WINTER DRY GOODS! MONEY OVERCOATS, ULSTERS, Prices that will make you happy. Our stock of UNDERBLUTHING, HflSIBRY, 8d}, HATS AND CAPS! Lined and Unlined, in Kid, Buck, Calf and Sheep. In fact everything you require to keep out Jack Frost. can he found as cheap as the cheapest at IN OFFICE RICHMOND HILL, FIRST 10 DAYS or EACH MONTH, MAPLE, ..... .. ........ chTonIA SQUABE m ‘ V u SURmmx DENTIST, has ‘ removed to 87 King street East, Toronto, over H. 6; C. Blu‘chfm‘d’s new slum store Best mineral teeth inserted in IL nuumnr to suit each patient. Pwrticulm‘ ntLenLinn given to tho preservation and regulation of the nutural tooth carefully {Lvomg all unnecessary pu‘fln. A. \V SPAULDING. LDSASSistant. Thankful or'the favors of the past the years may still be cnusultod in any branch of the pro iession, as follows : Richmond Hill . 9th & 24th of each month (at l’nhner House) Aurora, 156, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do Newmtu'ket 1 2nd do Stonfl'ville. (10 M111 khmn dc Victoriu Square do Thornhill ...... d 0 Maple . ...... do \Vnodbr dge do Kleinbmg do Noblcton do Annsthehcs as N1t1'o115 Oman 660., used when ordered and none but the best nmtmiul used W. 2‘0 PROVE can make money timber n.t work 101‘ us than {Lt anything; 0186. Capital not required; we will start, you. $12136r day at home made by the industrious. . Men, women, boys and girls wunmd everywhere to work for us. Now is the time. Costlv outï¬t and terms free. Address TRUE & 00.. Augusta. Maine. Ifyou have any to invest, don’t place it till you have seen our stock of Attorney, Solicitor, Noiary, &o., MONEY To LOAN. noon 20. UNION LOAN BUILDINGS. Will be found, as usual, very complete. Bethune, Moss, Falconbridgc AND HOYLES, Nos. 28 and 30 Toronto Street, TORONTO. Jae Bethune Q C‘ N W' Hoyles, BARRIS'I ERS, &0 NORTH OF SCOTLAND CHAMBERS, I8 4:. 20 King Street, West, Toronto. Barristers, Attorneysâ€"mt-Luw, Solicitors~in~ Chancery, Conveyancers,etc. Oiï¬cesâ€"Impcrial Bunk Buildings, Wellington street, Toronto. THOMAS FERGUSON, Q.C. JOHN BAIL‘ WM. SETON GORDON, GEO. F. SHIPLEY Ferguson, Bain, Gordon 5:. Shiplev, GENTS’ FURNISHINGS. Oflï¬cial Assignee, Real Estate Ageing, Convey- ancer, Broker, &c., 650., Mortgages bought xmd sold. Farms bought and sold, or rented. Insurance effected,&c. &c. U TERS, Attorneys, Solicitoraâ€" in‘Chancery. etc. 6; Adelaide street East, (opposite the Court House).- )Toronto "v__ nu___ w......_ Money to Lend at Low Rates, OFFICE ,â€"Victoria Chambers, 9 Victoria. street Toronto. OULTBEE & EV'ATT, BARRIS- TERS. Attorneys. Solicitorsâ€"in‘Chancery. Men. Boys &, Youths Sults. WILLIAM H. BEST; _ BARRISTER, In all the Latest Styles and Colors. ALFRED BOULTBEE. WM. Wom‘s EMT-r, In hard and soft Fehs, Fur, (kc. JAMES G01{MLEY, SCABFS, WANTED ! E Y N012 D’ AND Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIS NEWTON’ P. O. Box 2527. &c., &c., I, C. C Moss, W C Falconbridge WBiu'wick, A BAylcswm‘th oW. J. anms. flsxtml. 3&7an C. ADAMS, L.D.S., GRBHZ'IES! THE NE DEPAR'WRE Since introducing the Cash Systeln and Reducing Prices, our sales have largely increased, and will doubtless continue to do so, as we are determined to keep our stock well assorted, and sell at the Rï¬chmond Hï¬H, Octf 14th, 1880. THE MAIL is in the ï¬ont rank ofjournalism, and uhnad of its iivals in Canada. It is the Inst wuinen, Ilie spiveist, Ihe newswsl and most inflm-n‘ia] paper in 1110 Dominion. IL is a credit to Canadian enterprise.