and ‘Zud, G Weldrick. _SUEFOLK. Boar, over 1 year, Wm McClure; E Richardson. (15f. prize $1.50; 2nd 31.) Lot of Poultry in one pen, owned by exhibitor, Ist. ($2) and 9nd \V & A Wright, Richmond Hill. Pair Gecso. lst and 2nd J W Russell l’air Turkeys, lst 38d 2nd J Russell. Pair Aylesbury Ducks, 1st and 2nd Jos Foster. Pair Muscovy Ducks, Thos Davis. Pair Common Ducks, Chas, Lowrie; Wm Boil. Bdar, under 1 yeaf, Simon Shuï¬k, jr; Robt Dorsey. Saw, under 1 year, lst and 2nd Robt Dorsey. Sow over 1 year having had pigs in 1880, Wm McClure,- Robt Dorsey. Sow. under one year, Geo \Veldrick ; Thos Boynton . Pair Dorking Fowls, Wm Bell; Jos Foster. Poland Fowls, J Russell ; J Foster. Pair \VhiteLeghom Fowls (1st prize by J Dilworth, druggist, ng-strect, 'loronto,11alfdozen packages Waterloo Egg Food, value $3); W A; A Wright 2nd (by society) Jos Foster. Pair Spanish Fowls, Joseph Forster; W & A Wright. Pair Shanghai Fowls, 1 and 2nd W & A Wright. Pair Pea Fowls, Michael Reaman. Pair Brahma Pootra Fowls, W 8; A Wright ; Jos Foster. Pair ï¬ny other class, Jos Foster ; W 8:. A Wright. Ist prize $2 ; 2nd 1. Twelve Swede 'l'umips, Edward Stock. MiHIicq 5 (3r:_l_\1_ninpyizeZ Wogdqugg: Twelve While 'l‘m'nips, Frank Daniella, lslington, Twelve Field Carrots, Frank Daniella ; Wm Watson. Twelve Mangold Wurlzel Globe, E Stool: ;M Harrison, Twelve Table Carrots, Frank Daniella ; Wm JeH'ery: Twelve Mangold Wurtzel, E Stuck ; Wm WMSM. (Continued fmm last week) GATTLE. POULTRY. PIGS. ROOTS. VEGETABLES. 1st prize $l ; 2nd 500. Twelve Blood Beets. H linrkholder; W H Lyons. Peck Red Onions, F Daniella; H Peters. Peck Yellow Unions, F Deni- ells ; T Davis. Six head of lnrge Cabbage, Wallace Bros ; JKeedwell. Six head of small Cabbage, Frank Daniells; Wallace Bros. Six Citrons. long, A T Orth. Six Citrons, round, John Elliott: Henry Peters Twelve roots Celery, Mrs Thus Wright; Keys & Hallett. Twelve 'I omatoes, E Stock : J D Stotts. Three Cauhflowers, Thos Davis , Julius Brewels. FRUITS. Variety of Apples, 6 of each, Andrew Robertson. $2 ; l3 Brillinger, 1 181 prize $1 5 2nd 500. Twelve cooking Apples. Andrew Robert- son ; J D Stous. Twelve tnble Apples. Wm McClnie ; G Lawrie. Twelve Hus-- sens, A Robertson ; Thos Jackson Twelve Winlel Apples, Gavin Lawxie: J D Stuns. Twelxe Amumn Penis. J D Stella. Twelve Winter Pears J 1) Stella. Six Lluslers of oanâ€"uir Grapes, J D Stalls; Silas Hurtâ€" mun, Barrel of Winter Apples, (special by Wallace Bros, Woodbridge,) A lioberlsun $3 ; Thos Richardson $2. Assortment of barrelled Winter Apples, special, presenled by 1) Stewart, shoe maker, a pair of ï¬rsh class Mens Guiter Boots‘ value $5, Thus Richardson, Four bushels of Fall wheat any variety, special by Messrs Steele Bros. & Cu’s.. John lettexson, $8 ; B Brillinger, 4. Four bushels of Swing: wheat, special, presented by Messrs Steele Bros . & Co’s; Samuel Richardson, $8 ; John Patterson 4. lst prize $3 ; 2nd 2 ; 3rd 1. Four bushels Barley, G rowvd, Wm Ellerby ; John Patterson ; John Nuttress. Four bushels Mnn-owl‘at Peas, John Pal-- terson. Four bushels Common Peas, W H Lyons ; D McGillvray; Wm Cupencr. Four bushels Black Unis, John Patterson ; M Harrison. Four bushels of White 03.13, John Patterson ; M Harrison ; Wm Robinâ€" son. One bushel Clover Seed, J llenman; M Harris-mu ; Wm Robinson. One bushel 'limmhy Leed J Brewls : M Harrison , la 'Whilemore. 'J welvc ems of Field Cor," J D Stools, $1 , Jos Wallace. 500. Twelve ears Tublg Corn, Frank Daniels, $1; M Hanison 500. One bushel Flax Seed, ’1‘ Dobson sl; Jos Stonehouse; J Brewls. One bushel T',mes J Biewls. lst prize a Diploma ; 21111343. Portable Steam Engine. John Abel}. Horse-power Threshing Machine, with Separator, J Abell. Glover Machine, .1 Abell. Reaping Machine, self-rake, Patâ€" terson & Bro. ; Gurney Russell & Co. Mow- ing Mpohine, Panors‘on A: Bro. ; Toronto Ist plize $3; 2nd 2 Land Rollel, J Abell.Gr:13n D1'1ll, Mnsson Mf’" Co. ., Oshawa. '1‘ wo hoise glariner’ s wz1<rgon,1himble skein Joe 1* 0‘1- , -R. H Wilson.Ma1rket V‘l avrgon, A “l right & Son ; R. H Wilson. Open Buggy. A Wright & Son; Anthony Bros, Covered Buggy, J P h‘uibiidge; Anthony Bros. 1 prize $9; 2nd I. Cultivator. Peter Malluhy. Cast Metal Plough. w Dick; J C Atkinson. Wrouuht beam Plough and Steel Bomd, J Jones; Paneison A1 Bro. hon Haxlows. Petei Mulluby. Straw Cutter, horse-power, Hag? gert Bros Mfg. 00.; J Abell. House Rake, Patterson Bro; Masson Mfg. Co. Driving Gutter, snigle horse. A Wright A: Son ; Anthony Bros. Sleigh, J Foster; Amos Maynard. Churn, J A Keflbr. Gang Plow, D Todd. R ‘& M Co. Croclr or ï¬rltin of butter. of not less than forty pounds. Special bv Messrs Patterson Bros of Patterson. Ont, a ï¬rstâ€"class spring tooth Harrow, value $25.1}utter to become property of doner. M1s W (lapener. 12 pounds of fresh butte1, special by wallace Bros. woodbridge, 1 set china, value $7, Mrs J Harrison. 28 entries. 10 pounds fresh butter, special by J w Miller & Co, King Street, Toronto, goods to the value of $5. The butter to become the property ofthc douer. Mrs G Elliott. 20 pounds crock butter. special by T McFarlane, of the York and Vaughan Hotel. Cash $5. The butter to become the pr'opelt) of the doner. Mrs E whitmore 10 pounds mock butler. special by Mills & Bro, Groceis, Toronto. Cash 3 50. The butter to he- come the property of the doner. Mrs w Ellerby. 25 pounds crock or ï¬rkin of butâ€" ter. special by Joseph Davids & 00.. Drug- ;nsts, King street East, Toronto. Cash 5 Mrs J Harrison, For best made, best done up and best. quality, I0 pounds roll butter, made by young,r ladies, between the age of I4 and 16. special bv James Parks. comâ€" mission merchant, Toronto, 6. Miss Mary Harrison ; Miss Louisa whitmore. $4. 12 pounds crock butter, special by John watt, jr, of the Montreal House, \voodbiidge. Cash $3. Mrs John Harrison. 40 pounds butter, Capt McMaster’s special prizeâ€"a clock value $40. Mrs J Harrison -, Mrs H Peters ; Mrs Jas Orr. Second and third prizes given by Society. Cheese, factory made, not less than 60 pounds, exhibited by manufacturer. w P Cesar, Mono Road, $3. 10 pounds home-made, J Brewls. 3dol J Jackson. 2 dol. 2 loaves home-made bread. special by Dr Stephenson, of Klein- burg, Mrs R Wilson, $3. 5 pounds honey in comb, Robt Johnstone, 2 dol- 6 pounds honey rendered, Hy Burkholder, 2 (lol , lt’ Johnstonc, 1. Assortment canned l'ruits, Mrs R T “allace, 3 do] ; Mrs Thos wright 2 dol. Assortment Jellies. J Brcwls, 3 dol; w Gregory, 2. Sponge cake, not iced, and not. to exceed one pouud in weight, Mrs A Robinson, 3 dol; Mas G Lawrie, 2 dol. Fruit cake, Mrs R wilson, 3 dol ; Mrs J Jackson. 