â€"[hampton Conservator. Richmond Hill, Oet 3rd. 1880 Cheapest and Best Paper 1n America. We have a few Farm Annuals for 1880 on hand. These Ar cal Agriculture information than any \hree dollar subscription and we will give them FREE to every new subscriber seer in z We will present, every subscriber to the WEEKLY MAlL for 1881, with the Farm Annual for ISSI, which will be published early next year. Therefore, new subscribers whose names are sent in immediately will we The FARM ANNUAL for 1880, And théFARM ANNUAL for 188] The WEEKL Y MAIL for 15 Months, 5 ALI?“ EOE Large Assortmert of First Class Groceries at Extraor- dinary Low Prices, An inspection of Goods and Prices is earnestly solicited Every Department full of new and scasouuble Full and Winter Goods DEGBDED $UGCE S. WE WILL DO MORE ONE D WLLAE . FROM TORONTO. Large And Fresh Stocks Constantly Arriving. ISAAC CROSBY. .A. '1‘ THE Address, THE MAIL; TOrdn‘to. AND T H Eâ€" These Annuals contain more practi- >scripti0n Farm Book in the market, 1' senL in as long as they last. ' But 4r SAVAGE receive '- :Also stationery, Fancy Goods, etc Canadian RICHMOND HILL, ON'L, Graduate of Toronto University, and Member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. A‘ . istunt to Dr. James Lngsmfl". Richmond Hill, October 113th 187$). A. In, IvlnxlundlLate of London England ' ()fllcc Hours,8 to 10, 1 to 2 Surgeon, Etc., Stationery.erc., etc†fut HERALD store. 11.13. 01'1',M. B. and First Silver Medalist. University of Toronto, M. C. 1’. S. Ontario. L E r HE GREATEST WONDER OF MODERN TIMES. ‘ Tlm I’ills pnrily the Blood, correct nll disorders (If the Liver, Ston'uLCh', Kidneys mul Bowels, and are invaluable in all complaints incidental to Females. The Ointment is the only rulinlylo remedy for End Logs, Old \‘l'onndS, Sores unrl Ulcers of how- ever long: standing. For Bronchitis, Diptherin, Coughs, Colds, Gout, Rheumatism. and all Skin Diseases it has no equal. B E w A m: OF NEW YORK CQDUNTERFEH‘S. Inmst respectfully take leuve to call the {Lt- ucntiun of the-Public generally to the fuci, thut certain Houses in New York are sending: to many path; of the globe SPURIOUS I)II'1‘A’J.‘IONS of mylï¬lls and Ointment. Thom frauds hour on their labels sumo. address in New York. Idmmt:Lllnwmy medicine to bo sold in any putt (If the United States. I have no agents 111010. Mv medicier ,, 11}; made by me at 333, ()\fmd St London ~ ‘ A\\'l£ldlx 111 Your own town, mm 110' L capital risked. You can give the bus- 1 I inane“; :1 trial without expense. The best , 01mm tunity over offered for those will~ ! 1 111;: to work. Ymi should tn‘ nothing else until ‘ ‘ you see for yourself what you can do at the hus- 1‘ incss we offer. No room to 0x11111111 here. You can devote all your time or only your spare time ‘ to the businesx and make great pay for every ‘ hour thut you “'Ol'li. \Von‘ien make as much us i ‘ 1mm. Send for special private terms and llul'ti- ‘ 1 0111mm 'l1iuli we muil free, $50lltï¬tf1‘00 Lon’b 1 . complain ofhm‘d times while you have such :L l, ‘ chance. Address H. HALLl‘LTT & 00.. l‘ortluml l Vuu, U 111 the 17001; of (111' ions afï¬xed to the spur ions mnkn ‘ u cmxtimeurningthe1’11111icugnixlst being (10cczvedhy counterfeits. Do not be misled : hv this audacious trio", us they are the counter- feits the) pretend to dcnmmz-v I ‘ , I These countm‘fcits 21m lulmlmscd by unprinci- pled Vendors nt unwlmlf the price uf my yillstmd Ointumnt, and are sold to you as my genuine Medicines I must earnestly {humid to that sense of justice which 1 fool sure I may venture upon asking from all honorable persons, tn :L lst um, and the Pub 11c, us fur us may lie in than power, in denmln ing this shameful qurl. Each Pot and Box of the Genuine Medicinea bears the British (kwcrnnmut Stxunpnvich the words “IIOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND OIN’I‘MENT LON-mm," engraved thereon. 0n the label is the mldr .y, 533, 0‘ vmm STREET, LoxnuN, where alone thcv are Manufactured. J. ELLIOT LANG-STAFF, M. D. Ointmonbs bearing any othm‘ addreés turfcits '1 (‘ l‘mdo Marks of these Medicines are real: ter (1 in Ottawa. Hence, {my one throughout the 151‘1tish Pnsscsniuns, who may keep the Amuricxm Conutcrfeits for sale, will be prosecuted 5&3 Oxford Streeig. London, Muinu THE PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, J Palmer. Prop The Robin Hood Hotel, RICHMOND HILL ONT.. Frank Cosgrove, Prop. , Excellent mc‘comm‘odation for the Public. Goo stabling and attentive hoatlor. Emmi {bank} DR; ORR, MAPLE J 1m 1 187“ SCHOOL BOGKS iï¬sflimi. one of the Beï¬t‘ Hqtcls to be Hollowny's Pills and and G to 8‘ sale at the AT THE 111‘ 1 conu- :I‘Farm for Sale I r REMQVED ! Hus removed his shop 10 nnxt door south of Dr Lff's, nearly oypusitc the old stand, where . nu‘ud to do all kinds of work in ï¬rst- :less style. AND H ORSE SHOER; Horse shoeing done at $1 a set for Cash, and 40 cents for removes. A MONTH Quanteed. $12 11. (1113' 1Lt home by the ind11st1ious. 1111111111 not 1eq11i1e11; we 31111 start 3011 Men wm11e11,bnys 11.1111 girls 11111110 money 111513611 at wnrk for us tï¬nn 111: anything; else.'1‘he wmk is 1151111; and 111e21sn11t, 111111311011 us anyone 01111 go right 11$. Those who are wise who see thisnotice will send 11.5 their 1111111982053 111 01100 111111 sue for themselves. Costly Outï¬t 11.1111 terms free. Now is the 1.11110. T110311 already 1115 work are laying 1111 111131111 sums of money. Address TRUE 1% C().,A11gust11. Maine. ' Geo. STEPHENS immm FARMIRIGHMQND HILL To lend on Mmtgage of landed p1 ()peltV only at 11. low mte of intex est. N0 Louu less than $400 will be ontel mined. Transactions: strictly conï¬dential. Apply parsonully, orbv letter to theundm‘signcd. Richmond Hill, Juny. 1813, 18m) E There is ï¬rst-clnss Burns, Stables and other out- } buildings, with HON. (11-10. \V. ALLAN, Senator, President. George Goodeflmm ................. Vice-President D11mm‘ons-Smnuel Plum, M.P., \Vm. Gooder 1mm, Geo. W. Lewis, Thos. H. Lee, Hon. 1). L Mucphcrson, Senator. Capital, {41000000 Reserve Fund, $360,000 Total Assets,» “-000 000 Saving’ S â€"_ Bank Money recexved on deposit, nu"! Interns payable half yearly or compuunded. See our redn‘cnd 1mm table. For further information apply (Lt at the Oflicos the Cmnmmv. Walter S. Lee. Manager \VFSTEI RN CANADA L O A N AND SWINGS C()MP\NY CON- 2 OF VAUGHAN. The anx is: a Good one in every particular 1. v vmv complete. mEr' v<runt\ru‘ll‘ 13v ms hum evm ything l .' vuu Apply mufï¬n JAMEQGORMLEY, Toronto. or flu , Goderich Richmond Hill. August 6th, 1830. t i GRAY’S Speciï¬c Medicine! lishltemedyisnm . a?