2 dol. HUME MANUFACTURES. ' lat prize $2 ; 2nd I. Barrel of fluur, exhibited by manufactur- er, Dalton & Shaver; wallace Bros. Six pounds dressed flax. J Brewls ; w H Lyons- Ten yards home-made flannel, T Smith; J McIntosh and Son. Ten yards fulled clolh J watt; J McIntoslmnd Son. Ten yards tweed. Canadian, \vallace Bros ; J McIntosh and Son. Pair home-made blankets, wal- lace Bros ;' J McIntosh and Son. Pair horse blankets, IsL and 2nd, J McIntosh and Son. Set double team harness, Geo Mason ; J and F Ilewson. Saddle, bridle and martingale. Geo Mason ; F Marshall. Pair men’s ï¬ne boots, ISL and 2nd David Stewart. Pair men’s coarse boots, cow- hide, lst and 2nd David Stewart. Pair men’s kip boots, Isl and 2nd David Stewart Two flour barrels, lst and 2nd wallace Bros. Bunch of Shingles, B Brillinger. Assortment tinsmnh work, 1 and 2nd Keys and Hallet. Bottle home-made wine, from open air grapes grown in Canada, Mrs J Rowntree ; Mrs R wilson. Bottle home- made wine. not grape, Mrs R wilson ; T B Batten. 'J‘wo bars home-made soap, Ist &2nd Mrs J Burkholder. Sewing machine, any make, D Allan. Knitting machine, any make, J McIntosh. Hammer finished horseshoe, special by Messrs King and AGRICULTURAL IM PLEM E1\ TS. GRAIN AND SEEDS, DA 1 RY PRODU CE. Rowntree. Specimen worsted work. Miss N Strickland ; Mas AF Wilson. Specimen worsted work for framing. Mrs R wilson ; Miss Maggie McVenn. Specimen Raised worsted work, Miss Maggie McVean ; M1ss Annie Johnston. Elowér Wreath, Mrs w M Clnre; Mrs RS Vanznnt. Bend work. Mrs N Strickland ; Mrs R Wilson, Embroi‘~ dery-in Cotton, Miss Maggie McVean; Mrs T Smith. Embroidery in silk, MIS w A Green ; Miss iowden. Embroidery in worsted, Miss N Strickland 5 Miss Rowden. Specimen of Embroiderv on Muslinâ€"Infants Rube and skirt, special by the MAN. Print- ing Co., one copy of the Daily MAIL for lSBl, Mrs T Smith. Specimen of Berlin wool work, raised, Mrs w 0 Ronman ; Miss M McVeun. Specimen of Berlin wool work for framing, Miss Annie Jolinstone ; Mrs G Specimen Family Mzichine Sewing, Mrsi T Smyth ; Miss M Purks. Bouquet of Flow! ers for table deoomtion, special by John wutts.jr.. ofthe Montreal House, wood-- bridge. $2. Mrs T Porter; Miss McVean. Hand Boquet, Mrs T Porter, SI; Miss A Johnstone, Flowers and Plants in pots, Dr Wilkinson. Gent’s Shirt, cotton and} linen, hIIIId-Inude, unwashed. special by the ‘ MAIL Printing Co., one copy of the Daily MAIL for His], Mrs T Smith ; 2nd bv society Miss 0 M Pnrks. Best Gent’s Shirl, cotton and linen. machine made, unwashed, speci- al by MAIL 00., Daily MAIL for I881. Mrs R G Vunznnt ; 2nd by society, Mrs T SInytlI. Gent’s F' annel SlIIIt hand-mode, Miss Mc~ Venn , \IissN S‘lIickland. Specimen Cro- chet work in Cotton. MIs R Wilson ; Miss N Strickland. Specimen Crochet work in woolen, Miss O M P.,atks ' Miss N Strick- land. Specimen ltnncy Knitting, :Iny Inti- cle, Miss 0 M Pinks; \Iiss McV can. 1‘1â€le Tnttingz. Mrs R wilson ; Miss N Strickland. I‘aIIcy Netting. Miss McVean- ; Miss N Stuck lilnd Fancy llratding. Mrs W C Reaman ; Miss F Marshall. Hair Work, Miss M Curt- I;Miss Katie Johnstonc, Moss Work, Mrs R G Vnnznnt ; Miss Eva Vttnzztnt. Shell Work, Miss K Johnston ; Mrs R. wil- son. Leather work, Miss Tilly Franks ; Miss N Strickland. Come work, Mrs R G Vanzant. Feather Flowers, Mrs l3 l5 Il'nck- son. Silver wire Flowers, Lizzie Cartier; Katie Johnstone. Pair woollen Socks, hand knit, Bessie 0 Parks ,Mrs wm Bell. Pair woollen Stockings, hand knit, Mrs Rowdcn; Mrs wm Bell. Pair woollen Mits, N Strick- lnnd ; Minnie Bell. Pair woolen Gloves, hand knit, N Stricklan'; Mrs J Brewls. FuslIiOnalIle assortment Millinery, special by A "‘Odd, of Woodhridgc, shoemaker, Ladies Boots to value of $5, Wallace Bros. EnIbtoider in Cotton â€"pillow Shamsâ€" special by R wullIeI anrk’s‘ons, Toronto, $5 MMchaII. " ' 1’» VVHLZEUIL Specimen of Berlin wonl work 11m, Miss N SIi-ickland ; Mrs H Peters. Specimen of (iuipure work, Miss N Striclh land ; Miss liowden. Specimen Honilon Lace, Mrs w G lieaman; Mrs T Smith. Point Lace, Miss Rowdeu ; Mrs T Smytli. Specimen Lace work. MISS M McVean ; Mrs Rowden Specimen “Ornamental Needle work, Mrs w A Green ; Miss N Strickland, FINE ARTS. 