“ unfuilingcurefor " ' ‘ ' Seminal \Neuk- ' nossï¬pervnMorr- hon‘, ]mpoteuc_v, zuid all diseases that follow us 11‘ . soqucnce of self ‘ __ n . Abuso,us loss of . akin Memory, Univer r.n1 BefmeT gsul Lassitude,Aft0r ““‘nng‘ pain ._in the ' Buck, Dimness of Vision, Premature old mmiyothcrdiscnses that lead to insur sumptiou and a pronmturo grave. 1:" ticulmrs in our Pmnphletwhich we down to send free by nmil to every one. The Speciï¬c Medicine is sold by all Drnggist at l per package. or six packages m 55, or wil be sent by mail on receipt of the money, by atldi ssing, TRADE MARK. TheGi'eut'I<lng~TRADE MARK. i I 1 , and C011- Albums for sale at the HERALD store lCall and see THE GRAY MEDICINE 700,7 Tolonto, Ont., Canada NB.#The demands of our business have 119.- cessimtod our removing to Toronto, tag which place please address all future commumcutlous l§Sold in Richmond Hill by all druugist‘s, and ovcrywhe 'e in Cauad and the United 5mm . . , .“ .D- BUILDER'Sherwood, 4th Con.Vn.11;:1mn. S leciul ntthntion gi'Veu to Stair Bui‘d in ,u', I Punctual attention will be given to [L11 orders. Address Maple P . O. This Farm 15 011 the oust-1m†of Lot No. A EINE NEW RESIDENCE. AND SAVINGS COMPANY. Ofï¬cesâ€"No. 70 Church street, Toronto (5‘reueral 1%11101st11it11, BLACKSMITH SHOP. Mortgages KEFFER,()ONTRACTO_I_1 AND M R. JAM ES MCMIR, 235504000 wholesaleind retail drungists BRANCH MONEY T0 LOAN. J - K- PALGGNBRIBEE gammy. mmmzym mtmswwmâ€"nm ymygmmmmwmmmmwm mb ,1; ‘ and C011- wr- send Prepéred & sold by†H Salï¬Ã©iérsonméii Song ESSENCES AND EXTRAC'IS Come: Yonge and CentreflStrect East, Eichmond Hill ‘ They have also on lmnd $8 5a large .atock of Drugs, Toiles Articies7 Chemicals, [’8 sPléEs. GENQNQEWEbe Web-0’9 .. «AND FRESH 1880; We’ve 11’ Etoék of A l blankets, ‘ So come along nud donot fail, ()f Ilmmels too for shirts ; To bring with 30x1 your wool ; And for your wives and daughter: For which we’ll pay you well in trade, We’ve wincoys Lo make skirts. Or else with cash-in full. - - ' ~ ’ 1 ' Having leased the Richmond Hill Woolen Mills, formerly leased to Mr 'lj Mchlly, 169 are now pre- pared to curry on the business, aml guurum-eo general Sutlsmctlon. To See us (Lt mu mill, Where t1: 0 very best- of \\ 001011 goods, Are madenith cum and skill. 093119 1111 you jolly f2 ‘ 1101‘s HARDING, SPINNING, MANUPABTURING, 85 RAE flAIlPET WEAVINE M UNIQN FOREVER: Woodbiidgo anal Richmond Hill Woolen Mills W WHITTERS. A"? RICHMOND HILL.AND :WOODBRIDGE. iichmï¬nd Hm, June 1611}. 1880 RELIEVE A151) CUM Spmu] Complaints. Ge‘ncml and Nervous Debilily, H Liver, Kidney. Lungs, Throat and Chest Comp]: , y» 1 - n I f‘ ' A', L‘ “ALUVVJLL‘I-v -._._ “Tho prnprivinr of (Axis; < ‘Lblishment, Having had many yemfspxporicnce, and , studied ciosc the Wum-u In its mm] an to curutivo purposes, feels conï¬dent that in presenï¬ng this AC)? Iand'lk: MIC A L’Pl iAL‘H J to the public he is supplying them with the host hystmmmnt 0f 1h< kind now known to thn mi tuneupâ€"instrun1431th that will do