'Ist prize $2 : 2nd $l. MCahinet Oman, David Allan, woodhridge Oil Painting on canvas. w0IlI' of exhibitor (ico websteI, WO()dblld;18: Miss N StIiciI- land. Ctavon or pencildrawing, wmk of exhibitm, S Mason ; erzie Cutler. Copy‘ book wxitten by boys under 16. no mem Ie‘ quiIed Samuel Allison , OlchI Ptentice. Copybook WIilten by nitls utIdeI 16. no InenI. required Annie Mason ; Nellie Ferguson. Copy book mitten by boys un- der 12. no mem. required. Robert. Douglas; Richard Allison. Copy book written by qu15 under l2. no mam. required, Lottie KlinlI ; Lizzie Mmslmll. Specimen of business penmansltip, n0 flotltishes, S J Douglas ; W C .eaman. Specimen of ornamental penmnnship. N SLIiclIland; S J Douglas. Specimen of mechanical draw- ing, John Ahell, fox Geo A And "-.lqunto Specimen collection of stuffed birds or animals, J P owntIee. Cpllection Geologi- cal specimens. N Strickland ; Miss McVeun Collection ofcuriOsities, N Strickland; Miss McVean. EXTRAS. Subsnil Plow, Peter Mallaby. Horse Shoe. Peter Mallaby; Mnsson mnnf. 00. Spring Tooth Harrow, Patterson and Bro. DEAR SIR.â€"â€"In answer to the very frequent enquiries by our people, when do you think the New Church will be ï¬nished, with your permission, I will give the following information. Opening of the “At our last; trustee meeting, held Nov. lst, it was decided (D. V.,) to have our opening servxces on the ï¬rst two Sabbaths of'Jauuary, or January 2nd and 9th. The Ladies Aid will please take note of this. FRIDAY, Nov. 5â€"Auction Sale of Farm Slock. Implements, 910., at Lot No. 18,31'd Con. of Markham. about half a mile south of Headford, the propelty of Mr John Wilhamson. Potatoes, Fowls, and $10 and under cash, over that amount '32 momhs’ credit. Sale at 1 o’clock. S. M Brown, Auct. To the Editor of the Herald. Chairman of Com. Richmond Hill, N0v., 20d, 1880. FR[DAY. Nov., 12,â€"Anction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, etc., the property of Mr Matthew McKcown, on Lot No. 1 Con, 2, Whitchurch. Sums of $6 and under cash, over that amount 11 months’ credit. S. M Brown, Auct. See bxlls. Mr Marsden, of D'Tanehester,acapital- ist who has been seeking a suitable local- ity for the erection of a cotton mill, has chosen Toronto. Mr Marsdeu is going to put. his son in the business, and has returned to England by last Saturday’s steamer, to make the necessary arrange- ments, prior to the work being comâ€" menced- Parties gating their Sale Bills printâ€" ed at this oflice, will receive a notice {ice of charge, from the time the bills are printed until the day of sale. The County of York goal property was sold a few days ago for $20, 000. Auction Sales. Yours 8:0,, P. ADDISON, C. M. Church. Tiie dancing season has begun. The country roads are getting cut up. Produce taken 11] exchange for goods. Parties owing for the paper can b1ing along wood. The cold weathm is com-- ing on. FAIR.