their Wbrk Well if used in mum-dance wi printed dil‘wtions g. '011 with each applumce, and would warn the pubhc aguél .t, 1111 cheap. imil tizm uf 2L1111i14 goods. ' , ASK FOR NORMANS ELECTRIC APPLIANCES AND YOU WILL BE SA}: AGAINST mmsn‘wm. TESTlMONIAL‘s. T_ n A nmw-l- 1QTI) Manager 1'01“ Richmond Hill Branch. ‘ Incl II'IVIIIHIâ€"U- Norman, Lqu Ingcrsoll, August, 1870. Drum Slug]. suffered for four years from What Dr Davies of Chicago, turd other enlinon‘o p‘r 51101"er call'ed rheumatism 0f the bowels, which they tried iuvuiu to cur'n ; but I run thu‘nkfu! say your appliances have entirely removed the pain. I recommend a]! sufferer to tr’y them. Yours truly, . DMVLNG. RHEUMATISM AND NEURALGIA. ML Norman, _ ‘ I } haw fully trmd and most carefully tested and seen usoél your Cum‘ and buliovu this to be (me of the beef} forms of administering Electricity, 17 VILhmblu import, new for the relief of Riseuumtism and Neurmlgin affection commcnd Lhcir use to ull sufferers of chaste complaints. 0 B HALL, M. , INJURY , .4 “1112 U mu J. 4.0le an LII AVAA-v u“ Mi" Normuu, ‘ I Tornnlzo, Ndv. d" 1 } haw fully tried and most carefully tested and seenuseél your Curmtbrc Insoles and 1m and bellow: this to be one of the beef} forms of administering IGleebriCiby, umv known to be of :- vulmmlu import, ICU for the relief of R-lmunmtism and Neurulgin affections, 1 must, chorl'ullv Colllulclld Llicir um, to ull sufferers of chaste complaints. 0 B HALL, M. D. :0 C:Lor~HO\Vell l‘l , INJURY , Mr Norman, Toronto, Oct 10th. 1870 1:1? M: SimiAbout three years ago I fell frgmi n. ladder about twelve feet across the beuiistm the sums, nd VHS twkcn up for deml, since which tima I have suffered severe pain 'm niy buuk' 1», mid grout weakness, unï¬bting me for business, and got Very little case until 1 used your 1 trio Bull, and 11150105, which relieved me very much. Yours truly, JonN UVHNS. 125 Yongr '1‘1 1 Appliances me made in all sizes and BhleeS fox the different parts ()ftllt‘, lmd und rim pri ‘ Ulil SLUO to $6.00 for smull Bands, und from $5.00 to $15.001‘0r \Vnist lclts. hoe (1in which is milml frco tn u‘ll applicants. ‘ limno’inbcr (In: zuldi‘sss. A. NORMAN, N0. 4 Queen SUCH: Rust“, Toronto ’1\'.]>’.wEleciric Dull) , Sulphur Baths, Vapour, Herbal, Meucuriul udul lint mid (‘uhl Baths :1: really for Ladies and Euni’lomcn L‘clr Nth ‘50. can Solicited Remember the place, ESTABLISHED 1874 T2133 TT‘H ELECTBTT EUBATTVE TFTTTT‘NTJTS Prescriptions care- 111111119. (1111101111 n11dl\ c1vous Deb1111y, Hhéuntahsm. Gout , Norvryns'uess Kidney 111111115 '11'110111111111 Chest C(1111p111111ls Ne111u11ri1111111110111115. 11101510111,1’1111113518,Asthma, Sciatica, 3111111115 00113111111111011, Sicep1ess11esg Colds, Indigestion. Sper1yurnr1l1oen Aka, - â€" . . .. up It'ï¬l '1 Herbs Fresh, and this Year’s Growth. mom Lco , ; uuA-_ , mactmmty the Lï¬e Fluid BEFORE' PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. Done to Order Of the Finest Flavor and- (3&2? 'z‘my. WOOL! 1880; Satisfaction _.Guaranteed. \\ 0 ve- twecdn In- S ï¬ts for men and boys, \V (2 v0 vmu m use 101‘ hose ; \\ e \o twills °nd 1'zmcy covcrlids, In fact what; " 'you choose. 52w See our stack, J. F. MCINTOSH & SON fully compounded. APOTHECARY' S HALL Chemicals, Perfumery; "YT.- Pr 01’