-â€"â€"The Cattle Fair on \Vednes- day last brought out about 30 head of cattle, and a dozen or so of sheep. Good prices were asked. Messrs Pugsley and Hopper bought several head. The HERALD and Weekly GTOBE to- gether for $2. 50, or the HERALD and Weekly MAIL for$2, frOm now until Dec., 3150 1889. Two months thrown in free. DANCE.â€"The dance in the Lorne Hall was well attended, on Wednesday evening last. Oxer thirty-ï¬ve couple was present. Everything passed off pleasantly- CHURCH OPENING.â€"-It is the inten- tion to open the new 0. M. Church, on Jan. 2nd and 9th. See the letter in another column . THANKSGIVING.â€"The services in the Presbyterian and English Churches was well attended. Eloquent and impressive services were delivered. GOING INTO BUsINESs.-â€"-Mr. T. B. Ludford has purchased an outï¬t, for ihe confectionery, biscuit and cigar trade, and has commenced travelling in this neighborhood. His turn-out is a very good one, and we wish him success. The Yonge Street Sabbath School Association will meet at Patterson on Monday, 8th inst. LECTURE.â€"~Tl)e Lecture on Tuesday evening. in the Presbyterian Church. by Mr H Prndden, was well attended. The subject was “Modern History, as seen from a Bible standpoint." Hullow’een kind of fooled the small boy this year. Some harmless tricks were indulged in. Very little mischief anpears to have been done on either Sunday 01' Monday nights. A NoBBv Climaxâ€"Mr R l’ugsley, of Eglingtnn, is having a very ï¬ne-looking butcher’s cart made at. ’l‘rench’s Carâ€" riage-Building Establishment. Archer has painted it. in gaod style, and the cart now seems almost too ï¬ne to be utilized in the way these vehicles gener- ally are. JURY.â€"â€"Mr Wm Storey has returned from doing duty as juryâ€"man at the reâ€" cent session . Inspector Marlin: visited our schools pn Tuesdnv last' He expressed himself pleased with the efficiency of the pupils and the progress made since his last visit. WEIGHTS AND MEASUREs.â€"Mr. Kinnee, Deputyâ€"Inspector of Weights and Measures for this District. was in NeWmarket last weekg in his oï¬icml capacity. The weights andmeasures of all the business men were examined and certiï¬cates issued as the MW directs. BAND UoNCERT.â€"The Concert held on “rednesday evening last, was largely attended. The Masonic Hall was crowd- ed. The programme was well rendered in every particular. Messrs. Hume, Sheppard. Galavan Pctlcy, Laird, and of. coursetlie Band, along with Miss Carrol, Payne, Coultcr, Nicholls, and others, were warmly applauded in their diï¬â€˜erent renderings, and loudly encored. The chairman, Mr J Coulter, jr., ï¬lled the position well and ably. \Ve hope the boys will always be so successful. They certainly deserve it. Proceeds over $70, to be devoted to purchasing a band uniform. THE NEW CIIURCIIES.â€"Thc roof of the Presbyterian Church is all slated, and the brick work IS about completed. \Vork has been commenced on the inside the flooring ctc., being rapidly pushed ahead. The C. M. Church roof is being slated, and the brick work is near- ly ï¬nished. Both these buildings are grand structures, and with the English Church. gives this village the lead in Canada for beautiful and grand Churâ€" ches. There has been some little difli culty experienced in getting enough men to push the buildings ahead as fast as desirable, but things are taking a better shape just now, and the work is advancing rapidly. PARADE AND SUPPER.â€"â€"~The ï¬remen are requested to be present at the Fire Hall, on Friday evening next, 5th inst, at 7 o’clock. The procession, consisting of some thirty ï¬remen, with torches, engine. hose â€"reel, etc., and headed by the Richmond Hill Cornet Band, will leave the Fire Hall about 7.30, and proceed to Duncumb’s corners, thence up Yonge Street to Wright's†Carriage Works ; thence down Yonge Street to the Hall. The Engine and Reel have been handsomely decorated, and the members of the Band will carry their torches on their caps. The sight will be a very pleasant ene, if the weather is at all favorable. After the Band and Firemen have returned to the hall, supâ€" per will be served. Besides the Band and Firemen, the Council and several gentlemen in the village and neighborâ€" h'o‘od'have b’een'invited. ' LARGE DROVILâ€"On Saturday last Messrs. Pugslev & 00. took down Yonge Street a drove of' cattle number- ing. 260 head. The drove contained many ï¬ne-looking animals. Some 25 head were left in this village; The re- mainder were taken to Eglington. A large number will be shipped to England and the remainder will be sold to a dis- tillery ï¬rm in Toronto, to be fattcned for shipment. Over $0,000 was ex- pended in purchasing the animals. The majority were bought in the northern part of York and Ontario Counties. This purchase shows great enterprise on the part of' the Messrs Pugsley, and we hope the investment will prove reâ€" munerative, and will be repeated. Such enterprise should be appreciated by the farming community, who are greatly beneï¬tted by it. LOCAL. ITEMS. A Roast-apple social in connection‘ with the (l M Church Ladies Aid. will be given by Mrs Sterling on next Tues-l day evening, in the Masonic dining hall.l Tea served from 6 to 9 o'clock p In An g excellent programme will be provided ‘ The public are earnestly requested to‘ attend Admission 10 cents and upwards? Mr Thos Palmer was elected church- warden, on Wednesday last. in St. Mary’s‘Church, in place of Mr John Cook,who is about removing to Toronto with the rest of the family. The Special Committee of the York County Council, appointed to inspect the Industrial Homes of the Province, have completed their tour, and are of opinion that the statute relating to such should be made compulsory, instead of permissive. They also say that the only Court-house they came across, which was superior to the Toronto one, was the one at Hamilton. Rogers wishes us to inform the pub- lic or any person keeping a dog. that has the bad habit of chasing people’s horses while passing on the road, that his horse becomes easily frightened and goes for the side of the road when at- tacked or chased by a dog. Rogers has therefore made preparations for shooting7 and will see what effect a grist of' shot will have on the next dog that makes a furious raid at his horse.â€"â€"A(IV’T. THURSDAY, Nov 4, 1880. muons AT mmmns’ “'AGGUNS Wheat full, new,per bush .. Spring do ..... Barley, do Outs, do .. Peas do .. E M01193 Ta Parties desxrous of borrowing MONEY, cnn be supplied at amoderule rams Un ï¬cehold or pelsonal security. Apply 10 RAIN TILE, OF THE BEST QUALITY AT LOCAL lTE MS. THE MA RKETS. QUALITY AT TORON'I‘O: J. J. COSGROV E, THOS NIGETIN.GALE'S. YorKYilo Richmond Hill. $103 $108 1 00 1 10 60 7:; 33 35, [33 68 90 00 20 "o 30 9 [)0 S 50 27 35 68 00 7 00 n no 0 00 50 5 00 9 50 ()0 00 21 20 50 {)0 b I) 60 (i0 NOTE LOST E A note of hand, signed by Harper Maths-on in favor of Wm. Mortson, for $65, and dated Oct. 30, 1878, endorsed by the late Dr Rupert, 0t Mup‘lo‘ All parties are cautioned against nego- tiating for this note. \VM. MORTSON. MISS CAMPBELL, Do You Know Victoria. square, Oct. 20th, 1880. Valuable Farm 1 Containing 100 Acres, more or less ; Good Brick House ; Frame Barns ; well watered ; near School House and Church, and one-half mile from the village of Hemlford. For particulars apply to C. Duncumb, Richmoud‘ Hill : or to M Shanks, Kettleby, 1’. 0, Richmond Hill.Scpt. 20th,, 1880‘ John McDonald, Esq. Hon. Sennbol'McMustcr Ju‘mus Metcnlfn, Esq . Must be Sold! Lot No 18, 3rd Con. Markham, Cheap for Cash and easy terms on credit. Assurance SoC’y Alderman McArthur, M. P, Chair man_ W W Baynes.Esq,F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund ........ $55,000,000 Annual Income ...... 1,400.000 Invested in Canada . . . 850.000 Death clanns paid, . .. 7,500,000 Tmmxu'o {mummies Richmond Hill, Oct 17th 1880. The premises recently occupied by the HEKALD Oflice. For further information. apply to 30 per cent of premiums returned in proï¬ts Loans made to Church Trustees, at u low rate of interest . Send for prospectus. A W Lauder, - TIN SHOP! And Stov'es Pip‘es for Siile. ST‘WE PIPES PUT UP Tin and Copper Ware, of tin and galvanized iron at speciulty. Call and see his stock. 0. MASON. Containing the latest and most authentic des criptions of over 7,500 Cities, Towns and Villages in the Provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotin. New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, British Columbia, and the North \Vest 'l‘erritories, and other general infor- mation, drawn from ofï¬cial sources, as to the names, locality, extent, etc., of over 1,800 Lakes and Rivers ; m. Table of Routes, showing the prox- imity of the Railroad Stations, and Sen. Lake and Ports, to the Cities, Towns. Villages, etc., in the several Provinces, (this Table will be found in- valuable) ; and a neat Colored Map of the Dom- inion of Canada. Edited by P. A. CROSBY, assist. ed by a corps of Writers. Subscribers names re- spcctfully solicited. Agents wanted. PRICE $3â€"YAYABLE ON IELIVEHY. JOHN LOVELL & SON, PUBLISHERS. Montreal, August, 1880 TO $6000A YEAR, or $5 to $20 a" day in your owu locality. No riskâ€; Women do as well 11.3 men. Mauyi make more than the amount stated - aber. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from 50 «tea to 32 an hour by devoting your evenings ' and spare time to the business. It costs nothing to try the business. Nothing like it for money mix-King ever offered before. Business 1718113311 and strictly honorable. Render, if you want t know {L11 about the best paying business beta: the public , send us your address and we wil ' send you fullvpzu‘ticulars and private terms free ‘ samples with 35 alro free; you can then make u ’ your minrl for yourself. ,Afidreas GEORG§ STLNSON 6; CO.,Augusm Mame. Stove Pipes, Stave Furniture, 0170., otc.. on hand. Custom work promptly attended to, Rich.011d, Hi1] August 18th, 1880‘ Also Station- Cheap Stoves TO LET ! For Sale, Cheap, at the Herald Store. School Books Goods, etc,etc. IN PRESSâ€"TO BE PUBLISHED KN JANUARY, 1882 L O V E L L 'S GAZETEER. Of British North America. glow Smmtiï¬cmmm. Piano, Organ, etc., Sept l6th. l880 EVE TROUGHING, ery, Fancy THE STAR LIFE \V. RICH WEN!) HILL. IS FOR SALE, ANE Lessons on the Sac. ({Tmus forCanndu. Victmm Chambers Toronto. Feb. 12th 1880. Of London England. THAT THIS TO ORDER. C. J. Campbell, Esq., A. M. Smith, Esq. Rev. Enoch W'uod, D. I) MR. A. LAW.) 111 -w,